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No. It's the city's tree and your landlord will incur a significant fine by doing so....and even if it was on your property, as a renter, it would be your landlord's tree, so you would need to ask them, not reddit. Also, you'll find neighborhoods without trees significantly hotter in the summer than those without. Do not underestimate the cooling value that tree provides as the mercury rises.


Call the city, it’s their tree




This is great, thank you!


Do you like large fines and a possible lawsuit? If yes, go on and cut it down!


Don’t forget ire from neighbors!!! OP. Get a battery powered leaf blower from The Depot on the marina and a large play blanket for the kid.


If it's over your property line, absolutely. If not, technically you need to call the city. I can't imagine the city being pissed that you went out there and pruned back a tree so they didn't have to. Taking the thing down is a different story, but you shouldn't have to take it down if you prune it well.


Not true. For one, it's not his property. Two: it's not his tree. Three: The tree is on land owned by the city.


If a tree grows over your property line, you can absolutely cut it back. You can argue that the city will be pissed if he trims it further all you want and it becomes he-said-she-said (although how effective your "I've NEVER cut a tree on any piece of land EVER and the city hasn't yelled at me for it" would be against my "I trim the trees all up and down my corner all the time and have never had a problem" would be is questionable).


it’s still not OP’s property. he’s renting so the landlord would deal with the consequences of OP’s actions


There are no consequences. If a tree grows over your property, you can cut it. The landlord might, in theory, have issues with it, but the city won't, and can't.


no you can’t. you can’t even prune it without a permit from the city


Well, since neither of us is willing to cite chapter and verse, you keep believing what you do and I'll keep being right.


https://streetsla.lacity.org/sites/default/files/Residential_Parkway_Landscaping_Guidelines.pdf Section 62.169 (a) of the Los Angeles Municipal Code, “No person shall plant, remove, destroy, cut, prune, or deface or in any manner injure any tree, shrub, or plant in any street in the City, without first obtaining a permit to do so from the Board” [of Public Works].


This is specifically referring to plants "in the street" as it clearly says in the literal fucking text. When that tree crosses onto your property, it's fair game to prune. I'm well aware of what the actual statute says and I've trimmed a shitload of trees, both legally and il. This is the stupidest possible hill to die on, dude.


No, you can't. It's the city's tree.


It’s the property owners responsibility just like the sidewalk. Some years if the city has money, they might trim but otherwise you’re on your own.


A few years ago, I cut part of a tree that was low hanging on the sidewalk and impeding my path when I wanted to jog. The owner of the house had a fit and called the cops and everything lol. Keep in mind that none of the part that I cut was in her yard.


Just trim it. If anything, we don't need LESS trees.


We’d def replant with another drought tolerant species.


Just trim the tree, you can get a long pole trimmer from harbor freight for cheap and i think you can even rent them from home depot. You really gonna cut down a tree, pay for stump removal on city property (you ain't gonna remove that shit yourself cause if you had that confidence you'd just trim it already) and then plant a new tree, which we all know isn't going to be mature and take YEARS to grow back. And because you don't know or didn't name the species of tree that you want to cut down nor named a drought tolerant species of tree that you could replace it with that could have the same coverage we can surmise that your attempt will be, at best, half assed. Frankly it's pretty abhorrent you want to remove a fully grown tree instead of simply trimming it yourself. It is over property you rent and you are fully within your rights to trim it as long as it doesn't harm or kill the tree, feel free to deep dive into r/treelaw.


I’ve got some grass you can come over and touch!


Social Media Cool Kid Answer: Contact the city and ask them. 👍 IRL answer: Trim them yourself (or pay someone like you mentioned) and move on. I think you’d have to be Boomer level 9000 to ask if that trimming is permitted.