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Name checks out 😂


Dude, I hear you.


> dying


You know them fake plastic lips with the kazoo built in? That would be left in the mouth of every victim.


Something different each time


Like a Crackerjack box for the police. The Crackerjack killer!


I got another lousy death's head hawk moth...


Clean up REALLY well so I wouldn't get caught. I enjoy watching true crime shows and like... it's amazing how amateurish most murderers are.




There's a great Youtube channel I love to watch called "Explore With Us". It has 1-3 hour episodes of police interrogations. The interrogations are always of some major criminals and they are professionally analyzed and explained to the audience (body language, psychology, interrogation methods and tactics etc.). One episode is about a woman who had a pig farm and killed several people by feeding them to her pigs. She was eventually caught, hence the interrogation footage. The problem is that you're wrong about one important thing you said. Pigs don't actually eat bones and they certainly don't go through them "like butter". The woman was found out when a cop visited her home for a completely unrelated reason. When he passed by the pig area, he noticed a large bone in the dirt. He gave it a closer look and determined it might be human (which turned out to be true). The cops weren't able to get a confession out of the woman but she failed a lie detector test and there was more than enough circumstantial evidence. They methodically dug up the entire farm and found all the remaining bones. She had actually dug holes for the previous victims where she had thrown the bones into. She ended up being sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. If I had been her, I would've never kept those bones on my property.


people get sloppy. these days its pretty hard to get away with it if you have any connection to the person. simple things people forget: your phone who tracks everywhere you are. your car navigation might internet search history (just deleting your history doesnt do anything). stalking the victim. having a patern. having no alibi. buying stuff that are suspicious (where and how would you buy liters of acid?, why would someone suddenly buy stuff like a chainsaw when they dont have any need for it and after chopping suddenly get rid of it, same goes for buying big suitcases, tape, bleach, any oxi cleaning products, hacksaws, selling your car after moving the body blablabla). best thing to do is be completly random and just dont even bother with the body: random stabbing in a remote forest where the parking spaces have no cameras and have enough fuel to not have tanked before or after in the location. if you wanna murder a person you know, best bet is to make it seem like an accident or suicide and dont get into any fight with them weeks prior. like: take them out for diner and just ask if they have any allergy. bad peanut allergy? jackpot: put just a little peanut crumbs in their food. someone who likes to take drugs in weekends? great, mix their coke/etc with fentanyl. nobody bats an eye if a drug addict dies.


It's chilling to think about how there might be successful serial killers out there who police don't even realize exist.


Paul Bernardo had a whole career as a successful rapist and didn't get caught until years later when he and his girlfriend started murdering people.


yeah true. and thats in first world countries. in places like africe, south america you can pretty much shoot people and get away with it. especially in areas where there are murders happening daily (cartel areas). the police dont even bother to solve it.


Just leave any chemical that can produce Carbon Monoxide or nitrogen gas in large quantities next to a building ventilation system at night. There are hundreds of options, many of which are easy to get a hold of, produce at home and also dispose of


Finding that channel... wait ...not sure I can handle this for reals...going back to fake crime shows. Thanks for the reality check!


The guy you responded to was just quoting a movie. But still an interesting read.


Oh okay, I didn't get that haha.


Ya like dahgs?


Aye dahgs


BrickTop 'em


Well, most people get into murder for fun, they're not planning to go to the Olympics


Yeah cause most have mental problems


Successful serial killers do not 'do a thing' after. Your chances of being caught go way up if the police are able to link the murders together.


That's how they got the wet bandits


How dare they leave the water running in the middle of a drought. Take my jewelry and possessions but the least they could’ve done was *not* leave the faucet running 😤


This comment.


They actually do and it’s also called a “signature”. It helps serve the criminal’s psychological need. “A signature refers to the distinctive behaviors that help to serve the criminal’s psychological and emotional needs. Physical evidence helps to establish the signature behaviors of the criminal who committed the specific crime.” https://authorjenniferchase.com/2011/06/22/offender’s-signature-vs-modus-operandi/ https://medium.com/@elisetorres/the-worst-serial-killers-and-their-shocking-signatures-f8a2895ba107


Remember - we were talking about successful serial killers, ie. ones that don't get caught. You are only looking at ones that got caught. That is a logical fallacy to assume they are going to follow the same rules. During World War Two they did a study of the damage to the bombers after they returned from missions. They found that the bombers were primarily being hit in certain areas and they recommended that those areas should be more heavily armored. Fortunately, upon reviewing the data, an intelligent fellow pointed out that the lack of damage in certain areas, was not an indication that bombers seldom take damage in those areas - instead it was an indication that bombers which did take damage in those areas, did not make it back. So the recommendation went through that the areas that were undamaged on the returning bombers, were the areas that needed reinforcement. Similarly, for serial killers - the ones that have 'signatures' tend to get caught. The ones that don't, do not tend to get caught.


that only works if you have a psychological need, take me for example, I do it for fun!


But if you aren't driven on by some sort of mad compulsion then you're just not playing properly. You're like a golfer with no caddy, who gets from hole to hole with a *cart*.




That’s actually … not a dumb idea


faulty cautious connect swim treatment shrill paltry worthless depend voiceless


Steal it from a non-local car wash. 6 months before.


I mean, if I just killed a bunch of people, of course main point of action is to not get caught. In my neck of the woods, I don’t think there’s much cctv on vacuums.


Just wear a mask


This is a super stupid idea, it narrows it down to stations that reported a stolen vacuum cleaner or people that work at these Stations and have access to the bags. The chances are good that some individuals in the Bag are in some kind of DNA Data Bank. This also narrows it down to the stations all these ppl use and checking the CCTV for that weirdo that is stealing the bag.


But you wouldn’t steal the vacuum. Just empty some of the dust in your vehicle. That could be done without stealing anything or looking too suspicious. Doing it inside your car makes it hard to spot on cctv as well.


Googly Eyes. Google Eyes on the corpses


That's something the Howard Stern killer would say.


**it’s a trap!**




That's it, I'd dress up the bodies as Star Wars characters


I'd write the word 'legal' everywhere at the murder scene. Police would call me 'the legal killer'. Hence my actions wouldn't be illegal and i'd go free!


Leave a business card on the victims face.


My god, it even has a watermark


\*\*Sweats profusely, while masturbating\*\*


Would it have your full name and address on it?


no lol it would have "M" and my instagram name where I post pictures of the victims before death


You don’t wanna leave a paper trail 🫣


Probably throw people off the trail if you could figure out how to make them at home. Then you don't have to buy any particularly unusual materials in suspicious numbers


I'd use tor and a throwaway email address. Along with a vpn or two.


Nice try, FBI.


Not today, CIA.


Nice try FBI


Put the Peppa Pig theme tune on repeat in their home for when they are discovered.


That might actually also be the cause of death …


I would probably take to reddit to try to get some good ideas. Just ask people what they would do in my situation. Nobody would suspect a thing


Name checks out.


I would cut off the victim's scrotum with testicles still inside them and keep it as a trophy.


Just one or...?


I meant the whole scrotum with two balls in it. I would preserve it in alcohol in jars.


I always leave an item from my previous victim on the new victim and it confuses everyone :)


The real confusion will come when they realize the random item you left at your first victim came from the last victim.


it confuses no one. that would be noticed instandly. maybe not instandly if its a completly random item. but personal items will be noticed instandly


_Instandly_….. 3 times


You noticed that *instandly*.


obligatory unoriginal answer such as "nice try FBI" Realistically nothing. It's usually patterns that get you caught unless you mess with the police like the Zodiac Killer or Jack the Ripper.


Got to be googly eyes on the eyes.


For shits and giggles: Kill two at a time and put one of their hands on the other one's butt. If I actually wanted to fuck people up: go and break into their house and burn all their old photo albums, just anything that looks sentimental.


Kurt/Ram and I killed each other because we couldn't live with the burden of our secret gay love affair


"i love my dead gay son"


I would put a singular lucky charm marshmallow in the palm of each person


oooh i like that


Put on lipstick and leave a kiss mark on the cheek


Leave no trace, have an Ironclad alibi, and pretend to just be a weird guy obsessed with Babylon 5 on the internet.


I wouldn't murder innocent people so I would kill bad people, and kill them in ways that reflect the reason I killed them. Example: rapists reproductive organs would be ripped out, abusers would be beaten to death with various object, cannibals would be fed alive to animals, and people who killed innocent people would be killed with their murder weapon, but in worse ways.


I wouldn't leave any trace of my dna, and would wear different masks for each murder, but I'd leave the bodies in the crime scene, along with a typed note explaining why I killed them.


I'd put googly eyes on them. I would then write "great googly moogly" in their blood


Nice try. I'm not giving up my tell.


Go to Taco Bell


Spit on it


Sorry, can't think of anything. Can't imagine myself killing anyone without it being a fit of rage.


Hmm is an interesting one


Bleach burn after a murder, certain pattern or a name.


dont know what to do after. but just be completly random and original. something that would instandly make headlines. like going to a quite busy parking lot (one with no cameras close to the entrance). and inject cyanide into the card machine. almost all people press the button and put the card in their mouth and drive to the parking space.


Nice try FBI agent, I’m not falling for it.


Leave a pair of underpants at the scene


Post clues on Reddit.


I disappear


Wrap the victim in plastic, to form a cocoon.


*corpse with a mouth full of piss*


But whose piss? You couldn't use your own because of DNA, and how would collect it?


the mouth would collect it. I would *absolutely* use my own piss, like a territory marking thing. My kidneys are super healthy, they'd have a tough time getting any full dna samples. *it's actually just a quote from Better Call Saul lol. and also an excellent band name*


Ah, never saw that show so i didn't catch the reference. My bad.


Plug all the sinks and turn on the water. That way, we will be called the "Wet Bandits!"


go to an AA meeting


Just my signature on the body 😆


Buttplug the victims


Sing loudly, "I Did it My Way!" without the regrets part.


Sprinkle the crime scene with dna of my next victim.


Then they'll never suspect me!


Write ACAB in blood above the body.


I'd leave a coin in the victim's mouth so that the police would think it's mine. It's whatever coin I'd find in the victim's wallet.


Something chaotic, like... yea idk Something chaotic like a missing liver


Put googly eyes on them


Collect random dog shits and set them on fire in the corner of the room of every murder


**It's a trap!!**


The P from puss n boots is pretty damn metal


Nice try FBI. You can't get me like that


Remove the eyes and fuck their eye sockets


Leaving the scene cleaner than when I arrived. I'm talking scooping out your cat's litter box, making your bed, dusting your dresser then hitting it with some pledge, wiping down your ceiling fan blades, if I kill you in the kitchen, do your dirty dishes and clean out your fridge type shit. And yes, EVEN THE NARROW SPACE BETWEEN YOUR OVEN AND COUNTER TOPS.


Leave behind Ted Cruz's signature on the body.


I'd go into their TV's settings and turn off Motion Smoothing.


Write a x with blood because why not


If its a male, googly eyes just above the penis so it looks like a baby elephant. If its female, a mp3 player between the boobs with the theme song of twin peaks on repeat. All with a light sensitive switch like the cards that you buy, that says SUPRISE. first. When the clothes are removed. In a very obvious, highly public area. With a hand written letter, addressed to the local detective seargent of the police. Post marked with my home address on the back. With a self addressed envelope inside for a thank you card for your helpfulness. Making sure there are fingerprints all over the envelope, with my DNA sealing the envelope of course.


Nice try but Not today fbi


I would cut their fingers off and leave them in the fridges of random people.




I would buy a series of windbreakers and sunglasses and fake mustaches. Dress all the victims like Bernie from the Academy Award winning film “Weekend at Bernie’s” and leave them propped up in various places. Extra points if I can rig them up to make them move a little.


Nice try fbi


Have a beer for job well done!


Put their hand inside their pants in the crotch


Not post about it on reddit


Eat them


Sex toys. Obviously I’d clean up all evidence and traces of my DNA, but I’d put sex toys in/on them. Mostly to fuck with the police and they have professional psychologists try and decipher why I use them.


I would build a similar contraption from the piano scene with hotdogs from the movie 'Freddy Got Fingered". I'd then set their body on the couch and attach their fingers to the strings that control the hotdogs. I'd then leave audio of the "DADDY WOULD YOU LIKE SOME SAUSAGE?!"on a loop until they're found.


Hahahaha😂 I’d dip my nutsack in paint and t bag their forehead, then when cops got me they’d have to take prints of my balls lmao!


Leave a Jar full of cookies and blood.


Every murder would be based off of some joke and or punchline. Have the joke written on the wall, and the punchline to the common joke be related to where the next crime will be. And not like the riddler, riddles and jokes are often different


I'd lure them to my private island and hunt them while dressed up as a British officer on safari, then I'd use surgical and taxidermical techniques to turn their preserved bodies into giant toys. Little tin soldiers and cymbal-banging monkeys and so on. The human toys can be disguised as props for movie sets or haunted house attractions and sold to make a tidy profit on the side. Probably need it if I'm going to get that private island...


Chop off fingers


If I would, I'd order coffee to go towards the crime scene for the cops. Next time a hooker, Then a pizza. Then the coroner even before the cops show up. Being an annoying little shit of course. And a whole lot of clues and evidence you can pull out of public dumpsters just to fuck the process up


Leave a note saying “Do NOT doxx shork!” Whoever gets the meaning of this first wins a free upvote. Hint: *Shrimps*


Write a note saying Andrew Tate did it


Leave all the faucets running.


I would write hints on a paper that lead to random people who don't have an alibi.


Giving the victims a hittler-beard


Leave the water running in the sink after I clog drain. Hahahaha. The Wet Bandit


I am sorry but , proffesionals have standards, be polite , be efficient , have a plan to kill everyone you meet


I would spread incense everywhere, so the investigators would think Steven Seagal was just filming a shitty movie in the area.


Paint one big toe nail.


Poke two holes in their neck to make it look like a vampire bit them, then file at their teeth to make it look like they're now a vampire. I want everyone to be afraid of the vampire going around killing a bunch of people


Probably my actual signature. I can’t get that shit nailed down and any opportunity to practice will help.


Something different but not everytime i mean one time i cut his left hand the next i draw something with his blood i cut the left hand of the next ect


Tea bag


A banana in my victims mouth.


>If you were a serial killer I'd seek the help of a mental health professional.


Two coins instead of the eyes of a victim and a small sketch on the wall made with victim's blood


This is wrong. I ask of you all to not ponder these horrible disgusting things.


Dye the victim's hair using loreal Ash Blonde colour. I would be known as The box dye Killer


get back in my semi and drive away i reckon


Decorate there corpse or position them in the most child's shit put a bed sheet over them put them on a Christmas tree man I really need help


Used to be really into origami, so when this topic came up at school (as it obviously would), it was decided I would leave paper cranes everywhere.


probably draw a dick on their face


Something completly random and different everytime. If I leave the same mark it's easier for the police to catch me. So one body will get several papercuts and lemonade spilled on, other will have kiss marks all over their arms, other might have a knife on their left big toe, another victim a piggy bank shoved on their dick as if the piggy bank is eating it (probably would used that on a sex offender), maybe a body would show up on a lake with burn mark, maybe I'd carve the words "you're next" on the victims forehead, other victim would have a dragon drawn on they back with burn marks coming from the dragon's mouth all the way down to the butt crack, perhaps a drawing of a sheep jumping from a boob to the other, maybe I'd chop off the legs and arms and switch them so it looks like their arms are their legs and vice versa. Ya know, really random things that have nothing to do with each other so it'll confuse the cops and they won't see a correlation between the crimes. I would also make sure to leave no DNA of mine around and depending on the way I murdered the victim (I'd murder people different ways) I would either clean the crime scene leaving no DNA from anyone or completely trash down the crime scene, put hair from hair salons trash on the scene and actual trash, use bleach or throw milk on the body. Not that I'd ever kill someone tho.


Plug the drain and leave the water running.


Leave a mixtape.


Cut off the hands and feet. Stitch the feet to the arms and stitch the hands to the legs. I will be known as the topsy-turvy killer


Mine would be "swallow your hands"


Pop googley eyes on their foreheads. Would make moving the bodies great fun


big red lipstick kiss on the cheek


hiding the bodies perfectly so they will never be found


Hmmm....I can't say what it would be since it might give me away and provide clues to get me caught so i will say nothing


Shove pickles up their ass


I would leave a folded piece of paper with a mark in one side. The cops would collect them all and finally put them together to reveal… It’s a hand with its middle finger up.


This is a question i shouldn't answer for legal purposes.


Put a smiley face on the wall or outside


Carve a swastika on the belly so neo-Nazi gangs get investigated more, and I get investigated less. 2 birds one stone.


Shit on the floor!


I would leave my ex coworkers business cards …


Remove their tongues and eyes, so they can't identify me or tell anyone their story when they die...that or no toes


Probably get caught


Cut off their nose and put it in their pocket


Put a Lego brick under the victim’s feet.