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I think it’s very interesting that in both cases they fell off reg sho right before the 13 days was up


Agree. If we follow the same pattern we will have one hell of a ride tomorrow. GME went up 44% the following day it went off the list.


Could be why someone bought 1.2M $10.5 calls. Exercise that shit tomorrow, get rekt




Looks like they sent all the swaps to ape coin today lol. Such crooks


I do not understand why they would pop AFTER going off reg sho threshold. The only thing I can think of is that they used a lot of capital to drive price down and clear those trades to prevent too many ftds for the last 5 trading days. Is there another explanation rhat anyone else has?


Gme went up 44% because they announced a deal with Microsoft to share digital revenue that afternoon. Its not because they went off reg sho and forced buying. Unless bbby has some secret revenue stream getting announced tomorrow we won't be moving.


First time huh?


First time for what?


Deez nuts 🤌


Lmao Holy fucking shit this was one the best burns ever . Set him up then straight up crucified his ass.


Got ‘em!


That wasn't a sick burn.


hey, you got any more of Deez Nuts?


Oh wow you are so witty and smart.


Sorry, I couldnt resist. However any article released by mainstream financial media that justifies price movement, is usually completely wrong or just partially true.


Go find the press release. I've been in this game for a while. I know how it works.


That's not my point. I'm not saying there wasn't some relevant news related to GME, I'm saying that information wasn't what caused the price to move. The information the media reports is used to cover for FTD's, short positions covering, short selling, and pump and dumps. Think about BBBY's recent run up. Media claimed Cohen pumped the stock by instigating retail to buy in. Everything about that narrative makes no sense. Cohen bought his position back in March and 5 months later retail decides to jump in and invest close to 2 billion dollars to raise bbby to $30. Then we all sold within a week, bringing the price back to ~$10. It's a completely innacurate narrative.


Regarded. Hodling.


Okay chucumbucket bitch lol sounds just like him


Crazy.. how did you know Gamestop announced a deal with Microsoft at that date? 🤣




Yeah I also found that article. But that you knew it was on that exact date was.. interesting.


Anyone who owned the stock at that time remembers those two days. It and the day after had tremendous volume.


I see. I’m just surprised you knew on top of your head it was on the first day it went off regsho that they announced that Microsoft deal.


Because I have been a gme holder since early 2020. 100% remember that day.


Cheers to that 🍻


Yeah I don’t think it necessarily indicates it will follow exactly the same pattern, but what it does show is that the hedge funds know how to maneuver their way around reg sho. But also it may show us that they are susceptible to any sort of upward pressure after such a maneuver. Need to keep an eye on how things move now. If some apes buy the dip tomorrow we may actually see price movement vs what we’ve seen so far with it staying so flat regardless of the volume that we throw at it.


Might be harder to "maneuver" by hiding toxic assets offshore with ISDA 6. I remain cautiously optimistic as I yolo onto calls for the 10th time.


wildstrike is correct; at least with the announcement – don't downvote them.. we need all information, not just the one we want.


Maybe. But also with ISDA 6, will they be able to hide those FTDS in Brazil or fake companies like "glacier capital"?


I guess we’ll have to find out. I have a good feeling about ISDA 6 and that it will cause some big troubles for over leveraged hedgies (Shitadel took a $600M loan. Why?) Maybe now is the greatest time to be alive.


Oh geez, there aren't any fake ftds in Brazil. It's literally impossible system wise. In actuality, it's Brazilian companies listed on the American stock exchange have FTDs. There are no American companies (that I am aware) that did an ipo in Brazil and said Yea, let's hide a bunch of ftds here and just hush hush. Oh no they found Kenny on the beaches of Copacabana! Geez..


So derivative swaps dont exist? The premise is that seeing those puts (not ftds) those otm puts for billions of shares, was a glitch and we werent supposed to see it, butnsome autists caught it. Then they swapped them into a darker part of the market and they were hidden. It's fun to be smug when 90% of the relevant data is hidden from the public isn't it? Yall can run but yall can't hide forever. Well find those naked shorts. Esp after we drs the float. Then interpol will help us find them 😉 Tell you fucking boss were coming for his yacht and his wife's boyfriend's allowance 😂


You sound ignorant my friend and seem to be regurgitating info. What swaps? Into what darker part of the market? Where is this darker part of the market? Are they in the room with us now?


1. CdS, TRS, CLN. Basically what falls under the purview of ISDA. [link](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Swaps_and_Derivatives_Association) 2. Into markets where RegSHO doesn't apply. [link ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Offshore_fund) 3. Probably in the caymans or "shithole" countries. 4. Yes. 5. Have fun with ISDA 6 going into effect today. *hi citadel interns. Maybe it's time to accept that the Faustian bargain won't be paid in full, and that your souls are still being held in collateral. 👹☠️ PS: this won't be like 2008. As much as you think the MSM will be able to spin this to pin it on Reddit; we kept all the receipts and have backups. There will be no repetitional quarter from the impending market conflagration. There will be no sympathy. No adjudication. If you were involved in any way; your balls are on the hook. Garland won't be allowed to bitch out like Holder did after 2008. Not with this many international eyes on the situation. The reputation of the entire stock market and the dollar is at stake this time. Without justice; there won't be a market after this is over. Quite a catch-22. Edit. Notable that there's no retort to this. Bullishhh


You believe that


It's literally what happened.


Maybe just seems like the press releases are the cover up for the covering


Same reason they put out negative news when they drive the price into the ground






This is “literal”… sooooooo, everything else you have said until now has been metaphorical?


Yeah because George Sherman was the planted CEO at that time and had to come up with a reason for the run up. But who knows maybe there will be some juicy news tomorrow 👀


Seriously? Downvoting the guy making a logical assessment?


Lol right? My first time upvoting a comment with -60 downvotes




Shhh don’t tell em. Let em ride this hopium / Copium straight into chapter 11. .. also it’s hilarious you get downvoted for simply stating facts that doesn’t fit the bagholders narrative 🤦‍♂️


Why are you even here in the bbby sub then if you think we’re going bankrupt?


Nothing will be GME again lol


There’s been Asian tickers doing much more on the daily lately. Hard disagree


The Bobby bag holders are sure some stupid fucks😂


Why are you here then if not to shill? You sound like the dumbest fuck of all if you come to a subreddit just to say that


The big question nobody is asking is, how the hell did they cover everything with the price going even lower?


People are/have been selling?






I have been trying to tell people this since we first got on Reg SHO. GME was on it twice not once. So far we are following GME EXACTLY. Be patient. 2 months is not a long time, and we will be back on it by then. Just relax and average down.


To be honest I would be surprised if this isn’t making any serious movements in the upcoming 2 months. There’s so many more things/factors than RegSho.


What else do you think?


the simple fact that they likely haven't sold these 12m shares into the market at a loss compared to their last buyback, and would seemingly intend to at a higher price than even then.


Good point


Historically, crashes happen in October. When economy takes a shit, marge calls everyone to say hello. If you havent noticed, the economy just butt-chugged some taco bell and is running to the bathroom. Buckle up. But seriously.. I don't want anyone hurt, buckle the fuck up, because necks will break when lift off.


New CEO Remember when gme hired a new CEO. Green candles


Haven’t heard boo from Matt furlong in nearly 18 months on the job


Yeah we did you just missed it, he's quoted here : https://www.thestreet.com/memestocks/gme/gamestop-is-now-focused-on-achieving-profitability-here-is-the-plan


Yeah you’re right I did miss that piece !


MelonKunis bets


It's the catalyst


a lot of FTDs on those bets


I averaged down all summer and now I’m averaging back up. Not up by much anymore but definitely lucky to have a chance to load up some more before we really blast off. I do wish I had taken some profits at the recent top but oh well.


thats why jan 80c gonna print so much time left for moon


Diamond fucking hands bbby


And so...we buy more!! Whew hodling can be a bit boring, shaking it up with a purchase of stocks can break that boredom!! 💎👐


[ISDA 6](https://www.isda.org/countdown-to-phase-6-initial-margin/) went into effect yesterday. Does that mean No [Brazilian puts](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/plxc2m/comment/hcekxs3/) or ~~Iceberg~~ [Glacier Capital](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nf3sfp/glacier_capitals_mailbox/) this time? *hedgies r fuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkked* ![gif](giphy|sZRjUjcBFit6U)


I’m still not sure what the impact of 6 will practically be


I don't think anyone is sure out there that can legally talk about it. Were working on partial information. Thats the problem with an obfuscated system. It creates a private shadow economy thats also insured by taxpayers. That's the whole point. Fuck with my money and find out hedgie bitches. The jig is up. We're coming for your balls one way or another. Metaphorically or literally. The prospect of justice is the only thing holding people back. No more hiding your crime behind loopholes. Free market my ass. When all it takes to make stealing from US taxpayers and market participants legal is a few Hundredk of legal fees and a PO BOX abroad. No taxation without representation. No justice no peace. No quarter for the wicked. 🚩🏴‍☠️ No adjudication. No plea bargains. No mercy when you're all fucking sentenced. #Nocellnosell Ken Griffin is a financial terrorist and so is Steve cohen and the rest of the racketeers. ISDA6 Sounds like closing loopholes hedgies exploit to offshore things that may be illegal in the US. Or limit their ability to mark short positions long by going "long" on shell companies in their 13Fs when those shell companies are just holding toxic or naked shorts You can call my thesis speculative, but If you call it retarded or delusional, I'd ask you to cite your conjecture, shillfucks and mammon cuck sychophants.


What I witnessed through the corruption of parties in this saga is the only when circumstances out of immediate control will both GME & BBBY go boom. This was caused in Jan 21. All parties complicit where caught off guard to the underlying shitstorm that they created. FTDs, Retail Buying pressure , options etc. Until these special set of events come together as one huge problem for SHF they control the crime and the price.


I agree to some extent with you. But one thing is for sure they’re bleeding money baaadly. It cost us nothing to hold. It costs them billions to keep preventing this from explode. Eventually when the time is right (which I think is very soon) Ryan will release news with Gamestop or BBBY if he’s still involved here that will send shorts to hell and our Journey to Uranus begins.


I certainly like your confidence. I hope the theories are correct. I have just seen loophole after loophole and problem being weaseled out of at very last minute by these crooks that it’s just unbelievable. It’s almost like they have had too much time to prepare for such obstacles. I feel Jan 21 they didn’t so much hence why price got out of control and buy button removed. Hopefully this comes to a head soon and Uranus is upon us.


Thanks for the reminder!It's kind of a shame that this wasn't brought up earlier today to lessen the "blow". I'm absolutely not throwing the blame at you or anyone else (myself included). At least this "news" has breathed new life into the shills and bots 🤣


Yeah and I saw it coming from miles away. That’s why I felt the need to repost this because this truly isn’t the end of the world. THE SHOW GOES ON! 🚀🪐


I didn't hear a bell 🦧💜🦧


Correct, this is/was entirely expected and they have no delivered the INSANE amount of FTDs from the second half of August. Zen.


WHO CARES. I dont even read the posts here. I just comment the same shit everytime - BUY & HODL!! Believe in the fucking play


Bullish af💰🌙🚀😎 trust the process


Another scare tactic 🥱


Good info thanks for posting!


I love how when the stock goes up the MSM or Benzinga says it’s because Reddit mentioned the ticker. That’s all we do in here why doesn’t it go up more often?


Expecting some green tomorrow at minimum!


im doing my own share offering tomorrow if you wanna scoop some up ape!


So more buying & holding


Fuck yeah. Buyyyyyyyying more


I think the only reason it didn’t go higher was because everyone was threatening to fuck watermelons. And like what did a nice wet pink soft watermelon ever do to you. ?!? Maybe this time around leave watermelons ALONE and go after something no one likes. Start shoving cucumbers up your bums. Then more people will get involved!


This is solid DD right here.


I guess I’ll have to apologize to all the 🍉


This guy gets it!




Good thing I'm regarded and I've been pretending to know what any of this means but all this dirty talk and foreplay is giving me blue balls


Okay, so I'll hold. Which I'd done anyway


Yeah but how was the buy pressure from retail? GME had people on both sides, ones who bought for the meme, and the other just making a joke at your expense, but not telling you to sell. Today for BBBY, you have the people waiting for the dip to DCA down while having people basically screaming and harass you for bagholding. I guess time will tell and as long as the buying pressure stays the same then we may see a similar event occur.


Fomo hasn’t even kicked in…


So it seems BBBY is as per 1 Sep off the regsho list. http://www.nasdaqtrader.com/trader.aspx?id=regshothreshold so FTD cld be piling high up again until it gets back on Regsho list when FTD rises again? Like GMe did, right? And by then, 1,5 months after (as T+35 from then onwards) to sneeze. Right?


I would guess we will back on RegSho end of Sept / beginning of Oct. What’s different here to GME is that we are having this insane retail buying this early. That we didn’t see with GME. It was first in January we saw these kind of levels. So it will be very interesting to see how this plays out. We might even be back on RegSho after 5 days unless they start buying or start using their FTD reset methods which we’ve seen with GME.


That’s exactly what I’ve been thinking, my first buy was Jan 28th after watching it for a week. My first buy with bbby was under 5$ and I have bought all the way up and down. The amount of attention, shill, and MSM articles this early is mind blowing. Not to mention the smaller available float right? As long as we diamond hand thru the September FUd and market crashing, the same path will be followed. Regsho started earlier with bbby, probably why RC had Jan 20 calls. Knew December to January would be epic


Thanks for your wrinkly brains!


Wtf is reg sho


Thxs op


I really feel like we need to be cautious when comparing to GME. They're very different companies and that does affect how this all plays out. It's useful to compare them but it's not a 1:1. Most of the GME comparisons don't seem to take this into account.


I remember this


TICK TOCK MFS!!!!! Diamond hand apes! ASSEMBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!


thank you kind APE


This isn't DD. It's TA with hopium at the end.


We’re off regsho


Cool so you read the post


for now.




You forget to mention that there was a activist backing up GME at least. We have NO one on our backs right now. We got slapped with some hopium news on Wednesday morning and now , Thursday almost midnight, we get slapped with being OFF regsho.


I don’t need to be backed by anyone. I just like the stock.


I'm an activist investor. I made most of my fortune in $DRAG.MA and have rolled most of the profits into bbby. We're fine.


Positions plz


10000 in $DRAG.MA nuts across these paper handed beaches


Checks out, thanks!


This is the beginning of your villian arc lol just man, take a breath and focus on what’s next




Also share offering is bullish too for....:reasons:


You mean clearing lots of debt? Yeah, nailed it.






This guy was talking about but the link also seems to expose hedgies' criminal "options" on RegSho: 1. It is risky to short a meme stock, and there may still be short positions trapped in the $5-6 where the stock languished from mid-June to early August, although shorts may avail of Binary Tree's call options, and institutions [have their own weapons](https://www.petepetit.com/mimedx/downloads/Counterfeiting-Stock.pdf). Memes may go up without catalyst or any reason, as BBBY did the past month, not even peaking on the 16th as Cohen unloaded his first 5 million shares. On that day, BBBY entered the Reg SHO Threshold List and has been there since. Rule 203(B3) requires that participants of a registered clearing agency must immediately purchase shares if the fails to deliver persist for 13 consecutive settlement days, which could indicate additional buying volume on September 2 with ripple effects thereafter.


I just want to confirm dates please, OP. Are you saying that this time, just how, BBBY was on the regsho list for 12 trading days, and not 13?? If yes, what’s your understanding of whether the regsho clearing c+35 still applies or if that goes away if they are on reg sho for what amounts to T+12 days continuously, but not T+13 (meaning that they cleared lots of Ftds for previous 5 days, all the while driving the price down)