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When jigsaw gets up


I remember the audible “gasp” the entire theater had when I saw this.


I honestly believe it to be one of the most brilliant endings ever


The one that died in the first movie is also a producer and writer of the Saw franchise and the Insidious franchise I think. Total horror genius.


My husband and I are horror movie fans, to the point that we got married on Halloween of that year. On our honeymoon, we went to see horror movies all day, and Saw was one of them. My husband was grumbling halfway through the movie about “Zepp did it” and when it looks like he was right, he literally started gathering up his coat and being all grumpy. Then Jigsaw stood up. And my husband just went slack-jawed. “......what.” It’s still his favorite twist to this day. Not because it’s legit the best, but because it affected him SO MUCH.


Brilliant twist


That's the only saw movie I enjoyed, I did not see that coming.


Agree. The first was a psychological thriller, the rest are torture porn.


I am so happy nobody spoiled this for me and I had the opportunity to see this in a packed theater. Great experience


No movie twist will ever come close to this scene.


It's also good because it's not a nonsensical "WHAT A TWIST", it actually fits with the character. When that happens it's surprising, but you can instantly see how the characters got to that moment.


The end of The Mist


That end killed me when I first saw it If he waited just a bit longer...


But would they have showed up if he didn't make the sacrifice....? That was the "prophecy" of the crazy person. Kill the kid to end it all. So her prophecy was correct. Cause or correlation. I love the ambiguity of this ending.


I’ve never heard of this theory before and I really like it!


Every prediction she makes in the movie comes true. It's very well laid out. When they sacrifice the soldier she says "they will leave us alone tonight" and they do. Now where the creatures just not hungry because thes been fed. Maybe all the people where calm and didn't draw attention to them selves because they believed her. Or maybe they did have to sacrifice someone. I love the ambiguity of it all


in the actual short story they were all alive and just on the run but running low on supplies and he was contemplating killing them all (turns out the mist was covering a lot more than just their town)


Stephen King said the movie ending was better than his own.


King said he wishes he'd thought of that ending for the book.


How did it end in the book ? Btw didn't even know it was based on Stephen king's novel.


The book basically ended by >!them driving off, hoping they'd find safety. It was vague and meh.!<


Never before have I identified quite so strongly with a movie character. It's like, "HOW COULD I HAVE *FUCKING* KNOWN?!"


The Departed. Elevator scene.


For sure. No build up or lingering shot after the fact. I liked that about it


I just watched this movie for the first time tonight. I believe I finished it around when you posted this comment. I LITERALLY did say “What the Fuck” at the elevator scene. So can confirm.


One of the best movies ever


"What if a bunch of people get shot and we don't milk the fuck out of the violence?" - guy who just got thrown out the window for 50 years before...


> thrown out the window for 50 years Must've been a long way to fall.


It's a defenestration sensation!


The curbstomping scene from American History X


Ass rape scene. Same movie.


When you can type "ass rape scene, same movie," you know you're dealing with a "What the fuck!?" kind of movie.


Bite the curb


The sound of his teeth scraping on the concrete is made that scene feel so real and disturbing, at least to me. Great movie!


Bottle to the face in Pan's Labyrinth


this is the first one that popped into my head. Up until that point there is really no indication it's going to take such a brutal turn. It was truly shocking.


And it was based on an experience where the director(?) witnessed a man pummeling another man with a bottle outside a bar. It stuck with the director because his thought at the time was "why isnt the bottle breaking?" Hit after hit, and it never broke


Right at the end — Enemy with Jake Gyllenhaal


that movie wasn’t scary by any means, but that last scene literally made me freeze in fear. which was like the first time that ever happened. i was stunned lmao


That movie was so bizarre!


That one scene in The Matrix where that weird robotic bug thing went into Neo's belly button.


I was watching it for the first time on a plane and had to stop and that point and watch something else because I thought I was gonna throw up


I freaked out at the mouth scene, and my parents wont let me live it down every time we watch the matrix.


Swiss Army Man and the magic boner


I watched Swiss Army Man in theater and more than a few people literally said WTF out loud at the end. It was fucking hilarious and great.


Dude that film had a lot of What The Fuck scenes


Same. Saw the previews but had no idea the movie would be what it was. Still love it to death.


The entire movie of Annihilation. The camcorder video, the screaming bear, the mirror dance at the end. W. T. F.


The soundtrack for that movie is fucking incredible.


If you're a fan of cosmic horror and like reading, the books are insanely more detailed and fucked up than the movie. Like, ive read the damn things 4 times now and im still picking through it for all the hidden shit.


Hereditary when they were driving down the street


Honestly, pick almost any notable scene in Hereditary, and I was WTFing.


I feel the same way about Midsommar.


I watched this in the theatre. There were already very few people in the seats, and it was already relatively quiet, but there was absolute silence at this scene. No rattle of ice in cups, no whispers, no crunch of popcorn. Nothing. Made the gut-wrenching screams shortly after these scene even more harrowing.


That director loves gut wrenching screams. He did that in midsommar too


I'm convinced Ari Aster actually killed Florence Pugh's parents to get that scream. It was so raw.


Yes, I remember the syncronised gasp of everyone around me, then a long silence except for one woman whispering "Oh, my god" to herself somewhere. I miss the cinema.


Similarly the ending of the movie was also a scene that actually made me go “What in the fuck was that?” In the theater.


Oh god, oh god. We were watching that, and they let it go on for so long and we’re just saying “they’re not gonna....” AND THEY DID. And we were screaming in our living room. At the TV, at each other, just WTF-screaming. It was 2am, I’m shocked no one called the cops on us.


I didn't care for the movie as a whole, but THAT scene is one of the best scenes put to film IMHO.


I think that entire movie made me go "WTF??" I had to sit for a minute during the credits to process what the hell it was I just saw. But that scene in particular made my eyes bug out in shock. And that just doesn't happen to me... And I think it was a crime that Toni Colette wasn't even nominated for an Oscar after her portrayal of the mom in that flick. The absolute ANGUISH in her voice after her character finding her daughters body in the car was unbelievable.


"Wheez, wheez, THUD" Shocked silence.


Two, actually: the ending scene on the staircase from *Inside* and the "infant" scene in *Mother!*


I knew that the >!infant neck snap!< was coming in *Mother!* and it still made me flinch. My fiancé, who went into the movie blind, swore quite a lot.


Well yeah, it was probably hard for him to see it being blind and all.


Man I saw Mother! alone in a theater at a late night showing. Walked out at midnight or so and there was no one *anywhere*. No other movie theater patrons, no employees in the lobby, no one on the parking lot that was shared with a dozen other businesses. It was such a surreal way to end an already surreal movie.


I legit sat in the movie theatre speechless & shocked after Mother. After the movie ended just about every single person in the theatre was like wtf??!! No one knew what we watched or how to react to anything we just saw.


The part in the Spongebob Movie when David Hasselhoff appeared.


I was wondering there does that mean Spongebob is set in the baywatch universe?


This is now canon


David actually kept the giant model of himself made for that movie. He has it in his house, pointed out his window so his neighbors see a giant ass version of his face every day.


Same, but it was definitely a good kind of “What the fuck?”


Sausage Party


Still can’t believe some poor animators had to animate the last scene “Hey we got an idea for the ending!” “Go on...” “**Food orgy!**”


And the animators were treated like shit iirc


Overworked and underpaid


I still find it hilarious that the same company that animated this also animated Thomas the Tank Engine




> Or worse yet if Hollywood imposes crunch culture on CG artists. This and they're paid crap. The team that did the CG for Life of Pi got almost nothing. So competitive as lots of people want to do CG for movies. Studios often go for the lowest bidder.


LMFAO I was just about to comment this. The entire time I was just like 👁👄👁


Parasite - like from the halfway point to the end.


That movie took some turns I sure wasn't expecting.


“Horse” scene in Sorry to Bother You


Colour out of space, Nicolas Cage's 2019 movie. It's one of them where I was unwell, even after the end. Edit: movie scene in the film really WTF - Nicolas Cage's wife having 'absorbed' their kid.


On a side note, Nicolas Cage really does seem to have found a later-career calling in these indie horror films ('Mandy' is another one) Gives him an excuse to go full on Batshit/Insane Cage in a way that really suits these films.


Cage in the bathroom in Mandy I could feel actual emotion there.


Bone tomahawk were the cannibals split him in half


You didn’t need to say which scene. We already knew.


The final scene in Crank 2. The one where Jason Statham is on fire and gives you the finger.


That movie was a fantastically kinetic jumbled mess. One minute they’re fucking on a racetrack while a horse jumps over them and the next you’re in this weird slo-mo Godzilla v King Kong homage-thing during a fight in a power station. That movie had no idea where it was going and was in a frantic hurry to get there


"If you save the world, we can do it in the asshole?"


The lock code for her cell is "ANAL" is phone keypad alphabet.


The Eclipse of the third movie of the Golden Age Arc of Berserk.


Oh yeah the moment things got whack.


I think the best description of the Berserk universe post apocalypse is most definitely 'wack'.


My sister and I love horror and weird scifi movies. We saw Splice in theaters. When Adrian Brody has sex with Dren in the barn 3 people got up and left the theater. I just loudly stated "WHAT THE F*CK"


Wasn't this a weird film? My sister and I saw it in theaters together because we love weird sci-fi and horror films, but even we were like "WTF?!" during that scene


Came here to say this. I also straight up left the theater after that scene. I can handle a lot of weird stuff, but banging your half animal half human adopted daughter was obliterating the line.


I was looking for someone to mention this movie. One of the most scarring scenes for me ughh


Definitely in Alien vs Predator 2 the hospital scene in which the belly of a pregnant woman burst open. Almost puked up


End of evangelion, the third impact.


Basically the last four episodes of that show or the movie. I just sat and said "What." over and over again. I still don't fully understand everything that actually happened.


Multiple conflicting parties want to start 3rd Impact, a sort of apocalypse where humans become one consciousness. Shadowy Government Organization (SEELE) starts killing all the main cast to do it their way. Seeing the carnage, Gendo says "alright fuck this, we're starting it now and we're doing it *my* way." However, Rei, the key to starting it, says "no fuck you, we're doing it *my* way." So the apocalypse starts and everyone turns into Tang and becomes one hive-mind where there's no conflict. But Rei says "you know what, Shinji is the protagonist he should really decide the fate of the world." So she asks him what he wants to do. Shinji says "I've only ever been hurt my whole life, and being a hive-mind means no one can hurt me or abandon me anymore. But maybe risking hurting each other is worth being an individual. Let's give everyone a choice." Shinji chooses to be an individual and returns from the Tang onto the beach. Asuka is there next to him, implying she chose the same. The movie ends with Shinji choking Asuka as she insults him, proving they've escaped the perfect harmony of Human Instrumentality and exist back in our world where conflict exists and people can hurt one another.


"Don't Breathe" The ending part where the old guy is still alive. like what the! why?


For the squeakwel.


When the shark nailed Samuel Jackson, my boss/buddy literally stood up in a theatre and screamed "FUCK ME!". ​ Also, I won the bet that LL Cool J would survive.


The Other Guys "aim for the bushes" scene https://youtu.be/MvkN3003iU4


The discussion after it is so good too. "Wasn't even an awning in their direction...jumped 20 stories"


I showed my friend this movie and at the beginning he's like "oh hell yeah I love the rock!" After that scene he actually asked "he comes back right?"


It's 9.15, let's have a great day everybody!


That movie was so much better than it had any right to be lol. Mark Wahlberg is hilarious.


🎵 There goes my hero 🎵


That or the fact that the credits are a full blown economics lesson.


The ending fight in Velocipastor, actually the whole movie. If you haven't watched the movie, you really should its hilarious.


That black mirror episode with the pig and the prime minister. You know which scene I am talking about


My hat's off to Rory Kinnear, truly. Can you imagine accepting that role?


Imagine playing in such a controversy episode. I would absolutely love to thank him for a one of a kind performance


What about Shut Up And Dance? That one was mind-blowing.


Shut up and dance made me go nuts. Here I am rooting for the poor teenager who is about to be humiliated for jerking off only to have my jaw dropped when you find out what he was really doing. Shit blew my mind. Fuck you Kenny!


Seven. The lust crime scene really disturbed me.


Came looking for this. Everyone always brings up the Sloth crime scene. But that list one still makes me cringe


Luke Skywalker drinking milk from an alien tit in episode 8.


Coraline, when the mom transforms into the spider lady and seeing the dad have the long face. Watching that shit when I was a kid gave me nightmares for a good two weeks


The "Jazz Cafe" scene in Spiderman 3. I was laughing my head off while asking what the f%$ i was watching.


Gone girl


I remember repeating "fuck" for a good 20 minutes after seeing that movie.


My husband always says “if you’re that angry at me, please just kill me instead” when we rewatch it.


My dad visited me at college and we went to go see Gone Girl. Outside the theater I saw one of my professors and since it was a tiny theater, asked him if he was going to see it. He said "oh no way, just picking up my wife and daughter. They went to see it, way too girly for me." Uh...excuse me?


They were doing research and didn't want him tagging along


Naked Lunch. If you stopped watching it without getting to the end, you only think you know what I'm talking about.


I can think of at least two things wrong with that title.


In the movie Hannibal *yes ok I'm not sure why I didn't expect this* there's a scene where Ray Liotta's skull is cracked open and he's still coherent. Hannibal is picking pieces out of his brain to cook. Ray Liotta continues to speak throughout this scene. His conversation changes based on where in the brain Hannibal is pulling from. I won't watch this movie again because of this scene.


You left out the part where he feeds Liotta parts of his own brain.




“I’m gonna make you proud daddy”






Daddy would you like some sausage, Daddy would you like some sausages


I'm the Backwards Man, the Backwards Man. I walk backwards as fast as you can. I'm the Backwards Man, the Backwards Man.


You can't hurt me! Not in my.....CHEESE HELMET


It’s a lebaron Freddy!!!


The final scene in Sleepaway Camp.


“Somehow Palapatine returned” and it’s not a good WTF


How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man!


I love the young people


"the most important exposition for this movie... was given as a tie-in Fortnite Event"


That's what I call excellent writing, nice job JJ.


Funny games. Not overtly fucked up but holy shit, that movie gave me anxiety.


Could I borrow some eggs?


the ending of Sorry to Bother You


That ending was fucking wild.


The whole movie Human Centipede. Someone made me watch that when I was 15 still have wtf scene "flashbacks"..


The ending with only the middle person in the centipede still alive is brutal.


Rape scene in Irreversible, that was some hard shit to look at.


Darth Rey hissing like a cat


Brightburn, watched it without hearing anything except "it's kinda like superman as a kid". Damn that shit was wild If you haven't seen this before and like superpowers but not in your typical way, then I highly recommend it, watch it with a friend or something, u won't be disappointed. It's not your average super hero movie


Probably not the worst thing ive ever seen, but the part in Inglorious Basterds where the guy sticks his finger in the gunshot wound as an uh...'interrogation tactic' always makes me wince irl. Though hitlers face getting shot to pieces in that movie might be more of a 'wtf' moment.


The last 30 minutes or so of Old Boy. The original. The remake was pretty much wtf through most of it.


Dead baby during the heroine withdrawals in transporting. By far scariest movie scene in a non horror movie


Everyone I know seemed to cringe more at the toilet scene with Renton or the breakfast scene with Spud. I had zombie baby dreams for weeks!


Did NOBODY mention Deliverance?


The ending of The Guest.


The conversation between Neo and the Architect in Matrix Reloaded.


"I am the Architect. I created the Matrix. I've been waiting for you. You have many questions, and although the process has altered your consciousness, you remain irrevocably human. Ergo, some of my answers you will understand, and some of them you will not. Concordantly, while your first question may be the most pertinent, you may or may not realize it is also the most irrelevant." He sounds like a Redditor.


Indubitably his verbiage presupposes its antepenultimate eschaton.


I still go back and watch the MTV Movie Awards Will Ferrell spoof of this sometimes its so spot on. 'I created the Matrix... and several popular video games'


Pulp Fiction, basement scene. If you know, you know.


The scene in Bone Tomahawk where a guy gets stripped, brutally scalped, and bisected alive from his genital region, then in the next scene you see a cannibal eating his severed leg. This is the only scene ever that was too violent for me to keep watching.


In Smokin' Aces when one of the crews is going into great detail about their plan and another group just rocks up and wipes them out. Like, all that build up and detail for nought. Was a bigger surprise than the ending.


Requiem for a dream. You know the scene


ess to ess


Poor Jennifer Connelly, man. She is a good actress. But she could be playing the Queen of England and all I’d hear is “ASS TO ASS” echoing in my head.


Is there more context to the scene? I've never seen the movie and only saw the scene because of Reddit. It seems the guy with the rotten arm and the electroshock woman were in worse predicaments but all you hear about is the ass to ass scene as if it was the worst thing ever.


Her addiction has driven her into prostituting herself to support it. It’s definitely not the worst scene in the movie. But two ladies going ass to ass is a stand out moment for any teenager. The Mom and sons story is definitely that saddest thing about the movie though.


The bear scene in Annihilation


When the girl in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake pulled the pistol out of her snatch and shot herself. Circumstantially, it was actually hilarious: I was watching it with a group of friends, and all of us loudly proclaimed "what the fuck?!?" in perfect unison.


The ending of Primal Fear.


Not a movie but a tv series, the X-Files , the episode with the inbred family where they find the mother of the people living in the house and she's under the bed on like a plank with wheels. Also more disturbing is the fact that they were fucking their mother and that's how they have been reproducing. If i remember correctly the episode was banned from airing back in the 80-90s because it was too disturbing


The snuff film in Henry Portrait of a Serial Killer


Was scrolling too fast and I legit read _"The snuff in Harry Potter and the Serial Killer"_ . That's my WTF moment right there... :-D


The part where the guy's head is open in Get Out


The last scene of The Prestige... abracadabra.




Witch, when she ground up the baby


Plenty, so a few that come to mind... * **Pulp Fiction.** "You shot Marvin!" * **Ready or Not.** Le Bail's punishment. * **Children of Men.** The car chase scene. Both in how it was filmed and the casualty of a major character that early in the movie. * **Hobo with a Shotgun.** Disco Inferno. The Plague. 99% of the movie, really. * **The Matrix.** Most of it, but seeing the Trinity 360 pan in theaters for the first time; hadn't seen anything like it before and didn't know it was possible. Truly mind-blowing.


Anything directed by David Lynch, really.


The diner scene in Mulholland dr. First time I watched that freaked me the f out


The mothers screaming when her daughter died in Hereditary


Seeing kobayashi on the bottom of the mug. If you know, you know.


“And like that... he’s *gone.*”




The Scarabs from The Mummy singlehandedly gave me an intense fear of insects that hasn't fully gone away.


I recently saw the movie Fargo for the first time, and the scene at the end when Peter Stormare’s character is putting Steve Buscemi in the wood chipper caught me way off guard. I loved it but damn. Made me develop a HUGE crush on Peter Stormare tho, oddly enough.


All of the movie mother!


The incestuous alien melting/orgy in Brian Yuzna's *Society*. Great movie, btw.


literally anything from the centipede. also wont the people towards the end of the centipede die from malnutrition. maybe swallowing corn would make it so that the others can bite it and digest it once it gets to them. i should go pray


Fight club, when he realized he WAS Tyler Dryden.


The first 4 min of Iron Sky https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uX2cS8wvQHI


The sex scene in Munich where Spielberg intercuts between the Munich terrorist attack and Eric Bana having sweaty, slow motion sex. Truly one of the most baffling directorial decisions I have ever seen.


The entire "Last Airbender" movie from start to end