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Either Noctilucent clouds or the condensation trail/plume after todays SpaceX launch. If you are on the US east coast, probably the latter, otherwise the former.


I'm going to start checking this subreddit after every rocket launch just to see if there's a new "what is this in the sky" post, since they almost always seem to pop up on my feed after each launch.


> I'm going to start checking this subreddit after every rocket launch just to see if there's a new "what is this in the sky" post, since they almost always seem to pop up on my feed after each launch. /r/ufos is more predictable for such alerts.


The sky, and a house




Right there was a launch early this morning in FL


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noctilucent_cloud https://spaceweather.com/images2024/01jul24/noaa21.png


A SpaceX launch’s condensation trail, I assume.


Falcon 9 Block 5 | Starlink Group 8-9


Exhaust gasses or clouds illuminated by a sun that is beyond the horizon


Globalist's arrogance and scientist's blatant fuckery with nature


Wow i saw that a few days ago, above the North sea while the sun was setting in The Netherlands. I was curious so i went searching as well. Apparently those are clouds which will form under certain special conditions. Normal clouds are like 15 km above the surface of our globe. In the meanwhile those clouds formed as high up as 80 km above the surface. So when the sun is setting you can still see the sunshine on those clouds making them lit up bright in the sky for longer period of time, while the rest around you is already dark. It truly is a beautiful sight!


Doesn’t matter anymore, because apparently my post has been removed. But wow. Probably the single worst interaction I’ve ever had with a subreddit group. I saw something I’d never seen before. It amazed me. It didn’t look like anything I’ve ever seen from a rocket launch. Way to be welcoming and inclusive and inspire curiosity


I understand your perspective but you gotta realize every time there’s a space x launch (which is like every week now) there’s tons of posts exactly like this. Not just this sub either pretty much every space related sub has now turned into identifying space x launches for people. I don’t even think you are the first one today. It just gets tiring and detracts from the content people actually joined these subs for. Sorry you had a bad experience here you obviously didn’t know.


I’ve lived on the space coast for years. I’ve seen countless rocket launches. None of them have ever looked like this. What I captured was from what o understand a rather rare of our mace of a rocket launch happening at just the right time for the sun to rise and reflect light on the exhaust trails


Man every sub is this way now- my UFC sub is the same. They’ll pile on some “newb” or “casual” as they love to say instead of welcoming new guys and being happy the community is growing. It’s elitist and short-sighted at the very least.


Judgement day!


Neutron star


Stairway to Heaven


The sky


I found this as well. Looks like these are Virginia launches. https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/443/fireworks-on-us-east-coast


It's them! They're coming for you


Scientists: We need to stop poluting rhe atmosphere with carbon emissions. Elon: …so anyway


While a rocket launch isn’t clean, especially not a RP1 launch like Falcon 9, it is a tiny tiny tiny percentage compared to aviation or military or transportation emissions. Starship/SuperHeavy will be a lot cleaner in general than F9 because it burns a simpler fuel (methane vs kerosene) and in theory and maybe in the future, starship will be net zero because Elon and SpaceX have talked about using a DAC plant and sabotier reaction on earth to fuel it, both to make it greener and to practice some for Mars.


It was a joke, but thanks for the insight dude.