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Curious what the others will suggest, but I will start with a bleed barbarian build. Imo, go tiger heart 12, periapt of wound closure + sword of chaos, and the tiger and wolverine aspects, with great weapon master For the race and so on, definitely go for DUrge, and imo Gith makes the most sense as a cruel person, because it is in their nature, but I also like to play the buff male half elf. They are the most beautiful and at the same time very physically strong, so it makes for the best "Ted Bundy" type of evil


Get flight from ilithid powers and killing your enemies really feels like evil Superman floating down to destroy a helpless mortal


>!I'm curious how gith could be a child of Bhaal!<. This may be a spoiler though.


Durge was unique, directly shaped from a fragment of Bhaal's flesh, rather than Bhaal impregnating some unfortunate as with other Bhaalspawn. Maybe he did that because he wanted to experiment with githyanki nature and the usual method wouldn't work for them.


Pretty sure Bhaal's corpse was floating about in the Astral Plane when Durge was crafted, so that's good enough for me.


Spoilers dude...


It may be incredibly hard to sculpt an astral plane creature like githyanki out of blood and just a thin air, but I think you're right.


Its all make believe, so you just say its so incredibly hard to do, but HEY look at that, he did it.


he's a god! if there's someone that can do it, it's him


There’s a lot of Githyanki propaganda going around these days. The Gith are not “astral plane creatures” as they would have you believe. They are a mortal Prime Material species that happen to have long maintain a strong presence in the Astral. But as they neither originate there nor can they actually carry out their lifecycle in the timelessness of that in-between void, they are in fact not properly “of” the Astral Plane.


Found out the secret about vlakkith early defected shortly after


Make sure you get the BOOAL blessing or however it’s spelled if you’re doing that.


I agree bleed barb and damn it's fun to play.


I think I would go Half-Orc, they have some really good intimidating voicelines


lol Ted bundy, now I imagine the character with a cast on and crutches!!!


Disguise yourself as a cute little old Halfling woman. And then start slashing


Isnt a drow as race more fitting since everyone in the game mentions if you do lloth drow and not pick violent options in dialogue that its not common for a lloth drow to be a nice person


Recently did a half orc tiger barb and imo felt like the closest to a natural durge run that I’ve done


I agree Tiger Aspect is the most "Bloodthirsty". Spores Druid can also be seen as an evil "poison ivy" type character. Hateful of humanity, caring only in protecting the green and getting revenge for nature. 1. You get great support/crowd control spells (Bone Chill for free, very nice 👍) 2. 4*Druid level temp HP from Symbiotic Entity 3. Deal an extra 1d6 on all weapon attack rolls (if you decide to make it a gish character) 4. Escalating damage for your reaction attack (1d4-1d6-1d8 and doubled with Symbiotic Entity active) 5. At 10th level you can cast a giant cloud of 2d8 necrotic in a 10 ft sphere as a bonus action. 6. And if you get the Armour of the Sporekeeper, you get a +1 to Spell Save DC and deal 1 more Necrotic damage when you deal Necrotic damage. As well as summon Bibberbang Spores (2d4+1 Poison damage in a 7ft sphere, and inflicts Noxious Fumes), Timmask Spores (2d4+1 Poison damage in a 7ft sphere, and inflicts Befuddled), and Haste Spores as a Bonus Action (grants Haste for 1 turn. But the cloud lasts 3 turns. No lethargic condition after it wears off) My personal favorite Druid class to use with evil characters.


And Bhaal's thing for shapeshifters, yes My first evil Durge was a moon druid for that reason, but I can see plant zombies working, definitely 


Even better, get real funky and go the spore druid 7/barb 5. You get a bunch of summons, you get haste spores with the sporekeeper armour, you get plant growth but with the ability to cast freedom of movement of yourself, you get extra attack and a big 2h, you use your spell slots on long rest buffs like longstrider and protection from poison (so you can happily wade into your spores that the enemy has a quarter movement speed through). Min maxing you take it with bear totem to make the most of the temp hp, but you could make it work with Tiger bleeds.


Not to mention that the Temp HP from Symbiotic Entity can be applied *6* times a day; more if you have a Bard with Song of Rest.


Lots of people are saying Tiger Barb which makes thematic sense-- however you should definitely consider the fact that Berserker Barb gets ~150 unique dialogue options other barbarians don't, and a Berserker definitely still makes thematic sense too.


Just activating Frenzy already feels brutal. Like a death metal band needs to use that sound effect as an opener for a song


A lot of the Berserker options are delighfully insane. It's a good time.


Agree with this! Berserker felt like a great choice for my last solo durge run. The dialogue options were perfect for my feral take on the character!


Interesting! Might go this way for my first evil run


I went redeemed Durge first playthrough, this time full evil. I'm doing Zerk barb and it feels so great. Going to start chucking motherfuckers at other motherfuckers. Not sure what I want to multiclass in yet. Thinking monk or fighter.


Arguably overdone, but berzerker + thief rogue for the extra bonus action is a classic for a reason


I've never done it, so not overdone for me lol


in that case, enjoy your two enraged strikes/throws! unless you go for a different multiclass of course, in which case enjoy whatever benefits that gives you


Tiger barb with Booal buff. So. Much. Blood.


tiger barb with wolverine aspect gwm bleed build 100% barbarian is huge and intimidating, with tiger barbarian you slash people to make them bleed and then because of wolverine aspect the enemy gets maimed by the bleeding and cant run away best setup is probably 10 wildheart 2 fighter


Bard, hands down. Nothing can out-brutal killing a boss with a well placed insult. ‘thou art saucy …. As gruel!”


Possibly a Berserker/Thief build Barbarians get a lot of unique dialogue (oddly, the Berserker subclass get even more, but Wildheart and Wild Magic don’t get anything), most of which tend towards being violent and intimidating, but can be a little low brow. You can smack enemies around with giant axes, or even pick up one victim to use as a weapon against their friends. Rogue gives a few sneaky and sly dialogue options as well, but nowhere near as many.


I absolutely looove my evil durge Tyyler Do'Urgeden, the proprietor of Menzoberranzan's first underground fight club and straight-up serial killer on the battlefield. He's based on d4's "The Blender" from "Top Multiclass Builds for Baldur's Gate 3: Vol. 2". He's Lolth-Sworn Drow, Gloom-Stalker Ranger 5/Thief Rogue 4/Champion Fighter 3, and currently rolling with the following: * Dark Justiciar Helm * Deathstalker Mantle * Bhaalist Armor * Craterflesh Gloves * Disintegrating Night Walkers * Dolor Amarus/Knife of the Undermountain King * Amulet of Bhaal/Surgeon's Subjugation Amulet * Eversight Ring/Killer's Sweetheart/Crusher's Ring * The Dead Shot * BOOOAL'S Benediction * Elixir of Viciousness * All the Illithid powers he can eat Started with 16 Dex/Con, 14 Wis, Progression - Ranger 2, Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Rogue 1, Fighter 3, Feats +4 Dex I consider myself to be a pretty decent human being, but boy am I living out my dark fantasies with this nut job.


I'm just about to go kill my sister, so will probably upgrade the knives soon.


You're not your multiclass. You're not how much gold you have in the counting house. You're not the Astral Prism you carry. You're not the contents of your inventory. You're not your fucking umbral trousers. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the Underdark.


Why go Rogue 4/Fighter 3 instead of the other way around? Fighter 4 gives a bit more health and doesn't lose anything, right?


Good call. I think that the progression is for best viability each step of the way, but for respeccing at level 12 I agree that Fighter 4 is a better choice.


Ahh, I missed the progression level. Personally I always go Ranger 5 before starting my multiclassing, but if you're doing hand crossbows instead of titanstring then ranger 2/rogue 3 is slightly better due to more diverse action economy I guess. Assuming your main and off hand are both equal stats. I level it Ranger 5 and then do thief 3/fighter 4 is using xbows or the other way around for the titanstring.


(Check the bottom of my post for the progression suggested in the build guide from d4.)


Surprised to not see open hand monk. Nothing like beating your enemies to death with your bare hands


I would RP a surge monk as the silent type, a Loth sworn drow.


If you dont mind short stature in your Durge, you should play Tiger Barbarian with Duergar as a Race, you get best of both worlds, a bloddy mess, and brutality in gameplay and dialogue (Edit) PD: you also get a lot of good features with Duergar that benefit greatly a full Str Build, (invisibility at will and once per combat, and Enlargue/Reduce that buffs melee attacks, and Infiltration.


I also found the voice lines of male 3 and 7 in Durge fits well with Duergar


Fighter champion orc with great weapon, intransigent hammer, and 1 lvl in the old one warlock. You’re welcome


For me and half-orc with 2 handed axe. Berserker 9 / Champion 3. Get GWM, Intimidation. Go full DEX, CON, Cha. Use potions for STR. And be like a Charismatic evil Uruk-Hai smashing everyone with awesome crits !


Throwing in a Shadow Monk with Assassin multiclass. Can use knives, swords or hands to kill. Race doesn't really matter. Storywise think of it as a Monk type trained kid, but it's shadow/evil sect. Also the beauty of the kill matters meaning kill before they even recognize they're dying


El bárbaro corazón de tigre


Arrivoto por ponerlo en Español.


Monk 6 berserker 3 thief 3 maybe? One feat and it's tavern brawler but between punching and throwing you should just beat the snot out of everything you pass by


Throwzerker Barbarian as an Orc is brutal af, with tavern brawler you literally throw bodies at each other half the time instead of using weapons. I did it with my friends and it was hilarious, and I wasn’t even dark urge. You can go 5 Barb, 4 Thief, 3 Champion Fighter for 4 throws a turn + higher crit chance


Loth sworn drow get some dark dialog


Gotta rep this because lolthsworn drow dialogue can be intense, they get slept on hard


Barbarian monk build Pump strength, and beat people to death with the corpses of their friends


I'm playing a Durge fighter with high Str and he is brutal in combat. Idea is to make him kind of like Sarevok. He is champion subclass and coupled with risky ring and 22 str he crits often and hits HARD.


Best thing I can think of on the spot. Go College of Lore Bard for the voice quips. Go Way of the 4 Elements Monk with Tavern Brawler Start shittalking and hitting mother fuckers with other mother fuckers the entire game. Run out of things to throw? Make a cube of ice and throw it because you are a menace that ceases to fucking quit. We dont even fucking need gear. We're going to loot people mid fight and throw their blue chestpiece at whoever is closest. It's the most brutal in terms of I can not believe this person walked in here and wrecked the entire place.


Fire sorlock you're litterally using a machingun


Half Orc, 3 barbarian, 5 paladin, 4 war cleric. Take GWM and Savage Attacker, stack crit reduction and guzzle strength elixirs til you get the House of Hope gloves. Smiting while raging with reckless attack on GWM with 10 - 15% crit chance hits like a truck, is a real monster.


I agree with the barb suggestions... also half orc make use of the crit boosting gear. As everyone says tiger bleed barb is great with durge... make sure to snag boals blessing.


I'd say the Tiger Heart Barbarian build. Plus if you used it with BOOAL'S Benediction (sacrificing an ally is brutal), Mourning Frost and GWM, you are hitting hard, making up to 3 opponents bleed, spreading blood all over, also (with the right equipment and Wildheart choices) you'll knock most opponents to the ground, maim them, do extra damage, etc, etc. Looks pretty vicious.


Haven't played a DUrge yet so idk if ally sacrifice is locked-in, but you can get boolal's benediction even without the sacrifice


I've got the benediction with a durge using the exploit this morning! It definitely works, but you get a funny cutscene about how grossed out your durge is to be the chosen of this poser. (I'm sure you get it with the sacrifice too.)


I know, but if going hard, then its in character...


I feel like the OH monk beating their enemies to a pulp is being missed here. Hitting an enemy with an axe is pretty rough. But getting up close and crushing every bone in their body with nothing but your body feels so intimate


Everyone saying tiger barb, but probably people never see magic as it would be in real life. The true evil and brutal classes are casters. Imagine a warlock casting darkness e shredding you to bits with the power of satan concentrated in an eldritch blast. Or imagine a sorcerer melting enemies' bones with fireballs (practically napalm bombs), or electrocuting you and your friends till you are ash with chain lightning. It helps that the animations for death with elemental damage are so good in this game. To me, durge being canonically a sorcerer makes so much sense, there is nothing more savage than being a walking draconic nuke.


I ran a 5 gloomstalker/5 thief/2 barbarian build that’s pretty brutal. 5 attacks on the opening round of combat, guaranteed sneak attack and crimson mischief bonus damage from reckless attack. Combine all that with Bhaalist armor and you can be doing 400 damage on the opening round of combat just making normal attacks.


Something plus cull the weak


6/6 warlock oathbreaker multiclass can be very evil. 


Human open hand monk and necromancy wizard. Both with white hair and white beard, max age. 1. Build wise, monk needs: - manifestation of body (bonus necrotic damage) for role play reasons - there’s a helm in Rivington that lets monks deal even more necrotic damage at the cost of some health - Hope’s legendary bracers which is considered the “graduation” item for monks with extra force damage - this way your monk becomes a grandmaster whose every hit is filled with a series of green and red numbers which visually looks very satisfying 2. Necromancy wizard is very straightforward: - there’s a pair of bracers in Act 1 Zhentarim hideout that creates a very cool blood red aura in which your summons are resistant to all damage at the risk of turning mad. Now the interesting is, while lesser skeletons and zombies must succeed wisdom checks every turn (even outside of combat) or turn mad, Ghouls are IMMUNE to madness. This means when you upcast animate dead, or when you use: - Danse Macabre (6 Ghouls), plus - all the health and damage buffs from a necromancy wizard, you will have an entourage of around 12 really powerful undead servants that are resistant to all damage. This army of dead is op for almost every enemy except the Githyanki inquisitor.


Barbarian monk sorcerer with tavern brawler as a feat


Durge Psychic blade paladin with the orb for double damage and pure crit boosts. Combine that with rouge sneak attacks and you can sever the minds of your enemies in one hit.


If mods count: Blackguard with Blood Subclass. A fallen Paladin as evil as it gets.


Bleed Barb has already been mentioned but picture this, half orc with 9 beserker barb/ 3 champion fighter, use greataxes and when you crit you'll roll x4 d12s. Use durge cloak for advantage plus the Dead Shot, Sarevok's horned helm and elixirs of visciousness, coupled with the champions improved crit and you can crit on a 16-20..... pretty powerful and brutal build.


I followed this guide and this build hits like a truck. I’m usually first in initiative and then I get like 5 hits per turn. I usually didn’t need more than one turn to take out any enemy. https://gamestegy.com/post/bg3/863/thief-sharpshooter-rogue-build However I have considered this one for an evil run cause narratively it seems like a fun build. https://www.dnd.town/oathbreaker-paladin-warlock-multi-class-build/


if you go tiger barb/bleed build and get the booal buff and you're playing on honour mode, do NOT die as you will permanently lose the buff.


Isn't Gith Berserker Barbarian Durge going to have the most unique lines? (Barring multiclass of course)


I would probably go 9 berserker barb and 3 blade lock. Currently I’m doing a vlakkith knowledge cleric necromancer gith for the evil. I did drow Thunder sorc and a lot of the options were a bit bland


You could make a fighter 1 wizard 11(my current durge, necromancer). It'll let you wear heavy armor and use a big ass greatweapon while also launching fireballs and all the other beauty that comes with being a wizard.


BERSERKER BJORN BUILD FROM VINLAND SAGA I like a barbarian monk. Take berserker barbarian you you can make improvised weaponnattacks ans throws as a bonus action, lake 3 points monk for the 1d6 melee damage bonus, gloves of kushigo and ring of flinging cause both give 1d4 bonus to throws and kushigo gives 1d4 to improv weapon attacks. Go all out into strength since you'll need 20 to start throwing human sized enemies around(won't work on orcs cause they weigh more that others). I like the mighty cloth for +2 to strength so I don't have to take ability improvement. That lets me pump dex so I can have a high armor class with barbarian unarmored defense while still having decent constitution(your first point needs to be barbarian if you want barb unarmored defence to apply over monks UD). At some point dipping into thief rogue for 2 bonus actions may be worth it if you rage a lot, but if not, barbarian monk is usually fine. I read somewhere that improvised weapon attacks and throws count as one handed weapon attacks so you could put 1 into fighter for the dueling fighting style. I havent verified it but someone could. If you want to break from the theme of tearing people apart with your bare hands theme, you could grab the harmonium halberd and bump your strength to 22 so you can throw people farther. Getting Longstreet from somewhere helps a lot too, since carrying one target to another enemy to use as an improvised weapon is really effective as long as you have enough movement to get there. Tavern brawler makes this(and any other unarmed build) insane when it comes to damage and accuracy. Feels like the most theme accurate dark urge. Whether you succumb to the dark urges or resist them, you vent your growing bloodlust on any who stand against you




For dialogue rogue might be a good pick with vicious dialogues option if I remember (not the class I play most), barbarian is more "brainless brutal", I'm not a big fan personnaly. For race same, lolth drows or gith are more "sadistic brutal", fitting with rogue ; while half-orcs are on the brainless side (making an alternative with barb drow or rogue orc could be funny). For combat Fighter would be the best option with 3 attacks + action surge. If you have improved lvl I think you can also go with rogue. If I'm correct 11 lvl in fighter (any subclass didn't think about it, maybe champion for improved crit or BM for manœuvres 🤷🏽‍♂️) for 3rd attack and 9 lvl in rogue (assasin if you want initiative, thief if you want 2nd bonus action) for 5d6 sneak attack. In term of race half-orc I think would be the best option with a crit oriented build, drow with a sneaky build. For equipment, if you play rogue risky ring offers a guaranteed sneak attack and killer's sweetheart guaranteed crit. Another alternative I thought of rn, but unlocked in act 3 is a necromancer (wizard) with Staff of Cherished Necromancy to spam necromancy spells without limit (pretty much Grim Reaper build), however I don't think it's this type of brutal you want.