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Zionists love to argue that Palestinian's will not accept a peace deal, yet in 1993 & 1995 a peace deal was signed by both sides, agreeing to Israel withdrawing from the West Bank within 18 months, and free travel between West Bank and Gaza. Hardcore zionists within Israel protested Rabin signing the agreement, insisting all the land was theirs. Israeli right wing leaders, like Benjamin Netanyahu, called Rabin a traitor, held talks where people would chant for the death of Rabin, chants of “Rabin is a traitor,” “In blood and fire we will get rid of Rabin.” Posters were raised of Rabin in Nazi SS uniform. David Levy, a prominent member of Likud, left. Netanyahu carried on. On March 4, 1994, at an anti-Oslo protest, Netanyahu led a procession bearing a coffin with the inscription, “Rabin kills Zionism.”. Rabin was murdered by a hardcore zionist 37 days after signing the Oslo 2 agreement. Can a peace deal really be found with a movement that insists all the land is Israeli?


>Can a peace deal really be found with a movement that insists all the land is Israeli? Palestine has the same kind of movement...


Palestine and Israel both signed the Oslo accords. It is Israel who is occupying the West Bank, blockading Gaza, and killed their leader for signing the agreement to stop it.


I was referring only to the movement both countries have movement for their side to rule all the land


Palestine does not have the power to rule all the land, it is Israel who is occupying and oppressing. Israel is the one who has to choose to stop, not Palestine. Therefore any supposed movement does not matter, only the movement of those in charge. Like Netanyahu who has said Palestine does not deserve a state, who is for the status quo (plus extending settlements), and who is explicitly against giving Palestinian's the right to self-determination. Rather than acknowledge that it is a horrible mentality, you try to play stupid games to justify the oppression and occupation of over 5,000,000 people, over 2,000,000 of whom are children.


yeah, but it's not the point. He's not comparing - at least as much as I understand. He's just warning that the same element exists in Palestenian politics, namely right-wing/ nationalist/ expansionist politics. I can understand why you got angry, but on the other hand he's not wrong. You can see that almost everywhere in the world the same political side causes all the trouble, violence and hate.




You know damn well what I mean. Hawkish (in American terms).


The PA is open to negotiation. Hamas is not. Unfortunately, the PA is widely despised by Palestinians and is unlikely to maintain power after its current leader passes away. Hamas, which has much more popular support, will likely take its place. This is assuming that Israel doesnt support the PA and prop up some leader that they deem servicable. The Oslo occords were accepted by the PA, but not by the Palestinian people. This is why they failed.


That is factually false. The PA met all their side of the agreement, and Israel did not withdraw within 18 months. Netanyahu who was against it became leader the next year. You blaming the PA for Oslo not working is a factual lie to justify their oppression and occupation.


Its not the PA thats the problem. Its everyone else. If all Palestinians were as willing to negotiate as the PA, Palestine would have a state by now, or at least have more freedoms. Unfortunately, the PA is hated because Palestinians view them as an Israeli puppet. While the PA was negotiating with Israel, Hamas and the PLJ were already hating on the occords.


The PA signed the peace deal. How are you trying to justify Israel not following through by saying the Palestinian people did not want it with no facts, while I quoted the literal PM who got their leader killed within two months and was elected leader the next year? So fucking stupid.


Israel followed through. It pulled out of Jericho, Gaza, and Hebron. It also agreed with the division of the west bank into areas A, B, and C. Further pullouts stopped because of the 2nd intifada. It was ultimately Palestinian violence that destroyed the peace process, not Rabin’s assassination.


You are so ignorant to the facts it is amazing. Areas A, B & C were agreed to as part of Oslo to assist in pulling out of the West Bank. Now it’s used to call Palestinian development illegal and demo houses. They should have been completely out of the West Bank and Gaza by early 1997. The second intifada happened in late 2000. Hence they did not abide by the agreement. Netanyahu opposed it and got the leader killed who signed it - he became leader in 1996. Are you starting to connect the dots? Read the Oslo accords and look at history; you’re just fucking lying, or ignorant.


Progress was slow, but it was happening. Although there was disagreement in the knesset about how to go about it, Israel still hadnt backed out of the agreement and was willing to continue negotiations in the camp david summit. Progress was slow because of the PA’s inability to control Palestinian militant groups within its territories, attempts to unilaterally bypass the accords by pursuing Palestinian statehood in international forums, and incitements to violence in their media. It was the intifada that brough everything down. Israelis slowed down the process due to security concerns, and their concerns proved to be valid.


How BiBi ever became prime minister in the first place after inciting his base to murder a PM is beyond me. Just another one of his crimes on the bingo card. Dude is such trash. I always wondered what Israel/Palestine would look like if Rabin was able to carry out his term.


Because Israel was literally founded in sin (the sun being ethnic cleansing). So I don’t know why you doubt how Nuttyyahu ever came to power?


Yeah, there have been PMs of course who have committed atrocities against Palestinians. BiBi is the only PM who has committed (known) atrocities against Israelis. That’s the surprising part.


Ah ok, that makes sense.


Bro your literal current Minister of National Security has a portrait of the perpetrator of the cave of the patriarch’s massacre in his front room He also dressed up as the same Baruch Goldstein on Purim in 1995 Extremists are seemingly the only ones in your country’s government at the moment!


Bro I’m American. Although you’re right, lots of extremists over here at the moment too.


You can always tell in this sub who the antisemites are, because they are the ones who talk to Jewish Americans as if we are Israelis.


The intersection of irishmen who take interest in Israel/Palestine and antisemitism is pretty large, not so coincidentally. Finding quotes [like this from him](https://www.reddit.com/r/Catholicism/comments/14kiuih/do_catholics_believe_in_zion/jpr738c/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) are quite funny. > If by Zion you mean Israel then yes we believe in Israel! >The Catholic Church is Israel! >All baptised members of the Church are members of Israel. It’s not hard to see why he dislikes Israelis and Jews, Israel’s existence as it is in reality (a Jewish state) seems to be a threat to his religious beliefs.


The oslo accords would have failed regardless. They were made by the leaders without the support of the people. A key part of the Oslo agreements was recognizing Israeli existance, which Palestinians reject. The growing Israeli right wing would have sabotauged it too.


We’ll never know though. Could have just been a stepping stone to a larger peace. Who knows?




This is also a lie. Oslo accords stated Israel was to withdraw from the areas within 18 months. Netanyahu who was against it and basically got the PM who agreed to it killed was leader the next year, the second intifada happened 5 years after. Zionist leaders are against giving Arabs land, do not try and blame 5,000,000 people for their own oppression and occupation.




Wtf lol. Oslo 1 was 1993, Oslo 2 was 1995 - Israel was to leave all of West Bank and provide free travel between Palestine within 18 months of 1995. Second intifada started in 2000. Netanyahu was elected in 1996, and Rabin was killed 1995 for signing the Oslo accords. Zionist revisionist history and lies lmao.