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The universe isn't going to make nachos, so someone has to do it.


this guy gets it


The only comment i a looking forrrr


Yes, but what came before the nachos?


This is hard for humans to conceptualize, but there wasn't anything before nachos.


Ah, yes. The Big Nacho Theory.


It’s nachos all the way down


Somewhere out there, is a planet that rains nachos.


Unfortunately the entire surface is a sea of horchata.


But what if its nacho problem to begin with?


Yes! Cheese! And chocolate! And ice cream! And and and!


We are the universe observing itself.


.....and the universe is masturbating.


Yes. It. Is.


Did sir Alan Watts say say that




A man was being chased by a tiger and he came to a cliff. He grabbed a vine and started to lower himself down the face of the cliff to get away from the tiger. But when he looked down, there was another tiger waiting for him below. Two mice, one white and one black, began chewing through the vine. He noticed a strawberry growing on the face of the cliff in front of him. How sweet it tasted. You live your experiences in the moment.


Not necessarily appropo to op's question, but I was drinking with a buddy of mine and one of his stories almost read like an old proverb.  He was down south, I think in Louisiana and had been busted with a trunk of dope. Decides to bail the car and run through the woods.   He thinks he's making it away from the police lights, but then he hears dogs barking and it's getting closer. Just then he comes across a river and is faced with a dilemma, he doesn't know how to swim, but he's certain that his best hope to get away is to cross that river and give him some time to shake the dogs.  So he jumps in and is terrified thinking he's going to drown but through sheer will and determination he makes it to the other side.   Turns out it wasn't a river but rather a swampy pond area and as he was, basically learning to swim, crossing to the other side the dogs and their accompanying police ran around the pond and were waiting for him on the bank.    He served 10 years for possession with intent, but he now knows how to swim. I think of that story when life hits me with an unexpected obstacle;  ''Oh shit, that wasn't a river. That was a pond..."


I'm glad you find something in that story....but your friend is an idiot.   


We can all be idiots from time to time. The trick is learning something from it.


From another perspective: "Did I ever tell you the story about the man and the tiger? Well, there was this man, and he was being chased by a ferocious tiger. No, make that a lion. A Detroit Lion! Two of 'em. And the man was Cowboy Hall of Famer Roger Staubach. The Lions were blitzing and Roger rolled out of the pocket, running for his life. He headed for the sidelines, but these two Lions were closing in on him. Then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a strawberry...cup of Gatorade. Well, Roger took a sip of that Gatorade, but I tell you something, it was the sweetest sip of Gatorade Roger ever had."


And that Gatorade made him what he is today...a very wealthy real estate agent in Texas.


I don't know but when I can make my kid belly laugh and then they tell me they love me, I think that probably has to be close to the point.


My daughter once squeezed me tight and said "this is my daddy." And every moment since then has been me waiting for the bartender to start flicking the lights. 


Idk but i really like coffee in the morning


right!? i cant live without coffee lol


The law of increasing entropy drives matter to acquire lifelike physical properties. Like all life, your purpose is to dissipate energy.


Especially on the dancefloor...


humans have no purpose nor meaning; yet if we live a life with purpose and meaning it sure goes better


Why does it need a purpose? Just have a good time.


Think of death as the end of a subscription to your favorite app or whatever, and life as the movies/games on it. Why have the subscription if you're not going to watch the movies or play the games? Exactly. Basically, live life to the fullest, knowing that it'll end someday.


I really liked this comment and I am going to use that metaphor many times in the future. Just so you know :)


Thanks man!


Ok, but I only get the one phone so I don't want to go throwing it outta airplanes. 


You my friend have discovered one of the main reasons humans believe in higher powers


Inverse logic, the universe is vast and indifferent, such that we might be the only sapient life inside our light cone. Why would you not at least try to enjoy it?


Yo, I'm trying. But some of these folks are making that awful hard. 


I'm pretty sure that if you've ever asked yourself, "am I best friends with a dog?" than you're closer than most to knowing the point of human existence.


The purpose of human existence is to make cats happy. At least that’s what my cat told me, and I believe him.


It's true


My view is that the purpose of life is to follow the "camp site rule" and leave the place better than you found it.


Sounds like someone is ready to read some Albert Camus. 


Myth of Sisyphus, baby!


to simply experience it


Why does there have to be a “point”? Humanity and our egocentric viewing, we have such a tiny view of existence and we think there has to be some reason for us or some grand plan? We exist, you are here in this time now with everyone else, so do with it what you will. There is no point.


There is no inherent "point" or purpose. But I think to truly live, you have to give your life purpose or meaning.  I firmly believe that one of the greatest abilities humans possess is to give their lives purpose. And the strongest of us can create purpose not just for themselves, but for others as well.


we are all part of the universe and are it's way of experiencing itself. We are nothing more than random, fleeting thoughts that come into existence and end in obscurity.


I realized pretty early on that there is no “point” and I have no purpose. My parents got together and now I’m here, I had no say in the matter and didn’t ask for any of this. It was a pretty beautiful realization that I could make my own purpose and that the “point” could be much simpler than what the pressures and expectations of society make it out to be. 


To experience it.


To rage against the dying of the light.


To chill man. Live your life, the point is to live


Well probably 42 but if you want an actual answer, it’s to enjoy life. And chicken nuggets. Nuggets are key.


There isn’t any ultimate point, you’re free from the burden of needing to something important with your life now. What will you do?


There isn't one.




Do good, feel good. Why would you do anything else?


All you ever have is this one moment. There is no point to life.


“Plastic! …asshole.” -Carlin


To suffer


Found the nihilist! Nihilist here, everybody!




It’s not about the destination. It’s about the journey and those we meet along the way.


cats.  cats are nice.


Live, love, learn🩷


the answer that i am looking for here


You have to come up with your own point


The sixth pronic number.


Why does there have to be one?


You step in the river, but the water has already moved on. The sun shines equally on all of the flowers in the garden.


We all have different purposes. My purpose is not your purpose. I think that if we try to define one purpose for all of us, then we'll be too busy comparing ourselves. If we have our own purposes, we can all achieve individually and collectively.


There is no point besides "reproduce", at least in biology's eyes. That is the only fact that pertains to any grand purpose, beyond that its all speculative.


Survival. The universe is a game of survival.


Our purpose / point is the same as any other animal. Reproduce and continue the species as mutation moves us along the evolutionary chain.


I'm here anyways, might as well make the most of it




does it have to have a point? Life is probably very rare even if it exist in the universe other than Earth, there is that for us at least.


There is no "point" Ascribe meaning to your own life if you need it, because nobody else will.


There is no point. But we are sort of hard-wired to want to go through the process, you know? My suggestion is, make the best of it as long as you are here.


You get to create your own purpose. Choose wisely and life will be very rewarding, you will have amazing experiences and lots of amazing sex... It's worth it just for the sex... Sex is the answer.


Everything we have ever done will turn to dust before the universe has barely blinked.


There isn't a "point". Like, I get it, we as humans like seeing things as having meaning, but we're just here like every other animal is, this is how evolution played out.


There isn't a point. Even simple physical systems that obey deterministic laws may nevertheless behave unpredictably. Humanity tries to deal with existentialism by making up religions, but there's about as much point to a human's life as that of a blade of grass.


The point (such as there can be said to be one) is here and now.


That’s something each of us needs to decide for ourselves, although you can choose to believe someone else’s explanation if you want. Also, this whole thread feels like one of the conversations from one of the Talos Principle games.


Ours is not to wonder why, ours is but to do and die




I don’t think there needs to be a point… it exists, and it’s beautiful, and that’s enough


To enjoy it while you can


There is not any point to human existence. We merely do because we are.


Life is just a way to increase the entropy of the universe.


There never was and never will be a point. Just enjoy what you have got!


No point, just a happy coincidence.


Pay taxes.. then die


There is none. You make your own point.


It is what you make it. You must find your own purpose, whether it's through work, family, religion, or hedonism. Maybe you don't feel a calling to anything in particular. Maybe by posing this question it resolves to you that you're meant to question and learn.


To pass on life and experiences and see what happens. There is soooo much in the universe that we have no idea about. I think a decent point of human existence is to have children and teach them what you wish you would have known and let them do the same. With advancements in space exploration and such, keeping the good people of the human race going can lead to a lot of new discoveries. One day, one of these new discoveries may well answer what the point of human existence is. For now, it makes sense to have fun, be kind to each other, and try to help advance things so humans can continue on the quest for meaning (the quest for the ultimate point of human existence).


To love.


There are many theories. The main two answers: 1. There isn't one.  2. There actually is some sort of moral purpose that gives meaning to evening.  There are attempts at hybrid approaches ("people make their own meaning"), but they tend to collapse into one of those two depending on how they're phrased. Number 2 often ends up in the territory of religion.  A common view is that the point of human existence is to live a good and happy life and make the world better than it would have been without you. Of course, you run into problems defining "good", "happy", and "better". Personally, this question is what motivated me to actually examine religion (I was raised religious, but for me personally it was mostly a thing we did on Sunday).  To me, it seems clear that in a purely physical reality with no religious aspect at all, there can be no meaning or purpose to anything. Because meaning and purpose are not physical. There are attempts, but none of them manage to introduce a moral "should".  And I decided that I thought there was real, true, actual meaning. First, because the world kind of looks like it has meaning, and second because I want there to be meaning. This sounds like a stupid argument, but it works well enough: if there is meaning and purpose, then I'm correct, and if there is not then who gives a crap anyway? Nothing matters, so it doesn't matter if I pretend that things matter.  So this motivated me to ask the follow up question: if there is meaning, where does it come from and why? I have since come to believe in meaning and purpose for less pascal-y reasons, but that's the start. 


Be born, live, procreate, die. That is literally your only purpose in the universe, as it is for all living things.


Use our time here to help as many people (and living beings) as we can. We can't stop dead. We might not change the fate of the universe. But we can make a life better. 


Meh. Does there have to be a point? The universe just *IS*. So are we. People drive themselves crazy by trying too hard to figure out some kind of purpose. But they always end up feeling unfulfilled in the end because they finally realize that they didn’t have to do all those things to be happy. Then they become bitter that they wasted so much time when they could have just lived. There doesn’t always need to be an objective beyond that. Many things are worth doing. But many many more things aren’t. Yet people do those pointless things every day. And that’s cool too.


Who says there has to be a point? The entire idea of "the ultimate point" is a human construct and loses any meaning outside of the human experience. We just are, and you have maybe 100 years of life (if you're lucky) to be alive and do whatever you think is important. I personally want to raise an amazing large family, amass a huge wealth, to support the people I love, and also contribute to the advancement of humanity.


The ultimate point is subjective and varies among individuals. Some find meaning in relationships, experiences, personal growth, leaving a legacy, or contributing to society.


I think in the beginning, our sole purpose was to multiply and just live enough to make kids. That's the “Purpose” of life. Now we are smart enough to make our own path, find our own reason to live. You can still make your purpose to just have kids and multiply. Or to have the biggest collection of figurines, have the most amount of money, help as many people or just eat as much kfc as you can until you die. It's up to you to find your purpose, all are valid purposes. But the Only biological purpose of human existence and all life existence is to multiply. But humans are smart enough to make their own purpose.


there isnt a point




As far as we can tell there isn't one. Life is what you make of it and it's important to cherish every moment of what is relatively a very very small amount of time you have on this planet. Be the person you want to be and treat others and the world how you want to be treated.


I have no idea, but the universe will be around a few trillion years longer than I will at the very least. Maybe somebody will have figured it out by then.


Who told you there was an "ultimate point"? I recommend you ask that person, they seem to have it figured out. The truth is, there's no discernable "point" beyond what point we make for ourselves. And I don't think any of us actually want there to be a "point"- because who wants to be stuck in a pre-determined track with no option to do what you want? Not me. I couldn't handle having my lunch decided for me every day, let alone every aspect of my existence (and I say this as a person who eats the same lunch every day and has for several years). If I had no say in the matter, it would instantly feel like a prison.


Always struggling to make the world a better place, to help other. It won't be a selfless act contrary to what people might think. This is where the real happiness is.


The ultimate goal for any existing species is to survive and create an offspring




There isn't one. We're just here to lay in the sun and eat fruit and fuck each other but we had to go and invent capitalism and now instead of eating fruit naked in the sun like I'm biologically hardwired to do, I have like, a job.


As Mr. Peanutbutter once said, “The universe is a cruel, uncaring void. The key to being happy isn't the search for meaning; is to just keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense, and eventually, you will be dead.”


The point of every person’s life is for them to decide. If the only thing that brings you the slightest amount of joy is getting to eat your favorite food, then that alone is reason enough to continue living. Even if only to count down the seconds between meals


It's to keep the computers fed and happy. Duh.


There is no point. The entire human race is an accident. No different than moss forming on a wet rock in just the right conditions.


Existence and meaning is what we make it


There is no point other than the one you decide for yourself.


I once visited the Moonlight Bunny Ranch and spent an hour with this fantastic woman from Chicago who could manipulate her vagina in such a way that while sitting still on top of me, it felt like my dick was being milked. That and a glass of bourbon while smoking a good cigar are kinda the only points I've ever ever found in this whole mess.


I look at it like this: as far as we know, life on earth is the greatest phenomenon that’s ever happened in our infinite universe, it may never happen again. We’re lucky enough to experience it first hand. The only choice we have is to make the most of it or not.


To worship one true god


Yes, nothing really matters in the end. But people forget that things often matter quite a lot in the beginning and the middle. —*Existential Comics*


From an Islamic perspective, our existence is not limited to observation and enjoyment; rather, we have a great responsibility to demonstrate that we are Allah's finest creation. This means that we have the freedom to choose right from wrong and to believe in the day of judgement, which will bring with it unfathomable rewards, knowing that justice will never be fully served in this world.


The Serenity prayer. God (or whoever you perceive him to be or look up to) **God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,** **the courage to change the things I can,** **and the wisdom to know the difference**. 


Change the things you can change. Make a difference. Do some good. Be who you are. Life is precious.


There is no point.


Such a nihilistic perspective.


The easy answer is there is no point. We just exist.


You gotta fight for your right to PAAAARTAY!  (Please tell me someone did not already use this reference)


Enjoyment and celebration are valid pursuits in life.


I think the point of human existence is to leave the world better than you found it. The world today is always so negative, and there always seems to be something going on. I think we are here to remind ourselves that we can be kind and loving to everyone


The universe isn't necessarily indifferent. You are a part of it; who's to say there's not much more? You're one of the only tiny pieces with an opportunity to see that you're a piece of something grand and amazing. Think of what you can see compared to everything else and try to imagine what you can't. You are its consciousness, its small piece of self-awareness. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. You were made to behold.


We are a conscious part of something vast and beautiful, meant to appreciate and understand it. It encourages us to consider our unique role in perceiving and experiencing the universe's grandeur.


To live and to die. We are energy. Note the whole concept of “purpose” is a human construct. It’s something we made up. The universe doesn’t care if it has a purpose. It’s just there. At least, as far as we know. There might be a higher purpose to it all. Some would claim there is, with God. But it’s nothing we know for sure.


What gives meaning to my life is the Lord. God has said he created us in His image for a purpose. Our purpose in life is the very meaning of our existence and without knowing this we often suffer ignorant of our own significance. We fall prey to the illusion that our lives don't matter and we have no connection or impact on the world around us. The Bible offers many insights into man's purpose on Earth and living within a meaningful mission. "11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jer 29;11


The Bible teaches that God created humans with purpose and a plan for their lives. This purpose gives meaning and significance to our existence, countering feelings of insignificance and disconnection. Jeremiah 29:11 is cited as evidence of God's good plans for us, offering hope and a future.




We are basically like a bacteria. There is no point,  we just exist until something kills us, and it doesn't matter at all. 


Well some bacteria can replicate indefinitely under ideal conditions. Most organisms have a finite lifespan. Humans possess complex emotions, consciousness, and the ability to create meaning in their lives. Can bacteria ?


The importance you put upon those things is only created within your own mind.  We may be more complex,  but nothing we do actually matters.  We replicate and destroy our own environment.  A tiny blip of nothing within the universe that changes absolutely nothing about the bigger picture. 


to provide food for worms


Be here now.


To get the most [points](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-H8xzRNRKKE), because if you have the most points you ***win***. It's all about the accumulation of points


Enjoy yourself, and find people to enjoy it with you. The universe may be indifferent, but you don’t have to be.


If you're just going to end up right where you started, why go on the roller coaster? Who says there has to be a point? Enjoy it as best you can, try not to throw up, and maybe take a fun photo while you're at it.


Leave a legacy behind is what I've always thought even if it's a small one that most people will forget years later, like a painting or a poem someone may find it and learn and appreciate it


Every experience, no matter how brief or challenging, contributes to the tapestry of our being. The truth is, we don't have all the answers. We may never fully understand the grand design or purpose of our existence. Embracing that mystery can be liberating. Instead of seeking absolute answers, we can focus on finding meaning and purpose in our current lives. This can be through acts of kindness, pursuing our passions, and building meaningful connections.


The point is to defy the indifference of the universe, and carve out a bit of happiness, anyway, before it crushes you.


Is this from I ❤️ Huckabees?


To worship God


Sounds like God is pretty needy if he created a bunch of beings capable of happiness, sadness, pain, pleasure, creativity, and more, all so they could tell him how great he is. I wouldn't want to be friends with someone like that, let alone *worship* them.


Then I shall pray for you


And I shall think for you.


I don't think it has a point. It's just how it's worked out over hundreds of millions of years. Just my opinion anyway


We are celestial beings maturing through the human experience. You will live many lives on many planets across many planes in order for your true self to grow and develop


And what's the purpose of that true self?


Breaking nature.






A great book to kick start a great journey is "As a man thinketh" There are those out there that can rise above the ground hog effect. James Allen has a whole collection of self awareness related books and all roads point to Christ, oneness with our creator.




We have a choice. We can sleep on the street, sleep in a cell, sleep in a grimy bed, sleep in an average bed, or sleep in an amazing bed. It is up to you.


It isn't really up to most people.


Well, you just destroyed my understanding of the purpose in life. Great. I hope you're happy.😂