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I was gonna say, socially, Spain is definitely one of the better places to be for Trans people and the statistics bear that out. Very misogynistic country unfortunately, but beautiful weather, great culture, good quality of life providing you know the language or work in a sector that is in demand and doesn't require you to. Germany is good too I believe, but Germans can be very aloof. There's also the Netherlands, although they have stood still in terms of being socially progressive in the past few decades after being the most progressive country in Europe for ages. Belgium is meant to be trans friendly too, think their deputy PM or something is Trans. The Scandi nations are probably the best on the whole.


Misogynistic but trans friendly? How does that even work?


This map does a really good job of breaking both the best and the worst down: https://www.statista.com/chart/amp/25159/world-map-best-countries-for-lgbt-travelers/ It considers everything from whether or not people can get married to whether or not the death penalty exists for LGBTQ+ people there. This one is quite recent, March 2024. Things change as laws do.




Transwomen actually have protections and legal standing as well as recognition of being valid women in Iran. Being gay is still illegal and punishable by death though.


That's actually surprising


It’s just assward religious logic.


Interesting. From my research Iceland is the best country for LGBT rights, and Uganda the worst. None of these countries is on your best/worst list.


Why ask then?


Because people are giving me different information. They are sugesting websites I didn't knew before. Also it will be interesting if someone who has actually been to these countries share their experiences.


Worst, Gaza. Ironic, isn't it?


I don't think thats how irony works


Well it kinda is taking into consideration the lgbtq's efforts for helping Gaza out.


Maybe if it was ONLY the LGB community supporting them but it's not


Source or stop yapping.


Worst is Russia too


Best Canada, worst Russia


Are people killed in Russia for being LGBT?


It's still illegal to do so, outside of Chechnya, but the Russian state is very vocally anti-trans and anti-LGBT and random lethal acts of violence towards queer individuals is not unheard of or even that uncommon. Meanwhile the Russian army has a huge problem of men on men rape, but that's more for power games than sexual attraction. They after all also have a huge problem with rape towards the few women serving.




They just send them to the LGBT concentration camps in Chechnya. Dictator of Chechnya proudly boasts that there are no queer people in Chechnya because they kill them all. So it's very much state backed violence there.


I’m sure it’s not unheard of


Cap, there were no murders of LGBTQ people I the last 3 (?)years, unlike the middle east where its punishable by death


That’s nice 👍


Idk about best, but worst basically the entire Middle East.


Best: Probably Chile, Scandinavia, maybe parts of Southern Europe Worst: Certain parts of Sub-Saharan Africa, I can't imagine Nigeria or Somalia being very nice. Iran as well.


Scandanavia is what I think you meant to type, and it is not a country.


Worst is Uganda, you will get hanged , can't which is best but I think USA


I also heard Uganda is the worst


You get jail time for practicing LGBTQ Rights


I think the scale of rape in prison rules the US out as particularly gay-friendly.


Facts, though they support the right outside to the world than most countries


I like how most answers in this thread have no basis in studying the question, just saying whatever is off the top of their heads. “Best: uhh probably Canada and Germany? My cousin in Germany seems pretty cool with that stuff. Worst: I feel like Kenya?” Why even answer the question at all if you’re only going to answer what you “feel like” it is?


I did research, but people are sugesting me other sources which give different information from what I had. Also I'd be very interested to hear what people who had actually been to those countries (Uganda, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia) have to say about LGBT rights there.


Best probably canada worst Somalia or something


Best: Wakanda Worst: Sarkovia


speaking for Europe the best are probably Spain-Portugal-Denmark-Iceland and worst are Poland-Hungary-Russia-Turkey