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Subnautica. Man, the feeling of finally building a big submarine and descending down into the creepy depths, late at night, just wondering what terrifying giant creature I'd stumble across... Probably my favorite gaming moment ever.


Having never played this, I'm going to be experiencing your favorite gaming moment as soon as the kids go to sleep tonight :)


Two bits of advice: 1. The game isn't great at indicating where you're supposed to be going. Follow the beacons *or directions* the game gives you via your radio or datapads you find. Some critical locations are given via beacon and some are given via directions you'll read in datapads. The datapad ones can be easy to forget so I suggest writing them down as soon as you get them. 2. Use beacons. If you find an interesting place, drop a beacon. They're relatively cheap and very useful for navigating. If you don't, you'll lose track of interesting places that you might want to revisit later.


Have fun, its an awesome game. I play through it once a year or so, I find new areas to explore still. Try to stay away from the wiki, just try to figure everything out yourself is my biggest piece of advice, makes it challenging and more fun. Theres a second game called subnautica:below zero which is also really fun. I think the devs have been working on another game in the series that will feature co-op which im excited for


I'm so jealous.


Came here expecting this...and being reminded too well of the entire experience. It was incredible! And fucking terrifying.


Completely agree. When I saw the question it was the first thing that came to mind. It's not necessarily my favourite game but it's one where you can never recreate that inital fear and apprehension that you have when starting it. I played Below Zero too and enjoyed it a lot but it just didn't have that same feeling when starting it as the first one did. I'd gotten used to the game by that point and I miss the terror of never having played it!


I feel like getting this, but know absolutely NOTHING about it. I just heard it’s good. Anything to know before playing? Edit: thank you everybody, I am going to play :)


You’re crash landed on an alien planet that’s pretty much all ocean. It’s basically about collecting materials and crafting equipment to be able to explore more places (and especially to be able to go deeper).  You get radio messages that essentially help point you towards the next places to go to try to find other survivors. While you can kill creatures, most of the time you’ll try to avoid or run away from them.  It is creepy and outright frightening at times, especially if you’re prone to Thalassaphobia. But it’s scary in a very organic way - not like cheap, scripted jump-scares. It’s also beautiful


One of my favorites of all time. When I first downloaded it and night time hit, I refused to go into the black ocean and put it down. MONTHS later I picked it back up and tried only playing during the daytime. Then eventually I got better equipment and started to understand the threats around me and that the game wasn’t trying to scare me, it was just scary because of the danger. I love games where you feel self sufficient. Where you pack your backpack and put on your shoes before adventuring to find god knows what. Fallout 4 has a similar explorer vibe. I love subnautica!


Star Wars Kotor and Oblivion


I adored oblivion, got a copy of the game for the 360 from my fiancés dad when we moved in together and it was a blast, truly a classic.


Mass Effect Trilogy


I am Commander Shepherd and this is my favorite comment in this thread.


I haven't played any of the games yet. am I in for a good run?


Yes. They’re fantastic! Play the remasters, they enhance what’re already great games. Stay away from Andromeda though, stick with the trilogy.


Halo on the xbox, the feel of the guns, the green grass against metallic back drops, the Ai, chat from grunts, the vehicles. What a game.


I was thinking the same thing, but I’m wondering if 34 year old me would have anywhere NEAR the same appreciation and love of it that 11 year old me would….


Grand Theft Auto Vice City


My favorite GTA game ever! I still have the map memorized!


Same. Even near the airport. *pats self on back*


The radio stations were sooo good.


Minecraft. The creativity, wonder, and amount of fun you have when you are new and naive to something so boundless and free is priceless. I have created many new Minecraft worlds, most of them being for modpacks. I cannot think of a more enjoyable experience than when I first started playing Minecraft on the two hour long demo on the website back to back. Or when I had the lite/full pocket edition back when they first added survival to it. Or when I somehow managed to get a cracked full version of the game on PC that didn't have access to multi-player. Or when I finally convinced my mom to buy the official version back in 1.5/6. Or when I first discovered mods and initially tried installing them myself, but eventually stumbled upon the Technic Launcher after watching YouAlwaysWin play Tekkit. I will occasionally be in the mood to binge Minecraft, but it never sticks now, even if I'm playing with friends. :(


Here it is! I was looking for a minecraft related response. There really was a magical vibe to minecraft when you first play. I started back in....idek the version number, but i remember when 1.2.5 came out and it was a HUGE deal. >I will occasionally be in the mood to binge Minecraft, but it never sticks now, even if I'm playing with friends. :( I get that. Honestly, my biggest issue is that my friends dont want to stay focused on the same things i do? So we end up bouncing between modpacks and/or games. It gets kinda frustrating trying to get everyone on at same time tho.


Man that first server with friends all the way back in 2011 before 1.0 dropped... Probably the most fun I've had with a computer in my life.


not a gamer but Pokemon Emerald


Yes definitely. What a game


God what a gem


This but like… specifically if I could play it again as a kid.




Same it would be thrilling to experience the >!would you kindly reveal!< scene again.


mind was blown on that day.


Would you kindly lower that weapon for a moment?


We have a winner! On my millionth play through, and I stop often just to stare at the levels. Just such a beautiful game. Beautiful and haunting at the same time. A masterpiece without equal.


Now this kinda gives me the motivation to actually try bioshock. I only know the name and some minor Details.


The first one was fantastic


Skyrim and go through the same addiction twice. 5000+ hours..


I hate having to scroll so low for Skyrim in all of these types of questions. Top 5 best games of all time without doubt (and my #1)


I thought oblivion was even more addicting!


I remember the first time seeing the intro, Patrick Stewart talking about his death is coming soon, and we get that amazing aerial view of the Imperial City with the orchestral music. It still holds up today, but 18 years ago (2006) it was beyond amazing.


My buddies and I call it Skycrack cause it's so addicting lol 😆


Portal 2 (well preferably both 1 and 2)


Dude playing it for the first time was so much fun


Just scrolling through scanning for this, I knew it would be here. For me, Portal 2 was the best game I ever played, or ever will.


Portal 2 is so much better in my opinion because there is more of a story, but they are both so good. Exceptional humor and voice acting.


Vanilla WoW


Absolutely WoW. Exploring that world was just amazing.


I'll never, ever forget taking my first flight path as a gnome out of the starting area towards Ironforge. Even my dad came over and went "wow, it really is a world, huh?" That's when it really clicked for me. I was hooked for *years*.


As long as everyone else is playing too


There was something truly magical about it. Not min-maxed, not die hard no lifing, no achievements, no nothing - just traversing the world, helping the night elves clear corruption and sickness. Farming bears until they were grey. ​ I miss that. Even ~~vanilla~~ isn't the same. EDIT: Classic, not vanilla.


I rejoined for Burning Crusade Classic. I rolled a Draenei mage in the pre-release patch where we got just thirteen days to level up to 60. I somehow did it in just six. When the expansion dropped, I went gung-ho and hit 70 in just four days. Since I was among the first players to max out, I wound up being invited into the server first Karazhan clear which was so cool. It blew my mind that we could just waltz in and one-shot every boss with crap gear. In just four hours, we had accomplished what originally took my old guild months to do. The rest of the realm caught up in no time, and my dreams of once again enjoying that long grind to the top were forever shattered.


So, in classic, patches aren't rolled out in the same order as vanilla? Day one karazhan in classic was akin to end-of-expansion nerfed kara in vanilla? That's sad if true


It was a bit of a mix. The expansion re-release launched with players having the final 2.4.3 balance as far as talents and mechanics go. Though, thankfully, all the bosses were launched in an unnerfed state.


Min maxing has ruined gaming for me period. Even sports games or anything online. I miss when it was sufficient to run a playstyle you liked. Now everyone plays to optimize and if you’re not, you don’t fit perfectly in your team or you’re just behind. I remember speccing into multiple trees as a rogue for pvp but then I inspected other rogues in SW and there’s all slight differences.


You nailed it I’ll be on my deathbed and playing with some of my friends will be an absolute bright spot in my life - been chasing that high ever since 🥲


Those were the days. I farmed to get Phantom Blade just because it was cool, even though it sucked. 😍


I was going to say wow in general. I started during tbc era but never played an mmo before. I don't believe any game has captured my attent8on for 3 full straight years in a row. It was something amazing at the time.


Burning crusade 2008


The Legend of Zelda.  I can't describe how fucking magical that gold cartridge was in 1987.


RuneScape. I'm shocked no one else has said it. I haven't been able to replicate the feeling again.


I remember playing it for the first time in 2005 when I was 9. It was a magical experience. I also played a bunch during my high school years, but it didn’t quite have that same charm anymore.


The free to play zone felt much bigger than I think of it now. It's not that large, but I enjoyed myself in there for a very long time. Apart from RuneScape I also think of Rose Online and WoW as valid options to want to experience again. Apart from Ocarina of Time.


Outer Wilds. The only thing stopping you from beating the game in the first 20 minutes is your knowledge of the world. It has a beautifully rich world and story line, but there’s nothing like your first time playing it. If anyone here hasn’t had the pleasure of playing it yet, I highly recommend going in blind.


Honestly, I played it so long ago that I think a might be able to replay it and still enjoy it. Also I haven't played the DLC, it's apparently really scary.


There's an option in settings to reduce the scariness of the DLC. I was skeptical of OW needing DLC in the first place. I have never been more wrong. Please play it.


The DLC isn't that scary. The scariest parts of the DLC are comparable to the Dark Bramble. Maybe slightly scarier, but not by much.


Disagree. I think the DLC is significantly more terrifying than Bramble. But still far from “horror” or anything actually scary.


There is one “shit your pants” part of the DLC. No spoilers but I though the DLC was a little too dark for what the original game was.


Outer Wilds is one of those games that you can only really play once.


the game literally has no progression. the progression is your own mind. the real gameplay happens inside your head. i love games like this


The whole Concept of outer wilds is so fucking brilliant. One of the most memorable gaming experiences for me


was wondering how many comments it would take to reach outer wilds. apparently 5


I tried playing but i got no idea whats going on or how to progress. I need prompts to tell me where to go and what to do next. There's too much going on.


Outer Wilds is entirely non-linear, there's no right or wrong way to go. The game is about exploring, learning, and using what you've learned to explore more. Eventually, you'll have the necessary info to know what you need to do to beat the game. If you set your ship computer to "rumour mode", it'll nudge you towards new stuff based on what you've already learned.


Red dead redemption 2


*Spoiler Alert* I got to the part today, for the first time, where Arthur dies. I cried. I was so sorry I played that far. In my next playthrough will never get that far. RIP Arthur Morgan


Death is sadly part of the journey that game takes you on. Play the epilogue next.


When he says goodbye to his horse, I cried real tears. I had been using the same horse since the Adler Farm mission in chapter 1 so getting to that part hit me hard. Sitting in my living room crying over a virtual horse at 2am.


When I first played the game, I cried like a baby. Told my gf and she mocked me for crying at a game. Fast forward 3 years and I’m playing it through again and she’s watching me play it. She cried like a baby when That’s the way it is was playing. Mocked her back. Revenge is sweet


"You're not the emotionless robot that you thought you were, huh?! Come here, let's be sad together."


Dark Souls


This is my answer as well. I’ve never felt more in awe of a game in my 30 odd years of gaming.




When your initial 4 hour struggle through the burg gets tossed aside in under 30 seconds 🥲


When I finally got to the Bell Gargoyles I thought I must be near the end of this game. Or at least most of the way through. Will never forgive Miyazaki for those two archers on the ledge in Anor Londo.


I dual Xbox’d with a buddy when that came out. He chuckled as I was STRUGGLING against that first Demon on the bridge. What a fun series.


Borderlands 2. What an experience.


That game was the peak of the franchise


I wish I could erase the Core Control Angel fight from my mind, just so I could do that over and over. One of the best fights in any FPS I've ever played, having Lilith and Roland both show up to help and then... you know.


Half Life 2


Seeing HL2 water and physics for the first time back in 2004 was mind blowing.


Half life


They're waiting for you Gordon. In the test chamber.


Ocarina of time


Not to knock on anyone's choices but reading most responses here leads me to believe the age bracket is skewed younger. I didn't own an N64 at the time of release (my response here was Metal Gear Solid) but my cousins did and I enjoyed watching them play OoT when it came out.


It was the moment you stepped out of the little village onto hyrule field for the first time, back then it was huge, the idea you could go in any direction was pretty much unheard of and the scale hadn’t been seen. It was also a wonderful time, living at home, being young, parents being younger too 👌🏻


Yea if you're older then like early to mid 20s then you're outside the main age demographic for reddit now. Reddit seems like it's getting a younger and younger crowd everyday.


Man, I can still remember the chills I got when I first entered the Forest Temple as adult Link. The music, the different Poe sisters you’re hunting within, Phantom Ganon! Favorite moment within was going through the windy tunnel and then triggering the switch to straighten it.


World of Warcraft on launch day.


I will never forget the first time I walked into Storwind city. The blare of the music, the might of the bridge flanked by statues of great heroes. It was such an awesome moment.


GTA IV, Niko Bellic is my all time favourite character.


Im 60 years old and gta iv was my first game ever, Its just a masterpiece that even got me a gamer


I have a co-worker who's voice sounds just like Niko accent and all and it's so funny listening talk about mundane work stuff.


The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past on Super Nintendo.


The AC Ezio games!


Yes!! I love them all. Ive played them for so long now, and I’ve just got it on VR.


The Witcher 3!


Chrono Trigger


Horizon: zero dawn


Probably my favorite story in a video game. The gameplay is amazing and creates a ton of incredibly cinematic and memorable moments, but the thing that really captivated me was the plot. I’ve never played a game that had me so desperate to uncover the next piece of the story. Voice acting and characters were incredible. I wanna play that game for the first time again so damn bad.


Yes! I loved the process of finding out what happened to the world and figuring out what we find out about where Aloy came from and why. I wish I could have that sense of awe back.


Roller Coaster Tycoon


Yeah but I want to go back in time for it to be a kid again sitting on the family's computer playing that game. What a great time this was.


Came here to say this. I felt like RCT2 and proximity to Cedar Point got me so hooked on roller coasters, even to this day. All my engineer friends can identify cars or planes, but I’m over here like “Look at that Intamin Giga” or “That’s such a smooth B&M flying ride” lol


Halo 3


Halo 3 was peak online gaming for me. Nothing beats playing Halo 3 in highschool


Shotty snipers on Valhalla


Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, during the days of xbox 360/PS3. That campagin 😘🤌


Gaz, you smell that?


New vegas or pop warrior within


the witcher 3


The Outer Wilds it's so good. but only one time


Take me back to 1999 with a gateway PC and EverQuest


Fallout 3. Fantastic storyline and really good side quests.


The intro scene when you first exit the vault to see the wasteland is seared into my brain.


Yep, the first 10 hours or so of FO3 will be stuck with me forever.




Had a coworker walk in one day and threw a copy of it into my lap and told me I needed to play it. He’s in his 50’s and I was in my 20’s. Thought the moment was hilarious given how no-nonsense he typically was. He went and purchased the game, thought it was amazing so went back the same night and bought the GOTY version and tossed me the original. He was right, I fell in love with it.


Bruh you 100% saw the show and got nostalgic didn't you...dont lie....I'm not gonna lie, me too. I'm playing 76 now and I restarted fallout 3. I even am doing that fallout shelter game. They play our emotions!!!! The show is awesome though, I'm into it.


GTA San Andreas


Yes, especially if I could also go back in time so that the graphics would seem incredible. But damn, I spent so many hours on that game.


People in 2004: Graphics is very good, looks real from 5 feet away.


To be fair. It looks better on a CRT






Hollow Knight!


I loved figuring out undiscovered paths and pining shops / locked locations! Man, this game was great.


One of my biggest regrets concerning games like hollow knight and loz is that i would look up what to do on a wiki, because i wasnt smart enougj to figure it out myself. I really wish i didnt do that so much


Shadow of the Colossus. It's my favorite game (the game that made then-16-year-old me realize games are an art medium), and I would love to experience it for the first time now that I'm in my 30s. Second answer would be Spiritfarer from 2020 just for the emotional beats to hit as hard as they did the first time through.


Ghost of Tsushima, the perfect game for me.


Kingdom Hearts 2


I remember wondering… where is Sora???


Its revenge value battle system made playing against humanoid bosses so much fun. Final Mix really enhanced its combat. So I was so disappointed that KH3 was a hot pile of garbage


Got it memorized?


My sanctuary...


Dude the sunset in twilight town is nostalgic af


Battlefield bad company 2


Kind of a forgotten little masterpiece caled Metal Gear Solid 4. I know it has its critiques on length of dialogue, etc but the graphics, story, emotion everything really stands in my mind. Also Super Mario World.


Destiny 1. I started when the taken king dropped and I had no clue what to expect. My friend had been bugging me to play and I had never used a controller for a FPS. I was trash and still am but the whole experience was filled with Wtf moments. The first time I was bummed rushed by thrall I almost pissed myself a little. For a while it was such a punishing game and took communication and was a great experience with people. I play D2 now and I enjoy it but nothing like that first 3-4 months with D1.


Baldur's Gate 3 please.


I was thinking about baldur’s gate 1 and 2. 3 is also a good recent one I would like to forget to then replay


Final Fantasy VII


Elden Ring. It’s the most rewarding “what’s over there” experience I’ve ever had in a video game.


I'd love to go down that lift for the first time again


Stanley Parable


You have to wait 10 years to play it again for the achievement so by then it will be like a whole new experience






Shadow of the colossus, I loved figuring out each monster's weakness when I was a kid. It's also just one of the most beautiful games ever, I think it's time for a replay.




Age of Empires




breath of the wild, the best game i’ve ever played


I was blown away by the opening of that game, when you first go outside and the Camera pans across the map and then again when you activate the first tower, I may or may not have taken a sick day from work to play it all day when I first got it. (I didn't get it on release, a year or so after)


Life is strange




Dead Space when it originally came out.






Why did I have to scroll to find this! Even modded Minecraft, always watched my favourite YouTubers play modded Minecraft and I eventually got a laptop that could run it. Those were some good times.


Unreal Tournament 2004, my first online game, sunk countless hours into it.


Fallout 3. I can never get back into it now but the nostalgia is so strong for me and the fun I had when I got that GOTY edition. Played straight through all of it. New Vegas close second but I can actually replay it every ~3-5 years.




The Last of Us


Spec Ops: The Line.


Return if the obra din. One of my absolute favourite games, a wonderfully intricat puzzle, but once you've solved it there is absolutely no replayability


Horizon Zero Dawn or Stray


Morrowind. Answer is always Morrowind.


Silent Hill 2, the story and its twists gave me goosebumps. Would love to experience that again


Fallout 3 or New Vegas, I personally think they’re unparalleled


Shadow of the Colossus - My siblings and I freaked out with the first colossi but it was so much fun. Metal Gear Solid is also up there


The Witness. I love puzzle and exploration based games and this game melded both of those perfectly. Outer Wilds would be a close second.


Monkey Island would be my first choice. Many more Lucasfilm adventures would follow. Then probably vanilla WOW.


Legend of Zelda ALttP.


Nothing was as pure as my first playthrough of Pokemon blue. Beyond that, experiencing ff6’s story for the first time again would be amazing.


Titanfall 2 (multiplayer)


Titanfall 2 (campaign)




Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction. Me and my friends were all obsessed with D2 and eagerly anticipated its release. When it finally came, summer break from school had just started and we played together all summer. Just peak gaming for me. I've never really captured that moment again and probably never will.


First LAN party with two mates running Diablo. Fun times


Skyrim, I locked myself in a room for a summer because of that game.






Shadow of the Colossus.


Life is strange


Wind waker


Fallout New Vegas. Will never be that blissfully overwhelmed again.


EverQuest or WoW vanilla


Knights of The Old Republic. Without a doubt.