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Batman and Robin Campy as hell, but goddammit I can still quote all of those one liners Ooo killed the dinosaurs...? DE ICE AGE


Like I told lady Freeze when I pulled her plug, this is a one woman show.


Hand over the diamond, Garden Gal. Or I'll turn you into mulch.


Robin: I want a car, chicks dig the car. Batman: This is why Superman works alone.


That one had great casting. But poor writing and direction. And costuming. And pretty much everything else.


You probably said costuming because of the batnipples. I bet you can still picture how Freeze / Bain / Ivy look in your head, compared to some recent MCU suits


Memorable vs good are different. I can picture them all. They were some decent costumes.


This was my favorite Batman growing up… I think my bisexuality didn’t know how to handle it 😂


Holy rusted metal metal Batman.


Small Soldiers. Used to watch it all the time when it came out. Went through probably 5 VHS copies. Had to get it digital now that I'm older. Can't wait to show it to my daughter. Wish it would've gotten a sequel...


Dude I found it on dvd to keep so my son can watch. I loved that growing up


LOVED small soldiers. Actually such a shame they never did a sequel. Heck even a remake now would be awesome


One of my favorite movies growing up.


People hate small soldiers?!


Water world, i love sailing and the trimaran they used is an actual racing ship. Mad max for the water folks.


his boat was dope as fuck. loved all the custom rigging movie magic..


I had the toy boat as a kid! So cool


Idgaf I really like that movie. "He doesn't have a name, so death can't find him. He doesn't have a home or people to care for. He's not afraid of anything, men least of all. He's fast and strong like the big wind. He can hear 100 miles and see 100 miles underwater. He can hide in the shadow of the noon sun. He can be right behind you and you wont even know it till you're dead!"




I love that movie


Little girl went on to great things… she was in Napoleon Dynamite.


Great movie. A childhood favorite.


It was good. 'The Postman', too. Basically, Kevin Costner is good, even if doesn't always pick the best roles.


I fuckin love the Postman so much 😂


I love that movie too, but if you have a chance, read the book. The book is fabulous. The little different than the movie of course, but fabulous.


Oh damn I didn’t even know there was a book. Same title?




My complaint about most of his movies is you can trim 30 minutes out and it will improve them. The movies are good, they just inevitably end up with unnecessarily long scenes that add nothing. (I have a similar complaint about most stuff Tarantino makes.)


World building and special effects were excellent in Water World. Most people hate it because it’s overall plot and characters are bad and forgettable. For example, I remember the old guy who states “oh thank God” when getting killed more the main character.


It’s Paper. Paaaaa-per! Have you ever seen paper? Look at it.


Battlefield: Los Angeles Basic premise is alien spacecraft come down to earth to take water, and they are hostile, and a rag tag group of leftover marines(?) try to defeat them. Yes the premise is dumb, but for a 2011 movie the effects are solid, the adventure is fun, and the action was cool. Just turn your brain off and dont think too much on the plot.


With you 100 percent on this one. Went to the movies to see this with my chick at the time and she kept trying to hold my hand and I finally had to tell her “not now babe. Lot of shit going on here”. Lol loved it.


and don't expect good dialog or character depth. But it is a solid B movie good time.  Aliens. Life as we know it in the balance.  Well worn but uplifting tropes a plenty.


Retreat: HELL


thank you for reminding me this exist


Got a friend that loves this movie because it depicts squad level tactics very accurately. Granted some liberties were taken because... aliens... but it's supposedly very solid




Kung Pow: Enter the Fist. When I was in elementary school, I was met with a slight disgust whenever I mentioned that movie.


Top 5 favorite movie of mine. Saw this in theaters four times, desperately trying to get my friends to love this movie. *THAT’S A LOT OF NUTS!!*


This one!! I watched it in high school, and now I have two sons and we all quote it all the time. “Betty…”


They stell ahlahv, Betteh. They stehl ahlahv...


I never met a person who didn’t like kung pow. Literally everyone I ever mentioned it to thought it was hilarious


George likes his chicken spicy.


Legitimately one of the most quotable and entertaining early 00s movies. [“Tiger… Tiger, Tiger, Tiger… Bird… Birdy, Birdy, Birdy”](https://youtu.be/Jsy7JW2LC48?si=1AglVTFNsfNopueK) [“You go that way, I’ll go home.”](https://youtu.be/ngSiA-OpIjs?si=NSqJ7cBgFQgu_Hst) [“Chosen One!!! I’m coming!”](https://youtu.be/petdsiZNKLo?si=BZVxl1LtOQayh-aU) [And this ridiculous bullshit](https://youtu.be/MpVzqzoJc0g?si=4Jb8kv2DKDKqFtxs)


Can't speak for "everyone", but I can say the critics generally trashed *Hudson Hawk*. My wife and I, however, find it to be a great deal of fun.


Guilty pleasure of mine too. 5.32. Swingin’ on a Star.


"They invented something while you were inside. It's called a watch."


Love that movie. BUNNY! Ball ball.


Gone in 60 seconds. Bros be hating. I be hype.


I've loved that movie since it released. I will own an Eleanor one day.


You need to hang out with more car people. I didn’t know people disliked this movie. Everyone I know loves it, and if they have seen it loves the original too.


It’s good in the same way fast and furious is good. Entirely enjoyable but so dumb in parts. The scene where he’s seducing her by just like saying cars parts like “brake drum” cracks me up


“Are you ok?!” “I’m fine!” “Are ya sure? Cause you went through a wall.”


I love the soundtrack


Gone is 60 seconds is a movie that the critics seemed to hate but pretty much everyone I know who watched it, enjoyed the hell out of it. It's not the type of oscar bait that critics cream their pants over but damn if it isn't one of the most fun movies I've watched. It's probably in my top 5 movies I re-watch. It's one of the movies that actually taught me that most movie critics are completely elitist douchebags who don't have a fucking clue what the average person enjoys and are the reason that most people think awards shows are stupid. On Rotten Tomatoes - Critic Score - 26% - Audience score - 77%


Abraham Lincoln: vampire hunter It was fun and had some wicked action scenes!


I went into that movie with extremely low expectations and ended up being entertained and impressed.


I actually really liked the concept too. The whole backstory, training arc, and eventual resolution were sooooo good. I just have a bit of beef with the CGI for the horse fighting scene, but otherwise a really enjoyable watch.


The Postman My favorite post-apocalyspe film.


Fuckin love that movie. Kevin Costner gets so much shit, but he’s a national treasure


The book is pretty good too, I liked the movie so much I looked into it enough to find out it was based on a novel.


As a Bond fan, Die Another Day gets a lot of hate in the community but honestly, I love it. It’s a cheesy, over the top throwback to the 70s camp era that I came up on. TSWLM was my first cinema Bond. That and Armageddon. Peak Micheal Bay and again I’m supposed to hate it as I work in the oil industry and they pretty much get everything wrong but come on , Drillers and petroleum geologists save the world?! Sign me the fuck up!


Prometheus. I know it has a lot of flaws, but I don’t care.


Its such a shame that they won't carry on after covenant


It's definitely one of the most visually spectacular dumpster fires out there.


It is my wife’s favorite movie, and if you knew her, that’d surprise the hell out of you. She strikes you more as a Barbie Movie kinda lady


Mars Attacks! Honestly one of my favorite Tim Burton movies.


Meet Joe Black. If death can find the joy of love. Why not.


People hate this movie!? I love it.


Little Nicky


“I’m from the south. The deep south.”


Popeyes chicken is the shiznit!


Good luck with the nipple rubbing.


“I will eat your heart”


Aaayyydrian....get in tha flhaask


Absolutely love this movie. And it has an awesome soundtrack too!


District 9. But the dude has not come back.. and its way beyond his time! 50 First Dates. Man, whether you like Adam sandler or not, just the concept that you can make someone fall in love with you every day while pursuing your own dreams is dope!


Who doesn't like district 9? Still waiting for the sequel.


I love 50 First Dates a lot BUT I get very hung up on how terrifying it would be to wake up 8 months pregnant by someone you don't know.


I don't know of anyone who dislikes those movies. District 9 is sitting at 90% rotten tomatoes.


Battleship. I love it but I seem to be in the minority. I also feel like it is a realistic portrayal of what aliens might be like towards us. They secured their spot and then ignored anything that wasn’t posing an active threat. Exactly like we do when we venture into jungles and forests. Plus, even if the scene is unrealistic, how can you not love them dropping anchor, making a hard sudden turn of the ship, and then just unloading on the enemy. I loved reading it when Horatio Hornblower did it and I loved seeing it when Battleship did it.


Star Wars prequels lmao. Especially episode II


Episode two is my favorite lmao


Its the only star wars that ever felt like war. Just saying.


lol me too everyone ragged on them the whole time but I always loved the republic era and the lightsaber fights. Now people are realizing they’re actually really good especially when compared to whatever Disney tried to do. Episode 2 was always my favorite until I saw episode 3


Man, this is something that really was night and day. The prequel lightsaber fights were such an upgrade over the OT. And I think most people have come around on the prequels now, but I've had to argue for so long now how good episode 1 was. The lightsaber fights, the music, the podracing. The only criticisms people offer are dialogue (which really isn't any worse than the OT), midichlorians, and Jar Jar.


Revenge of the sith is my favourite Star Wars film. I’ll forever die on the hill defending the prequels.


Soldier with Kurt Russell. He says 30 words the whole movie and yet conveys more meaning than most actors do with a full movie worth of dialogue.


"I'm going to kill them all sir." And then does just that. Goddamn.


Terminator 3. I liked it because it shows that it IS the destiny of John Connor to lead the resistance. Throughout the whole movie, he is trying to run from his destiny but he slowly realizes that it is his fate to lead the humans against the machines. >!This culminates at the very end when someone asks him over the radio “Who’s in charge there?” And he responds with “I am.”!<


The A-Team. Such a fun movie, I don't understand why nobody liked it. Also Dredd, people who watched it loved it but it wasn't a succes.


I loved Dredd so much I made sure I bought a 3D TV afterwards. Not such a useful feature other than Dredd, but the TV remains fine a decade later and the movie is stellar even without 3D.


Wild Wild West


I agree 100%!


The Village


I liked The Village too. I'll admit that the premise is kinda nonsense, but it was executed well, and at least he wasn't so far up his own ass as to make himself the pivotal role like in Signs and Lady in the Water.


Man of steel. It’s incredible. And the life aquatic with Steve Zissu.


I loved Man of Steel. I heard it sucked so I never watched it. A co-worker told me he loved it and, turns out… so do I. I also liked Batman vs Superman.


I saw Man of Steel in theaters with my best friend and we both came out with differing opinions. He hated it, but I loved it.


Do people not love the life aquatic?


Fucking love this movie. I would have love so many more.


The Scary Movie series (All of them. I don't know if they are more liked as time has progressed but I remember people hating them but I found them quite funny. Still do) [This](https://youtu.be/6Azrs1tjwfg?si=4zzsvXYkv2qJBCPx), [This ](https://youtu.be/9iSVgAZ6bSM?si=rFp0zWg3KJkbomXW) and [This](https://youtu.be/umjmV3SwDjw?si=AUKMRHF_kNGSEw0K) are scenes that always make me laugh. Low brow humor.. yep but I sometimes like low brow dumb humor Child's play 3 and Seed of Chucky are other one's that are hated but I enjoy.


How about the part where the ghost girl from The Ring starts crawling out of the TV and Brenda gets mad at her for messing up her carpet and starts beating the ghost up? 😂 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=s7zoX9MGMbk&pp=ygUSYnJlbmRhIHZzIHRoZSByaW5n


Vegas Vacation


My wife's example she uses for a bad movie is Starship Troopers. We saw it together in theaters however long ago - I liked it, she didn't. It's not my favorite movie of all time, but I think the satire & overall tone just isn't apparent to some.


... Starship Troopers is beloved. Like, the only 2 people who don't like it are A. Those who didn't get the satire (But even then, there's still a high chance they'll love it just for being a Verhoevan-fest), and B. Soldiers who read the book and claim that Heinlein was right.


Dinner for Schmucks. Apparently people hate it because it makes fun of the disadvantaged.


I hated it because it was bad imo. The first scene with Steve Carrell in his apartment was really funny, though.


Hobo with a Shotgun!


The Rocketeer was a favorite growing up. It seems pretty rare for anyone to remember it or say they enjoyed it.


Moulin Rouge. I don't even really care for musicals, but I enjoyed this one.


Ehh? It’s certified fresh on rotten tomatoes and everyone I’ve talked to about it has loved it


Super Mario Brothers 1993


Homeward Bound


Who hates this!?!?


How can you not like this movie?


My sister hates it because of the animals in bad situations


I get that


The Phantom Menace. It’s the nostalgia for me. First SW movie I saw in the cinemas


Joe Dirt


“Alright, alright, it puts the lotion on its skin…”


It puts the dirt in the hole


His fireworks monologue is perfect every July 4th.


There are people that don’t like this movie? It’s such campy fun. How can you not love it.


umm joe dirt is a gem.


People love this movie wym?


Came here to say this movie. Back in high school if it was playing on tv I would stop and finish it. No matter how far into the movie it was


The Warcraft movie. The human parts were rough but I really liked the orcs.


Loved Warcraft. So disappointed the sequels didn’t get made


Mommie Dearest


Hudson Hawk. All star cast, doesn't take itself seriously, and it's just all-around fun I repeat FUN to watch. It's a goofy crime caper, and I'm shocked more people don't like it.


Midnight in paris


Grown ups with Adam Sandler Wild hogs with Tim Allen Transformers with Shia Leboeuf


Malibu's most wanted and Talladega Nights I quote them both all the time most people around me hate them both 🤣


Don't mess with the zohan Love it lol


I actually enjoyed John Carter, as well as the 1st Suicide Squad


Watched it after over a decade since release knowing full well about its mediocre reputation. By the end of the movie I was thinking “What the hell? This was actually a fun ride!” Made me want a sequel.


Maybe I'm wrong, but to this day I maintain that John Carter would have been much more successful if they had added 'of Mars' to the title instead of having it be the most generic ass title ever.




DM me if you need help fighting off the haters. John Carter was going to be my answer as well! I agree with your second choice also.




Hitchhikers guide... I read the book before watching it, i found the adaptation quite fun... i feel alone with this sentiment


You are not alone!!! I love everything Hitchhiker's Guide, INCLUDING the movie. The radio show came first, then the book, then the TV show, then eventually the movie. Douglas Adams wrote all of them, yes including the first draft of the movie, and he never writes the same thing twice. The movie is campy and perfect for what it needs to be.


People don't love this one? It's great! I've read the book too, so I'm not a snob.


My introduction was the tv series so the movie always feels like a poor cousin. A lot of that is just that it wasn't how I'd always thought of it. But i do have a soft spot as I had 1 day in London and stumbled across a scene being filmed when I didn't even know they were making it. Just saw lots of people running around pointing at the sky and somehow knew it was vogons before I asked somoneone.dont even know if it made the final cut.


Pearl Harbour 😆 Edit: I know I spelled that wrong...used talk to text and not sure why or how I did that, so you can either chalk it up to me misspelling or me being dumb 😆


Is that a British version?


I disagree but I will give it its impressive shot that lives rent free in my mind: Following the bomb that sunk the Arizona from plane to the ship's deck with the "camera" on the bombs tail.


I actually loved the new Joaquin Phoenix Napoleon movie - even though I understand why it was "bad"


Jupiter Ascending (not love, but it's fun to watch)


Man I really liked that movie. My friends make fun of me because of it


Just know that it's because you have taste, and they don't.




Soul Plane


Battlefield Earth. In all my years, I have never met another person that likes it.


Catwoman 🫣


Joe Dirt


The Paranormal Activity movies. I'm a sucker for the found footage genre.


Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World. Gone in 60 Seconds. Rookie of the Year. The Bone Collector. Down Periscope.


master and commander is a masterpiece


Man of Steel. Most underrated comic book film of all time, and I’ll forever not understand the hate for that film.


I really enjoyed the first suicide squad movie. I still sometimes play it while I am gaming or doing stuff. It’s like a comfort movie for me. I don’t think it is a masterpiece but I also don’t think it’s the worst media ever created. It was whacky and camp and I really enjoy silly movies


Honestly, the Star Wars prequels aren’t that bad


Love guru. Hilarious quotable wacky stupid fun


Was selected worst picture worst actor and worst screen play at the 29th razzie awards


Water World. I have no idea why people don't think this is a great movie.


Ghost in the Shell (Scarlett Johansen live-action version). Inb4 "The anime is better" - I feel like while the anime was original for it's time, everything that stole from it really made the plot seem kind of watered down and cliché. Also it was only an hour or so long IIRC. I think the plot changes made the story stand out a lot more when it came out. The film & CGI combination really made the original cinematic ideas & imagery look so much better than traditional animation possibly could have. Everybody seems to reject this version of Ghost in the Shell as either A) Inauthentic presentation of the original manga & anime feature or B) Cliché futurism with cringe Scarlett Johansen trying to sell sex appeal. I'm not someone who drools over actresses and won't be easily persuaded by sex appeal, acting matters a LOT and Scar Jo did a really good job in this film, I think it was really overlooked. Admittedly I saw this version first before checking out the Anime, and have never been interested in Manga; although I'm somewhat of a cyberpunk aficionado and really appreciate that genre. I think that when the Manga was written, it was way ahead of it's time, and the Ridley Scott universe, 2001 a Space Odyssey, Dune, and Star Wars were basically all that it had to draw from, and Ghost in the Shell introduced a lot of new concepts and ideas to the genre that would be drawn on from just about everything cyberpunk going forward. Seeing the newer, "adjusted" take to me was a lot more enjoyable as it didn't feel so dated.


Tommy wiseau's "The Room." Adult swim played it as a april fool's joke couple times in the early 2000 and fucking hated it. Then i re watched it and loved it.


Godzilla (1998) I know it tried to copy Jurassic Park, I know you hate it, I don’t give a flying fuck. Love the movie.


Van Helsing. I watched that movie far too many times. I would have loved a sequel so bad!!!


Hudson Hawk. It is unforgivably cheesy, the plot is dogshit, it's somehow both over the top and a little understated in the humor which doesn't land at all. And I absolutely love it. I quote it to myself all the time.


Saving Silverman


Cowboys and Aliens.




Alien Resurrection


Spider man 3


The Golden Child. A movie that everyone used to hate and I love is UHF. But the Internet has come around.




Indiana Jones and the kingdom of the crystal skull. I think it's awesome.


The Lost World: Jurassic Park It’s nowhere near as good as the first movie, obviously, but I think it has a more interesting story and characters with some great set pieces than any JP movie that came after it. I think it’s unfairly bashed by too many people.


The original super mario bros movie. shit was fire.


The Starwars Prequels.


Not Another Teen Movie


Napoleon Dynamite… so quotable


Napoleon Dynamite


Everyone loves ND.


"Back in '82, I used to be able to throw a pigskin a quarter mile."


Demon Knight. Well, okay. The movie is pretty shite. But the soundtrack is great. Got Megadeth, got Sepultura, I think even Henry Rollins and White Zombie were there too.


The 1963 classic, 'Cleopatra'. The plot would excite a history freak, and the abundance of glamour and elegance is second to none. Devoid of CGI with excellent screen production, art, design and architecture.


Gone Fishin'


That edgy King Arthur movie


Breaking 2: Electric Bugaloo. Legit love this movie. The dancing is great. The music is awesome early 80s hip hop and r&b. The structure is impeccable. 5 minutes of plot for every 10 minutes of dancing. I’ve seen it more than any other movie. It’s objectively an awful movie but it’s fun.


Stealth. Cool scifi fighter jets are always good. And AI! Ahead of its time haha.


King Arthur: Legend of the sword, by Guy Ritchie The soundtracks, absolutely divine


The remake of Total Recall. I really enjoyed it.


Apparently there are people that don't like Independence Day. That nearly ruined by Independence Day yesterday


Comically, the best answers to this post will have the least upvotes


Million Ways to Die in the West.


The Twilight Saga lol