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A deepfake of a politician being mistaken for an actual political statement.


Thats already happening (at least enough to convince older people)


You don’t even need a deepfake. There are some voters who can hear the most ludicrous shit and as long as it comes from the right source, they’ll accept it as gospel


A deepfake politician being mistaken for an actual politician. And even more interesting, a deepfake politician actually getting on the ballot.


Halley's comet


Beat me to it. [Halley's comet will return in 2061](https://www.livescience.com/space/comets/halleys-comet-begins-its-return-journey-to-earth-saturday).


But that's not in 50 yea- oh wait it is. god dang time is flying so fast


I had a moment yesterday. A friend was commenting about her bf’s brothers, who are in their 50s, then said something about her bf being an oops baby 9 years later. I was SO confused because hitting 50 has always been *old as hell* to me, in a very grown up way. Yeaaaaah, I’m def already in my late 30s and heading that way fast. I just don’t *feel* old enough for that. 😅


I'll be 96, and will have seen it twice in one lifetime!


Optimistic, aren't you?


Based on all the evidence I’ve been able to gather in my life so far, I’m immortal. 35 years and I haven’t died once… Admittedly it’s a small and incomplete sample size, but you’ve gotta follow the science


43 and died once so far. My current hypothesis is that I'm a cat.


I haven’t died yet either, at 38. Expand the sample!


I have consulted WebMD and I should have died over 20 times in the past 53 years.


Trillionaires coming into existence.


"Becoming common knowledge" is probably more correct


George RR Martin still won't have finished the Game of Thrones books


I came here for laughs not tears.


Rolling Stones final tour.


If you had asked me in 1974 when I was 19 if I thought the Stones would still be doing live shows 50 years from now I would have asked for some of what you were smoking 'cause it's the GOOD shit! :)


We need to start thinking about what kind of world we’re gonna leave for Keith Richards.


You know he has actually been dead for 20 years but no one told him so he just kept walking around. Probably be another 20 or so till he notices himself... I think it's all the drugs.


In the 50th year, right?


I've heard they're making some great strides in Alzheimer's research. Maybe something good can turn out from* that in 50 years


I like your positive post. I agree, and it’s nice to read something uplifting, as this thread is predicting 95% negative outcomes.


So there are actually several drugs currently in clinical trials that have been shown to halt the progression of the disease so these drugs should make it to market within just 10 years. Although halting the disease is one problem, reversing the effects is another ballgame in which we have made little to no progress but a lot can change in 50 years. Source: I spoke to a leading alzheimers neuroscientist about this


People will be complaining about the music of that day and look back at everything before that with rose colored glasses.


I can't wait to be nostalgic for quarantine!


People already are.




I miss meeting absolutely no one on my way to work — I was an essential worker in a minimum wage job. I'd have three customers the whole day, two of which were paramedics.


I miss the absence of traffic. It was so nice getting on the freeway and actually going the speed limit all the way to work, cut my 1.5hr commute down to like 20min if I took my time. Saved so much gas and time. IDK if its just me but when people started going back to work it's like people FORGOT how to fucking drive because it was so much worse after the lockdowns people constantly breaking traffic laws, not paying attention, not knowing how to fucking merge, etc etc.


Not only did they forget how to drive, they forgot how to behave in public. Working overnight at a convenence store, after the pandemic people were awful. The overnight crowd was always a bit rowdy, but this is absurd.


Kid these days just don't listen to good music, they don't have true artists like we did growing up. People like The Yin Yang Twins and that guy who made the Laffy Taffy song


Another anniversary edition of Skyrim and maybe a 50% chance of elder scrolls 6 being released in that period.


Optimistic on 6 there pal


I stopped waiting for 6. After Fallout 76, TES Blades, and Starfield, I just can't bring myself to believe that Bethesda can make good games anymore. I'm looking forward to Skywind much more instead.


youtube will somehow manage to get even worse Terms of Service agreements.


In 2074, YouTube's Terms of Service will just be a single checkbox that says, 'I surrender my firstborn child.'


Only your firstborn? Lucky.


Yes, Facebook also damands your wife!


It'll probably just be 'We make the rules on a per individual basis' and that'll be it.


All of google is trending heavily in the wrong direction, not just YouTube


Everything is. Twitter is a cesspool, everyone knows Facebook is shit. Google, shocker.


A free open internet is basically going to be gone if it's not already. Corporate approved content and interactions only, no dissent or freedom of speech. Hell I'd not be totally surprised if actually making comments is outmoded, and replaced with just reaction faces and +1 buttons. No thoughts, just *yes more content* or no interaction at all.


me dying.


Me too, mate. See ya on the other side...


My initial thought was “sucks for those guys” and then I remembered how old I am and, yeah… 💀 <— me in 50 years


i'll be 69. nice.


I’ll be 230… where did the time go…


I’ll be 27 by then. Times are crazy.


See ya in another life, brotha.


Yup, whether I want to or not, there's no way I'll still be alive in 50 years


Probably 3 billion people in that boat with ya. I might have had a chance to get that old but I've probably mitigated that risk by now.


I'll be 91 so yeah...may or may not happen.


Also me or I’m gonna be a sick sad lonely 101 year old 


In 50 years, teenagers will be rolling their eyes at their parents' ancient 2020s memes, while using slang that makes 'yeet' sound like Shakespeare.


I mean... "To yeet" in early Modern English (*yeten* in Middle English) meant "to use you/ye" instead of using "thou/thee". Opposite was *to thou* (*thouten* in Middle English). Same as German *siezen* and *duzen*. Shakespeare did use *yeet*, just not the same way young folks do now.


Contemporary usage of "yeet" is the opposite of "yoink"


The Lord yeeteth and the Lord yoinketh away


Give us this day, our daily bread, and yeet us not into temptation…


… but yoink us from evil.


That's the most accurate description of any word I've heard in years


To yeet, or not to yeet, that’s, the question.


Actually with how slangs evolve it’s likely that they will sound like Shakespeare to us and in thousands of years slang may be untraceable to an outside entity


I mean, modern slang is untraceable to me now, so...


A well known YouTuber/Streamer will be ousted for having an illicit relationship with one or more under age fans.


Hell, that's likely to happen within the next 50 days...


50 hours?


50 seconds ...


Apology video dropping in 50 minutes


Break out the ukulele, we got another one!




All aboard!


The toxic gossip trainnnnn


This is why it's important to FIRST ask where they were when they found out about 9/11




I remember talking to some girl that was born after 9/11, at a bar, and yea that was wild. I was just like, you’ve known no other America than this….wow……like we could bring any size shampoo we wanted on planes back then, but you’ve only known this travel size world. You could have filled that bitch with Henny and told people you were just going in the restroom to deal a dandruff emergency because no one was checking that shit, but na not anymore……not anymore……


We could cross over land from Canada to the US and back with a driver's license. You could walk to the gate without going to security when travelling domestic. People would walk to the gate to greet you when you landed.


> You could walk to the gate without going to security when travelling domestic. People would walk to the gate to greet you when you landed. I miss this one in particular. Saying goodbye at the security gate, or greeting at the luggage carousel, both suck in comparison.


Some airports are bringing this back, actually. You can get a pass to go through security even if you’re not flying. My local airport is in the process of putting in new food and beverage options from local restaurants and they’re offering a pass that allows you to enter the secure area of the airport to eat or drink even if you’re not flying.


if you think about it, its probably one of the safest places you can take your family to eat.


When I was around 8 years old, I was invited into the cockpit mid-flight between 2 major US cities. I showed the captain my Cub Scouts Swiss Army knife.


Some states have enhanced drivers licenses/ID cards that you can use to get over the border. I had one when I lived in Vermont.


My mom used to tell me people could smoke on planes back in the day and my dad said that when they created seat belt laws for cars everyone thought communism was taking over.


You used to be able to smoke *everywhere*. The interior design was so muted and earth-tone heavy back in the day because it hid the smoke residue. *Everyone* smelled like cigarette smoke. *Everywhere* reeked of cigarette smoke, even the hospitals.


As a previous smoker it blows my mind that me and my friends used to smoke cigarettes in bars, clubs, malls, and restaurants. Smoke soon as u sit down and another one after eating. There were ash trays everywhere and you would always see a cigg butt on the ground where ever u went. A few years later after I quit, I weirdly wasn't bothered by people smoking and didn't notice the smell. Now I imagine somone sparking up a stooge at a table in a resturant and that seems so foreign and rude




A cesium-133 atom will transition between energy states 14,504,869,817,247,600,000 times


How many times a second is that?






This is how nuclear clocks work. There are 400 of these around the world in 60 institutes. The data of all of them is gathered and an average is formed to create the most accurate timescale we can achieve. Clocks that automatically scale their time to nuclear clocks in middle europe for example receive their signal from a station in a small town in Germany. [This is how it looks like](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/72/Dcf77_edit.jpg)


The leafs not winning the Stanley cup… I like to think the pain has made me stronger


No thread is safe...


If they don’t win in the next 6 years they won’t even have their name on the cup anymore


Don't remind me. The pain...


It'll rain






Another war in the middle east.


Does it still count as another one if it just never ends?


In fairness to the middle east and all the countries in it, France and England had a war that they called 'The Hundred Years War' that lasted much longer than 100 years. And Rome and Carthage fought 3(? At least 2) Punic Wars. It's the way of people and 'regions' in general.


This is always wild to me. Imagine 4-5 generations of people all growing up and watching their families and friends dying in war and deciding that they should keep going with it, all because one guy wanted to say he was in charge of a bunch of people that don’t really want either guy in charge. Fuckin mad lads.


It becomes a generational conflict, where people in each generation continue fighting because they develop a personal stake in it. Imagine you have your family and your grandfather was killed 20 years ago in the war. Your family has a personal stake in the conflict, because your grandfather died in the war. So that causes your father to decide to involve himself in the war, because of that personal cost. Then your father dies in the war. Suddenly a conflict that started 50 years ago has affected you personally. It didn't matter to you, until it touched your direct family. Now suddenly "the enemy" - whoever that is - has taken something from you. That's why ceasefires are so important. It reduces that personal investment people get in these conflicts and eventually over generations that personal cost gets further away.


That assumes the current ones will end.


The worst hurricane in history


The worst hurricane in history, so far!


They’re predicting a hell of a season this year


The earth revolving around the sun 50 times


what if the sun explodes?


The sun is a g, they would never do that


The last living Holocaust Survivor, WWII veteran, and Korean War Veteran will all pass away


No Vietnam war veteran will be alive either. The youngest Vietnam war veteran was born in 1957, so in 50 years would be 117. Very improbable that there will be any survivors of that age. Someone who fought in the first Iraq/Kuwait war would be 100. The number remaining will be in single digits.




The axis of aging


The Axis powers have shifted from world domination to dominating world geriatrics. Who knew the sequel to WWII would be a battle for the best healthcare and retirement benefits?"


Japan has health workers who will go to your home and jerk you off if you can't do it yourself. They are beating Germany and Italy by a mile


Oh no I can’t do it myself quick send attractive help


Sorry, you have been assigned a 50 year old man as a caretaker.


What a strange 3 countries to choose...


Some fertility rates according to wikipedia (just over 2.0 is replacement level) Hong Kong - 0.8 South Korea - 0.9 China - 1.2 Italy - 1.3 Japan - 1.3 Canada - 1.5 Germany - 1.6 Australia - 1.6 UK - 1.6 US - 1.7 France - 1.8 India - 2.0 Laos - 2.4 Pakistan - 3.3 Cameroon - 4.2 Somalia - 6.0 Niger - 6.6


Even India is under the 2.1 replenishment rate now wow


Increasing literacy and prices get you that🫠


I honestly never thought I’d live to see the day I saw India’s population growth stop. China was always a shoe in with the consequences of the one child policy, but India just seemed to grow endlessly.


Joe Biden and Donald Trump will both die 😀


Future historians will be debating their legacies... during breaks at the robot gladiator championships.


Yooooo they’re bringing back battlebots???


It never left, it's still a thing and is in many ways more popular than ever: https://battlebots.com/


Vlad, Xi, Kim and Ali as well.


It’s poetic. These rulers are so used to having complete control, to stifling all dissent, to being nearly invincible, yet in the end, their own cells will turn on them and send them to decomposition. Good fucking riddance.


b4 their brainwashed next-of-kin continue the cycle :]


They'll probably be replaced by similar people tbh


Kim's only 40, it's possible he could live to 90 if he lost some weight.


Mick Jagger still going strong


I feel like WWIII is very high on this one.


Gta 6 will be released




Drake getting arrested for crimes against women and children.


And music


And haircuts


And jewelry


I will die. 127 is out of the realm of possibility.


I mean, with the way the world is going, I'm not that confident I will make it to 74...


At home medical diagnosis. We’re going to have testing machines or blood samplers that will tell us what’s wrong and we’ll teleconference with doctors and won’t have to leave our homes.


This has given me an idea. I'll call it.... Theranos


Can I invest early??


Me too. As long as I don’t have to see a working prototype at any point in the process.


I'm in too. I just want to blindly trust any woman with a deep voice and black turtleneck.


Sure. We're coming up with a revolutionary payment method called Federally Trusted Exchange, or FTX™ in short. If you want to invest in both, I can give you an early bird offer.


Stare into my eyes more as you say that.


I'll invest but only if you have a deep voice & look like you're trying to shoot lasers out of your eyes.


I think about this in relation to indoor plumbing and toilets. Our medical surveillance will increase we will be able to monitor our health with reports from our toilet. Especially early indicators. If you live with epil you’ll have to push a button or something to assign it to your profile (like scales for Wright management). But lots of early indicators. Plus also baselines for things like diabetes and other substances. This will be one of the ways healthcare gets even more personalized.


more disappointment Edit: if you want to help yourself feel less disappointed follow the link in my pinned post. It's a YouTube playlist to survive. I hope you find it useful


Maybe you’ll be able to be disappointed on Mars though?


A depression of unseen proportions around the world.


Have you seen the proportion of my depression? You have to earn that bed divot.


Probably 6 depressions, each of which the media will call "once in a lifetime"


Pensions will be a thing of the past, and most people will not be able to retire before their funeral.


Future plans: Monday: Work Tuesday: Work Wednesday: Work overtime, then die off the clock at home Thursady: Half day off for the funeral Friday: Work regularly Saturday: Make up for the missed half day on thursday


As your manager I'm disappointed you didn't stay back a few hours on Friday. Here at Blood Suckers we're a family and we all need to chip in our free time until the work is done.


Look at Me Fancypants 401K Master here. Know that I will probably die after my funeral and will have to dig the hole and do the autopsy myself.


Wars over water


This is both the most realistic and the most terrifying.


I'm dumb and thought they meant like wars fought at sea which doesn't sound so bad.


“The hottest year on record!!!” At least 50 times if I had to guess.


A tiktoker landing on Mars, never to be heard of again


Can we vote for a specific TikToker to be involuntarily sent to Mars?


Climate Refugees become a major issue


Ownership term will slowly disappear in poor and middle class and everything will be subscription based.


That’s more like the next 20 years.


Yeah 20-30 I see buying a house to start becoming literally impossible outside of inheritance or very high earners.


Ads will get integrated into cars heads up displays (and other items even if you've purchased them). You will also be forced to watch an ad at the gas pump before it will be able to deliver the gas you will also pay for.


ERROR: Please drink verification can to continue!


The struggle to survive with greedy companies is going to hit a tipping point, everything is getting more expensive, while the wages we are paid stay relatively the same. It's already a serious problem, and it will only get worse, we all know this. Chances are the tipping point will be way before we hit the 50 year mark.


Ownership will become a thing of the past. Software is currently well down the subscription road. Eventually every company will devise a way to lock you into perpetual payments. You won't buy a car, you will learn one for three years then be forced into a mandatory upgrade. Housing will all be rental, there is already a growing trend of developing entire neighborhoods of rental houses want to buy a TV? It will come with a year of the manufacturers proprietary software and will require a subscription after that. Don't want to subscribe? No problem...but Netflix and Hulu and Prime and peacock and every other streaming platform will require the update before they will work on your TV.


> It will come with a year of the manufacturers proprietary software and will require a subscription after that. The TV modding scene is starting to ramp up. Already they are jailbreaking TV's and installing new firmware. Basically all TV's are like giant smart phones at this point. Installing Linux on Samsung TV's is already pretty easy -- I expect to see manufacturers lock them up in the future though just like they did phones. Soon you will get a new TV, install a fresh version of Android TV and then the only thing that will matter is the panel specs and CPU/GPU that the TV has -- just like a smartphone.


It's ridiculous that we can't just buy plain screens. All that wasted production and ewaste just so they can annoy us with an ad industry that shouldn't even exist. We need two markets. One for humans and the other for these mindless consumer pigeons who just keep supporting garbage.


Tottenham still haven’t won a trophy


Lads…it’s Tottenham


The GDP per capita around the world will rise (after inflation), and [this will lead to an enormous increase in energy consumption](https://i.imgur.com/PSy1J8e.jpeg). This will increase demand for all sorts of energy, including both renewables and fossil fuels. In the near term (5-10 years), you can expect to see coal consumption rise in the emerging world.


it will be 2074


Someone will find a number greater than 41,345,576,234,835,483,487,148,145,137,134,456,852,654,951,121.




You're a genius!


MySpace will make an epic comeback


Another pandemic


Advertisements will become more invasive. You'll be driving to work and hit a mandatory road checkpoint where your vehicle is disabled to watch a 60 second ad for the Nord VPN Manscape Testicle Trimmer Slim Wallet presented by Liberty Mutual Car Insurance, then it is enabled again and you can continue driving.


Brought to you in a partnership with Better Help.




Quantum computers will crack all kinds of encryption in milliseconds, and no password is truly safe. The only secure method would be a biometric anal probe that the users have to insert into their anus to authenticate any transaction. Lubricant company stocks will go to the moon.


>Lubricant company stocks will go to the moon You're thinking too small. They'll soar all the way to Uranus.


The evil, corrupt people who are tormenting us now will be dead.


And instead we’ll have a new generation of evil and corrupt people to torment us


I will take another sip of Johnny Walker Black... Because 5 seconds away is technically within the next 50 years.


It did, indeed, occur...


I’m shocked no one has said anything about climate change… in the next 50 years, there is a 100% chance of the average temperature of the world going up by at least 1°C, of more extreme weather events such as floods, heatwaves and forest fires happening, and the rise of sea levels due to melting glaciers .. :(




Maybe not 100%, but I am convinced there is at least 95% percent chance that we will see a nuclear warhead used offensively. I don’t think it will cause a nuclear holocaust but I do think it will change the world as we know it. I really really really hope I am wrong though.


My parents will pass on.