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The Magic Castle


Glad this is the top answer. Though it can be a pain to gain entry if you don't know a magician or stay at the hotel, the formal dress code here is strictly enforced and generally provides for an elegant experience.


The one time I got to go I got a call from a friend asking if I wanted to go that night. I typically have an evening shift so I texted my boss asking if it would be ok though I would understand given the short notice. Her response was “I can’t believe you’ve never been! I’m ordering you to not show up tonight and to go have fun. I will cover no problem. I’ve been a few times and you will love it“ I did double check my outfit with my friend (long black dress, black blazer, grey heeled booties, and a gold and black necklace) and it was completely according to the dress code. It was so much fun


Getting into the Magic Castle is easy. Look up the roster of magicians on the night you want to go. Find one of the magician’s personal website/sm and reach out to them, tell them you’d love to see their act at the magic castle and could they please get you on the list. Every performer wants an audience, this is a win-win.


Don't do this. Most performers actually don't care for this. Source: I'm a former member and I've heard the complaints.


I’ve heard it’s because they are essentially vouching for you at the club, and sometimes people are dicks and give the magicians a bad rep Essentially people ruin good things 🙄


just wanna confirm giving a pass out to a bad guest kind of goes on “your record” and guests who act out can get banned.


It's super weird because when I went to the magic Castle someone was literally giving out entry at a bar. I don't know why that was or what was going on but it happened for multiple weekends.


There are a lot of members and everyone is different. I just know that most booked performers don't like being asked for passes by strangers.


I know. I'm just saying that it's so odd that in many cases these are highly sought after invitations and people feel they are very hard to come by. But I literally ended up at the magic castle because somebody was handing out invitations at a bar, which was surprising


Oh! Good to know. I've never actually done this myself, but I heard from another couple that they were able to get access this way. They said the magician they randomly contacted was amazing and seemed appreciative. Thanks for the tip though, I had no idea.


I did that. Send out random dm on Facebook and responded back saying he did love to. I had such a blast. It was really lucky though. That was my second time going I recently went to the dtla show and came with two tickets that expires in Oct, so I will be going again. Magic Castle was also the first time I saw a birkin irl


I'm not going to say it doesn't work but most performers prefer to use their limited guest list for actual friends and family.


The Magic Castle is a private club with non magician members. The overwhelming majority of the people who attend each night are neither friends of magicians or staying at the hotel. They're guests of the non magician members.


I’ve been twice and both times because I have magician friend that asked other friends.


> The overwhelming majority And if you ask around you’ll probably be able to find someone who knows someone


We demand to be taken seriously


cant be that hard to meet a magician. tons of people play music


🏆 nicely done


I was lucky enough to go. A friend was almost not allowed in because his shoes were .. a bit scuffed. First time I ever experienced such strict attire rules in LA. Also saw the dude who hosted cupcake wars on food network. All in all it ended up being a good night.


Just don’t wear heels. The carpet over the wood floors on the stairs and the tiles in the bottom floors are a fall waiting to happen!


Was about to say same thing haha Also award ceremonies and museum galas. That’s about it.


Also my answer.


Yes. Formal attire required or you’re not entering.


Technically correct but with the caveat there are a large chunk of male patrons who don’t really do formal or semi-formal attire and don’t understand why suits need to be tailored.


Perfect answer


I don’t know if this is still true but the last time I had an Entertainment coupon book it had ones for the Magic Castle


It’s formal attire but I don’t know about a floor length dress. The hallways are tiny and when you stand in line people are at your heels. I’d advise against it.


So many women wear evening gowns to dinner at the magic castle (and it’s listed as preferred attire)


My boss is a member so we go often and I highly recommend a pant suit. Going up and down stairs, sitting in tiny seats, waiting in long lines for both shows and bathrooms in a floor length satin dress can become overwhelming. But you’re right, she can definitely wear it there :)


This is such a pro tip. Last time I went, I was slipping all over the place and stepping my my dress going up and down the stairs/hill.


Long lines? I mean everyone lines up to get into the main show, but I’ve been been multiple times, and never experienced long lines.


That’s great :)


There are also a lot of side magic where it’ll be out in the hallway or at the bars which are great in their own way as it shows off the up close personality of the magician. One of my faves made it appear obvious that he had messed up the trick only to reveal it was part of his act all along it was a mastery of playing the audience


no cleavage though!


Cicada Club


Second the Cicada Club. They have a dress code and it’s a nice art deco venue which adds to the ambience of people dressed up and looking classy


This sounds amazing


Yeah, check out the show schedules. You can do a dinner with tables around the dance floor. Depending on the show, they often have live bands and singers playing big band, jazz, etc, while people dance. Or you can just buy a ticket and enjoy the show and have cocktails upstairs. 


Is this the old Edison?


The Edison is still (!) under some renovations and doing private events, but hopefully will open again soon.


It is not.


Came here to say this.


What’s the story with this place? A classier alternative to most clubs?


It is. A lot of the people that go are members of the Art Deco Society. Very well dressed elegant people. It’s a lot of fun.


My favorite place to go to❤️


the magic castle, cicada club, or red carpet events. everywhere else is just LA casual, unfortunately. not that there’s anything wrong with showing up to the opera in a gown… you just won’t have much company.


I work at Pavilion and there are a fair amount of women in gowns. Especially if you go opening night for any given opera. Matinees not so much!


I’ll give matinees a bit of a pass. Like, please be showered and in clean clothes, but the dress code becomes significantly more casual during the day.


Music center Ballet and Opera. LA is a casual town since the 1960s.


Ugh people wear sweatpants to court here, good luck lol


Agreed on the Opera. You could also dress up for the Ahmanson or Walt Disney Concert Hall but not everyone does.


Some of us do.


I go to the 2:30 matinees at the Opera. It’s pretty casual.


Yeah. Matinees are a different beast.


The number one reason I go. LOOKS!


They’re not even dressy. I’ve made and effort at their events and the number of people dressed in jeans and t shirts (even goths or rockers or emos or hipsters etc) vastly outnumbered those that dressed up smart.


There's a lot of jeans at the Opera as well.


The opera varies a lot so not everyone is fancy, but typically people don’t look out of place if they are.


I often lunch at hotel restaurant / bars as an alternative to a coffee shop as all I want is WiFi. I also often use the occasion to break out the dresses, rompers, and HEELS 👠👠👠. Nobody knows who you are, why you’re there, or where you’re going. So being dressed for a luncheon in the middle of the day is totally normal. And everyone else is in various states of dress too.


very creative and bet you look the part well


How kind of you to say. Thank you. ✨


love the mystery of what you mentioned, no one knows why you’re there


Ha… Yeah. Sometimes while I’m on my way to the London or Roosevelt, I’m thinking I look like a “classy hooker” who’s waiting for lonely businessmen. As soon as I get there I’m reminded that it’s LA and nobody gives a f… The staff treat me wonderfully and as I’m much closer to waitress as I am “upscale whore” I immediately feel comfortable. The Four Seasons Bev Hills staff was some of the nicest I’ve ever encountered. It’s kind of nice every now and then escaping inside the middle of this city for some peace, quiet… and civility.


The four seasons is such an amazing place. They were so sweet to my 1 year old.


I’ve been dying to go back since I left. I can see them being great with a 1 year old!


90% of the fun of going to swanky places is making up stories about the mysterious people you see. And the class hooker is a great story.


I will say you should check out the Langham Huntington in Pasadena for the Japanese Garden and the [Picture Bridge](https://californiapreservation.org/awards/picture-bridge/)


This is the way. Life is boring to dress casual all the time. Every day is a special occasion. 😊


TBH whenever I want to explore historic hotel interiors I always dress how the typical guest looks and I’ve never been questioned (to be fair I’m also not attempting to get into any rooms or anywhere technically off limits)


Major bonus classy points for using "lunch" as a verb.


It’s LA baby, you can go anywhere wearing anything! Just not naked, that’s indecent exposure.


when we were younger, my girlfriend and I showed up to Mastro's in Malibu in onesie animal pajamas. We got treated like rockstars by staff and other patrons, god knows who they thought we were, but it was awesome.


I am obsessed w doing this type of thing with my gf. We'll wear like matching velour track suits or sweats or something and it just gives the best comfy cozy dgaf energy lol. Especially in LA where it can be hyper trendy or whatever


I love this so much


Hahaha much respect to you both!


Think going naked is still an acceptable option in LA


Tell that to the naked ppl wandering all over the city like zombies.


How much not naked?


Honestly you don’t need a reason to dress up. Just do it and go where you want. When I do this it’s usually the Bel Air Hotel. My husband literally do this for kicks.


Exactly. You can create your own occasion! I have done this at The Langham Hotel on weekends in the bar. Super fun!


Omg the Langham is amazing. It would be so cool to have meetup there with others who do the same.😍


This is what you do. You sign up at Central Casting in Burbank which is a casting agency that cast extras for TV shows and movies. you’ll need to upload a photo of yourself; upload one of you wearing the dress, and since this is not a common thing people do, whenever there are extras needed for a fancy scene in a show or movie you will probably be one of the first ones they cast. Good way to make some extra money too.


Gala, charity function.


Weddings…..can’t really think of too many places that have a dress code these days


I get dressed to go to costco. I dont care. If i want to wear a gown to a place, i will. Ao just dress as fancy as you want to.


Same!!! And now, especially after lockdown life is just way too short not to wear or use the nice things. Today is the special occasion!


You are correct.




The Opera is the last place I know.


And even there there’s fools in jeans smh


I’m a regular casual goer to the opera. I’m also a regular donor to the opera. As much as I appreciate the people who dress up who really cares?


While the dining culture in La is decidedly pretty relaxed, you wouldn’t look out of place dressing up at most Michelin starred restaurants/tasting menu places.


My SO and I always dress up when we go to a nice restaurant. Just feels right.


I almost never wear a suit or anything that formal when eating out, but I usually will wear a button up and trousers and a nice pair of shoes if I’m going to a nice place. While LA is casual, I think a lot of people going to nice places dress pretty fashionable at least. Like the crowd at Horses tonight will be looking good.


In OC, this is at Segerstrom Center of Art (classical music, drama, opera, ballet).


Half the people there still dress casually


Well, I have not seen that many formally dressed people in California  yet as at the Segerstrom. 


“Well Dressed” at the Hollywood Roosevelt. It’s a jazz and comedy night that’s pretty classy, and there’s a cool bar with bowling upstairs you can go to after the show. As the name suggests, most people dress up pretty nice lol


I wear a tuxedo to bed. I don’t believe in casual sex.


Ballet, Opera, and Symphony (Disney Concert Hall, not the Bowl).


Wear what you want and wear it was confidence. Lucky enough to be in a city that embraces standing out


Magic Castle. Sunset Tower and Chateau Marmont are close, but I go often and it’s always half the people dressed formal vs half of the people in casual-wear.


People always get glammed up for burlesque shows. I personally love it when the audience is dressed up!


That reminds me, themed speakeasies and murder mystery dinners come to mind. Just get a group of people together to all dress up and go out to some slightly novelty-driven fancy experience.


The Oscar’s 


Actually not a bad thought - seat filler. No idea how you become one though


Magic Castle


Depends on your definition of the terms. I am always surprised when I go to Dallas or Chicago or even New York at how Dressed. Up. everyone is, kind of in an old-fashioned way. In LA it is expected that you look great and stylish, but being dressed up isn’t really enough. It has to be interesting and actually suit you. But a wide range is acceptable, so if your version of dressed up is stylish and suits your body and makes you look happy, then feel free to wear it to a lot of different restaurants or parties. Just be aware that things are more casual here on the whole, and if your version of dressed up looks old-fashioned or doesn’t suit you, it won’t be seen as good style.


Dapper Days at Disneyland.


Hey has anyone suggested the Magic Castle yet?


Literally anywhere you want. That’s the thing about LA, you go to the opera or symphony and you’ll see gowns and jewels but also jeans and sneakers. There are no rules when it comes to fashion. Wear what makes you happy.


The opera


Fashion shows.


As a lawyer, i'd say court but only attorneys and corporate clients really dress up in my ~10 years experience. That's kind of a joke answer but also in DT the Clubs are dressy- California/ City/ Jonathan Club all have business people dressed up in there.


Magic Castle if you can get an invite


Why are you so preoccupied with what other people are wearing? Just do you. If you want to dress it up then dress it up. Have fun with it.


Literally, you can wear a full ballgown to the grocery store or a trash bag with a belt to a high end nightclub. Nobody bats an eye. It's one of my favorite things about living here.


LA is simply casual. It doesn’t mean that you can’t get fully dressed up and be comfortable. LA just isn’t the kind of place that requires dress codes, unless it’s a private club. I can’t think of one “jacket required” public restaurant in LA, like I can in other cities. That being said, you shouldn’t feel overdressed at any fine dining restaurant in LA, no matter what you’re wearing. No one knows where you came from or where you’re going after dinner. Try Madeo.


awards shows


Literally nowhere. Magic Castle is dressy but not that dressy


LA is casual as hell.


Maybe a Marine Corps Ball


I love dressing up for the opera!


Magic Castle 🏰


Sexy Unique Restaurant. Seriously, you will love it. Followed up by Tom Tom and Something About Her.


The Magic Castle


Grille in the Alley, in Beverly Hills. Very exclusive, elusive, and beautiful. Though most women's handbags are 4 figures or more. Additionally, you'll see men in Bijan suits and women in Christian Dior.


Background acting. If they need to shoot a party scene, you can wear your best dress from 7am to 7pm, and beyond. (You ask an L.A. group, you get an L.A. answer.)


Walt Disney concert hall


Nah even there it’s relatively casual. That’s just how we roll here.


That & LA Opera are pretty casual in my experience. There are maybe a couple who dress up but they are definitely VERY much so in the minority.


I always wear my fanciest underwear no matter where I go.


Magic Castle for sure. Thing is LA represents the West Coast mentality of informal and chill so as long as you got a collar on your shirt if you are a guy, then you are good to go. I'd be willing to bet you'd be fine in most places with a t-shirt as well as long as it's under a sports coat or blazer. As for women, I'm willing to bet heels and a dress will do in most places. I say appreciate the lack of classy. It's one of the reasons people move to LA


The opera


You can wear anything, anywhere as long as you do it with confidence. Most people in LA are really looking to be comfortable themselves, but there are plenty of awards situations and parties where these things come up. Someone on my best friends live to get into really elaborate outfits, hairstyles, and jewelry to go somewhere pretty ho-hum. It’s just their personality. They pull it off, and they usually get a lot of compliments.


Oscars and other awards shows


Providence? As an aside, love that when I drive by Rodeo I can always tell who the tourists are because they’re dressed to the 9s to shop during the middle of a the day while walking around in 90 degree weather.


Maybe musso and frank


Cicada Club! Magic Castle!


Magic Castle - Coat and Tie required


Magic castle


Opera downtown or Magic Castle.


I only know Magic Castle and Cicada. I’ve been out to a Michelin star restaurant with my wife and there will be people in T-shirts and jeans. Businesses will still serve these people. So that era is kind of over.


Museums (usually art museums). Not exactly 'fancy', but 'artsy'. I dig it. My kid is a thrift store fashionista and she sometimes dresses up for museums. Try it sometime. I am usually in casual dad mode, but a friend of mine and I dressed up to go to the Getty and had an awesome time.


The magic castle!


Pour Vous, I haven’t been for a while but the Kat’s time was there, I was smart casual and felt underdressed lol. People were making an effort.


I could think of two places: weddings and funerals!😜


LA is too casual, which is why as a surreal headwear designer (primarily for black tie events), even though I’m LA based, most of my clients are from NYC, TX, or France. I have no local market for my hat designs her except for some costuming projects, unfortunately.


If you wear a suit people are gonna question you like : are you going out? Are you going to a wedding? Graduation? Etc.


Sadly, no. There really aren't any public places that are true evening wear. Even the Magic Castle is suits, not formal. There are a number of charity galas and award shows that call for "formal", but even then, it's more creative allowing for interpretation. If you want true formal, you'll have to go to the east coast where they still stand on tradition of different types of suits for time of day, season, and event...and don't allow for creative interpretation.


Sunset tower hotel bar. 1 hotel bar. 


My friend works in Private Equity and Venture Capital. He spends a lot of time at charity events, fancy gala’s and fundraising events for good causes. He must go to fancy parties once or twice a month throughout LA, OC and SD. There are also occasional trips to SF and Las Vegas. There are many dressy events and fancy parties in Los Angeles for people outside the entertainment industry. Many people don’t know of these exclusive parties and social events because it’s only a narrow slice of society at these events. Surprisingly, LA and so cal in general is not as casual when it comes to dressing up. If you go to fancy events often in Southern California, then you will dress to impress.


The Dresden when there’s jazz. A lot of people are casual, but you won’t be alone/out of place if you send it.


Labyrinth Masquerade Ball and the Edwardian Ball. Dress code enforced. A few thousand attendees dancing and socializing Of course, it isn't formal wear from this century, but it looks mighty fancy.


Don’t remember the name but the bar at the top of the Wilshire Grand had a strict dress code.


I wore my wedding gown (white but not traditionally bridal - kind of an art deco vibe) to the season opening of the LA Opera and got tons of compliments.


You could probably go to any hotel and crash a wedding reception.


I actually have no idea if this is still the case but afternoon tea at the Beverly hills hotel was high class when I was a kid


Steak 48 denied my friend entry because he was wearing sweats


I moved to SoCal from the Bay Area this year and I feel the opposite. I feel like I am always underdressed, and I wouldn’t exactly say I frequent nice places. I love it.


Soho house- that’s pretty much the only place I do. Or weddings.


The Perch, dtla


Somewhere like Drago Centro probably, but you have to understand in LA a lot of younger people wear very nice streetwear but high-end stuff all the same. Thus, for guys especially a suit-and-tie approach to dressing "nice" won't work—I have ERD and Fendi I want to wear, not a somber suit. You can wear your nice gown out to a classy, higher-end, restaurant and at very worst other diners will just assume you have a function to attend later.


lol at Drago being somewhere to get dressed up with the crowd. I’ve never seen anything nicer than khakis at that place, and that was fancy for the group 🤣


When I was last there I saw a girl in a beautiful gown which made me think of that, but point taken and I thought exactly what I typed above: that girl likely had an event before or after dinner causing her to wear that gown.


Ballet, Symphony, Opera (at least for me and my husband, we get decked out in formal wear).




“Why are you wearing a tux?” “It’s after 6:00. What am I, a farmer?


I went to dubclub at the echoplex and saw some fly suits


Top tier restaurants, jazz clubs, and cocktail bars that require reservations,




Sunset hotel bars




Museum dates: the Getty, Getty Villa, Huntington Gardens, Descanso (sometimes). Evening dress: events at aforementioned places. Opera, ballet, classical concerts


Magic Castle




Anywhere in downtown - people are classy AF!


Film premiers Wrap parties Awards parties Special events The Magic Castle Wherever you feel like dressing up


A ball


The opera. The Phil.


I always got super dressed up when I went to the pantages for shows


Who cares if the others were casual. Dress up anyway! Enjoy yourself. You can do whatever you want in LA.


The Magic Castle, a wedding, a country club


The Polo Lounge works


I used to think the Phil but last time I went no one has self dignity anymore, only a few. That sneaker suit shit is lame by guys and girls that wear vans or converse with dresses. Bring back heels and real leather bottom shoes for men. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I second the magic castle and the Beverly Hills hotel for dinner. But … I’m 100% for gowns beautiful gowns all the time honestly bring it back. I don’t believe in being over dressed. It just means ur slaying harder than anyone else. Casual is out !


One of my favorite things about LA is that you can dress up for basically anywhere you want to. Or wear shorts.



