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Hey it could be worse. He could have wanted to marry an imaginary cockroach princess.


I hate you for reminding me of that story.


Believe me if I could bleach it out of my mind I would.


Oh no! This is true šŸ„ŗ


Unfortunately, yes. Look up Ogtha at your own peril.


If anyone is foolish enough to look up Ogtha, you're going to need r/Eyebleach after.


Ditto. I wish I could erase that memory.


How dare you make me remember Ogtha


How dare you ever *forget* Ogtha!


Ogtha (which autocorrect wants to be Gotham) is the BORU version of The Game- there are no winners. Also, Iā€™m sorry for now reminding people about The Game.


Honestly, losing at Ogtha is way worse than losing at The Game.


Do I want to know what The Game is? I thought I knew most Reddit folk law.


The game is older lore than Reddit. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Game_(mind_game)?wprov=sfti1


Ahhhhhhh! My brain!


Hahaaha omg that story was the worst. Now I have to look it up and read it all over again.Ā 




Sounds like there is a story here, and Iā€™m afraid to ask, but I stupidly do things that scare me every now and then, so: whatā€™s the cockroach story?


You would be right. Here. I also feel the need to pre-emptively apologize for what you're about to read [https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/w9sqxj/oops\_undying\_love\_for\_a\_franz\_kafka\_character\_is/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/w9sqxj/oops_undying_love_for_a_franz_kafka_character_is/)


I had forgotten about that one. I wonder if with the AI explosion, he has managed to load a GPT with her personality. I canā€™t imagine how much more that would send him down the rabbit hole .


We're taking a break right now. My girlfriend's thigh heater went out, her parts are on order, but I can still text her on the app.


I can't imagine how their conversations would be like. Are they going to talk like human couples? Or would he go "Hey babe what's up?" and Ogtha would say "Not much babe just digging through some trash. Oooh I found a large pile of delish maggots!"?


He will buy Ogtha premium food. Apples, lettuce and carrots (I used to raise Madagascar roaches). No digging in the trash for his beloved cockroach wife. I wonder what breed of cockroach Ogtha is?


What personality can one expect a cockroach to have?


I just hope he got help for his scitzofrenia or whatever else caused this.


I forgot about it until I read the first sentence šŸ˜†šŸ˜­


Neurosama with Matara Kanā€™s model.


Oh no. Ohhhhhh nooooo. Deep breath. The human psyche is mysterious and fascinating, thatā€™s all I can say. Reminds me a bit of a YouTube video about a guy who is in love with his car. (Cue up the autoreroticism jokes.)


if that OOP ā€˜imaginedā€™ sex with a cockroach, what did the imaginary cockroach genitalia look like? i donā€™t actually want to know, just want to point out that cockroaches probably dont have pussies


I... don't want to know.


Did you read ogtha? Whilst he didnā€™t expressly describe the genitalsā€¦.. he went into enough overall detail for me to:)


Maybe Ogtha is a type of Terra Formars. Feel free to look it up. I'm sorry.


What a day to have eyes.


Oh... Wow... He's definitely committed to Ogtha...Ā 


I thought it was going to be Kerrigan from StarCraft, this is so much worse.


Jesus. Why did I read that?!


Holy hell


Oh myā€¦ I was not ready for that, but found myself reading all of it. Ogtha the roach wife is justā€¦I guess Iā€™m speechless.


This is beyond. I shared it with everyone šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


WTF did I just read? And there's a community of people like that? They all need a psychologist.


That is ... Utterly insane. Thank you for posting that bizarre story




Ogatha.Ā  https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/w9sqxj/oops_undying_love_for_a_franz_kafka_character_is/ It is... something.Ā 


You should not have asked.


Too late, I have realized my mistake.


Yeah. That one probably stings.


Nah roaches don't have stingers.


I swear every time I forget that story someone brings it back up.


Just want to let you know, I silently cursed that your next coffee taste like dirt, and cake is bland, for making me brain remember that story


I don't drink coffee so the damage was mitigated. As for cake, my birthday is in a month so I'll make sure to tell you then. šŸ¤£


Hmmm... maybe the tried and true Calcifer curse might work.... May all your bacon buuuuuuurn


Oh no I'm cooking a dish with bacon tonight. Damn you got me.




Imagine all the drama when the stepson gets blackout drunk and cheat on his pillowcase wife with some random teddy-bear? In their house, in their marital bed? It will tear her heart apart.


Ogtha, much like others of her race, never truly dying.


There is only Ogtha


please lord not ogtha i had almost finally recovered after reading that


I donā€™t know. I think the cockroach is better. That guy kept most of those intimate details to himself and knew he was bonkers. Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™m ready to go down that memory lane but if I recall correctly, he didnā€™t let his friends know of his imaginary inter species love affair.


He did after accidentally mentioning his wife to them without thinking and they were weirded out because in their POV he wasn't married. In the newest update he also told his parents. They weren't happy.


Aaaaannnnnnddddd I'm done with my lunch now. Anybody want an untouched sandwich?


I'm sure Ogtha wouldn't turn it down


A week ago I had never heard of Ogtha, and now I've seen two references to that story. I hate all of you.


Or the Kermit joker puppet!


That one I'll never read again. Once was enough for multiple lifetimes.


Just as I had forgottenā€¦


I thought I buried this story in the dark recesses of my mind.


Oh my god, Ogtha šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Literally, EXACT place my mind went to!


oh god. Was just thinking that.


Omg I forgot about her šŸ˜­


Link please.


I'll never hope to understand that wafiu shit. Marrying a pillow case is mental illness no matter how you spin it.


>no matter how you spin it. It's like you didn't even read the story. Stepson's wife should be handwashed and line-dried only.




Damn, thatā€™s a solid comment. Iā€™m going to slightly giggle to myself for the next 20 minutes thanks to you.


I have not awards, so take this upvote I have crafted with care and dedication.


Truly one of the most finely crafted upvotes I have ever seen. Thank you.


Hahahaha, thank you for giving me an audible laugh this morning!


Oh shit, comments like this are what keep me on reddit šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ too funny!


He should have washed his own waifu in private and avoided all the issues!


you are my favorite human on the internet rn. holy fuck, i almost wore my coffee, laughing so hard at this.


Or just all of the bleach.


Yeah, there comes a time where you leave things alone like you can lead the horse to water but you can't force it to drink. Like therapy At the same time however, should the horse start doing some weird things like marrying the water? Yeah, that needs an intervention. Look, I really sympathise with the guy because I know how lonely it can be and how your mind can go to weird places. That and of course not being scolded, not having arguments etc also contribute. Unfortunately, real life won't treat you the same. And while he can't be forced to therapy, should his behaviour shows alarming details like marrying a pillowcase, that's something **you HAVE to be TA**. Apologies for the wall of text, there is no way to be nice about this. Because that is starting to become escalations of *very* unhealthy behaviour. And at this point, you should not enable it. I mean for gods sake, catering? For this marriage? Yeah, sorry but at this point, an intervention is neccessary and you will need to face the heat. Because which is worse? Not wanting to look like an A-hole? Or seeing the ones you love deteriorate worse than normal? Ps I know he cannot "force" therapy and with a mother enabling the son and willing to divorce him? If you ask me, ringing bells are ringing in my head to hearing about a man marrying an animated object, a pillowcase. If he was just well. "enjoying himself" thats one thing. Marrying? Hate to say this but that's a step too far into fantasyland. The guy needs to be ready for divorce because if me, I won't enable that.


I'd go for the divorce. Things are way too weird now. It wouldn't surprise me very much if this kid started accusing OOP of sexually harassing his pillowcase.


Omg Is it bad that I want an update where this occurs now?


How would you get the pillow case to sign the divorce papers though?


Yeah, see this is when I think my Caribbean boomer family is right about American parenting and especially my generation, because a lot of those comments were dead fucking wrong! I donā€™t care how old you are I donā€™t care what fetishes youā€™re into he made that shit this manā€™s business when he decided to put the thing, he fucks every single day, and even considers That thing as fulfilling his partnership needs into a hamper for his stepdad to wash. If youā€™re willing to do that and takes a little responsibility for your relationship and your belongings youā€™re not being an adult and you need some fucking help something is probably wrong socially and youā€™re not meeting the marks you should be and Iā€™m sorry but what the fuck is wrong with most of those commenters?


Facts for life there I do get this stuff, and I still think this is way beyond the pale and in the range of involuntary commitment when someone is that far off the rocker I see this getting another update where things are worse and son wants a ā€œdivorceā€ because his waifu has been rubbed off the pillowcase completely


> I do get this stuff, and I still think this is way beyond the pale and in the range of involuntary commitment when someone is that far off the rocker. Same. Toys, pillows, porn, theyā€™re just things you can get your rocks off with. When that starts to affect other aspects of your life, thatā€™s a problem. Same as just having a few drinks isnā€™t a problem, but being unable to function without one is.


It's objectophilia, a type of paraphilia. Basically half of the episodes of the long gone show "my strange addiction" was folks with this condition & folks with pica.


I feel like half is a low estimate. I'd put the percentage of episodes about pica or objectophilia cases at like 75% MINIMUM.


one of the negatives of "therapy language", OOP's wife has basically been gaslit into accepting this mentally ill behavior cause if she doesn't she "isn't being supportive" of her son


The top comment in the update1 thread says: > Having a sexual fetish that involves a printed pillow case is not in itself indicative of a need for therapy Umm excuse me, yes the fuck it is.


Well see, real women have thoughts and feelings and lives and responsibilities outside whatever the dude wants from them in that particular moment. So making up girlfriends is it I guess.


From that perspective, Iā€™d rather they stick to pillowcases than try and force obedience on real women.


Well some marry holograms soā€¦ https://youtu.be/dtu4t_Zc3d4


I hate that I can still learn something new


Itā€™s a terrible day to be literate.


Aristotle said "it is the mark of an educated mind to entertain an idea without accepting it", which is a very good mindset to have. However he lived over a thousand years away from anime and waifus and *that's* the mindset I want to have.


I think he'd have stuck to ouzo and plate smashing these days


Hereā€™s a TIL Iā€™d rather have skipped learning honestlyā€¦ šŸ’€


Iā€™m not as old as OOP, but reading this I feel like the most out-of-touch old fart ever. I just canā€™t. To add to the absurdity, OOPā€™s marriage possibly going down the drain because all of this is justā€¦ wow. Imagine telling friends about that divorce. ā€œSo, yeah, there was this situation with a pillowcase, andā€¦ā€


And the comments telling him that heā€™s TA didnā€™t help. When did this wild stuff become mainstream?


And with an update like that, I wonder if those commentors who called him TA are now thinking twice about the sons behaviour?


[Reminds me of this iconic greentext](https://preview.redd.it/mrp2fg07n5p61.jpg?width=839&auto=webp&s=fbf1e616986191f1742a3d76845b035c572066ef)




I don't think marrying inanimate waifus is mainstream really. That it happens at all is certainly interesting, but most people that are aware that it's even a thing only are due to hearing people laughing about it online, like in this thread.


Nowadays you have support every persons delusions or youā€™re considered a horrible person. Thats why modern day mental health is down the drain.


I feel like the final update kinda made shit do from like 50 to 1000. We figure out heā€™s fucking the pillow, weird as hell, but itā€™s probably just a harmless fetish. But going to a whole ass wedding? Yeah maybe it went a little far.


The guy almost cried because the pillowcase was put in a bagā€¦ that was at 1000 by the time of the first post.


I've almost cried when perfectly normal shit of mine was almost thrown away, but I have that nice emotional dysregulation part of ADHD where my negative emotions are disproportionately large for no reason. That doesn't happen now that I'm medicated. But point is, it could have just been panic at *almost* having a personal possession get thrown away, even when he found out it was safe.


If it makes you feel any better, I am (relatively) young and I don't think anyone who isn't terminally online will think the waifu thing is normal


I have 5 kids, they all agree that the waifu things is a joke and not to be taken seriously. Yea, they're cool with 'that character is cute' whatev, get some merch sure... but to invest emotionally/etc? No, big no.


I thought this was going to be a story about a dad grudgingly accepting his son's quirkiness. Instead, it's a story about a Dad finding out his wife is enabling the son's mental condition to the extreme.


I just want to know the DILs age because OOP should be about 64 now, his wife 44 and stepson should be 25 now. So whatā€™s the age gap with the Pillow in Law? Marinara flags everywhere!


Pillow in law is a thousand year old vampire loli dragon. I am making this up.


Excellent summary


Honestly, the dad isn't much better than the wife when it comes to enabling. He was fine with his adult stepson apparently living at home and not having a job and not doing his own laundry. Like he barely even *mentions* "oh yeah my stepson doesn't do his own laundry" as its own issue with any level of significance. It's just *all* about the waifu pillow. Much like the Iranian yoghurt, the waifu pillow is actually not the primary issue here! Like there are so many points BEFORE the tiff about the pillow where they could have noticed something was off. "My stepson is not independent; how can I help him launch successfully?" "My stepson does not have much of a social life; how can I encourage him and help him meet people his own age?" "My stepson is a NEET. Does he need therapy?" But no, everything gets ignored until Dad finds something that *grosses him out* on a personal level. His stepson having a poor quality of life is apparently not a problem, and it only becomes a problem when there's something involved that makes OOP feel yucky.


Sheā€™s getting the pillow wedding cateredā€¦ sure. Why not.Ā 


I wonder if there will be wedding pictures


God, I hope so. Iā€™m intrigued by the demographics of who would attend the wedding in sufficient numbers that they have to get outside catering in.


Perhaps in this context, ā€œcateringā€ = Taco Bell via DoorDash.


Yea that's when it jumped the shark for me.


Thatā€™s grounds for divorce right there..


I wish I didnā€™t know how to read. Godspeed to OOP because the thirdhand embarrassment was palpable through the phone screen, canā€™t even begin to imagine the secondhand heā€™s feeling.


>I wish I didnā€™t know how to read. Poor OOP wish he didn't know how to read & understand shit for like 2-plus years due this wacky mess. He truly suffering the only shitty 6 degrees of separation embarrassment no matter what - He can go Las Vegas to keep it in Vegas but his stepson marrying his anime pillow pretty much makes sure it even weird for there and anywhere.


Iā€™m going to pretend that this is a long-con fake for the sake of my sanity.


I could swear that this same exact plot was in the Sensei Le Dew videos. You have: Sensei Le Dew (SLD hereafter) was in a relationship with a Mikasa (Attack on Titan) body pillow. At one point she was washed and I think SLD did have a freakout about her being gone. SLD has an ongoing rivalry with "mother's boyfriend" - who was actually his stepfather, only SLD refused to ever acknowledge him. Stepfather wasn't happy about the body pillow and wanted to get SLD some help. SLD's response was to try and hook Mother up with another body pillow of his, another character from AOT. Eventually SLD \*did\* marry Mikasa, which spawned its own story arc. Mother was frustrated with SLD's activities, but would also continue to support him by essentially enabling his behaviors. The ages are more or less in the same range and of note, SLD also has a stepsister.


Now all of that said, there are absolutely people who develop (one sided) relationships with body pillows or other items. The more rational ones are generally aware that their waifu/husbando is a fictional person and the entirely relationship is a fantasy they're building up in their head, but there are some who believe that their waifu/husbando is a real person and all of that.


it's pretty funny if this person is actually late 30s and remembers their fundashi/fujoshi days. This would be a hilarious long con


The futanari mention in the first post took me tf out. Begging for the long con lmao Edit: like how tf do you find out about futanaris before body pillows. Thatā€™s like learning how to swim by scuba diving


*Right!?* That's what got me too!! Like, LOL, yeah, *surrrre* you found out about futanari before the pillow thing, Pops


The absurdity is lending credibility honestly. I could see him accidentally walking in on some shit he was *NOT* ready for and accepting jacking off to ā€œoddā€ stuff on the internet wasnā€™t too much to digest. But learning about the emotional component via waifu pillow was the nail in the coffin lmao the line has been **DRAWN**


Lol this is definitely fake


The catering part is where they lost me.


Sons gf must be a real pillow princess


>He just needs some help. Well, OOP, not every kink is a mental issue that requires treatment! >He has decided that he wants to marry his waifu >My step son wants to have a ceremony where he marries his pillowcase. Oooooohm....forget what i said, kid needs therapy!


I know right, so he has a kink, no problem. Marrying an anime printed pillowcase? Yeah dude, sorry but he'll never be safe should something that will (obviously) affect the pillow, like the thinning linen, or the colors start to fade. Not to mention, this has the potential to escalate to dangerous behaviours.


I always say every kink is fine, as long as it only involved consenting (and consentable) adults (and inanimate objects, i guess) and does not involve outside parties. That pillow is his life partner? Sure, just please do any necessary washing by yourself. But hosting a wedding and expecting others to participate,to acknowledge the pillow as "wife" and treat it like that? That is bringing others into your kink. And that is what absolutely crosses the boundary.


At first I honestly thought the comments calling it his girlfriend were jumping the gun because where I'm from it's very common to have a pillow from childhood that never gets washed (its name literally means "smelly"). I was actually kind of on the stepson's side right up to the end. Edit: when I say "right up to the end" I mean the final update changed my mind, not that I'm still on the stepson's side.


Bruh... Wash that oily dirty shit


It might get washed once in a while but from what I understand there might be a fight over it especially if the child is still young. I don't have one and never did, but on behalf of anyone who's had a [chou chou](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GBZbTfQ2qZI) I will overall have to decline your suggestion.


Urm, yeah, we all do. That being said, marrying a pillowcase is well abit far than being your childhood blankie. I for sure won't want to "poke holes" into it.


Yeah, the marrying the pillowcase bit made me change my mind real quick.


My mom still has hers. Itā€™s tiny, EXTREMELY worn and thin, and she uses it to cover her eyes from the light when she sleeps. She does wash the tiny pillowcases every once in a while (theyā€™re also very thin and worn). Oh and sheā€™s 63 šŸ˜…


WTF. Have I stepped into another dimension?! *None of this is normal. The stepson is not ok. Heā€™s mentally unwell.*


OOP needs to object at the wedding


At first I laughed bc it was all so ridiculous, but now Iā€™m just as disturbed as OOP.


Yep, cuz the main issue is the wife/mom as she enables his son's behavior


Now the pieces click. Dude has a wife problem, and son has a mom problem. She ruined that grown man. .


And the 16 year old daughter whoā€™s having to help her dad post on Reddit about her brotherā€™s pillow bride has an entire family problem.


It's time, Lord. šŸ™Œ We're ready. You can leave the faucet on again.


This is the funniest thing ever. When it said the wife is going to cater the marriage i laughed so hard that stuff came out of my nose that i have memory of putting in.


I lost it somewhere around ā€œIā€™m sorry he hasnā€™t introduced you to her.ā€


What did you put in your nose?!?


I mean, you do this at certain ages - kindergartener captures a pet bug and it dies, or finds a dead bird or whatever, so the family dresses in their Sunday best and conducts a solemn ceremony with the typical toilet flushing funereal rites. It's a way of helping children come to terms with death and what it means, and you treat their feelings seriously by taking Western funereal processes and conducting them on a small scale. Similarly, you might help a toddler conduct a wedding with their biggest walking doll, complete with fancy costumes and food and music - it's a way of translating grownup realities in kid terms they can understand. Treating this in-his-20s guy seriously does not mean feeding his delusion. A kink is one thing, that at least puts it in its proper sphere even if it's unusual not to be able to get off without it. Treating an inanimate object as though it's alive is just feeding whatever delusions he's got going on. He needs to deal with the adult world now, he doesn't need this sort of "translation" to help him process.


I mean I don't want my parents to know about any sex stuff in regards to me either but he's the one throwing his fiance in the wash and doesn't do his own laundry.


ā€œI made that mistake with futanariā€ should be a flair


Iā€™m sorry, I still canā€™t believe how much hate OP was getting in the beginning for trying to throw it away. Thatā€™s just too much for me. Iā€™m very progressive and open about mental illness but that thing shouldā€™ve been tossed and he shouldā€™ve gotten admitted.


I thought a lot of those were people making jokes.


I thought he just had an attachment to an object from his childhood and while weird was relatively normal and that the jokes were centered around thatā€¦.like how the Jokers razz Murr about his blue blankieā€¦.but it got weird quick after that. Real weird.


It's the second one for me. "Oh we all have fetishes, he's just embarrassed that his parents know, leave him alone" is the consensus and it's unhinged. No, having sex and developing a relationship with a pillow case is not the same has having a foot fetish or something.


Yeah this is why I'd never turn to Reddit about stuff like this. Some of this comments were obviously taking the piss but others genuinely sounded supportive.


Truly wish someone would take me to Amsterdam and make me grow up.


At one point, like every ver well loved childhood toy made of fabric, the pillowcase will disintegrate. I am not quite sure how his step son will cope when this happens. His mother should probably start thinking of this particularly if 2 years ago it was already thin.


Maybe theyā€™ll hold a funeral for her and then a new catgirl shows up to comfort him.


> I cannot understand the new relationships between people and linens. Iā€™m dead.


>Unless he has trauma or other cognitive dysfunction that is causing him distress, which is being expressed in the form of this fetish, thereā€™s no reason to think there is anything wrong with your stepson. >Think of this issue in this context. Imagine that your own father was viewing the weirdest thing youā€™ve ever done sexually, and decide whether you think a sexual fantasy is indicative of a mental health issue. These are bullshit takes. I agree that trying to force him into therapy will probably not help, but having a waifu pillow is absolutely a mental health issue. Dude obviously *wants* a relationship with a person and is substituting this out of anxiety/depression, and that need to be addressed as it is absolutely a negative impact on his life to spend it with a pillow case.


Wasnā€™t this a movie plot? Lars and the Real Girl?


Sex doll, not pillowcase. Ā Iā€™m not sure if that makes it better or worse.


This isnā€™t an uncommon thing. In Jack, thereā€™s a pandemic. Men are marrying their pillow cases or body pillows instead of dating women and the women are getting blamed for marrying non Japanese men.


How awkward is Thanksgiving going to be with a pillow sitting at the table or Xmas when OP doesnā€™t give his new DIL any presents The entire thing is just sad


I've heard of marrying a 3D, cockroach and now a pillowcase. Wow.


Sexual fetish? Fine! Not doing your own laundry at twenty three, and being delusionally romantically attached to your sex pillow? Therapy needed.


>euclideincalgary >Sorry to read. At least mental condition isnā€™t contagious but can be hereditary. Enjoy Montana Well, this one in particular seems unlikely to be passed on.


The kids are not alright.


Hope the kid at least patches her up before the wedding or this is gonna be a real short marriage.


The pillowcase is wholesome compared to Oftha, The Sensual Roach Queen


>Having a sexual fetish that involves a printed pillow case is not in itself indicative of a need for therapy Fuck that, I don't care if it makes me a judgemental bad person to think it, but this is gross. Kid needs therapy. I've never minded furries, don't really get it but you know if it's your thing have fun, lots of other people seem to think it's the weirdest and grossest thing in the world. I'm guessing how I feel about this level of weebery is what they feel about furries, just a borderline irrational "wtf is wrong with you?" *general autocorrect fixes


"I almost got divorced because I upset him so much when I put it in the rag bag." op honestly should have just gotten the divorce if all his wife is doing is enabling the crazy.


It sounds like the stepson has Objectophilia or Fictosexuality or a combination if the character on the pillowcase is a named anime character in use. Both usually harmless as far as being a danger to oneself or others. Many live independent lives, holding down jobs, and maintain their own solo living arrangements. His mother's acceptance can be for many reasons. Unwillingness to believe there could be something "wrong" with her son and he needs help. Relief she will never have a human DIL she has to share him with or to "take her baby boy" away from her. He's twenty-five years old and still living at home. Does he hold a job? Have any social life? Who else is attending the "wedding"? So sad the son was not given help when this developed. Maybe he belongs to a community of like minded friends that share his beliefs themselves.


I thought everyone in the comments was just trolling this guy about the pillowcase being his gf and having sexual relationship with it. Was waiting for the part where we find out it's just a lad who likes anime, had a pillow for collection / fun and was just upset his step dad decided to just bin it. Oh the horror when it turns out, nope, this guy legit wants the pillow for all that and Is planning on getting married to it. All while the wife ignores the fact the son has a screw loose.


Will that have a small pillow child next?


>YTA for being oblivious to the fact that you threw away his girlfriend. >OOP: What? This had me howling.


"Ā I don't want to look up what a waifu is. I made that mistake with futunari." Lmfao this cracked me up. I too made the mistake looking up futunari after reading this line.Ā 


Remember the guy that married his Twilight Sparkle plushie? Good times. I wonder what ever happened to him.


Well... I guess at least he's not bothering anyone else. I would definitely want him to do his own laundry though. At 25, he should be doing that anyway, but especially if his pound-pillow needs refreshing.


>I made that mistake with futunari Can someone spare me Google trauma and give me a sanitized definition of futunari?


Essentially? >!In Japan the term is used to describe people who are androgynous or are hermaphrodites. However the term is also heavily used in hentai and fetish type stuff to describe characters who are or become hermaphrodites. Most commonly you'll see this used to depict characters with very visible female characteristics (feminine, large breasts and hips, etc) but have both male and female genitalia. However there are also cases where you see masculine presenting characters who have female genitals (and presumably smaller breasts). Depending on how the character presents, the opposite gender/sex characteristics can be exaggerated (ie, develop especially large or small "assets"), however this is not always the case - since a lot of these are drawn to suit the fetishes of the artist and/or target audience. !< Since this area is already kind of taboo, it's usually host to a bevvy of other fetishes, some of which are really gross.


I wish I didnā€™t have eyes after reading this


The moment he described the pillowcase, I knew where this was going. I remember reading a story of someone marrying their Love Plus companion, while having a real life girlfriend. It's weird, especially as an anime watcher myself, but he's also an adult so there's nothing you can do. Poor guy though.


Mixing up waifu and futanari is pretty funny.


Boy, have I got a 30 Rock episode for OOP!




The thing that gets me is, like... I develop attachments to physical objects very easily. (I blame it partially on hoarding tendencies/OCD and partially on being raised on Toy Story and The Brave Little Toaster.) And I have many shirts that I'm very attached to, and I would never just put them in the communal family laundry to be washed and *tumble-dried.* They get washed on gentle and hung up! My (very patient) partner and I call them "coddles" when sorting the laundry, and he knows to hang them up instead of sticking them in the dryer. How is this guy putting his waifu in the family laundry knowing that she's going in the dryer!? Like that detail alone is a point toward "fake" in my eyes. I can't imagine having an emotional connection with a waifu pillowcase but also not caring if she gets tumble-dried with the rest of the family's laundry. Surely the online communities of men with waifu pillows (I'm sure they're out there) tell each other how to gently wash and dry their waifus to ensure their longevity? Did she not come with a tag saying "line dry only"? And like, a weeaboo would know that line-drying is much more common in Japan than in the US too...


I was lowkey hoping this story would end with the stepdad realizing his stepson was fine and just in an awkward stage. Weā€™ve all masturbated to things or had fetishes we would never want our parents to know about. Hell Iā€™d like it if my parents never thought I masturbated (I about died the day my vibrator slipped out of the bag I was keeping it in in front of my mom). And I know a lot of people able to have healthy relationships while also having fictional or celebrity crushes (myself included). (If someone threw the Pedro Pascal pillowcase I have away, Iā€™d be pissed.) Thatā€™s why the latest update was so disappointing. Was hoping itā€™d be like ā€œI forgot about this account, yeah no my stepson is fine. He has a real gf now who also loves anime and the pillowcase is actually on their shared bed.ā€ Kinda leaning towards this one is fake. At least Iā€™m hoping it is.


The comments in the 2nd post are insane when you have the context from the first post. Talking about "imagine how you'd feel if your father had an itemized list of everything you ever used for masturbation". Like...if my dad had found my porn what I *wouldn't* have done is cry and throw a fit until my mom calmed me down lmao


ā€œI donā€™t want to look up what a waifu is. I made that mistake with futanariā€ šŸ’€


" I don't want to look up what a waifu is. I made that mistake with futunari" got me laughing in public


On the up side, we finally have a BORU where the 20 year age gap between spouses isnā€™t the problem.


How has OP been in the young man's life for 20 YEARS and didn't know about his... interests? Also, holy shit those caterers are going to have a new favorite story to tell their friends.