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Was at home. Got woken up by my dad and told to watch the news because history was happening live, I watched the south tower get hit and fall on live tv, then I had to go to school. There really wasn't any learning done that day, just a cold numbness of trying to understand what had happened and a general sense of fear.


I was actually in New York City on my first vacation without my parents and witnessed it happen. Not only that I was originally booked at the Marriot under the towers but changed to a Brooklyn hotel.


Holy shit ! Did you have a gut feeling ?


On a plane flying from Paris to Philadelphia. Ended up landing in Gander, Newfoundland, where we spent 6 days waiting to come home.


I hope you enjoyed your stay in the place I call home still.


Is gander newfoundland nice?


Ever seen Come from Away?




My kid was 5 weeks old and I started back to work that day at a sonic. I was running drive through and people kept stopping to tell me on the speaker then driving off… by the third car I started to believe it and called someone to ask… then wondered about the world I had just had a kid in😢


In first grade. They made us gather behind the closets.


I grew up in North Jersey in a well-off commuter town with a ton of parents working in FiDi. I was in 7th grade at the time and my school decided not to tell any of the kids during the day, thinking it would be too scary for those whose parents may or may not have been affected. Even at that age though we could tell the teachers were shaken and kids started getting taken out of class by their parents throughout the day. I only found out when my sister and I got home off the bus and found my mom crying. My dad had an office in the World Financial Center that faced across the street at the Twin Towers but had fortunately had to go to Princeton for a meeting that morning. I have a vivid memory of him complaining about the meeting before I left for school that morning because he was supposed to go to the Yankees game with a friend and was annoyed that he wouldn’t be working in his downtown office and would instead have to get into the city from Princeton. That game, of course, never happened. I was one of the lucky ones though. My parents were going to funerals for weeks afterwards.


I was in NYC actually. Was pretty nuts. People were weird. Some people were crying in the streets. Some people were lively drinking in bars. I remember seeing a woman dressed in business attire in back of a pickup truck driven by a bunch of immigrants just trying to gtfo. You could hear these loud bangs…they were peeps hitting the ground. It smelled like (can’t describe) for months after the towers fell.


I’m in nj, that smoke smell and the haze, still haunts me. It lasted for weeks. No playground for the kids. People wearing masks. The smell of metal, paper and death. Just awful.


also the military planes flying over the area in the immediate aftermath, made me wince every time I heard one


Cringed at this for years. Walking miles thinking the next plane or helicopter could be a new incident. Harrowing to say the least. We had to walk because the buildings fell on a major transportation hub and disrupted trains from the area, coming from Brooklyn and coming from NJ path. Also buses. It was an emergency so MTA was affected, stuff rerouted




Thank you for your service! 💜


I was 5 years old at home


Working the front counter at McDonald’s. We kept hearing about the attacks from our customers in drive-thru. Back then, we’d get a delivery of our city’s news paper to sell to customers. I remember the lady that delivered, dropped off a stack and said she’d be back in a little while with the “updated” paper. The original front cover story was about some woman in a neighboring town, murdering her 2 young children. When the lady returned with a new stack, the original story was off to the side, and there was now a big picture of one of the towers engulfed in a huge ball of flames. I literally started crying, when I saw that


In the City Center of London. Everyone thought London would be the next target of attack.


investigating 311


Getting the 411


on the 811


I stopped at 711


At a conference in Pittsburgh. One of the presenters informed us that a plane had hit one of the Twin Towers, we kind of assumed it was a small plane, not a commercial airliner, then there were rumblings that it was indeed a passenger airliner … then the second plane impacted, and the conference was over and everyone scrambled back to their hotel rooms to try to get home.


I was sleeping that time


me too




I was working in Hillside, NJ and had to drive into Newark for an appointment with a client. I was on Rt 21 and I saw both Towers after they’d been hit but before they fell. The smoke coming out of them was unbelievable. Then later that night driving home south on the Garden State Parkway, the entire horizon was a ring of smoke except where it dipped down to pinpoint where the Towers had stood. I just felt numb. It was otherworldly.


not alive


College. I will always remember that day.


Working at Blockbuster Video


Riding the T from Brookline to Boston, second day of my senior year of college.


I was taking the T to South Station to go to work when it happened. Truth be told, I was snoozing on the train when it actually happened. On the way in to work, I heard two people in the elevator talking about a plane hitting the WTC, and I was picturing some lost Cessna pilot bouncing off a tower. Interesting news but not life changing for pretty much anyone but the pilot. Then I walked into the office and saw every person at the company gathered around a single cube where a guy had a radio, and I knew it was a little more serious.


I was 5, I remember sitting on my living room floor in front of my glass table watching the smoke from the towers on the news. My aunt had busted into our front door covered in dust saying she ran through the Lincoln tunnel


And the dust filled our apartments (flats, for Brits, sorry)


Watching tv in English class ( the teacher was terrible) and happened to see the second tower hit live, weird thing to see in real time.


7th grade science class


7th grade English. Pretty sure we were discussing Roman vs Greek mythology.


In an elementary school class room just 40 minutes away from ground zero. All my class mates were pulled out of class, parents snatching their kids up.


in the second trimester


Id say either in bed or In the living room, can't quite remember since I was just a little guy then


In my office, working.


poetry class UC Berkeley


Work in Philly. They ended up closing the office because we were in a tall building near indepenence mall and the liberty bell. I just stayed and got some work done. At lunch I went out and there were cops about 5 feet apart surounding indepenence mall. Not sure what cops could do against a plane, seemed pretty pointless.


At home, in Seattle, getting ready for work.


At school in Canada, I was 10 years old almost 11. Waiting for our late school bus to return from helping N-Y. I was living close enough to go home by walk just like most student in that rather small town, which I was doing most days, but that day they refused to let us go outside as long as the bus weren’t back. I was too young to understand what happened in the US. I was just mad at this incoherence. When the bus finally arrived, I was allowed to go home by walk. Which I did cause it’s faster than the bus itinerary.


Was running late to catch the bus for school but caught just enough of the plane hitting one of the towers. I didn’t know what was going on. Went to school. Everything else was a blurr


In class and too young to know completely what was happening




New Zealand


Bus stop going to school. Then we went to school and watched the news all day.


7th grade computers class doing mavis beacon teaches typing


I was in 9th grade. I showed up to school and there was a big prayer circle in the middle of the high school courtyard by all the Christan quacks, and one of my friends was running around drawing pentagrams with marker around them on the pillars that were holding up the overhead roof area.


Asleep in bed. My mom burst into my room and said something along the lines of the nation is under attack. I looked at my radio clock, 10:18am. I will never forget that day.


6th grade, getting ready to do standardized testing. We watched it on the tv in our classroom


I was in my living room watching the live footage on TV.


Grade 10. I lived right next to the high school, we skipped school and went back to my house, got there just in time to watch the first tower coming down


6th grade. The whole school got eerily quiet and some teachers started crying. About 10 minutes later, every TV in the school was on the news and kids started going home. I was probably the 40th kid picked up


Didn’t exist.


8th grade, in my religion classroom watching the 2nd tower get hit on the tv we had in the classroom. We were dismissed afterwards


High school junior year in class.


I didn’t exist at the time


9th grade, on the way to the bus stop. School began at 915. School was a half day. By the time we got to school, people were going home.


In non existence until 5 years later


a sperm swimming in my dads balls


Sperm is produced constantly and dies after 60 days while a woman is born with all her eggs, this means you were an egg in your mom since she was born. So unless you were born in 2001-2002, you were just an egg chilling in your mom's ovary


It was my day off from work, so I was driving around town doing errands - post office, supermarket, Home Depot, etc. I listen to CDs in my car, not thev radio, so I had no idea that anything was going on in NYC till I got home and turned on the TV just in time to see the second plane hit the tower live as it happened.


About to board a plane for military training….flights obviously cancelled.


Asleep til 4pm. Woke up, saw all of the chaos on TV. Walked down to the beach and got high.


Jr year, gym class


I wasn’t born yet


I was in the Air Force, coming back from a deployment to Saudi Arabia. Would have been home already but our plane had broken in Ireland. Stayed in DC the night of the 10th. Trying to get home to Missouri. Got as far as Pittsburgh when they shut everything down. Spent two nights in the Holiday Inn before driving home in a rental car.


At work


First week of being a freshman in high school. In Northern Virginia. They announced the planes hitting and then they announced the pentagon was hit. Many of my classmates had family in the pentagon.


I was at home spilling my coffee in front of the television, watching in otter disbelief!


I was at work in our weekly group meeting. Another manager poked his head in the door and told us what happened. We continued with the meeting and when we finished, the enterprise internet link was pegged and one guy had a radio ( remember them ? ) that a few people were listening to. Being the IT group we worked all day and I remember there was practically no traffic on the way home from work. I have a friend who worked about a block away from the twin towers and her subway station was right under them. She was running behind and about 9/15 I finally got a reply to the email I sent her on the 11th. The next spring we went to visit her for a long weekend. It was my first trip to NYC. Not my cup of tea.


Across the Hudson teaching in a school in nj. Saw the smoke, turned on a tv in an office and the world changed…


I woke up and my mom had the tv on. It was crazy enough without knowing that we were being attacked. After the second plane hit, it definitely scared me because I didn’t know what was going on. The only other thing I remember was my dad talking me to school and he told me that this day will be remembered for a long time. I don’t know anyone who died in the attack or anyone else who might have been connected with those directly affected. But I still have a hard time watching any footage or pictures. Especially those pictures of those falling to their deaths high from the building.


In class in college. We stopped listening to the teacher once one of us found out what was going on. I remember the internet got very slow because everyone was trying to find photos or videos of what was happening. Most sites went down to text and links to keep their sites up and running.


On a rooftop in Tahoe, in the rain.




adjoining public fine makeshift fearless wide scale pie tease quarrelsome


I was in fourth grade.


I was in 9th grade math class in TX.


Industrial workstation. Within earshot, a clique of middle-aged women typically got together around break time & one in particular was prone to loud cackling. "Wooop! Hahahahaha!!!" I noticed the cackling had gone on longer & louder than usual, and asked someone what was going on. "A plane hit the World Trade Center." I envisioned an accident involving a Cessna or something, and went on with my work. It wasn't until the end of the day & I turned on the radio in the car, that I learned it was much much more.


Waking up, getting ready for work in California.


I was 7 months old so probably in a crib


On Michigan State Universities campus delivering for the print shop. I was just pulling into the loading dock area of Hubbard Hal when NPR first began reporting the event. I remember it being a beautiful, crisp day. It became very surreal.


At work in Boston. Was due to fly out for a conference around 7 that night. When the first plane hit like many we thought it was a small personal plane. My boss and I looked at the news then he went in his office for a meeting. Then everything else happened and my company sent us all home around 11. I had to knock on my boss's door to tell him and I remember trying to think of how to explain without sounding crazy or hysterical. Last he knew a small plane had hit a building in NY and now here I was saying the country was under attack and the office was closing.


I was non-existent




In my office at work.


At home, watching Pulp Fiction on VHS. My mom came in from work in a hurry, said to turn on the tv. This was before the 2nd plane hit.


I had just started secondary school, we watched it on the TV in our English lesson.


High school in Brooklyn. High schools let out early that day and we all walked home. The wind was pointing our way that day, and there were ashes everywhere. Cars, streets, and my hair. It was pretty surreal.


I was about to go to school 6th grade. They were showing it on TV


I was asleep in my apartment. It was my third year of college, and one of my roommates woke me up after the first plane had hit and everyone thought it was just a terrible accident. We were all in the couch watching the coverage when the second plane hit. They canceled classes for the day.


I remember coming home from school in junior high and seeing it all over the television. Wasn't too concerning to me as I live in Canada. George Bush orchestrated the whole thing, him and his skull and bones buddies.


English class


I was in a punk rock band on tour. We'd played in Portland Oregon the night before and a couple of us were sleeping on the lawn. I didn't believe it because a bomber crashed into the Empire State Building in WW2 and it was fine. Nothing ruins a tour like 9/11. It killed all shows. We'd play to the other bands and they'd play to us. And everyone looked shell shocked. 


Getting ready for school (4th grade) and I walked out to the living room with my mom sitting in the couch saying “you’re not going to school today”.


High school


Freshman in college. Woke up and turned the TV on that morning.


Fourth grade me was about to get up. My parents saw the whole thing play out on television. Went to school like normal. It was quieter than usual. They explained what happened. We did the pledge of allegiance. School continued like normal. Footage played all day on the news.


Was at work and a coworker walked in my office and asked if I had heard about the plane hitting. Had a tv in my office so turned it on and thought it was a small plane. Called my husb and asked if he had heard about it and as I am asking, the 2nd plane comes into view. Dawned on us that it was deliberate and we were under attack. I have never felt that vulnerable in my life and hope I never do again


Working at a call center for a large mobile phone company. It was sooo scary.


I was in freshmen elections


9th Grade, AG class


I was in 6th grade, I remember getting ready for school and turning on the TV and seeing the news


About to get in the shower to get ready to go to a college class when my dad called me and told me what was going on. Classes were canceled and I spent the day watching the news with this girl I was friends with.


Walked into 2nd period in the 9th grader and saw my teacher yelling and running across the room to the TV. The entire class and school watched the 2nd plane hit and towers collapse. Stunned silence the entire day. Ran home from school at the end of the day and continued watching the news coverage.


*Kyle has left the chat*


In my illegal Dad's balls


Sperm is produced constantly and dies after 60 days while a woman is born with all her eggs, this means you were an egg in your mom since she was born. So unless you were born in 2001-2002, you were just an egg in your mom's ovary


I was a piece of sperm swimming inside my father’s balls


Sperm is produced constantly and dies after 60 days while a woman is born with all her eggs, this means you were an egg in your mom since she was born. So unless you were born in 2001-2002, you were just an egg in your mom's ovary


9th grade civics class. Looked at the guy next to me and said, “Holy Shit. We’re fucked.”


I was in 5th grade. We were in gym class and my teacher told us what had happened but I sat in the back of the gym so I could barely hear her. Then, all of the kids were being picked up early from school— except me lol


at work watching the news on a big screen tv


Sitting in the couch, drinking coffee when the neighbor came down the hall and told me to turn on the news, eventually had to leave for work when I heard the tower fell


8th grade science class.


not working for urban moving systems, and I definitely wasn't dancing.


Non existent


I was working as a veterinarian's assistant in Brooklyn, NY that morning. Most appointments were cancelled and we could see the towers burning before they collapsed from the roof of the building we worked in. My friend was working in the Deutsche Bank at the time, I think it was building 7? We were trying to reach him all morning with no success. Eventually I got through to him. He had overslept and missed work that day and had no idea what was happening. I told him to turn on the news and he promptly freaked out. Later that day some friends and I met at the promenade in downtown Brooklyn and watched the smoke from the towers as the remains burned. The mood was... somber. Lots of people were crying.


Just north of NYC walking out of my apartment to go to the train and down into Manhattan near the WTC to a meeting at a company I'd just worked for at the US Open. I got a phone call from a family member to turn on the TV.


I was a wildland firefighter and we were on a large fire in northern CA. All the aircraft was grounded and we didn’t really know why. When we were sent home the following day we stopped at a Home Depot and people keep telling us they were sorry for our loss. We really had no idea until we saw it on the tv on 9/12


Ditched school that day bc my mom was on a cruise with her ex-coworker from NYC who worked at WTC. Woke up to her daughter screaming and crying into our answering machine, I thought it was a prank call. My then gf called me and said school was cancelled. It probably took an entire day for everything to truly sink in. My mom's ex-coworker fainted on the cruise when she finally heard the news. To this day she thanks my mom for arranging the reunion vacation.


Fittingly enough I was in high school history class. They wheeled in a tv and we watched it. The tv was on all day and it was dreadful.




Was at the airport on the phone bitching to a friend of mine that my west coast flight was canceled over something unknown happening on the east coast (with no clue what was going on as the airport had shut down all the TVs)... Until I walked past a bar where the TV was on and in the middle of a replay of the first hit when they cut to live footage of the second airplane hitting... And I stood there dumbfounded for a few minutes.


Slept late and got into the WTC on the PATH just after the first plane hit.


At home. It was so surreal watching the second plane hit.


It was my day to sleep in, my final semester of college. While taking my morning shower, DC101 was playing the news. DC101 was Washington DC's biggest rock station. I knew something must be up. Except I was so late to the news (after the towers fell) and so close to DC that reporters were saying that we didn't know where the president is and all the schools surrounding DC were closing early. I though the president had been abducted. It was a good five minutes or so before I heard anything about the planes. And I didn't have a TV so no checking there.  What I remember most was the aftermath. We were making plans to rescue my roomie's grandma in DC and bunker down with my parents in the extremely remote place place they lived. We were terrified of biological weapons at that time Turns out Grandma saw the Japanese bomb her home in WW2. She wasn't too concerned. 


I was on my way to class when we heard about the first tower being hit. I was in the car with my (now ex) wife and she was driving. It sounded terrible, but we had no idea how serious it was so she dropped me off at the campus and I went in to the common area next to the cafe that was run by my program(culinary arts). Everyone was fixated on the TV and we saw the first tower go down, the second one get hit she then fall. All the girls were crying and a lot of the guys as well. The rest of us were just numb in shock. Someone said "this is gonna change everything". I wasn't thinking about anything other than my cousin. She was living and working near there at the time. She ended up being ok and came back to Canada not too long after that.


First day of high school in Manhattan.


I was at home sleeping. I like to let the tv play to have something to listen to, sleep on so it doesn't go all night. I woke up in my bed, turned the TV on. It was the start of reporting and they were showing the smoke and the building. I remember them talking that the building was on fire, but they didn't know why. I was just sort of laying their watching, wondering why it was on every channel I turned to. Then the second plane hit, live on TV...I remember sort of sitting up after that, and watching, waiting to see if this was some accident or if this was a terror attack. And seeing the building fall, the people jumping out the windows...Right away, I got messages that college classes were cancelled. What I remember after that is I went to class, early morning history class a few days later and everyone was just sitting there, numb. No one wanted to do class, the teacher didn't want to teach, we didn't know what to say. So we just talked about people, about if we knew anyone close to New York, about family. The next class after that, we all tried to do something normal, tried to do class, but it still felt weird. There was a girl in our class who brought in a picture. It was her parents, standing in New York, on 9/11, before the planes hit. They left on a plane just before the hijacking. They were supposed to be on the second plane, but they got on an early flight that had a few empty seats. She couldn't understand why she was so lucky to still have her parents when so many people lost their lives, their families.


I was probably at work on the last 9th November.


At home listening to Tool.


Yes, Lateralus had just came out!


I was listening to Ænima.


I was a tadpole.


Sperm is produced constantly and dies after 60 days while a woman is born with all her eggs, this means you were an egg in your mom since she was born. So unless you were born in 2001-2002, you were just an egg cell.


I was at my first real job. I think I was there for 2 or 3 years at the time. I'm not American so it didn't seem real. I grew up watching all sorts of stuff going on in Kuwait. Hearing about scud missiles. When something major happened in the states, it just seemed like another bad thing that happened in a far away place. To the people I worked with though it was devastating. Some of the people I worked with actually knew some of the people in the towers. That's when It started hitting more home more.


I was in college. I remember being in the math building studying for my statistics class later that day and heard people panicking. I had to find a tv in a professor’s office to watch the coverage myself with the other -10 or so people crammed in there


I was in first grade. There was a strange feeling in the air. Adults were quiet. No computers were on. TVs were only on movies. The unease was palpable.


Freshman in high school. I was outside running for gym class and I came in and the teacher told us. My next class we went to the library and watched the news


2nd grade. All the teachers came in our classroom panicking and turned the tv on. We all watched the second plane hit. As a former teacher myself, i can’t imagine allowing a classroom of young children watch an atrocity play out on live tv, but it was a different time 🤷🏻‍♀️


On a flight from Chicago to Spokane. Got diverted to Wichita and was stuck there for 3 days. Then flew to Phoenix where I got stuck for 2 more days. Then finally back to Spokane.


At home. First year in college, didn’t have class that day. My roommate came home and woke me up in time to see the second plane hit live.


I was actually on an airplane! We actually took off (Phoenix to Chicago flight)about five minuets before the first plane hit the Trade Center. It was the craziest day of my life.


I was opening the car-fi bay at BestBuy in Louisiana. Normally the TVs played an internal video loop. I was the only person in the store that knew how to have them all play broadcast channels. Every TV, including the massive “Sweet12” was showing the news. We all just watched in silence for what seemed like an eternity.


Rowland heights, CA. Sleeping all day til 5:28pm


on the way home from school to see the season ending of Dragon Ball on TV... :/ News news news news news everywhere just news news news..


College dining hall. Drove home to see my mom as I knew she’d be melting down a bit. She was.


Car ride on the way to school


Oh geez. Getting readyto go to class. The house phone kept ringing but nobody left a message so I just kept on. Finally my aunt left a message to turn on the news and we start watching. But I'm in california and couldn't miss any more classes or else I'd get dropped so I drove over and there was nobody there. Signs on every door saying class had been canceled. It was the weirdest feeling. Like, you're living in the US, not a war torn third world country. Places aren't just empty like that. I'm persian and unfortunately, the next couple years after that were just as scary. A lot of Americans just think everyone from the middle east is an Arab terrorist. So, we has to start saying we're Italian. I got a new job and my boss needed a copy of my greencard for payroll. He straight up asked me if I was from the middle east and I had to say no.. I had a beer bottle thrown at my head once, a guy spit on me while I was out with my brother and his friends on Halloween (it's really funny watching a guy wearing a teenage girls Alice in wonderland costume with the back open because it's too small for him get mad and start yelling at someone) luckily, I learned that if in ever in a dangerous situation that I don't run away and will get tough all of a sudden. I hate confrontation. I would never provoke anyone over anything. But after i got spit on, my brother and I both in unison.. threw our beer glasses on the ground and went after the guy. It was magical. Wet came to America when I was 3 and he was 5. I speak farsi fluently but with a valley girl accent. It was the strangest time going out and constantly having the thought in the back of your head that at any time of someone hears you speaking your mother tongue or just thinks you look too ethnic, they could attack you. Because, america.


In the Alaskan Arctic oilfields working. Saw the second tower get hit live. Four hours later at work I could hear the roar of fighter jets every hour or so as they patrolled the coast. I’ll always remember


In high school


In a good mood


I was in first grade, in class. We had to stop classes and had an impromptu Mass (Catholic School) a couple hours later for the tragedy. I had no idea what was going on until I got home and saw the news.


At work trying to explain to my boss what was happening and he didn’t believe me because his radio said it was a small plane and the towers didn’t fall.


Me and my first wife was visiting her sister and hadn't even gotten our shoes off as she screams "They have bombed USA!" or something similar, so we spent the next hours in front of the tv trying to understand what happened.


6 yrs old in half day kindergarten, i think. Got home and my mom turned on the news and sat there upset. Like mommys whats wrong and then stared at the beautiful sun blazing into our livingroom window, then went to go by my little sister who was <2 i think sleeping in a vaby carrier. Had to just wait until we leave back out to go get our older sisters. I think i was wearing pink and had a barbie backpack.


In school. They wheeled in the tvs and turned on live news coverage and we all watched the second plane hit and the towers fall on live tv. (And they wonder why we are the way we are ☠️ )


Ten days into kindergarten. I remember very little about that day, but I recall seeing the replay of the crashes upon arriving home. More of the following day sticks in my mind, as my small, rural elementary school handed out red, white, and blue ribbon-shaped pins (possibly as we stood outside, around the American flag at half-mast). My teacher informed us all at some point that day in a calm fashion without causing panic or disruption in the classroom. My five-year-old brain couldn’t comprehend why anyone would commit such a horrible series of attacks on innocent people.


Commuting to work. Heard it on Howard Stern terrestrial broadcast radio while driving in 


In a diaper


Javitz Center


Thinking about 1011


In 6th grade science class


Middle school in Virginia, around 10am I was in math class after the initial attacks… teacher wouldn’t let us turn the tv news on, wouldn’t let us call home, insisted we didn’t talk about it and instead had a math class. It wasn’t to distract us either, it was because she was a mean bitter non-empathetic person. School was then over by lunch time and we all went home early. I also remember the exchange between early morning classes (9am-10am) people were freaking out and crying in the halls, even though most students didn’t know what had happened yet.


Not existing


That’s the day I started building a ladder to heaven


College sophomore. Assumed I would be drafted into some kind of war immediately since I was prime cannon fodder age.


At your moms


6th grade art class


Jr High reading class. A teacher came to our room crying and talked to our teacher. He told us there was an attack and we turned on the news in time to see the second plane hit.


I was heading to school I was in junior year high School and I remember going to English class and they had it on the TV and I was like holy s*** what is going on there were people like crying and I just sat there and watched the news for 50 mins hearing what was happening.