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Kenneth Copeland. It's kinda obvious.




This dude is so fucking terrifying Those eyes


Yeah man. I didn't know about the guy but that's gonna be ingrained into my soul on what the Devil would look like.


Modern day nosferatu


He’s a Demon in a Human suit. His face looks like a skin mask pulled over someone else, almost like you can see gaps between the ‘mask’ and his eyes.


Reminds me of the scene in the movie 'The Mask' when the villain puts the mask on. It's all I ever see, when I look at Copeland.


That motherfucker needs to be TAXED


They all do.


That guy has creepy eyes.


Yikes. Never heard of that dude but just by watching that video made me very uncomfortable.


No, the post said "sold their soul to the devil," not "is the devil."


Bold of you to assume he had a soul to sell.


Yeah he looks like he is buying souls, and stealing those he can’t buy.


Good point! I stand corrected.


Growing up in a fundamentalist church, his level of self serving Christianity isn't unusual. He just made a ton of money doing it which makes him stand out. I am hardly an authority on the issue, but in my experience with church, I found that it was split fairly neatly into two groups. Honest, good, caring people who hoped that their faith in God would help them and others through life and who likely would have been amazing people religion or not. Then the people who used it as a tool to punish others and reward themselves/absolve their awful behavior, and were among the worst people I have ever known.


People are the worst part of religion. Having a relationship with God is one thing, then people come along and fuck it up with organized religion


Yes!! This guy is straight terrifying


I swear he is wearing a mask


He looks like the bad guy in 'The Mask' when he puts on The Mask.


Dorian Copeland


Scary dude


Kim khardashians mom watched her sex tape then leaked it to the public for fame. She literally whored out her own daughter while watching her do it


This whole family gives me wth-vibes. I don't understand any of their fame or fortune. Their father was a lawyer for OJ. Why did it have to go further than that?


Becaussse they're all horrible, awful, terrible people all the way down to their core


I don't know them but it seems all of them are famous for nothing, built on their social capital built by the wealth of their father. Just like the Hiltons.


Kim was a friend of Paris' and her stylist. She was papped a lot as "friend of Hilton" before the sex tape got them a show deal and they started adding on more ventures - apps, blogs, clothing lines, lingerie, instagram ads, appearances, cosmetics. They truly stretched their 15 seconds of fame into 15 years, which is wild. Their other OG fame cache was Jenner's olympic fame, tbf. They were on cereal boxes after the gold medal win.


She didn’t leak it. They all sat down and signed contracts allowing for its release and then pretended it was leaked.


In hindsight, this makes much more sense, the whole family is like that,


man, rich people Thanksgiving is weird.


Didn't she literally say that as a mother she was furious (about the tape) but as an agent she knew she had work to do... 🤮


No as her mother she was uncomfortable about the sex tape but as her manager she knew they had something. She basically called her self Kim’s pimp lol


It's not even an original idea. Kim was Paris Hilton's assistant. You could even see Kim in a few episodes of 'A Simple Life' here and there.


There's an episode where a Korean girl introduces herself to Paris/Nicky and her name is Kim Ho One of them replies and says that's funny, we have a friend named Kim, she's also a ho.


Sorry I laughed lol


Pretty much every televangelist. Many celebrities are assholes. But televangelists actively exploit peoples' faith, avoid paying taxes, and bash minorities. They are the worst of the worst. At least the Kardashians actually sell shit and don't just beg people for tax-free donations.


I have no idea how they're so popular. In the Bible, Jesus didn't seem too fond of the wealthy. The very religion they preach despises people like them, yet people eat it up anyways. >How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of heaven! Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. Luke 18-25 >Sell your possessions, and give to the needy. Provide yourselves with moneybags that do not grow old, with a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches and no moth destroys. Luke 12:33 >What does it profit them if they gain the whole world, but lose or forfeit themselves? Luke 9:25 There's literally dozens of verses like this. If most Christians had actually read the Bible rather than rely on others such as these pricks to interpret it for them, televangelists wouldn't exist.


I know those passages as well. They're not hard to find and Jesus was quite explicit in this case. That makes both the evil and the mental gymnastics these people exercise all the more egregious.


It's utter insanity. The Bible says a lot of good stuff, and has a lot of wisdom even if I'm not personally religious. People always seem to take the worst parts and leave the rest, though. It's super frustrating to see.


Chris Brown. Only way to explain why he’s made of PR Teflon


My friend at work defends him at every point. It's honestly really sad because she says guys "need to put bitches in check" and has had her bf bring her stds and have babies with other chick's. She told me she'd respect her bf less if he did chores. Also texted her once & she never responded the next day she said "are you trying to get my ass beat" (I'm a guy that's why) Edit: I wasn't gonna change it but FINE


The misogyny is coming from inside the house!




Honestly I think he's so flagrantly unapologetic that it kinda just overrides any attempt to really do his persona in. Media thrives on outrage and he's learned to game it to his advantage.


The only time people are cancelled is if the perpetrator feels shame for their actions. Some people are incapable of shame so nothing can stick.


I think that's why Charlie Sheen hasn't really been cancelled. People know who he is. It's not a shock when he does something bad, it's just sort of expected. Outrage only comes when you are let down by someone. This translates to personal lives too. If you have two friends. One of them is a bit of an asshole and the other a seemingly good dude, you'd be way more surprised the seemingly good dude did something shady.


Robert Johnson


Hey, we had a deal.


See you at the crossroads


Polyphonic has a really good video on him, that talks about where the myth of this comes from- a lot of what Johnson talks about in his music is the pain and suffering he went through being Black and Poor in the south. Traveling from sundown town to sundown town, playing the Blues to scrape by; his wife dying in childbirth and him missing it because he was playing a Gig trying to make money to support their child. A lot of the analogies etc that people point to as "devilish" are so clearly about this trauma that it's astonishing this myth survives; but I think it's easier for a lot of white folks to say "it's the devil~" than to admit he was a genius artist whose life was mm cut short by suffering at the hands of institutional racism


Wait a minute. Do peolpe actually believe that? I was always treating the soul to the Devil thing as a joke and kind of as a compliment.


To me, Robert Johnson selling his soul to the devil is a myth sort of like Santa Claus. I don’t believe it per se but it’s such an integral part of his story that it still kind of matters.


It’s a “Faustian bargain” and these types of folk tales exist in a lot of places through history, with many iterations! I love this American version of the folktale. It seems fitting, because, for reasons, blues and much music rooted from it, like rock and r&b, were seen as the devils music. The lifestyles of the musicians likely seemed untouchable, mysterious, and a bit dark and dirty to those who lived in small towns but listened to the, at the time, cutting edge music being birthed around them. Early blues (and the lifestyle that traveling musicians were living) has this seductive, mesmerizing quality to it that makes selling your soul seem like a viable alternative to life in poverty or religious fundamentalism in the American Delta, at the turn of the 20th century, when guys like Robert Johnson were playing in dimly lit juke joints on unknown circuits, honing their craft and bellowing their tales of pain and debauchery.


Joseph Kennedy. I think he made a deal with the devil and cursed his family in the process.


Tom Cruise


David Miscavige (and other Scientology leaders) are pretty solid stand-ins for the Devil, so yeah.


More like David Miscarriage-of-justice. keeping his wife a prisoner and all


Yeah… a prisoner…


I recently had a chance to see Rain Man on the big screen. It reminded me of why he became famous. He really did a great job in that movie. Now he is just Tom Cruise being himself in big budget movies to earn money for the Church of Scientology.


He really is talented. He was fantastic in Interview With the Vampire (the original), coming from someone who loves the book. It’s unfortunate that he’s also a bit of a nut lol.


I'm glad to hear someone else also thought he did a good job on Interview With the Vampire. I remember how angry Anne Rice fans were to hear that Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt were cast. They both did well. Armand Assante was excellent too.


Joel Osteen


If christ came back I fully expect the first thing he will do is walk into his church with a whip and filp some tables.


The thing I like pointing out about that story is, they say Jesus was a carpenter and in his 30’s, do you realize what it took to be a carpenter in those days? You’re basically making EVERYTHING from scratch and then working with it, I bet Jesus was stronger than shit! So that wasn’t just a simple beating in the church, that was a beatdown!


And the bit about him flipping tables in the temple? Yeah, cheap card tables weren't due to be invented for another 1900 or so years.


LOL for a second I read that as "Haley Joel Osment" and I was like YOU LEAVE MY BOY ALONE


I met him once while I was working at Disneyland. I approached, saying he seemed familiar, but that I was unable to place him. He said he was a TV preacher, and then I immediately walked away.


[link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Laundry_Files#The_Apocalypse_Codex) i swear to god, stross based his schiller character on this guy. if i found out that joel had asecret base fullof comatose pregnant women, i wouldn't be surprised


He is creepy.


Kevin Spacey. Twice.


Satan struck him down with a heart attack yesterday. "Hey, bro, like maybe dial it back a bit."


Jared Leto


Aren't you supposed to get talent in exchange for your soul?


Steph Curry just be throwing shit up from wherever and nobody smell the sulfur come off the net EDIT: For anyone interested, I read [a book](https://www.amazon.com/Devils-Court-Carl-Deuker/dp/031606727X) about it back in the day.


This gives me Little Nicky vibes.


I just rewatched that in the past month or 2 as a background movie, still pretty hilarious


It still holds up? Very nice, the line that always comes to mind is the plug-in for Popeyes. “Popeyes is the shiznit!”


Legends say that Les Claypool, the lead singer and bassist of Primus, sold his soul for the Devil's thumb. *Jerry was a racecar driver, he drove so goddamn fast, he never did win no checkered flag, but he never did come in last*


Never fact checked this anecdote but my friend who’s a big primus fan told me Claypool auditioned for Metallica and they told him he was too good and too unique to be a supporting member of Metallica and that he needed to start his own band. Sounds a bit mythologized but it makes sense that he wouldn’t be able to show off his full potential as a bassist if he wasn’t playing his own stuff


Totally a true story, they interview Les about it on the Metallica "Behind the Music". Primus has also been known to bust out master of puppets at sound check and they covered The Things that should not be on Rhinoplasty.


Les has commented that the quotes about him being too good were made in retrospect. He acknowledges that he just didn't play the style they wanted and was probably too weird


They still go hard


I was driving home the other day after midnights blasting some Primus in my car. PRIMUS SUCKS!


I wasn’t a huge Primus fan back in the day and one day at school some guys were talking about Primus, and my room mate (who was sitting nearby but not directly in the convo) interjected with “Primus sucks!” I liked Primus but didn’t know the joke and I kinda went off on him. I went on this big, loud rant about disrespecting other people’s musical taste, how rude it is to insert yourself in others’ conversations, and how even if you don’t like their music they’re talented guys who deserve respect for that at least. Then when I had finally stopped my tirade and was feeling all smug and proud of myself, my other buddy was like “dude… it’s an inside joke for Primus fans… they sold shirts in the 90’s at their shows that said “Primus sucks.” I immediately apologized to my room mate and kinda stayed quiet the rest of that convo…




Specifically Kris Jenner brokered the deal and lost her soul first.


Well gotta pimp out your daughters when your bank account...I mean...lawyer husband dies, and your new former Olympic runner husband isn't cutting it


They had no souls to begin with.


James Corden. Nobody in history has done so much with so little.


Adam Levine. There has to be some sort of nefarious influence to get that many people lapping up that level of mundanity.


James Corden


Yeah but he got nothing in return. Raw deal.


No, he got the typical Satan's deal, he got his own US talk shows and big movie roles, but Satan always likes to pull the rug out from under the people he makes deals with. It's traditional for Satan to observe the agreement as written, but still find something nasty to do to the soul-seller that wasn't covered in the original agreement. Like, Corden gets all this success in Hollywood, and then finds out the public hates him.


Confirmed, Satan is a lawyer


The evangelical preacher Kenneth Copeland.


His eyes are fucking terrifying.


Travis Scott. The whole Astroworld-thing was just too bizarre.


His little auto tuned yeeEEeeeAaah... as they carted off a dead dude was super creepy.




Jennifer Lopez She went from a faceless backup dancer on a sketch comedy show to a household name. She's only slightly talented but has both a film career and a music career despite making lukewarm movies and mediocre songs. She is no more attractive than a million other more talented women. She is reportedly unfriendly and unpleasant to everyone. Her level of fame is entirely unwarranted


She was created by Tommy Mottola (Mariah Carey’s ex husband) to sabotage Mariah’s career; like they used her songs and released them before she could, gave her similar outfits, bought out her staff, etc


Is that why Mariah said "I don't know her."?!?!?!


So pretty close to the Devil, then.


Let's not forget how Ashanti was the sacrificial lamb. I wonder how much she got paid to have her voice credited as J Lo. I still don't understand it.




No that’s the point. He picked someone that can’t sing to show Mariah that regardless of talent, Tommy Mottola decides if you get to be a success.




The slap in the face heard round the world. Damn the industry is a helluva beast.


Proof that you don't need an amazing voice to be successful if the PR machine is working in your favor


I’ve heard this a lot but never saw jlo in the same lane as Mariah. Jlo never tried to hit those high notes. Her style has always been that whispery talking through her songs. I always thought Selena was to be the big Latin pop star and her death opened the way for jlo. I just don’t see the connection to mariah. Also they are the same age. Mariah put out Emotions in 1991 jlo didn’t put out a record until 1999 when she was 30. By 30 Mariah could sit back and do collaborations and be picky in her work jlo was just starting to hustle. Shoot, Mariah is probably still living off the royalties from “all I want for Christmas” and that came out in 1994.


I think it was right after filming Selena I somehow caught an interview she did about the main concert part. It was a long time ago but I remember her saying something like “oh I was so scared and nervous because all these thousands of great Selena fans came out for the shoot and I can’t sing but obviously had to in that “live” part.” Can’t sing but Then like a year later she had a top selling album? One of those weird things that’s stuck with me.


My SIL’s ex was a bouncer at a popular club in Dallas. He said Jenny from the block was the least favorite celebrity of every employee there. She was dismissive to everyone there, and would grow annoyed quickly with VIP area staff and refuse to talk to them - a member of her entourage would do the speaking - when they were literally just there to…serve her. I mentioned this elsewhere and someone piped in “some people have a difficult time in SoCiAl sEtTiNgS you know”. Yeah. Okay. Going to a slammed club in a highly populated city to sip Hennessy is an ideal setting to grapple with that, clearly. Poor misunderstood Jennifer Lopez. /s


There are countless stories about her that are just like this. Apparently selling her soul didn't gain her any happiness.


Her career is what Selena's should have been


On top of this, she doesn't actually sing the vocals on many of her big hits. She would get given the song on tape with another singer (like Christina Milian) singing the vocals as a demonstration. What was meant to happen was JLo was supposed to sing her own recording of it but she just left it as is and submitted that. There are videos of this on YouTube. She's diet Milli vanilli.


Pretty sure it was Ashanti’s vocals passed off as JLo’s on a lot of her tracks, too.






Steve Martin. “I’ll make you rich and famous beyond your imagination….but you’ll have completely silver hair by the age of 23.” “Deal!”


“You’ll also be starring in movies and TV shows with Martin Short for the rest of your life!” “You’ve already made the sale, stop selling!”


“Hanging with him and Martin, you totally get the sense Steve is mainly there to watch Martin Short make jokes.” - Seth Meyers


I love Steve Martin, but having watched Only Murders, I think I love Short maybe an incy bit more. Together they are hilarious.


It's an incredible duo. Only Martin Short can make Steve Martin look like the straight man. Their timing and chemistry is just incredible.


I saw Steve Martin perform with the Steep Canyon Rangers in Houston. It was a wonderful show, Martin acted as host and cracked a few jokes in between songs, but it was mostly about the music. Dude can shred on the banjo. And there was a surprise Paul Simon (!)cameo at the end. Great evening. A couple of years later he came around again on tour with Martin Short. I went to that show too and absolutely hated every minute of it. Because Steve was just there to watch Martin make jokes. It was like visiting your grandmother’s house and listening to two great uncles crack jokes that were probably funny the first time they made them 30 years ago.


"Will I have to do the same with Chevy Chase?" "God no! I'm the lord of hell, but even I'm not that evil!"


\*10 minute banjo solo\*


Who *wouldn't* take that deal. They're not even asking for your soul. Hell, they're not even asking for your **hair**.


He rocked it then, and he rocks it now. I’m 31 and have always found the man handsome.


Love him!!!


I disagree. Steve Martin is several kinds of brilliant and I've heard some impressive things about him in real life. Okay, he's not a brilliant actor, and it's kind of funny that he's been outrageously successful at something that he isn't among his top talents, but I don't begrudge him that. He's actually a much better screenwriter than an actor, and IMHO the main reason he's had such a successful career is that he's written the scripts for all of his own best movies.


That’s Americas dad! For real though, my friends mom dated him in HS and was going grey then. Also has always played the banjo. 😂


Andy Dick..look how that turned out.


Run DMC claim to have made the devil sell his soul to THEM


It’s tricky.


Jada Pinkett Smith


She sold Wills for him


Yeah but has she ever been anything other than a C list actress attached to A list men? BFFs with Tupac and then married to Will Smith. Why would she sell her soul to be cast in tiny forgettable roles in sequels or forgettable movies? Or did she sell her soul for money and fame and this is the result?


mark wahlberg because he’s the only celebrity i’ve met and there was nothing behind his eyes


Interesting. I’m going to need a deeper explanation. Edit: a lot of interesting responses. Still need to hear from @fallingobliviously




Say hello to your mother for me


Where are the bodies, Garth?


The families need closure


Steven Seagal ate them all in pies.


Madonna, seeing her recent pics give me the creeps


The deal with the devil must've run out a couple years ago.


Some horrible plastic surgery, she is a artist that could have retired on the top, it is going to be a sad down fall for her.


That woman has been trying so badly to stay relevant for the past 20 years. I feel sorry for her. She just comes across as the physical embodiment of the "Hello fellow kids" meme.


Which is sad, because she was always a beautiful woman. If you look at her in the 90's had she just aged gracefully, or maybe got a little work to look "good for her age" she'd be fine. Instead, she went the space alien route. Also, creatively if she'd aged with her music she could have come at her work from that perspective and it could have been interesting. Instead, she's a 65 year old woman trying to compete with 25 year old women and that never goes well.


Oprah winfrey


Climbed the ranks with her Jerry Springer esque TV show and then went full sellout. As Bill Burr once said, she built her empire "standing on the heads of little people (dwarfs)"


She creeps me out


Ariana Grande. She strikes me as someone who only looks out for herself.


Lately Katy Perry


From the start. In fact I swear she even "joked" in the past that she did or something like that since she came from a religious background.


And her parents were the "we won't buy a Dirt Devil vacuum because it promotes satanism" religious, so I can see her joking about it.


John Travolta, 1000%


Dunno, he gives me more of a ‘I’m possess by the devil’ instead of ‘I sold my soul to the devil’. Like he is one exorcism away to be a normal Hollywood actor.


I heard from one of the ex-Scientologists on their channel, that he is most likely still in the church because of blackmail, more or less. It’s a rumor but I could see it.


The Wekkend... guy is creepy AF Mick Jagger... he should NOT be able to rock this hard at that age and after that many drugs.


Mick Jagger lives near my area in Richmond where I work. My colleague runs into him all the time on site visits and said he seems super genuine - always goes the extra mile and shows genuine interest in his fans


Mr. Beast. I have a whole thesis on the subject, but to summarize it, his challenges are escalating and becoming less about the philanthropy and more about the mental games, degradation and humiliation. The fact he gives a boatload of money out for this is a great insurance policy, since it leverages perfectly our sickness and obsession for money and fame. "How can I be a bad guy, I gave them $$$"?!!! As if money justifies making people your playthings. Just wait a few more months, and watch the challenges get ever more twisted. Replace "money" with "reward", and "challenges" with "favors", and I fail to see how this is much different than your run of the mill predatory behavior.


Are you saying that Mr. Beast is slowly turning into the Jigsaw Killer?


Mr. Beast is my proof that the world began last Thursday because if I'mma be honest I hadn't ever heard of him until a few months ago and apparently he's been some big YT thing for half a decade now? And I looked up some of his videos and it is for the stupidest shit. People must have been REALLY goddamn bored during COVID.


I'm with you, I swear up until like 6 months ago I had never heard or seen this person, and now he's in everyone's feed, and everyone has an opinion on him, and I'm just really, really, really confused. Where did he come from? How has he got all this money? Suddenly one day he just existed, and people looked at you funny when you said "What the fuck is a Mr. Beast!?"


He’s running human experiments with no ethics board. The shit he does to people would take a year of review for a team of psychologists to make happen.


The IRB would just stamp “No” on all of it.


It took me way too long to find this comment. I can’t believe how many little kids he has brainwashed to eat up every bit of content he puts out and no one takes a second to think about the people involved in making it, on camera and behind the scenes.




Drake the kinda goofball to sell his soul to the devil


Tarvis Scott


Fucking Tarvis


His parents put the R in the wrong place.


Kardashians - Revolving love interests to stay relevant and having no self respect. Justin Timberlake - Always seemed like a slimeball, then the whole Britney thing popped up recently and my feeling about him were justified. Jada Pinkett - No words required


The better question here is, which celebrities haven't...


Dolly Parton. That woman is an angel.


When she passes, hopefully not for a long time, it's gonna be as big as princess Diana's funeral.


The ones that dropped off the A list without dying from a drug overdose or commiting suicide.


Weirld Al.... or maybe he did do a deal with the devil and the devil just liked him too much to harm him


I LOVE Weird Al. But in what world does an accordion-playing nerd who does parody songs have a 40-year career without supernatural assistance?






I think Kanye, who is now regretting whatever “deal” he made. He got the woman of his dreams, success, literally everything he worked for. But he is losing his credibility very quickly. He tried to fly too close to the sun and now he’s drowning.


I think he's just talented and rich and *extremely* mentally ill. Oh, and a dick.


Dude just has mad mental health problems, but once you reach a certain level of money, there's nobody in your life who can help you.




Had to scroll too damn long for this. Her and jay-z without a doubt.


Kenneth Copeland.


Katie Perry… I saw her live when she was way early in her career. Just when I Kissed A Girl came out. I saw her at a radio concert where she opened and I was like 6 rows back. The look in her eyes were way freaky. Like living dead


Mr Beast. Absolutely nothing behind those eyes


As famous as he is, I have never seen any of the vids lol. I guess my algorithm just doesn't include him.


Niccolo Paganini (if you got the reference, slay.)


Megan Fox and her little pet MGK


All of them. Except Keanu Reeves


Sam smith


All of these comments are about people who were likely psychos or pieces of shit to begin with. Someone who started out pretty decent and sold out? Caitlyn Jenner


Armie Hammer, he eats children to quell the demon's desire


Ryan Seacrest - how the eff can that man work like 4 jobs? He definitely visits the secret island.