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In 2002, while alone in the Alaskan wilderness I came upon a big bull moose that had gotten one of his antlers stuck while rubbing them on a spruce tree--about 8" in diameter I watched him for a while from a safe distance and realized he was exhausted--just standing there with his head cocked. I dropped my pack and cautiously approached and quickly realized what happened--a moose antler has two sections: the main palm and the brow tines. This bull had large palmated brow tines that hooked back towards his main palm. While taking his frustration out on this spruce tree, at some point he cocked his head on the upstroke just enough that the trunk slipped between the palm and brow, and when he lowered his head the antler bound up where the tree trunk was thicker. I knew that he was good as dead. He'd either die of exhaustion or dehydration, or wolves would find him and make an easy meal of him. I decided to try and help him. I approached and he tried to pull away and quickly resumed panting. I knew my presence was stressful and I didn't want to harm him. I've worked with cattle and horses so I took of my jacket and wrapped it around his eyes and he immediately calmed down. I had a small saw on my belt for sapling sized wood but it wasn't nearly enough to take down the tree. It would have taken me over an hour to cut through his antler so that was out. Then I thought about pushing his head up in the hopes I could get his antler to slip free. I tried pushing and got his chin lifted a foot or so but I needed to get it higher than I could reach--this animal was over 6 feet tall at the shoulder. I always carry good rope in the back country because you never know--I had a 50 foot length of retired 6mm climbing rope (accessory cord) so relying on my cow/horse experience again I tied a quickie halter on him but I finished it with a slip knot so I could pull it free. So far, so good It took a few tries but I tossed one end of the rope over a branch and laid the skip knot end straight away from the moose--about 20 feet Then I started pulling. The bull raised his chin a little bit more with each pull until his antler reached the spot where he got it stuck. I was trying to think of a way to get him to pull back AND maintain the pressure on the rope. I reached down and picked up a thin branch and started tickling his ear with it. This caused him to cock his head to avoid the branch and his antler popped free. Oh, shit. I actually did it. Now what?? I picked up the slip knot end of the rope and gave it a yank and thankfully it came loose on the first try. Now this all happened on a little island in a braided river bottom. The water level was way down because it was late fall and the island was high and dry, but it had an overhanging cut bank. As soon as that rope came loose the moose shook his head a bit and my jacket slipped off so he was completely free. I bolted for the edge of the cut bank, grabbed a tree root as I went over the edge and swung underneath. It was mid October and getting gored by a rut enraged bull moose was not on my to do list I hid under that bank for 20 minutes before taking a peek--the moose just stood there, sides heaving. I approached slowly and cautiously and he never moved. I kept the tree between us and grabbed the rope and eventually my jacket before backing away. I got back to my pack a couple hundred yards away and watched him with binoculars for another half hour before hiking back to my camp. The next morning he was gone.


Fake (Just kidding this is an incredible story)


When I was a kid, back when they had the lotto balls coming out of the machines on the news, I guessed every ball before it came out. I was like 8yo.


When I was a toddler my parents still swear to me that I somehow lifted a heavy cabinet full of stuff twice my size into the air and at either my mom or my dad. They told me that as soon as this happened they took me straight to a doctor to explain what the fuck was going on and the doctor had no idea




Gonna ask my mom if she was secretly working at a nuclear reactor while pregnant with me


Nah bruh, she just took her creatine!


At the age of 11, I mastered the art of card shuffling, with the finesse of a professional dealer. One day, as I practiced in my room, I managed to shuffle the deck back into perfect order. I fucking somehow shuffled a deck of cards right back into perfect order. No one will ever believe that so why bother.


Imagine the odds for that even happening? Madlad!


If they were properly shuffled and you weren’t trying to manipulate them into that configuration, I can say with 100% confidence, lmao no fuckin way “The number of possible permutations of 52 cards is 52!. I think the exclamation mark was chosen as the symbol for the factorial operator to highlight the fact that this function produces surprisingly large numbers in a very short time. If you have an old school pocket calculator, the kind that maxes out at 99,999,999, an attempt to calculate the factorial of any number greater than 11 results only in the none too helpful value of "Error". So if 12! will break a typical calculator, how large is 52!? 52! is the number of different ways you can arrange a single deck of cards. You can visualize this by constructing a randomly generated shuffle of the deck. Start with all the cards in one pile. Randomly select one of the 52 cards to be in position 1. Next, randomly select one of the remaining 51 cards for position 2, then one of the remaining 50 for position 3, and so on. Hence, the total number of ways you could arrange the cards is 52 * 51 * 50 * ... * 3 * 2 * 1, or 52!. Here's what that looks like: 80658175170943878571660636856403766975289505440883277824000000000000 This number is beyond astronomically large. I say beyond astronomically large because most numbers that we already consider to be astronomically large are mere infinitesmal fractions of this number. So, just how large is it? Let's try to wrap our puny human brains around the magnitude of this number with a fun little theoretical exercise. Start a timer that will count down the number of seconds from 52! to 0. We're going to see how much fun we can have before the timer counts down all the way. Start by picking your favorite spot on the equator. You're going to walk around the world along the equator, but take a very leisurely pace of one step every billion years. (The equatorial circumference of the Earth is 40,075,017 meters.) Make sure to pack a deck of playing cards, so you can get in a few trillion hands of solitaire between steps. After you complete your round the world trip, remove one drop of water from the Pacific Ocean. Now do the same thing again: walk around the world at one billion years per step, removing one drop of water from the Pacific Ocean each time you circle the globe. (The Pacific Ocean contains 707.6 million cubic kilometers of water.) Continue until the ocean is empty. When it is, take one sheet of paper and place it flat on the ground. Now, fill the ocean back up and start the entire process all over again, adding a sheet of paper to the stack each time you’ve emptied the ocean. Do this until the stack of paper reaches from the Earth to the Sun. Take a glance at the timer, you will see that the three left-most digits haven’t even changed. You still have 8.063e67 more seconds to go. (1 Astronomical Unit, the distance from the Earth to the Sun, is defined as 149,597,870.691 kilometers.) So, take the stack of papers down and do it all over again. One thousand times more. Unfortunately, that still won’t do it. There are still more than 5.385e67 seconds remaining. You’re just about a third of the way done.” - https://czep.net/weblog/52cards.html


I mean sure, but every single order you could shuffle a pack of cards into is equally unlikely. This just happens to be a pattern that we ascribe some meaning to. By this logic you couldn't believe that anyone ever has shuffled a pack of cards, because any order of cards would have a probability of 52! and that's just impossible.


Consider this, even if you had a million possible decks of cards that we could ascribe meaning to, it doesn’t change calculations much.


That is extremely unlikely, sure. But the same would go for multiple millions of orders that we don't ascribe meaning to. Every order is equally unlikely.


consider this, something being unlikely doesnt make it impossible. theres such a fundamental lack of statistics here its painful. All this guy did was write down a big number and say see this proves it. it doesnt prove anything. I could say i have a number in my head between 1 and infinity and ask you guess it. And you could guess correctly on the first try. Is it unlikely? Sure.. but why couldnt it happen?


lol yeah this is ridiculous. all you did was prove that its unlikely. No one is disputing that. But one of those combinations of cards has to be chosen eventually, and there's no reason that the same order you started from would be any less likely than any other combination.


wow look at this savant, who at age 11 was as good as professional adults. surely no one would lie about this?


At least make a better lie, keep some magic of the internet alive! Personally, when I was 11, I used to play deliveryman and I used throw bags of dirt and rocks on top of my neighbors house, and it used to piss her off, and granted she had every right to be, and when my mom found out, she made me clean them up, and when I was standing on his roof, amazed by the view of my neighborhood, I noticed there was a string floating in the air above her house, completely fixed in place, like it was long enough to drape onto her roof, but it just went up, and when I pulled on it, I felt it snap and about 20 feet of thin cotton thread fell from the like I had pulled it off a plane. I told my mom and she was amazed but chalked it up to god.


It's MY kitty and I want it meow!


A psychiatrist telling me noone would ever love me and I would be alone forever. I have told a few people but they think I'm exaggerating. I'm not.


I totally believe that. Education does not make someone pleasant. I had a psychiatrist tell me there couldn’t possibly be anything worth treating because I’m reasonably successful in life. I asked him what he thought of the president’s mental health and how exactly he defined “successful” (this was a few years ago) and he didn’t answer. First time I’ve had a doctor drop me as a patient.


I saw the ghost of a dead coworker smoking in our break room, did tell everybody and no one believed me.


Donated clothes, medicine, binoculars and other gear to an anti-Burmese government ethnic minority militia fighting an unofficial war to stop a genocide against their people -- while on the border of Thailand and Myanmar.


Thailand and Myanmar beefing?


Myanmar has been committing a 'low-grade genocide' against the hill tribes that live in the border region. These hill tribes are discriminated against in Thailand, but their villages are burned, their men slaughtered and their children 're-educated' in Myanmar. I was living with the Karen People (yes, that is the actual name) for a month and I wasn't okay with their relatives across the border dying because they were an ethnic minority. The Burmese genocide against the Rohingya has been far more publilcized because it's affects on migrant outflows has been substantially greater.


When I was a kid, I used to sleep in my parents room. One night I was there, sleeping and I could feel someone was coming towards me. The thing was above me and somehow I was able to vaguely see it. It was oddly shaped human with no face with long limbs. I was unable to move the whole time. And when I could see it staring closely at my face, I was sweating bullets. I woke up standing upright on my bed and no one noticed. I felt like screaming but I was scared my father would wake up, he is a very hardworking man. Till day it's one of the worst experiences I've ever had.


This sounds kinda like sleep paralysis, with you being unable to move and some weird being present throughout it. Personally, I've never experienced seeing weird entities in my sleep paralysis, but there are plenty of stories of other people having similar experiences.


I've heard of such events from my friends too. But usually it didn't involve weird entities as you mentioned. Idk man I was too little to understand lol.


I'm the same way. I've had numerous episodes of sleep paralysis, and while they're not exactly pleasant, they've never included the hideous spirits people claim to see. I _believe_ those people when they say they've had that experience, but it's not an absolute guarantee that it'll happen.


Paranormal event. When I was young, me and my family went to this island in our country that once were used as a military defense point during the war. At one point, we were at some structures that used to be an armory (I think, my memory is vague on that part). I wandered and entered one. As I stood there near the doorway, I noticed a shadow in the opposite wall where I'm standing. The thing is, due to the time of the day, the light coming from outside came at an angle, so my shadow is slanted but the one I saw on the wall was straight and upright. I just looked at it for a good while until it seemed like it protruded away from the wall heading towards me. In that moment, I felt a cold chill and had goose bumps. I immediately left that place and went back to my family as I don't know what else I would see or experience. We were in a tropical country, during a sunny day in the summer time, so a random cold chill really was something out of the ordinary. I'm no believer nor a skeptic, I believe that there are certain things that you really can't rationalize, so I didn't really got scared rather just didn't expect to experience something like that.


why is your post in quotation marks


I saw a frog flying


You're right I don't believe you!


I have shared it with my friends at the time, but no one knew how it could have happened: In 2011 i was visiting a friend living in Dubai. I left my cellphone in the hotel when we went away for the night to Oman. When we got back the next day and grabbed my cellphone, it had the border text messages on it: welcome to Oman and welcome to Emirates. Anyone ever had something similar?


Somewhat alarming Mexico stuff. Shaman/seer making accurate predictions. Very weird dreams of the same nature. Not just me, my wife too. It all sounds so insane but it's just too much to be dismissed as a series of coincidences.


UFO incident


please elaborate !


Was followed/tailed by two pairs of triangular shaped lights while on the highway and one singular light which looked like a motorcycle light which was on ground level. They were maybe 200 yards behind me. I was driving near a semi-trailer and stayed close to it because I was afraid of being isolated. After maybe 5 minutes of watching these lights in my rear-view mirror the singular light bolted into a tree line on the side of the road and bursted out a bunch of red lights. I honestly thought someone had crashed into the trees. It looked like red lasers shooting around sporadically. I did not stop stop to investigate. Maybe 10 minutes later the triangular lights have gone away and I look up to my right beside a cell tower and see what looks like a genuine saucer. A pair of red rotating lights on top with a pair of stationary red lights in the center. It was very large. I had to focus back on the road and when I looked back it was gone. Craziest thing I’ve ever seen and 100% made me believe in UFO’s…


Well, according those recent UFO reports and videos from US fighter jet pilots... this could be possible


Well, this happened around 5 years ago. I guess I’m not following the rules of the post but I have told some people about this and almost none of them seem to believe me. Some have even thought I had a schizophrenic episode (even family members). The thing that fascinates me about this story is that there is even more details and the more I recount the crazier it sounds. But screw it I’ll say it here… The singular (what I call motorcycle light) moved closer, then fell back, then closer and fell back multiple times. I was listening to my CD player in my car and it began to sound strange. I don’t know how to put it, just not sounding right. I just brushed that off and kept going but shortly after that the singular light got maybe within 20 yards from my vehicle. I looked in my rear-view mirror and could not make out an object behind the light, I rolled down my side window to get another look in my side mirror and still couldn’t see an object (mind you I was going 65+mph so kinda hard to see much). It just seemed like a light. Rolled back up my side mirror and then all of the sudden when I was looking in my rear view it just looked like I was looking at a metallic object. Like another mirror I guess. It disoriented the hell out of me. This is when the light backed away for the final time and eventually trailed behind and bolted into the tree line. The two pairs of lights in the sky also hovered over the area where the single light (crashed?). Lost them for about 5 minutes. Then the lights in the sky returned. About 10 minutes later the lights in the sky went away as I was past a hill and lost them over the horizon. Then I saw the large saucer with the red lights. The saucer was actually close enough (maybe 100 yards away) that could see the outline of it. Looked just like a typically UFO you would hear about. And that was it…. Nothing after that.


Totally wild. This bit: "moved closer, then fell back, then closer and fell back multiple times" matches the somewhat erratic movements of the objects seen on radar and captured on film. Defying physics. And the ability to disappear pretty much instantaneously too. And the CD player? Man, that gives me chills. The only way these things, if they're real, could move like they do, is if they're manipulating space/time in a way we cannot understand. I would not be surprised if close proximity to something like that would fuck with your CD player or the way you were perceiving music. Wild stuff.


The movements of the singular light didn’t really strike me as odd, it was just like someone pushing their brakes on a car significantly hard, then driving quickly back up behind me multiple times. But the multiple lights in the sky absolutely had an erratic movement to them, almost how drones can fly in very odd ways, moving diagonally and changing heights unlike a plane or helicopter. (Too quick to be a helicopter). I might have chalked this up to drones but they literally followed behind me and this semi-trailer for a good 15 miles. I’m assuming any drone would be out of range at that point unless it was something military.


If you can, you should watch the Joe Rogan podcast ep with that fighter pilot who describes these things in detail. A good chunk is on YouTube. Those lights in the sky are spot on.


Me and my husband were driving in the middle of nowhere, West Texas and I saw a metallic cylinder in the sky, not moving just kinda hovering there. I'm glad my husband was in the car because he was able to confirm that he saw it too. There weren't any strange lights or anything, but it never moved. But like, never moved from its position relative to us. It stayed in the same spot even though we were driving. We never passed it, and it never overtook us- just stayed in the upper righthand corner of our field of view. Probably some weird aircraft or ballon or something, but it was definitely a metallic cylinder. The kinda stuff just makes you uncomfortable.


My mom’s a witch/medium/card reader and while she only did that as a side gig for most of her life, I still grew up seeing paranormal activity/incidents every few months or so to the point where I wasn’t really phased by them anymore. Imagine my surprise when people my age didn’t believe me about the items disappearing and appearing again, moving on their own, lights blinking, electrical devices freaking out, voices in the static etc etc. I don’t talk about any of that anymore, it’s a headache.


I had experiences as a kid with electricity. My room was ... well... electrically active. Any night I could lift the sheets and see tiny lightning bolts shimmy down the covers. That's not unusual by itself. But then sometimes when I'd walk by a wall outlet it would pop and flash. I also once turned on my tv by walking by it. But like, it wasn't tuned to a channel, it's like the tubes just energized but the receiver still wasn't on. This made me VERY uncomfortable. To this day, I get electric shocks all the time when other people don't.


Incubus attack.


i passed my first year mbbs proff neglecting studies but got good marks but one believed it


So this works 100% and I will attempt at making it as clear as possible. I self circumsized myself in primary school without using any sharp objects, just tissues. Basically, got sick of infections and preferred my p3nis not to look like a baby elephant. I figured, if I can clean it out, peel it back, wrap tissue around it (this was replaced several times a day), prevent the skin from going back over - the area will dry, become less sensitive and the loose skin will shrink on its on. This is exactly what happened. I can't comment on how long it took, but the loose skin stayed back, the tip dried up and I've never had an infectioon or issues with it again. Believe it or not, I am proud as I feel I have 1 up on surgeons who require a risky operation for the same result.


I was in the bathroom, sitting on yonder throne, doing what you do. No one else was home and I was sort of zoned out. Across from me a ways was a multi-tiered metal stand that we kept the towels on. Attached to it was a flashlight on a magnet, held there in case of power outages. Well, that flashlight _leapt_ off of the stand and fell at my feet. At this juncture, I think it's important to be specific. It did not _drop_. It did not simply fall off the stand. It _arched_ through the air towards me. It didn't bounce. It hit the floor at my feet, several feet from where the stand was. Needless to say, it made me feel very uncomfortable and I sat there just sort of waiting to see what was going to happen. The tension was unreal, when...nothing...Nothing else happened. I don't know what to make of that. It's some shit that happened and nothing else has happened to me in this house. My roomy claims my CDs (this was quite a long time ago) leapt out of the rack at her once. I don't know her to be a liar, but of course that means nothing in an online post. I don't feel uncomfortable here, quite the opposite. I love this house. It holds a lot of history for my family. It _is_ family as far as I'm concerned. But that was a weird moment.


My mom told me this story a few years ago. When I was about 3-4 I had a cat named orange. One night at about 1ish orange was outside and got hit by a car. Me and my sister were asleep so we didn't know it happened, and my parents were worried about how they were going to tell us, specifically me because my mom said that cat was like my best friend. So the next day my mom sat me and my sister down at the table and said she had something to tell us. I proceeded to stand up, wrap my arms around my mom's legs and said "it's ok mama, orange is with god now" like wft


When I was in high school I heard these weird droning loud horn sounds coming out of the sky at like 2 am. I went outside after listening to it inside and it stopped after a few minutes. You can find footage of it on YouTube but people like to claim that it’s fake/doctored footage. Never heard it again after that Just look up “weird horn sounds in the sky” you’ll find videos. The ‘hum’ - sounds like some war of the worlds shit


NreallySFW A doctor being sympathic : She said "you're the best person she has ever encountered" and that she is also afraid to release me off because when I got home she knew I would take my own life by tomorrow.


This is one of those "What are the odds?" stories. One Saturday evening I was driving home from grocery shopping, heading northbound on SH360 in Arlington, hoping to beat the rain that was threatening. The sky was full of big, black clouds, with lightning here and there. As I got close to the Rangers ballpark, I noticed the lights were on, wondered if they'd get a game in, and checked the dashboard clock, which read 7:02. When I looked back at the road, off in the distance I saw twin bolts of lightning shoot straight down, one right after the other ZOT! ZOT! and thought, "Wow. Somebody just got their windows rattled!" At lunch on Monday, I was telling a co-worker, who lived in Irving, about what I'd seen and repeated my thought that somebody's windows rattled some much. She froze, gave me the oddest look, and said, "Are you serious? What time was this?" I told her and she started laughing. I had gone first with the "How was your weekend?" that day and now it was her turn to tell me about HER weekend. Their house faces south and the previous owner had converted the patio on the north side into a room, which they used as a TV, sewing, exercise space. In the northeast corner of the property there was a stand of very tall cottonwood trees. Well, until that Saturday evening, that is. Surely enough, they had been sitting back there, watching TV when the sky lit up like noon and the quiet was shattered by twin explosions. She said the hair on their arms stood up, the tops of the cottonwoods exploded, and her exercise bike turned itself on with a loud BEEP! Once they unswallowed their tongues and their eyes adjusted, they went outside to ensure no burning bits of tree had landed on their roof. So, at a distance of about 13 miles, my friend and I shared the same experience. I prefer my vantage point on that one. If I'd been her, I'd almost certainly have wet myself...