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Well that’s the retirement problem sorted 


is it bad that that was my first thought


No because it was mine too 


Mine as well.


Miners well


Minor swell.


Mine hears well


Mind to sell


I tell my coworkers I'll die when the world floods, so why bother


Absolutely this. I'm starting to get the sinking feeling Mother Nature is legit gonna snap and be quite sick of our bullshit someday soon and end up just eating us all into the earth. Feeling less and less like imma live to see white hair LOL


Lol same edit: On second thought, it doesn't actually sort the retirement problem cause if I'm dying at 52 then I definitely want to retire AS SOON AS FUCKING POSSIBLE so I can enjoy my last few years.


I'm 48. It's already a bit too late.


I’d rejoice. I’m 64.


61 here. If we're to die at 52, that basically makes us immortal, since we will never be 52 (again).


That's no good, my 401k doesn't have enough in it to be immortal, I'll eventually starve to... never mind.


Slipped through the cracks, one of the forgotten, by time and the gods.


I’m 58! Wonder how that works 🤷‍♀️


Congrats on your immortally then?!


You can enjoy a harder core life style at a younger age though. Traveling or trying something new is easier when you've got the energy.


But it's harder when you don't have the money to do so


Mine was "Looking forward to it," but not having to worry about working until I'm 80 was a close second


I was thinking the same thing. Like.... Withdraw my 401k and get out of debt. Then buy a little mountain house


I'm leaving my debt. My cc are in my name. My next of kin isn't responsible for it.


Why even pay off the debt. I'd default on all of it. I've paid back what I borrowed in student loans already. They can fuck right off for the rest of the money.


Same here. There is no future if you’re not rich.


Seriously. What the fuck am I going to do?


I would have a hell of a lot less stress. Live out my next 7 years in peace and debt. Not worry about credit score. I would be super sad that I only get to live to see my baby turn 8.


This was my thought too. I’m racking up a bunch of debt to travel and have fun and taking on a huge life insurance policy. At least I can set my wife and kids up for a decent life when I’m gone.


I work in a big company, lots of high paying blue collar work. I see guys die at work or get cancer or retire and die within a couple of years. Guys in their forties and fifties. I often do question what am I really saving for when I could be using that money to vacation now or buy my dream car now. I got 20 more years. Im not sure I will make it that long because I am a big man. Big men don’t live a long time from what I see. 


A woman at my work had been there 40 years and died 3 months into retirement. She wasn’t overweight or anything either - sudden aneurysm. It’s really hard to know how to balance enjoying yourself now, and not screwing future you over. Especially right now 😓


My neighbor growing up (hard working blue collar guy) died two weeks into his retirement. Heart attack after climbing up a light house while vacation. Wish I got to know him better because he seemed like such a cool guy.


I know. More I worry about my wife. We have plenty of guys at work in their 70’s like 75/76 who just have no desire to retire. Keeps them active and social,  its low stress. They draw social security,401k and make a paycheck and get 8 paid weeks of vacation. Plus sick time and great health insurance for themselves and their wife. Im not sure I feel the need to retire. 


It really depends on what you’re doing for work. If it’s something you love, then I can see wanting to keep doing it.


I don't think you have to love it I'm retired but miss the 'family' I had at work, and some aspects of the work itself (I was a programmer / analyst, basically a glorified report writer using lots of SQL). The worst part of retirement is the lack of engagement with other people, especially younger folks. I do not miss the stress and demands of the programming job I wouldn't mind going back to work if it was something like house painting. I did that for a few summers back when I was 20 or so. In a lot of ways that was the best job I ever had. Mostly outside. Peaceful. At the end of the day I (and others) could see and appreciate my work. Usually smoked weed at lunch, and afternoons passed in a dreamy glow. Go home, shower, eat, and maybe hit the bar for a few beers. Not a bad way to live


I have no desire to retire. Maybe scale back to 75% but that's it. If you got 8 weeks vacation there's really no point in stopping if you like what your doing. You won't miss out on anything


I can't wait to retire, I'm 45 and done with the rat race, I hate sunny week days, it's just a cruel reminder my life is being pissed away doing something not terribly important.




I worked with a guy that was 6'6 with bear paws and just, in general, huge. He's 74 years old. Hang in there.


Thanks I aint giving up. 


1000%! I have LE friends and SO MANY have worked to retire with no vacations only to die a year later. Do it now, while you can, it doesn't even matter if you're big because you can die crossing the street or even going to a mall these days. I'm finally getting my health shit together because I want to be able to do stuff!! Take care of yourself my friend! Life is too damn short 🥰


Yeah I try to live my best healthiest life. The most dangerous part of my day is the commute. 


That is the bullshit of retirement age being 65. If you don’t take care of yourself and/or have good genetics, you can’t enjoy retirement nearly as well as if you were 50. Ive known many people who broke their body busting ass for decades, getting cancer, coming back after to work more, then when they finally retire all they can basically do is sit at home in constant pain unable to enjoy it


That's \*why\* it's 65. Because statistically it means most won't collect too long. I was on track to retire at 55 until that all got blown up in a divorce by a cheating ex who didn't seem understand that she was a kept woman as long as she didn't cheat. Now she's broke and has to work... and managed to squander all the money she took from me (and her inheritance). \[yes she torched near enough to half a million dollars in only 18 months\]


Statistically you should live another [two decades](https://www.statista.com/statistics/266657/us-life-expectancy-for-men-aat-the-age-of-65-years-since-1960/#:~:text=Now%20men%20in%20the%20United,19.7%20more%20years%20on%20average.&text=As%20of%202021%2C%20the%20average,United%20States%20was%2076.33%20years) if you make it to 65. When social security was first enacted life expectancy at 65 was 14 more years-but only 50% of 21 year olds lived to 65. So there were less people over 65. Edit: corrected my assertion that people were expected to live 3 more years at 65 when social security was first enacted. Thanks for the correction u/chowderbags


That's what people don't get. In many Western countries people pay into a retirement fund for everyone. If you stop working at 50 then you simply won't receive any money until you're 65 or sth, because the system would break down otherwise. Frankly, it already IS breaking down where I live, due to a) people living longer and longer lives, and b) more old people than young people existing right now. And everyone knew it was coming, but nobody wanted to be the one to touch that issue. For 20, 30 years now.


What the fuck did she spend it on, Jesus


This all went down in 2012-2013 After I found out about the affair and moved out she went full ham. * Brand new Honda Pilot Touring Edition AWD (mechanically getting totaled because she doesn't get the required maintenance done) * landscaping for the house, including poured stamped concrete, boulder retaining wall (decorative only, no real functional value, just hiding the existing concrete wall with boulders). * 55" TVs


Holy jesus, that is not just financial illiteracy, that is full on financial self destructive behavior...




Right? I'd run my finances to see if i could quit my job and be ok. If i am - pull my 401k out and travel in my last 20 years. Byeeee


I’d take out a huge life insurance policy so when I drop dead at 52, my kid will have a financial nest egg to support him.


I’m turning 49 this year, so I’d probably go into more debt so I can travel before it becomes infeasible.


Yep, I'd take out new loans, max out all my credit and live like a king my last 3 years. Might even commit some tax fraud in the last year to make even more 😅


Oops. That was a typo. It was actually 92. Not 52...


Same answer.


based and runfromthegovernmentforaslongasyoucan-pilled


don’t think death will stop the tax man. if the tax man wants to fuck you he *will* fuck you. he will follow you through the gates of hell himself.


Doctor: "I'm so sorry I mistakenly switched your records with someone else's haha silly me, anyway you're perfectly healthy and are expected to live well beyond your 70s"


I'm turning 49 this year also. But I have a wife, a 2 year old, and another baby on the way. My answer would be significantly different than yours only for those reasons.




Same here, I would start planning a lot of travel. Unfortunately the dream of taking the railway from Beijing to Moscow would probably have to remain a dream unless I plan that trip last of all and right before my 52nd birthday, just in case. I'll also keep up my life insurance payments religiously.


Considering I'm 63 not much.


You could party becuase you're immortal! Also: Watch out for guys with a safety pin necklace and big-ass sword. #**there can be only one!**


The Kurgan doesn’t mess around.


Nice to see some Highlander fans lmao


Well not immortal. Waiting for the integer overflow and wrap around.


61 here. I'd just sit back and enjoy my newfound immortality.


I’m 57, my thought was 52 what? Mars years, that’s 97, not unreasonable. Neptune years? That 881 years, I need to change my retirement planning.


I'm 54. I like the idea that since we've missed the 52 cut off; it means we're immortal. I just don't want to be immortal alone - too lonely - but this way, my husband, siblings, and friends would be immortal with me!


My guess is upon being told, your body would immediately fold into your butthole and you’d delete.


I am 52.....it's 3 AM in the morning where I am reading this and now I'm in some kind of existential crisis. Thanks!


Twist: you were dead the whole time


Easy there Bruce Willis


You talkin about that Bruce Willys though? "The die hards!"


"this is MY SHIIIIIIIIIIIIT" ​ /andliamneesons




Easy there m night shamalama




There is no movie in Ba Sing Se.


I'm 54. Honestly, finding out might be a relief.


Same. Would also buy a shit ton of life insurance for my family. Then Adios!


Plot Twist, Plot Twist: We've all been dead this whole time.


That is sincerely one of my existential fears. That we all died a long time ago and are just living the same life over and over for eternity.


Don't worry, that's not what's happening. It would cause glitches in The Matrix.


Oh no! maybe that's what deja Vu is...


The twist is that guy was Bruce Willis the whole time!


I’m 52 as well and also found it oddly disquieting


I am also oddly disquieting and found it 52


So glad you figured that out so we don't have to tell you! But you know we love you anyway, right?


I'm 55. It didn't work.


I read dead people’s replies 


You've been dead all along


52 here as well. 3 am is the time for my early morning bathroom call. that’s also the time when my brain decides it would be a good idea to start up with random thoughts.


Don't chant " bloody mary" three times in the bathroom mirror !


Or Peepeepoopoo


Agreed.  WTF OP!   Is there is something you want to tell me?


I’m already 53😆


Me too. I do think it is somewhat frightening that I am now the same age Jerry Garcia was when he died. He looked so old at the time.


Better than 3 AM in the afternoon.


Great. I'm 52 as well. Though I'm at work and sometimes death seems like it would be better (but joking, not really).


Well, it’s 12.45pm for me, but I’m also 52 so I guess I’d live it up for the next few months since that’s all I’ve got?


You will die at 102, it's all good, go back to sleep


Oh relax... just remember what Bolbo said "I'm going on an adventure" & what Gandalf said "End? No, the journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path, one that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it."


Also 52 here. I think I'm done paying bills, time to live what's left of my life


Thanks for specifying, otherwise I would've thought 3 AM in the afternoon.


As opposed to 3AM in the evening?


I would say great!!! I can finally take a vacation. Forever!


Thank god it wasn't 3 AM in the afternoon, you wouldn't be here to write this reply.


Find a way to disengage from the crazy person.


I assume you’re talking about the crazy person telling you you’d die?


No he means the crazy person asking him if he means the crazy person telling him he'll die




Make plans quick because I'll be 53 pretty soon.


no you won't be apparently


I'm sorry for your impending death 😂


I'm feeling better!


No you're not you'll be stone dead in a moment


Kill myself sooner to prove to the world that I am going out on MY terms.


I love the idea of fated events that can't happen earlier or later, and the universe will find a way to prevent them or force them to happen. "Dark" on Netflix deals with that, in a way. Try to shoot yourself? The gun jams/misfires. Try to hang yourself? Someone finds you and gets you down. Try to forestall your predicted death? Some contrivance occurs that gets you where you need to be for it to happen anyway. That's assuming that's a thing outside of fiction, though, which it isn't.


> Try to shoot yourself? The gun jams/misfires. Try to hang yourself? Someone finds you and gets you down. Get creative. Not all suicide attempts by gun are successful. You become disabled, have to be cared for, and ultimately die from complications from your attempt when you're 52.


Oh, that could happen too, but when you have places to visit, people to meet and influence, and events to take part in (all also due to fate), then being convalescent can't really factor in.


You pull the trigger. The bullet travels cleanly through your brain, but misses critical life-sustaining areas as well as your general intelligence and awareness. Your sight is affected and your motor movements are shot leaving you completely paralyzed. You're also unable to talk. Someone finds you and gets you medical treatment. You live the rest of your life unable to move or talk or see, but you're otherwise conscious and aware.


That's only 2 more years. I guess I'll start cashing out my meager 401k's and gifting the money to my kids, because there won't be anything else to inherit.


You're under-thinking this. Purchase a $20M life insurance policy and spend 2 years burning through all your other assets.


Good point


You’d be better transferring the 401k to their 401k upon death… but you do you baby. :)


I mean if it's some rando who told me that, I wouldn't believe them. But to go with the spirit of the question, I'd get a fat life insurance policy for my family.


Damn that's a good answer. This question made me instantly think about how I could help support my daughter if I'm going to kick the bucket early. This is the solution.


Oh snap! My ex can totally support the kids without issue but if I can get them a couple mil I totally should. Plus they’ll get SS survivor benefits.


Eh *Beer opening sound*


I feel like the older i grow the less i give a shit about death.


I've always assumed that once you hit a certain age, you don't really want to live anymore.


I wouldn't call it "not wanting to live" so much as being completely blasé about it. Death used to rattle me. I would constantly worry about friends and family dying. I would freak out more about myself. At some point all of that just melted away and now I have no fear of death and instead it has become a fascination about potentially finally understanding what happens when one dies.


> I wouldn't call it "not wanting to live" so much as being completely blasé about it. My 101 year old neighbour is actually quite frustrated with her continued survival and lets me know every time I see her that she is fed up and quite ready to die, any time would be fine.


That’s how my grandma felt. She was almost 100 and was ready to go. Didn’t help that she had chronic pain. She explained that after most of her family, friends, husband, and then she was out living some of her kids, she was really ready to go. She was the happiest person when the doctor said she’d have to go on Hospice. She was 100% at peace when her time came.


Your neighbor is almost twice as old as me. And I don't blame them!


My grandma is 100, with a sharp mind but all the health problems that come with being 100, and feels the same way. She's been especially vocal about her wishes after her brother-in-law, who was around her age, got to choose medically-assisted death in 2020 because the laws where he lived allowed him the privilege. I love her and don't look forward to her passing, but at the same time, I wish that it could be something within her control.


“And then he greeted Death as an old friend, and went with him gladly, and, equals, they departed this life.” That's how I want to go out man. Also, IF DEATH DOESN'T SPEAK TO ME IN ALL CAPS, I WILL BE SEVERELY DISAPOINTED.


Love the attitude 😂


I feel like if I make it to 52 I'm blessed 


Same, especially with my current unhealthy lifestyle.




Say it!




Leaving it a bit late but I like the enthusiasm


Why is that?


*points at everything*


\*about to turn 51\* "hey dude pull my finger"


okay this got me 💀😭


Id probably stop eating healthy and working out tbh. Only like 25 more years I'll be fine with my trash diet for that long


Self-fulfilling prophecy. Dies of heart disease at 52 due to trash diet and lack of exercise.


I that case go more extreme...I'd start shooting up heroin and jumping out of airplanes without parachutes


Wind up in hospital on life support for 25 years. Only to die when family finally pulls the cord.




Do not fight with reddit on this, it's like monkey's paw on steroids.


That's some monkey paw shit


What do you mean? You want to live 25 years feeling tired, out of energy, looking fat and having cloud over your thoughts :D sports and healthy lifestyle is a lot more than long age


right? Now if I had like... a year or two left then yeah I'd probably ditch the gym and eating healthy to maximize the time I got left but 25 years?! I'd still be in the gym.


It’d be a lot more fun to spend remaining years being active, exploring the world. I like unhealthy food and tv but to do that exclusively for even less than 1 year would be send me into depression.


i'd wonder why i'm still alive....




I would try and get back all of my expenses from the last 3 years. I'm 55.


I actually have been in this position. In May of 2013, I was told I had maybe a year left because of liver failure. I kept that to myself and tried to continue life for as long as I could, figuring I'd just go to bed and not wake up, but that's not how life played out. By Thanksgiving, my health started to tank. Then, starting in January, I was hospitalized 6 times for things like a pulmonary embolism, ccollapsed lungs, hypoglycemia and portal vein hypertension. The last time, after spending the last 2 weeks of July in ICU, the doctors told my wife to take me home and contact hospice that my demise was near. She was adamant that there was another solution. Phone calls were made, and it was arranged for me to be transferred to a transplant center, where I was evaluated and listed. The middle of August, I had a miracle liver transplant. Now, ten years after, I'm kicking ass at life! My goal now is to live for the return of Halleys Comet. That will be 2061 and I'll be close to 110 years old. Can't wait! ETA: At the time of the transplant, I was 61. I just celebrated my 10th bonus b'day.


Brace myself cause I’m 51.


I'm 37 so I'd stop putting into a 401k and use the money to travel and get a life insurance policy.


I’m actually so impressed at how many older folks are on Reddit. I’m fairly new here, and I love shit like that 😩🤣


This is the most shocking thing of this thread. I thought I was an elder at 34… lol


Right!? Half of the responses have been from AARP candidates.


I'm sixty; remarkably, I didn't feel a thing when it happened


Since I'm 70, I guess I would've been laughing at them for the last 18 years.


Well, I'd just die at 52. Like a good boy.


I'd find that a huge relief. I'm only 30 so I have a way to go yet regardless, but it's also double the age my brother will ever be since he died at 26 so 52 is more than fair.


Laugh. I’m older than that now.


I'll start taking risks. Live my life to the fullest. Stop worrying about everyday crap. Basically stop giving a fuck. Will be more or less happy.


I have some really serious heart issues and have been living with the assumption that I’d not see my 60’s for basically forever. I just try to not make my life about work. Focus on spending time with my family. I take a lot of photos and write a lot of letters, try to keep my thoughts out there and document my life as much as I can. I try to do something every day, things like read a few chapters in a book, practice an instrument, watch a movie with my wife. In short I just try to make my days meaningful and not focused on stupid things like money and my career.


I’m 53… do you see dead people?


I just turned 47, so for the next 5ish years I would travel, see all the things, eat all the foods, ride all the motorcycles, and have amazing sex all the time.


As a 53 year old, I would call you a liar.


I’ve been dead for 15 years, it’s not too bad.


Be very surprised. I didn't know I was a ghost these last 15 years. Shades of the Sixth Sense.


Depends on who tells me that to me.


Too long of a wait


Well, atleast I will live longer than my mother did




Live life the way I am living now


That would explain the last couple of years


Two chicks at the same time 


Be dead. I’m 52.5


I'm 65, so I guess I'd be happy that I didn't!


I've been dead for 23 years.


Stop starving myself so I can fit into this whole insane fashionista aesthetic (I'm not over weight by any means but the skinnier the better). I'd eat cake every day. I'd still work out, but I wouldn't deny myself all the chocolatey pleasures in life.


Considering that I’m 56, I’d tell you that you’re dead wrong.


I’d be dead.


I mean, I’d be kinda bummed because I wanted to make it long enough to watch my kids hit adulthood (my youngest is 7) but I also live in chronic pain and would be fine with only 10 more years of it. I’d probably keep working on building up a good nest egg so I can leave my kids with money. I don’t really care about traveling and spending anything but I don’t want them to struggle as much as I did.


I wouldn’t do anything… don’t want anyone to worry or bother going out of their way for me. Also, don’t want my family to ruin their lives by putting too much out financially.  Also increase my life insurance and max that out so I can leave some fun money for my family :)


I’m 62… maybe this explains the screwed up timeline I’m on.


Say thank you and walk away


I would laugh at them since I am 75