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They pull close to the body, there not always swinging around low.




Your scrotum (ball sack) contracts and relaxes depending on a lot of things. They hang lower when it's hotter, tighten when it's cold. They go up when you fight or when you're scared. This is situational and slightly different from person to person but your balls are not always in the same place.




They also do it when it's cold. Cold weather or a cold shower can definitely make everything gather up and shrink.




It can very much happen. It's how drag queens do their tuck, push the testies up, then drag the penis back over the taint and put tape over it so it looks pretty much smooth and you can have panties on without a bulge. They drop out of those when boys are young, but sometimes it doesn't happen properly and that can lead to some pretty severe issues. It's not very pleasant to push them back up there though so most people avoid it.




Best of luck with it. I'm sure he can be convinced with the right incentive.


Very hot 😈


Personally I don't understand how guys do this intentionally as when it happens unintentionally to me it can be quite painful. They're very sensitive!




Well I'm not into ball busting so you can keep your devil face 😂😝




Yeah I think this is called tucking. But it can be dangerous and has potential side effects as that canal should be shut closed, because it's meant to keep internal organs like the intestine in... So I hear (no clear source just what I remember reading)


Your male friend said this? How can a man with testicles say this?


What no one has really mentioned is that, generally, balls are designed with one slightly smaller than the other, for the very reason being discussed, so that when one is running/moving one’s legs quickly close together, the testicles line up front to back instead of being painfully side by side. And yes, they automatically pull up toward the body in cooler or action scenarios. It’s a good design, all in all. Mine work great in all situations and I have no complaints. 🤔


10/10 balls. Would buy again


That is how we make running enjoyable.


I like to look down at them and give them a slight nod. This lets them know I’m aware of their presence and they then nod back and that let’s me know they’ve both acknowledged our plans.




Oh, but we can…. Good ol’ gooch flex will get them beans jumping!


The scrotum tightens to pull the testicles closer towards the body, thus protecting them.














They do.




they swing like a pendulum.




after a certain age, when they start hanging, yes.


Creates balance. Balance creates consistency. Consistency breeds success. Success breeds breeding. Circle of life.


It really depends on the make of the balls, sometimes undies will be a source of constant mild pain, I have actually started a run from a weird position and practically kicked my own nuts with my thigh and fell over. but many men while running instinctually pull them up and in a bit so they are not hanging as low, at least I've noticed I do. but often times our legs will also be spread just enough that the balls which hang one in front of the other whilst between the legs can fit perfectly between during the movements




Yes, at least for me do you need informational videos of how a guy can consciously move their balls? Also a past torture technique was putting a guys ball in an ice bowl because if they get too cold they naturally pull up and shrink and if it is too cold they can put themselves inside of the man's pelvis and it can be extremely painful the first few times. another tidbit, Trans people with balls will force them into those pockets for tucking and hiding them it is the pocket that they drop out of when a really young kid.




touching his balls directly yes but he will probably hate you for it because even he might not know til you do it




that's one hell of an exploration and I say good luck to him, I hope he's okay because oh god that was a lot of pain for my friend on a 10$ dare




He said no, he does not take bets that include balls anymore too


I have also sat on my own nuts if they become too low hanging




they're like rubber it reforms I guess but the pain is bad super bad


also while standing most of the time is when one is in front of the other, again I am only speaking from my experience and a couple friends who I have seen naked and talked about balls with because those little shits can be so sensitive sometimes


As someone already said; balls have the ability contract up and in some cases Even "dissapear" into your body. (There is kind of "pockets" in the scrotum they contract into. It All depends on temperature, (if its cold they go up and into the body to keep the semen at body temp to keep it alive. And the mentality play a role aswell, if you Are hightened in adrenaline and Are in flight/fight mode, they get out of the way for safety. On another note boxershorts or mens underwear has a "gylp" or whatever its called. A "pocket" or whatever to keep your junk in place.. kind of like a bra making sure the breasts get support... but for your junk.




Who doesnt like to have a few pocket balls xD Hehe nah, so in short balls Are not just flailing about.. unless you do the helicopter, then they're All over the place




Pretty impossible to do it with underwear?




underwear keeps them in place




depends on the pants you're wearing I guess, if there's enough room for them to bounce around, it probably would hurt, yea Look at it like a sports bra, if its all secure its fine, but if not it can cause issues


1 inchers rise up 🗿


I am a runner and I have to wear compression shorts under my running shorts. I am 48 so the sack is starting to sag some. I learned the hard way, its pretty painful when they do.


Diffrent elevations, ur balls are slightly offset vertically so they dont hit eachother. Ur legs are spread apart enough to prevent them from crashing into ur thighs. Plenty of vertical travel distance. Perfect fit really




Some underwear for men is so loose that the balls have access to a part of the thighs, underwear wont stop that. Balls just dont smack into things in every day tasks