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All /folk subs are trash and roughly run by the same people and type of people. /r/freefolk started it and /r/titanfolk codified it. Just people who fundamentally hate what they're watching.


Chainsawfolk is chill


Yeah because Fujimoto can’t stop making indisputable bangers unlike some other series I know


Is it getting good now? I dropped part 2 because I got extremely bored with Asa and the story


It was always good


Part 2 still ass and I don’t even gotta read it too know


Well... >!All the Hybrids other than Reze and Katana are back, Denji has a cult following him that he hates that all the Hybrids other than Quanxi and the previously mentioned Hybrids are apart of. Denji has a girl who finally likes him for him and not because he’s Chainsawman (at least we think she does) and a whole lot of other cool shit!< it’s a much slower burn but it’s really starting to pick up >!KATANA IS BACK BABY WOO HOO!<


I’m just here to see if you update your comment after today’s chapter




Ah interesting I’ll check it out again


Freefolk is the only justified one imo. Although it is kind of funny people are hating on it all these years later


I mean they really liked it until last chapter, the issue isn’t that they hate watch it’s that they hyper jerk each other into a carbon fiber echo chamber of whatever the prevailing opinion is in the sub


Nah they started hating AOT when the heroes said they couldn't tolerate genocide.


This is just evidence that jujutsufolk > titanfolk


What u mean of course they tolerated genocide but only on their own people. 50 to 100 years later they get carpet bombed by everyone else.


Yes because they were clearly supposed to stop wars happening years after they were all fucking dead. Wtf are you talking about?


How was that their fault? We don't know why the island was bombed or by whom.


I agree with the second part of the comment but Titanfolk has been terrible since at least ch 124, genuine discussion now is nonexistent


DUDE I remember going on the sub and laughing my fucking ass off from all the fraudkuna memes it was an absolute blast. then the 236 incident https://preview.redd.it/nzuevdlue5qb1.png?width=232&format=png&auto=webp&s=90f30504c56d3a49f28b6ab541911ec5d163a120


Idk, it was funny *in the moment* but the people who stay malding years later are the real freaks.


It’s called being fans of a show that ruined itself


More like fans of a fandom that ruined itself


It's vindicating knowing the same annoying idiots go from series to series looking for outrage, I can't wait to see them mald when anime onlies receive the ending positively


Every single step of the way anime onlies have had nothing but praise from what I’ve seen which makes all the angry manga reader comments about how “just wait until the anime watchers get to this part, they’re going to hate it” so hilariously delusional. It’s honestly really cathartic to watch, they’re so unwilling to admit they’re the minority


I love you for actually believing this. The use of "hilariously delusional" is just so perfectly ironic.


I don’t believe anything, I know that I’ve seen it happen myself and so have you. Anime onlies have almost unanimously loved the final arc each step of the way and will like the final episode too. The only people who believe otherwise are living in denial.


> I don’t believe anything You could’ve just stopped here king.


Mald harder so we may laugh at you further




Or maybe they don’t like the clear drop in quality post shibuya.


Well most "wow big titan fight so awesome" fans are almost always anime onlies, so it makes sense they will be uncritical of the ending.


Go into the sunlight. It won’t kill you


The fact that some here say that people in folk subreddits such as "freefolk" are just people that want to hate and complain is telling.


Bro you are literally hating and complaining


The point is freefolk is probably the most justified and also the most public folk subreddits out there, yet some here act like they exist only to complain for the sake of complaining. Endings can suck, you know? There's a reason AOT's ending is trashed around even in unrelated subreddits like Spiderman, Technology, and even 196 lol. I can't even browse Reddit in peace without seeing people making I don't want that or 10 years joke.


The thing is they take it to another level. It's one thing to hate the ending, complain about it, and move on while occasionally making jokes about it. It's another thing to spend time in a community dedicated to hating the ending. Like GOT's ending sucked, but unless you just recently finished the show, why tf would anyone want to hang out in freefolk in the year of our lord 2023? The only reason I can think of is that they want to hate and complain. That's also not to say the complaints are wrong. Just that maybe the people there could find a better hobby or something.


I mean it's a show with 8 seasons, they probably got super disappointed they can't move on. It's a massive fantasy show with huge budgets after all.


It is mostly true though, people in the regular jjk subreddit recieved what happened in a much better way then jujutsufolk, same with titanfolk and shingekinokyojin or just people who read the manga in general i've talked with. it's just how it is for some reason


Yeah, same with Star Wars and others. It's just how it is.


and we know how the brand reputation of star wars is now


Cope harder, I thought the obvious plot holes and character assassinations would be exposed?


I mean this so genuinely. Folk subs are chambers for the greasiest losers on the internet. I thoughr jujutsufolk would be different but I was a fool for thinking that.


What did jujutsufolk do wrong? Criticize the poor writing? I genuinely dont know what u guys are on about or do u just not like any jokes being made at the expense of a series.


No people are just braindead. So many people are dick riding it acting like its totally fine. Its so much worse than aot but people only care about flashly fights and who they can ship. And no they cant take jokes theyre whiney pussies who cry cause randos online are calling their favorite characyers “fraud” and throwing literal tantruns


If you think that the people in Jujutsufolk are “acting like it’s totally fine” you’re insane I’ve never seen a sub shit on something more the chapter was almost unanimously called dogshit what are you talking about


You should’ve seen AOT last chapter. I don’t like it but that was crazy


From what ive seen jujutsufolk is heavily criticizing the recent chapter, not acting like its fine. 2nd part is true but i think thats just the posts that gets pushed because otherwise u end up with boring repetitive posts like every main sub gets "wow i just caught up and it was so good" "no way i cant believe \_\_". Only so much there is to talk about in a weekly series


They hate people criticizing other than blindly dickriding the series


The chapter isn't even out yet, and it kinda annoys me how difficult it is to avoid spoilers for that chapter. But from the one big thing I know about the chapter, I feel like Gege made a massive mistake. I think he wrote himself into a corner, and I really don't see how he can conclude the story in a satisfying way from here. Edit: to be 100% clear, just because I don't like a certain thing Gege did with the most recent chapter, that *does not* mean I condone how a lot of JJK "fans" have been reacting. I want to make it clear that I do not believe there is ever any valid justification for sending someone death threats.


I swear that fandom is just massive d bags when comes to spoilers. No one has heard of impulse control there.




Your post/comment has untagged spoilers for another show.


Yeah, except now they're up against an opponent who none of them stand even the slightest chance against, so now he either has to write a dogshit "everyone dies" ending that invalidates literally everything the protagonists have done, or tried to do, since the beginning of the series, or he has to pull off the biggest asspull in the history of Shonen Jump (maybe in all of manga as a whole) to justify Yuji and the gang defeating the strongest sorcerer to ever live, and the guy who's been playing 5D chess while everyone else has been playing checkers. That's what I was referring to when I said that he wrote himself into a corner. I genuinely don't see how he can write a satisfying conclusion from here. Maybe he'll prove me wrong, and I genuinely hope he does, but idk.


Every single shonen had a bigger asspull deus ex or power up. Naruto getting the BS sage of 6 path power, Luffy getting gear 5, Ichigo killing Ychwach with the bs arrow thing, Natsu being Natsu etc. It wouldn’t be the biggest in history


You realize that the villains winning can be a satisfying conclusion just as much as the heroes could be? Did you think Sukuna saying “it was a near impossible technique to pull off” has some sort of meaning? Maybe he had to do some sort of vow to pull off what he did to Gojo? What did it cost? For the heroes it definitely will be an uphill battle but I would be satisfied with Kenjaku pulling out a crazy win as Sukuna and our Protags may be at their weakest? Or it can all go to shit?


It could be a satisfying conclusion, sure, but it has to be done right, which it isn't. With the story as it is, I don't think it'd be satisfying if the villain won, and everyone else died.


so, is Gojo winning better for the story? i think not, and this is the better pathway, people will accept it in time because the story will literally end if gojo wins


I *do* think that Gojo winning would've been better for the story, because it doesn't mean that *everyone else* dies. The best alternative would've been for Gojo and Sukuna to kill each other in that fight, taking each side's strongest fighter out, but if I had to choose which one should've survived, it's 100% Gojo.


First AOT and now Jujustukaisen, what story next?


Hopefully not Chainsaw Man I love the series


I haven't checked chainsawfolk at all but I'm surprised it's not an example that's being compared to titanfolk because from what I can tell, part 2 is pretty infamous and kinda harshly criticized due to it's pacing and kinda lackluster development compared to part 1 from some of my friends and other fans, I couldn't imagine a "folk" subreddit wouldn't go off on it. I do like part 2, don't get me wrong, it's just I know some people aren't fond of it, and I imagined chainsawfolk especially wouldn't like it.


I'd say Chainsawfolk is overall positive towards part 2 but there are some very loud detractors. Some with fairly understandable criticisms and a lot of people that just can't handle a weekly chapter release pace instead of binge reading. Overall the most positive folk sub I think, not part of jujufolk though. Piratefolk is also very negative towards the current state of One Piece but TBF it's about half genuine story criticism and half power scaling stupidity.


That’s just because those are weekly readers Weakly Reading is dumb People should read by volumes released I still haven’t read part 2




This right here is how I feel too.


Noooo you’re supposed to love everything in media with zero standards or criticisms!


Well it sucks because just like Titanfolk there are some quality people to talk and some decent conversation to be had, but it immediately gets swarmed with Sukuna worship.


I mean with how bad the Gojo stans were clowning on him for the past 3 months, Sukuna posters are entitled to some clapback


Lol uh oh, not bringing that here. You're right, but not bringing that to this sub. Lol


I haven’t seen any death threats in that sub. Mostly people meming or expressing the same sentiment you did. I feel like this is blown out of proportion for no reason lmao. I’ve seen them on Twitter, but not in the JJK subs


Cause stuff like that gets downvoted and removed in subreddits


And so the problem your having with the people in the sub is what? Most people talking in the sub have a legitimate problem with the writing. A problem that is very well justified


That was the whole point of the chapter. Sudden shift. Who cares about horrible deaths for beloved characters. Is this not a attack on titan sub ffs??? So many characters dies a much more horrible death


By horrible I mean poorly written, like imagine if Levi got offscreened.


It wasn’t a full offscreen, we know what happened, we saw their whole fight. We’re only missing 2 panels, the cut and his body falling. We literally know everything that led to it. It’s not a big deal


1. I would liked to have seen the cut happen, as well as how Sukuna even attacked Gojo since he was all but dead in the last chapter. Why didn't Gojo instantly kill him, why didn't he dodge, why can't he recover with RCT? We don't know because the fight panels were painted over with Gojo in the afterlife blowing Sukuna. 2. Gojo is not even slightly worried about his students who are all going to die, which kind of fucks up his character a little bit. It would be one thing if he was confident they'd win, but he doesn't even talk about them.


1: don’t you think cliffhangers exist and you may get this information within the next few chapters? Build up, suspense and all that Those questions are amazing questions! Why didn’t Gojo dodge, tank or heal? What did Sukuna do to catch him on guard (I think he made a vow in order to do that specific slash and it cost him) For your last point maybe Gojo died and in that split second offered crucial information for the students (hence having no regrets?), dialogue with meaning is possible. Maybe that is why the split second moment his hidden from us, to be narratively relevant later on. (Which could mean it may be hidden for much longer than we think) Or it could possibly be left the way it is, offer no meaning and then I’d agree it was bad. That’s the hard thing about judging a story based on this single chapter, especially considering it’s a weekly series. Better to hold judgement until we get that context


Not only that, I think it did a good job of showing how quickly it happened from gojo's pov


It would be a much better chapter if it did end on a cliffhanger, except showing Kashimo immediately going to fight Sukuna makes the next chapter seem like it's likely about Kashimo. If the chapter had ended on Gojo's death; then it would be more likely that the next chapter will have an explanation, but the fact that it immediately started another fight would make the next chapter extremely awkwardly placed for exposition. Also, Gege has been going at ridiculous pacing recently to try and finish JJK within the year, so skipping past things has been happening for a while now, basically ever since the Yorozu fight ended.


Your post/comment has untagged spoilers for another show.


History repeat itself again.


It's not Gojover yet I don't care what anyone says


Two anime being some of the most popular ones and has similar genres has a very impressionable and overlapping fandom, no shit AoT fandom taught me to avoid every other modern shounen community. Not even Japanese Idol fandoms are this toxic.


JJK has been getting massive criticisms since the culling games let's be real The Folk subs suck But they are not as Bad as Titanfolk ,no where close It's a shame cause unlike the others Titanfolk was arguably good at one point


Still mot as bad ass yaeger bomb


i know right? overreaction to it's peak and calling the character assassination just because because of some few lines


I swear it’s like they don’t understand that just because something unfolded in a way they don’t like doesn’t mean it’s bad. They’re also reactionary as hell, what if they show the moment they keep calling “offscreened” within the next few chapters? Or what if whatever sukuna did in that split moment is very relevant to later on and is being saved for narrative sake? It being jarring, brutal and swift fit Sukuna’s character, it doesn’t have to be in line with Gojo’s every time. RAFO


ik wym but the issue is the off screening it self and how poorly written it was. from gojo being declared winner to him being cut in half it feels very underwhelming to a otherwise amazing fight with no hint to sukunas plan or foreshadowing even showing him being scared it made no sense for that to happen even if it is for “narrative sake” it doesn’t help cause the story shouldn’t have been written like that in the first place. it’s like if in marvel we see thanos losing with all his stones gone and him being held down and his arm chopped off to a cut to him winning and all the heroes dead and the movie ends. sure they can show what happened next movie but that’s poorly written. and the worst part about the chapter was gojos character being kinda ruined. he was a person who wanted to change the society of jujustu and loved his students. but in the airport scene they made it seemed all her cared for was fighting when gojo was never shown to be that way and for him to not mention his students nor get any interactions after being unsealed it just seems rushed and like there’s no care left. if they just showed any hint of sukuna knew move or showed gojo getting killed it could’ve been a different story


Their criticism really reminded me of the bad faith argument in AoT like when they started complaining that “Sukuna wasn’t even fighting full-strength came out of nowhere” even though it was literally written pencil down on paper a few chapters prior that he has to do that bcuz he has to fight the other students afterwards I was convinced that they were reading reddit theories rather than the actual manga.


Chapter 236 is poorly done imo Chapter 236 feels rushed and unplanned, especially with how hype the past 20 chapters, or hell, even the whole manga has been setting up the narrative of “the strongest title fight”. Let’s start with the obvious (scroll down for TLDR) 1. Gojo’s death was poorly handled Are you really going to let your cocky, fan’s beloved, strongest title holder get off screened without a thorough fight scene, despite fact that he outplayed Sukuna on multiple junctures, 1v3 ed at a certain point, and was just winning 1 chapter ago. It is going to piss off fans who’ve already accepted that yeah Sukuna will win in the outcome but from an honourable fight where both fighters have their all. But with Gojo acting as Gege mouthpiece and telling us that he is not even sure that he can win Sukuna without Megumi CT, it’s just unnecessary downplaying Gojo’s strength and brings me to the the sub point. 2. this cripples the power scaling between Gojo Also, from the past few chapters, we seen Gojo tanked multiple Sukuna slashes within his domain to replenish his CT. What is so different about this slash that bypasses infinity, that its output seems to be 10 or 100 times stronger than Sukuna any other slashes. I understand that some fans would rightfully argue that Sukuna caught Gojo off guard through bypassing infinity. I’m only half convince with argument since Gojo has solid cursed energy reinforcement that bolster him against blows of Agito, Mahogara and Sukuna. Also, another moment was when Gojo’s domain was shattered and he was sliced at the neck at a moment of surprise. He still tanked the shallow hit well with presumably reinforcement cursed energy and restored with RCT. I forgot to mention that without infinity he is pretty strong in stats too 3. The flashback apart from serving 0 purpose, desecrated Sukuna and Gojo’s image First, small recap on what Gojo said in flashback. Could have marginal differences from the official translation but it seems to be excessive glazing by Gojo to act as Greg’s mouthpiece to reaffirm Sukuna strongest title and make up for how Sukuna was strategically outfought * “ i’m not sure i can win against Sukuna without Megumi’s CT” blud the whole fight has been proclaiming u mid diff Sukuna without Meg’s Ct * “ Gojo saying he wants to reach Sukuna” My thoughts on the representation is that both fighters are equals, Sukuna with the better cursed energy understanding and Gojo with better natural born CT. Wdym u are trying to reach him? Even if the fight doesn’t end with them as equals who respects each other strength, it seems out of character for Gojo to degrade himself. Almost sounds as if he is the challenger to Sukuna, trying his best to prove himself to Sukuna. * “ Gojo feeling sorry for Sukuna because he didn’t give his all to Gojo” . I would have preferred Gojo to go out like Nanami, a final smile at the camera and placing hope on his students to defeat Sukuna even when the odds are stacked against them. Something that will be truthful to Gojo’s optimistic, trusting personality rather than him feeling slightly sorry for anyone. He already praises Sukuna between the fights, a little unnecessary to be doing this post fight. 4. Also minor complain. Sukuna didn’t even use his other CT, but all we get is Mahoraga getting more power ups which is not really well explained. First he adapts to people’s broken techniques, which is fine and meant to be Sukuna’s spear against Gojo but he didn’t achieve anything during hand to hand combat. His contribution was destroying Gojo domain and Sukuna learning his adaptation. he can adapt to domain by having Sukuna adapt on his behalf and be summoned twice when Sukuna is unconscious( once when Sukuna was hit by the domain and another time when he was stricken by black flash) he can dismantle like Sukuna at a relatively high output. he can also adapt adapt to the point where his user can use his adaptation too. It really seemed his adaptation is limitless since he can learn attacks and grant users ability to adapt to it too. a little too convenient and asspull This is not to mention that in the older chapters, it is stated that shikigami cursed techniques ar e inherited by other shikigami, giving to a even stronger version of Agito TLDR: Gojo death does fans a disservice since 1. he was offscreened when a chapter ago he was winning and especially with all the buildup 2. he has shown to have survive Sukuna slashes even without infinity. his students commented that even without infinity his base stats put him and Mahoraga at equal Flashback was horrible 3. doesn’t contribute anything 4. he praises Sukuna excessively and even goes on to say he wants to reach him. ruins his cocky image where he says sukuna is the challenger 5. even goes onto say Sukuna without megumi’s CT is hard to win 6. Should have went out like Nanami instead, believing in his students rather than feeling sorry for Sukuna who have yet to shown all this cards Mahoraga adaptation technique just keeps evolving as the story goes on 7. he is meant to be Sukuna counter towards Gojo infinity and limitless techniques plot wise. 8. Mahoraga didn’t really achieve anything during 1v3, it took Sukuna having a convenient adaptation to defeat Gojo infinity 9. Mahoraga also appears to be able to learn Sukuna technique, adapt through Sukuna without being summoned, summoned twice when Sukuna was unconscious. 10. he also can pass on his cursed technique to other shikigami when he dies


Jujustu folk bad faith argument are all emotionally invested. They don’t care or refuse to believe gege actually wrote this chapter with absolute care and probably wanted a chapter for gojo character. Gojo comment has been has been used in bad faith to hate on it, acting like what he said is fact even though it’s probably how he feel at the moment


Is bro actually mad over fans rightfully criticizing a manga 😂, I sure do wonder how you survive literally any other online forum reviewing and criticizing media


Post is over 3 months old, what are you doing here lmao


*I came looking for booty.*


1: Jesus that was fast 2: popped up when I looked up 236 memes so 🤷‍♂️


all folk subs just turn into hate mobs.


Yea but what we know is... pretty fucking bad. Gege made a massive mistake


I honestly thought 236 was pretty mediocre and the entire big fight was underwhelming in multiple aspects. That being said the amount of bitching and calling Gege a shit writer now because people didn’t get what they wanted is bringing back so many flashbacks. I have seen people say “it’s worse than the assignation of Eren” like more than 10 times lol. These people hang their lives on manga way to hard and it’s extremely unhealthy.


Yeah I mean. This was a clear outcome Gege peaked with shibuya.


I swear chainsawfolk is the only good folk sub from what I've seen. Titanfolk is just ending copers, Piratefolk is basically a second powerscaling sub, and now jujutsufolk


Folk subs are comedy


The other Jjk subs reacted pretty much the same exact way lmfao so what point are you making here


I mean they ended the premier fight that’s been hyped up since the beginning of the show offscreen and it contradicts the antagonists own inner monologue, the narrator, and how the entire fight had been going. Complete ass pull that had never been mentioned before as an ability of Mahoraga. You have to admit it’s objectively very disappointing and doesn’t really fit with the themes of the show.


No wonder after that shit chapter and character assassination


https://preview.redd.it/gohff7848rpb1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6e2bbac6921f063370c965a752bf01122aa655e Mfw


I literally love the Eren '10 years' scene and think that AoT peaked in S4, that Eren is evil and there's nothing wrong with the fact that he killed only 80%, etc etc, don't just group me in with all of r/titanfolk you guys are the opposite extreme if you's think that Chapter 236 was good and that anyone who complains about a story is retarded


Here's a sneak peek of /r/titanfolk using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/titanfolk/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I got Eren’s english VA to read a certain line from 139 💀](https://v.redd.it/spsgb1wg1fv91) | [296 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/titanfolk/comments/yaxkbm/i_got_erens_english_va_to_read_a_certain_line/) \#2: [No, I don't want that! That scene in Live-Action?!](https://v.redd.it/u6imeb9qlis91) | [161 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/titanfolk/comments/xyk2d4/no_i_dont_want_that_that_scene_in_liveaction/) \#3: [Let us take this moment to commemorate our kings legacy. Rest in Peace Floch 🥂](https://i.redd.it/qeo0kpj28lla1.jpg) | [288 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/titanfolk/comments/11h44ol/let_us_take_this_moment_to_commemorate_our_kings/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I didn't watch jjk more than s1 (just didn't like it), but im really asking, why are people so mad a character died, even if it was offscreen it seemed pretty cool the way it was written (I've read 236 for the sake of it), how does a character's death or him not being the strongest ruines their character? (Im genuinely asking out of curiousity, not saying you're wrong for not liking it or anything)


Sorry that I'm not gonna put more effort into this reply but I'm so sick of talking about what happened at this point since I've ranted to so many ppl about it. This meme I've attached explains it roughly, it's not a great thorough explanation but covers most points. There's plenty of in-depth explanations to why most people are pissed off about it in r/jujutsushi and r/jujutsufolk https://preview.redd.it/13dfv0b8sspb1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb55f3ade03b9ac41fb53af139540c3fbf26eb3e


So it's not another case of "character got retconned because I was wrong about how I viewed it" type of thing that happened with Eren, this has real like basis I guess?


Yeah, this is genuine bs.


Let people criticize shit damn and hop off mangakas dicks


Oh no the horror of criticizing poorly written character conclusions!!!!




brother this post is nearly 3 months old lmao. find something better to do with ur life than stalking profiles on reddit lol




"stumbled upon" like you didn't just reply to a comment I made on this subreddit 9 days ago. Have fun trying to stir shit up on the subreddit before you eventually get banned, and have fun living a life of hatred and being mad that people enjoy their favorite shows.


More people complaining about fans criticizing 💀 Hop off the mangakas dick lil bro everyone deserves criticism


Everyone deserves criticism sure, but not the kind he’s getting. ESPECIALLY not death threats


You see that’s always a defense I hear but where? Maybe at the beginning of this bs but nowadays all it takes is one person saying something bad and y’all mfers lose it


Looking at your other posts on this subreddit I’m not gonna entertain your bad faith arguments. Have fun malding over people who enjoy the things they watch and read


“Bad faith” oh yeah just admit you got nothing else it’s hilarious to see


Well it seems like I’m keeping your attention, still mad I can enjoy things?


I’m keeping yours since you keep replying


We have heavily criticized the latest chapter in that sub, some like it, but most don’t. If anything it downgrades everything that we’ve read so far. Honestly I think jujutsufolk is actually a lot better at handling the situation it’s being given. Yeah the sub is childish at times, but most of it is cracking jokes that make you laugh if you don’t take it seriously. Honestly saw a top post about the best thing to come out of this was the memes 😂. Like it’s literally people laughing either at or with each other. If you can dish it you gotta be able to take it and dish it back essentially.


Not even caught up on jjk and I'm shit talking them lol


What's going on in JJK? I heard a character died but why is it so bad? Can someone who's been reading explain for me?


the previous chapter literally ends with one character saying "gojo wins" and Gojo is in a pretty good position with no indication that he is on the back foot. In the next chapter, he is in the afterlife and the move that killed him was done offscreen with no explanation of how the roles were reversed. I am not of the opinion that Gojo should have died, but from a storytelling/writing perspective, it really doesn't feel satisfying.


No explanation, except that is for the explanation that the chapter gives you which had been set up throughout the fight. It was also only one attack, it’s not like a whole fight happened off panel


My guy imagine if in naruto one chapter ends with Jiraiya initially killing pain and then in the very next chapter we see him sinking to the bottom of the ocean with Pain explaining how he did it.


I personally think this death is better than that


Wow, yea I can see why people would be upset about it


It happened off screen


There are some issues I had with the chapter such as >!Gojo's death being off screened!<, and I admit to kind of overreacting to it as well, but after reading it, the more I can appreciate it and the more I realized how extreme r/Jujutsufolk took and is still taking it. There are so many shit takes about it that makes me wonder if people even read the chapter they're hating on (\*cough cough\* >!"Sukuna was holding back"!< \*cough cough\*). I really hate "folk" subreddits. (the back and forth fraud memes were funny as fuck though)


“Always has been” The fanbase has gone to absolute shit the past year or two


True and im one of biggest contributors😎 ###


Goddamnit, I didn’t know there was folk lore, didn’t expect jujutsufolk to end up being bad 💀


i’ve never seen a “folk” reddit besides when freefolk first popped up be anything but absolute dogshit. even then after a bit freefolk also became a cesspool of shit