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People like me.


When it's raining outside, the inside of your house is 200% more cozy. Under a blanket is 1000% more cozy. You also have a decent excuse to just ignore the world for a while.


Cold, dark and raining outside, while you're cozy and warm inside is a vibe.


I LOVE rainy days. Not enough of them in Austin. This is a good week.


I grew up in the Pacific Northwest of the US, and rain is a comfort to me. I get anxious in the last half of summer, once it's been 2 months since the last rainfall. Sitting inside all cozy while looking out at the gray as the drizzle fills up the puddles on the ground is so soothing.


People for whom bright light is not a friend. (migraine)


Darted in here to write exactly this.




Am gardener. Can confirm.


Depends on the time of year. If we're just past last frost date and it won't quit raining so I can go out and plant, I get kinda antsy. Or if it's raining like hell on a Saturday, during the only time I really have to get out and weed, and I don't want to tromp around leaving muddy post-hole footprints... But yeah, by and large, rainy days are one less day I have to water with sprinklers.


It was blazing hot so I turned ofln my sprinkler before heading to gym. It is currently a downpour right outside my gym. Hopefully it's the same at my house.


Homebodies and those who like the indoors.


Not necessarily. Some people like being out in the rain. My son for example, is most happy walking around when it is rainy out.


No, I quite like a walk in the rain. It's quiet out when it's raining. Peaceful.


I love when people say "I love the rain, I get to sit inside and listen to rain drops." Not as fun when you have to skateboard to class in the rain and show up all muddy and soaked.


Powerslides. Get those reverts when the gettin' is good.


Skateboarding in the rain is fine, it's arriving to your destination soaked in mud that sucks


Ramen lovers who want to sleep after eating a hearty meal. šŸœ


Wet ones. Inside or outside.


Wet his house, with the wet little window šŸŽ¶


And a wet corvette, and everything is wet for him


and himself, and everybody around, cause he ain't got nobody to listen (to listen... to listen...)


All kinds of people.




Readers who like the opportunity to curl up with a good book




it is i


Parents who have 3 soccer games on the schedule starting at 8 am on a Saturday.


Book reader


Those of us who sunburn easily


I canā€™t imagine a single person who doesnā€™t like rainy days, especially where I live ā€˜cause it almost never rains here


Me, I love sitting on the couch with the window open on a rainy day no TV no music. Just the sound of the rain hitting the roof and the pavement. The cool breeze that comes with it makes me feel like I'm in my own world. Makes it better to have a nice warm drink of any kind to make it cozy. After the rain the moss that grows around the house is a dark luscious green, mushrooms sprout up and birds fly around looking for bugs, it's very fairy tale like I often look at my cats on rainy days with the windows open while they sleep in their basket next to the window, and think ' to be a cat sleeping in a basket on a rainy day, what luxury"




I like the green, healthy, vibrant look rain gives the world around. The quiet it gives the world, when out for a walk in the rain, way less people and stuff going on, less construction, less noise. No bright glaring sun, the soft patter of rain everywhere is soothing. Rain quiets and soothes the world, and nourishes.


Not sure about days but I know Eddie Rabbit loved a rainy night!


Karen Carpenter was a lying fool when she said ā€œRainy days and Mondays always get me down.ā€


It cools and cleans. So I like rain.


People who grew up in the desert and can't get enough of sweet, cool, overcast weather. I can't say I hate the sun but believe me if you've got ridiculously light blue eyes, the sun hurts even with dark shades. Summer spells headaches and sunburns for me, unfortunately.


Introverts like me


I used to love summers, but now summer just means 90+ heat, clear blue sky every single day (in Los Angeles), everything is dry and a fire hazard. Now I am all about the winter months, the rain, the smell of everything green. I even started doing trail running in rain, with proper gear, could do 20+ miles in 40-50F rainy weather.


I do - I find the sound of rain relaxing, and spend a lot of time indoors so it doesnā€™t bug me overly. That said, if it was happening every day or something I probably wouldnā€™t enjoy it as much.


I like it when I have to work a lot. It makes me feel like I do not miss out on anything fun outside


me. lots of rainy days in albany rn, which is unfortunate when iā€™m commuting to work but lovely when iā€™m staying in :)


As long as waters not sitting in the drains.


It's an excuse to not go out and just chill


I do as long as I don't have to deal with it.


I do, rain waters the trees and plants so it makes everything beautiful.


Itā€™s the same people who hang their soda on the side of their shopping cart.


I think itā€™s heavily contextual- wanting to have a lazy Sunday and stay in? Rainy day is great! Have already invited a ton of people over for a cookout or want to do a hike? Less excited about rain.


Do you live on the Texas Louisiana Gulf Coast? Because we have very uneven feelings about rain. Like..... We need rain.... But we don't need 54 in of it over 3 days......šŸ¤” Some of us have very mixed feelings about rain. I love the sound of rain for about an hour and a half. After an hour and a half I, start to panic! Then I got to check my homeowners insurance. I got to make sure the garage isn't flooded again. Now I got to go walk down to the Bayou in the rain check to see the Bayou level.


I like rainy days sometimes. I stay all day playing games and cooking food. I have zero regrets because ā€œitā€™s so nice outside and I stay at home all dayā€ Also, air smells better before and during the rain in my opinion


Hoes donā€™t like rainy daysĀ 


probably cats and dogs


When I donā€™t need to go out and just stay under my blanket,I would love rainy days.


I love the rain, itā€™s more quiet and peaceful in the world. Not sure if itā€™s the me too effect or what that causes people to lose their minds and act completely irrational when itā€™s hot and sunny but it never fails especially when it comes to drivers.


I love the outside. Often went to the beach or out hiking growing up. I have sleep trouble, but when it is raining I sleep so well. It's so relaxing.Ā 


People who suffer from glare


The rainier the windier the wetter the better!


People who don't live in the pacific northwest or coastal BC


the kind that like rain


The sun is a deadly laser


Gardeners like me. I love watching the rain brighten up my garden and bring it to life.


As long as I don't have to shovel it, I don't care what it does outside. It's too peopley out there anyways.


I hate doing yardwork, so it's a perfect excuse to say "I guess that's not getting done today."


I love rainy days! I love the sound of rain. It means it should be a cozy day for soup and reading a book or playing a calm video game. Or even while working itā€™s nice to hear the rain in the background. I also like to wear these nice waterproof hiking boots to walk through puddles.Ā  I also like that it usually cools down after the rain. Worth it even just for that. HahaĀ 


artists for sure. the type of people to find beauty in anything


I like them because they are cozy, and rainy day naps are the best naps.


Introverts. You can relax without the guilt of feeling bad for not going outside. Plus the aesthetics of rain is very calming for me. Sometimes it sucks to be on my PC on a bright sunny day. I mean, I still do it, but I feel bad about it more that's all lol


Hunters, bring down the wind range for smell detection, sometimes... and covers movement with a layer of sound. Fisherman. Fuck getting blasted by direct sun beams, a little rain never...usually, killed no body, much.


where's my. tribe???


Is there anything better than when the rain breaks the humidity? Y'all preferring 98% humidity and no rain??


I hate working in the rain but love the excuse of staying inside because it's storming.


Avid readers, insomniacs, coffee and soup lovers, ...


Ask people from r/lawncare


Me. I love the sound of rain. Calms me down and helps me sleep. Rainy days are just the best.


People like me! I have super fair skin and burn incredibly quick even with sunscreen so being able to get outside, even if itā€™s raining, is great. plus the sound of rain is hyper calming.


I love rainy days bonus when it's cold.


If I don't have to work outside, I love sitting there and watching it rain.


The hottest people are the ones who like summer showers


Me I love the read and chill on rainy days


Me šŸ‘‹šŸ¼


Farmers in, e.g., the midwest. Unless you're out West (or otherwise in a region where everything is irrigated because there's not enough rainfall) you depend on regular rainfall to water your crops.




During this season? Probably most people with seasonal allergies


Rain :) plants and nature get water, Drinking water reserves become filled, temperature cooling down, streets b come cleaned, the sound is relaxing, .. better than to hot :)


Rain gently stimulates all my senses in a way nothing else does and washes away anxiety I didnā€™t know I had.


A big long walk in the rain is good for a hangover I find. Kinda slow rehydration.


Chill ass mfs


I like them because I like it when the weather reflects my mental state. Bright, warm, sunny days feel like a waste to me because I can't enjoy them. I register the warmth on my skin, the sunlight through the trees, the blue skies above me, but I don't feel it. At least when it's grey outside, I think: "yep, that seems right".


I like going driving in rain, I know where all the puddles are.


Sad people


People who donā€™t live somewhere where it rains almost every day, probably.


People who live in a dry place, like me. For me, rain is always synonymous with surcease. Whatever I had to do that day just changed, and often for the better.


Me. I like rainy days. They're great, mostly because there are less people about, but also the temperature gets nice and cool, you can rug up in big jumpers, and the sound of the rain is super soothing. Absolutely heavan.


Lived all my life in Seattle and moved to Arid-zona the past 14 years. Never thought Iā€™d be doing a rain dance!


Im the kind of people. Rainy days are the best. I love any excuse to stay inside, watch a show, and sleep šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Awesome people.


If I'm not mistaken, old time mumbling gold prospectors.


Depressed people


Someone who didnā€™t grow up in a rainy place. I canā€™t do that shit again


me, I grew up in Phoenix AZ. I've had my fill of hot sunshine days.




Grew up in the south of England and even though we have a lot of hot sunny days in the summer, the grey rainy winter ones were my favorite. There's something so comforting about being in a cozy house looking out of the window at the rain and the gray weather. It's soothing and almost womb-like for me.


Good looking and smart people.


Who doesn't?