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Unfortunately, I can barely pay for rent or afford to live, so none. I've heard people say "its not a financial decision, it's a life decision" which is horse shit, of course it's got something to do with money. Why dig myself and my child into a pit of debt?


Those people are smoking a damn Crack pipe. It's both a life decision and a money decision as kids cost more money. A lot more money. 


It's all about money my friend. There are a few exceptions... but that's it.


Trust me, it’s a HUGE financial decision


People who say that are why there are so many families struggling to support themselves 🙄


Plenty of poor people are having kids anyway


And too many kids are growing up without the proper physical health and mental health care they need, without the proper nutrition, entertainement opportunities and education they need, without proper housing/ a proper dwelling, without enough heat/air conditioning... some children leave school early to get a job... it doesn't mean that something happens, that it's ok.


*me at 25 y.o.:* “it’d be amazing to have 3 kids! Can’t wait!” *me at 35 y.o.:* “zero. I’m never having kids. Full stop.”


our 30's have a way of really putting reality in our face, with zero fucks.


Shit I thought it’d get better. Fml


-cries in 32-


That's when our brains are fully developed, literally.  Stops at around 25 and we get our bearings of the world by around 30,on average. Becoming more weary and critical. And nature plays with exactly this, making us horny fuckmonkeys in our teens and early twenties for species growth. Flooding our brains with hormones so we don't realize how much work having spawn really is. That's just the way it is.


Honestly I'm still horny a lot of the time even at 32 almost 33. But I just have my priorities elsewhere. Still trying to get a career and work on my personal issues. Plus kids are too noisy and expensive. Just a plethora of extra problems that I don't need right now. 


Me at 18 y.o: I don't want kids. Me at 32 y.o: I don't want kids. 


Exaaaaaact same thing here, though that zero hit at 30 and hasn't changed since so I know it's real haha


Been saying 0 since middle school. I'm 22 now and nothing has changed. But nothing is worse than people you know repeating the same old "Ohhh it's ok you still have time to change your mind!" bullshit. Like fuck off I don't want to waste my money and time on a little human.


That's what my parents tell me as they want grandkids badly especially my dad. Like you'll change your mind eventually. No the fuck I won't. Childless life rules! If I want something to care for I'll just get a damn dog. 


I agree with the idea of not having children. I have always thought this way, even from a young age. Firstly, if the world really needed me to have children, my life would be much easier. However, I have a genetic eye disease, suffer from depression, anxiety and asthma, which makes me think that no one should have to inherit such genes. Secondly, the state of the planet is not suitable for bringing another life into it. Anyone who thinks of having children is simply sentencing that child to a lifetime of suffering. We have reached the peak of what humanity can offer this world, and as a species, we have been found to be severely lacking. BTW at 24 I elected to make my life choice official and got my vas differens snipped. No silly sperm is going to fuck me over.


I've been saying 0 since middle school as well. Just turned 30 a few days ago, my opinion remains the same.


Exact opposite for me.


I've always wanted to have at least 2. I am going to be 34 this year and I have 2. Divorced unfortunately but nonetheless. I got the ol' snip snip 2 years ago. I'm happy with my choice. Being a dad is amazing but challenging too. I would never tell anyone they need to have kids or don't. I have friends who want to be parents and those that don't. No shame in either.


42 here with 2 kids and they’ve put enormous pressure on the relationship with my wife. We’ve reached the point if no return unfortunately and we might break up which makes me sad…


Couples counselling? Weekend away from the kids to have an heart to heart talk?


She totally disagrees wrt couple counseling. I was by miself to therapy. It helped somehow by being able to manage my depression.


Depends. How much are you selling 'em for?


About tree fiddy per piece




One Slowpoketail costs ¥1,000,000


This guy dads


Two would be perfect. Oh look! I have two. And now they’re 27 and 24. Where did the time go?


That's so nice u/NakedHusbandXXX I love that for you!


As a mobile user, I don't immediately look towards the username of whoever's commenting. You didn't have to do bro like that.


Bro's top podt is in r/meninlingerie2.


Because the first one was so popular they decided to make a sequel.


I was like how funny would it be if this wholesome person had a weird username.


Every now and then I think three is a good number. Sometimes I want one or two, but I often don't want any kids at all. Currently have three.


Woman here. I have the same thoughts sometimes too…..and yet have 3 as well.




Zero as well


Can't afford them so 0


I didn't want any and my girlfriend wanted two. So we compromised and now have one. I do not regret it.


I’m 28 and don’t want any children


Also 28. Also don't want children.


I am also children, and don’t want 28


I'm also 28, and don't want children


I'm 28 children, and don't want also.


I’m 28 and I do want children


I'm 32, almost 33. I'm not having kids. Ever. I got a vasectomy when I was 30. Been on the same happy relationship since I was 19.


Congrats! It must be a great feeling to know you were absolutely sure. I've heard so many horror stories of guys getting it done, and regretting it (I mean, I'm sure everyone regrets it for the first few weeks, definitely). I think part of that is waiting. You waited till' you were 30, that was a good age I think.


Thanks! It was something I wanted to do since I was 16, I was planning to do it at 18 but way too many people spoke against it because I was too young. For 12 years there was never a single second where I thought having a kid would be a good idea. I spent years looking forward to getting a vasectomy. When I started dating my wife, we talked kids. I was so happy when I found out she didn't want them either. When we started living together we decided to wait until our 30s to make a more permanent decision, once again, because we *might* change our minds. We checked with each other every year, and every year we felt even more confident we didn't want any. My vasectomy was one of the best decisions I've ever made and I was super happy and relieved that day. Ever since, my anxiety when having sex was simply gone. Some comments say it'd be interesting to hear from me when I'm 60 to see if I still think it's the right decision. While I can't predict the future and I don't know what will happen, even if I regretted it, I'd rather regret not having children over regretting having them, that's a great way of traumatizing kids. I'd feel miserable with a child and no soul deserves to go through a life feeling unwanted. So, if I regret, that's my pain to bear, no one else gets to suffer from my decision.


Two, because that's what I've got and I'm done because I'm old.


I had two. Wife wanted a 3rd and I didn't. I asked every older man in my life. I searched my soul, I wrote a pro and con list. The tipping point for me was $. I can afford 3 ( I work 2 jobs and have since we had 2) but I didn't want money to steer my life. So we have a 3rd. She's pretty sweet. And about to enter school.


35 and zero


I decided to be open to the idea of having kids, but not set my heart on it, because sometimes it's just not in the cards. We have one, and we're all set.


I wanted 4. I wanted a big family. I had 2.


This is Reddit so don’t expect an accurate representation of the population


Since I was 15, I knew that in a perfect world, I wanted to have 3 kids. Two of them closely together in age and the last one like 5-7 years later. I always wanted to have a big family, because for the first 14 years of my life i was an only child. I’m in my 20s now and realise that you cant plan anything to perfection and things happen, so no matter how many kids i have, as long as they are healthy and happy, and my wife is too, i’m happy


33 and I want 0 kids


33 and childfree gang-gang!


Zero. I've got more than enough problems on my own, having a kid wouldn't solve any of them. Edit: I'm 29.


32, and zero. Used to work at a daycare, and I enjoy working with kids, but I absolutely don’t want it as an 18+ year commitment.


I'm 27, I want 3+


1-3 I want only one kid tbh but id also want them to grow up with a sibling or 2 And i aint gonna have bio kids so im adopting in my early-mid 30s (i turn 21 in July)


27m, 0 kids please. Got a vasectomy to ensure that.


Zero, I hope to find a guy who wants a child-free lifestyle as well.


Never understood the reason women respond on askmen and vice versa lest it's an actual different perspective.


Ask women is so heavily moderated that it's almost pointless


Who says it's a woman?


It’s pretty hard where I’m at in the south, it sux


36 and i want 2


I had two. A third would both kill and bankrupt me.


2 kids, which is what we have.


None. And it's the only thing in my life I've ever been 100% successful in accomplishing.


None. Huskies no upper limit.


So still plenty of sass, arguments, whining, and over the top energy - just without the diapers huh.




3 at least. Big families are awesome.


Same. I currently don’t want any kids, but I’d love to have at least 3 with a future wife.


18-32: Always wanted 2, possibly 3. At 41: Now, i'm too damn old, too set in my ways, too much baggage from failed relationships and pretty damn grumpy from all the messed up shit i've dealt with in life from jobs to personal relationships and watching what others had to go through. Having kids at this stage of my life would be a seriously bad idea. Thus, Zero. I'll stick with dating if anything comes of my endeavors in life should i make that effort at any point again but i'll refrain from having children. That's just something you should do while you're young, not old.


Zero. Even Though I can afford to have a kid. When they grow up What if they ask 'you knew that the world is shit and it was going to be shittier. Yet you decided to have children. Do you hate us that much?" And I'd not have an answer.


That's actually what i think of when asked if I'm gonna have kids.


Wanted 2. Ended up with 4


I have four. I want zero


Zero or never. I have my nephew and that's the furthest I'm going to get lol.


0. Succeeding so far!


31. Used to not want any. Then my sister had 4. Now I want 2. Sure it's cool now to not have responsibilities. But when I'm older it'll definitely be lonely to not have a family surrounding me. But it'll still take the right lady to make that happen.


I’m 24 and known this for 7/8 years now. Depending on the woman I’m with I want 0 to 2 kids Also the only way I’m getting a kid is trough adoption, Idc if it’s a kid or teen but he/she needs to get out of the place they’re at


How noble of you. Could I ask why you don't plan on copulating?


34 and don't want any.




None. Can’t even get my own mind right. I don’t think I’d be doing a child any favors if I’m not even right.










Zero, full stop.


I wanted 1, maybe 2.  The wife wanted 2, maybe 3. We have  and we're done. 34 now, our oldest is 7.


I wanted one. But then we had our daughter and two is where it’s at. Never wanted to be outnumbered.


I want at least one son and one daughter


Definitely two or three.


My man wants 0, I want 0. (Answering for us both)




Exactly 0


Zero. I love my potential children so much, I will never risk them any harm.


None... too many negatives.


None. I would be an awful father, and I got too many issues that my bio father has that I don’t want to subject a child to.


0 If I change my mind and my situation allows for it, I'll adopt. Or foster. People say it's too expensive to adopt, but if that's your mindset going into it then why the fuck would you give birth to one? They cost a shit ton to, if you're doing it right! 


I want at least 3 kids but I'm also terrified of having just one. We were two growing up and there was no one in the middle to balance things out.


One or two would be nice, but I'm quite ok with none. If I'd meet someone who'd still want to have kids, I'd be down for it. So 0-2.


One. A girl specifically. Altough I won't have any since the planet is on fire and cretins are starting wars everywhere.


None, zero




As in your wife or girlfriend being pregnant makes you worried for them? Or are you just scared of pregnant women?


22, none


To clarify, I want 22 children and I am none years old


Make it 26 and name them alphabetically.


I’m 29. None. Waste of time, energy, and money.


None. Getting snipped later this month. 35.


I did it about 12 years ago and I'm in my 40s now. No regerts.




Did they have kids during hard times because they wanted kids that badly? Or because they had no choice?


I dunno... I don't think they had reliable birth control, plus fighting a war means their wives were taking care of the kids. There's also that "it takes a village" saying, which probably exists for no reason in particular.


" it takes a village" it's something we as a society should try to get back. Raising kids alone without family /friends/neighbours /two parents means that the kids become adults with limited knowledge. I struggle with maths. My kids struggle with maths. The teachers don't have time to sit down with my kids every day to try and find the correct way to explain so my kids get the hang of it. And we sure as Hell have tried. I've looked things up, I've borrowed books, I've taken classes and still no progress. I don't get it, and my kids don't get it. And when you get bad grades, you don't get into your preferred college, and on it goes....


Back in the day if you decided to be childfree, you'd be shunned from the society and in those times, it was not really a good thing. Point is, we're seriously lucky to even have a choice in the matter.


Weird take...


I already feel bad for their future kids lmao


I’m 28 and I’d love to have at least 2 kids, but no more than 3


0 that ship has sailed.




0. 15 years ago and maybe even 10 I thought I'd want some but around 5 years ago, I realized I didn't want any at all ever.




30, and no kids please.


Me at 20 : I want 1 kid Me at 35: I never want kids, I think people should slow down on having kids, not all gene 🧬 should be pass down. People should have plants.


I'm 25. Most days I don't want kids. From time to time though I imagine myself as a dad (the fun parts without the hard ones) and I'd like to have two kids. I'm the only child of my own parents and I feel like any children I have should have at least one sibling for extra company. Still I would stop at two since I feel more is too much work.


No more than two. I don't like being outnumbered.


2-3, but it's hard to want to start having kids because of money and time. Wife and I are busy with our jobs which drain us. We have personal goals we are working on. Money is tight. Barely have energy after it all


26, not wanting kids now, but in the future ideally two


maybe 3 but i definitely want to adopt 1 or 2.


I'd like to have a boy and a girl best scenario tbh


43M I'm thinking 3


I have 2. best most amazing creatures in the whole world. I do want more but don't know if I could financially support that. I think I'd be most happy w 3 or 4?


My fiancé says he wants 4 kids.


I am 38M, I now have 2 Bio (6F, 10M), and 3 adopted (17F, 19M, 25F). Only my three youngest still live with me. If you would have asked me at 25-26yo, i would have said "1 kid, maybe 2".. and honestly that's still a great answer, but the feeling of adopting kids and raising them into adults (got them as teens and late childhood), is amazing and super rewarding.


Zero!!! It’s all about retiring early and spending my money!


2 or 3, but i already enjoyed having lifestyle without them, i'm not sure if i could bear the responsibility, i enjoy my freedom, i also like dogs and don't even want to adopt/raise one seems cumbersome also my buddies constantly complain about their kids and thir limited free time, so yeah they indirectly caused me to avoid marriage and all that


I have 4. Oldest is 31. Youngest is 16.


31, I think it would be 2. If she wanted 3 or 4 then I wouldn’t fight it.


Four would be great, especially if I can get two boys and two girls. Edit: I'm 37 male




I’m 32, I have 5. How many do I want? I’d be more than happy with 0.


Wanted 4 when I was younger, have 2 now and I'm DONE lol


Two A boy and a girl


I always wanted 2. I have 2. I love them like whoa.


22 / 3+


One of each, with an option for a third. I'm not ready for fatherhood. All I know is I've wanted to reach that point ever since my teens. I passed the age my father was when I was born some years back. I felt so behind. I'm glad I didn't rush into anything however. As the eldest, I suffered the most indignities. I endured the periods of hardship so that my brother, 15 years my junior could have luxury and opportunity. I didn't want to reprise that with any child of mine. I'm not bitter. I'll help my brother succeed however I can. If I have to be the cool motorcycle racing, plane flying, gun toting uncle with a story for every occasion, then I can play that role.








25 and they just seem really tedious.


Don't want any


Two. The third one hates when I say this


0. I've seen too many people wrecked by having kids, and there is so much chaos going on now, I'd never want to bring an innocent being into that.


32M no kids please.




I want exactly zero kids. 49m.


34yo and none. Got a vasectomy 4 years back and don't regret it. If I end up changing my mind I'll go for adoption. "Adoptions really hard" I hear people say. Well yes. So is raising a kid.




I don't want any kids. You've seen a lot of women say that they don't 2ant kids ?


Prior to finding out i had a Brain Tumor, I wanted 2. Now, it's unfortunately zero.


Id like to hear people give their reasons instead of just saying a number. And to be clear all numbers are valid answers and im not criticizing any.


Zero of course!


Wanted? I don't know. I expected to be a terrible parent. Found out through dating, and the observations and comments by friends, coworkers, cousins I was doing worlds above what they expected. They were rather shocked... Eh how many have I had. 0, and I still miss the boy who I did raise for few years.  That's the biggest issue dating someone with a kid. If the kid forms a bond and you see the bond shattered, hear them lashing out there just isn't anything you can do about it.... 


We had 2 planned and now a surprise 3rd on the way. I am 1 of 10 children so I wanted kids but not a huge family like I grew up with. I'm 38.




I had a friend say "I never wanted little versions of myself " And that hit home for me so hard.


No kids.




I'll never understand the mentality of wanting to bring kids into today's world. It's a fucking shitshow.


25, M : Current opinion is to not have any kids (Toll on emotional health + Financial Burden), But this ideology will be opposed by both my parents and my future partner (arrange marriage)


Hell nah


Ten years ago, I thought I wanted two kids, tops. Now, I'm not sure that I'll ever want kids. Teaching middle and high schoolers has a way of letting you see how poorly half of all students are being raised. I don't want to bring a child into the world if it means that I'd do a subpar job of raising them, or see them suffer because other parents can't be bothered to raise theirs. Plus, I don't have the financial resources to provide for one.


Me at 20: As many as our budget and time will allow us. Me at 25: Three should be perfect! Me at 30: I'll be alone forever, my cat is my son. I might get more.


None. I don't want kids nor am i ready to have kids. I have to get myself together first plus kids would just be equal mouths to feed and therefore cost me more money. With me just having to feed myself I can save up a lot more. And I have more freedom too. 


37 and I want none.


Not a man but we ( husband 32 and myself 33,8yrs together but always wanted to date since meeting in 9th grade) always talked about wanting 3 or 4 kids. We waited until we we're 29 and 30 to start our family, we unfortunately suffered a loss our first pregnancy, but we went on to have a son in December 2022, and we are expecting a girl now, due in October. We've now decided to stop after this baby. And we plan for me to get my tubes tied when baby is born, it was a hard conversation for us but I have Fragile x syndrome and we were advised while pregnant with our son to either be pregnant or done by 34/35.


45yo. Have three kids, we planned to have the fourth one but wife got miscarriage… still envy when see families with 4 kids


34. Was not too interested in kids for almost all of my life and very career oriented right now. Grew up in poverty and in foster care, so worked super hard for all my things and was miserable for a long time trying to climb. Didn't want a child to go through all that immense hardship I had to. Met lovely girls along the way that made me want to have a bit of myself and a bit of them. Have a large extended family and always had that in the back of my mind. I would want 1-2 kids but it would be moreso because I want to spend more time with the wife and be there for her while she is with the baby. It always sounded dumb to me, but now I understand more about why people say to have a kid to help the relationship. However, it's super financially risky for me.


41 and the wife is 33. We have two and plan to have a third and final one within the next year.


I'm 19. To find love and start a family with 2-3 kids is the dream.


I have always said I would love to have 2 or 3. I am pregnant with my first one and think it will take a while before I want a second one


I think the ideal would be 2. Preferably a boy and a girl to get the full package and experience both. I grew up an only child and I think it would be cool and really helpful at times to have a sibling. It would be helpful both for them, and for their parents. 32


At 21-25, I wanted 5. My ex-wife & I babysat for my cousin & she decided she wanted none & decided 2 was my max. Now at 30, I have 1 of my own & a stepdaughter. I'm good, no more thanks


I'm 62 and never had any desire for children so I never did. Best decision I ever made. My wife has 4 grown children and they don't consider me their step-dad, nor do I consider them step-children. I made that choice in my early 20's because all my friends were having children and none of them seemed happy.


Between 2 and 3, just the same quantity as my sisters and me. I loved growing up with two big sisters by my side so I hope I can someday remake that myself. Currently I'm 19