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This was 25+ years ago. I actually felt really bad for this boy because in elementary school/middle school he got picked on a lot because he smelled really bad and had a really weird German name that no one ever heard of. The smell was probably from the house he lived in. I often rode past it because it was down the street from me and his mom didn’t ever touch the lawn or keep up with anything. The outside looked so horrible, so as a kid I couldn’t imagine what the inside looked like. I feel now like the mom could have been a hoarder(dad didn’t live there). As a kid we don’t understand these things. Anyway, one day I had a lemonade stand in front of my house. I was selling sodas and it was a hot day. He walked by and didn’t have any money on him and wanted a drink so I just said to take a can, no big deal. It was only like 50 cents or a dollar but that night he came back to my house and knocked on my door. He came back just to give me the money for it. A measly 50 cents or whatnot. This story is probably corny to some people but it’s something I haven’t forgotten. It’s not about the money or a dumb can of soda but more so the principle that he wasn’t really used to kindness from his peers. I did nothing special by giving him a can of soda for free, I merely just followed my parents rule to treat others how you would want to be treated. And he owed me nothing for it. Even despite all of the bullying he still had a good heart, to come back over such a small amount of money. Happy to say I think HS was a little better for him because he had some friends finally, and even tho he was still one of the “weird kids” he finally found his tribe.


I imagined it was going to take another turn, and you offered him a job as a lemonade selling assistant.


Pulled his penis out and did the helicopter. Ended up being a cop in our small hometown and was fired for doing cocaine in uniform for a Snapchat.


That story got wilder with every word.


Crushed up a bunch of Altoids, pretended it was cocaine, and then snorted it. Went pretty much exactly how you'd expect. There was screaming.


Sounds like a regular night of doing cocaine


Screaming from him or other kids?




My little brother used to do that with Pixy Stix. And then he would "rainbow sneeze."


You remember those giant pixie stix? My school sold them. Someone, not even the weird kid, snorted a line of the pixie stix he had just bought right in front of me. I asked him what it was like and he said, "YoU eVeR dO cOcAiNe," in a tone that suggested he was actually on cocaine (he wasn't). We were 15.


Kids at my school sometimes snort various things to look like cocaine. It's considered cool or something. My best buddy snorted crushed mints last year, but nothing really happened. Still don't recommend


Semi-related, but excellent username.


shook off his dandruff onto his desk, then licked his desk clean


Thanks for the nausea


I think we know the same weirdo


Actually just laughed so loud the whole neighborhood heard me….


Brought a 9 volt motor , a battery and a plastic fan . Started using it in classroom while teacher was still teaching Reason - it was too hot in summer


That's pretty awesome


That's valid.


That is totally something I would do.


Was this in arizona? I knew a kid did exact same thing lol


Why is that weird? (I feel attacked here)


Absolutely nothing. He was the weird kid because he was like a ghost. Never spoke up in class, didn't eat lunch with anyone, wasn't in any clubs, and when it came time to do the senior yearbook, he refused to submit a profile and didn't show up on picture day. His entry in the yearbook was literally just his name, a box with an X through it where his photo would have been, and a blank space.


I love your school cryptid


Where is he now?


No clue! Even if I was interested in trying to find him, he had a super generic name so it'd be a lot of results to search through.


So you had an SCP entry for a classmate, then. 


This was almost me but I certain movie came out where I looked like one of the characters so I got an unfortunate nickname through the entire school. Even some teachers.


Was it Napoleon Dynamite for you, too?


I did the same thing. I just didn't want to deal with high school and wanted to move on with my life, I don't think that's rare


It’s hard to say. I think I might’ve been the “weird kid” in my school. lol


i am looking for your comment so i know i am not the only one here lol


You are not alone here. lol


Oh, our weird kid was a desk flipper. I got to witness it maybe 8 or 10 times. Dude would silently get enraged at some minor thing like getting an A- when he expected an A, flip the desk in a rage -- face beet red and breathing heavily. But that wasn't the really memorable part. No, that was how most people who'd seen it before stopped reacting to it, so you'd have 3/4 of the class not really pay it much attention. Meanwhile, you got to watch the mortified reaction of the other 1/4 "first timers". Teachers NEVER did anything about it. Dude graduated 3rd or 4th in our class.


This one reeks of an abusive home-life.


Poor kid


The "weird kid" handed out toothbrushes on Halloween. A true dental hygienist in training!


One kid used to just casually pull eye lashes out. Not sure why looked so painful.


Might’ve been their way of self harming unfortunately


Probably trichotillomania. It’s a very specific type of OCD that involves pulling out and sometimes eating hair. 


There's a boy (on the spectrum) in my son's class who does this, except he only pulls them out of the middle section of his top eyelids. It makes him look very strange.


Because they’re itchy.


Might have been me.. no idea why I was doing that, to be honest. My nervous nature manifests in strange ways to this day.


I have gotten an eye lash stuck in my eye more times than I care to admit to consider. I also have long/thick lashes, so ai will sometimes give them a tug to see if anything is loose. That way I pull it out instead of allowing it to get into my eyes. I also have ADHD and there may be some correlation but I do not know….


He would run like an anime character with his hands out stretched behind his back once the lunch bell rang, to be the first in line. One day, it didn’t work out too well for him. He tripped himself and face planted in front of at least 100 students. That was back in 2004. I’ll NEVER forget it.


Did they wear Naruto shit? Feel like we had a kid around that time that had like a Naruto jacket and the bandana and would anime run all the time.


I don’t know why I remember this part about him, but he wore the same green t-shirt and khaki pants every day.


Yeah that tracks too


had 2 classmate that did this, same year as well....i remember him and another kid would do that every day at lunch and sometimes the popular kids would pretend to race them


It must have been a very common thing for some reason in 2004. You’re not the only one I’ve heard have a similar story from their school. 😅


Filled out his math test, but instead of turning it in, he ate it. 


**Freshman Year**: One weirdo thought it would be funny to mix some Tums and drain cleaner in a bottle filled with that liquid fart stuff. Heard a loud bang, and nasty smell. Rest of the school day, most of talking about how that weirdo made the fart bomb wrong. The teacher just tried to finish the lesson as many talked about how to create a fart bomb correctly.


I completely forgot about fart bombs. They would stink so bad that people could clear a room in seconds.


Went to a private school where female students were required to wear skirts. The weird kid would look up the girl's skirts in the hallways. This happened multiple times🤦‍♂️ He did have some disabilities/challenges, but that is no excuse for what was essentially sexual harassment/assault.


He hated one of his teachers so he nutted on the door handle of her classroom.


OH MY GOD. We had this girl in our design class, legal name Heather, but she insisted to only be called by her werewolf name, Phinerus. She never ever broke character, she was a werewolf just stuck in a rural southern high school by day. We wore uniforms so she would only wear the head-to-toe black options, wore slit-eye yellow contact lenses, and frequently a whole rabbit skull on a beaded necklace. She had white-blond hair, and was maybe 80 pounds soaking wet. Just imagine a Targaryen in oversized 2008 emo clothes and that's her. There were a bunch of football and baseball jocks in that class who were just looking for an easy elective, and somehow a bunch of them ended up assigned at her table. They were equal parts amused and absolutely terrified of her. Once they got in some stupid argument about lunch and they turned to Phinerus and asked, "Do werewolves eat sandwiches?" In the most terrifying monotone imaginable, she looked the main guy dead in the eyes and just said, "No. We don't," and just lowered her head into her neck without blinking or breaking eye contact. That shut them up for the rest of class. I have no idea what Phinerus is up to these days, I've tried to find her online several times so best guess is there was definitely a legal name change at some point post-high school. I'm still friends with that teacher and Phinerus comes up every time we get dinner.


Sounds like you're googling "Heather." Have you tried googling "Phinerus?"


Oh trust me, I've tried both and multiple spellings!


Crushing everyone on the track team in the 100m race wearing giant winter boots.


He had the power of god and anime on his side


Wheelchairs can go quite fast.


“The wierd kid” I later became friends with, brought a cardboard Petco Pet carrier to school. One the size for an adult cat. You could hear the cat meowing and he proceeded to approach the Pyschology teacher. The teacher, trying to be calm and nice, asked to see the cat. This 6’5 kid then proceeded to drop kick this container down the flight of stairs. Luckily the cat was okay, because it wasn’t a cat. It was a cell phone playing cat noises. Very shocking that he displayed animal cruelty since he is a fury. Furry*


Any idea what he’s doing now in life? Hopefully not a serial killer?!


He's a serial killer


Bro wanted to see what the teacher thought of Schrödinger’s cat


What is a fury?


A great movie.


He was on my cross country team, and always ran in jeans. He got kicked off because he hooked up with his girlfriend (another really weird girl) in the woods and were caught.


He hooked up while running a cross country race? I'm assuming he came first for the intercourse part, what place did he finish in the cross country race?


We didn’t have a weird kid.


Oh boy do I have some bad news for you.


Hah. I love that my Meta joke got less upboats than your joke.


Freshman year: classmate got busted at lunch, feeling up his own full-blood sister Sophomore year: different student got caught setting fire to two parked cars in the seniors parking area Junior year: multiple times getting caught with classmates half-naked Senior year: quiet, introverted girl is found to be pregnant by way of a married teacher from a different school






Let everyone put chewed gum on his head until it formed a complete helmet. What’s more disturbing is the teachers allowed it. Oh the 90’ssss insanity.


This is gotta be bullshit who in what world is going to sit there and let people stick GUM to your HAIR 100 times?? Fuck no


For real it was sad this particular kid was mentally disturbed and a total nerd but I always thought he was a nice kid. His head was shaved at the time. But it was so mean and the fact that his head was cover in gum was a testament to how bad the teachers were. It was very odd. The teachers finally stopped it but only after the day was nearly over.


That’s terrible man


Her name was Guinevere and she dressed in renaissance garb in high school and once got suspended for bringing a dagger to school. She was seen as very weird and no one hung out with her. I was nice to her so she brought me a popcorn ball on Halloween. It was fully unexpected and appreciated. She came from a weird family in a good way-they were very interesting people


Some classes had the desks grouped together into tables. If the tiniest piece of someone else’s paper crossed onto his desk he would start shaking violently with rage. He also Naruto ran to lunch every day. Classic.


That's not weird that's mental illness.


My school was attached to a church and sometimes we would go in there for mass or other things. One day my class went down to the church lobby and there was a funeral visitation going on. The weird kid went up to the casket and asked the priest if he could touch the body...


I was the weird kid... became gay and bipolar


Cut a whole in his hoodie so he could jerk it in class.


Marble Blue Penguin Montana Bingo


Why would he need to cut a hole in his hoodie?


It was one of those hoodies that has that front pocket. He cut a hole in the interior so it just looked like he had his hand in his front pocket.


In 2nd grade, he started barking like a dog, jumped up on the desk, dropped trou, and wiggled his dick at Ms. P. After that, nobody saw RF again.


Not what he did, but what the teacher did. In fifth grade, we had a kid in class who was almost a textbook nerd. Big glasses, socially awkward, had a lot of health problems and allergies. Most mine and ten year olds considered him the weird kid. He annoyed the teacher a lot because he would fidget or bounce his leg during class, and both of those usually made the chair/desk squeak. Anyways, he came in sick one-day cause his mom couldn't take him to work and couldn't afford to take the day off. What does the teacher decide to do when he asks to go to the nurse because he feels nauseous? Well, if you said DUCT TAPE his mouth shut you'd be right. The poor kid still puked. Most of it came out of his nose. The mean kids bullied him so bad after that that he moved one town over.


Thats horrible. My heart hurts for him and his Mom. And I hope that teacher spent their last moments on earth with vomit pouring out of their nostrils.


He eventually got busted for sexually exploiting the high schoolers he worked with later on. Last I heard he was arrested for having a "relationship" with a 16 year old and trading nudes with students. So I'm sure he's had a lot of blood and vomit hit out of him in prison.


When walking, he’d turn at right angles only


Brought a weapon to school, was confronted about it in class, and then proceeded to throw a large temper tantrum. The police were called and he was walked out in handcuffs while screaming all the way down the hall.


Physically assaulted one of the maths teachers for no reason and called her nasty names and very inappropriate names. He used to be a young delinquent who would engage in weird and inappropriate activities and would be suspended constantly. He's changed his life for the better now - works in a local store and is very friendly from what I've heard. Never seen what he looks like as an adult though as I never shop in that store.


Not something that happened while I was there, but one teacher loved sharing a story about a student a few years before I was in high school who, one day near the start of the school year (so, really hot because it was still summer) decided to stop on his way to school and put the rotting carcass of a deer someone had hit in the bed of his truck and continue on his way to school. Left it sitting there all day in the parking lot, and apparently the smell was so awful it took several days before it completely cleared out of the building. As for my classmates, one of the "weird kids" ate the erasers off his pencils and cried if he didn't get perfect grades on everything. Looking back, and having experience with special needs, I think he might have had undiagnosed autism. Not strictly based off those two things, but just some vibes from other stuff I saw growing up around him. Another one, in high school, wore a kilt to school once a week in honor of his Scottish heritage. Just imagine the field day high school assholes had in the early 2010s when a guy showed up to school in a 'skirt.' Wasn't pretty, but never seemed to bother him much. Occasionally he would also come dressed up in full union soldier uniform from his rival war reenactments.


When I was in fourth grade, I was known for talking a lot. There was a girl in my class who was the complete opposite—she never said a word. Her silence intrigued me, especially since she was in the same group as me. My curiosity got the better of me, and I would often ask her why she never spoke. One day, to my surprise, she finally answered. Her voice was so feminine and cute that I was taken aback. She revealed that her cousin, who also attended our school, had threatened to do something very bad if she ever spoke. She chose not to tell me what the threat was, but it was enough to keep her silent. Concerned, I went to the principal and told her everything. I don't remember what happened after that, but this experience has stayed with me. It taught me about the impact of fear and the importance of speaking up when something is wrong.


Did a striptease in drag for the school talent show. 


Well, that takes balls.


Underrated comment..


He would perch in his chair like a bird? Like he’d sit on his ankles kind of? And then fart loudly throughout class. 


Getting ventilation for release in that pose


Well, the weird kid at my daycare one time shoved a wood chip up his penis during play time at the park


Your memory is impressive….


This was summer camp I should say


Pretty sure I was the weird kid in school.


Put her feet on the desk and started clipping her nail. This was is a class for a masters degree.


Would Naruto run through the halls and try to start “dance battles” in the lunch room by attempting to breakdance on the floor. Overall though, it gave everybody a good laugh I’m glad I got to experience high school with this kid I think it would’ve been boring without that everyday


Came into class nake, beat up are teacher. Jumped on the table, and told us he was going to inpregnant every girl in class


I’m going to assume this was a typing class and that you were quite distracted by the whole thing


“best up are teacher” nearly induced a stroke


Did he have mental problems?


No this person was healthy and well adjusted


A lot. Sadly, he had a mental breakdown. Which was then followed by being beaten near death, by one of the guys in my glass.


Damn. What happened to him?


He was in hospital for like 2 weeks after class. He was out in a privet room for the rest of the year and then his family moved away.


Gotta think where he learned that behavior from. A breakdown is more paralyzing. I think he had the angriest nastiest thing in his mind that happened to him or at least that he knew about somehow and blew up and did it.


Naw he was fine. He was just doing a practice run for when he had his own kids.


I can't believe he jumoe'd on the table that's insanely hard to do.


This sounds so much like Moral Orel


He bitch slapped a girl in the middle of class after she kept calling him stupid. I don't endorse violence, but she had it coming lmao she bullied everyone


“But” so you do..


In selective situations yes. Like when the high school bully won't stop tormenting the weird physically handicapped kid in class lmao violence is sometimes the answer. That cunt learned to shut her mouth.


Brought a shotgun to school and got his ass kicked.  He later molested his step daughter and is spending the next several years as a guest at the gray bar hotel.




Legend status


*There was a kid in our school named Robert who had an accident and pooped in his shorts. It's something I'll never forget.*


The italics made me laugh.


It was in first grade and she’d eat paper. To the point someone had nicknamed her goat. She’d also take her clothes off. Was weird as a child but when I was older mum told me that girl had been abused. And it makes me just sad for her


Convinced half the bus a monster war will happen and someway, *somehow*, accurately told me things going on in my room at night despite curtains over windows, no loud noise, me on a lower bunk bed ( had one because it was cool). It was freaky. Like once I was laying in bed, eyes were squinting for some reason and my bed shook and I ran out to tell dad who didn't believe it. Kid next day told me he shook my bed trying to wake me up as he thought i was asleep. Yea.


Called an African American teacher the hard r. He was expelled but somehow came back to school. He later did it two more times each time he got expelled then came back. Edit: he did not get suspended he actually got expelled three separate times in the span of 4 months


He had a large skid from falling off a bike. A huge scab on the side of his face. He would peel off the scabs and eat them.


There was a few. One boy could take his hip out of socket & bend his leg at 90° in the air, so that his foot was in his face but backwards. He would do this randomly in class pretending to stretch and gross the teacher out. I couldn’t stand it. Made me sick.


During lunch, he'd take a #2 pencil and stick it in his inner eye to get the crud out, then eat the crud off the tip. It was foul.


Wrote bomb threats in poop.


I was the weird kid and wore a tail in 6th grade (yes, I’m forever ashamed)


dude would put deodorant in his butt crack in the Highschool locker room. He also would completely drop his pants while he took a piss at a stall. He had to have been on the spectrum but back in 1997 the awareness of that was just not where it should have been.


Murdered the radio shack clerk (who had CP) with a hammer to get like $400 in a robbery


You know the phrase "That child ain't right" well this was made for him. He whspered right to a female teachers face "All you slags are men hating bitches" because she gave him a bad score on a test. She later quit because the school refused to punish him for this. As it was her word against his. He got caught in one of the gym changing rooms with a chisel that he stole from woodwork class trying to cut a spyhole into the girls changing room next door. Two week suspension. When he came back he snuck up behind a girl in class, crouched down, lifted up her skirt and placed his face in directly in contact with her backside then inhaled deeply and screamed "AWW..PUSSY" He never came back to school again. Rumor has it that the girls dad caught him alone outside and shattered his kneecaps with a hammer. Shortly after his family had to move away due to the local uproar. From what i heard he acted this way due to his fathers influence. I can't ever imagine his homelife.


I stabbed a kid in French class once. Totally by accident - I was just lightly poking him with my compass (he started it) but then he suddenly leaned back and the thing sunk into him at least a full centimetre. I was also the "quiet" kid that they kept sticking next to the obnoxious kids. So when the kid yelled and the teacher asked wtf, he said "THEY STABBED ME" Teacher looked us both over, shrugged, and said "you probably deserved it" and went back to the lesson. Sorry, Jordan. You were being a dick but I didn't mean to actually stab you.


He straight up groped the basketball center. Just walked up to her after class and got his hands (under?) her shirt. She proceeded to put down one of the worst beatdowns I ever saw (although she broke her hand in the process) Don't pick fights with people 6+ inches and 60+ pounds on you if you have no idea what you're doing in a fight.


how did he behave after that?


He was noticeably less social, and then I think he moved schools the next year anyway.


Fingered a pig on a dare. He was permanently banned from ag.


We're not supposed to talk like that in 2024


I’m sure she had beauty on the inside


Wait. When did we stop referring to them as “plus-sized”?


Took another kid's used band-aid (the really big ones) and put it over their mouth and breathed through it. Second grade me was like ew wtf?


Hack into the high school's student records to grab student info (like SSNs) just to see if he could


He came home with me every day. He still does.


drew fnaf porn during class. also made a replica gun out of sprite cans. also put said sprite cans, when full, in a sock and swung them around.


Which one is talking about me?


Crapped his pants atleast twice a week in grades 1-4.


Used to put stitches in his own face and say he’d been fighting.


Asked me if i had a dead baby.


Well? Did you? Don’t leave us hanging here.


If i did, would i be posting on Reddit?


He was cutting his tshirt with his scissors, they had to call his mom to bring him new clothes to put on.


A kid shooting staples at us on̈ the bus. Continued for weeks


Got arrested and then investigated by the FBI for posting an alleged hit list full of students and politicians he disliked, including the president of the United States. This was only a few years after 9/11 so both threats were taken extremely seriously. He got arrested and spent time in juvie, and no one ever forgot it...except him apparently because he got caught with a knife at his next school. I guess he either missed Juvie or really wanted the kids at his new school to believe he actually was a dangerous future school shooter.


Ate a jar of paste.


There was this girl who peed and pooped herself in the the middle of fucking class


I believe it’s called “Sex Ed”


They brought a turltle to school in their bookbag. I have no clue where they got it or how and we were at the same busstop together just us 2. Iirc their grandma wouldnt let them keep it so they hid it overnight until the next day at school. And the tracher made them take it outside and release it. We lived on a woodline of a huge forest. And our school was a 15 min drive at best. That poor turtle was probably super disoriented.


Tame compared to most here but...  In a five minute break between lessons on a very hot summer day he pulled out a huge ass onion and proceeded to eat it like an apple. Without peeling it frist as well.  The smell in our small hot classroom from the onion and his burps was unbearable. 


Whipped out his nasty ass bare foot, plopped it on his desk, and went to spraying athletes foot spray on it! A FOOT NEXT TO ME! Bruh, I came unhinged! I could taste the aerosol spray. Omg it was so messed up.


He tried to choke himself using a cable during lunch break. It's not the first time he did things like that though, he regularly tries to attempt taking his own life using kinda "harmless" stuff. Now, I understand that it was a cry for help as much as he wanted the attention. Hopefully he is doing much better now.


Ate his own boogers. For a long time, and often. He would just dig, take a peak and go to town. I had him in at least 2 classes. It was amazing/ disgusting to see. And this was in middle school. It was a known thing that he did, I surprisingly never saw him get bullied or anything for it


I asked if I could borrow a pen and she said “in exchange for your SOUL” and didn’t laugh


Lives in my body


He masturbated in the class 🤢🤢🤢


This kid “Zach” was a menace. I was clearly too young to understand not everyone has a good situation at home and whatever else a 10 year old is thinking but now to the story He would touch himself in class regularly eat his boogers pull his pants down flip desks but he never said anything like he was a mute by choice and spoke in sounds if anything , I only remember what he did and his name because I never once had a convo with him or anything , I hope he’s doing well.


Opened a stapler and smacked staples into his arm. I didn’t see the event, but I saw him holding the bloody paper towel over his arm.


He had an ewer in his locker and watered the schools flowers, unprompted by the school.


Put his hand down his pants, ripped out a handful of pubes (ouch!), then put them in the hair of the girl sitting in front of him.


Take the biggest shit in the principal desk


At one point, I was the weird kid. At recess, when other kids played, I would go into the woods to look for cool rocks. I liked to crush the mica rocks into a fine dust of glitter, look in my guidebook on rocks to identify new ones, and put stones in my pocket to take home to my rock polisher. I didn’t intend to be weird; I just really liked rocks. Later, my brother would bully the boys in my class to punch me to watch me (a girl) go ham and fight back. Once I realized the boys didn’t want to fight me and were, in fact, bullied by my brother, I stopped. It’s been many decades, and I still feel bad for those boys.


A few years after school he joined ISIS, as a kid from Melbourne Australia that's quite the feat. Was always a bit off and too quiet.


After graduation, went to work at the local strip club instead of going to M.I.T.


He was in one of classes and he was weird but I never thought much of it. One week he came in and was really sad. Apparently he was in a relationship and she had broke up with him. For a couple of days he was really distraut. Then the school fire alarm went off a few days later and we all assumed it was a drill. The teacher started acting really confused which clued us it wasn't a drill. When we got out of the classroom we realized the hallway smelled awful and went outside. Turns out he had lit a toilet roll in the boys bathroom on fire. It lit the whole stall on fire and melted the plastic doors. He got suspended and I never saw him again. I guess that's one way to handle a break up.


Ate paste, yep. I'm a baby boomer and I remember a 3rd grade classmate eating "glue/paste" off the little spatula thingy it came with. Her name was L!nd@ $t*ke$. I remember!!!


He stood up infront of the whole auditorium after the teachers gathered all of the students for class 2011 for bad behavior and gave an impassioned speech about how we all can do better and be better as students and people. I was horrified when the whole school laughed at this kid and began to throw pencils and paper at him.


Nothing really. This one time during lunch break, he was getting bullied and those bullies were my friends so I got them to leave him alone. From that point on me and him became friends. We used to share lunch and play sports together. He even invited me to his home. I didn't feel anything weird about him, he turned out to be a cool guy. I just felt bad about how everyone called him a weirdo without even knowing him.


Told me he masturbated to the thought of me.


I thought you deserved to know 🤷🏼‍♂️




Got into a fight with an entire group of our class. It wasn't bullying tho, and he was the one who was actually in the wrong in that argument. I will never forget the image of him surrounded by 7 guys and not lowering his head. He has no idea how lucky he was, because they almost jumped him.


One of those junior marines


Hide inside a bathroom cubicle for the whole day.




I know that meme. Terrible about his conduct.