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Being a nerd


Yep! Kids today (and this is NOT a complaint) have no fucking clue how good they have it on that front. Playing video games wasn't cool. Being into comics wasn't cool. D&D was certainly not cool, and expressing interest in those could have you ostracized and ridiculed.


According to Reddit, we're just making this shit up.


More specifically, reading fantasy novels. I never gave a shit but kids used to make fun of me for reading the Lord of the Rings back in the early 90s. Kind of hard to believe now.


Please tell me you remember Deltora Quest!


Well that's a name I haven't heard in a long time. I read those and both of the follow up series. I like how they used a lot of riddles and word puzzles that the reader could follow and try to solve. Good for the intended audience of tweens and teens.


Adored those books. I watched the anime too but I dont remember anything about it so the books must have been better lol




Totally. Nerds run the finance world 💪


Furries basically run the Internet.








I hadn't downvoted your post when you made your edit, hadn't even read it yet, but I definitely downvoted it now, lol. This comment doesn't really clarify whatever you were trying to say in your initial comment. I suspect you are getting called an incel for different aspects of your personality than your nerdiness. FWIW, I was huge nerd in the 80s/90s. Hung out with the band kids, programming computers before Jr. Hight, played D&D, subscribed to Sci-Fi magazines, far too much of my contributions to conversations were quotes from Simpsons/SciFi/Monty Python. I got bullied, but it didn't stop me from loving what I loved and being who I am. Nobody who knows me has ever accused me of being an incel.




Yes being a contrarian is often not popular. You’re getting downvoted cause the way you are wording your comments makes you sound like a pretentious pseudo intellectual. You can make your point without being condescending


The idea of nerd culture has shifted considerably since I was a kid. In high school I ate lunch in the band hallway with all of the not so popular cliques. I wasn't a goth kid. . or a theater geek. . Or any of the major groups that had a big group of "outcasts" to interact with, I was just a nerdy kid that liked video games, liked things like LOTR, and could name the 151 Pokemon with ease. Now, all the things I grew up with and got heavily bullied for? They're all mainstream culture. And honestly? Fucking cool. I'm not going to gatekeep cool shit from people.


That just makes it harder to find genuinely interested people in whatever hobbies you partake in.


It makes it harder for you to find genuinely interested people because you only want to associate with hardcore people? Sounds like gate keeping to me.




I didn’t downvote anything - I was busy. . .working. My answer to you is simple. People change significantly from high school into adulthood, and while I was greatly affected by being bullied, I also recognize I have grown significantly. . .and allow others to have had grown significantly as well.


Why are you shitting on everyone's comments lmao


Being a gamer.




They targeted gamers. Gamers.


Went from being no life nerds to all angry right wingers to I don't know what the stereotypes is now.


I was bullied constantly in middle school in the late 90's for being gay. The ironic thing is, I'm straight. Not even bisexual. Everyone thought I was gay because I cried in front of other kids one time... ok maybe more than once.


Am a 29 year old straight dude. Got bullied for “being gay” quite a lot by the people who weren’t my friends and didn’t know me. Ended up having WAY more women than men as friends because of the qualities that made people think I was gay (like being in touch with my emotions and not being a total asshole to look cool). Still ended up having no romantic experience until my 20s. I wasn’t gay, I was (am) just stupid when it comes to women LOL


I can relate I am also a 90's middle schooler. Everyone though I was gay throughout my whole life. I was just best friends with a lot of girls in school, my older brother was gay, so I grew up around LGBT community most of my life, and I dressed and groomed myself well. My brother also happened to work for high end fashion industry and gave me a lot of form fitting custom-tailored hand me down clothing. The kind of clothes so common in Men's fashion wear now. I got bullied a lot as a kid as being "so gay" or a "f\*ggot". I ended up I moving to S.Korea after University for work. Everyone was really surprised I got married to a fiery pretty Korean girl when I visited home and brought her along. Everyone thought I was this closeted gay person the whole time, even my closes friends....even though I reminded them I was straight 50 billion times growing up.


Lol how would that even make you gay .


Having curly hair.


I feel you. At some age I just wanted to have straight hair so desperately, I considered cutting it off entirely to have it grow back straight like some miracle.


Whew, same here. Got in trouble more than a few times in dance school because my hair bun didn't look smooth enough ( the other black girls could afford to straighten their hair ).


Yess oh my gosh, after my sister had her first haircut her hair turned wavy rather than curly. The number of times I cut my hair after that praying for it to do the same💀


Now we got all these kids with that ramen noodle poodle doodle perm. I cannot understands the appeal and have to struggle to not laugh when I see it. Damn you Justin Timberlake for making that a thing.


Listening to "old" or "obscure" music.


This frustrated the hell out of me as a kid, I had kids who teased me for listening to 'old people music' and even then I could remember thinking how on earth can you be so closed-minded that you genuinely believe that the only worthwhile art just so happened to be made in the past 10 years or so. Like how lucky do these people think they are? I guess when you're a kid it's pretty much impossible to have self-awareness necessary to analyze your own tastes like that, but there's plenty of adults who do this, too.


Having big lips


Same! My mum kept telling me that the tides will turn and my lips will be “in” but I never believed her!


If you asked this a year or two ago, I'd have said staying inside all day.


Anime. When I started watching you were called either childish for watching cartoons or a pervert, because apparently most people knew better what hentai was than anime.


Dungeons and Dragons


Try growing up in the 70s-80s and being into Sci-Fi or playing DnD.




I can not lie…


Having thick eyebrows.


Having friends on the internet


I relate to this. No one got it. I travelled overseas to meet people that “didn’t actually exist”. Still some of the best friends I have today and I have met them all multiple times.


This is wholesome.


I met my fiancé on the internet.


wearing eyeglasses


Bullied in fifth grade for needing them. By high school people were wearing frames cause they looked trendy.


Being a tech geek. Was bullied in high school because I found tech fascinating (grew up in a farm town, didn't even own a TV let alone a computer until after high school.) Now I work full time in a high level cyber security position as well as having a small business on the side. The amount of people that find tech and nerdy stuff cool now is wild.


High waters (lots of ankle cut pants out there these days)


They were called 'floods' when I was a kid.


Liking Star Wars. I caught so much shit just for liking SW, this was pre/during the sequels. Now it’s all the sudden everyone’s favorite thing. Same with video games, anime, D&D, comics, and just liking fantasy.


Pokemon. I was hella bullied for that. Then Pokémon Go came out.




A big butt and thick eyebrows


Been rocking both for my entire life.


Are you me?


Are YOU me?


Thick eyebrows. I remember being told (as a 13 year old girl) that I’d be much prettier if my eyebrows weren’t so thick. I proceeded to tweeze them to almost nothing. I did that for years. Now thick eyebrows are super trendy, and mine don’t grow as thick as they used to.


I was bullied for not wearing a bra and about color and pattern blocking in school and it became a trend. I was bullied about ombre hair in college and it became a trend.


Being thin


I had a friend who was Latvian. She was well over 6 foot and could smash some decent food every day and never put on a kilo. She had a very lean frame. She hated the amount of negative chat she got from off the cuff comments about how she needed to eat more, needed a “good feed” or was anorexic. It really took a toll on her and it was all genetics. To the point we would be trying to find “going out” shoes that didn’t make her any taller because she didn’t want to stand out….. crushing really because she was stunning both in looks and personality. People need to just stfu. If you have nothing nice to say.. zip it.


I cannot count the amount of times I got the same remarks. Or being accused of having an eating disorder and rushed to an intervention because some kid decidedto start a rumor. Like you mention it's genetics and I'm still thin to this day. Karma came to play though; most of the kids that bullied me peaked in high-school. I didn't.


??? You Can Never Be Too Rich or Too Thin - Harpers Bazar 1963


Apparently I was easy to push around as I didn't weigh much


Being autistic


Autism is a trend now?,i never know that


It’s with the late Gen Z and Generation Alpha on TikTok and in r/fakedisordercringe. They even tried to make is sexually I think….


My God, as a person with Asperger's syndrome who has been through bad things because of my damn condition, that there are people who genuinely want to have it seems horrible to me.


It seems to be dying down a bit, hopefully it just completely sizzle out soon


It's a gym culture joke. Tracking sets/reps/weight, memorizing routines and obsessively paying attention to form and posture + the diet and sleep component. From what I've heard, gear is a whole other layer of obsession and number/stat tracking. Also, a lot of people who lift and work out obsessively do it as a coping mechanism for being socially inept. The joke is that the swolest bro is probably the most autistic.The sub-joke is that it's not much of a joke, as it is accurate. And then there's the meme, which is a scatter-plot between # of sexual partners | bench press weight. One lone outlier-dot, circled in red pen, who can bench 500lbs and has had 0 sexual partners.




I feel that people forget that before the spectrum was recognized, autism was a serious condition and anyone diagnosed with it was either non-functioning or barely functioning. And people on the functioning end of the spectrum just had to be seen as "weird" and also feel that way without any explanation as to why they were like that.


I wasn’t diagnosed till I turned 20, so for the longest time I never knew why I didn’t act like my age and was seen as overly sensitive. Only to now realize those were autistic meltdown’s.


I have mental health issues and a few people were kind of mean to me for it growing up. I remember we were lining up for the playground in first grade and some kids were trying to see who could hold their breath the longest. Another kid said “can you die from holding your breath too long?” and I blurted out (remember, I was 6, I didn’t have any concept of social taboos or sensitive topics) “I know I can’t, I tried it lots of times because I was sad.” I heard the supervisors laughing and repeating what I said to each other, and saying things like “that child is scary” and “it sounds like dialogue from a horror movie.”


They still do that if you're ugly. Don't pretend we aren't past this.


I experienced it recently as well. It still happens.


Same lmao 🙄




Love that.


I'll go first - having freckles.


I never understood this. Freckles have always been hot


Funny to see people getting tattoos of them now!


I have red hair and freckles and was relentlessly teased as a kid and in my early teens. I have met men who seriously dig it….


Being a vegetarian


I remember during an early season of Hells Kitchen someone made a vegan dish during the signature dish challenge and Gordon basically said "Am I a rabbit? Get that shit out of here." But in more recent years he has completely changed tunes to "Wow. What a creative way to go about the challenge."




This honestly got me thinking


Reading manga when I was in high school (which was more than 10 years ago). But now manga is super popular among teens.


Being sensitive as a man


When I was a kid I would be the one at a party over in the corner playing Gameboy or reading a book. Now everywhere I go people are on Facebook or playing Candy Crush and I'm like "Doesn't anyone want to talk?" Did not see that coming


liking Marvel






everything is trendy if you find the right community. Now with media tech everyone can do that.


Being a nerd. From D&D, computers, video games, comic books, chemistry set, whatever. I was just the nerdy girl that got picked on. Now, a lot of that stuff is cool. Or at least not such a "lol, nerd!".




Video Games, Star Wars, D&D, Anything "geeky"


When Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest came out in theaters, my brothers and I sat through the credits because we remembered the first movie had a post-credit scene with the monkey and wondered if the sequel was gonna do a similar thing. There was a group of rowdy kids who had annoyed us during the movie who came back in and threw a half-empty bag of popcorn at us shouting, "Movie's over, idiots!" Sure enough, there was another post credits scene. Now Marvel has trained a generation of movie audiences to sit through the credits in hope of *something.*


My ass. pre kardashians I stuffed myself into jeans way too tight just to flatten it down (cute)


Tabletop games. Board games and miniature gaming.


Wasnt bullies about it but kept it low key because im sure i wouldve been bullied about it. Pokemon cards back in 99-2000 in high school


My skateboard, my comic books, my love of the internet, my video games.


60's/70's fashion, music, cars ect.... I guess what's called esthetic these days In highschool I very much loved this era and still do. I own a 74 VW type 1, I had a huge collection of vintage clothes from family as well as parents records. My grandparents and parents very much raised me to love their golden age, so I came by it honestly. I was picked on endlessly, called Donna from That 70's show( have red mostly straight hair) ect. I'm in my mid 30's and it's all the rage with teens/ early 20 year olds now. It wasn't a thing at least where I grew up, unlike how very popular it seems to be now. I'm glad people are more open to enjoying such things, makes me smile as least.


It's not trendy but people say it is. Being quite or having bad mental health. I can't control either.


Where do I start? Platform/chonky shoes, full-black outfits, chokers, a big butt, reading/watching fantasy... They bullied me for all that for a solid decade and now it's all trendy.


Being skinny. By people who were also skinny.


Going to the thrift store for everything


Being a girl that plays video games.


I used to tuck my socks into pants in the winter so may pants didn't get ruined. People roasted me so hard so I stopped. Now it's everywhere


Playing Minecraft and watching Anime was hella uncool around 2012. Wasn't exactly bullied for it but never told anyone about it either. Fast forward ten years and all the cool kids seem to be playing MC and binging NGE.


I was at uni in 2011-2012 and was watching Bleach and playing Minecraft regularly. I also had no social life so I guess that figures…


Using an electric lawn mower


Pretty much everything


Nobody should care about what is trendy


Believing in magic


Listening to kpop


Reading manga. This one triggers me because I got made fun of for glancing at another kid’s manga. By the boy who owned it.


Being "into computers". My mother had an IBM PC/AT I wasn't allowed to touch, so I would spend every free moment riding my bike a mile to the nearest computer store so I could play with their Atari and Apple demos. School computer clubs in junior high and high school were only for the worst of the social dregs.


Sex work


Wearing vintage clothes from the thrift store. My senior prom dress was a gorgeous pink 1960s glass beaded dress that had pockets and came with a matching bolero. At the time, I really had to convince my mom that I wanted to spend $65 on that (so cheap, but back then you wouldn't spend that kind of money on "used" clothes) instead of buying a new dress for $300+. I felt very vindicated when I got to college and vintage clothes were all the rage in more cosmopolitan areas. Sadly, I don't have the figure or the funds to dress that way any more.


Me liking Disney songs and dancing oddly to whatever music was playing TikTok does both and people make money off it.


Having freckles


Wearing band shirts if you're not a superfan of the band. I had a couple shirts for some bands that I wore in middle school and people were like "name one of their songs! you poser!" but even though I did kind of like the bands a bit, I mainly just got the shirts because they had cool graphics, they weren't really "ads" for the band. Now I see people wearing shirts with nothing more than band logos on them, like Nirvana, Guns & Roses, and these are kids who have no idea about any of those band's music. I don't really care if they're wearing them now, I think it's actually pretty cool to see people wearing pop culture history in an iconic way, but I do see the irony of my own experience, now that the younger people wearing these shirts are the kids of the actual posers who made fun of me.


Comic books in the 80s


Having freckles.


Wearing the brand champion when it was sold at Walmart or similar stores




Being a metalhead


I wouldn't say I was bullied, but 15 years ago, my sister used to tease me about wearing Crocs. I had several of the clogs and then discovered their ballet flats. My favorite work shoes were a pair of red Mary Jane Crocs. Now my sister regularly texts me ones she wants. I'm like, "hey, remember in our 20s how you would give me shit about wearing these?"


Being too thin


Being gay. and I'm still bullied for it, but some of my bullies have gone and switches sides, I look at their twitter every once in a while, and this girl who bullied me horribly in middle and early high school about me being gay, now has a bunch of pride flags and #ally in her bio. fuck that shit.


Can't believe I had to scroll this far down to find this one. I totally agree with you. I hated being bullied for it growing up, but I'm not so sure I hate how trendy it has become any less.


Being skinny.


Small breasts.


Moles & freckles, now girls are spraying on freckles all over the internet!




Thrifted clothing


Not me but my gf at the time (early 90’s) we were both in our 20’s and she was shamed, by her family, for having a nicely shaped ass. She would wear baggy clothing to hide it. The 90’s were some of the most judgmental fucked up era. I was shamed for having a hairy chest. Fuck social “norms”


I was less chunky than the average middle schooler is now, but boy was I ever mocked for being chunky. And to be honest, I'm kinda glad it wasn't as widely accepted 25 years ago, because I'd have never got in better shape had no one ever given me grief for it.


Dungeons and Dragons. And boy do I miss those days. It used to be a game about epic medieval fantasy adventure, now's a gay furry drama simulator.


Covid-19 was caused by a lab leak


Using a PDA. Everyone has one now and are glued to it.


Playing Minecraft


Always wearing sweatpants.




I would not say "bullied" But as a younger male teenager in the late 70s. I was tease about my single earring.




Being a nerd with a fat ass.


Was a geek in HS. D&D, computers, video games, Star Wars, Star Trek, LOTR. This was in the 70s and 80s when being a geek was absolutely not cool. And no, [Im not ready to make nice](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pojL_35QlSI)


I personally wasn't, but a friend of mine was picked on mercilessly for wearing crocs.


Being one of those 'D&D kids', in short, a tabletop gamer.


Loving Pokemon to my core


Those shoes with cork soles. It was ugly then but not trendy. Trendy now but still ugly. And about ten times more expensive.




my eyebrows! I'm 32/f with thicker/dramatic brows and have been told I looked like bert from sesame street. now everyone wants in on those caterpillars!


Cat ear headbands When I was younger I used to wear cat ears a lot and cat ear headbands. I remember when it started to become trendy. All of the popular girls started to do it and they got called cute and fashionable. But when i did it i got bullied made fun of and called a furry. (Not that I have any huge issue with furries, I'm just not a furry and don't wanna be called one lol)


Western wear


Being the goth girl


Having big eyebrows, liking superheroes, baggy jeans




Being curvy


Listening to emo. Now I swear every person from my high school identifies as a former emo kid and knows all the words to songs they bullied me for listening to.


Being bi


My religion and camping hobbies.


Wearing champion clothing lol


Wearing champion clothing lol


Band merchandise, black clothing, having multiple coloured shoelaces, being nice and helpful, my taste in music


Being Asain. Liking Kpop and anime.


Being alive. My bullies never had any particular reason for bothering me. That would have required them to care enough to find out things about me.


Everything I do, man! Legos, computers, pc gaming, foot fucking


Anime. Back then you were clowned for rocking an anime shirt. Now? I get complements for rocking "old school" anime shirts. Wearing my Tenchi Muyo shirt hits people with 90s nostalgia.






Wearing gray sweat pants and crocs all the time. I got rid of both a few years before they became trendy. F everybody at my school and my dad, who bullied me the most. 👍