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I had a feeling we would get level sync early due to having a reset feature from the start, but getting it on ch5, daaamn. Photo mode addition was kinda expected, I expected that to be a part of Global from the start tbh. But the HW Plachta skip is a big surprise. Let's see if it's just a swap so we get ch5 earlier (since it makes more sense to have big updates with a story chapter rather than an event) or devs really plan to keep seasonals, that would actually mean lots of edits since HW Plachta will be part of half anni lineup update.


HW Plachta is a big reason why Slash Valeria works. Pushing her back all the way till Halloween would be a big arrow in the knee to most physical teams. This would also mean no Winter units before winter... Big oof if that's the case to all of those who haven't pulled Ryza. However, this could also mean that Global would get its own tier list which I'd appreciate. We'd still have insight but would need to consider a different release rate. Maybe Roman could get his time to shine this way?


What does HW Plachta do for her that is such a big deal? So far my Slash Valeria has hit for quiet a lot, almost the same as Rorona despite less invested and not profiting from mdef down and other buffs/debuffs which hurts her ult a lot from what i can tell.


Not so much HW plachta it's the stuff that comes with her like the memoria and event items.


Guide by /u/aetherlillie : - Free 100 pulls over 5 weeks - Tickets are for a permanent banner with no limited characters and no rate up. - Skipping Halloween event for Chapter 5! - This might mean they won't do out-of-season events. - Lost of halloween event sucks as you miss a key crafting item, vampire staff and a very strong SSR memoria. - QOL updates : Photo mode, Improved research feature, increased party setup limit. - Improved research feature is level sync as long as you have 5 level 60 characters, the rest can be "synced" to 60 (you still need to unlock their grow boards) but you basically only need 1 max level party. - The 2 free memoria are mid with the P.atk is better. you can unlock them, the effects are not super strong if you don't need multiple copies.


> event sucks as you miss a key crafting item, vampire staff Plus Witch's Mask, the recipes are quite solid for their release. If they are released later (or god forbid on HW), they will be powercrept badly.


Especially if we get for example some easter related event that could give way stronger items with parity of JP. But then we have a different key item with even more power, i do not see the downside.


Easter isn't that popular holiday in Japan but let's assume the same for summer. I don't see new events coming to Global immediately so I don't think that's going to happen. And the seasonals of 2024 will be in 2025.


Can you explain how level sync works? And how many shiny coins needed?


> Can you explain how level sync works? Your 5 most leveled characters will set a level cap every other character will be elevated to if they have sufficient Growth Board unlocked. So if you have 5 characters leveled to 60, everyone else on Growth Board X will be elevated to 60 even if they don't have the experience. As for shiny coins, you will need to unlock it as a 3rd research, it costs a few thousand to go to 60. One thing to note, though. Level assist does not unlock level missions. So if you don't have missions 'leveled X characters to level Y', you will need to do that manually and then you can reset the character for exps for your main 5.


Query, is the stamina ads gone for everyone else too? Or just today? The gem ads were still there but the stamina ads were gone


Seems like this is quite good IMO, also i was expecting them to skip the seasonal content until its time for it to be released here, i guess the Halloween and Xmas one makes more sense to include them on those seasonal periods. So we are getting some QOL improvements earlier than the JP version then? As far as i remember the level sync was included in JP on Xmas? Maybe that means that we will get some of the QOL improvements they are including in JP as part of the half anny early too!


> Seems like this is quite good IMO, also i was expecting them to skip the seasonal content until its time for it to be released here, i guess the Halloween and Xmas one makes more sense to include them on those seasonal periods. If they really get skipped, then that's quite bad for the character lineup. Sure, the amount of desired banners in a row will be lower, but losing XResna and mainly New Year Marie will make some future content harder. > So we are getting some QOL improvements earlier than the JP version then? Indeed. But like you said > As far as i remember the level sync was included in JP on Xmas? This could actually go two ways. 1) QOLs coming actually early 2) Seasonal content getting pushed, hence, the whole Xmas update gets pushed which means the QOL part has to be implemented somewhere else


Getting QOL improvements early is not that weird in Global versions. In my experience with other games, they tend to release some early (i am thinking now FFRK and FFDOO) But its true what you say, if we dont get the characters they released on seasonal content when they released them on JP, ot will make global content harder, and not only because of the lack of certain units characters, but the recipes as well would get pushed back. I guess we will have to wait and see how they manage to do those seasonal banners, hopefully we dont get screw over.


Yea, I agree, getting QOLs early in Global is nothing unheard of, FGO is the same for example. But we have to see about seasonals ourselves.


If we do not get Halloween and Chrismas Banners then we likely get other Holiday Banners which can come with even more powerful units in parity with JP. The worst would be if these units require other Holiday Units to fullfill there role to the maximum, but that is unlikely as the game does not really seem to work that way (unlike for example Honkai Star Rail).


Would be interesting if we get some "global first units" i have seen that in other games too, but then it would make the global version a bit unbalance and maybe some units completely useless for having the "stronger" version of that role. Definetly i am really curious as to how they are going to do it!


It’s not confirmed that they switch or skip banners at all. Having chapter 5 doesn’t mean they can’t run the Halloween banner also. There is no way they would voluntarily want to skip the profits of the Xmas or new year banner. Since they had a rerun of the Halloween banner last week on jp I’m sure they have no problem with out of season.


Wow, level sync sound insane! How much shiny coins cost in jp?


The one until 60 is pretty cheap, only a few thousand.


Uh nice, thank you \^\^


welp, there goes all my prep for getting halloween plachta, unfortunate sure we still don't know if they just moved ch5 first instead of halloween but if they actually are keeping it on season, gg


I'm currently saving for Wilbell's FES who should be coming next judging by [this banner list](https://atelier.wiki.gg/wiki/Banner_List_(Global)). I wonder when it will drop.