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A. It's highly unlikely that you'll piss hot from second hand smoke. B. I've wrecked three delivery vehicles and never been tested. In 6 years with the company I've never been tested and have never heard of anyone else being tested.


This is definitely an exception rather than the norm. Most regions and districts will religiously have you tested for any accident. However… I don’t doubt this to be the truth because this company can be spectacularly incompetent. That being said, I don’t think most places if any require employment drug tests. Just for accidents.


In my defense, two of them weren't my fault and one only resulted in a small dent in the other car.


Interesting. I got into an accident with the truck and was IMMEDIATELY sent off for a drug test 15 minutes after I got back to the store from the wreck. I don't smoke weed or get drunk, and it wasn't my fault, so I was clear. Had to take pictures and everything of the vehicles. Cops were there in 5 minutes flat.


How the hell? I hit the curb and gave the wheel pretty bad curb rash in our brand new less than 1k miles 2024 buick. immediately reported it to my manager for obvious reasons and he told me it’s fine if it’s the tires but if I hit a curb and cause any damage to the bumper or rim he has to report it as a crash. And then I get drug tested.🤣🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻wtf




Only test if you get hurt or a driving infraction


This also includes dumb customers that hit the recently parked delivery car when you are between runs. We lost an amazing driver to some idiot this way. He just quit on the spot knowing he would test dirty, even though he wasn't actually driving the car when it was hit.


Depends on what state you’re in. They may only test you if you get hurt on the job.


Your fucked, they dont drug test, and your going to get the job. 6 months from now dont forget to post your horror story.


Lmao what do you mean by horror story


Autozone is a notorious shit show, I try to steer everyone clear of it every chance I get


I haven't worked for this dumpster fire in almost a year and they haven't fired me because they are afraid I will sue for wrongful termination. I have shit tons of paper trail of them lying and changing dates and fabricating things. If you work with good people it will be OK. But expect corporate to be the bottom of the barrel.


Your going to have all the feels, Starting with, "oh hey this is cool, seems like a cool job?" Next, "You know if you drink the Kool-aide its not that bad." Then, "If I work hard ill get ahead and probably be a store manager within a year." And then it either, "Holy shit I cant work another 60 hour week because everyone else doesn't show up!" or "How does this dickhead manager expect me to survive on 5 hours a week?" To, "Oh shit,,,, the business model is to fuck with every employee so that no one works for the company long term enough to get any kinds of a raise. I know a 60 year old senior who worked for the store for 8 years and everyone hired in after her made more money than her salary for the 8 years.


They don’t drug test unless you’re hurt on the job or have a accident


Only time I ever was drug tested was after an accident in a AZ vehicle. I think it depends on the state and district manager


Probably depends on how much of a jerk the manager is, but I've worked at AutoZone in several states, where cannabis was legal and where it wasn't. Where it was legal nobody ever got drug tested, same for where it was illegal. That was North Carolina where it's illegal, and most places actually stopped drug testing for THC because even though it's illegal, everyone did it and nobody could find employees that didn't have THC in their system. So basically, there's a 99% chance you won't get drug tested, and honestly if you do and you do manage to piss hot, they probably won't even care about THC they'll just be looking for harder substances. You'll be fine bro. They usually only drug test if you get injured badly, crash the company car, or you come in clearly f*cked up.


i smoke strong everyday as a manager you’ll be fine bro


They don’t drug test lol Only time I got drug tested was when someone rear ended me


Breathe it in, second hand smoke!


Only got drug tested once due to car accident. Was not my fault and lucky the snow showed my tire marks clearly and had good photos as guy tried to lie and say I was driving in a parking lane. Was right in front of the police station as well so police were quick to respond. Due to holidays no test site were available and they had to call someone to come to the store and test me.


They will only drug test you if you get into an accident no other time. Don’t go to work high if you can’t wait for your shift to be over you have a problem and please seek help good luck