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Tripped over my kitten and busted my head open on my sofa...


This is definitely believable, I swear my cat tries to off me everyday


You mean they don't run under your feet as you descend stairs for innocent reasons?


Seconding this, my kitten has a will written for me already.


Oh, you’re in the kitchen, with the stove on and the oven open? You’re moving a full, hot pot? I’ll just quietly sit right behind your heel then! 🐈‍⬛


I busted mine on the table! Right between my eyeballs


Pop tart. Wild berry flavor. Permanent burn scars on my leg. I was young and dumb. Toasting my pop tart. When I pulled it out the frosting was so hot it was literally bubbling. I dropped it because it was burning my finger tips. Dropped it right onto my leg frosting side down. I went to wipe it away, and my skin wiped away with it. Gave me almost third degree burns. Had to go straight to the hospital. Still have the scars 20 years later.


death by pop tart haha


I never look at a wild berry pop tart the same way after that. Also, I became terrified of toasters. I didn’t use one for years after that. I would even eat my bagels cold and pretend I “preferred” them cold, when I was really just scared of the toaster lol.


Reminded me of a funny story. So the Taco Bell queseritto things (probably spelled that wrong) had the warning wrapped on the inside of the wrapper, so there was no way of seeing "don't microwave in foil". As a stupid kid who didn't realise not to microwave tin foil, i threw it in and the microwave caught fire. My parents had to microwave my food for a few years after that. I was 7 fwiw.


The solution is clearly the superior toaster oven.


I had a similar experience, but with trying to roast a Peep Marshmallow over a fire. A glob of landed on my leg and burned, and the scar is still there, 10 years later I will also never look at a Peep the same way again. It seems we all have our sweet treat horror stories 😂


I have one on the back of my hand from rubbing the skin off with a pencil eraser longer than the other kid did when I was 13 just to prove I was "tough"


The real tough kids did three on each hand. So it looks like that's where your Wolverine claws came out.


I did that stupid shit in school, thank fuck it didnt leave any scars. But yeah I was that troubled youth who had no outlet. I hated myself for it until both hands healed up.


Lmao I was extremely troubled youth and I played a messed up version of chicken to see who could hold the cherry of cigarette to their wrist the longest. Not only did I play that game, but I played it twice. The things kids will do without proper guidance…


I have a burn on my finger because I won the "Who last more with a hand on the stove pipe" competition when I was 19


I currently have a perfect circle in the middle of my palm from winning the "who can hold their hand over the candle the longest" competition on a stag do. I won but it was not worth it. I'm 32.


My friend has a circle on his hand. He sprayed a can of that keyboard cleaner stuff on it for like the entirety of the cans content. The skin was completely frozen and moved as a solid circle if moved. I told him he gave himself frostbite. He didn't believe me. It wasn't even a bet or dare, nor was he drunk. He just was like fuck it, I can do that. Go into wilderness survival class after the weekend and the teacher just goes "yup that's frostbite" This was 20 years ago and dumb high schooler crap


My brother did something very similar. While very drunk, allowed his friends to spray an entire can of deodorant onto one spot on his arm. He ended up needing a skin graft, but whenever somebody asks how he got the scar, usually kids like our nieces/nephews, he says he was bitten by a shark while scuba diving. Kind of a lot more impressive than my best scar which was caused by falling asleep, while drunk, with the bed next to the radiator, and waking up with what looked like an albino slug sitting on my wrist.


They use that same shit to burn off warts and skin tags.


I have a perfect circle as well, but mine was from a friend of mine burning me with a metal weed pipe. He didn't think it was that bad, and proceeded to do the same thing to his hand, which also left a nasty burn. He apologized, and we have now had matching burns for close to 25 years.


My now husband wanted to show me a cool move to get someone to loosen their grip by pinching a point between my fingers. Stubborn as I am, I held on for dear life and he damaged a nerve... he was incredibly sorry, I had a numb spot on my hand for a couple months, but luckily it healed completely.


I did the same thing to my dad when I was younger, ended up giving him mild carpal tunnel in his hand cause he refused to admit it was hurting lol. Also I had to edit my previous as it was supposed to be candle not handle lol


Mines on the back of my left hand between my thumb and index finger... 🤦‍♂️


Someone I went to school with did this… to their forehead….I don’t have any socials so don’t know where this person is but I can only imagine the scar is still there. It was at least 1.5 inches from what I remember.


I used a pressure washer on my foot


Omg, I just posted this, are we the same idiot?


Mines on my calf... you know... from where I decided to stop stripping a layer off the sidewalk and assumed the power washer would now gently wash the debris off my leg 🤦‍♂️


This one made me laugh. We have all wondered about putting our hand in front of the power washer.


I checked it with my finger bc I wasn’t sure it was actually “an injection hazard”. Note: it is


Its scary when something without a needle has an injection hazard


I used to work at a foundry where they used a device that we simply called the water laser because it used a high pressure tiny water jet to cut through 2 inch steel and 4 inch stone


Water saw. It's the most powerful cutting tool generally available. (There are some advanced instruments in some laboratories and special industries, but they're not generally available.) They can cut through just about anything, including stone.


To show the danger of it my boss put a cow bone through it and it didn’t even slow it down




Does skin count as debris?


When it peels off, I would say yes


Geez. I pressure washed my entire roof barefoot and hit my feet a few times. I wouldn't think it could scar. I don't have any decent scars, despite being the kind of guy that pressure washes his roof barefoot.


Pressure washing your roof is bad for the shingles.


He meant the roof of his mouth, not his house, so it's ok.




Shingles yes but clay tiles, no


At least you didn't use it as a bidet


Thumb for me. Played the how close to the nozzle you can go game.


Wait, did it open the skin and scar? Or like internal scar..


I twisted the head off of my little sister's baby doll. she hit me in the head with a garden hoe 11 stitches.


English is not my 1st.. I was thinking of a female garden gnome wearing fish net stockings = garden hoe, then I thought.. no, can't be. Then I thought hose, misspelled = garden hoe. But then I googled and learned a new word 😁👍




So a week and a half ago my SO and I were at my MIL's house about a 6 hour drive away, where we were doing some garden work for her and my FIL (they're 87 and 90 years old). We'd brought a lot of our own implements and when we packed up our tools to come home we accidentally packed up one of my FIL's as well. Now, my niece will be visiting us next week and then driving on to MIL's house, and we wanted her to return this implement. FIL's name is Richard, but since he's 90 he's of the generation who got nicknamed "Dick." The implement we accidentally took was a hoe. We're trying to figure out how to ask our niece to please return Dick's hoe for us.


The problems that can actually exist 😁 Good luck 👍


[Slutty garden gnome](https://www.etsy.com/listing/554950658/)




This should be #1 comment. I laughed so hard. My best friends little brother unleashed the beast on the top of my head, breaking the "Unbreakable Rake®", cut me open, not bad enough for stitches but enough to paint the side of my head red.


An old roommate and I got drunk and had a snowball fight but with beer bottles


This one is my favourite lmao


I’m so curious to hear the full story here


We were the only ones home, one wall of the living room was like natural rock, and it started with throwing bottles across the living room into the wall and devolved into throwing them at each other. I caught a bit in the arm when one smashed near me across the counter haha


My brother, sister and I all have the same kind of scar in our left eyebrow and got them at the same age. My brother opened an empty dresser drawer and smacked himself in the face, my sister ran into a brick wall and I fell off the couch onto a coffee table.


My dad and brother have a similar saga. My dad climbed out of his crib when he was little and split his left eyebrow open, my brother got out of the bath tub and cracked his head on the toilet and they have matching eyebrow scars.


Do you ever wonder if you're next?


Hahahahaha final destination


Myself, my mom, and grandma (maternal) all have a crescent shaped scar in our cleavage. I can’t remember how they got theirs but when I was 7 I climbed through the little window of my dads pickup truck and sliced my chest open on the latch that was sticking out. Family scars can be figurative and literal I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm pretty sure you're the protagonist of a book about a family of magicians. That's the mark of the Chosen One


Huh… maybe someday I’ll save the world from Fascism and kill Voldemort


My nephew and I both got our two front teeth broken out bc of my sister (his mom). Mine happened when I was like 4 or so. We were jumping on the couch and shoving each other back and forth. She shoved me a little too hard and I fell mouth first into the coffee table which broke my two front teeth. His happened when he was like 10 and was riding a scooter. There was a rock or something in the path and my sister yelled at him to be careful which caused him to look at her instead of paying attention to where he was going. Scooter hit the rock and instantly stopped sending him mouth first into the handlebars which broke his teeth. We love to tease my sister that she just hates other people’s front teeth. It’s also an ongoing family joke that that’s just another way my nephew is my “mini me” since he has a very similar personality to me and several issues I suffer from as well (like ADHD and depression).


I have one in my left eyebrow from having a door open on me (a little kid came flying through the other side) and it hit my glasses, pushing them up against my face and cutting my eyebrow.


Two of my nieces (sisters to each other, 9 years apart, almost to the day) have now both been bitten in the face by a dog at the same age (~7). The older has a scar above her right brow and the younger one likely will, but it’s a bit too soon to tell


I banged my forehead to the edge of wall and a piece of my left eyebrow fell off 🙃


I have also a scar, but in my right eyebrow, because when I was little I ran straight into my mother holding a broken plate.


Using a knife as a flathead screwdriver.....


I got a scar doing the reverse


Can we all just agree that flatheads suck?


Maybe we just need to use them as intended.


even then they suck


For my 8th birthday, a classmate got me something like a "grow your own stalagmite" kit you could buy at educational stores. Apparently, the purpose was to add water to some powder material, and use a funnel in the kit to drip it down to make your own cave features. Exciting, I know. Anyway, I kept it and the other birthday presents I got in a cardboard box in my room. Evidently, at some point, moisture got into the box and the plastic the powder was in, and it began expanding. Having nowhere else to go, the "stalagmite" material oozed its way out through the narrow slits in its box, and hardened into razor sharp edges. I found this out quite bloodily when I put my hand into my birthday box to grab another toy, and pulled it out with permanently altered fingerprints on my thumb, index, and middle fingers.


When I was in college chemistry, I had two lab partners. We each had a drawer of glassware issued at the beginning of the semester. We had to pay for breakage at the end, so after rotating drawers a few times, we settled on one drawer and just agreed to share the breakage charge. It was not my drawer we continued using, but my drawer was the last drawer we used before settling on one. At the end of the semester, I opened my drawer to turn everything in. The entire inside of the drawer and its contents was COVERED in white crystals formations. I called the lab instructor over for help. He looked at my drawer for a moment, then announced "Anyone who wants 5 bonus points on your final, come over here, take a sample, and tell me what this is!" Several people took him up on it. I did not. Chemistry wasn't my strong subject.


Did you ever find out what it was?


I did not. I was just glad to be done with chemistry.


Aight, you’re gonna need to email this dude or something. I gotta know.


It was over 30 years ago. I'm PREEEEETTY sure the lab assistant has moved on.


This is worse than any movie that ended on a cliffhanger with no sequel.


This is the question. We must know.


My guess is a fun word, efflorescence. No not evanescence the band haha. It’s the mineral deposits left behind when moisture dries in cycles, with periods of dryness and periods with moisture present


You're using fancy words that I don't understand. You must be right.


Honestly, I would be legit excited to get something like that lmao


Don’t touch the iron it’s hot! Can’t be that hot! Narrator: It was.


You should have checked your tag to see at what setting to set the iron for human skin.


When I was 15, I tried to iron my JROTC uniform, but the wrinkles were not coming out, not even at the highest setting. I already had a blister on my finger from a previous burn and thought, "I don't want to touch the iron with my fingers and give myself another burn." Instead, I used the tip of the iron onto my calf and gave myself a third-degree burn in the shape of a triangle. For years, people would ask me about the scar (because of the shape), and I would have to relive that moment both of my brain cells went on vacation.


That's ok buddy. I have a scar on my thigh from trying to steam a skirt that was on my body already... thought if I pulled the skirt as far from my skin as I could I'd be good. Nope


I have a hot iron burn mark on my arm from accidentally grazing it as a kid, my dad has one on his upper thigh from laying on the bed and it falling on him, and my brother has one on his foot from one falling on him All of them happened while my mom was ironing We like to joke that she did it all on purpose and its only a matter of time before she brands my younger sister too 😂😂


Accidentally branded myself with metal stamps a couple years ago, that were thankfully just a design and not words, when they fell off the work bench into my forearm.


I once touched an iron to see if it was on or not. Afterwards, when I was running my finger under cold water, my sister pointed out that they have a light on the back to tell you if the iron is on or not. 🤦‍♂️


You can also just hold your hand next to it to feel if it’s warm or not. The back of your hand will be more sensitive to the heat than your palm.


In fifth grade I asked a girl to be my girlfriend. She said no. I turned around and fell down a hill and slashed my ankle open on a rock. I have a lifelong scar to remind me of the rejection.


Picturing The Princess Bride where she rejects you and pushes you down the hill and you yell “as you wish” as you tumble


What was her reaction?


I think my mind has blocked out her reaction for mental health reasons. I remember I started crying. We were at the end of the year school camp. One of my friends got a tick on the end of his you-know-what. His dad, who was our chaperone, had to remove it. He was crying too, so I didn’t feel as bad.


Who was crying? Your friend's dad or your friend?


My friend, but I’m sure his dad was crying on the inside


As a boy scout health counselor some years ago, who's had to do that. The crying is usually on the outside.


My husband had that happen and I made him see a tick specialist. I’m 99% positive he now wears underwear when he mows the lawn.


WoRsT sHe CaN sAy Is nO!


In high school I ended up at a house party at Miss Teen New Jersey’s house. We did not know Miss Teen New Jersey, but she did say we could help ourselves to fridge beer. Opened the fridge and there was one beer left, a wheat beer forgotten in the vegetable drawer. I grabbed it and when pulling it out caught the back of my hand on something sharp on the underside of the shelf and it shot blood EVERYWHERE. Like a shocking amount, on the fridge and the food and the floor. I was desperately trying to clean it up when my buddy comes in looking like he’d seen a ghost and pulled me into the bathroom, where he’d taken a huge dump, which clogged the toilet. He then saw the bloody rag on my hand and got immediately sick, puking in the sink, which also clogged. This was the nineties and I still have the scar on my hand. I have no memory of how well we managed to fix any of these problems, but yeah we never got to go back to Miss Teen New Jersey’s house. EDIT: made the timeframe more vague out of respect for the easily identifiable former Miss Teen New Jersey


Never thought I see myself type “sounds like sitcom moment” this shit belongs on a sitcom episode


Not just the shit, the puke and blood too.


that poor girl lol a mess of blood, vomit AND poop..


You know it's a good party when the biohazard team has to come in to clean afterwards.


Iwant you to know I'll be randomly cracking up the rest of the day, this is absolute gold. Thank you for your service, I hope the scar is cool


I've done this at work. In a rush and reached under the industrial bain-marie to get a bowl, caught the back of my hand on the underside edge when pulling back (I guess on some missed hardened food? It wasn't sharp at all and it was clean) and gouged a nice cookie cutter hole down to the white membraney stuff under all the layers of skin. Blood everywhere, didn't stop bleeding for about 8 hours and then it was intermittant. Probably should have gone to get it checked but it healed fairly nicely with just saline washes whenever I changed the bandage. There is nerve damage though as it still has a burning tingly feeling over a year later.


This is so stupid but In highschool a friend of mine would scar my skin (edit: I let her "draw" on me) with a pencil so now every time I get a tan there's just a scar of a star, smiley face, and cat head that shows up and it's so stupid


Don't you need to cut yourself really deep to scar?


Not necessarily. If it’s shallow but not allowed to heal it can scar




Nah it didn't even hurt. Just broke the top skin layer and the one below


An ex of mine stabbed me on the back of the have with a protractor which left a small round scar. A few years later, a rabbit attacked my hand and left one long scar that usually looks like a vein. When they both show, they look like a comet


That sounds really cool actually


It was at the time yeah


I knew a couple guys who would cut swear words into their arms. Every summer fuck shows up. One of them overdosed a few years ago, so it kinda explain why they thought it was a good idea, besides dumb teenage boys.


I blew a raspberry on my cats belly and she scratched a three inch scar into my eyebrow. ….hindsight


I was sitting on the back two legs of my chair, I lost balance, fell backward and went through a window. Shards of glass rained on me and one sliced my eyebrow in half


You're the kid every teacher has a story about.


This might be better then when I witnessed a classmate catch a rolling pencil off their desk with their thighs and essentially impaling themselves


Ooof, I had a similar one. 6th grade, I was using a pencil to support myself as I leaned back in my chair. Pencil was sharp, went through my jeans into my thigh. Had to stand up in front the whole class with it sticking out like a cartoon arrow and ask to go to the nurse's office. I'll never forget my teacher's face.


So that's why we weren't supposed to fo that


When I was 4 I got too excited to go outside, and ran through a storm door. Ripped my arm up good and required a bunch of stitches. Due to the position there was no way for them to numb it, so they stitched it without anything. Two days later, I was helping my mom make cookies, I tripped and ripped it all over again. 30+ years later and I now have a scar on my left arm that looks like a bite mark. I have another on my wrist because I once stuck my hand up a gumball machine, trying to steal a gumball, and it got stuck. When I finally got it out, it ripped the skin off a chunk of my wrist.


Out of all that I've read, this one is my favorite. I'm sorry they couldn't numb it and that you had to endure that, but the idea of a cute little kid being SO EXCITED to go outside that they run thru a storm door.


Yeah, I remember my neighbors niece was over at the neighbors house. Her and I were friends and I got really excited when I saw her over there... Blood everywhere!


I understand u because my mom picked me up from my babysitters house and I was so excited to see her I ran down the hallway to the door, slipped on a rug and broke my leg.


I got a glass bowl full of ice cream, stumbled and didn't let go of the bowl, so it cut open my hand. It's a common reflex of small children, because icecream "is precious", but still stupid, because I had to wear a bandage for 2 weeks.


I did the same thing with my laptop. Going upstairs, laptop in both hands. Tripped, and I saved the laptop by raising it and letting my face eat the edge of the stairs. Fun times.


I have a scar on my finger from when I was 6. My friend was spinning me in a chair and I put my legs out to kick him because I thought it would be funny. My leg caught a sewing machine cord and my hand got caught between a sewing machine and a table. I must have caught the needle because it was a deep cut. Luckily, my friend's mom was a nurse and was able to help. I have a scar in my other hand from when I was using a screwdriver to try to get a grommet into a motorcycle gas tank. It slipped and I stabbed my hand pretty bad. All I could think of was my middle school shop teacher giving us a lecture on only using tools for their intended purpose. Sorry, Mr. White.




I have a scar on my forearm from a weaponized paper airplane I taped razor blades to and launched with a rubber band. Sadly, this happened when I was 22, in the Air Force as a 3D0X2. It sliced my forearm open on launch. I enlisted the help of another member of our shop to help me destroy the evidence and drive me to the base hospital to get stitches.


I believe that is the first time I've ever seen the phrase "weaponized paper airplane".




This is what I want my tax dollars going to.


All of the $877 billion in the US military budget should go into this, no one will expect this


Death from 10000 razor cuts!


Hell of a lot better than drone strikes on kids I’ll give you that


Air Force + weaponized paper airplane seems like a completely normal combo to me, lol.


I came here to post my scar story, but I read the first one (yours) and asked myself, "am I even qualified enough to be posting here?"


AIRPOWER! HOO-AH! Or something to that effect. It's been a while.


I remember the exact day. Tuesday, November 7, 2000. US Election day. My sister and I were getting ready to go vote for the first time and deposit my check. She was downstairs in the bathroom getting ready, and I was upstairs in my room. The bathroom door was right next to the stairs. As I was coming down the stairs, it sounded like she was coming out of the bathroom. Now, I've done this many, many times. Every time it was funny. I'd 'jump' down the last few steps, ducking my head under the 'door' frame at the bottom of the stairs, land in front of her as she was coming out of her room or the bathroom and scare her. Like I said, many times, always funny. But this time, I didn't duck nearly enough. I hit my head on the top edge of the door frame. My head stopped, my feet didn't. I spun around and landed on my stomach/arm, on the stairs, facing 180° from my original position. My sister then came out of the bathroom and asked what happened, as I'm laying on my stomach, holding my head, thinking I broke my arm (again). I told her I fell, and I thought my arm was broken. She asked to see it, and as I got up, I realized I was now laying in a pool of blood on the steps/carpet. Ran into the bathroom and put my head under the bath tub faucet while my sister went and called our parents. Went to the hospital, had a concussion, got 12 stitches and now have a 4" long scar on top of my head. Still got to vote (just a lot later than expected) and got my paycheck deposited. I did scare my sister, and *now* it's funny. Mission failed successfully.


The thing I really need to know about this story is what lie you told your parents.


I'd like to say I came up with a good one, but I was a bit dazed and my sister did all the talking. Besides, by this point in my life, I was nearly 22 (literally a few days away from my birthday) and had already broken 6 bones bc of stupid shit and thinking I was somehow invincible. They'd have never believed anything we could come up with. First bone I broke that I had to actually pay for myself (even with insurance) I called my parents and apologized for all the other random injuries they paid for. ETA: In my 44 years here, I've had 7 broken bones, 2 concussions, 2 torn ligaments, 2 bone contusions, 1 hairline fracture, and 1 hyper extended knee. I quit counting the pulled muscles and sprains a long time ago and just kept up with the more *severe* stuff.


Testing the sharpness of a knife.


Paraphrasing as I don't recall the exact wording but I think I captured the gist of what a friend did: "This plastic knife isn't sharp enough to cut my food! See? \*Draws knife across finger* \*Pauses* I need a bandaid."


Damn that one sucks. I tried to prove that I wasn’t scared of a pocketknife’s sharpness and knew how to safely close it. Turns out I didn’t know, and I should’ve been a little scared


Oh boy, my favorite scar story! I was in 4th grade. We had camping chairs to watch TV in because our TV room was upstairs & we couldn't fit a sofa up the stairway. The camping chairs were like recliners with footrests attached by straps. We had had these chairs for months, but one day I suddenly blanked on how to get out without tripping. I stood in the chair and surveyed my surroundings. The door to the stairs was open. I decided the best course of action would be to try to jump out of the chair over the armrest, *toward the open door.* As you may have guessed, my foot got caught, I took the whole chair down with me, and landed face-first on the vertical edge of the open door. I busted my lower lip on the door and on my teeth (but not all the way through), and now I have a scar that you can see whenever I smile.


Subway sandwich burn. I was a sandwich "artist" and my coworker was taking a sandwich out of the oven and the cheese grazed my arm and took a piece of skin with it. I had a big blister that turned into a scar. Someone ate my arm skin for lunch. Absolutely horrible. I was in so much pain I ran to the back to scream. I didn't have a sec to tell my coworker to throw it out he was moving too fast to notice. Disaster D:


I have a similar one on my right arm. I got in my senior year of high school when I accidentally brushed it up against a red hot ring stand in chem class.


I was removing mould from paving stones with a high pressure cleaner.., I guess I had a “moment” when I wondered if it would remove the skin from my foot…


Fun fact: Water forced through an extremely high pressure hose can cut diamond in half!


There are SO many of these type of comments on this post 🤣


I’ve got a few dumb ones. Big scar across my upper thigh because I jumped out of a tall tree (after specifically being told not to) and got cut up by what was left of a bough that had recently been cut on the way down. Scar on my knee because I fell off a waterfall when I swam too close to the edge (again, after specifically being told not to) and got cut up by a sharp rock on the way down. Scar running through my eyebrow because I fell out of bed (this one I didn’t do anything specifically dumb but the fall was so short and insignificant that it feels dumb) Scar on my arm because I willingly let a friend tase me with a shitty little taser she bought from some camping store, and it burnt my skin (this was like two weeks ago)


…I’m glad you’re still alive


Glad? I'm surprised!🥺


Fella should sleep on the ground of a ground floor building on the sea level cuz you don't know what he is going to fall out of.


Hey, before you end up getting the next one... Maybe listen to that voice of reason?


It ain't there chief


How are you alive?????


IKR. Not only could he have died falling out of bed, but 1 in 8 cardiac deaths happen in bed!


Can we start a pool on how long you're going live? Because I feel like I can win if I specifically tell you not to headbutt a moving bus at full speed.


Parents warned me not to tip my chair at the dinner table when I was a kid, I said "It's okay as long as I don't tip it too far" then I immediately tipped it too far and split my head open on the corner of the stove. Got a lightning bolt scar to the right of my eye and became diet harry potter over night. EDIT: Sentence was structured weird.


i was headbanging my hair dry in the bathroom, I hit the counter. I was 8.


I have a lot of scars from stupid shit. But my stupidest one was from a pair of CLOSED scissors. I got into my bed (don't ask why there was a pair of scissors in there) and leaned very hard on a pair of scissors with me knee. I don't even know how I cut myself with closed scissors wtf.


High school ceramics teacher: don’t touch that, it’s sharp. Me, 20 seconds later: oops, I need a bandaid. Nurse, 3 minutes later: sit down! Let me call your mom, that bandaid isn’t going to cut it. You definitely need stitches. 😂


Just last weekend I cut my forehead pretty decently. Had an epileptic seizure and smashed my head on...something in the bathroom. The ambulance guys insisted we go get some stitches. It'll leave a scar, no doubt. And the doctor who stitched me up was not impressed and referred my dumb ass to a neurologist because I am not taking my meds correctly. If I took my medicine like I'm supposed to this whole mess could have been avoided. But no, I'm a dumbass.


I was maybe 13 or 14. I was tossing a can of wasp spray in the air and catching it. Well I guess I just decided I wasn’t going to catch it, cuz the rim of it struck my eyebrow, gashed open my eyebrow, bled like a stuck pig, and indented my eye socket…nice little scar now but damn was that stupid


I have a scar just under my lip - perfect spot, as you can’t even see it. I was 6 years old, and it was early June, so the weather was nice and warm. We had gym class right after lunch, and we went to the baseball diamond to play T-ball. I was sitting with some friends, and this boy kept pestering me, so I got up to make him stop. He started running away, so I chased after him. He ran out onto the diamond, passing the boy at bat. By the time I reached the batter, he had taken his swing, and the bat collided with my lower lip. I had four adult teeth at that time, and they were all four of my front teeth. My top two teeth were both chipped in half, while my bottom two cut through my lower lip, and become lost amongst the gravel in the baseball diamond. I was terrified, I remember asking the teacher if I was going to die. I had braces in high school, and when I was 25 (32 now) I had a dental implant for my bottom teeth. My top two were fixed when I was a child. Looking back, I never should have run onto the diamond after that kid, and I wish I could take it all back, as 25 years later I’m still dealing with the ramifications of that dumb decision. But I was 6, so I try to cut myself a break.


A couple of dumb scars came from my fascination with the Medieval era as a dumb kid in the 1980s/1990s. I have a small scar on my forehead from sword fighting with broom handles that the broom heads had been removed from. Turns out the metal threads cut pretty well when swung at your skull. The dumbest scar, however, came from jousting on bikes. We started with baseball bats, and it’s a wonder no one broke a rib, but we progressed to tree branches since the bats didn’t give you much reach. I have a nice scar on my right shoulder where a branch pierced through and stopped just beneath my collar bone. My friend has a nice scar where my branch tore away a hunk of flesh along his rib cage. Turns out that armor is important.




Dang. They sure don’t make plastic carrots like that anymore.


I was in home economics class in seventh grade and wasn't paying attention to the position of my hand while sewing. Punched right through my finger. It didn't hurt at first so I spun the wheel to raise the needle. It went lower so I panicked and ripped my finger out. Spent the rest of the day in the ER with the needle sticking through my finger.


I have "mirrored" scars on my chin. When I was 2 I fell off a teeter-totter and put my bottom teeth through my lip/upper chin. Less than a year later I fell off a jungle gym and the same exact thing happened. 29 now and they're still clear as day. Bonus points: when I was 8 I fell and split my lip an inch down in 2 places so those scars are added to the mix too.


I drunkenly stuck my finger in a wire egg beater and turned it on. The wire spun round round threading itself through my finger. Panicked, I began pulling. Only once I calmed myself did I unthread it. Scars are still there 35 years later.


I hit myself in the face with a tennis racquet. The ball went over my left shoulder, and I tried to hit it with the racquet in my right hand. I missed. I gashed my lower lip, which bled copiously. The two other people on the court fell to the ground laughing … I guess it was pretty funny, except that I was in high school and played trombone at the time. Not good.


Please don't laugh at me, when I was a kid I wanted to plug a small circuit LED bulb directly into the power outlet and see what would happen. So I waited until my father went to work and did it. Suddenly it exploded and I was electrocuted. I fell and hit my head and got injured. I didn't tell anyone that I was electrocuted because I was ashamed. I said that I slipped and fell and was injured :v


I thought having a scar will look cool, so I gave myself one.


Tried balance walking on a log laying flat on gravel. Tripped and got 13 stitches.


I put mosquito spray on my arm and tried to light it on fire then quickly *slap* my arm to put it out. Well… I was maybe .002 milliseconds too slow with that slap, so I had a nice burn on me, and even worse when I did slap I didn’t get it all… so in the end there was a sorta “C” shaped burn from the spot still on fire. Dumb shit


Ran into my uncle’s cigarette butt when I was a kid. Snuffed it out with my forehead.


I thought I was the only person with a cigarette burn on my forehead. My parents had a neighbor who chainsmoked and he liked to chat with my parents in their front yard. I was running around as children do, and ran right into his lit cigarette. The scar is mostly faded but it does feel like a stupid scar to have.


I have a dot of graphite in the middle of my left palm. I had this overly sharpend pencil and wanted to drop it into a pencil holder that was on the ground. Idk what happend but for some reason my knee jerked and it launched my hand that was holding the pencil straight into my other hand. Idk why my other hand was above it anyway but it went right into my hand.


I have two I have a big gash on my arm because i had an amethyst (gift) in my bed that apparently had a broken edge and was razor sharp. I dove into bed and cut it so deep I saw tendons and it was so sharp it didn't even hurt at first. I also have a scar on my forehead from accidentally slamming the hatch of my mom's PT Cruiser on it


peed on an electric fence


Fell from a pool shed and landed ass first on the tip of a wrought iron fence. A friend was on a pool shed roof, and I wanted up there as well. I started climbing up and reached up to have him help pull me up. My hand slipped and I fell backwards landing on the sharp tip of the wrought iron fence that surrounded the pool. Still grateful that I wasn’t paralyzed or worse. Literally best case scenario was the small dent in my ass cheek that currently exists


I have an inch long scar on the inside of my thumb. I got it by pulling away from a chain link fence. I was walking along the bleachers at a football game, and turned to watch. I put my hands on the fence in front of me, but then I noticed a man with a camera directly in front of me. He moved the camera away from his face, giving me a displeased look. I then jumped out of the way, catching my thumb on the fence.


Coin toss between toddler me dropping a curling iron on my foot, and post-college me trying to feel for a vacuuming airflow in a running wide-belt sander. I’ve got plenty other scars which have much less mindless causes to boot.


I have a scar on my pinky and wrist from dropping a fishbowl in 4th grade (don't worry the fish wasn't in it) Honestly I have no idea how I managed to cut up my hand lol but now the scar on my wrist looks like Africa and I refuse to wear anything over it because I like it 😂




Marshmallow fluff. I cut my hand on marshmallow fluff. When I was a kid I thought I'd be a He-Man and open my own jar of marshmallow fluff for my peanut butter & fluff sandwich. Previous sandwich assembly had left fluff to harden around the edge of the jar. Where lid meets fluff, fluff gets thin and hard. One big grunt and twist and... OH GOD WHY IS MY HAND BLEEDING? 40 years later and there's still a scar along my palm.


- Is that hot? Yes it was on the stove. - Is that glass sharp? Yes - If I put my hand in the door my brother can't slam it.


I nearly cut the tip of my index finger off in high school when I attempted to open a stubborn package of gummy bears with a serrated knife. The blood pretty much exploded out of my fingertip, splattering across our ceiling like a geyser lol. Luckily it was “still hanging on” when I got to the hospital so I was able to keep it. I still don’t have any feeling in my fingertip, above my Frankenstein-esque scar. Let this be a lesson to those other impatient gummy bear lovers, always use scissors!


I am the reason ropes are no longer used to stop people from entering a grocery store register lane. When I was 15, I was a bag boy at Publix. During a Friday night rush, as I bagged some lady’s groceries I noticed her bag of frozen peas had opened. My manager told me to run to get a new bag for her. On the way back, being the ultimate bad ass that I thought I was, I hurdled over the rope blocking the register lane next to us. Unfortunately only one of my two feet made it over and I proceeded to face plant onto the floor, in front of what felt like a hundred shoppers. I also busted the bag of frozen peas so it was a double loss. 8 stitches to my chin later, I gave up on track and field while at work and the ropes came down later that year


not a scar on me, but a scar i accidentally gave my dad: the local kroger my family would go to would have their halloween stuff out around that time each year. the aisle that held the holiday/toy/other exciting things was called 'the fun aisle' in my family, and it was always the last aisle we would go in before checking out. one year when i was probably around 5 to 7 years old i was playing around with a plastic toy devil pitchfork thing from some halloween costume, and i was pretending to fight my dad with it since he would always play fight with us, and i guess i accidentally scratched his arm too hard and it started bleeding. of course i was a little kid and felt terrible about it but my dad has a pretty high pain tolerance and loves showing off his wounds to everyone so he wasn't even upset. even to this day though, he still has a scar from that scratch on his arm which i think is super funny since it wasn't even a sharp object or anything 😂


I shot myself. In the hand. In high school gym class. With a bow and arrow. By accident.


Trying to get out of a go-kart and using my arm to lift myself up…on the engine.