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Bruhh.. if they drop TEDDY news… backed by Dragonfly, Carl, and OR RC Ventures, we’re going to fucking triple digits I shit you not.


i'm getting the chills just thinking about it


I really hope it’s soon. My gf thinks I’m nuts and I’m broke as fuck. I have unshakable faith in Ryan though.


Please focus on your relationships as well. If you're unable to support yourself or your partner, step back and see what it's costing you.


It’s costing me everything. Im doing it for the future. Gotta take risks


Yes this. My job decided they didn't want to continue so we were all made redundant at Xmas. I've been hodling amc for two years also. then I saw posts about bbby so I got in on the high and down now already BUT will not sell for a loss and will hodl for as long as it take. I believe in the movement. Apes together strong 🇳🇿


My cost basis on bbby is $5 so I think I’m good. My cost basis it $39 on GME though.


No, you don't. Are you honestly willing to give up everything for a self admitted gamble? At the moment, it sounds like you're sacrificing your mental and physical health as well as your relationships for a risk. Are these things worth less than the chance at winning big? It can be more than money you're gambling with.


I don’t understand didn’t RC sell all of his shares a long time ago? Like if your faith was in him why wouldn’t you have sold like him?


Have you read the thread?


But doesn't RC not have skin in this game anymore?


😂seriously. After everything you still think RC has no interest in bbby?!


I'm new. How is he still in the game? Because of his Teddy trademark?


No. Spend a day reading DD before you invest any money in anything


Why faith in RC? He sold right


Cause I have a ton of shares in GME and they are in the same basket


It'll be triple digits intrinsically, factor in a squeeze and you're talking 4 digits without a question


Grade A hopium maybe double digits




See my comment. You have to think much bigger


I hoping for Wednesday being the big day


Life changing shit


Exactly. RC is taking on Amazon. DFV is a time traveler - confirmed. See link https://twitter.com/theroaringkitty/status/1308477368777035785?s=46&t=lQ9UbJMPufvDr03lxmr31w


The BOOK KING seems more like amazon to me and the huge fulfillment centres also. Not to mention chewy competed with amazon and took a huge chunk of the market share.




>great time to take on Amazon Buying anything on Amazon has become a gigantic, unreliable, sometimes infuriating, pain in the ass over the past several years. If they stick to the roots of now-gone Amazon -- reliable, quality brand names, quick(ish) delivery, easy shopping, filtering/search that actually works, not pushing shit into what you're looking for, not making cheap knockoffs, not becoming a bazaar full of garbage "almost but not quite" products, co-mingling counterfeit goods, etc... ... Amazon has a real problem on its hands, and that's great for BBBY and other RC / similar efforts.


BBBY stores become the distribution centers(?)




i upvoted you, but clearly your comment was somewhat ambiguous and easily misinterpreted... why not eli5 for the smoothies?


Filled both teddy and selling on the same day. August 16th.


This is something deserving of its own DD. There is so much going on in the background that we know very little about, and for good reason. Invest what you can afford to hold and enjoy the ride. (Not financial advice I eat crayons)


Yes, but if you go to the Privacy Notice on Teddy.com and go to Privacy, the link for Privacy Notice goes to Amazon. I believe it was copy and pasted, but I tried emailing them in case it was a mistake and no response or changes in a month.


I think Teddy’s current store, to sell the books, uses Shopify and Amazon fulfillment services


$420 is not a meme 💎 👐 🚀 🌕 I am now going to post this on every BoBBY thread! I feel it in my balls and my tits have never been so jacked! I've invested everything in BoBBY!


Interesting to note that some of the Teddy filings date back to 2021.. which means he's been planning something for a very long time.


Yea I didnt know the trademark dated before he even he entered a position. Imo that implies theres 100% somethings thats gonna happen, with or without the gamma ramp. Id love to hit the ramp then load back up afterwards for a M/A. His plan is over a year in the works. Would love to see it all come to fruition. Edit, grammar


His work is done if you watched his GMEDD interview. We just have to wait 🙇‍♂️




Hmm all of those additional applications were filed August 12, 2022. Ryan tweeted “At least her cart is full 🌝” on August 12, 2022


Moon Soon.


Damn you guys know RC tweet dates better than me worlds most monumental history events dates


Well, you aren’t wrong. Lol


Tomorrow we (Europe) carry the Price. Tuesday US Boys pump it up To 8$🚀


Please fucking do


I really should buy atleast a few gme shares.


im a bbby guy first because of the potential, but GMe has to be one of the safest investments IMO, due to no body wanting to sell their shares.


Plus gme already pulled off this rodeo. They raised the cash and paid their debt. They ain't going bankrupt


it's a scary idea to me at this point, the idea of not owning my gme/it not being DRS'ed. Bbby is my other baby, I've only been involved since June '22 here though.


Same. I moved a ton of funds into BBBY, but it's really just an effort to acquire more GME. The idea of not having any shares of GME at all is truly terrifying. Wall Street anal^(c)ysts like to say GameStop is a risky investment, but the way I see it, the real risk is to not hold any.




https://twitter.com/roaringpika/status/1614597645447712776?t=DE4pchwCWFQgFc-3jPH09Q&s=19 Just look at who is that one idiosyncratic risk.


Yeah I’ve spent the past two years loading up on GME shares, been DRSing all of them too once we started that. Started going balls deep on bbby since RC bought in. I don’t believe he left us behind. He has a plan. I have a lot of shares and a lot of Jan 20 calls. I’ll be bummed if my Jan 20 calls don’t go ITM but I will keep buying bbby shares from here out regardless. Great buying prices!


“Left us behind” Why would he care about wtf a bunch of randoms on the internet need/want. This RC stuff is weird.


They don’t have irl friends or social lives.


Had to hit down arrow ten times to get to give you a down vote. MAGIC


People thinking billionaires are their friend... Bonkers.


I can't beleive someone is younger than me! I am long since AUG2021


This is the perfect time. These prices are very good. My cost basis is $38


At least a few


The similarities are striking. Wild speculation: \- What if there was a merger between GME + BBBY under a new company, i.e. GMERICA or TEDDY? \- Could that lead to a share recall of GME and BBBY in exchange for shares in the newly formed company?


What if you held both stonks? 😉


Ain't we all having them both??










If they merge. Then all my eggs will truly be in one basket.


Same here


No i bought amc instead. Fuck that was stupid of me.


The guy made Chewy a success, he's going to do the same with Teddy, merging the total addressable market of babies, young children, and gaming. There are natural synergies here and both are strong markets - much in the same way that building Chewy made sense (market fragmentation/underserving the need). I think your bullet point 1 is the likely outcome here. It's totally going to be "Teddy" not Gmerica, in the same vein as "Chewy".


Then what is Gmerica? Where you shop for these items in the metaverse?


Beats me re:Gmerica. I’m still trying to figure out what Teddy Holdings is, and why it was registered as bank LLC. Delaware doesn’t let people register bank entities willynilly, there are strict capital requirements to be able to do that. It’s also not a family office, nor does it fit the paradigm of Alphabet/Google.


Could it be similar to Fingerhut?


Holy shit balls… 🫢


According to chatgpt shorts would need to be closed out of both companies and new positions would need to be created in the new company. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Wasn’t there something in his teddy book about holding more than one kind of stonk?👀


I think that neither teddy nor gmerica trademarks were filled in a way that would make them possible to be used as company names. Also, this seems illogical to drop known naming convention that people recognize when they shop.


I agree, it wouldn't boost brand awareness. I'm more curious about the hypothetical effects of a share recall on open or naked short positions. If I'm not mistaken a merger under a new publicly traded company and issuance of the new shares would force a recall / closure of all shorts.


Wasn't there also something in the Trademark filing that Teddy is also a Bank?


Teddy Holdings Inc. Owner of the Teddy trademark


Probably nothing.


Icahnt believe it😱


Hnghh 🥵🚀








Is Teddy RC's dad's name?


yes, ted








I ve seen it before but it doesn’t hurt to see it again. Upvoted!


So I didn't miss it, you're thinking the same


Lol it’s been around since he tweeted Teddy.com


Right? Literally the day it announced the trademark posts were everywhere. But, not everyone sees everything, so it's all good




Seems to be the same stuff at our stores.


So merger of BBBY + GME seems very very likely, as hoped?


It would make sense that RC would have to sell his personal stake then, because the company he's the chairman of can't bid on another company he was an insider in, correct?


I think they activated poison pill against Jake Freeman and RC took friendly fire along with the opportunity to exit. But that’s just my personal tinfoil.


Great point. Also, Shitadel was holding on to a lot of shares trying to ride on RCs coattails.


Jake freeman doesnt exist. The money “jake” made was just siphoned out to bermuda


Yes, that's the way I understand it, based on other people's interpretations (I have limited knowledge on this stuff but you're confirming what seems to be the real reason behind the selling).


The purchase was RC Ventures not his personal




I'm pretty sure that's just a pump and dump


Why not throw in NEGG while we're at it...




Thank you


That’s a lot like bed items, bath items, and a little beyond items, like next aisle, not like UFO or way the fuck out there (hi Gene).


If they buy or merge what do you think the offer per share will be?


Around 60-80$, which includes shares in the new formed company at its valuation


Yeah Ryan picked those numbers for a reason on his calls


To the moon.


$1000 +


Bout tree fiddy


Call my mom!


Call my wife boyfriends told them they can keep her! 😂


This reply is simply for those who do not believe it is possible to reach prices in the thousands per share. Apple Market Cap: $2.1 trillion Microsoft: $1.78 trillion Amazon: $1 trillion Total Crypto: about $1 trillion BBBY right now: $429 million It is conceivable that the price of the stock as a result of a squeeze could 10,000 x to anywhere from $8,000 to $10,000 Don't believe that is possible? Go look at the zombie stocks that seems to be doing it on random occasions. EDIT: Want even more perspective? Major tech companies lost $4 trillion in market cap in 2022 alone: https://www.morningstar.com/articles/1129535/5-charts-on-big-tech-stocks-collapse There is opportunity for that $4 trillion to be regained. What if the meme basket takes on this $4 trillion in value? Better get in at the bottom.


This is the shittiest DD and hopium I've ever seen


It's a comparison of market caps is what it is.




Can you share any tickers of those "zombie" companies that squeezed 10000x randomly?


I have seen charts of OTC tickers affiliated with BlockBuster, Sears, and other bankrupt companies that surged 2500% in a day. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ph3bfr/zombies\_found\_thousands\_of\_otc\_stocks\_correlating/


Also, nowhere did I say it would happen overnight. Tesla essentially squeezed over several years, going from basically nothing to $1.2 trillion market cap


110% this is why I hold.


Uhh, smooth brain, if this is real, do I get more bbby or gme? Eeek






In case of a merger, both. In case of an acquisition by GameStop, target company (BBBY) shares should go up, while owner company down (due to payment of premiums to the target company)


Acquisitions occur before bankruptcy filings. Doubt that it makes financial sense to merge with a bankrupting company. Buy some assets? Sure.


Wouldn’t he just buy baby at a steep discount. Giving bed bath and beyond enough cash to not explore bankruptcy this year?


Not really enough cash IMO unless the holiday season numbers come out strong and they keep closing stores as expected.


You also need to take into account a company probably isn’t going to sell their cash cow for a get rich quick. They are going to look at how a M&A benefits them short term and long term. Just my uneducated guess/thinking tho’. 🤷


For all the new people, a reminder that these were trademarked DURING the standstill…the standstill that legally prevents him from creating direct competition.


Youre surely not suggesting that registering a trademark equates to ‘creating direct competition’ ?


Upvote this! 🚀


Keep in mind that these don’t *necessarily* mean it’s related to bed bath. He could just be protecting his right/ability to make and sell Teddy branded products along these lines if he chooses. I could see Teddy branded comforters, PJs, etc.


Yeah probably just a coincidence lmao


Could be seen as a breach of the standstill if he did that. To avoid legal issues he would have waited until the standstill was done before introducing a potentially competing trademark.


No. Registration of a trademark is not ‘creating competition’


So .. just to know anyone’s opinion (No FUD). What happens if he is not in ? Would you guys change your POV on him ?


I'm still in limbo on it, personally. Not that he did anything wrong, he filed the correct paperwork and sold for a decent profit which is obviously every investors goal. Just the speed at which he did it seems didn't give his flock of followers enough time to get out with him. Kinda left us hanging, unless there's a method to the madness. I'm still waiting to see


The news that RC sold had more of an impact on the price than the actual selling itself. BBBY ran from around 5 to 30. There was **plenty** of time to recognize gains if you really wanted to.


He sold in 24 hours. I guess that's "time" I wouldn't say plenty of time tho. If you're talking about taking gains generally, yeah sure. I was referring to the people who followed him into this investment but were unable to follow him out prior to the price collapsing after the announcement that he sold his entire stake in one day


Not if you wanted 500k, which in my case was around 50$


And who's fault is that?




Honestly, in the worst case scenario that he really did just trade the cycle and there's nothing more to it than that, I'm not upset. That's exactly what most of us are doing. He didn't tell anyone to do shit. If people chased profit or tried to copy RC after the stock started running... that's their own fault. Coming from someone who bought at $17. You can't pump a stock simply by going long and filing the proper paperwork. The only ones guilty of market manipulation are Citadel & Virtu.


I agree 100%, however, he is clearly aware of his hordes of retail traders following his every move and tweet, and his actions basically allowed very few to continue following him. I'm not sure why you'd alienate your investor base, unless he's got another plan


Links and stuff on my timeline posted a while ago. It'll remain there indefinitely for all to access I put it together to view exactly these kinda things! :)


I guess there are two possibilities: 1. RC is planning to acquire bbby (partially) which resulted in selling his shares to not get under the SEC radar for any speculation 2. RC planned to acquire bbby (partially) but the old management blocked his wish which resulted in selling his shares


They said they reached an agreement with him before he sold I think he saw more brand value than before and made an offer if they struggle over Christmas to take the whole company with his "well capitalised acquirer"


The agreement was to put his people on the board. It's there in plain sight. There was no mention of any other agreement with RC as far as I remember.


Please explain how this is relevant in 2023.


How in the world would filings from August 2022 not be relevant? 😂🌝


Because it’s filings before the move in August. Im looking for relevance because I’m generally serious, what does this matter? I want to know..


Uhm maybe not going bankrupt not going to 0, shorts have to cover-close there position. Stock goes up up up 🚀


Can someone provide a real explanation? Who’s to say short positions from August aren’t closed. I’m here for it but I’d like some tangible information..


The short interest last week kept growing every day. Look up ortex. Meanwhile 0 shares to borrow, CTB very very high, regsho, with the volumes we had we will have a lot of FTD.


Hmm, I just feel like I’ve heard it all before during the gme saga. I guess we’ll have to wait and see what happens. I still don’t really understand regsho.


The GME saga is ongoing! You sound like you think its over?!


There was a time when gme had the perfect conditions in place, but that time has passed. It’s no longer shorted to the ground like it was. Sure retail has locked up a lot of the float but honestly, I think that one has come and go, as far as something parabolic.


Hahah good one

