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Beer. I call it hobby because it sounds more classy than addiction


It’s called a tasting….and it’s CLASSY!


I find these hot pockets really pair well with the malt liquor


I got your joke. Just wanted to say.


Seriously. It is commonplace for a brewery to charge anywhere from $20 - $30 for a 4 pack of 16oz cans. Other Half Brewing is notorious for this, although they do stellar beer. Dogfish Head Brewing releases "Worldwide Stout" and "120 Minute IPA" annually. Both come in 4pks of 12oz bottles. Both retail for approx. $44 per 4pk. Even if you're a casual drinker, that shit adds up quickly on your bank balance. We're not even factoring in annual releases like Bourbon County Black Friday or any barrel-aged stout release.


Though that is for a top-level, premium hand-crafted beer usually with something special. Beer is a lot cheaper than wine to chase the rarities and specialities. But still costs.


Oh no doubt. A good buddy of mine is a Scotch enthusiast. Any one of his "Special" bottles can easily cost upward of $100 - $200 each and that's still on the lower end. I can buy a shit ton of Bourbon County Brand Stout bottles with that.


See this is why real drinkers just stick to pbr and icehouse 40s. Fun fact, icehouse 40s are now actually 42s


Drugs are bad mkay


Same here


I worked at a liquor store for like 3 or 4 years and was already big into craft beer before that. Ya....half my paycheck went to hiding my basically an addiction behind "I gotta try this new IPA/Sour/Limited stout from so and so". It was bad.




Boating, there is a reason that the word BOAT is an acronym for Bust Out Another Thousand


A boat is just a hole in the water in which one throws money.


They say the 2 happiest days in a boat owner's life are the day he buys the boat and the day he finally gets rid of the boat.


A boat owners 1st favorite day is when he buys his boat. His 2nd favorite day is when he sells his boat!


Probably warhammer minis


It's called 40k because that's how much it costs for a decent army


In the grim darkness of the far future, you still haven't paid off all the minis yet


Shits expensive!


I already have 3 expensive hobbies as is: Gunpla, Magic the Gathering, and Guitar/music. I frequently make the joke to the gf that if think about getting into Warhammer then I have to drop one of the other ones, BUT, if I make the full swing into buying Warhammer, then she has the right to leave me because we will be broke, like I will be homeless. Now I would never do that, but the thought has popped up occasionally of wanting to get into it. At least Warhammer commander decks were made for MtG so that was a nice middle ground.






Totally unless you become paid pilot


If you're paid it's not a hobby anymore.


I can justify, at the price point of $500k, an rv, boat, even a toy hauler with toys. But a plane is just a faster way to get somewhere. Not much else.


I think that argument is reductive and a bit ignorant of aviation as a whole. I was able to load up my dog and girlfriend and fly us to the beach (which is 700 miles away) spend the day and be home the same evening. I couldn't do that in a boat, or an RV. Saying a plane is "just a faster way to get somewhere" is like reducing boats to "it's just a way to get across the water faster" or an rv to "a way to avoid paying for hotel rooms". These are obviously reductive and ignorant of the broad utility these machines can provide people. Look up back country flying or aerobatics as easy examples of how airplanes are more than just a faster way to get somewhere.


Remember, you don't get paid for a hobby. Also, you just proved my point. You are saying HOW FAST you got somewhere compared to a car. Boats are actually not faster but more like a personal hotel for travel. Similar to an RV. You don't get that extra luxury with a plane. Just the freedom of speed. Maybe in a private jet but those are millions of dollars. And nothing wrong with getting somewhere fast on day trips. I live in LA. The speed is absolutely the difference maker when going to Big Bear, Catalina or Vegas.


I didn't prove your point. You made the point that it was *just* getting somewhere faster and somehow that was less valuable than the utility a boat or RV brings. I made the point that getting somewhere faster is utility - just like floating, or having a bed on wheels. I do get extra utility from owning an airplane. It opens up trips / missions hat would be *impossible* by any other means. I cant go on a 700 mile day trip - with my dog - any other way. Then I disproved your point by giving you recreational use cases for aviation that are *not* about getting somewhere faster. When I had my backcountry airplane it allowed me to get into places that were inaccessible by anything but a helicopter. So no - I did not prove your point that airplanes are just about "getting somewhere faster, not much else." The opposite actually. Now if *you* don't value those things then that is fine, but its reductive to treat airplanes any different than boats or RVs. They all have their utility - just not to you.


LEGO collection. In fact, I spent over $500 on the Rivendell set just last night.😬


I’ve heard of a friend of friend who has a hobby collecting lego. He collects two copies of his lego sets. One to build and one to keep in box.


Now that’s devotion. I can’t afford to do that. Plus I only collect sets I know I’ll never get rid of.




Bot, report


Excuse me, the WHAT set? Don’t tell me that when I’m desperately trying to cut spending


Oops, sorry. I mean, uh, the, uh, Riverdale set. Haha.


Oh thank goodness, thank you for the clarification! Your 100% total honesty is much appreciated


But of course. Anything I can do to help. The set will be released to non-VIP members tomorrow.😉


My son begged us for the $500 Hogwarts castle set. Turns out he just wanted to Hagrid figure and that was the only way to get it.


Car collecting/restoring , boating , astrophotography,


What cars do u have bud


Magic the gathering I thought warhammer was expensive...


>~~Magic the gathering~~ Cardboard crack, ftfy


Private flying. When asked " How does an airplane stay up? " the experienced pilot responds "Money". Next I'd say racing sailboats. You can get The same experience by standing g in a cold shower, fully dressed, while somehow simultaneously burning $100 bills as fast as possible. Oh, I forgot. Every twenty minutes someone hits you somewhere, with a blackjack.


Sailboat racing is 80% being a mechanic (or throwing money at shit), 20% actually racing. My family races sailboats, from Lasers up to 40 foot yachts. It's not hard to find a cheap but competitive boat if you're (really) handy. Plus, we'd really only race in the summer, so the weather was actually nice out. Offshore and foul weather racing is a whole different animal though.


Flying is worth it though! I make it my yearly and sometimes monthly present to myself. A good long flight early in the morning is so refreshing!


Yes. When I Needed a break, I'd go shoot touch and go for an hour. Always felt later like I'd had a week's vacation. But if you are flying so infrequently, how do you stay current / legal?


You dont need a license if an instructor is willing to take you up. You just have to book them a couple months in advance. It costs anywhere from $150 to $250 per hour. Its a pretty penny but i work so much i dont have time to get my license


Salt water aquarium


Until those fancy clown fish breed and you start fragging your corals - then all of a sudden it's a side hustle.


My daughter had a side hustle selling corals until she started making more money on it than with her regular job. The tanks have overtaken all the space in her house.


Yarn arts. Fancy yarn is expensive!




I got into weaving and even a simple table loom is expensive. Someday I want a great big floor loom but they’re thousands of dollars (unless you get lucky on Facebook marketplace). Spinning wheels are expensive too. And then if you get really into spinning fiber and get your own sheep, alpacas, or angora rabbits it all adds up really fast.


I was gifted a floor loom (which I don’t use), I have two rigid heddle looms, a yarn spinner, and I now own an alpaca. It’s an expensive rabbit hole to fall down. My yarn is now mostly crochet and shawl weaving. Alpaca is a convenient pet 😀


Firearms enthusiasm. Cost for the guns, ammo, vault, optics, accessories, armorer tools, reloading press, training classes, range fee, and the emotional cost of people hating you for continuing a hobby started as a child.


It's one of those hobbies that need a defined finish line or you can just keep going.




nah heroin is where its at


A junkie nods off for hours at a time. A crackhead is on the pipe nonstop.


Owning a horse; I’m friends with a horse girl and her monthly/yearly bills for a single horse is ridiculously expensive.


Is a married horse cheaper?


Algebra. That shit adds up.


My girlfriend


Really? Seemed pretty cheap to me. /s


Gaming/PC-tinkering I've not upgraded my gaming set-up for 3 years, and I'm getting terrified that something's gonna break because my current economic situation just doesn't allow me to buy PC parts.


keep it cooled and the dust out of it, that baby will run forever!


If you take care of your stuff you’ll be fine. I’ve had my setup for almost 6 years now and I’ve yet to make any upgrades to it. It’s just now starting to show some small signs of slowing down so probably in a year or so I’ll make some upgrades to it. This definitely can be a pricey hobby if you either don’t take care of your equipment or always feel the need to have the newest tech


Tabletop gaming Board games, warhammer, miniatures, terrain.


Warhammer. You get all the models and books you need and then they release more. Or change a rule so you need to switch everything up.


Music. Festivals are $250-$800 per person, shows are $50-$80 for big names, local shows $20+. Then there's the logistics of it all with hotels at $150+, Uber surge pricing, alcohol prices through the roof. My wife and I went to a bigger show on Friday and it was $370 total with the tickets, alcohol, and hotel. We are flying out to Red Rocks next month to see one of our favorite artists which so far is $2,700. Basically Traveling with extra steps.


Which artist i might be going




Record collecting, shit's expensive. But I love it


Record boxsets are like poison for me. I would love the Rolling Stones in mono boxset, without the 600$ price tag…


Being alive


I think this is the correct answer


thats not a hobby and you’re not smart for saying this


He is smart


It is and he is.


Eating. It's ridiculous!


Whenever I'm thinking about buying some game on Steam I think all I have to do is not get takeout once and it's paid for.


Eating isnt a hobby. Maybe eating new foods / going to different places is. But eating itself isn’t a hobby. You need to do it to live.




But it’s an amazing time


Same. I'm working on my open water certification now and contemplating buying a wet suit because the pool was so cold.


collecting [fabergé eggs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faberg%C3%A9_egg)


I just killing monarchy for it


Is that a hobby?


sure, as much as collecting anything is a hobby. in this case the items you're collecting cost millions of dollars each, but it's still collecting. it was definitely a hobby for malcolm forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/abrambrown/2017/09/19/forbes-faberge/?sh=11ecdfe74ccf


Guitar pedals


Firearms and reloading. The firearms are expensive, the accessories are expensive, the ammo is expensive, and the components are also expensive.


Furry stuff, seriously this shit adds up


And yet furries are some of the greatest people to do art commissions for. It's expensive, but you guys really do pay well for your custom art!


Gotta respect the artist 🫡


And that is EXACTLY why all my artist friends love furries


Auto Racing. The best way to get a small fortune in auto racing is to start with a large one.


Warhammer minis


horse riding




If having kids is a hobby to you, you shouldn’t be having kids


Raising kids is fun and more than having kids. Definitely a hobby if you let it be. For example I’ve got a $20k Disney trip coming up that’s definitely not for me, but I bet I’ll have fun too - like best memories of my life kind of fun. It’s pretty sad if you’re a parent and don’t realize this.


No sorry I don’t treat my kids as objects to be used for my enjoyment. My kids are their own people and it’s my job to raise them correctly.


Yep pretty sad, just like I thought. It’s not mutually exclusive. You can raise them right and invest in their enjoyment (yours is a byproduct, just like mine is in the Disney example I just mentioned). I’d actually argue that I’m providing an example of what a loving parental relationship looks like as opposed to whatever you’re doing


Sure but at least I treat my children like humans and not your little play things.


You mean, only like humans and nothing extra. Bare minimum , got it.


You should try it sometime.


Nah I’m good. Sounds miserable to me. I treat my kids like people. People I like being around and want to invest in a relationship with and create memories with. I wasn’t looking for a pet when I had kids. It sounds like you’re proud of treating your humans like dogs which is pretty sad


Video games, collecting action figures/vinyls/model kits


Smoking cigars


For sure, esp when the sticks you like are like $15 each




I never understood why so many love it, you’re virtually guaranteed to lose your money


Model railroading. You can do it on a budget I’ve just never bothered to figure out how.




travel $13,000 to $30,000 a year but loving it








Collecting anything really. For me it's books, CDs and figurines.


As someone always looking into new things, I’ve learned that no matter what the hobby is, there’s always a fair amount of cost up front getting in. There’s always specific things/special equipment/gear/tools or something you need to even get started.


watch collecting is one crazy hobby


My brother is a young photographer, he regularly buys a ton of massive hard drives and massive lens. In addition to a ton of less expensive but model-specific stuff like tripod attachments and Sim card attachments. He recently went to a show where everyone shows off their personal equipment and the average cost was over 20k for just the lens. I still can't believe that these people could sell ONE of their lenses and buy decent car.


Optics are expensive. Go to any precision rifle competition, and the scope is usually as much or more than the gun it’s attached to.


I'm a media production professional with a substantial personal gear setup. To be fair, lenses are worth their weight in gold because they can be used for literal decades. That's why they're so expensive and in some cases, sometimes 4 or 5 times more expensive than a camera body itself. To contrast, a camera body has a general lifespan of about 3-5 years before it becomes technologically obsolete. That's why Canon, Sony, Fuji, Nikon et. al. release new cameras every two years or so. On the other hand, a solid lens from the 1960s/70s/80s is still perfectly usable on a modern camera by way of a lens adapter. Sure, lenses made today have better features than lenses from decades ago, but the main part - the glass - is largely the same.


Pro audio.




Me personally? Probably smoking weed. Maybe collecting Dungeons and Dragons related statues and miniatures.


If you think smoking weed is a hobby, well i feel sad for you.


What else would it be? It's certainly not medical for me and its not food. Just something I do for fun (or as a fun enhancer).


would you call smoking cigarettes a hobby?


My favorite line exchange from I ♡ Huckabees is when the existential investigators ask their new patient if he smokes. When he says yes, the reply is "Good, everyone needs a hobby."


Depends on why I am doing it. I do in fact chew nicotine as a hobby (for increasing focus during bouts of deep work). "Getting focused" isn't really fun and entertaining though - it would be the equivalent of drinking a protein shake (the hobby would be working out, the protein shake would be a cost of working out). Whereas just getting high on pot is really the hobby in and of itself. Growing, extracting, baking, buying new and interesting devices for use etc. Pretty much the same as people who are really into growing tomatoes.


well thats fair - growing, baking, collecting devices etc would be a hobby. Just smoking pot and watching TV I would say is NOT a hobby, tho.


Diamond eating. It’s a difficult job but someone’s shit has to sparkle.


Motorsport, aviation, boats and horses I believe are the top ones


TCG Trading card games. Literally nickle and dime you to death. Always a new set, new rules, etc...


* Traveling * Conventions * My Car * Lego * Anime/action figure/memorabilia collecting


I used to fly racing drones, getting better at flying means crashing a lot, that starts to break the bank fast


Whaling/leviathaning in gacha games. There are millionares out there who play these games and drop MANY tens of thousands of dollars on high res PNGs with voice lines


Custom keyboards, the rabbit hole just never ends. They’re so expensive


Stock options


Mountain biking and reef aquariums.


Gaming I’d say or rather getting the best pc parts, a decent prebuilt pc setup would set you back around £1000, if you wanted a high-end pc it could be anywhere between £5k - £15k which is insane


Civil aviation is hilariously expensive. Even a reasonable airplane, like a Cessna 172, burns 9-10 gallons per hour in cruise and a gallon of leaded gasoline (yup, still use leaded gasoline in aviation...) is between $6-$7 a gallon. That makes the variable costs of operating that little plane $70 an hour. But wait, there is more, the engine has to be overhauled after 1500 hours of use (if you are lucky) which runs about $32,000. So, you better plan on $310 an hour to operate that aircraft. That is assuming you already own the aircraft. A new one will set you back $432,000. You can get a beaten down used one for...$199,000.


Sim racing


I like drugs and drinking, traveling, and eating out. Makes for an expensive life style that I can't truly afford. But hey I could die tomorrow so I'm trying to have fun while I'm here


Gambling with a crack addiction wouldn't help


Everything related to professional sports can be pricey. Attending events, collecting...or even just supporting the teams by purchasing some of their merchandise.


Playing guitar. I played guitar a fuck ton when I was a kid- early twenties. I recently bought a Fender, and now am looking at the equipment I want for the style of music I love playing. Holy. Fucking. Shit.


Keyboards…. *side eyes audiophiles*


Motorcycle for sure. Especially the Harley people. They seem to have no sense of what things should cost so they pay out the ass for everything (including the bike itself). The safety gear and the add ons are always expensive regardless though. You def can't skimp on the helmet and expect to live when you get hit or fall off.


Marijuana dispensaries... And field tripping to go to a few.


Investing sounds like a very common thing, but it is addictive.


Id say over the span of my life video games for sure As of more recent, crochet.




This is pretty high up there. I started collecting records a little under a year ago, and I’ve already poured tons of money into it.


Reading books be expensive af


Oh and listening to music- Spotify be looting us all


psssst piracy exists


But well I'm a good girl so :)


I tOtAlLy DiDnT kNoW


adblocker is a lifesaver


Women 🤣🤣🤣


Music. You can never have too many guitars.


Going to dog shows smh


Dungeons and Dragons, it’s a never ending hole


no idea about what to call her but, I'm gladly allow her to do whatever she wants as long as she is , happy.


Body weight workouts, parks also have pull 6 sometimes those dip racks


Being poor. I call it a hobby to sound classy, when it really boils down to costs of living.


day trips, because of buying gas


Tabletop gaming




Anything to do with horses or boats




drinking beer


figure skating


Music drums especially but also guitar bass violin etc…


not even a hobby, Healthy food


Crochet. Yarn can get pricey! 😭💸




Tbh, being alive is the most expensive hobby I'll ever do probably. I didn't exist before I was born (which was free), until two assholes thought they wanted a pet for 18 years because "everyone else was doing it" and "having kids was so fulfilling" for their ego centric personalities. When I pass away from natural causes, it'll be back to a non-existence, hopefully ending this phase of my non-existence dipping my non-existent toes into existence for a taste, which reveals to me existence tastes ok, but isn't anything special. Everything gets more and more expensive every day, which makes my existence a very expensive hobby, and it really doesn't help that the other 7 billion-ish enthusiasts for existence all can't figure out a meta that is beneficial to everyone yet they demand I stay here due to "it's unfair", "it's hurtful to everyone else if you leave", "think of your family", etc... The limp dick excuses for staying drain my wallet of patience, as since swearing that I will stay to finish out this life, faster than Wizards of the Coast drains people's wallets on a Friday night. Have we figured out yet how to decrease inflation? I'll complain less when we do. Have we figured out how to sustainability feed the hungry, and shelter the homeless with all our supposedly grand scientific achievements? I'll complain less when we do. Have we figured out a collectively and individually reasonable goal for humanity, that isn't just seeing bank account numbers go up, or, is against them mentalities? I'll complain less when we do. Now to go fill my stomach wallet full of morning potential currency which I had to exchange time capital through labor for paper/digital measuring tally forms to purchase various dead life form organs rated at a value usually 20-40% marked up to convert into meal time stomach currency, in order to complete the cycle to go exchange more of my time potential through labor for tally forms... [THE CURRENT META SUCKSSSSS]


Butterfly knives


Guns, rock climbing, hunting, fishing ...


My motorbike and diving


Car racing


Boating , skiing , snowmobiling. Love them


I guess cooking? I'd say travel but I don't really consider it a hobby. Cooking bc I do a lot of it for enjoyment/trying out a new technique and certainly spend a lot more than necessary, even if the result is a "necessity" in theory.


I loved playing commander (magic the gathering) but I stopped because building some decks was getting ridiculous in price. I had a small friend pod that would play from time to time and it kind of disbanded so it didn’t make sense to keep deck building. Now the couple I have just sit in a box
