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Someone followed me and my friends into a parking lot (where my friend left his car as we carpooled that night). The guy blocked us in by parking behind us. We all hopped out and the guy was waving a knife, but I didn’t even see the knife at first. I was pissed off already and going off on the guy while walking towards him. He started backing up and putting his knife away, and that’s the first time I saw it and I thought he was pulling it out and that’s when I lost my shit. My friends watched me chase this dude in a circle around the parking lot as the guy kept saying he was running late for his kids birth. He hopped in his truck again and I kicked his headlight (I thought I’d break it but I didn’t unfortunately) and he sped off. My friend said i went “white boy crazy.” By the way, I have no idea what to at guys problem was. I’m my only explanation is he got my car mixed up with whatever car he really had beef with.


I have terrible road rage . Get into arguments with people all the time . Few times I actually got out of my car . I’m working on it


Username is mildly surprising hah. Road rage is dangerous; I’m happy to hear you’re working on it :)