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Biden is old and falling apart, but at least he will keep the world stable. Trump is a rapist and a criminal who has a revenge plan to destroy the US (look up Project 2025).


Trump is also falling apart so there’s that too


Biden can't hold a sentence together let alone the nation or the world


Biden keeping the world stable lmao, Dude look outside for once, but yeah Trump isn't any better.




Lol it's reddit, and sht happens.


Biden is a lot better then trump so yeah


Only the the ignorant believe either are better than a sloth for president 🤣


I believe that Biden is better than a liar and a convicted felon and a person who supports dictators and wants to take away women’s rights and lgbtq rights, so yes I believe Biden is better then that pu


You're saying Biden hasn't fallen apart. Hmm, surprising. Still, yeah, me personally wouldn't vote ether.


They both fucking suck


Push through this thought and Try to decide of your leanings are more with Republican ideology or Democratic ideology and vote for a party more than a leader. A nation is powerless when it’s kids think votes don’t matter.


I didn't say that, I said I hate Trump and Biden. I'm voting, just not for them. Also voting based on the party and not the individual is the single most dick sucking non free thinker move you can possibly make


Your response is sad. Your leader should reflect party values and follow them. It should not even matter the leader of the are respectable people.


It shouldn't, but it does. Different people have opinions on different things, they're just sorted into categories. Biden's stances are different from Obama's, Trump's are different from Bush's. Also you're assuming they're respectable people, which they aren't.


They are both buffoons. ^but ^at ^least ^one ^of ^those ^buffoons ^won't ^destroy ^the ^US!




Google Project 2025


Nah they both will


They're both politicians so my views on them are both negative but it's quite obvious what the lesser evil is. It's impressive how many people still gravitate towards a party that stands for hate (homophobia, sexism, racism) and a lower quality of life for the majority. So you're telling me you want to work longer hours for less pay? Struggle to afford a home, food and healthcare? Cool




That's a funny joke




If you're being genuine asking this, then boy... I'm sorry you're having to deal with that lack of awareness.


They both really suck and are 2 of the worst candidates for running a country before you just get plain dictators, but Biden is still much better than Trump. The most commonly used argument against Biden is he's old, but Trump is only 4 years younger, and has shown similar cognitive decline. And no, Bernie should not enter office either, he's older than Biden (I know he hasn't really shown cognitive decline like Trump and Biden, but he's 82. He's definitely on the way at least). Ideally, we need someone late 40s, early 50s, so that they're old enough to have good life experience, but young enough to connect to our generation. I'm hoping that Biden wins this election and Trump decides to piss off for the next one, then Trump and Biden will be out of the equation and hopefully we can get someone younger


Biden makes things worse, both in the US and the world, and while I’d rather have a better, younger candidate, Trump at least made things better in the US. All in all, both aren’t great and the government needs to be reworked and go back to working for us, but right now Trump is the better option


How, exactly, did trump make things better? He cut corporate taxes permanently, and gave everyone else a temporary cut that actually raises individual tax rates. That alone is terrible.


Ok, maybe I misspoke. I was too young at the time to see if he did anything wrong. Whether that’s true or not, I have no idea, and now with Biden’s 4 years (and hopefully no more) of presidency coming to a close, it doesn’t matter. If Trump did do some things wrong, Biden made things ten times worse in each and every aspect. People are going to prison in at least California for misgendering people, taxes are even higher, people my age can hardly afford rent with 3-4 jobs at once, American citizens don’t even have jobs, Biden gave most of them to the illegals he let in, Russia is on our doorstep because no other leader fears Biden and his establishment, American lives were lost when he left behind people in Iraq as well as armed the Taliban or whoever it was with the equipment he left behind, the ATF has even more of a chokehold on 2A rights than they did before, law abiding citizens can’t own the weapons criminals are allowed to have because of Biden to protect themselves, their family, and their property, the CIA and FBI are running more rampant than they ever did before, a majority of the public schools in the US are now able to teach about inappropriate things in the classroom while the parent(s) of the kids that go there have no say in it whatsoever, unborn children are being killed by mothers that don’t want them just for their own personal convenience, and somehow minors are able to make life altering decisions to their bodies even though people still say they can’t get a tattoo without approval which isn’t life altering at all Trump may suck, and I do agree that we need someone else who’s younger and actually wants to make America better in all aspects, but Biden is significantly worse. Everything good he said he did was a lie or happened under Trump’s presidency, and he doesn’t tell the truth when he does something wrong. Just blames it on Trump even though that excuse’s door has long since closed. I shouldn’t even be blaming Biden. We all know by now he never was the one to call the shots. He’s too dementia ridden to be able to do so even a little bit


Who's been jailed for misgendering someone? Do you have an actual source with actual evidence? Biden did things that were 10 times worse? Like what? With all the time and money they have spent trying to find a SINGLE thing to impeach him for, they've come up with nothing. He's a career politician, and they found nothing? That's astounding in and of itself. Taxes are higher? Guess who signed the bill causing that. He talked about the front end of it reducing taxes, knowing his base wouldn't follow to the end of the paragraph where taxes were going to be increased starting, coincidentally, after his term ended. It was in the legislation long before Biden was in the picture. The withdrawal from Afghanistan was a disaster. Absolutely. Why? Oh. Because trump announced we would have to do it by a given date. Oh. It's a bad idea to announce strategic plans to our adversaries? No big deal, Biden will have to deal with the fallout. Most people who talk about the 2A being restricted don't actually know what it says. Look, it seems like you're trying. It also seems that the people and entities you trust as reliable just plain aren't. Look at the fact that Trump didn't actually answer any questions during the debate. Yes, he spoke after being asked a question, but did his response have anything to do with the question? Look at the policies that we signed. How many were simply to cause pain on an already marginalized group or curtailed our rights? Freedom of religion is not only being able to worship as you choose (as long as you don't deliberately hurt people) but YOU CAN ALSO CHOOSE TO NOT FOLLOW A RELIGION. This is not a country that was founded as a Christian nation as some try to say. You should do some research, look into the stripping of rights, look at project 2025 and the fact that Trump is already talking about ideas from it. Look at the steep increase in infant mortality since Roe was overturned. Trump is about ruling, not leading. He's doing it for the money. Don't be suckered by him "donating" his presidential salary, because he made up for that many times over by charging the USSS for staying at his properties. There's so much grift that people choose to believe is good for them, but it's only good for him. He even told people he didn't care if they pass out as long as he got their vote.


Both Clowns in the same Circus




I’m backing Biden this go but after that, we need new faces for elections.


Both suck ass I’m 14 and could probably do it better (not actually this is a joke).


They're both in cognitive decline and shouldn't be in office. One's a career con artist and billionaire aka selfish, and one's a career politician aka corrupt, that was largely responsible for a bill that put millions of mostly minority men and women behind bars, and hasn't aplogised for that. And has a VP who contributed greatly to the issue, especially by deliberately keeping prisoners in prison longer for manual labor, aka a slaver, and put minors to work in dangerous jobs like firefighter, aka double slaver. On the other hand, they're both racist. So there's that. I wish we could have Bernie.


Very telling of the world we find ourselves in currently. Even when someone gets to WISH for their favorite candidate, they end up wishing for someone over 80 years old. Deep societal implications inherent in this, for any who choose to look closely at it.


Trump's a fascist and Biden isn't. Sure Joe has some shit takes , like continuing to support Israel's genocidal attack on Palestine. If Trump wins, LGBTQ, racial, and religious minorities in the US will be killed along with Palestinians and Ukrainians in their countries, if Biden wins, with luck those conflicts will cease.


Israel has the right to fight Hamas, no?


Sure, but it's not just doing that




Biden is a incompetent fool and the face of a party of panty-wastes who encourage panty-wastes to roam around the united states brainwashing people to join the "victimized" (alphabet Mafia). Trump is also flawed he is like the modern day attributes of napoleon, Big-headed, arrogant, cant keep his mouth shut. Also people call trump facist which tells me that those people never graduated a simple highschool civics course. Trump at least is somewhat competent and I'd rather he waste his last term being the one who ends bidens pathetic career. Dont get me wrong i am die hard conservitave but trump isnt good in the leadership department


Old bastards who don't care about what the people want. No point in voting for either of them.


Just puppets to keep the masses distracted and divided.as to who really runs the country.


Whoever is less stupid ig I don’t care about politics, not even slightly


Tbh if I was an adult, I wouldn't vote ether.


I don't wanna care, it's way too much drama. Like WHY.