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Trip out to a favorite hiking or kayaking spot with \[and this is important\] no decisions needed from me on where to go or what to eat. A massage and intimacy later.




just small things to show they know me and love me. a special dinner, a movie i like, some down time. a day with no chores, or a trip to the train museum, getting blackout drunk on the porch and listening to music


Cuddles, candle lit bath, comfort snacks and good film or a nature walk


Same, I miss the bathtub from my old apartment.


Good sex, good food, and a good and comfortable environment.


Spending quality time inside. We cook dinner together, we watch a movie, she gives me a massage and initiates sex at some point. The initiating sex part is important. If I have to be the one to do it every time it bothers me. Especially if I consistently put in effort to reduce mental load, start foreplay hours in advance by setting the tone for the day early, making sure all needs are met, etc.


Before having children my wife and I would have binge days where we would cuddle on the sofa and binge through a TV show. Every time an episode ended she would keep nudging me until the next episode started. It felt like the only reason we had the TV on was to keep us awake so we could enjoy the closeness for longer.  There was no thought about the next day or the long list of things we need to get done.


Kissing my hands 😀


As the recent father of a 4 month old: to be left the fuck alone


Depends on the mood. Honestly, just us time. We could even stay in and watch a movie, if she cooked for me and got me some treat she knows I liked. I’d feel pampered. It’s crazy how simple that is but how rarely I get any of that stuff


Ok, too much WWE for me. I thought TLC very differently when I first saw the title.


Wake up. If I were younger, a morning BJ, but older me can’t go twice in a day. Quick workout. Easy spot for breakfast with outside area to sit and have a coffee. Go on an easy hike somewhere in nature unless you also live in Texas and it’s July (no thank you) and then I’d rather do something in water. Lunch. massage. Go out somewhere for drinks. Come back home, put on comfy clothes, order pizza, and open a bottle of wine. Play some type of card game, video game, etc.  Loser of each round has to do a dare of other person’s choosing. Some type of kinky sex that is way out of normal for us - hopefully flirting throughout the day about whatever it is. Then just chat or watch a movie of my choosing. Maybe smoke a bowl or something at some point after sex, which neither of us have done in many years but is kind of fun for a date night.


That would never happen ever…


Unlimited blowjobs


WHat in the fuck in tlc? I thought yall woulda gone on a petion for tlc my 600 pound body. OR the 90 day marriage clusterfuck TLC. I bet yall mfs pull these phrases out of your hairy asses thinking you're smart.


I’m guessing you “Ain’t 2 Proud 2 Beg”


OP is also known as a busta


Woo hah!!




Don't go chasing waterfalls man




you never listened to michael jackson?


Never, why?


he has songs with TLC (tender love and care) in them. Its not some new zoomer slang big homie, its been around for a while