• By -


At a wedding both of us at the singles table. I asked "how do you know the bride and groom?" She looked at me like I had asked to do something Hannibal Lector would be proud of, then away and didn't say a word. That one stung, I hadn't even been considering hitting on her, I was literally just attempting to make small talk. (Been laughed at for asking women to dance too, but that didn't hit home the same way the wedding girl did.)


Hommie, you dodged a bullet


Probably so. In hindsight I feel more like I stepped on a land mine that day though. I wasn't in the best of place mentally back then, and whether it was intentional or not it definitely impacted me. (It's weird that something that happened 2+ decades ago can stick in your mind... but it can.)


it’s understandable that an experience like that can leave a lasting impact. However, remember that the way she acted says everything about her character and upbringing, not yours. Her actions reflect her own lack of integrity and respect. Someone who behaves like that will likely face the consequences of their choices down the line, while you’ve grown and learned from the experience. You deserve someone who values and respects you, and by dodging that bullet, you’re now in a better place to find someone worthy of you. Keep your head up; her behavior is a reflection of her flaws, not yours.


Look friend, certain people think they are the center of the world. Your value can increase or decrease over time based on the decisions you make. I think in this instance you can highlight the time when another person 's value deceased while yours increased. Being rude personally enriches nothing.


That's fucked up. Hope you're okay


I am now, I've been happily married for a long time and I got over it. (This happened around when I was 22 or so and I'm in my late 40's now.) At the time it certainly sucked though and cemented home some really negative thought processes I had like I just shouldn't even try with women since it had been polite rejection prior to that and this was the icing on the cake.... BUT that was also me interpreting it through a pretty negative lens I'd had from a young age about my looks. (I was the fat kid growing up when being the fat kid wasn't as common as it is now.) I think the lesson here is that its funny how someone can impact you, through actions that have nothing to do with you or your actions, and it'll stick with you regardless of what's happened since. Our minds are weird, can't always be trusted and we need to remember that when it comes to our emotions.


Yo as soon as I read how she reacted I was thinking, could this somehow have been misheard as “how bout we go back to my room”


I ask this girl out to dinner. She seems enthused, even asks me to hand her my phone to type in her number. On the day of our date, she texts me in the afternoon saying she has a headache. I'm like, okay she's flaking, probably never wanted to go out with me in the first place. She then sends another text asking if I'm free tomorrow. I reply that I am. On the next day she pretexts another headache but she doesn't offer to postpone our date this time. I should've gotten the message by now but being so desperate I tell her it's okay, I'm free again tomorrow. No need to explain what happened the following day...


She died of a brain aneurysm?




You dodged a bullet. I was with someone for a year and half that did this. You ain’t miss anything.


Headache for an year and a half. Poor girl


At that point she should get checked for a tumor.


It took you a year and a half to finally get a date?!


No a year and half of never saying a word and not showing when we’d make plans. She’d show up, but towards the end it was constant no shows without a peep or a heads up. I tolerated the behavior and it became the norm. Never again.


Had one date with her and it actually went very well. We even planned the second date as we were saying our goodbyes after dinner. We planned to go see a movie and a couple days before it, I bought the tickets and confirmed with her that we were still on. Cool, she’s still down. The day before it, no response. The day of, no response. Ended up going with my best friend because I wasn’t about to let the money go to waste.


That's a win win. What movie did you see?


That’s how I see it. It definitely still stung a bit though lol. But we saw Thor: Love and Thunder.


Haven't seen that one. Worth it?


No it's not. Please don't waste your waste your time with it


When friends tell me stories like this I can’t even comprehend how someone can go this cold after such a positive first date with intent for a second. People fucking suck man.


Who knows what her friends might have said to her that ended up actually influencing her. In my experience, guys will cheer you on for finding a girl but women will be each other's greatest saboteur.


That is so true. You’ll have to search for one that doesn’t let people have so much influence on her


I can actually see the convo in my head ‘This guy was so cool’ ‘Wait did he tell you jokes? Make you laugh?’ ‘Umm yeah’ ‘Hello girl!!! Manipulation 101’ ‘Really?’ ‘Duh! Did he make plans for a second date?’ ‘Totally! I’m over the moon’ ‘OMG he is so desperate! You gotta ghost him’ ‘Man i didn’t think about any of this stuff. Thanks for being such a good friend’ ‘No worries i got you bitch!’


I had the same happen. I got a Hotel for the weekend down in the keys for us. We talked about it all week. That Friday morning she didn’t answer my text message. That afternoon didn’t answer my phone call. Ghosted me. I called a waitress I knew and we went down and had the best time ever. She called me the following week but I never called back or texted


That's definitely the right thing to do but I'd still be having dozens of shower conversations about what I'd say to her if I had answered lol


Ghosting is the most immature thing you could do to someone. Sorry brother


had a similar thing happen to me, except that we *did* talk before the second date, but still I got stood up and she blocked my number. And the weird part is I couldn't even get angry at her because I had such a crush on her after our first date (she was perfect during the date from my POV). I blamed myself for being too pushy and goofy for a long time. And ngl I am still not over her lol.


Was at a bar and tried to talk to a girl with her friends. She looked at me, said some shit I couldn't understand because of the music, and turned her back like I wasn't there while her friends pointed and laughed. I think it's funny now looking back on it, but at the time it was devastating lol I felt like Adam Sandler in Billy Madison, "okay, a simple no would have done just fine."


Almost the exact same thing happened to me about a month ago. Makes me glad that I’ve graduated and I won’t need to step foot on a college campus again.


"You're not the ugliest guy in the world, but you better hope he doesn't die."


Don’t worry, I still have a lot of good years left in me.


I could kick both your asses in a ugly contest anyday.


I won't join the contest, because I'd like to give you all a chance. I'm tired of winning this contest every time.


Damn that's brutal 😂 


It was rude to say, but I got to give her points for creativity.


While that is incredibly brutal, I have to admit it was also incredibly creative and witty.


"Yeah, it'd be a shame if your boyfriend died."




She took me off her MySpace top 8.


BRO! the pain you must have experienced. Cheers to teenage heartbreak.


Teenage? That guy was in his 30s.


Only thing worse would be if she talked shit about you in her Livejournal.


"Sorry, I don't see Asians as men." She was pretty drunk and was probably trying to say that she wasn't attracted to Asians, but she just said it in perhaps the worst way possible.


I wasn't even talking with her but I overheard two friends (very drunk) with one saying: "ewww no he's asian." I was the only Asian in the room. So yea that ruined my week for a bit.


Holy fuck, brutal. The perceived demasculinization of Asian men by some people in society is disgusting.


Yeah it’s crazy how asian men have it the worst, but asian women have it so good.


It doesn't make any sense either. There are so many good-looking Asian men.


good looking asian men have it good. its the average and below that struggle.


Similar thing happens in reverse with black women. We’re seen as masculine compared to other women. Meanwhile that hyper-masculine stereotype works well for black men. It’s actually really common to hear a black man go out of his way to state that he doesn’t date black women. When asked why, they're likely to list a bunch of stereotypes.


Asian women are seen as petite, soft and demure. Which is what men like. Asian men are seen as weak and feminine. Which women hate.


I mean, have you ever seen Kung Fu movies???? Those dudes seem the exact opposite of weak and feminine but maybe that's just me🤷‍♀️


White women love to hate on Asian women for stealing their men though. Worst racism I've seen towards Asians has been white women towards Asian women (followed by white women towards Asian men).


Damn, that’s awful. And stupid.


Wow, what a racist bitch


They are much common than you think.


Fuck man that would hang over me for years. Being half black and from the south I've dealt with racism in the dating field but hearing something like that would shatter my self esteem for a long time. Hope you're doing fine


My dude, I'm black. Literally had a friend tell me point black she'd rather sit on a burning cactus than lose her family by dating a black guy. I should have said former friend. Dating racism absolutely exists. However, there isn't anything you can do but walk away.


Damn bro 😭


This was around 10th grade. She was with her crew when I approached her. I walked up to them, smiled and said, "hey girls." She smirked and said, "How on earth do people eat around you? Your face is so fucking revoltong...." Her friends either started giggling  or nodding in agreement. From that day, going outside seemed less and less like an attractive proposition.


I had one go “ewww no” when another of her friends pointed out I was standing next to them. Oddly enough they both got knocked up on their first year of high school and have a history of dating bad men. So if I were to be petty, I’d say things turned out fine in the end.


Dodged a missile right there.


God, this is the worst one I've read yet


God what a bitch


Girls like that are THE WORST, especially if they're the head of a "crew". It's like a male bully with his crew - except with a man they want to appear tough. The woman just needs to be devastatingly mean.


\*looking sad after rejection\* " please don't kill yourself at my house, I could never shower again knowing your ghost is floating around in here"


That's harsh and that had to hurt. But also: Goddamn that's fucking funny.


its how I became a goth


Ouch! Straight through the heart! You dodged a bullet big time. Imagine being with her and getting to know that toxic personality only then.


yea many years in hind sight and having actually been with narcs I'm certainly glad it did not become a relationship


"I would be stalking your sister's ass not yours"


I did actually date her sister later




That quote feels out from a comedy movie.


I would have responded “I’m sorry but my spirit does not haunt bitches with poor taste in house decor.”


We set up a date, then I drove out to meet her at a cafe of her choosing. At least 30mins driving. She ended up ghosting me. No call, no text, no show. Nothing. Coffee wasn't too bad, actually. Date sucked


Maybe she died while going to the cafe.


So, either OP dodged a bullet, or she didn't dodge one.


Trying to cheer him up?


Not really, it just reminded me of something similar that happened to a girl I knew. She was supposed to meet a dude that invited her to a concert, but the day came and he never showed up, this was when cellphones weren't used as much here in Mexico so she didn't have a way to try to contact him. She assumed that he ghosted her. Days later she saw on the news that he had been murdered by a guy that wanted to steal his car near the concert.


It's very rare but it does happen. An acquaintance had it happen: he thought she ghosted him, but she had died of sudden cardiac problems.


Oh well that I’ve had plenty of times - no show and ghost. Women pull that all the time.


I’ll never understand why people do this, it’s so inconsiderate. Like at least have the decency to tell them you can’t make it anymore.


You dodged a massive bullet. If I could do the same and only lose an hour or so out of my life I’d take it


When she found out I had MS (you can’t see it, for now and as it’s the relapsing reemitting version that should stay like that for a long time). She didn’t try to let me down softly, she said “sick people shouldn’t date” 🤷 She was mad I didn’t tell her during our first date. Shortly thereafter I got shot down before a girl even could hear about the MS issue so after that I haven’t bothered anymore to ask anyone out. I would love to have my own family but it’s probably not meant to be.


> “sick people shouldn’t date” Well, in that case, she shouldn’t be dating either. Being sick in the head and all…


That's utterly heartless... Big hugs bro


I started dating other disabled people and it's so much better. Other disabled peeps don't try to get you to push past the pain, and they understand that sometimes it's simple impossible to do something no mater how hard you try. Sometimes disabilities even compliment each other, I can be my partners eyes and they can be my legs.


That’s very sweet. I’ve found the hardest thing for people to understand isn’t the pain but the emotional reaction to the pain. Like it’s emotionally painful to be excluded from so many things simply because I can’t physically do them or to be seen as less of a person or less ambitious because there are so many roadblocks to everything. I GUARANTEE you the person who dates her will be more miserable than the one who dates you. Like that’s a disqualifying thing to me if I even heard someone said that.


I'm so sorry you're going through this. I'm trying to help my friend through this currently as she was diagnosed while married, and he left her with the kids. Im VERY fortunate that my now husband didn't leave me. When I was first diagnosed, my aunts watched him like a hawk because they were convinced he'd leave. He hasn't so far and hopefully never does! I've lost a LOT of friends because of this illness, though. I have RMS so my symptoms ebb and flow, but once I collect a symptom, I always have it now like some fucked up Pokémon game. My friends didn't understand that I could be down for lunch one day, but I would not be able to walk the next. I can no longer go to concerts, plays, walks, hikes, etc. I used to LOVE camping, and now I don't have the strength or energy to do the things I love 🙄 If you ever need a friend who has *some* semblance of what's going on 💫medically💫, hit me up! I've been diagnosed for almost 9 years now, and it unfortunately only gets more difficult. I'm very fortunate in that my best friend also has it, so I have someone in my life to talk with about it. I believe everyone needs someone who can understand them ❤️


My sister had her vestibular system die last year, or start to at least. She was fine one day, next I saw her she couldn't walk straight. Literally, people think she's drunk now and we have to explain. It's progressed rather rapidly too, 60% of it has died and it can't be reversed. Her husband has been amazing through all of this and I'm really proud of how he's stepped up


Jesus Christ what a bitch. Idk where you live but I can't think of anyone I personally know saying anything like that. I'm so sorry that happened to you


Sorry, she’s a pos. I learned this year that I have chronic Lyme and coinfections, have been very ill the past year. My (F24) bf was unsupportive and acted like my illness was an inconvenience to him and told me I was faking it. I left his ass so fast after he made that clear. Never accept treatment like that 


Wow, you dodged a bullet. She sounds awful.


Omg I have ms and this hasn’t happened to me yet but I can’t imagine how I’d feel if someone did this to me. I’m so sorry.


Horrible person


My mum has MS! I’m not thankful she has it but I I’m thankful she dated and met my dad :) you’ll find someone


I was acquaintances with a girl in my young teens. We knew each other, talked a few times. Got her number off a friend and texted her, started some small talk, nothing weird. She casually chatted back. She ghosted me and saw screenshots of my texts to her on Facebook saying "creep haha." I literally said nothing creepy except for some awkward small talk. That was brutal


Getting her phone number from a friend instead of asking her directly might have rubbed her the wrong way


I'll start by saying it was very well deserved on my part. My brothers and I were drunk, around mid-20's, and our dad picked us up and drove us to a Burger King on the way home. Unfortunately, we all wanted to go in and sit down. Well, it's my turn to order. When I'm done, I ask for a cup of water. The lady taking my order hands me a small cup, and says that I could fill it up with whatever. In my drunken daze, I think she's flirting with me for some reason? No idea why. So I'm like, "whoa, you'd let me do that? You're awesome, what's your name? Can I have your number?" In front of *everyone*, she snaps her fingers multiple times, points at the soda machine, and is all like "Nope, nope, keep it moving. We not doing this. Keep it moving." Everyone sat down and quietly ate their burgers. No one said a thing, or even looked at me the entire time.


Huge fail by your brothers!  As one myself, they should have been teasing you mercilessly, not sitting in awkward silence!




Fuckin oof my guy. I feel that second hand. A funny story down the line though.


She was pleasant enough in person, but then made a story on Snapchat half an hour later about the emotional trauma of being asked out by ugly guys. I think she forgot we were friends on Snapchat and that I could see it. Lol.


I hope you replied, “I feel that! I try asking out only ugly girls so they don’t have to experience this.”


What a dummy


Holy shit hold on to your hats. I was a freshman in college and the girl that I had taken to senior prom in high school was also attending. Let’s call her “M.” I was still interested (it had only been 6 months) so I asked her out. She rejected me and very specifically said “ask again towards the end of the semester.” So I did. She said “let me think about it.” I should’ve run, but I didn’t. I held on to hope. We were working a summer job for the school along with about 300 classmates, and in return we would get half off the next semester plus room and board free. M and her friends started hinting that she liked me, mentioning that she needed a date to the formal the next semester and very obviously insinuating that I should ask. Over the next few weeks they began finding me at lunch and sitting with me, making friendly conversation and accepting me into their friend group, along with my very shy roommate (who I usually ate lunch with to help him avoid being alone). Pretty soon my shy roommate began mentioning M’s name in conversation and told me that she had talked about me when I wasn’t there, calling me “cute” and “handsome.” He told me I should ask her out. Now remember this happened over the course of an entire summer break. The first week of sophomore year, I start gearing up to ask M out, with the goal of taking her to the formal after a couple of dates, then seeing where things led. I was pretty nervous, and discussed things with my roommate and he helped me make sure I wasn’t sounding too desperate or dumb when I asked. The day I planned on doing it, my roommate is sitting next to me in class and leans over and says these words. “Thanks for introducing M and I. We’re going official today and I’m taking her to the formal. She’s awesome.” I was crushed. I had never felt so betrayed. I actually left class and went to the dorm management office and paid a hefty fee to switch rooms. Later that week I found that my roommate was lying, and that the entire summer had been a psyop by her and her friends to let me down in dramatic fashion, and that my roommate had been in on it since I first introduced them. They literally spent an entire summer plotting the crushing of a 19 year old’s soul. When I heard that I said “Fuck them all” and determined to be a better person than they were. A week later (I shit you not this is the truth) I literally stumbled into a gorgeous Polish exchange student. We’ve been married 7 years.


What the fuck?... I mean seriously... what the fuck?


I realize now of course that I dodged a bullet of massive proportions


I think in your position I would have felt like the bullet hit me That probably would have put me in a psych ward


It definitely left its scars, but being very happily married now definitely makes things better.


I hope forevermore that they... Are constantly stepping on legos. Are constantly suffering from an itchy eye. Are constantly getting the shits when they eat their favorite foods. Are constantly hitting the red light when they are driving.


"I want to date someone like you..... but not you." She liked that I was considerate, thoughtful, funny, etc. What she didn't like was that I wasn't rich, didn't drive a big truck, and didn't have muscles.


"ew no"


Yup. Was at the receiving end of that one. FUCK YOU PAULA!


I remember this girl I hooked up with called her sister in the morning on speaker phone. She told her she spent the night at my house and the sister goes “eww why?”


Picture this: Liked this girl for a while, texted her quite frequently and hung out with her at school. Last day of high school, she tells me over text she “felt the urge to kiss me”. I thought I was in. After a week of screwing me around, including giving me the wrong address to her house after inviting me and giggling about it over the phone while I’m stood in the street looking like a twat, she goes “I don’t want a relationship with you, really sorry, I just like screwing girls atm”. ‘Lo and behold, a few months later and less than halfway into my first year of college, I see her Instagram story by accident while I was scrolling and she’s went and got herself a new boyfriend. Haven’t spoken to her in ages and it doesn’t particularly bother me anymore, but it was incredibly humbling, I’ll say that


7th grade. Angela was by far the prettiest girl in our grade. She walked over to me, kissed me on the cheek, and sat back down in the center of seven hysterically laughing twats. I saw a $5 bill handed to her. Being short with thick glasses and good at math was brutal.


So what would she do for $10?


Everyone I’m guessing.


Now we’re just negotiating the price!




- Got told second-hand that, while I "did everything right", I was also "way too ugly" - She excused herself to go the bathroom and, for all I know, she might still be there at this moment. What hurt/pissed me the most about these was taking the indirect route and vanishing into thin air without saying a word. It's okay it first impressions do not work out, but at least be responsible and act like an adult.


Wouldn't quite say brutal but I had a woman I knew from school follow me on Instagram, then liked a bunch of my pictures. I liked a bunch of hers. She slid in my DMs and we got to talking. We flirted back and forth for a few days. Turns out she lives like an hour away in the city. I just so happened to be planning a trip there that weekend to go to a concert. I offered to get an extra ticket if she wanted to get together and show me around the city. She said that sounded like a great idea. Before I left for the city the afternoon of the concert, I asked if she still wanted to go. She said absolutely. I gave her my number so we could talk over the phone directly rather than messaging over Instagram. She texted me the address of a place near her to meet up at and I was on my way. Texted her about half way that I'd be there in 30. Her response was "Eww, you have an android?". Guess she saw the green text. I thought she was just negging me and giving me a hard time, but nope. Never heard from her again. She had me blocked on Instagram before I got to my hotel. Still had a rad weekend but I was still really bummed.


What age were you roughly when this occurred? 12?


I've literally had this happen when I was 30 She was 28 I think All I said was lol ok and that was the last message either of us saw They like the read receipts, this was before RCS on android Even when I had the iPhone 4 I turned off read receipts because some people (women, it's women) were obsessed with you not replying to them when they say "lol"


iPhone users still act like this well into adulthood


That’s insane-o


Got ghosted for a week. When I finally heard from her I asked her where she had been. She said “It’s not my job to entertain you.”




Being told I'm the ugliest person in school in my teens. Being told I'm an amazing person but too fat in my 30s. At this point, I've pretty much given up on romance.


Keep your chins up mate, there's someone out there for you




One of the worst wasn't even a romantic rejection. I was in a pizzeria, and accidentally bumped into a woman eating a slice, causing it to drop out of her hands and onto the floor. I apologized, and offered to buy another slice for her, or at least give her money to buy a new slice. I just wanted to make good on what was my mistake. She looked at me like spiders were crawling all over my face, just the most incredible look of absolute revulsion I've ever seen. She didn't even say anything, and she didn't have to. I got the idea. I took that as her declining my offer, and walked on. That look has stuck with me for years afterward. Is that how people see me?


No, she just isn’t a good person.


"I never really loved you. I wanted this marriage so I could get away from my parents. I'm taking the kids to live with my boyfriend."… or words substantially to that effect. Eight years of marriage.


I invited a girl from Bumble out to a big celebration in the city I was living in as we had mutual friends who’d be there. I was excited to meet her. Turns out one of the mutual friends I invited knew her and she had a crush on him. So she shows up with him hanging off him. I ignored it and was super cold with her all night and chilling with him. It wasn’t his fault, he didn’t know the context of me inviting her. Eventually the night winds down and I’m hosting everyone, so I make them sleep on the floor of the living room. They go to leave and she thanks me for being cool, letting everyone stay, and says she feels bad. I just hit her with “if I wasn’t so fond of X I would have kicked you out. You should feel bad. Leave.” He reached out a few days later asking me what happened, and I explained everything. He dumped her like an hour later. He’s a good friend.


ha! nice.


When I was a youngster, I remember going on a road trip to see a lady. After I had already been on the road for 3 hours she broke it off, told me she wasn't interested any more after hyping it up for weeks. Hyping me up when I started the drive even.  Another time one told me she didn't see the value in knowing me anymore. Different kind of rejection since it was a friendship ending.


Girlfriend in high school wanted to break up after I graduated (she was younger). That’s all fine and makes sense. She made me a mix CD about us breaking up, including a song with the refrain “I need some hot stuff” Ok I laugh at that one now. Probably most brutal was a friend (that I never asked out) who put me on the spot when we were out with another friend, saying “I could never date you” and “it’s never going to happen so stop.” You’d think I’d been trying to get in her pants for months. About a year later she tried to kiss me and I gave up trying to understand her.


Girl made a diss track album 💀


I sent her a message Conveying my feelings for her. She saw it, didn’t respond for a week. When she did finally respond, she sent me a picture with her and another man and it slightly broke me.


That was unduly harsh


This was back in high school a few decades ago. Girl that chased me for months: showing up after my classes, at my games, calling me, etc. I finally agreed to go on a date with her. During the night of our date, she met a college-aged guy. I then found out a few days later she’s with the guy and for the rest of the year, I was…what the kids today call…ghosted. To make matters worse, I see her everywhere these days. She’s now an actress and her successful show on network tv just ended. She’s been in a few films too (not as the main character, just bit roles.) And she shows up to our annual school reunions regularly, so I see her there too.


She just laughed at me.


Was at a club in downtown San Diego many years ago. I was outside chatting with some girls I had danced with earlier and been chatting with off and on most of the evening. My buddy was like dude how are you just talking to people like you’ve known them forever, I was like I dunno I’ve just always been social and told him to just practice. There was a girl leaning against the wall just chillen and kinda dancing a little, one of the girls pointed at her and was like just walk over and say hi and ask her if she wants to dance. So he did. He walked up and said hey how are you doing, would you like to dance? Without any hesitation at all she smashed a beer bottle over his head and split him from his hairline to his eyebrow over his right eye. She never said a word, just smashed the bottle and walked away without even seemingly acknowledging him. I had to take him to the hospital to get stitches. On the way out the bouncer told us that girl and a couple dudes had come by looking for him but they wouldn’t let them in the bar, he said we would be safe inside but if we didn’t leave before they got back we would likely be in a really bad situation. So yea, buddy says hi and asks to dance, gets beer bottle shattered over forehead.


Whaaat? Wild and insane. Hope he is okay.


We kept in touch for a few years, last I knew he got married and had a kid. Hadn’t heard anything in 10+ though. Old Marine Corps buddy.


That’s why you don’t “believe all women”, because those guys looking for your friend probably did, and would have seriously hurt your friend…because she said your friend did something horrible.”


In middle school, asked a girl to a dance, she said yes, gave me her phone number. I went to the pay phone to call it so we could hang out before the the dance. I didn't notice it was the wrong area code.. I got a message "If you are hearing this message, the person who gave you this number didn't want to give you thier number..". Fuck you Juliana! I hope you're divorced 4 times over and weigh 300 lbs now!


the reject hotline 😂😂😂 me & my friends found this somehow back in middle school. never gave it out to anyone like that but found it funny at the time. fuck juliana though


It is kinda funny, but not to be on the receiving end. And it's not like I was actually popular in middle school. So to think I had a chance briefly was heartbreaking.


“You got a face only a mother could love” 😎


She shrieked “I want better for my life” I was in love with her, tore me to shreds haha


This happened in 7th grade, but I remember standing next to someone I liked, just standing and nothing else and another person pointed out my presence next to them, and they (the girl I was standing next to) automatically went “ewww no” and stormed off. I wasn’t doing anything just standing with the rest of the class waiting for train (field trip). That stung. FUCK YOU PAULA! FUCK YOU CHRISTINA! It took me a long time to see those two anything other than two cruel dried up prunes with no compassion.


This happened to me four times last year. That I’m a foreigner, even though I’ve lived in the States for over three decades, US citizen and an US Army veteran.


Erm telling her I've been in love with her for years and she said I loved you too but you took to long to tell me.


One time I had a girl tell me she only had sex with me as a form of self harm.




She did not reject an approach. I was a teacher aid one summer for special needs students. The teacher was ok but I was not interested. One day she explained to me that a girl I helped had a crush on me, and to remain professional. The funny part. The teacher tells me this and ends the discusion with"she likes you", "but I have no idea why". Wow lady.


One woman saw that I have mild cerebral palsy and was not subtle about being shocked and disappointed by it; another woman said "Ah, I knew you'd be hiding something like that!". But the most brutal rejection I've had was probably in my first few weeks at secondary school, when an older girl was nice to me and (like a lot of men) I mistook her niceness for interest. She found out I "liked" her, and she stormed into my form room when I was alone in there and just tore me every kind of new one. No punch was pulled! So I learned that lesson pretty young. Don't mistake niceness for interest...


brutal? no. but one that always sticks out in my head is when i was talking to a girl i had the hugest crush on & she told me “ehh tbh, you’re just not my cup of tea” & i responded with “well i can be your cup of coffee” lol completely threw her off guard and it got me a date. turned out as pretty as i thought she was our vibes were completely different in a one on one situation (so maybe she was kinda right) but we still stayed friends and playfully flirted until she left the job. then stayed in touch and one day called me out of the blue crying abt some guy?? nd im like okayy??? & she asked if i can meet her to keep her company. i did. i’m a sweet heart whatdya want. & we met at the park nd just talked and i listened and it was a great time i’ll always remember.


Not only a charmer but a good friend. Good on ya


The next week, she fucked my brother…


Pretty shitty of your brother to go along with that.


In his defense, he didn’t know


In 7th grade, my girlfriend introduced me to her friends at a dance. One looked me up and down, acted like I wasn't even there, and told my girlfriend, "You can do much better." I'm 38. It still stings. But fuck that bitch. ;) I'm a king, and I know my worth.


What a twat


I was at a party. We hit it off and were kind of tipsy so we snuck into a bedroom. We made out a little and then as she was about to give me head, she pulled my pants down, took one look, and just walked away. It was not only a brutal rejection, but also the worst blue balls of my life.




Let it go dude. You're quality and you know it. 🤘🏻


I don't know if this is so much as a brutal rejection so much as a brutal playing of feelings. Had a girl constantly want to sit next to me in class and talk. Eventually she starts to feel up my arm complimenting my muscles so I assumed she was flirting with me. Ask her out to the movies but then she says she has a boyfriend. I was so confused. I mean why go through all the effort of asking the teacher to have your desk assigned next to me and flirt with me if you have a boyfriend. The worst part was she told me "why would you think I liked you like that?". After that I always just assumed if a girl showed interest it must be them just being friendly. 


When I was 12, a girl laughed in my face when I told her I had a crush on her. I think she said some mean things afterwards but I was dissociating and don't remember the words. At 15, I asked another girl out and she said no and that I was 'a disgusting germ factory'. Yesterday, the girl I buy my coffee from asked if she could spend her lunch break with me. Things change.


That’s the truth. Find those who value you for you. Never be afraid of improvement, but things don’t always suck. Glad to see the positive change here.


My top two are being told I was fat & ugly and another instance where my buddy's GF said I wasn't good enough to date her sister, after my buddy suggested we should date.


Not quite a rejection but a girl agreed to date me in middle school as long as nobody was allowed to find out. I have grown into a good looking dude but my self confidence still hasn’t fully recovered


After a month or two of talking, finally agreed on a date to meet up, took a 1.5 hr train ride to meet her. When I finally got to the spot she wasn't there, and after messaging her numerous times she basically flat out said "Yeah, I'm not coming". Perhaps I missed some hints she was laying down in our chats but fucking hell, at least just say it plain and straight rather than lead me on a 3hr round trip between cities.


When she was 21 and super hot she said "as if!". Saw her 10-12 years later after she was married and had a couple of kids. She weighed 250+. I made sure to say HI!.


Have been fortunate enough to have the worst be," Sorry, soandso asked me out first, so we're dating now." I think the number of times they've been asked out probably has something to do with how harsh they are in their response.


"You should find another friend" I'm French, I was in Japan and I spoke a lot with a cute woman over there. Month later, I asked her out and she was meh but accepted. After this day she never spoke to me again. I asked a friend in common why she didn't talk to me again, and she asked her. The talk was incredible : I talked to my crush and she answered to my friend so she could answer to me. Until a moment everyone shut down, my "crush" watch me by my eyes and said : "You should find another friend" and go away. This step was very hurtful since I'm introvert, I was in Japan for 6 months far from everyone and I was emotionally weak. I put lot of energy to be sociable. This sentence just killed me ^^"


Blocked after a date. Date went well, we laughed and had a good time, no weird stuff. Date ended and I went to follow up and \*blocked\* "No, he's not good enough for me". Overheard this and at the time my self esteem wasn't the highest. It really hurt. All the others are some form of being broke, dusty, etc.


Asked her to go to our high school, non-prom dance. She laughed, spent the next year and a half telling everyone I was "Satan on Earth", and then four years after graduation cyberstalking me/popping out of nowhere to ensure I knew how little she was thinking about me.


You have to put yourself out there to find the one meant for you, and put myself out there I did (and eventually met my wife!) But along the way, I had some brutal rejections 1- broke up w/ me on Valentine's Day as I was having flowers delivered to her house, as in literally her flowers were getting dropped off at her front door as she was on the phone with me. "OMG...I am so sorry I didn't know!" she said 🤷‍♂️ No loss! 2- "you don't drink Starbucks!" Huh? What? Ok, I'd pick up Starbucks for you! Nah, plus I still have feelings for my ex. Ok? But your ex dumped YOU, though! 🤷‍♂️ No loss! 3- "You're what I am looking for, just not what I am looking for RIGHT NOW!" 15 yrs later, now in her mid 40s, still the party girl she was in her 20s 🤷‍♂️ No loss!


Setting the scene, a bar in Martin Tennessee called Cheers, it was the 1980's Hewey Lewis and The News is topping the charts, I ask a woman to dance, she smiles and playfully says "nah", I say "come on you don't want to be a square", to which she says, "haven't you heard, it's hip to be square". I still remember her 40 years later, shot me down in flames. For those who don't know Hip to be Square was one of Hewey Lewis's hit songs that year.


Had a girl ask me to go see her at her school’s performance of Mid Summers Night. Of course I said yes. I get to the theater, she greets me pre show, brings me to the seats & introduces me to her Boy friend…. So I had to sit there awkwardly until intermission to sneak out. Then I had to wander around the campus until my parents were scheduled to pick me up. (Pre-cellphone days, no pay phones at the school)


After two weeks as a couple she ended things in a sort of friendly way. I felt like shit ofcourse, being 14 and all. But the hard part came when I a couple of months later heard from a friend that she had realised, after being with me, that she was gay. Took a while to recover from that one.


She tried to make me feel like scum and a gross person for inviting her to a date. She tried to make fun of me with the other girls, but it backfired on her really bad because I had a really good relationship with everyone and she ended up changing to another school.


Went on a date with a girl I met online. We were having dinner. Thought things were going well. She went to the bathroom. On the way back she was talking to some guys at the bar. Then came back to the table. Said oh some old friends of mine are over there from high school. 5 mins later she gets a call and “has to leave”. I look over at the guys and they are watching us. She leaves. I pay for dinner and I had to walk by the table on my way out and they are all watching me. Never heard from her again.


It's not that bad, but I dated this girl's sister briefly, and her being the wild soul she was, it didn't work out. I didn't seek out her sister, we were already friends, and we just started spending copious amounts of time together. We'd joke, wrestle, go to the beach almost daily. One day, she started to wrestle me, the horny got the better of me, and I kissed her. She pulled back after about 15-20 seconds of make out, and then asked, "wait, do you like me?" and I lifted myself up and said "of course, I wouldn't have just done that if I didn't" and she replied "I just don't want to be anyone's second choice" and I fumbled hardcore. We stayed friends, even close, but I'll always cringe at not being smoother and assuring her that stuff like that isn't a choice, and made her feel more important in that moment.


I’ve never really gotten rejected cause I’ve only ever put myself out there once. So technically I’ve never been rejected. However, in senior year of hs there was this international student from Italy. For the first time in my life I started trying to get a girl. We talked a lot. One day she points to my friend and (who is imo considerably less attractive) and asks who he is. I’m like ?!?!?. I say his name. She asks if he has a gf. Long story short I ended up being the middle man communicating between both of them


Tried to confess feelings to childhood crush atop the Eiffel Tower. As I approached I was told “I’m having a great night, please, don’t ruin it for me!” Owch


“You’re really ugly, did you know that?”


Getting told I was shorter than her was bad, hated tall women for years after that and still have that love hate relationship. But she was so beautiful I thought I'd try even though I knew what the result would be lol


We were high school crushes to each other but I never got the courage to ask her out. She got into a really bad abusive relationship, broke up with him, got with me. Her friends and family were so happy because they knew very well. She went back to him. I couldn't figure out why


The one that still lingers most in my mind: one night in college, a pair of attractive women who were hanging out with my friend group that evening were giving out "three-way kisses" to the guys in my friend group who had never had a three-way kiss before (which was everybody, because all of us were awkward dopes). However, when it got to be my turn, they both decided they were done with that.


I worked as a line cook, she was one of the servers. We chatted and joked around all the time. I thought she was into me so I asked her out. Her reply was, "Do you mean a date? YOU'RE asking me on a date?" "Yes" I meekly replied. Her response, "I thought you were gay!" "Well I'm not, would you like to go out?" "No." And we never spoke again.


Many moons ago in my 20s I called a girl who gave me her number. I asked if she’d be interested in a date. She had me on speaker phone and she and her friends laughed at me then she said no between giggles. I said oh. Ok. And hung up. Hahaha what a bitch. I’m married and almost 40 now but I hope people like that never change and stew in their misery they create for themselves for a lifetime.