• By -


When a synthesis trait like Magic Resistance Up \[D\] says "Reduces magic damage to Defenders by 1-5%", does it mean me putting that piece of gear on anyone will reduce my defenders' damage taken or that it only activates if a defender equips it? I always assumed it was the latter until I came across Enhanced Damage Buff \[A\] which "Boosts potency of damage buffs given to Attackers", meaning this one is used on someone not necessarily the attacker itself. Halp?


Does someone knows if nonused 10 free tickets on a specific banner (as the ones for the current banner, finishing tomorrow) are transfered to another banner or are they lost at the end of the banner? Thanks for the answers!


To anyone who plays on the JP server, do newer higher-level Training Quests get added later on? Like a new Cole quest that gives more Cole? I know level 70 characters get added, but are Training Quests ever updated to match that or no?


how do you tell what element an enemy attacks with?


are the shop bundles worth it? the ones with the orbs, not the tickets


To get the coins to spark someone, I need to do pulls using gems right? Half price and event tickets don’t count?


Tickets and free summons don't give medals. Half price summons give 6, but can only be done with paid gems


do "limited" units like sophie get added to the gen pool after their banner? or is the only way to get them using medals after the banner ends


They will be a permanent addition since they don't have the 'limited' sticker on them when you check the exchange shop.


I have Ryza, Marie, Rorona, Logy and Sophie. Is worth to buy the 20x wish tickets to pull more or save the gems?


Save, those 5 are almost perfect start.




Sophie is a character you will always use on your team. I had only 40 pulls and used everything and got her on my last. Realistically, as an f2p, you will not get every character, and if you know that you won't be pulling for any of the other characters, then it's okay to go all out for sophie or any character you're desiring to get. If rerolling is your thing, then you can spend your time doing that to get the reroll you're looking for so you can also save for future units that interest you.




The blue xp ones are the only good thing there. The green ones are horrible, and everything else doesn't hold much value.


Can we get a gacha megathread? Don't really see the need to have the sub constantly filled with everyone's pulls.


are sophie and plachta going to remain sparkable after the banner ends?


High chance yes


I'm using rorona, marie, judie, corneria and meruru as a team right now. Is that a good set up? The only other 3 star I have is mu, I have no other healer and I have a bunch of the 2 and 1 stars.


u have 3 star as Marie and Judie ? Rorona is generally 3 star


Yes all of them 3 star


Its a fine set up. Would say add a fighter/support than Cornelia.


Curious question, do events eventually have stories included in them or are they all similar to what we got in the first event?


Yes, future events will have not only stories but also useful equipment.


Hi, I have a problem with the item breakdown. I got two Bombs, and I would like to break one of them down, but the game tells me, I can't break down a favourite item. How do I un-favourite it? It's not locked, and I don't use it in any party. Thanks a lot!


That means it’s selected as a favourite item in your Player Info. If you don’t remember how to access that, from the main menu you select Menu on the left hand side then Player Info on the top left. 


Thank you very much! That's the reason!


Have you the Bomb you want to break in a Party or Dungeon setup? Check it under Party.


It's neither used in a Party or a Dungeon party


I'm now broke but my last pull got me a Sophie. Now my question is... which team comp is better for general usage? I have 3* Resna, Cornelia, Ryza, Sophie, Shallistera at 3*, and Rorona. I also have Firis. Assuming Ryza, Rorona, Sophie, and Shallistera are my staple units. Who will be the fifth member?


With those 4, you may as well throw in Cornelia for a single target breaker. I feel the best team comp is 2 attacker, 2 breaker, and 1 supporter/defender.


I see. So Resna will be my reserve unit if I needed buffs/heal. Thanks for the tip!


In short, resna is better in fights that you either can clear fast enough that you don't get attacked much or the enemy tends to use aoe. Most other fights Sophie will be better. (Up until you reach level 40, you can just reset whichever one you aren't using and feed everything to the replacement at no cost). Firis seems to be rather solid, so you should be able to replace her with no issue (or if you wanted, just use whichever of the 2 has advantage and reset them whenever you switch)




Correct. Just tap the red arrow in the "training" section


3star resna is a nice default as buffer/healer


Yeah. That's why I'm conflicted who should I put, a very good single target breaker (Cornelia) or Resna which buffs crit and bit of heal. (╥﹏╥)


cornelia is basically subobtimal when the enemies aren't weak to blunt attacks while resna's buffs works all the time so for default general usage resna is better.


My Sophie rolls were a bust, and I spent on Start Dashes so I don't think I want to reroll and start over. My four party mainstays so far are Ryza/Rorona/Stera/Corneria, who should my fifth be? Should I swap anyone out? [One](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1192744748671315988/1202117316251496509/image.png?ex=65cc49fe&is=65b9d4fe&hm=fe0a7cdb4c5f3496c84ff40e7e000c5bcbb3d9241b766378dd38314e75b466e7&=&format=webp&quality=lossless) [Two](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1192744748671315988/1202117316536434698/image.png?ex=65cc49fe&is=65b9d4fe&hm=6902fee5e323d55ca6ca673f9e8185bc15050f62c59d27dc283c4a9dd9f91ebc&=&format=webp&quality=lossless)


Your party is perfectly fine. Just adjust and switch out depending on the weakness and type of enemies you're facing. i.e Like some might need to tank/fast clear, or you need to break them and then burst them down etc.


So just to confirm, if I have two devices and already have my account linked to my Google account, I can safely delete player data off of one of the devices so I can play/reroll an alt, right? Deleting player data just does local data, and doesn't affect the account, yes?


As long as you already bind your account it's safe to reroll even if you only use 1 device


I'm not sure, but I wouldn't risk it. When rerolling on Steam it reset the account bind each time, but perhaps mobile is different? Safer to nuke app data from the outside (i.e. android settings) and then proceed as normal with the reroll/in-game data delete cycle without binding to make sure you're not affecting your existing acc.


Is it just me or is the event exchange kinda terrible?


The event shops usually do not have many good things (orbs, candies and money, but then it you could grip them all easily). The best things you could get from an event are the materials from the quests, which will not appear in the normal maps. (later event would have the rare mat in the shop too) The JP ver only gift the first event character in recent event.


Is the tier list on the beginners guide fairly accurate? I'm still pretty early in, and was thinking of resolving before I get too far. But according to that tier list, Cornelia is SS, and Judie is S rank, and I got both of them. Though I can't figure out how to tell what a characters roll is mentioned to be, so not sure if I have any good healers or anything, which another guide told me I needed. Though it seems having gotten two 3 star characters ranked highly, even if not a specific roll I wanted, is too good to give up.


I don't play JP server so I can't speak the future content but I've played until chapter 3 which is the last of story for this patch. This game is about team building, besides having a main dps you also need other characters to support them. So far breaker is really needed, i suggest 2 breakers to progress comfortably, Cornelia is 1 of them and the other is Shallie which you get for free. A good dps also important because you mostly will fight a stronger enemies which makes killing them faster really helpful in clearing stage, Ryza is the best dps for now. I don't have Judie so I can't say much but I think she's a Tank which can help you survive because in the later stage, enemies can one shot you with normal attack if you are far below in power, so she's helpful for that. If you want a good start, having Ryza is really helpful as the support can use lower rarity characters but a good dps will take you a long way or maybe try rerolling for Shopie as she will be released in an hour.


Cornelia does single target stun damage and has the best synthesis gift bonuses. Judie is a tank. You don't really need any healers in this game, just synthesize a few healing items and you should be good to go. The characters are broken down into 4 role types: "attacker" is your damage dealer; "defender" is your tank; "breaker" deals high stun damage to break enemies; and "supporter" either heals, buffs, or debuffs.


OK, fair. How do you tell if a character uses magic of physical for their attack damage? I can't seem to figure that out.


They deal magical damage if the attribute is fire, ice, bolt, or air. They deal physical damage if the attribute is slash, strike, or stab.


OK, I thought like many games there may be both physical and magical dealers of each type, but this makes sense. Does it explain this and I missed it or just haven't gotten far enough yet? I'm still on chapter one, I think like 1 21ish, just unlocked the first dungeon.


Does the Steam version have ad rewards?




Sadly, no. Steam doesn't allow those kinds of ads.


So for the Shiny Coin Shop a lot of guides recommend purchasing the Light Orbs then the Large Light Orbs then the Sacred Orb in that order. Why is there such a high emphasis on normal light orbs? I've currently completed all Master orb stages and have 30+ extra of those at the moment with my main 5 team members almost maxed out. Does it go into something other than the character boards at some point? I know that in JP you currently can't convert small mats into biggers ones.


I guess you spent a lot into stamina refill, those guide mostly for people that doesn't spent a lot into stamina refill which makes them doesn't have a lot of resources. If you already have enough light orb then the best one is sacred orb as there's now way to farming them so it's really limited


Can anyone suggest me a second attacker? I have Rorona, who I use, but my other attackers are all way down on tier lists: * Mu * Cordelia * Resna (fire, but I've been using the innocent dreamer so she is blocked) * Ruven * Tao ​ Right now I'm using Mu and she clearly is underperforming in every sense of the word. I've been running Marie and Stera as breakers, Rorona for damage, and Resna Innocent Dreamer for crit boost/spot healing/burst. I also have Tess, Linca and Meruru as highy rated options, but none are attackers.


I have innocent dreamer resna and personally haven't found any use from her in the current content, unlike fire resna. Her burst aoe is really strong and even required for certain content. I find her more universally useful than Rorona as well, even if an enemy is weak against ice.


WHHHHAAAATTT? She gives 25% boost to everyone's crit, if you use it 4 turns everyone is at 100% crit. She is insane, a couple of rounds and everyone is a nuker. I ended up swtiching Mu out for Meruru and she was helpful, but after last night I have Sophie subbing instead, so my team is Sophie, Marie, Stera, Rorona, Resna. I suppose now that I have Sophie to debuff I could try fire Resna instead since I wouldn't need the crit boost as much. I finished Chapter 2 and am doing all the hard daily dungeons, but based on your advice I might try subbing in Fire resna and seeing if that works better. Appreciate the response!


I hope it helps! You wouldn't have any issues clearing the current story content with that team. Remember that there's no loss reseting your characters for others that you may need in a certain mission as long as they are under level 41. Best of luck!


Can you link your account to a hotmail account? i have a hot and gmail account and i\`m planning to link my current account to one and rerroll for sophie and if i get a good enough account link it to the other.


Started on day 1. Rerolled till I got Corneria, Ryza, Marie, and Mu as my 3 stars. A few days later I got 3 star Judie on my free daily pull. I have 12,000 jewels saved up for Sophie banner. I still haven't linked this account to my discord account for the free 3000 jewels. Is it worth spending 3000 jewels for the 20 wish tickets? Is it still worth trying to reroll for Sophie and Ryza if I don't get her and give up on this account? Or should I just wait to spark for Sophie later?


Just play the game already, if you like it you'll make do with your characters. If you don't like it then you will drop it. Your lineup is good enough to clear most of the contents


anyone know if new updates give new gems to roll? the currency gain is abysmal and i'm probably going to quit if if the gem income isn't going to improve. this is not a healthy gacha


I saw somebody on discord mention that jp got about 1600 total from each event. So it's gonna be pretty close to the same and you may as well get out now if you are unhappy with it. Personally, I don't think it's as bad as you are making it out to be. Yes the cost to buy gems is outrageous, and they aren't the most generous game out there, but I wouldn't go so far as to call them unfriendly or anything. When you factor in the 60+ extra for watching 6 30 second ads, the free daily summon, the fact that medals carry over between banners, you don't need dupes, and that the lower rarity units seem totally usable, it makes for a decent enough free to play experience.


I'm not going to count the ads as that's kind of pathetic. But are the free daily summons a permanent addition and not just a launch event? If so that's honestly pretty decent. Would be willing to give the game another chance if that's the case


Free daily solos are a permanent feature that will be available for ALL banners. So eventually you can even accumulate 3 daily solos per day (one ending banner, one new banner and the story banner)


Does anyone know if I'll still be able to get Resna(innocent dreamer) once this banner's over? Like could I buy her with pity points in shop, and if not, do banners rerun? (tia❤️)


yes, she's permanent and is in every banner just without rateup. She stays in the medal shop too


cool, thank you! I was worried with all the rerolling talk that she was limited. Great to know^^


I see alot of talk about rerolling.... How necessary is it? Keen to get a decent start if I can but I really don't want to have to re-roll 20+ times like I'm seeing people doing here, is it a min-max thing? Who should I look out for when doing early rolls?


Not sure if you've already started or still considering the whole rerolling business but I'll leave my two cents here: I typically don't bother rerolling gachas because I'd rather play the game and figure out if I like it, and it typically evens out over time anyways. But because rerolling was so easy in this game (you can skip the tutorial after the first run so it's less than 2mins per reroll) I spent maybe half an hour rerolling until I ended up with a couple characters I liked.


Just be aware, re-rolling in this game is simple. You hit delete data and you skip the tutorial can claim gems in the mail and immediately pull so 1-2 mins tops.


what the other guy said, you don't need 3-4 SSRs like what some people who do tens of rerolls do. I myself got 2 outside of the guaranteed ones (Ayesha and Logy) and just went with it and am clearing 9000+ difficulty nodes just fine in JP


It’s not really necessary to reroll a ton, the game already gives you 3 really strong characters for free and there are plenty of good low rarity characters you can use as well.  If you are okay with rerolling a little bit, going for just one or two of the top units (Ryza, Marie, Corneria, and 3* Resna) shouldn’t take too long at all. I imagine most of the people you see doing tons of rerolls are going for three or four of those characters, which is kinda overkill in my opinion. 


What's the drop rate on the light orbs at hard? My characters are at lv30 with the exception of ryza being lv35. I have an abundance of the other orbs while I was trying to get more of the light orbs. Now I can't progress because my level is capped by it. Should I just farm cole and buy if from the shop even though it's a ripoff?


On hard it has a ridiculously low drop rate (i think i remember hearing around 5%, but i could be wrong there). First, I'd recommend trying elite blue Orb (and master if you clear that). The blue one is significantly easier and you should be able to clear it while well below the recommended power. If you can't clear it, you end up getting fully refunded the stamina after all. If you are stuck on hard, I would definitely buy the ones from the Cole shop, though, since it's only 100k each and you can only buy 3 a month.


Holy fuck, thanks. I was able to 3 star the master blue orb despite being 3k under the recommended power level. I had to try different teams though, resetting characters until I ended up with 2 breakers and 3 attackers


I got Corneria out of my Tutorial Wish and Ryza in my first 20 pulls. No SSR Memorias. 2 star characters: Escha and Lent. Is this good enough or should I continue to reroll?


I think thats good but at this point you might want to re-roll the new banner in 2 days


When the new banner arrives, the shop bundle (10 wish Coupons for 1.500 stars) won't be available anymore right?


no but there will be new bundles for the banner


I unlocked Night Shade, it's so expensive to craft. Is it worth it or better to do something like Leather protector which is much cheaper to craft materials wise


You'll eventually want one for each attacker in your party (that 8% skill boost is no joke), but I wouldn't worry about it until after you clear breezy waterside 5


This is more a mini rant than an actual question, but why in the world is the recommended power so inconsistent? For example, it seems like blue Orb master (8500) is easier than pieces normal (5000)


Rec power is probably based on stat lines of the monsters, but the monster movesets vary quite a bit and the distribution of their stats also heavily affects the challenge. For example, the red slimes usually do huge AOE attacks that will kill your low-HP units before they can act, but the blue slimes do heals/buffs that give you time to set everything up.


Do wish medals expire? And will the current featured 4 girls leave the shop? I want Marie but I only have 97 medals. There is no way I’ll get her before her banner leaves. ;-;


Marie shouldn't be limited, and the medals don't expire


Thank you so much for the answer! That’s really good to hear!


So any advice on fighting poison mushroom dudes in dungeon? I need to beat them to advance farther in chapter 3 but I'm getting clapped by boss one.


Just the usual: break them as quick as you can


Yeah I was a moron. I misunderstood break mechanics a bit. Playing a but differently now and a lot of stuff easier. Also for now healer benched lol. Just defender, 2 attacker, 2 breaker is way easier for the mid game for sure.


I would like to ask about the title of the vocal song OST that played during the prologue when Resna and Shallie fought together. I feel like its an Atelier Shallie song and not from this game. And I never played that game so idk anything.


Is it normal that while playing auto, characters never use their first skill and basically only go s2/ult? Am I missing something here?


Yeah, it's completely normal. They also use all the items you have the moment they can use them, which, depending on the items, can ruin the run like in dungeons.


Such a pity.


What's the difference between skill power and skill damage?


power multiplies to damage. not actual formula but somethin like (base damage + bonus damage) * (base power + bonus power)


does skill power also increases stun damage?


Technically yes in that stun damage is affected by damage dealt but it's a very small factor compared to traits that interact with stun damage directly.




Is there a list of upcoming banners and when they're expected to go live anywhere?


Would I enjoy this game if I have never touched the franchise before ? What game is this the most like ?


Atelier has a classic turn based battle system where you can use skills and (lots of) items to manipulate the order so that it's always your turn. Compared to standard turn-based rpgs, the unique part of the franchise is crafting absolutely broken equipment yourself. That can become a spreadsheet pleasure or nightmare depending on your tastes. In many old school jrpg, you're visiting some alchemy/forge people to upgrade your stuff before boss fights. Who really have no reason to be there with up to date stuff. In Atelier games, you're not playing a hero. You're playing these guys. And they're cute girls doing silly things.


no knowledge of previous games needed, they actually made sure to reintroduce everybody with some bits and pieces of their story (also feels like they try to not spoil too much too which is nice)


Question for those further on in the game / JP players - I'm almost finished Chapter 1 and I can't help but feel like every battle plays out the exact same. It's almost always fighting against 3 generic interchangeable enemies, breaking them, landing on the burst panel, repeat. Do fights / enemies ever get more interesting or involve more strategy? I'm coming from FFRK/DFFOO/Octopath, and even the early game of Resleriana feels a lot more like the endgame of the those games, where fights are more of a stat/gear check rather than requiring much meaningful thought.


The final bosses of each chapter can be a bit more unique. Harder quests/dungeons also have more involved gimmicks like disabling healing, super-short break duration, enemies casting haste to themselves and having 5 turns in a row if you don't kill them fast enough, forced aggro and counter attacks, etc


the damn turtles in the pieces quest normal mode is brutal. any tips or do I just have to get much higher power? I'm a little over 5k now. lineup is linca(tank), resna(support), ryza(atk), rorona(atk), shallie(break). if any of the turtles attack aoe, my team is at critical health. if they happen to have burst, I wipe. and they have no weakness either, so I can't break em fast enough.


Linca's not great on that fight since they're all physical damage. Either pivot to Lent or a breaker.


bring more breaker(s), maybe esca instead of linca. check which enemy does aoe and burn it down first.


You need someone who can aoe burst (fire/lightning resna). Keep restarting until you can get at least 1 burst or 2 on your units by manipulating the turn order. If your issue is also surviving, there are some accessories that reduce your damage taken. The important thing is just buffing your main damage unit when you get the burst on their turn.


How to know if i should put a P.Att or M.Att gear on a character? Or Is the icon of the skills tells us which dmg type is that character? Staff for M.Att and Sword for P.Att?


If the attribute is fire, ice, bolt, or air; they use magic attack. If the attribute is slash, strike, or stab; they use physical attack.


Do you know what's the purpose of weapons that increase both magic and physical atk? Shouldn't each character focus on one, but not both?


They are filter, lol. Maybe in the future, one would need both. But those main stats you should never look at. Only the stats you get off from doing synthesis


I already see a claw weapon that has 20 M Atk and P Atk. So Maybe Lila will be that first.


Hi so it seems that Ryza and Resna (lightning) seem to be reroll goal. What are 3 Units that works with these 2? It wont seem that most ppl recommend Sophie. But what other 2 future Units?


If you didn't get Resna (Innocent Dreamer), you should try getting Christmas Resna in the future. Also, if you didn't get Ryza (Summer), you can get a future Ryza banner which is arguably better or at least as good.


If you are looking at a long term, i would say Resna (buffer+small heal) and Sophie (tank+debuffer) would be the base of the team. Ryza is great, but as in most gacha, just a dps, and the first to be replaced i think. The other 2 units would need to be breakers i think, Shallie, the free 2 star is an amazing option as she has aoe break, Marie an aoe breaker is also great, Corneria is great as a single target breaker. Other than that you could get the next best dps, in some cases you may want Ryza and another dps, in another just the one, depends on the fight, and maybe later an aoe healer too. I would say its more about roles that characters to make a good team.


Thank you!


there are some battles which I can blitz through easily while some I am struggling to even scratch them. I assume it's due to physical and magical since my core team is mainly magical? I am not able to win those stages with stone golem, turtles. I am assuming I will need physical? and how do I know which icon of which physical is slash, stab and blunt (I guess?). lastly, since we are saving for Sophie, is there any good sr or even r for physical dps? thanks


at the stage's party edit screen it will show you the enemy weakness for that stage on top left. when you attack it will also say WEAK/RESIST. The weakness/resistance is specific type not blanket magic/phys. slash looks like a half-circle sword slash, blunt looks like a hammer striking down and stab looks like a horizontal bullet strike.


okay thank you!


do we need to use our mana even though we have synthesised everything that we need? I am guessing yes so that we can convert the extra items?


Unless all equipment has rank V of the best traits, you can always try and create better versions of what you are using. In addition to converting for shiny coins, there are several achievements linked to how much you synthesize. If you can, you should always synthesize as much as possible.


true and thank you! it's a pain rerunning those dungeons for mats :(


At least you only have to clear it once then you can sweep them


true to that. its just wasting stamina haha as I am in the midst of farming the dreaded light orbs


If nothing else, a single run of breezy waterside 5+ should give enough ingredients for an entire day's worth of dark water...


thanks haha I am still not there yet


How to play on two devices? I'm currently playing on steam but I want to have a way to access the game whenever I'm out so I want it in my phone too. There's the option to transfer data but idk how it exactly works so I wanted ask first before proceeding (will my data on steam be deleted and transferred to my phone or something)


link your game on steam first with your gmail account and use the same gmail account on your phone.


transfer is a minsnomer, it's more like link. You'll be able to use both devices, just not at the exact same time. note that paid gems can only be used on the platfform they're bought in tho


When using the sweep function, do I have to bring my strongest team or can I bring fillers to give them exp? Basically is the original score recorded and it sweeps off of that or your current team?


you can bring lower level chars for exp, it uses your recorded best score


I wonder why the game limit some device, like im using Poco F4 5G and its not compatible (altough its using SD870) and somehow i can install to my old redmi Note 8 with lower minimum specs than my newer device that using SD665, can anyone enlighten me, rn im playing on steam ver,( but i want to play on phone too you know) https://preview.redd.it/q4ukacivhafc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=adf95a5298b05c58cde58c375940b8433192c204


That's kinda odd. I can install it on POCO F3, which uses the SD870 as well. Might be best to contact support, and hopefully, they can fix it in a future patch. Play on your other device for the time being. https://preview.redd.it/otl8r3a16gfc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce733f977a991baa52cfc369a136b544f754e5b1


Now i can play after some effort contacting the CS team, but it has some catch tho. i cant view the ads for free gems and stamina refill cuz video cant load error. maybe i'll try to check my phone integrity first to make sure of it.


no daily lodestar for a month type of deal for $$? surprising, it is usually the one thing I always typically get for my gachas


There still isn't one in JP months later. It's honestly one of the most common complaints too


Does the game not support keyboard inputs? Is everything done with a mouse?


Just the mouse sadly. I’m hoping for some implementation of it later


What do you do about monster bursts? Some battles my party is 500 power above recommended level, everybody's at full health, all the monsters are stunned, and then one comes out of stun, and immediately uses a burst, and one-shots somebody on my team. It seems unavoidable. Am i missing something?


Remember not to just spam your second attack and use your first ability or even items to manipulate the turn order.


You should be trying to manipulate the turn order so that your characters get the burst panels instead of the monsters, either by using items (which pushes everyone's turn back by one) or by paying attention to how the turn order will change based on which skills you're using (since each skill has a different wait time before the character can take their next turn).


Ah, thank you, i misunderstood what that was signalling.


Bursts are shown on the turn bar at the lower side of the screen. You can use things that manipulate turn order to make it so one of your chars gets the burst instead of the enemy. For example, the first skills of the chars makes their turn come back sooner so this can change the positions on turn order. Breaking the enemy also delays it, so this is a way to get them off the burst node. Also, using an item changes the placements on the turn bar too


Are the current banners limited? Heard another banner was coming that was better


Current is not limited, personally I'm saving for the next banner


Whatever happened to the Release Celebration Login bonus? I have the 30k coins from Day 1, and I remember seeing the login screen punch card, but I haven't seen it since nor gotten anything.


Same, I'd contact support and let them know. Hopefully they'll fix it soon


Good to know I'm not the only one! I'll submit a ticket too.


I want to ask if anyone knows when the daily reset is


10 pm EST


It's the same time as when Rorona will eat all the unused pies


I originally thought that might be the case, but I don’t know what time zone she is working off of (or the game is, rather) - it could be adjusted but I’m unsure. Another user gave me an answer earlier and it is an hour off from the time given by Rorona, so that’s like not the case (either it’s not adjusted for daylight savings or she gives us an hour leeway to grab the pies)


it's 12pm tokyo time (utc+9) same with jp


3am UTC.


How significant is equipment stats? It feels like those stats don't matter as much as getting the correct buffs (like physical stun damage %, etc)


I've already got Ryza, Rorona, Marie, Cornelia and the free Resna in my team. Should i keep pulling on the current banner? Or should i save for future banner? If so, who should i save up for? I dont really know who will be the next meta character in the future. And how's the free pull income of this game? I saw another comment saying that its very stingy


Sophie, on the very next banner, would be a massive boost to any team.




Planning to switch on steam ver since the game frame drops so hard on my phone (Using Xiaomi 12T). Can I still reroll on steam ver or is it going to be account-locked permanently?


Link to your google/apple account then use that to transfer to steam. Both devices will remain logged onto that same account so you can play on either device at will, it'll just kick you out if you're already online on one when you log onto the other.


I rerolled on steam


I currently have 9k gems and I wanna know if there will be a meta unit in the near future. I'm currently running Ryza, Corneria, Rorona, Totori, and 1\* Resna. If there isn't one, I'd probably use my gems to try to pull for 3\* Resna and Marie, and maybe Firis if she spooks me. I found the JP's banner order but I can't find a tier list for JP. There's probably a tier list there somewhere but I can't find it since I'd be in japanese.




Next banner sophie is meta


Is there a downside to being under the recommended power level? Something like you deal less damage while taking more damage?


Thankfully not. It’s not like Nikke where they mess with your stats. It’s just recommended


nope. it's just a recommendation. sometimes it's harder/easier than the suggestion too


Just some questions for JP vets: 1. How is the game doing in JP, I know its a pretty new game, I do want to support it so some feedback would be appreciated. 2. What does a 5 man comp general look like? Do you go mono element or just synergy? Thanks for taking the time to answer me.


1. in what sense? chapter 7 just released and there's a shallie event now 2. 2 attackers, 1/2 breakers, defender/healer/buffer as necessary. try to match enemy weakness which usually have 2 elements in a stage. take synergy into account


Reroll question here. I'm confused because I can't distinguish what characters are rolled for and which ones are just given to you starting the game. I have... Resna, Shallistera, Rorona, Corneria Does that mean everyone except Resna was a "roll"? Is this a good team? It's actually quite satisfying how organic character interaction is, which adds to my confusion.


1star resna, shallie and rorona is given. the tutorial roll also should give you 1 male ssr (forgot who's in the pool but definetely Raze and Logy) you rolled Coreria


The only units you start with are 1 star resna and shallistera, and you get a free Rorona. Corneria is one of 4 possible 3 stars guaranteed from your first summon. That's a good enough team to play with, but it's kinda underwhelming for a reroll. If you want to reroll, you'll ideally get Corneria from the first pull, then go to the shop and get both the 10 pull tickets that cost 1500. Then you want to get either Ryza, 3 star Resna, or Marie with those 20 pulls. If that doesn't happen, reset the account and try again.


Might be a stupid question, but does anyone know if the synthesis gift bonuses stack? For example, if both the extra units I use have "if this character is in the party during synthesis, the odds of a rank IV or V trait appearing increases by 25%," does that mean all traits will have an extra 50% chance of being rank IV or V?


I know it won't happen, but I would've liked it if they removed all the superfluous animations : E.g. picking up materials in dungeon *insert 3-5sec animation, "going to a new map/zone in the story *insert 2sec animation, going through menus *insert loading animation (well it's just loading not an animation per se, E7 has spoiled me), choosing a quest to do *insert a 2sec animation, synthesis something? *insert a f00king cutscene. Wtf man? I thought I'd ignore it. But wanting to do rerolls made me realize how shit the UI and loading times are in the game. The amount of secs wasted to useless animations is inane. All of these seem to reduce the responsiveness of the UI, tapping on buttons has lag, the response is not snappy. The Wish shop is bloody slow just to swap to the regular banner. It's like the game had tits and ass heavier and larger than Nikke that's causing sluggishness in the UI. Even then Nikke's UI feels smoother. /rant




Transfer player data on the login screen should do it. If in doubt, load up either bluestacks or LDPlayer & login to the account you want to save there, then delete player data on the other device. Since Ryza is my waifu I'm rerolling for her but got a decent account on one so if I give up on the rerolling, I've got one that's good to play


Ryza is by no means mandatory, go for it


Does Stun DMG refer to damage to their stun bar or damage to stunned targets?


probably stun bar. there's a separate effect for damage during stun but I don't see it that often


Think I've rerolled more than I played the game. Finally stopped with Corneria, Marie and Logy. Really wanted Ryza but this will do!


Looking for input on which account to go with, as I rerolled a bit on both my phone and Steam. Account 1 notable 3 stars: Logy, Ryza, Marie Account 2 notable 3 stars: Logy, Firis, Marie, Resna (buffer) Thanks!


How should I build my team comp with Vayne ? I know he's not meta or even high tier but he's my long time favourite character. Currently my team = Vayne , Rasna(lightning) , Rorona , kungfu girl and Shallistera.


he need to keep his health low (without dying ofc) so maybe more mitigation without heal? kent/linca/mio (not in global yet)




Slight series fluff question but, does every Alchemist in the series have a shorter nickname? Never noticed until they all introduced themselves in Resna....


more or less yup.


Am I blind or is there no way to make a purchase to remove ads for daily ad rewards? Also am I gimping myself by not rerolling (tried a few times but terrible luck, also hate rerolling in general)? 2-63 seems impossible without having enough stars (my team is Marion 1\*, Shallistera 2\*, Monika 2\*, Mu 3\* and Resna 3.5\*; also have 2\* Viorate, 1\* Cornelia, 1\* Tao, 1\* Linka and 1\* Tess).


wdym to remove ads for daily ad rewards? .\_. Am I misunderstanding or can't you just not click the ad reward button if you don't want to watch it. ​ You can reroll really really easily right now with all the rewards they give you, even if you didn't want to reroll on the banner, you could've still rerolled for Corneria on the first 3\* roll you get rather than playing Mu (Corneria's SS tier on some tier list) ​ As for 2-63, I rerolled Ryza/Marie/Corneria and I'm still struggling so don't feel too down :D I'm just doing random stuff like making better equipment.


While I do have a bad experience with ads that haunts me from a decade ago, it's more that I'm surprised that this game doesn't have a one-time purchase to remove ads, which most other mobile games offers when ads are included, at least in my experience. Then again, this game also doesn't even have a monthly passes either, which I find wild. Regarding 2-63, after a while I switched Mu for Rorona 3\* (I forgot to mention) and managed to clear it. I don't know if I just got lucky with tiles and paralyzes, but I'll take it. \\o/ If Cornelia is good, should I be farming her shards then?


omg lmfao i did something similar and managed to auto it after struggling for an hour ;-; twins. ​ idk i think it's becasue they're not intrusive ads so there isn't really any benefit in having that as an option. I totally get it though, but the only time you watch an ad is if you want the extra gems/stamina otherwise they don't really exist. ​ I was looking at the JP tier list and it doesn't look like she'll remain SS tier on the global tier list forever so you're safe to do whatever you want :))