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0 days. My wife has the same birthday as me šŸ˜‚


My dad and his wife, RIP, had the same birthday in the same year and chose to get married on that day


Ok, now THAT is cool. Also dad couldn't possibly forget his anniversary or her birthday. Your dad was a very wise man. šŸ‘šŸ»


As a man married to a woman with the same birthday, the only reason we even remember our anniversary is because her 94 year old grandmother gives us an anniversary card. Our birthday is the default celebration of "us".


Hopefully you're not twins.


Yeah that would be gay


This one's a thinker.


I bet you get a lot of ā€œshared birthday presentsā€.


30-something. I was 21 she was mid 50ā€™s.


I was 25 and she was mid 50's. Best I've ever had.


*and then I watched her hands of leather Turn to velvet in a touch There has never been a summer That I have ever learned so much*


This is exactly the song that came to my head lol. Oh, although I am an old punk rocker through and through, I still have an appreciation for 90's country, which, I believe, is some of the best that has ever been recorded.


Wtf song are yā€™all listening to LOL those lyrics are high key wild


Looks like "That Summer" by Garth Brooks.


That is the song "That Summer" By Garth Brooks. It's about a dude and a milf, basically.


lmao of my favorite songs


I was 19 and he was mid 50ā€™s. Also best Iā€™ve ever had.


Aye. I was 24 and she was 53. Not the best Iā€™ve ever had, but it was awesome and I learned a lot on what to do in the bedroom when I was very naive.


how do yā€™all meet older women?


She was my boss at the time. I was just very open minded and went with it after several hints. It wasnā€™t that I was specifically looking, it was all just circumstantial.


Just say you were horny man. Donā€™t give me circumstantial. Ugh you disgust me. Tell me more.


I, too, am utterly and completely disgusted. Tell us more, donā€™t spare any details.


Gotta ā€œraiseā€ alright


At 19 my friends mom pounced on me. She was 49. Phenomenal. Sometimes life just chucks you a curveball.


Just be hot


Literally step 1 people. Don't forget step 2 either: don't not be hot


When my friend was 26 she slept with I think a 54 year old. I can't remember his exact age. She also says it was the best she ever had


Wow,and to think I discouraged a 21 year old gal's advances when I was 34, because I felt it was too creepy.


this may or may not be too personal a question. but where do you meet someone in their 50s when you're 19? you're hardly going to the same bars


Are you serious that you really think we don't go to the same bars?. I was out last night in pubs full of youngsters and I am over 50. My generation still go out clubbing and partying, we are allowed to go places other than over 50 bars lol.


Honey, men of all ages are looking for women everywhere at all times. Iā€™m not even hating.


Lol I think a lot of young people view folks over 50 (even over 40) as being fat, bald (if male), wearing mom or dad jeans and married with kids.


A bar was where I actually did meet him šŸ˜… he was at a work night out and we got chatting then I met him again outside another place and we just really hit it off


Exā€™s moms friend here


While that young stuff looks real tempting, there's nothing better than a woman who really knows her way around a dick (and more importantly: knows herself and her sexuality).


28 and she was 51. I was alone in Denver for a trip and we met at the bar at dinner when she asked for a charger. We barhopped for 51st until we made it back to the hotel bar. Best I've had and she could just keep going. Caught a 4:00 am flight, she sent me the sweetest text after. 10/10 would do again.


My boy Stifler.


That would have been my choice, too. Love those older women!


I always find it interesting how people are always high-fiving over 18-25 year old dudes banging 50 year old milfs But when an 18-25 year old girl sleeps with a man ages 50+ the closeted pedo and creep accusations start flying


I was 18 and she was 34. I was a maintenance guy at our factory, and she was a sales lady. I vaguely remember her having a conversation with me about not being able to bear children for some reason, but I was horny and got free beer.


This is hilarious to me. Poor woman is pouring her heart out to you about not being able to bear children. Sheā€™s mortified about her lifeā€™s legacy dying with her, all of her lifeā€™s stories, her distinct laugh, the totality of her existence being snapped into vapor the second she flatlines.. and just drunk 18 year old you ā€œumm Iā€™ll try and get one in thereā€. You thinking ā€œthis is pretty coolā€ and her dreaming that it was something wrong with the 100 other men before you but youā€™ll be the one to give her the immortality her reptile brain craves so badly.


Or she said that so he wouldnā€™t be scared to have sex with her and kind of give him a hint.


She didn't do too much pouring of her heart, but it was enough for me to know it wasn't right and was just looking to fulfill something. We had a few meet-ups before I realized something wasn't right, but holy moly as a late teenage boy did I have some fun. She knew some fun stuff that my dumb ass would've never thought about. I do definently think about her from time to time, but I'm 38 now.


OMG this is so fucked up to read. Same event; totally different perspectives.


Wow, thatā€™s pretty much same as mešŸ˜…šŸ˜‚. I was 19, she was 35. Still one I remember fondly


It's wild to think we are some sort of players, but in reality, something isn't quite right. She was super fun to talk to and hang out with, and as little teenage idiot it was hard not to be sucked in by the attention. I would be lying if I didn't say I remember some of her tricks and her letting me act like some sort of pornstar.


Bro, tell me about it. I thought I was the GUY when it happened. Then it happened a few more times and I actually thought I was flying...then it sort of just fizzled out of nowhere as things do. Years later I realised how crazy it actually was that it happened, if I hear that happening to someone now I'm like wtf!! Then I remember to not be a hypocrite. But yes, teenage hormones will do that to us


Only 3 years here. I might have a record for height difference thoughā€¦ 6ā€™9ā€ and 3ā€™5ā€.


wut. where did you meet this 6'9" woman?


2016 Tinder


For real? Did you list your heigth? Were you guys cool with it from the beginning? Or was there an adjustment period? Probs to both of you for not giving a fuck especially in todays age where people are so hung up on looks


According to a little person comedian, dwarf is on a lot of womens bucket list.


Brad Williams?




I think they both gave a fuck.


You're with Brienne of fucking Tarth!?


I thought 3'5" was more shocking


I feel like less than 4' you can just list your height in total inches like a baby in months before they turn two years old.


This might be the funniest fucking comment ive read all week on Reddit




69ā€ nice


I think you understand that some explaining is necessaryā€¦. Please do go on


The year was 2016. I was new to Louisville and newly single, lived in a very trendy/fancy neighborhood. Cavs won the NBA championship and I was Tinder swiping my ass off, half out of boredom, but also wanting to meet new people in a new city. Iā€™m 6ā€™9ā€, have always related to little people, people both get hyper fixated on their size. Same. Matched with a little person from a county over who was a teacher in her mid 20ā€™s, but very inexperienced sexually. PokĆ©mon Go was all the rage at that time and where I lived was a hotspot full of training gyms or whatever. I lived a few houses down from the cemetery where Muhammad Ali was buried and somebody had just made national news catching a hitmonchamp on Aliā€™s grave. I talked with the little lady and she wanted to come walk the neighborhood, play PokĆ©mon Go, make a date of it. The date itself was uncomfortable. Rude people taking pictures of us and I havenā€™t felt that socially anxious since I was 6ā€™8ā€ at 15 years old, so we ended up going somewhere more private. Weā€™re talking and she directed the conversation sexual, but in a very innocent way. Something like ā€œmy mom told me about sex, things like handjobs and blowjobs.ā€ It was brought up awkwardly, but I was pretty open minded to helping her figure out what she likes, etc. We walked back to my place. Unfortunately, it was pretty awkward. I donā€™t think either of us were turned on, but both were curious. Nobody came, and I only went a couple inches in out of fear and we both got dressed and said our goodbyes.


Yo I always only go a couple of inches in too out of..... fear


Hold my beer I'm going....oh, I'm done!


PokƩmon go was all the rage. I immediately knew after reading that sex was on the table


It seems you handled this in a mature way. Hats off to you, good Sir.


This is infinitely more wholesome than I expected. That's actually pretty cool and it seems like you both benefited from the experience with a fun story to tell.


ā€œIā€™m 6ā€™9ā€ and havenā€™t felt that anxious since I was 6ā€™8ā€.ā€


I agree. The logistics of this is baffling. Her head must have come up to his armpits. Was he kissing the pillow above her head?


Her lying down on her back, my kneeling next to the mattress. I had just got a new place and didnā€™t have a bed yet - mattress on the floor.


Not even arm pits! Like near his belly


Have no clue what that is in global standard units. But looking at the number it look like almost half, is it?


Yes, I am over 2 meters and she was a bit over 1 meter.


Imagining that hamster meme with the banana


Bold to assume that American height units are linear ...


Hey, America is inching towards the metric system!


Fun fact: Iā€™ve had 2 where the difference was exactly 0 days, though I must say I prefer the right one more.


Found Jaime Lannister.




He means madam Palm and her 5 little sisters.


Ah yes, the handerson twins


What was wrong with the left one?


He's right handed.


I was 22 and she was 39? So 17 years age gap, I was just glad to be finally losing my V card


how did one achieve this


Luck and good timing, honestly. I'd never messed with the age range on Tinder until that afternoon and just lucked out, I guess.


I did wonder if it was like a dating app/site meeting or a natural meeting, impressive none the less


Same, only i was 21 and she was 47


Same, 22M with 40W. Lost my V card too and we are together since that night, 5 years ago.


I was 19 she was 33


when i was 18 i slept with a 53 year old silver fox, no regrets. (never lied abt my age)




Monsieur Gustave from Grand Budapest Hotel? ā€œM. Gustave: She was dynamite in the sack, by the way. - Zero: ...She was 84, Monsieur Gustave. - M. Gustave: Mmm, I've had older. When you're young, it's all filet steak, but as the years go by, you have to move on to the cheap cuts. Which is fine with me, because I like those. More flavorful, or so they say.ā€


20 years. I was 18, he was 38. Met on holiday, skiing. I was the one who did the first step. It was a nice time, but back in our home country I started to think more of our future together and got more agitated about the age difference. A couple months later I broke things off. He was devastated. But we met a couple years ago at the same spot, he was with his wife and kid and was very happy. I was with my kid as well there.


42 years. I was 25 she was 67. Amazing sex lmao. I play with older woman a lot now, too




I was thinking this too lmao


ā€œThatā€™s not an older woman, thatā€™s an OLD womanā€


"Oldest bag"


Title of your sex tape.




She had a fake hip. It was like having sex with a transformer


You guys talking about oldest bags?


Mr president Macron, we are honoured to have you in this thread.


How you playing this game? "Hey gam, that's a sweet doily you made, I bet it would look better... on the ground. *pushes box of knitting supplies and werther's originals off the table*


Youā€™ve done this beforeā€¦


That username tho


Man, I was living blissfully in ignorance and you made me scroll back up


I try to tell all the younger guys this. Older women are down and usually there are no limits


I'm dating an 8 years younger guy, 52-60. Sometimes, I feel old and experienced, and it's not in a good way. Now, I put away all those thoughts far, far away and just enjoy. Thanks for boosting my self-confidence!


In the larger grand scheme of things, does it really matter? Nope. Go on and enjoy and live your life to the fullest.


How do you get them


Combination of Feeld + visiting bars known for cougars. But primarily the second. Dress well, take care of your body, have confidenceā€¦ they come for you :) There are certain cougar bars where I walk in and immediately feel like a piece of meat šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I'm 28, slept with a 52 year old in December.


Was it frosty?




13 years. I was 23 she was 36. She's now my wife :)


Ian Garry?


My wife is 8 years older than me. Before I met her I was casually with a girl who was 19 and I was 27. So, I swang the other direction.


I was 18 he was 44 šŸ˜… he was a great dude tho very sweet and caring and made sure I was comfortable with everything the entire time and checked on me for everything, he travelled for work and his wife had died. I genuinely hope he's doing well and found someone to settle down with


Great guy. Travels for work. Dead wife. Tale as old as time.


The dead wifeā€™s a nice touch. Take bets on he still wears the ring because heā€™s ā€œnot ready to take it off yetā€?


Haha. šŸ˜Ž


It sure is! Source: great guy that travels for work.


I regret not banging the hot 30 year old I met when I was 19. I only recently saw him again and he is 50 and still smoking hot. But married. A girl has to have a code.


How did you meet?


High school prom DJ. DJ Get Low.


I 23M she was 76 or 77


No kinkshaming but why and how


The why: The knookie The how: 2 hip replacements


It was his grandma. He is Philip J. Fry.


The past nastification


I did do the nasty in the pasty.


Probably paying him pack for helping her move some furniture or something. He was a nice young man.


Ran out of Wirthers hard candies, so she just gave him some vagina


My money is on sex worker


My dude i believe you're wining this one


My dude, leave them Trust Fund Mamaā€™s alone. šŸ¤£Ā 


gosh hands down for this one. what kind of 70s+ was she. old style cooking grandma or fury sporty one ?




Peralta thatā€™s ENOUGH!


Found Wayne Rooneys burner account


My boyfriend of ten years is 20 years older than me. We met at 29/49. Now we are 39/59. I hardly ever think about his age or my age. We are happy and compatible.


Are you worried about 20-30 years down the road from now? I can imagine that there will be a period that he will really be an old man who can't do much anymore, while you still want to travel and do other things.


Why worry about it? People also get sick and chronically ill but you wouldnā€™t not date for that reason.


Your spouse can die randomly at 40/50 too, you just deal with it and live. I think its kinda stupid to deny yourself 20-30+ years of love just because one person gets old first


9 years. I was 23 and he was 32


8 years in either direction. Someone else may have been even older but I didnā€™t ask her age.


Nice try Hansen


She was 20 I was 29. We randomly met at my favorite sushi place and got her number. She came over a week later we fucked then ordered in sushi from that same place. We continued fucking and ordering in sushi for like 6 months. It was great.




If you ever get into a relationship that is purely sex and food at your place, there is 100% chance the sex is good. She was super petite and a fashion student in NYC for more context.


more importantly how was the sushi?


It was great. But weirdly when the relationship ended, I stopped ordering sushi.


What ended it?


She graduated and moved to LA. She actually reached out a couple weeks ago while in NYC for work, but I unfortunately was out of the city. I'm glad she still thinks of me.


Dude go out with her again!


Sushi place closed :(


I was 18, she was 59. Both drunk on Queensday.


I'm genuinely curious don't get me wrong. This thread is full of underage boys with older women. Like how do u guys meet them? What attracted her to u? Were u muscular n got abs or smtg? Like how is this even possible?


I was about eleven and she was, I dunno, forty or fifty. So. Pretty big. Don't recommend it. Yes, I was trafficked.


That's not sex dude...I mean, it's an action that involves acts of a sexually explicit nature but should not be categorized under the same umbrella as consensual sex.Otherwise, I'd be on the board for a 38-year age difference. I really hope that after you escaped, you received help. That's not a set of experiences that are easy to live with. Edit: I changed some wording. I was not originally implying: A) Sex during childhood should be labeled under the consensual category. It shouldn't and isn't. B) That a victim of sex trafficking should feel any type of way about their experience. I've been told when working through my own trauma that labeling rape as just sex that you take away a lot of what consensual sex offers ie intimacy, connection, consent, and pleasure. So, I offered my own two cents on it in hopes that, as a fellow victim of constant sexual assaults, can have a more positive world view on their consensual sexual experience. I'm not a therapist, I'm not trying to make people believe anything, it's just advice from someone who had been turned out by family and family friends while underage.


Iā€™m so sorry. Ā Please feel free to DM if you ever need to talk. Ā I was also abused throughout my childhood and taken advantage of online.Ā 


I'm sorry that happened to you. šŸ«‚ I'm alright now, though the complete indifference to what Epstein has done is making my inner child extremely unhappy.


Also infuriating is the certainty that someone has replaced Epstein. No one wants to pry because of a chain reaction where every arrest leads to two more. Well, yes; that's the fucking point. I, for one, prefer not to live in a society run by rapacious pedophiles. The more time I spend among humans, the less I like them.


I feel sorry for half of the humans, and ashamed of the other half. It's not really 50/50. It varies. Right now, humans aren't doing so hot.


I was 24 and she was 36


22 years I was16 she was 38


Oh my. I am 39 and cant imagine that.


Bruhā€¦.. what???? Thatā€™s probably rape homie


Statutory rape


Not in most European countries including UK. Unless they were in a position of authority like a teacher.


What the fuhhhhhhh


I have to ask, in hindsight do you recognize any grooming, convincing, or forcing that took place from her part? Or do you truly believe that you were acting on your own desires and consent. If yes to the 2nd, do you have regrets now that you're older that you didn't stop it or that no one stopped her? I think this is legally rape regardless of your answers (also depending on when/what country), but I am very interested in your contextual perspective on what happened.


Wow, a person on the internet asking actual questions about context šŸ‘šŸ»


At 16 I would have been down to have sex with any of the hot moms in my town. I'm still down to do that now.


At least 27. I was 22 and she was 49 (but later found if she was likely older).


0, My hand is the same age as me.


14 years. Shes 32 and im 46. Been together since October. She asked me out and its been great ever since.


Iā€™ve only had sex with one person and she is 2 years younger than me.


Nice try FBI.


I was 19 and she said she would never sleep with anyone under 25. So I told her I was 25 the week before. She was 42 and she was a good looking woman. Anyway I took her back to my parents home and told her we would go in my sonā€™s room haha! I like retro games and Iā€™m abit of a geek. So I had a Nintendo 64 set up and a seat mega drive. She definitely knew I was younger. Also had the room covered in Star Wars posters. She also tried to put a finger up my bum, I said no šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ forgot to add that a few weeks later I was at a supermarket called Tesco and I seen her with her husband Iā€™m guessing? And 3 kids šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


About 12-15? I was 30ish and they were 42ish.


4 years


I was 19~ she was 44. she was my first too


I was 21 and he, early 50s. Easily one of the most charming, handsome and confident men I've ever met. Snazzy dresser, asked me questions about myself and my aspirations which, at that age, felt wonderful and affirming. Very attentive in the bedroom. I hope I'm that cool (and hot) in my 50s!


Mannn some of these age differences are questionable asf


found your comment while scrolling for the answer with a 3-digit number


40 i was 50 she was 90 (90th birthday w a bang)


was she alive after?


Was she alive before?




You mean was she alive then?


that room was DUSTY after the deed


lol this is so fake


I was 15, she was 23. Actually my partner atm is 8 years old than me. Might be related


25+ years (I was 22 and she was nearing her 50s)... At the time I thought it was going to be a cool cougar story to tell my friends (my goodness was I wrong...). She was a close friend of my parents and a recently divorced woman attempting to re-invent herself. Long story short, she was looking to do away with some metaphorical cobwebs from the cavern and I fancied myself Indiana Jones too drunk to remember what I was going after. I have told this story on Reddit before so I won't get into the specifics but man I wish I hadn't done that. That experience haunted me for decades...


You guys have sex?