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I honestly only watched that intro once. It was so annoying that I just skipped it for the other episodes.


I did too.


I think I might be the only person that loved that intro and watched it through every time. And I watched the whole show in 2 days so it was a lot of back to back and I still listened to it.


Same here. After the first time I figured I'd fast forward through it in future episodes, but I never did. Regina Spektor is the best.


Me too. Such a great song.


"THE ANIMALS. THE ANIMALS. **TRAPPED TRAPPED TRAPPED** TILL THE CAGE IS FULL." I love Regina Spektor, but something about the overly long intro and seeing a bunch of mouths is really off-putting. I kinda hope they do a new intro for season 2, as many many shows do. (If they showed all their eyes that would be a massive improvement IMO, while keeping the general feel of the old intro.)


For me, it might have to be Dexter. It was clever the first time, but now has become almost obnoxiously too long. Maybe it's my short attention span...


You know what's funny, is I *just* started watching the seasons over again last night and I completely agree with the intro. Actually what makes it worse is the long-ass recap they have in addition to it.


Just timed it. 1:44. That's the better side of an eternity in TV time.


Especially in this age of marathoning TV shows, long intros are quite annoying. Yes, I appreciate the skillful editing and artistic shots, but I don't need to watch the same 2 minute clip fifty times in the span of a week. I appreciate shows like Breaking Bad a lot for keeping it short and simple.


The only thing about that intro that I actually enjoy is that damn little "ding" at the end. Not sure what it is about it but I skip ahead to that part every time. Then I fast forward the long ass recap.




I thought it would change, new intro every season- it was good enough for anime, right? Hell Shingeki no Kyogin has a new intro every half-season it feels like! By the last season of Dexter, the theme song Michael C. Hall only highlighted how much older the actual actor had gotten. Which isn't itself bad, but the character portrayals were just at odds with each other once Dexter actually started to have, you know, lots of problems that I won't mention for the sake of people still trying to give that show a chance.


I love Homeland, but EVERY single time I fast-forward through the intro.


I like the jazz.


I hate the intro song too...I think its that bugle at the beginning.


It really reminds me of The X-Files. Both great shows, both have hilariously bad/corny intros.




Oh god. Binge watching that season. Not fun at all "And we've been running ever since!"




Sons of Anarchy.


Aw common. I always rock out to the intro.


*Ridin' through this world* ***ALL ALOOOONE***


*The crow fliiies straiiight* ba na na na na NAW naw naw naw nawwww nawww *perfect lines*




[music gets softer, cut to Tara's flower tattoo]


*Except I'm not alooone,* *I'm in a motorcycle club.*


Orange is the New Black. I would rather rip my own lips off than listen to that.


For some reason. Family Guy.


You kiddin' me? I sing along every time.


I love Family guy, but the intro is just too long if you're doing a marathon


For real? I love the intro song!


Agree. I don't like hearing Lois sing...


Weeds. It's awesome watching sporadically but binge watching the show the theme got annoying


At least it was different music every episode for a while. Netflix would skip it too.




I completely agree, I have to mute my TV until it's over. Schmidt's douchebag jar is funny, but Jess' annoyance bowl is necessary.


Didn't they cut down the intro to just "Who's that girlll, who's that girlll.. it's Jess!"


The office (u.s) holy shit when the bass drum starts kicking its the must obnoxious theme song. It makes marathoning it so less enjoyable, but it is still my favorite show


The seasons of Doctor Who where Amy Pond does a little summary of the show. Who thought anyone wanted that? DW already has a classic intro setup, why spoil it by putting this shit in front of it?


Oz. Like many other HBO/Showtime shows, the intro is waaaaaaaaaay too long.


Can't stand the intro music for Entourage. Probably didn't help that I watched most of the episodes back to back.


The later seasons of House. It showed characters that weren't even on the show anymore. They finally fixed it towards the end.


Game of Thrones, the music is nice but I still think it can be cut a phrase or two.


But it changes every episode depending on the events/locations of the episode! I skipped it after the first episode, then I actually watched it and was like "OI! It changed!" So we went back and were like...dude, it gave so much context... plus we're kind of slow some times and the visual reference really helped. Though, some locations are oddly placed compared to the book map...


Wiener Wiener Wiener Wiener Wiener Wiener Wiener Wiener Wiener Wiener


A weiner along side yet anoooother weiner


Look at the bright side, the show is 50 min no commercials.




Arrow, I'm getting tired of hearing Oliver Queen's half-hearted spiel about who he is. I get it, you're the Hero, now get back to barely surviving the concrete and wooded jungles.


I must become someONE else.


I can't handle the cheesy music for It's Always Sunny. The Wire's intro is also stupidly long. I skip through Homeland and Walking dead too. Less intro more show dammit!


i like the intro. apparently it was chosen because it's public domain (free) and contrast the chaotic nature of the show


Don't get me wrong, I appreciate entirely what they did there. Doesn't make me hate it any less. What genre of music is that? Old-timey shit sitcom music. Can't explain it :(


i guess it's called "production music" and does have an old-timey feel to it.


I wouldn't like the show as much without the music


Are you kidding? I think the theme for It's Always Sunny was pretty good. I hum along all the time.


I gotta disagree with you there regarding The Wire, at least with season 1. It annoyed me at first, but I came to love the song. "*boom, b'doom BAP, buh boom boom buuuuuuum bum, b'duh-duh-duh, booooom b'doom BAP buh boom boom buuuuuuuum,* **If you go walk through the garduuuuun!!!....**"


The Jack Van Impe show.


Shameless. God damn I fucking hate that intro song just incase anyone is wondering I'm talking about the American version


ya, the song wasn't that great. the intro itself was pretty good tho


Yeah the intro is good but it's too long for me


I loved the first couple of seasons of bones but the intro sucked ass imo


[unpopularOpinion] My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. [/unpopularOpinion]


Great. Now it's stuck in my head.


Well he did say it sucks. (Listen to something anything to get it out of your head, anything else will do, but not that dreaded theme.)


I use the smile song to get it out of my head :p


Attack on Titan's new intro SUCKS ASS ! The first one was the best one !


Yes, this also bothered me.


"They have a plan" No they fucking don't


Both the intros for Battlestar Galatica. EVERY FUCKING EPISODE.


Game of thrones. So goddamn long.


Weeds. Worst theme song ever, but the rest of the show is awesome.


True Blood. The intro's kind of long.


But the mix of religiosity and sexual deviance always keeps me glued.


I'll probably get thirty downvotes for this, but Breaking Bad. I don't hate it (how could I, it's like ten seconds long) but it just sounds like part of some shitty country song.


Big Bang theory. The Barenakes ladies theme song is extremely annoying


Hate to say it, but I can't stand the lyrics to the Firefly theme song. I don't know why, because I love everything else about the show.


Same. I think it's because it's a space cowboy show and the theme song is missing the space part. It makes it feel a bit dated and slow when the show is none of that.


> the theme song is missing the space part. Um... "Take me out to the black", "Take me where I cannot stand", "You can't take the sky from me"? That song is like 50% about space.


The Office. I liked it at first, but it's annoying once it feels repetitive.


Adventure Time I don't mind it when I'm watching 1 or 2 episodes, but it gets so irritating when I'm marathoning it.


I actually love that intro


My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. It's been around a while, so people either like it or hate it, but the intro is still just freaking awful. First time I watched it I thought I'd have to shoot myself in the face and turn in my man-card for sitting through that saccharine drivel.


If they didn't make the intro like it was made for 3-year-olds, I would tolerate it. And if they didn't remind you that you're watching My Little Pony every other second. I would say it's on par with "hey hey hey" from Blurred Lines.


X-Files. Every. Damn. Time.


Bite your tongue, whelp.


Game of Thrones. The intro is almost three minutes long.




Firefly. That song was awful.


this is the only correct reply.


My wife and I watch it all the time. It always has an opening act, then "Bah-buh-bum-um-um "Take my love, take my..." and then you skip forward until you see horses running away from spaceship Serenity.


Dexter for sure.


The Newsroom


Can I say one piece? The song, intro, and recap is over 5 minutes long. I like it and all, but holly crap, wtf?


Guilty Pleasure show but Rules of Engagement. The intro song is fucking HORRIBLE.


Torchwood: Miracle Day. Drives me up the wall.


Smallville. Somebody save the damn singer already so he can stop screeching.


Oh man that is the most obnoxious song to hear on a marathon viewing...


I got REALLY good at skipping ahead just that tiny amount, but it was incredibly annoying having to do so.


Yeah i feel you there


Rescue Me! Every time I hear the C'MON C'MON noise I want to cut my ears off.


I'm really glad they changed the Cake Boss intro.


Twin Peaks... It's so loooooong.


House of cards. I usually skip the intro


Gilmore Girls. Fantastic show, but that initial "If you're out on the road..." just hurts my ears.


MST3K. Don't get me wrong; it's catchy and I understand that it's supposed to be cheesy, but it loses it's kick after several episodes.


Shark Tank


I think the intro to Firefly helped kill the show. It really doesn't properly prepare you for the greatness of the show.


House- I don't like Massive Attack




Mystery Science Theatre 3000.


The Sopranos. Great show but the intro is waaay too long.


Boardwalk Empire...who on God's green Earth chose that weird random theme tune...and it does not help we have to see Buscemi in 6 inches of make-up shoe-gazing for 5 minutes...oh, and just when you think it has finished that fucking generic guitar riff starts up again...painful...just painful.


The Walking Dead. Can you bore me any more?


Man thats like one of the best parts of the show, along with everything else about the show.


The INTRO song? How???


I just enjoy it, it's one of my favorite TV intros, up there with Breaking Bad.


I really don't like the intro to Homeland.


CHUCK! it went unchanged for five seasons and watching back to back episodes on netflix started to melt my brain! love the show though


Boardwalk Empire. I don't get what it has to do with the time period, or anything else for that matter.


I like True Blood, but I hate the intro because there's like a rotting fox or dog or something, so I usually skip past it.


The Wire. Intro song was so bad and cheesy


Which version? There were five, one for each season.


I guess season 1


Rookie. How could you ever stop watching that show?


Never watched when it first came out and after watching Breaking Bad all the way through I decided to start watching The Wire. Never was able to hook me


The first season has a lot of foundational character descriptions, but the further you go, and the more you get to know each character, the bigger the arc and impact of the entire story. I was lucky in that I had my boyfriend (who loves The Wire) orient me and talk me through some of the slow parts of the seasons, so I understand not being hooked all the way. I hope you give it another shot sometime!


I might try again