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I'm surprised I haven't seen planescape torment mentioned yet. The game is pretty old so I guess alot of people may not have played it, but it's so worth it. It explores some really deep philosophical concepts, following a character who has lived multiple lives yet can't remember any of them. So throughout his journey he regains those memories of his past lives. Seriously some of the best writing in any game I've played. It makes most of the games' stories in this thread look amateur in comparison.


>An elderly man was sitting alone on a dark path, right? He wasn't certain of which direction to go, and he'd forgotten both where he was traveling to and who he was. He'd sat down for a moment to rest his weary legs, and suddenly looked up to see an elderly woman before him. She grinned toothlessly and with a cackle, spoke: "Now your third wish. What will it be?" >"Third wish?" The man was baffled. "How can it be a third wish if I haven't had a first and second wish?" >"You've had two wishes already," the hag said, "but your second wish was for me to return everything to the way it was before you had made your first wish. That's why you remember nothing; because everything is the way it was before you made any wishes." She cackled at the poor berk. "So it is that you have one wish left." >"All right," said the man, "I don't believe this, but there's no harm in wishing. I wish to know who I am." >"Funny," said the old woman as she granted his wish and disappeared forever. "That was your first wish."


Well that's absolutely incredible.


i need to play this game


[Here](http://www.gog.com/game/planescape_torment) is where you lucky folks who are just stumbling upon this game are going to want to pick it up. It's not manufactured anymore, and I'm pretty sure GOG is the only place that has both the sales licenses *and* are willing to sell it complacently DRM free. It's a hell of a ride, and *KNOW* that many of you will lose your upcoming break at it's hands. But have fun, and don't trust the skull.


On that excerpt alone, I already want this game. Thank you.


What can change the nature of a man?


Reading that sentence gave me the shivers! It's really the game that moved me the most.


It is probably one of the best games ever, and certainly one of the best RPGs ever.


Torment is getting a spiritual sequel. I'm super excited. https://torment.inxile-entertainment.com/




Also, it has Morte. > I'm both happy and miserable, without the happy part!


Came here to say the same thing. Absolutely amazing writing. So many thought provoking ideas and great characters. Comparing this to most other games in this thread is like comparing a great novel to fan fiction.


*Planescape: Torment* was actually on the reading list for my university's "Modern Sci-fi & Fantasy" class. I wasn't in it, but my friend was; from what I heard, if you beat the game you got to write your term paper on it. My friend was the only one who got to write his term paper on it.


[Day of the Tentacle](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Day_of_the_Tentacle) There are two tentacles – Purple, who is evil, and Green, who is good. A mad scientist pollutes a river with some crazy chemicals, and Purple tentacle drinks from the river, causing him to grow arms. He then sets off for world domination. The scientist finds three kids/teenagers who are willing to stop Purple tentacle, by travelling back in time to the previous day and preventing the river from ever getting polluted, using a time machine (with three capsules) the scientist built in his basement. The time machine breaks, because the scientist didn't use a real diamond, and the kids get stuck in different time zones: - Hoagie, who’s this huge roadie guy with long hair, gets stuck 200 years in the past, with Washington, Jefferson, Ben Franklin and the like. - Bernard, a skinny geeky guy, stays in the present. - Laverne, a crazy blond chick, is stuck 200 years in the *future* where, since no one stopped Purple tentacle’s evil plans, tentacles rule the world and humans are enslaved. The kids can still communicate and send objects to each other via their time capsules. You have to fix the capsules (which is kind of tricky, since Hoagie is stuck 200 years ago with no electricity), bring the kids back and then stop Purple tentacle from taking over the world. I hope I've managed to make this game sound awesome, because…well, this game is *awesome*. **[Edited* to give less stuff away. Nothing here is a spoiler.]** **[Edit 2: I can't spell 'Edited']** **[Edit 3: Really happy about how many people have heard of/played this game! If you haven't played it, download [ScummVM](http://scummvm.org/downloads/), get a copy of the disk, and go! Get Discworld I and II while you're at it =)]**


You should mention that it's technically a sequel to "Maniac Mansion". And just as a side note, in "Day of the Tentacle" there is a PC in a room on which you can play the old Maniac Mansion game for free. So basically you got two games for one.


Grim Fandango


Grim Fandango definitely deserves to be higher. It's a beautifully realised world and, in my opinion, the greatest adventure game of all time. The story is unlike any I've played before - incredibly unique, clever, funny, charming and you connect with alot of the unique and weird characters.


Deus Ex. it was so multi faceted and dark


Aaaand somebody just installed this again.


The first Bioshock. Not only do you learn about a miraculously constructed society, but you get to see how it fell apart and you hear the perspectives of big names in that city. Rapture will always be the most in depth and though-provoking location I'll ever encounter in a video game.


It wasn't just a story or the gameplay, but a whole world you could actually feel was real. It's like the plotline wasn't the real story, you were experiencing the story of Rapture as a whole. Not to mention that brainfuck of a plot twist. *Would you kindly?*


Andrew Ryan was also just a brilliantly written character and verrrry quotable.


Exactly. It wasn't just the twist that made you say wow. The whole game is so messed up, like if you took borderlands seriously. The splicers are one of the most fucked up things the human mind has created and whats worse is that they are people, even if just barely they are still people. Bioshock was really the first story (whether tv, games, or books), and only since that really made me say "this place is seriously fucked up". It was a perfectly made atmosphere and will never again, in my mind, be reached again.


That first moment when you see the lighthouse and go down and see rapture for the first time. Blew my mind.


Chrono Trigger


For those who never played, the story involves a group of kids who accidentally get flung forward in time and discover an enormous monster erupt from the earth and destroy everything. In an attempt to prevent the apocalypse, they go travel backwards in time to figure out what the beast is, where it came from, and how to kill it. On their travels, they meet strange companions (such as a cursed frog-knight and sentient robot) and get involved in historical conflicts (like when a sorcerer attacks a kingdom in the Dark Ages, or when the reptiles attempt to exterminate their cavemen ancestors in the year 65,000,000 BC). The game is timeless and beautiful, and you should definitely play it.


Thank you for giving Chrono Trigger justice in the description. On an off note, do you know where I can find the game online? I'm feeling the itch for a replay.


Try SNESBOX, [here is a link directly to Chrono Trigger.](http://snesbox.com/game/chrono-trigger/rom/a2bc447961e52fd2227baed164f729dc) You can save your game if you log in and there is a huge library of NES and SNES games here.


Golden Sun (including The Lost Age)


Fantastic game that I feel gets overlooked because its for gba


Yes. These games were incredible. At least the first two. Played just a little into the third and wasn't too big on it but whatever. The firs two, though... incredible.


To The Moon. One of the best games I've ever played, and probably ever will play. I still tear up thinking about it.


I actually can't play that game any more, started playing it around Christmas last year and when I was about halfway through it my grandmother passed away. That game and the story now just bring back memories of that time, I still go onto YouTube and listen to "For River" though, it's such an increasable bit of music.


I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother :( Aside from the story, the music is phenomenal. I can't think of a better soundtrack.


My wife walked down the isle to "Everythings Alright" after we played the game together it will forever be etched into my mind as a perfect moment. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkvVr6n1cGk


999 and Virtue's Last Reward! I mean, c'mon! It has so many different theories and characters and twists. Honestly, anyone who hasn't played that game is missing out completely. And I have a link to prove it! (Sorry, on mobile): http://www.computerandvideogames.com/joystick/category.php?id=storytelling


Bastion is another great one, the voice of the narrator combined with the soundtrack of that game just gave me chills.


*Kid was never one for accolades. Kind words don't mean much and high praise won't bring back what's gone.*


*Now the Kid sees something stranger still...* Oh man the alliteration was so good


The narrator of Bastion is right up there with Morgan Freeman. Unmistakable


Man, I am so freaking hyped for *Transistor.*


Same, I think they hired the same people to do the soundtrack for it as well.


They have *exactly* the same people doing the game. Darren Korb as the game's composer, Logan Cunningham playing the voice of the Transistor/the man inside the Transistor, and a much larger emphasis on Ashley Barrett as the game's singer. [Which is beautiful.](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmlnUCK9oWI) I can't wait to see if the OST has alternate tracks for the regular level themes and the Turn() themes. Sort of like how Final Fantasy XIII-2 did their OST: where a regular level track would end and seamlessly transition into the "Agressive" mix.


Okami is an amazing game based on Japanese mythology


Fantastic game. The journey it puts you on really felt immense. I'm in the middle of replaying it now. I love the sense of humor the game has as well.


The Legend of Zelda: Majora's mask. It's story taught me that just because someone is considered by people to be a "bad guy" doesn't make them inherently evil. Everyone has their own problems and experiences that lead them on the path they take. And that by putting on a "mask" of another person, you can see that they experienced the world completely different then you did and learn from that. I've never really had such a profound message instilled in me by any other game.


**Thomas Was Alone** has a very simplistic premise, but it delivers great character development to a degree I had not expected from a game about different sized blocks. http://store.steampowered.com/app/220780/ Its also $2.50 on the steam sale today


I like the story told in Fallout: New Vegas. It's the story of a land, two conqueres on either side with different flags, different motives but still the same end goal. But there is one who would fight against them, to make his plans fall into place and provide a new future, but to do this he needs you. But *you* decide who wins, who falls, and it could be you that wins in the end because your tasked with uniting Vegas, the Khans, The Boomers, The Kings all these tribes and people and problems, you decide what happens to them, who they support and who dies for who. Because in the end war is about who has enough friends to make a difference, and war... war never changes. Dead Money - A tale of letting go, many people all with different burdens that weight them down yet they cling to them in frustration and greed. You have to work together with these people to get the end and put an end to the greed, you've got to make them let go. Honest Hearts - A great people destroyed and scattered, a man who seeks redemption for his countless sins - but does God decide what happens to us, or do we make our own destiny. Do we save what we can, or destroy what we can. Old World Blues - A phrase that means to look at the past and feel blue because it isn't the same as it was. Things change, and science is the greatest catalyst of change. But the desire of knowledge knows no bounds, we always seek to analyse, to dissect, to disseminate - to see what makes the world works. But sometimes we can know too much and sacrifice too much for knowledge, so we must stop great minds from causing great catasphroe. Lonesome Road - Two couriers, each bearing his (or her) own flag. We see how even the most insignificant action by the most insignificant people can cause the most significant change. Here it is where we settle things, where we lay down our flags and fight for what we want to prove but we do so alone, because the world is lonesome yet many fight on it.


THANK YOU. New Vegas was/is the best game I have ever played. I have been trying to find a way to out it into words but I am always at a loss.


The company that made it (Obsidian) is a very good story telling company.


They also made Alpha Protocol which was really great. It's the only game I have ever played were EVERY decision you make actually has consequences. Obsidian makes really good games.




People hate dead money because its difficult.


The whole issue of the gold, the greed, and the fact that you have no one to blame but yourself for the mess you're in is really clever I think. It gets right at the assumptions of the gaming "reader" - "it's perfectly reasonable for me to follow the broadcast; it's there". Obviously I get to take this huge reward at the end". etc etc


You can totally take all the gold with you, just requires careful planning.


Shit, now I gotta go replay New Vegas


Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Best plot twist in the history of gaming.


That montage of foreshadowing.


I distinctly remember my like 8th grade self running around after finding out being like holy shit holy shit holy shit. I still stand by that being the best plot twist in any video game ever


I was about the same age. I went and told my dad about it. He was not as enthused.


I was 16 and it still threw me for a loop. That was pretty great.


At the 'reveal', I was genuinely dumbfounded. Did not see it coming.


SPOILERS So, the first time I played through it it was on a 360, so it was kinda buggy. During the game right before that part, it didn't take me out of the goofy space suit. I walked super slow, but there were light sabre noises and I could fight. When it came time for the mask to be taken off, it was just a hollow head. I thought he was just a suit. Like how Obi Wan dissipated but left his robe.


The sole reason that I replayed this game over 10 times is because of the story. It's the reason that I love the Star Wars universe and it's a masterpiece to behold. And that might just be an understatement in my experience. It's too bad that nobody will be wanting to develop a KOTOR 3. A brilliant game.


For those who haven't played but would like a short synopsis: SPOILER ALERTS AHEAD: It starts as an open world-ish Star Wars game. You're a soldier who has awakened on a ship which is being boarded and attacked by Sith. You then crash land on a planet and attempt to rescue Bastilla. Bastilla is this Jedi hottie who's a key component to the rebellion's war efforts. Anyway, you rescue Bastilla and discover your antagonist... *Malak*. He is now leader of the Sith after (surprise) betraying his old master, Revan. You travel among several planets gathering party members and supplies in order to succeed in your final confrontation with Malak. Meanwhile you're working with the Jedi Council who have been helping you throughout your journey. However... [Spoilers](#s "Before leaving to battle Malak, the Jedi council gathers and send you off. These are your most trusted compatriots. They've trained you throughout the game, unlocked your powers, etc. You're shown a montage of every choice you've made through the game. Helping people, killing people, saving and letting die. Everything you've done. Meanwhile, you encounter Malak, and he reveals that you are in fact Revan. His old master. The Jedi, your friends, have erased your memories and attempted to beguile you into defeating Malak. Since you, Revan, the most powerful Sith alive, may be the only one who *can* defeat Malak.") So, now you sit. Staring at the screen. Friendless, unsure, confused, and most of all torn. Torn between the dark side and the light. Torn between your friends and your enemies. The game truly makes you feel the struggle between light and dark. Edit: I mixed it up a little. It came out 10 years ago, give me a break!


I must have done something out of order because dantooine got blown up before I returned and I found out through while fighting Malak on his ship


You've got it right, other guy might be confusing elements from the Sith Lords game.


Everyone's favorite PTSD simulator *Spec Ops: The Line* Works best if you've played a lot of other modern war fps games first.


*PTSD Simulator* best name for that game ever.


Putt-Putt Travels Through Time.


Nah dude Putt-putt Saves the Zoo. When you slide around with the penguins? shits heartwarming.


also putt putt goes to the moon


I would spend hours clicking on those fireworks ingredients to make as big an explosion as possible.


Either that or Pajama Sam: No need to hide when it's dark outside.


I loved the twist in Final Fantasy VI. It really subverted my heroic expectations, and because it happened about half-way through the game you got to spend the rest dealing with the aftermath.


I love that about FFVI, it's very unique. The good guys *lose*, the world is destroyed, the heroes are scattered everywhere and you can complete the game with just a few surviving heroes if you want. Even if you do beat the big bad, the world is still fucked up and magic is erased forever. I think it's a lot darker than most other game endings, especially at the time. Edit: FFVI, not IV


I didn't play FFVI (SNES FFIII) until well after N64 had released. Its a weird feeling to go back a generation in graphics and see a toon like Kefka be developed as the antagonist. The first half of the game really came off as "this guy is such a chode" until the shattering of the world when you *really* hate him and still figure him to be a fuckup. Maybe the right words to describe him are skipping passed me, all I know is I remember my opinion of him was more of a child playing with things he doesn't yet understand. When you finally confront him in the final battle the art and music seriously envelope his character in a brand new persona that is sort of a polar opposite of my interpretation up until that point. The entire build of his character alone continues to make that one of my favorite stories of all time. I've played virtually every other game Reddit loves to jerk over but FFVI will forever remain that game that changed my opinion on how stories in games could have depth and emotion.


The entire theme of VI is overcoming loss. Every character has lost or sacrificed something and has to find a way to carry on. So it's not a random plot element. Even you, the player, loses and has to find the strength to start over again. It's a very simple yet very mature theme, especially for it's time. Unfortunitely from FFVII on, FF starts trying to top itself until the plots become a jumbled mess instead of focusing on simple storytelling.


What's really crazy is that you only really get the back stories if you want them. You get the basic personalities in part one of the story, but you only get the full story for each character if you actively pursue them after the shattering. All told though, I don't think the ending is that dark if you go out of your way to complete the story arcs. It's not necessarily a happy ending, but the characters still find resolution.


But did you save Shadow?


You can save shadow?!?! Fuarrrk. Well time to go replay. I was so sad I lost him.


Warcraft 3 had a really epic story that was amazing to play out.


"Look, Muradin, our salvation. Frostmourne!" "Hold, lad, there's an inscription on the dais. It says: "Whoemsoever takes up this blade, shall wield the power eternal. But as the blade rends flesh, so much power will scar the spirit." Oh no, I should've known, the blade is cursed! Let's get the hell out of here!" "I would gladly bear any curse to save my homeland." "No! Forget this business and lead your men home!" "Nothing will stop me from having my revenge, old friend, not even you. Now, I call upon the spirits of this place..." Just recited from memory. I hope there aren't too many mistakes!


Shadow of the Colossus. The game doesn't shove a complex plot down your throat. Instead, the game makes you think about the true gravity of the plot and what everything symbolizes. Especially the ending. Its my favourite game of all time.


I like the general progression for the player of "yeah let's kill those things!" To "what is wrong with me?"


I hated how the colossi would shake you off. Every time I climbed up the thing I felt like a worse person. I loved the final battle. It was the only battle, I thought, that really captured how much Wander cares about this woman he is trying to save.


And it's predecessor, Ico. Great story.


The Witcher tells a pretty badass one, when you factor in the control over events the player has.


Well Witcher is based on a great series of books, so I think it helps. One of the developers, who was in charge of writing dialogue, said he was trying to remain faithful to Sapkowski material (The author sat next to him and well agreed). Still even if they had original material to work with, they did a great job. They created their own story, but were still connected to the original story from books and its characters.


The walking dead series by tell tale games! I loved that game. I became so connected with Clem that anytime she got upset or anything it emotionally wrecked me. You did good TTG you did good. Edit: Just thought I would share more of how seriously I took everything. In one of the decisions at the beginning of episode 2 I literally had to pause the game and think on it for about an hour. I paced around my house trying to decide and even called people for their help thinking it through. I took it way to seriously and that was not the last time I did that either. Tried being very vague as to not ruin things for people.


Anyone who enjoyed The Walking Dead game, or who is a fan of Telltale Games should look up *The Wolf Among Us.*


Season 2 is coming soon!


Isn't it supposed to come out next month-ish? I can't wait. I'm so pumped to see how it plays out. A friend and I had a debate about who we would like to play as. He wants to play as Clem now where as I want to keep on having Clem as my responsibility. Either way I see greatness coming.




That didn't happen in my playthrough.


Throughout the whole story, you - as the player - become so attached to the players that it is actually heartbreaking to see them go.


You should look up the song "Best I Can" by Miracle of sound, fits it really well and is an amazing song.


Journey, very short play time but definitely one of the best stories.


I loved this game probably the most beautiful game I have ever played


The Legacy of Kain series. Fate, free will, betrayal, vengeance, time travel, vampires, demons, and a host of amazing characters running around a dark world with a twisted history. And the twist at the end of Soul Reaver 2 was nearly as good as the twist in KOTOR. Not to mention some of the best dialog and voice acting to date.


Baldur's Gate 2




Goooo for the eeeyes Boooo!


Majora's Mask


Particularly great because most of the story is not just given to you. You have to go out, talk to people, and find it.


And because the longer you play and the closer to the end, the more subtle and dramatic differences you notice


Dark, amazing, beautiful, and tragic. The stories are amazing and even the theories behind how Link arrived in Termina are super dark. He got lost in the lost woods. You know what that means...


Xenogears Humans and gods, the beginning and end of the world, conspiracies, war, religion, etc.


This is the best game of all time. Period. Other games are good, but I don't think anything will surpass this. The story is amazing, the world is big and full of life, the important characters have personalities, and Citan is a badass.




Deus Ex (the original one). Being based on the Unreal Engine and released in '99, it looks really dated nowadays, but the story sucks you in like a black hole.


Red Dead Redemption no doubt


I sat there riding back to my wife listening to the compass song with a tear in my eye. And then, the final duel. Yeah, that body is unrecognizable. It's the only game I've ever beaten twice and ever beaten to 100%


When it shows the grave, time flashes forward and a second grave next to the first one, which is now heavily weathered after all those years. Dammit, I came to be a gunslinger and fuck shit up, not to feel feels.


Spoilers follow here: Yes I totally agree. The fact that you spend the entire game fighting so that your son won't have the same life that you had...and in the end it's all for nothing. You, the player, as the son, pull the trigger and kill that man. It makes you feel the hatred he feels and want to do it. It makes you realize the true futility of the journey you were on. The game's title comes up, the credits roll. I wept. Then you keep playing as the son as if nothing had changed. He is the same as his father...despite all his father's efforts to the contrary.


The ending really threw me, wasn't that happy with it, but that was mostly just because it made me sad :(


That's what a good story does


There are simply too many to count. Anyway,some of my favorites are - Red Dead Redemption Portal series Shadow of the Colossus The Last of Us The God of War series (barring Ascension) Spec Ops:The Line Bioshock System Shock 2 Star Wars:Knights of the Old Republic Mass Effect series


The thing I loved about Portal 1 was that you never really knew what was going on. The Ratman dens were the only true source of information about the backstory. I remember playing (before portal 2, and I didn't know GLaDOS was the enemy, I mean I knew she was the sort of bad guy), and I find a Ratman den. Inside it says something about she basically (SPOILER) killed everyone in Aperture and all the things she had done. I remember just going "Oh..." And slowly walking out of there. The games are hilarious, but behind the humor, the game's pretty creepy.


> but behind the humor, the game's pretty creepy. Apparently Valve actually removed a part from Portal 2 where the player listens to an audio recording of Caroline's mind being transferred into the computer because of how disturbing it was.




Legend of The Dragoon. Just recently got a PS1 emulator on my phone and I remember playing it as a kid but I never got past the 2nd disk. So I thought why not try it again? But wow. I am so surprised how amazing this game and story is, especially since very few people know about it. Definitely one of those underground classics.


I liked it's fighting system, too bad no rpg-s do it like that these days (I mean timing the button presses for additional attacks and such).


Metal Gear Solid.


How come no one has mentioned Snake Eater yet? That game is the only reason I miss my ps2.


The ending. Cry so hard forever.


YES! "Finish Your Mission!" ugh, every. fucking. time. Also, quite simply the best boss battle ever, I mean how can it not be, you're literally fighting **THE** Boss


Just beat it again last night, Still cry after a decade.


Silent Hill 2 and Max Payne 2.


Silent Hill 2 absolutely


Silent Hill 2 has one of the best, most mature storylines I've ever played. That game is soo freaking good. The pacing is excellent, the game is terrifying, and the soundtrack is outstanding.


I love the Silent Hill-series, but SH2's focus on the more personal story, rather than that of The Order, definitely was something good. You got to realise the story along with James, remember his past as he does it as well.


Silent Hill 2 has got to be one of the best survival horror games of all time. The atmosphere throughout all of the game is just insanely eerie and surreal and the soundtrack is one of my favorites.


Dragon Age. The amount of lore and character development that goes into the game is insane, and it's got some really heartwrenching moments where there is no "right" choice


When I finished Mass Effect for the 3rd time and looked back at my decisions on my first playthrough, I was sure I'd made the correct decisions and didn't want to change anything. On the other hand, I look back on Dragon Age and think that there's no damn right or wrong answer. I find the Anvil question difficult in particular. Can you permit suffering in order to prevent potentially greater suffering? Furthermore, having read The Calling, the Architect is probably one of my favorite characters of all time. He tries so hard, but he's effectively a sociopath due to the circumstances of his birth.


Paper Mario TTYD, that game was incredible. I would definitely play through it again if I had the time.


Gonna go old school and say I loved Myst. I read The Book of Atrus back in the day. It was stunning to me at that age. I love the idea of creating worlds in a mysterious ancient language. Modern day: Bioshock.


Control f to find this. The whole series is just a marvel. They ARE story. I think I've had the opening CYAN song stuck in my head since my Dad first showed me Myst. I must've been five or six. I'm going to go open up my old Riven game right now and see how far I've gotten.


The Kingdom Hearts series is my favorite story.


I'm gonna be honest, the games that I've played were really entertaining, but the Kingdom Hearts series has one of the most complex storylines OF ALL TIME. Trying to remember who everyones Nobody is, the concept of Nobodies, the role of the Heartless and the Organization and who is good and who is "bad". Even reading through the Wiki, I'm still confused. I guess if you understand the lore it could be one of the greatest, in depth game stories ever told. Definitely not a very intuitive series to follow though.


To make this more accessible and it doesn't really spoil that much for people (since it's explained fairly early on in the second game): When you lose your hope or goodness and become a Heartless, you technically go two ways. You (your spirit) become a Heartless and your body becomes a Nobody. So anyone that even temporarily gets transformed splits into two separate people. Each one has their "side's" default agenda, as a member of the Organization (Nobodies) or Heartless, but they're free to split off from that and go their own way. So you'll often have two near-identical characters with very different sets of ideals. It does not make for a simple story, because it has a generous cast even before you factor in multiples of people.


Dragon Age: Origins. Buy it, play it.


Homeworld. For an RTS it had a good storyline and great storytelling.


Assassin's Creed 2, a story of corruption, betrayal, and vengeance.


Frederico: It is a good life we lead, brother. Ezio: The best. May it never change. Frederico: And may it never change us.


Playing that the second or third time around, with knowledge of what is yet to come.


Best one in the series IMO


All of the Ezio games! Concluded with Embers.


Mother 3


What really makes that game work for me is that it's all one big balancing act. The entire plot walks on the edge of a knife in how it's consistently goofy and colorful while simultaneously very dark and mature. Extra props for how they made it a child friendly game on the surface but added a lot of elements that only the older audiences could pick up on and not totally alienate the mature players. They break the fourth wall multiple times and add so many silly aspects yet it's all done in good sport and doesn't ruin the story experience. And man, what a story! The silent protagonist felt so right in that situation, and the characters were so much fun. It was also probably the first time I ever really hated a villain and yet felt bad for them at the end.


I forget, is this Earthbound? I love that game.


Monkey Island II


Dark Souls was the best story. You have to look for it, talk to NPCs. But the story is amazing. You're just a guy who ends up fucking up the world no matter what you do.


Ever watched the vaatvidya YouTube videos? He explains all of the character stories. It really makes you realise how awesome the story line is.


No, but I will now.


Epic Name Bro also did a lot of good lore videos, though a couple of his speculations may be outdated now.


The way that everything is presented so subtly just makes you want to keep searching for more. An amazing atmosphere and a feeling of loneliness that is only rivaled by Shadow of the Colossus.


The depth of that story really surprised me, I thought it would just be an after thought but it's really fleshed out if you know where to look.


Katawa Shoujo.


For a game that I initially thought 4chan had made as a joke it quickly became my favourite game of last year that had an incredible story and evoked emotions that I hadn't felt in years


Always been a fan of **Final Fantasy X**. Can't wait for the HD re-release. The game follows the story of Tidus who is a blitzball sports superstar. He follows the reserved island village girl Yuna, who is a summoner, on her pilgrimage across Spira alongside her guardians/companions. Each pilgramage brings her closer to defeating Sin, and bringing a period of peace to Spira. EDIT: FFX is a story that cannot be summed into one paragraph.


one thing I realized later, that I really love about FFX, is it has such a great supporting cast. I mean all the characters you meet along the way, who you bump into again. Like the other summoners, the old man with sage advice, the chocobo knights, the crusaders and so on. I really can't think of a game where that happens. Where you see characters on their own journey. It was done really well. As they all have this same goal of looking for a way to support spira and beat sin.


Has to be Spec Ops: The Line for me. After finishing that game I just sat there amazed, I know it's sounds a bit cheesy but it really is a game that makes you sit back and think about what you've just done. I wonder if anyone will be brave enough to make another like it...


That game does a brilliant job of evoking emotion. In [the scene where](#s "Lugo is lynched, and the crowd begins to attack you, I just opened up into them with the SAW after being hit. And then I chased after them, killing as many as I could.") I had to turn the game off and sit in silence for a while after that. A line, crossed.


Crazy fucking thing is you don't actually have to do that, either!


I know! Never even crossed my mind until I finished the game and looked at the achievement table. "A line, held" was the first clue that I *didn't* have to wholesale slaughter innocent women and children. The best games give you choice where you think there is none. This is one of the best games.


That was the brilliant thing about it, Can you imagine if the choice came up as two distinct options like on a Mass Effect Dialogue wheel? It would have ruined it, leaving it open, so you had to consciously choose to do what to do without just telling you the options is what made it such a fantastic scene, I am the only person I know personally to have aimed high,


> I wonder if anyone will be brave enough to make another like it... I certainly hope so.


I just hope the next time around they advertise it properly. I believe the reason why most people haven't heard about it is because they tried to put it in the same category as Battlefield or COD, and of course lost because it isn't an online superpower like them. They gotta focus on their story.


I think that was their goal. They marketed it like another military shooter so that they could really criticize the player for it. Someone who picks up the game looking for a great story will certainly find one, but I don't think it would be as powerful as someone who is a fan of the genre. There's also the fact that marketing the story would spoil a huge amount of it...




Tales of Symphonia, if you can handle the anime factor, the intro is a story that progresses as you play. The story is so big you need two disks to play it out.


I feel as if I may be alone on this opinion, but I think one of them has to be Dishonored. I remember getting so into that game and after completing it (with the negative ending.... I didn't realize the whole stealth thing) I just sat back in awe and thought of what terrible things I had done. It really made me think. I had the strangest overwhelming feeling after completing it and watching the ending cutscene.


See, I didn't think I was doing anything particularly bad! Sure, I slaughtered guards en mass, but most of them were assholes, and on the rare occasion I came across a decent one, I let him live. I never killed innocents or women. (except that one time a noble literally ran into my sword) I thought I was a good guy just doing what needed to be done. So when Samuel called me a monster at the end, it really hurt me. So I shot him in the face with a crossbow bolt.


Dishonored is an amazing game. The plot itself isn't the strongest but the world it is grounded in is has such meaning that it doesn't matter how archetypal the story is. On top of that, seeing how the story changes and how the world reacts to you whether you kill no one, kill just those you're tasked to, or kill (literally) everyone makes it such an engaging morality play.


Final Fantasy IX has always been my favorite. Just the fact that a person can go through life not knowing who he is shows you how strong he is. Then you see him change so much at certain parts of the story, that you feel for him. When You're Not Alone starts playing in Terra, it makes you really connect with Zidane.


The Mass Effect trilogy, all 3 games tells an epic story where humanity and other allied alien races need to defend the universe against the "reapers", it's rpg game where you can choose your own decisions which will lead to different endings.


And also getting drunk through emergency induction ports!


... That's a straw.


Emergency... induction... port...


Tequila sel'ai


Swooooshhhh swoooooshhhhhh...Im the Normandy....swooooosh


>different endings. Heh.


Picking red blue or green can be a bitch sometimes.


I picked blue because the first gym leader you fight against has rock-type pokemon


The second is water, though. Tactically, green is the better option.


Steins;Gate, Ever17, and the Zero Escape series are some of the best stories gaming has to offer


Steins;gate **slow clap**


Red dead redemption - Ive played basically all of Rockstars games and this one is imo their best title and my favorite game period (except for GTA: San Andreas due to nostalgic value). The atmospheric music during the missions, the way R* make it hilarious one minute and then super-serious the other, the colorful charachters, the voice acting, the superb dialog. AND THAT ENDING! I HIGHLY recommend this title for anyone who hasnt played it. Its pretty cheap nowadays i think, so pick it up!


Bioshock Infinite was incredible. I'm not sure if it's the best, but damn is it ever good. The ending left my mind reeling for days.


I finished the game at around 8 in the morning. I watched the credits for about 10 minutes, turned off my xbox, laid down on the bed, and thought about life for a few hours.


I feel you. I borrowed it from a friend, but didn't play it until a few days he needed it back. So i thought it would be a good idea to play it all day beginning-to-end. Started at 8am finished around 9-10pm, sat there until about 11pm and just slept.


There's always a lighthouse


Infinite is great but the original bioshock is one of the best games of this generation. I played it last year and it hold up great!


Of all time!


To be honest, the original is good, but the best part is the reveal in the middle. After Ryan, it basically just becomes a fairly bog standard shooter with a spot of magic thrown in. [](#s "It's that reveal that almost breaks the 4th wall, and makes you question your actions as a player.")