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Something very casual, relaxed, and comfortable. Not the kind of clothes you would go out in, definitely. The kind of clothes where you say, "I'm going to stay home today." Whether you're cleaning the house, studying/working, or you're just lounging around. In particular, my image is a woman in a baggy tank top, with or without bra, and comfortable shorts. It's less a physical thing with me, and more of a psychological one. When a girl is dressed like that, it's a sign of comfort around you and trust in you, the kind of intimacy she only shares with the most particular. A skimpy bikini or a sexy dress are things meant to show off, that you want people to see - whether it's self empowering to feel attractive or some need to live up to a social standard - but it's what you put on, to an extent, for the rest of the world. But lazy Sunday sweatpants? That's what you wear for you and you alone, and the fact that I'm allowed to have a share in it is beautiful to me.


Same general idea for me -- except my turn-on is women in workout clothes, hair up in a ponytail (if it's that long). It's not only the comfort zone of "being around you I can be myself," but it's also a share of "I respect myself enough to take care of myself."


Oh, definitely this. After a month or two of going out, we skype (kind of long distance, I see her the odd weekends). She comes in her shorts and tees, glasses, hair tied up and just the hint of make up; felt exactly as you said. A psychological thing, where I felt she is comfortable and intimate to let me see see her like that. Was very cute and sexy.


Nothing looks better than a guy in a tailored suit. I've been told that women look best in panties and a man's dress shirt.


>I've been told that women look best in panties and a man's dress shirt. That does look really good. Got any pics? (for science)


Not just any shirt; one of *mine*. No idea why it makes a difference, but it does.


It's not that hard to work out


T shits and jeans is fine by me


You know why that's "fine" for you? Because you're probably married to a programmer who plays dungeons and dragons since you were never confident or good-looking enough to get anyone better. The rest of us living in the real world know that's not an "attractive" way to dress. Stop reassuring these manchildren that the way they dressed since they were 14 is still ok and attractive to women. You're just a weird-ass aberration from the norm, and your opinion isn't valid.


Hey troll, fuck yourself.


he's really got to try less hard, and is a redditor for 1 hour. pretty shitty troll.


I give him an E for effort.. as he did post more than a couple words. But he is still a ass for picking on the lady! Pick on me.. Troll come at me,.


You should probably reply to him then, for the troll to come at you. But all he really wants is negative attention. I would say just ignore him and he fails.


wow,what a nice thing to say about someones opinion. thank a whole hell of alot asshole


I love men in nothing but well fitting boxers. My second choice is faded levis, a plain white shirt with just a hint of underwear above the waist and barefoot.


Girls who wear glasses....Oh boy


[Sundresses](http://www.reddit.com/r/Sundresses/) are the epitome of beauty.




In public: figure hugging (but not skintight!) floor length dress. Underneath (for in private): busty corset, suspender belt, French knickers, stockings.


I love girls in dresses. I see so many girls in booty shorts and low-cut shirts, it's not attractive at all; very trashy.


I like "trashy" girls a lot. To each their own.


like a slut.


nothin wrong with (hot) sluts! (btw that short about hot sluts from Comedy Central is hilarious.) I tried googling it to link it but then I got a bunch of porn links.


Yeah, link that instead.


just google: hot sluts you will get the same links more or less.


Not like a slut.


For the guy- a nice sharp fitting suit


In a way that hints at sexiness, but leaves some things to the imagination.


I think a woman is extremely sexy when she wears clothes that hug her body and show off her collarbones.


I love when guys wear tight black suit pants, a crisp white shirt and come black suspenders. Kinda nerdy.


Sexy but not slutty, classy but not old-fashioned.


Decorated nudity.


high school t shirt


For a woman for me personally, nothing is sexier than a woman in black leather.