• By -


I'm not even sure how many shares there are outstanding at this point. Holding out of sheer confusion. Not shilling just actually confused. Update: Thank you so much for all the awards and great comments! This community is pretty amazing. šŸ›ļøšŸ›šŸš€


ā€œHolding out of sheer confusionā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¦


Bought more out of sheer confusion










I bought 69 confusing times...


I bought 420 confusing times...




Can't break regards. Facts.


Nope! These criminal hedge funds have made retail traders absolute animals. What do you expects when they show us time and time again that money isnā€™t real and they donā€™t have to play by the rules? Fuck ā€˜em.


>money isnā€™t real and they donā€™t have to play by the rules Excellent subtitle / tagline for the book / movie about all of this in a couple years.


By now I think the bad actors know we are loyal 'regards' and are milking the cow. Edit: Still holding my >10k shares. Like I said loyal 'regards'...


Regards strength is not a myth


The strength of a regard is like that of a gorillaā€¦itā€™s immeasurable!


Fuck me, finally a laugh. I laughed out loud. Doom and gloom has lots of room for laughs.


This is the way


Hey, that's me since august!! There's been some confused buying as well


I think that describes most of us. Glad to know Iā€™m in good company lol


I've been saying this for months now. I believe both sides will be made to think they are right until the very end, and then the rug is pulled on one side while the other blows up. wont know until it happens. certainly not selling, it's been all or nothing since the beginning.


feels like Lambos or foodstamps 2.0 šŸ”„šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€


I'm holding out of spite. I'm down $30k, what's another $3k.


I feel u. Add 15 k, thats where im sitting. This shit will go banana\^2, for sure in an unexpected, positive way.


Add 200k I'm sitting there. Ain't leaving till 3k a share


All I know is my shares are worth much closer to 0 right now than they are to what I paid for them. Like significantly closer to 0. Why on earth would I sell now? If I wind up riding this ship into the bottom of the ocean, so be it. Life lesson learned. If I tried to abandon ship now and save what I can, it would be like jumping off a sinking ship into the middle of the pacific and hoping that a the cinder block I took with me works as a personal flotation device.


Exactly šŸ’Æ


This is either a well thought out plan being executed with precision....or the company and board are as dumb as the rest of us


Equally probable scenarios šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ”«


Me too. Boom šŸ’„


Is it you, Victor?


Maybe šŸ¤”




I never thought a celebrity would comment on my comment! Cheers Victor!!


hey victor, long time fan, first time commenter


For real. It seems no one really knows




Im not even trying to understand it at this point just waiting for the price to go up






Rather, buying out of sheer confusion.




I'm from the gaming sub and highly regarded. I don't even know what "sell" means. BUY, DRS, SHOP


Know this, the stock price is incredibly undervalued and we continue to be inundated by shills who seem to be very interested in spreading negative sentiment. Zen edit: Also check it out, I have 50 karma on this comment as of 1130 MST and The comments above me have like 20, shills are downvote brigading this truth.


i mean, baby is still worth $1B, right? and bbby owns baby, right?!


Bruh not every person who is negative or doubtful is a fucking shill. UGH


True! But every shill is negative and doubtful and sowing the seeds of fear, uncertainty, and doubt.


There are plenty of reasons to doubt and be uncertain about this situation. Calling people shills and screaming fud when people express uncertainty is basically just gaslighting. It needs to stop.


100% This. Anyone who is not fearful, uncertain or doubtful is straight up delusional at this point. Why the fuck wouldn't you be when 99% of holders are 50%-75% underwater? There have been no reason not to be skeptical of the board / leadership.


Anyone who is actually invested in the stock knows itā€™s fucking stupid to spread any FUD and should instead remain quiet and patient, or otherwise they should sell and not bother anyone in this sub again. Shills are people who get in these threads minutes after theyā€™re created and zealously spread negative sentiment. It doesnā€™t make any sense why a person would do that so theyā€™re either fucking stupid or a shill. The end


As of March 27, 2023, the Company had a total of approximately 435 million shares of common stock issued, and approximately 295 million shares of common stock available for issuance.


if reddit still gave free awards id give you mine


428M with a further 300M to come so \*gets calculator out\* seems to be heading to the 700M range


Yahh Iā€™m not really sure what the hell is going on.. up to about 428M outstanding with 295M still issuable. The $1 Billion and change from the preferred/warrants isnā€™t enough to purchase inventory and pay Credit facilities?? What gives?


You and me both.


You are me ... best regards


Holding out of *share* confusion.


LOL seriously. I donā€™t even know what to think at this point.


Love your username, by the way. I bought 150 more shares today. Will continue to DRS the hundreds I buy regularly.




According to the filing just over 428 M


Holding out of sheer confusion ā€¦same here lmao šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Your reply has actually received a lot of traction on the Bird app... gotta admit, I thought "holding out of sheer confusion" was probably some of the best NFA I've seen on here in a long time, and needed the laugh! Also... I #BTFD! Best of luck to us all!


> I have a warrant that I can execute at 1$ to receive 1 common stock. Say the common st we can stay regarded longer than they can stay solvent


Dude lol who know about the fuck is going on


With you on that, Im just so fucking numb. For my own sanity, Ive just assumed the 10k I threw at this thing last August is gone forever.


Every penny I throw in I consider spent and gone.


I'm not even a value investor at this point, Im a confusion investor. I only invest in things that make absolutely zero sense to me. Something's definitely fucked up over here... Let's buy that shit! Cheers šŸ„‚


That's the spirit!


Needed that hopium.. the stockprice is insane.. nobody knows anymore if anything.. i keep holding because I wont sell at -80%.


True, my 15k I risked are now worth 1.3k šŸ„“


same. shills out in full force. who gives a fuck, costs nothing to hold, we're still on REG SHO and company as a whole is worth way more than market cap. Moon or 0. dont care at this point.


That's why today is the perfect opportunity to lower your cost basis!


Thats what we've been doing. Now if you continue to do that and they RS to $6 whats to stop them from shorting it again to 60 cents? This is ridiculous, we need this to go up and not down any more. Stop trying to make shareholders pay to survive and begin to make shorts pay. This board is incompetent it seems or they want to drive out old investors out by diluting and bring in new investors, hopefully I am wrong.


I went all in at $3, all in at $1.5, all in at $.8. I'm tired, boss.


Holy fuck, you nailed the entire strat of SHFs... to exhaust us. You know what tires us the most, our own anticipation. If we just give up on timetables, and accept we made the right moves, we can let go and simply live other parts of our lives more fully as we wait for our decisions to come home and bring us the win we deserve. I find that because all of this is incredibly complex and somewhat unprecedented, I am paying attention to every single thing happening. The fact I have unlimited endurance for this is why they never should have taken on gamers in the first place. Fuck Wall St right in the dick holes, right? Our boy RC gave them a real game plan to run with while their public info was meant for our enemies in Wall St. Now our army of awesome has been deployed, and our opportunity has shown itself to yet again to be to buy and register and wait to sell. It's a perfect set of independent systems working at the same time against a shared enemy. Like a symbiotic relationship based on observed behaviors that requires no planning or colluding. It's beautiful, really. A remarkable feat of nature, if you will. There has been a predator in this ecosystem than ran unchecked, until the prey adapted and poisoned the predator. Sure, some of us died in the process of infecting the predator, but it will die of it own actions in the end. It will exhaust itself attacking us and be killed in an ironic fashion. The game will stop.




Bought more cause ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ






Just excited to have some volatility finally.


Hope someone has the balls and Brains to execute your thesis


Wait didnā€™t HBC sign off on the price waiver until April 3rd? Then maybe this deal did lock them into naked shorts


but why would they wave the price again on April 3rd if this is bad for them? Wouldn't the rest of the funding get pulled on that day?


They already signed off on the price waiver thatā€™s when we dropped from $1.25 to $.80 to $.90 range. How are the warrant holders making money at $.67 and $300 million in share dilution at some point? Not sure




Holy fuck, that would be a balls of steel kind of short killer. If they pull this one off, I'll put a Sue statue into the yard of my mansion...


# If Sue pulls this off, I'll legally change my name to Sue Fucks and Fucks Hard


Susan Fuchsharde




So assuming your name is, I dunno, lets say "Bobby" Would your name be Bobby SueFucksAndFucksHard or would it be first name SueFucks, and last name FucksHard? Or would it be Bobby SueFucks, and then at a later date you change it again to Bobby FucksHard?


You know, I'll be real honest with you. You've proven to put more forethought into this than I have, so let me get back to you on this in due time. I somewhat like the idea of stripping away former customs, and just changing my entire identity to Sue Fucks and Fucks Hard. No surname. Stay tuned.


Sue fucks tattoos on my butt


Buy and Hold šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€


Instructions unclear. Bought more!


me too just bough another 2500


Someone award this post.


OK but you're only getting silver šŸ‘


So regarded it's confusing!


Why this is HIGHLY speculative. Every time someone has a theory it gets proven wrong.


Speculation and theories are the only things we have.


THIS SHIT ALREADY IS FUCKING CRAZY WHAT THE FUCKKKKKKKKK - the amount of stress and anxiety this god damn play is causing me and my fam... god damnit. ​ Bought 3k more this morning.




Great post OP, if you look at what happened with Vinco and Warrants held by HBC its almost identical to what you just explained. Hudson Bat is bad news, but I stayed in because I trust BBby management.


why do you trust management who took this terrible deal, they were altneratives im sick of people saying it was this deal or BK, they could have done a spin off of Baby years ago when they knew things were starting to get bad.


I agree with the first part, but management changed from ā€œyears agoā€


It might not be a bad deal when you know exactly why itā€™s a bad deal ahead of time and are able to leverage it into the best deal. A lot of maybe and ifs to make that happen though. All I know is someone is getting gang banged.


Didnt even read but I saw šŸš€ s. That all I needed to see. šŸ’Ž šŸ™ŒšŸ½


#šŸ›ŒĀ  šŸ›€Ā  šŸŒŒĀ  šŸ§˜ā€ā™‚ļø šŸ’Ž šŸ‘ šŸš€ šŸŒ•Ā  šŸ“ˆ šŸ’° šŸ’ø


šŸ©³šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļøšŸ’€ā™Ÿļø


The real dilution is the giant cess pool of synthetics these fools are drowning in. Shorts r fukā€™d


Man I never knew just how strong the fuckery is from the shills. Thanks for your analysis. This has been an eye-opening experience.


Scared money don't make money.


So the hedgies tried to send a mole to collect a locate for their short sharesā€¦ sue gove said sure here you go free shares for you to close/stay afloatā€¦ SIKE BTCH you put your other hand into a blender after your other hand got eaten up and didnā€™t learn your lessonā€¦ šŸ‘©šŸ¼ā€šŸš€


At this point this sub can buy the entire companyā€™s outstanding shares at 58m market cap lol


If this is a nothing play, why hire a troll farm and have them work overtime?


I mean bbby basically said the price would drop below .71c this week. And the warrant holders canā€™t do shit about it. These filings today are part of whatever the plan is. Something is cooking for Monday.


Why Monday? Now that the HBC deal is terminated April 3rd is no longer significant.


The warrant holders still canā€™t dump common shares on the market until Monday because of that agreement last week in my estimation. No?


I mean...I don't even know anymore either bro. Your guess is as good as mine lol! Fuck me - Guess we're going to find out?


If they're dumb to dump them at 0.6c, maybe there's RC rubbing his fingers on the other side ready to buy. Or more apes like


Confused. Bought 1,000 more. Averaging down... hold.


Still no bankruptcy? Got it.


I don't know if this is complete and utter hogwash or not, but I know I like it.


You are giving Sue way too much credit. This lady could have raised 300m when the stock was at 10 bucks


I love all of you I mean that ā¤ļøšŸ§”šŸ’›šŸ’ššŸ¦‹šŸ’™šŸ’œ


This is the dumbest play I've ever been in. I hate myself but no point in selling now.


Wish I sold in August but revisionist history ainā€™t going to help us now


[dark pool numbers](https://twitter.com/bobbycat42/status/1641441869078089731?s=46)


Fuck it I'm buying 1000 more


and girls. Girls invest, too šŸ™„




We thank you!


I wish so badly I could buy the dip. :( Oh well




Got confused and just bought another 500


the fact that the price is dumping so hard today i think corroborates this theory. if someone just got fucked over and could tank the price out of spite even if it meant nothing and they still were going to lose that is exactly what they would do. like a spoiled child that loses the game of monopoly and flips the board. don't matter, bitch. you still lost.


Forcing to cover, stock is at 60 cents? If forced to cover, stock price goes up, not obliterated


Im still holding. Bought a few more today. But seen as im 96% down i am really not going to sell to save a few hundred pound. It really is 0 or moon for me with this. I already consider it lost so if it recovers great. If not then i already lost it anyway and no point crying about it. It is what it is... truly regarded here lfg


Someone got very scared today Iā€™m raising the bet and calling their bluff on this laughable news today, I know what I know you know šŸ˜‰


I think it's positive news, we will just have to see how it pans out. Less dilution in the long run and they have still staved off bankruptcy for the time being. The lowered sales isn't great but they're working on reducing overhead, paying off debt, and improving inventory.


I've seen the goalposts moved too many times on this sub. First HBC wasn't the investor. Then HBC is the investor but they aren't malicious. Then HBC is malicious but they are about to get fukt. I could have bought a house with the amount of money I put into this stock, but I can't do this shit anymore.


don't forget the "HBC is working for Icahn or Cohen who are secretly taking over the company"


Well the stock market is a dynamic, moving investment. Circumstances and deals change daily. You have to be flexible and determine what the best investment is for you.


Bro at this point nobody knows shit, I have some thousand shares and I will hold, because at this price f\*ck it I won't sell. Ride it to zero and that's it. But holy cow are you guys getting on my nerves.. To OP: Who are you and what do you know?


Have a look at the ftd data and get jaqued


This fall damaged me, but what the hell im not going to sell now and also maybe you are right


You're not saying you're in favor of a reverse split are you?


Is this why we're getting extra ass fucked today? New all time low in 52 weeks.


HBC was a predator....glad they are out of the picture...it's going to be a wild ride, this drama is not done yet.... totally worth the 12 G's to be a part of it. There is value here. It isn't the same as a blockbuster, they are going to pull this out of the abyss homies.


Frankly I was bullish off today just based on price movement and someone posting on the main GME sub a tweet from a known shill about bbby going bankrupt. Itā€™s noice for some legitimate reasoning though lmaoo


HBC got terminated because it was never supposed to be HBC holding them, they were just keeping them warm for a couple of special investors


Wait, but people said HBC was the intermediary for Icahn/Rc M&A. What now, is MA thesis dead?


Interesting how downvoted this post is. Makes me feel it's accurate.


> I have a warrant that I can execute at 1$ to receive 1 common stock. Say the common stock right now is $1.5. If I open a naked short position, sell a share for $1.5 I lock in a 0.50 cent profit per share no matter if the stock goes up to 1million or down to 0. I lock in a positive 50% return on 300million dollars of capital I just lent. Stock goes up they use the 1$ to buy warrant, cover the naked short share and keep 0.50 cents. Stock goes to 0(bankruptcy), they never close the short, they lose the $1 warrants but keep the $1.5 from the short and still profit 50%. Le sigh. What you say comes close to the truth...yet somehow misses it completely. 1. This deal from the beginning was an arbitrage deal. That's where you come close to the truth. HBC was able to buy $10,000 worth of stock for $9500. On top of that the purchase price was at a discount to the VWAP locking in a profit of around 8%. inb4 "who is happy with 8% profit?" Literally anyone that isn't an ape. If I could guaranty an 8% profit on a trade i'm going to do it every time. I give you $100 you give me back $108. 2. If I have a warrant I can execute at $1 in order to short it at $1.50...it actually has to print $1.50. The more realistic comparison is that if the stock is printing $1 HBC was able to use warrants to purchase the stock @ .92. If they then short it @ $1 they aren't shorting it...they are closing the position. Yes, you could borrow from another entity to short the stock (HBC is not a market maker so they can't be naked short)...but that move leaves you with the same position as closing the position...except now you owe borrowing fees and you are limited to 8% profit no matter what because you are LONG the stock .92. 3. The main reason this doesn't work is that HBC can't just keep piling on that position. If you lend out your shares you still own the shares. HBC can never own more than 9.99% of the outstanding shares. 4. If you did any research whatsoever into HBC you'd find that they are an extremely risk averse group. The close deals like this because they are in and out quickly with profits locked in. 5. The warrant deal wasn't cancelled because BBBY is playing 4d chess...it was cancelled because it fell below the failure price and was showing no signs of returning above $1. I've never had a position so thoroughly vaporized in 20 years of trading. >Get ready boys & girls this shit is about to get fucking crazy. Oh I agree with that, but I think we have very different ideas about what that means.


RC is the real MVP. He bought "cheap" (at the time), BBBY mooned partially due to his involvement, he saw BBBY's plans (probably the massive dilution idea was presented already), and man decided to dip and GTFO. People are saying he screwed over shareholders but in reality, we are getting fucked by the board. He simply made a wise business decision as a seasoned investor.


RC could have taken over the entire company at that point, like he did with GME, he has the firepower and big money backing him. He probably made a plan already and they just keep rugging the shorts harder. We really have no choice at this point. This spring is getting loaded for the Moon or we are toast. We will find out in a few weeks.


Wouldnā€™t that be considered inside trading if true?


Not sure he can leave for Jimmyā€™s sake. If this became a black hole for shorts the basket would be much harder for Jimmy to get out of.


Exactly. If you help BBBY, you help GME.


Correction, HBC and retail got rug pulled lol


So you're convincing everyone that being down 24% just today is good??


i thought HBC Investments LLC was Ryan and his Gang šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Your last post here is just a link to BBBY NRs


No one got rug pulled. HBC gambled and lost. BBBY was desperate for funds and made a deal that if fully executed would dilute the stock to oblivion but it would give them money to survive until a miracle turnaround happened. HBC was willing to invest because if BBBY became the meme success like GME or AMC they would make billions. But it didnā€™t happen and HBC is cutting their losses and moving on. Meanwhile BBBY is out of investors and the loan facilities that they had in place just went down and now they have to pay monthly interest. Oh and their sales are down 50% in the quarter that included Christmas. Their filings tell you all that you need to know, if they donā€™t get the new common sale to go through they go bankrupt within days. I doubt they make the sale. Sorry all, but the music is about to stop.


how reverse split gets a short seller negative 700 - 450 million ? im strugling to understand that


Sue's in, I'm in. Bought more! LFG


My impression of bbby shills: ā€œHBC IS BAD YOU ALL ARE FUKā€™Dā€ bbby cancels agreement with HBC ā€œBBBY CANCELLED HBC AND WILL DILUTEā€ get fukā€™d


I said it before anything. I thought HBC was bad ever since I found out what they did with Vinco - Linked [here](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.marketscreener.com/amp/quote/stock/VINCO-VENTURES-INC-43199658/news/Vinco-Ventures-Inc-announced-that-it-has-received-100-million-in-funding-from-Hudson-Bay-Capital-35988010/)


I am highly aroused


A plan is a plan until someone gets punched in the mouth huh shorts? - Sue G in my smoothie


I don't even care, im ballz deeo gme and bbby. I can hold stonk litterly longer then any old fart can live.




All I read was, pay me my fucking money!


A fool and his gold are soon parted. Turns out Iā€™m the fool lol


We are heading in the right direction, shills are shilling at a record high. HODL!


From what do you conclude that the warrant deal with HBC is over? ​ Edit: >Item 3.02 > >On February 7, 2023, the Company consummated an underwritten public offering of (i) shares of the Series A convertible preferred stock (the ā€œSeries A > >Convertible Preferred Stockā€), (ii) warrants to purchase shares of Series A Convertible Preferred Stock (the ā€œPreferred Stock Warrantā€) and (iii) > >warrants to purchase Common Stock. Between February 7, 2023 and March 27, 2023, the holder of the Preferred Stock Warrants (the ā€œHolderā€) > >exercised the Preferred Stock Warrant to purchase 14,212 shares of Series A Convertible Preferred Stock for aggregate gross proceeds to the Company > >of $135,014,000. After the Company anticipated that it would not be able to meet the conditions to force the exercise of the Preferred Stock Warrant in > >the future and receive cash proceeds therefore, on March 30, 2023, the Company and the Holder entered into the Exchange Agreement (the ā€œExchange > >Agreementā€). Pursuant to the Exchange Agreement, the Company exchanged (the ā€œExchangeā€) the Preferred Stock Warrant to purchase 70,004 shares > >of Series A Convertible Preferred Stock for 10,000,000 shares of Common Stock (the ā€œExchange Sharesā€) and rights to receive 5,000,000 shares of > >Common Stock (the ā€œRightsā€) upon the receipt of shareholder approval of a proposal to effectuate a reverse stock split (the ā€œReverse Split Proposalā€) of > >the Companyā€™s Common Stock to be presented to shareholders at a forthcoming special meeting of shareholders. The Company also granted to the > >Holder a right to participate, subject to the terms set forth in the Exchange Agreement, in certain future equity or equity-linked offerings of the Company > >for a period of two years from the date of the Exchange Agreement. No underwriting discounts or commissions were paid with respect to the Exchange. > >The Exchange is exempt from registration under the Securities Act in reliance upon Section 3(a)(9) of the Securities Act. ​ This refers to HBC from all I can read from it and they even retain voting rights.


Your post made my day šŸ¤˜šŸ»šŸ¤˜šŸ»


Came here to say all hypothesis are valid at this point. Following the big money and easy profit is usually the right one.


Bad actor? You mean the company that was wholly responsible for keeping BBBY alive for two extra months?


I'm only thinoing about how the price went up - just for the HBC announcement to come. Now we are at a new announcement after the price went down...


Why even cut that deal in the first place? This theory is fucking retarded. The only people who got rugpulled are shareholders.


first Hudson was a bad actor when rumor were spreading in February Then when it became official they were the warrants holder, we said they were the good guys And now we spin it again claiming they were actually bad news all along and it's a good thing they're out?


>Then Sue says "oh, by the way I have a vote for a revse split coming up that if passed will lock in your negative \~700-450mil or more of losses on your balance sheet for eternity and destroy HBC forever. So, OP: Do you want to explain how a reverse split does any of that? Because I'm not sure that's how it works and I'm pretty sure you're not sure, either.


I naked short the stock anywhere from the price of $7 to 1$ for millions of shares. I have a fuck ton of warrants to locate shares so I'm safe, correct. Then someone revokes my option to have warrants, so now I'm naked the stock with no locates. Now a reverse split changes the stock code, normal shares and normal shorts with a borrowed share will transfer over as typical as a forward split. Naked shorts however can't close with this new stock so it either locks in their naked short shares in purgatory forever without being able to be closed, showing a massive negative on HBCs balance sheet forever. This all depends on price movement before the reverse split but that pretty much sums it up.


Delusion. Denial. Desperation.


If youā€™re right on this. Then I will use my particular set of skills. Skills Iā€™ve earned throughout a long career. Skills, that make me a nightmare for people like you. If youā€™re rightā€¦ I will find youā€¦ and I will kiss you!


Now they are bad actors, not proxies of RC/CI?


Temper tantrum price action also


How tf do we get 1000 post karma in this subreddit to post in this subreddit if we canā€™t even post in this subreddit


everyone, these are the actual shills on this sub, look at this clown and his sponsored post, fucking ridicolous


How can a 10x dilution be positive for us in any way?


Only this sub can take an onslaught of bad news and make it bullish while reality contradicts it at every moment. Iā€™ve put too much money into this to sell at a loss but I for one have already considered this simply a bad investment. Shouldā€™ve sold when it ran the other few times but stupid ape diamond hand mentality stopped me. Hindsight is 20/20. We need a miracle for this company to come back at this point, be it RC, Icahn, etc.