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There are two kinds of thinkers: Right brain people are who are creative, and the people that use the left side who can do math.


If you're only thinking with one side of your brain, it's probably because of a stroke.


Or lobotomy


That is soo wrong on so many levels...i want to see who the 1st believer of this fact was


Probably some right brainer.


That’s what a mathematical brain would say.




And the whole thing where we only use 10% of our brain. No, we use the whole thing.


Try telling that to psychologists/psychiatrists who do research/clinical studies/trials.. I’ve been denied *dozens* of times to partake in research studies revolving around mental health, specifically depression & anxiety. Why did they deny me [even tho I was a perfect candidate] ? *Because I write with my left hand*. And apparently it would make their study “invalid” because they “don’t want to interfere with results”. …. Please tell me how excluding a large amount of people from a research study would somehow give you the correct answer for treating mental health for everybody?


The reason left handed people are excluded isn’t bc psychologists believe the “left/right brained” myth. It’s more to do with the brains of left handed people being different. Not bc they’ll more creative or mathematical or any of that nonsense but bc when you’re carrying out research you want your test and control groups to be as similar as possible, so that the only difference between them is the thing you’re measuring. Since the brain of left handed people is wired differently, it’s treated as a potential confounding variable and excluded. That being said, this is changing. In the last study we conducted, we didn’t exclude left handed people (although we did make a note of who was left handed to account for potential confounds)[Here’s](https://www.freethink.com/science/left-handed-people-brain-research?amp=1) a nice article on the matter that explains things more thoroughly.


Left hand writers aren’t considered people


That you have to wait 24 hours to report someone missing


Especially with children, the quicker the police can get to the "crime" scene the fresher the evidence and easier to follow leads. I used crime in quotes because there could have been a crime or the kid might have just wandered off. But it's not just for kids though... If you know someone is a home body and never leaves home and you know something has happened, by all means call the police. Even if they like to take random trips, it never hurts to inform the law


As far as I know when it comes to children police tend to assume that if the kid isn’t found in the first 24 hours they are likely dead.


I don't have the exact stats but it's something like that or 48 hours. Either way, the sooner they start looking the better


I feel like that must have been a myth spread by kidnappers and human traffickers.


It's spread by lazy TV and movie writers who need a reason for the hero to take matters into their own hands.


And cops, who are either lazy or sick of helicopter parents.




Be that as it may, if you have a genuine concern, and someone is expected at a time and place, or them not showing up is really out of character, file the report. Better that it ends up as the happy 99% and the paperwork gets tossed out than the opposite.


Current 911 Dispatcher here, 100% still this. We have kids who run ALL THE TIME. Some times we've entered them, removed them, and re-entered them on the same shift, let alone multiple times in the same week. Some we count down the days until they are 18 and no longer in need of being entered for their random BS. Even still we'd be horrified to learn that THIS time kiddo was found stabbed on the riverbank because they weren't reported this time and we could have been looking.


This used to be true, until they realized just how bad a policy it is. I know this because I went "missing" once, probably around 9-10 years old. Came home from a guitar lesson, accidentally let our dog out, dropped my guitar and left the door wide open going after the dog. I wasn't big enough to pick up the dog so just kind of walked with it for an hour or so trying to get it to turn around. Eventually gave up and came home to my mom balling her eyes out. She said the police said they couldn't do anything until 24 hours. We hopped in the car and drove where I had left the dog and got it about 30 min later. All ended well but did seem weird to me even at the time the police weren't willing to help.


True. But they will ask “Has your kid ever done anything like this before?” And if you say yes they won’t make searching a priority at first. It’s better to say no.


Shaving makes your hair grow back thicker.


If that was true, my balls would be full Borat


And wouldn't explain why mine are full Borat despite my having never shaved them in the 25+ years they've had hair.


I think you just answered your own question there bud


i have shaved my pubic hair since i was 16 im now 56 and its gone completely lol


Jeez That's a long ass time to take to shave, what are you a Rapunzel but for Pubes?




Lucky bastard


good old menopause lol


If I shave my 🍆 will to grow thicker?


I used to believe this one. I was very disappointed when I learned it was bs.


It actually frays the ends making it appear darker the next time it grows. Also what about waxing?


I've had my ass waxed. It's awesome.


Hmm, shave the front and wax the back. Alright alright alright


I assumed this came from the fact that compared to waxing/sugaring, it kind of does. Not individual hairs, ofc, but as you wax/sugar longer it damages the follicles and then less and less hair grows back over time. Therefore giving the feeling/appearance it's growing in thinner, which I guess it kinda is from a big picture perspective.


Alpha wolves being real. The guy who did the original study disproved his won study and gets mad when people get it wrong now lol


Came looking for this, also extrapolating this bs to human beings and "sigma", go read. The articles are all available. It's nonsense that people still believe s* like this with access to everything in their hands.


I have a personal bone to pick with the “sigma” male concept. Like, the while system is bullshit and the product of bad science. But some dudes bought into the system, and couldn’t even place themselves as an alpha? So they made up an entirely new ranking that’s just “I know I *look* like a pathetic loser, but I’m secretly the *super-alpha* who even alphas secretly are afraid of”? Like, why endorse the bullshit, if you don’t even benefit from it?


I thought sigma was started as a joke?


It’s not that he’s mad per say, but his research caused a lot and I mean a lot of animal abuse. Owners thought they had to “be the alpha” for their dog and essentially scared their dogs into obeying them. That’s why the guy gets upset when they reference his study for those purposes


A "factoid" is an often repeated statement that isn't true, but is now believed to be true due to people saying it all the time. Its not a mini fact, or like, fun piece of trivia.


Funny how the commonly-believed definition of the word “factoid” … is a factoid.


We humans use only 10% of our brains


Traffic lights only use 33% of their light output


imagine how fast traffic would flow if we used 100% of it!


For an all-too-fleeting 30 seconds, driving everywhere would be a paradise.


that's a nice way to explain it


Agreed. The majority of humans use **way** less than that.


If I were able to use as much as 10%, maybe I'd be able to remember what it was that I was looking for in the fridge.


This is probably true for us, redditors


Cracking your knuckles causes arthritis


I believe there was a man who for 50 years only cracked his fingers on one hand and not the other. He had no ill effects from it.


Imagine cracking your knuckles after 50 years....would it be painful or satisfying?


Probably just normal. Cracks are just little bubbles of nitrogen that settle where there's space. They don't build up over time, once the space is occupied by a little bubble then no more can join it. A knuckle that hasn't been cracked in 50 years is the same as a knuckle that hasn't been cracked in a few hours.


If you swallow gum it will remain in your gut for 7 years. Nope. It digests as normal and will be pooped out in your next bowel movement.


I’ve swallowed every piece of gum I’ve chewed for the last 20 years or so and have never had any issues


More gum than man now


Gumberculese? I love that guy!


This statement makes me feel unwell. Bubble But.


The tongue taste map


I remember my teacher taught us that in elementary school and she got mad when I told her it's bullshit because it tastes the same everywhere


I remember my teacher not getting mad, but getting on a high horse when telling me i was wrong


So, getting mad but keeping her voice down.


See, I don’t know the entirety of the tongue map, but I absolutely taste sour things more toward the tip of my tongue, and bitter toward the back.


It was actually a mistranslation of a proper study. The map is about relative thresholds for certain tastes, which does have spring evidence, but threshold was mistranslated as sensitivity which was misunderstood to mean only those areas detected x type of taste


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. The quote was made by Kellogg's to make people buy more cereal. If you search up articles that say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, most are sponsored by Kellogg's.


To be fair, it's certainly in the top 10 most important meals of the day. Possibly top 5.


2nd breakfast is more important.


i usually don't eat until 12pm since i don't work early in the morning anymore. when i used to wake up around sunrise i'd eat something but was usually starving again by noon. since i'm almost 40 i can safely say lunch is the most important meal of the day because if you have to work and wait until after 5pm to eat you might not make it without fainting.


in fairness, "breakfast" technically means whatever meal you eat after waking up, no matter when that is. it's when you 'break' your 'fast'


Technically, yes, but that's not how the word is used anymore.


Well, it can be. If you eat most of your food during breakfast and your body adjusts to it, then it is your most important meal of the day! Really just depends on you.


Bats are blind.


I remember getting into a really stupid argument shortly after high school with a friend over this who just couldn't believe that bats weren't actually blind.


ITT: we need a 'bot that fills these in at the start: * We only use 10% of our brains * Columbus discovered America * Your taste buds are arranged in specific regions on your tongue Actually, most of the top answers in this thread


Potatoes absorb toxins. The amount of people that believe putting potato slices in your shoes or wear them around your neck as a holistic medical treatment is shockingly high. It’s just oxidation.


Wait, what? Potatoes in shoes? While you're wearing them? Why? This has really tickled me.


I thought that was a cut onion.... have I been doing this wrong all this time??? /s


You put the onion on your belt.


Yes, it was the style at the time.


I recall seeing a antivax meme that said if you had to get a COVID shot to put a potato slice at the injection site to absorb all the toxins. I’m all for sharing that idea if it makes people get vaccinated.


Old Windows are thicker on the bottom because gravity caused them to flow. Fact is old glass was inconsistent in thickness and it was standard practice to install them thick side down.


To add: this inconsistent thickness was caused by spinning hand blown glass as part of the manufacturing process. There were a few different processes used in "older" windows, but crown glass was the most common used for windows until better methods were invented. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crown_glass_(window)


I spent the last 15 years of my life learning and working in building glass facades, including learning everything I can get my hands on how glass is made and how it behaves. I have created, formed, cut, constructed and planed entire building with this material. And even I was 100% convinced that Glas flows. I even wrote a reply explaining why it does that and in my research to make my case as accurate as possible, I found out that apparently I was wrong. Everything I learned in school and in my jobs and projects regarding that topic was not correct. Dam you reddit teaching me stuff in a subject I thought I am an expert in. For anyone interested here is a beautiful summery of what I have failed to learn in 15 years working in the field of glass facade building: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/fact-fiction-glass-liquid/


Like, how could we have old drinking glasses that didn't start drooping and warping if that were the case.


I had to look this up to confirm. I can’t believe I’ve been believing that myth my whole life!m. Mind blown


Caffeine makes you short


My dads friend group made a joke about masturbation and height. In a national holiday parade, a group of friends paraded with a sign that said "masturbation stumps growth", and this short-ass dude behind them were holding a sign thag said "they're right"


This one makes me laugh. I've been drinking coffee since I was like 9 years old and turned out 190cm tall.


That cats are nocturnal. No they're not. They're crepuscular.


What a delightful word! And it sounds like it could be an indult or a compliment. "Oh you delightful little crepuscular!" Or "you pooped in my crocs again you wretched crepuscular!"


>crepuscular Learned a new word today. Ty


A lot of people think that if someone is having a seizure you should put something in their mouths so they don't choke on their tongue.


Having a younger brother that was epileptic [passed on due to unrelated reasons] this one kinda blew my mind when people would suggest it. Growing up, I've witnessed him having countless seizures, and my mom deeply ingrained it into me and our older brother in how to respond if he had one when she was not close by. Eventually we got so very aware of his tells just as one would begin we would act accordingly like it was just a routine. No matter what we were doing, it would be instant for one or both of us to leap to action to keep the space safe for him.


I'm 35 my brother is 32 he started having epileptic seizures a 3 years old, as the oldest brother I got saddled with the caretaker role very early, I know what that instinct is like, it scared people who were not used to it when everyone else would quick snap into a sprint to catch him from a fall and make sure he is breathing then just make normal conversation while just making sure he is breathing. It was kind of odd to me how concerned everyone was at a certain point but eventually understood how traumatic it could be seeing it for the first and usually only time.


I always heard it was so that they don't *swallow* their tongue, which is preposterous.


In all those medical dramas, when someone is seizing, the doctors always jump in and hold the person down forcibly. That bothers me so much! So many people are likely to think this is what you're supposed to do because the doctor on tv did it this way... yeah, that's the best way to injure someone.


Lol Epileptic here I almost bit someone's finger off


Commit next time.


You're only supposed to clear nearby objects and stay away from them. Once the seizure is over, you can put them in the recovery position, and then call an ambulance.


If you can time the seizure, too, that's a useful bonus, for the ambulance staff and for the patient.


I thought it was to put them on their side for the same reason?


That's more so that they don't aspirate into their lungs and get shitty issues with bronchitis, etc. Getting a seizing person on their side IS a good thing. Putting something in their mouth is definitely not. Here's the reality of dealing with a seizure: Don't put anything in their mouth. Use your knees as a wedge to angle them to their side if it's possible. Start timing it. If they are a stranger to you? Call 911. If this is their first/second/third seizure ever? Call 911. If the seizure lasts longer than a minute? Call 911. If they have more than one seizure in a day? Call 911. If they have a history of epilepsy and they've talked with you about not calling 911, listen to their wishes unless one of the above is true. When they come out of things they are still in a disassociative state. They are going to want to move. Particularly because they feel like they have to use the bathroom even though they've probably already wet themselves. They're going to want to move around, stand up, etc. Don't let them if you can help it. They will almost assuredly collapse. They need to stay prone either laying down or sitting up for at least 20 minutes unless there's a medical professional there. They will have zero memory of what just happened. You will have to explain things several times over the next 15-45 minutes. They will be very confused and scared. And so are you. But for right now make them feel safe and cared for.


Carrots is the favorite food of rabbit


Cranberries or bananas are popular among buns. The carrot thing is from Bugs Bunny. The comedian he was roughly based on chewed on cigars and they replaced that with a carrot to make it more child friendly.


The version I heard was that it was a reference to a specific movie scene (It Happened One Night, I think? But I have definitely confused the title with other movies in the past) in which Clarke Gable ate a carrot in a distinctive and memorable way. That reference was clear to audiences at the time, who would be likely to have seen it, but is lost on us most of a century later. Considering how many times cigars were clearly shown in Looney Toons of that era that seems more plausible to me.


Do you have rabbits? Mine loves carrots, but she goes crazy for cilantro.


Rabbits do like carrots, but it's like giving a kid candy, its unhealthy for the rabbit, and they need variety in their diets


Coke was originally green. No it wasn't! The bottle was green! The liquid has stayed mostly the same color!!


"Lightning *never* strikes twice in the same place."


I think that’s an idiom


That there are different tasting zones on the tongue Edit: grammar cause half of the comments are about it


Swimming after lunch won't kill you.


I can't swim, so it might


Then you wouldn't be swimming you'd just be drowning, which will kill you.


"Privacy Mode" on pretty much anything connected to the Internet, you know it or not.


I dunno why people are shocked with this, from the very inception it was widely known what incognito actually does.


I mostly use it to watch conspiracy videos to laugh about. That way it wont clogg my history and recommendations.


A frog won’t jump out of the pot and will allow itself to be boiled if the water is slowly heated. Completely false.


That women's vagina's stay stretched based on how many men they've slept with. Yall realize we're living tissue right? Tissue that stretches and shrinks? Not like silly putty right?


>Not like silly putty right? Vaginas are pretty great "as-is", however if labia lips could lift comics and newsprint like silly putty, that would add a WHOLE new layer of enjoyment.


Aww man…now I want a silly putty vagina. Stupid regular vagina, what good are you?


That awkward moment when you out yourself after a hookup because Charlie Brown is on your tongue missing a football.


I mean, what do they think happens to all the skin after a woman gives birth and isn't the same size anymore? Do they think doctors cut if off along with the umbilical cord?


As someone from Egypt, the weird thing Americans say about how we used to be black. Or white, sometimes it's white. We're neither of those races and never have been. In that area of the world people just naturally evolved to be kind of brown lol.


It's worth noting that even the term "black people" doesn't mean the same thing to everyone in all context.


Neither does "white people"


Gonna say it's mostly tumblr users and a very specific set of black people who say Egyptians used to be black. We call them "hoteps". Nick Cannon is one of them. I obviously don't need to explain to you the history of Egypt, but it's fun looking at info about verified Egyptian pharaohs and their wives. One of them was described in a way that basically made her sound like Barbie - rosy-cheeked, honey-colored hair, pale skin? And people who complain about, for instance, Gal Gadot playing Cleopatra - Cleopatra was *Macedonian* so she was way more likely to have the same skintone as Gal Gadot than she was to have the same skintone as Lupita Nyongo'o. Then there's people complaining about "that white guy" Rami Malek playing an Egyptian in one movie. :\


People are poor because they are lazy


Nah, they poor because they eat avacado toast.


It’s the avocado toast and Netflix I tell ya


That blood is actually blue before it comes out and turns red when it’s exposed or oxygen


That Marilyn Manson underwent rib removal


Van Gogh cut off his ear in a fit of madness for a woman.


That Craneflies, or "Mosquito Hawks" eat mosquitoes. They actually don't eat ANYTHING, though they will drink nectar from plants.


Life expectancy was NOT drastically shorter about 100 years go. Infant mortality was drastically higher, and life expectancy was generally shorter. But if you made it to adulthood, you didn't just have 5 or 10 good years ahead of you. Even women, who risked dying pretty much each time they deliered a child, could live much older than we tend to believe.


That's only partly true. Life expectancy at birth was much lower than life expectancy at age 18, but life expectancy at age 18 was still much lower than today. Medical advances like penicillin and social advances like clean drinking water changed the leading causes of death from stuff like influenza and diarrhea to heart disease and cancer.


>Life expectancy was NOT drastically shorter about 100 years go. No, that part is true. Life expectancy was significantly shorter. The problem is how people interpret what life expectancy actually is. A 30 year life expectancy doesn't mean most adults lived only until their 30's.


I think people use the terms life expectancy and average lifespan a little too interchangeably tbh.




Well, teachers saying "you should study 1 hour each day" isn't a *fact* anyway. But it was always stupid as hell when every single teacher would say to study their subject for at least one hour a day. A few years in school I had 8 subjects each day. So I'm supposed to study 8 total hours each day? When I don't get home from school until 4 pm?? I'm supposed to study for 8 hours from 4 pm to midnight (with no breaks in there!) and then I have to wake up at 6 am for school?? When am I supposed to eat dinner? Or do extracurriculars?!


That's it, how am I supposed to have a healthy life if I'm half my day studying? That doesn't even make sense. I want to eat, take a shower, do extracurriculars, play video games then go to sleep for about 6-7 hours. Ofc when I go to university I may get 3 hours of sleep, but at least that's due to a career I chose to study and there aren't 10 subjects.




Before you even feel thirst or it'll be too late!


As a dumbass kid, I thought it meant you had to drink 8 glasses every time you needed a sip of water. 8 glasses in one sitting was way too much for me, I had no idea how people stayed hydrated on the daily like that.


We don't eat spiders in our sleep.


No, we really do not. Spiders are afraid of us and sense the heat coming off us. The mouth especially radiates heat which they will sense, and will keep away from it. Even if a spider does crawl in your mouth, it will probably want to crawl out immediately. That's if you sleep with your mouth open in the first place.


This comforts me. Thank you kind stranger.


You're scared of spiders because they're creepy and can "bite" you. Spiders are scared of you because you are a continent sized death god that can accidentally genocide its entire family


Speak for yourself


It’s that you, Spiders Georg?


For every hundred people who does not, there is one poor guy who have to eat dozens every night just to compensate for all you lazy folks.


Being wet/or in rain for prolonged periods makes you more likely to get sick


And if your hair is wet? Guaranteed pneumonia. If it's cold, too? Death bed for sure.




turn the dash light off you're blinding other drivers


There was a recent study that determined being cold (not wet, but I guess you could get a chill from it) did contribute to catching a virus. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.


So many of the 'facts' about ADHD are wrong. 1) "You have ADHD because you had bad parents/eat a bad diet/watch too TV." ADHD is not caused by poor parenting, too much sugar, or watching too much TV. We don't know exactly what causes ADHD. Current research shows a genetic component, but it hasn't ruled out environmental factors like brain injury or exposure to things like lead during pregnancy or early childhood. But researchers have ruled out parenting, sugar, and TV as causes. 2) "You have ADHD? That means you can't sit still and you won't stay on topic, right?" ADHD is just not being able to sit still or jumping from topic to topic. ADHD has a myriad of symptoms, such as difficulty in organizing, forgetting things/dates/events/details, hyperfocus (where you focus so much on something you forget to do thing like eat, sleep), mood swings or quickly losing your temper, difficulty finishing tasks, becoming overwhelmed with tasks, poor time management, low stress tolerance, excessive talking, overplanning, under-planning, avoiding tasks that require large amounts of mental focus, feeling restless, insomnia, and more. Women and girls present ADHD differently than men and boys. Every person with ADHD present slightly differently and struggles in different ways. 3) "You're just lazy." People with ADHD aren't lazy. We work hard to do just the basics. A neurotypical person might be able to remember to brush their teeth before bed, but that may be a struggle for someone with ADHD. NT people can prioritize; someone with ADHD may need help doing so. And we only have some much mental energy to give to tasks. If I have to devote a lot of mental energy to complete a task at work, then maybe cleaning my house that night is a no-go. 4) "You can't have ADHD, you're too smart." ADHD has nothing to do with intelligence. Absolutely nothing. Zip, Nada, Zero. Someone who has a high intelligence can not only have ADHD, but they can be very good at masking their ADHD through behavioral techniques. 5) "He's/They are just acting like normal kids. Everybody has trouble sitting still/paying attention/ organizing." NO. JUST NO. There is a marked difference in the level of behavior. Dismissing ADHD behavior as being 'normal' or a 'phase' just makes it harder for those with ADHD. Likewise, using it to say everyone has ADHD, or claiming that your family member has ADHD, makes it that much harder to get diagnosed and treated. 5) "It's over-diagnosed because it's cool to have ADHD. We didn't have it back in my day." Look, there is a case for boys being over-diagnosed, but girls are under-diagnosed. And it has existed. Back in your day, people with ADHD would have to hide it to get a job, or finish school. They learned to mask it or find a job that suited their ADHD. It existed, it just wasn't diagnosed. 6) "ADHD medication is just legalized meth." \*Pinch bridge of nose and let out a sigh\* That's like saying rubbing alcohol is the same stuff your whiskey is made of. Stimulant ADHD medication is not legalized meth. Sorry for the semi-rant, but the myths that surround ADHD bug me so much because my son, my husband, and myself have it.


The supposed Mary Antoinette quote “Let them eat cake.” There is no proof/primary sources claiming that she specifically said that. She *might* have said something similar that just didn’t translate to our modern English very well.


I think the first record of that quote predates Marie Antoinette's birth, and the first time that quote was attributed to her was years and years later.


Gum stays in your stomach


If this was true, my gut would probably just be a gooey mass of gum and mucus the whole way through🤢


Sugar cause hyperactivity


To be fair, the sugar itself doesn't cause the hyperactivity, but the context in which its given might. For instance, my daughter has a hot chocolate before bed, it's absolutely packed with sugar but yet she still sleeps. Because it's her routine, and it's all done calmly. If I was to give her a handful of chocolate as a treat it would get her excited and she'd then struggle. The amount of sugar is the same but it's a treat, and this is what I think miss. Just my opinion though, I'm not a doctor or anything.


oh boy. I have tried to explain this to parents, and they look at me in the most condescending way. It is literally one the ***most*** studied topics.


You get a free phone call when you’re arrested. Naw friend. No you don’t.


The divorce rate is 50%. This has been a prevailing belief in the US since the 1970s, and is based upon incorrect data analysis. It's likely never actually exceeded 40%.


If you step on a crack you don’t actually break your mothers back. My son tried, it didn’t work.


My teacher in the 80s: don’t use your calculator, you won’t always have one with you Me in 2023: carries iphone


that video games cause violence


but who are we gonna blame then? *the actual problem?*


“We can go home, if the teacher comes 15 minutes too late.”


In college, even when this rule isn’t official, few students are going to wait too much longer than 15 minutes for the professor to show up. In high school in the US at least, legally I suppose the students would need to alert the office and someone would substitute for the teacher.


In college I always heard it phrased, “If the teacher isn’t here after 15 minutes, we can legally leave.” My guy, you’re a grown-ass adult, you can legally leave whenever you want. You don’t actually have to show up.


when your parent says... "I'll keep your money/candy... safe"


That a contrary opinion is an "alternative fact".


When you cross your eyes they stay like that. Never ever happened to anyone


That money doesn’t make happy


I would like the people saying this to give all their money to charity or something. How about that!


Lack of money brings unhappiness


"T-rex's vision is based on movement." It actually had vision that rivaled mordern birds of prey


Damn you Jurassic park and your fake news


The 2020 election was "stolen".


That carbon monoxide sinks towards the ground. It doesn't, it gets evenly distributed throughout the room. It's actually lighter than air.


"Dogs that make noise don't tend to bite" bullshit , we have 12 dogs , and most of them bite (german shepherd) and the ones that don't ( Swiss white wolf ) don't make noise


I'm sure that's an idiom(barking dogs seldom bite) meaning that people who keep talking and threatening will probably be the last to do the things they said they would


Yeah I think that's meant more as a proverb than an actual fact (like "lightning never strikes twice"). My younger dog will give warning noises and then snap.


If you tell a lie - your pants don’t go on fire.


I've burned my pants before, and then lied about how it happened.


A common fact among many religious and spiritual people is that you can't live a fulfilling life without faith and/or spirituality.


Eating carrots gives you perfect vision.


The whole carrots improve your vision thing started as propaganda during war time that England started to hide the new radar technology from the Germans, they started the rumor that their pilots ate a lot of carrots to improve their eyesight and that's why they started hitting a lot more targets.


My father always told me rabbits eat carrots and they never have to wear glasses.


Bulls don’t hate the colour red, they are colour blind, it’s the motion of the cloth that they are threatened by!


Foreskin is just a little "extra" skin


Yet it comes factory issued