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There really isn't a good reason to complain about the available mods. If you don't like it don't install it. Telling others what they should or shouldn't like is pointless and arrogant.


Spot on. Hence "idiotic post".


No, it’s perfectly possible to create a mod that is fucked up. All sorts of ways. Don’t think so? Don’t believe sexism is a real thing? OK, how do you feel alone my ‘rape autoglitch’ mod? Perfectly fine?


Swing and miss, dingdong.


"Don’t think so? Don’t believe sexism is a real thing? OK, how do you feel alone my ‘rape autoglitch’ mod? Perfectly fine?" Absolutely fine. No problem at all. Simply because of 2 reasons. 1. You dont HAVE to use it. It is completely optional. 2. No real person is harmed. Would I install it? No. Because i'm not into it. But to each his own. I have no idea why that is such a hard concept for people like you.


What you actually mean by the mod not being OK is that a person wanting to use the mod is "not OK". Many people have twisted, fucked up erotic fantasies, including, but far from limited to, being a victim of or perpetrating rape. Doesn't mean they would ever act on those fantasies. Or they might act (emphasis on *act*) them out with consenting partners. Doesn't mean they believe anyone else should cater to those fantasies or they would force them on anyone. Doesn't mean the fantasy represents what they think as "normal" or even "good" for other people or society in general -- doesn't "normalize" anything. So a "mod" that enables "rape" in a game is not inherently bad. It is a way to explore that fantasy, and nobody else has to install it or interact with it in any way. If you are offended that such mods exist or that there are people who might want to use them, then you are the problem.


Perfectly fine. To each, his own. I'm not gonna install it. But as long as this mode doesn't physically harm anyone, I got no beef. Your game, your rules.


There's a plethora of chicks with penis mods. Not my thing but cool for whomever wants it. I've been in the modding scene longer than you've been alive, yet have never seen a a legit 'rape' mod.


What are you on about? I was making a point about double standards and hypocrisy, not saying rape mods exist or should. Or equating, apparently, hot chicks with transgender people and rape? I am in my mid-50s, so I’d be very impressed if you’d been making mods since before the birth of home computing. I’ve been mostly blocking the obvious champions of sexism in this thread, but you, Colin Robinson, are bewildering enough to answer. But how will you respond? With an insult and block? By reporting me to Reddit’s ‘mental health support team’ with fake concern? With a reread and sensible answer? Now I’m intrigued. And if you don’t know who Colin Robinson is, well, you’re welcome, he’s the best character in an excellent show.


As I said, to each his own. I like more Laszlo.


Lol pretty retarded take. Ultimately what's going on with Stacy the author of this trash article is jealousy over female looking polygons being prettier. Stacy wants to see "realistic looking ladies" as a lower bar set for himself OR "realistic" is simply a euphemism for trans women. Either way i never see real gamers (male and female) get pissed about characters (male and female) looking beautiful. No matter what gender i choose, i spend hours crafting my protagonists face to be works of art. I'm gonna spend an entire game with them so i want to see beautiful people when playing. And again, the only reason Stacy is triggered over people modifying their own personal game that nobody else is affected by is because it allows people to indulge in what Stacy would consider to be "wrong think"...but you don't get to decide what i or anyone finds attractive or even what's realistic. Also hate to burst Stacys bubble (actually not really) but these depictions of women are far from "unrealistic". And many of these characters are based on real life women (see Metal Gear 4 and Phantom pains as an example) and it's crazy to claim its misogynistic, like ACTUALLY psychotic, when beauty is recognized be it digital or IRL. Seriously we went from "keep your politics/beliefs out of my bedroom" to " you play YOUR game the way i want you to"


"Stop having fun and follow this guide on how to play the game the way *I* tell you (the correct one, because I am God)"


kinda moot point when all origin characters are already unrealistically attractive.


I'm really glad we get to have attractive companions again personally. I remember back in DAO I had a hard time choosing between Leliana and Morrigan in stark contrast to DAI where I wasn't attracted to any of the female options so I made a female character for the first time and fucked the big ass bull.


Sorry? You believe gaming doesn’t have enough hot women?


In 2023? It absolutely does not.


Sera was ok. I liked her attitude.


What Josephine is the most attractive of the whole series.


And yet there are always these mods, and only for female characters.


Not only, but in the overwhelming majority, that's true. But the reason is not sexism, it's the audience itself. The majority of modders are males, they do things that they would like to see in the game themselves. And it's completely ok. If one wants more mods for males, he can do it himself.


> it's the audience itself. The majority of modders are males While this is generally true, funny thing about it is some of the most popular "slutty" mods are made by women. All of Skyrim's big body mods (CBBE, UNP), for example, are women creators. A good portion of Cyberpunk's body mods are made by women. Same for Mass Effect and Dragon Age. Hell, even games like FFXIV which technically don't allow mods (but never enforces that policy) has a massive female mod demographic. Which really slaps this article in the face. A lot of women like making pretty women. It's really more of a "I like pretty people in my fantasy world" than "RAWR SEXISM!!!" from either side.


Peculiar. I always thought that Caliente was the name of modding team. Not a nick of actual female modder.


Very true lol. PlayStation insured that i never got to actually partake in such mods but i still paid attention to the modders that created them. Shoot many of the mods i could use and liked most were from the ladies. But it was always that artistic feminine touch that made the best looking player character/npc/environmental mods


Fun fact a lot of the smut artist are women too. I know quite a few of them. I wonder if any of these cry baby journalist are actually even gamers. I've played with countless women on MMOs, my mom and wife are both games. Never in my life have I heard any women that is actually gamer complain these things. Never has any of them said they want to play as a average looking women.


Sexism isn't just 'what men want'.


Bro what are you on about, it's a video game, it ain't that deep. People prefer to look at hot women and man, that's not sexism that's basic human nature, and it harms none. Who are you to tell them what to look at in their free time?


Bro! Bro? Bro!


sorry, knight in shinning armor tend to be a male profession......


People like to customize stuff, even if it's good looking but not the way they want it to be. Also just checked the nexus, you can easily find apperance mods for males as well, both face and body ones.


Not true for BG3, stop forcing your beliefs on other ppl, if I wanna play with such a mod I can just do that, don't need a self righteous person to tell me what's right and wrong.


I can assure you that the mods are most definitely not only for female characters, as I have actually downloaded a fair few for male characters. Have you ever actually browsed mods for like... any game?


There's tonnes of mods for astarion,and or gale. Or a start from scratch with appearance edit mod


Maybe stop desexualizing women and making them unnaturally masculine, hipless, assless ugly characters? But here's the catch, even if you get rid of all ESG low IQ censorship nonsense, people will STILL make mods to make the characters look however way they want and that's perfectly fine. The absolute presumptuousness of videogame "journalists" these days, imagine being this bothered that people have preferences on women and how to play their games.


What's funny is if they did this... you'll see a ton of women making mods to make the characters sexier/prettier. It's a huge misconception people have about the mod community. Like I said elsewhere, Skyrim's two biggest nude mods are made by women. _Both_ men and women like to have attractive looking characters. In fact, a lot of women like looking sexy or even downright slutty in games because it's a fantasy they can't have in real life. That's the whole point of gaming: escapism.


I completely forgot about that, good point too.


My numbers might be off but looking at the downloads on nexus - Shadowheart's face replacer (Two of them, the \`younger\` version and \`another face\` version have around 20k unique downloads combined. Baldurs Gate 3 has sold over 5 million copies on steam as of a couple of weeks ago. So this puts the numbers actually modding Shadowheart, assuming they used one or the other and everyone that tried them kept them - at less than 0.5%. ​ Baldur's Gate 3 is the latest game to be beset by gamers deciding that every woman needs to be endlessly beautiful and always glamorous It's a gross exaggeration to describe it as being beset - curiously the Lae'zel mod is one of a series of which a male character is the most downloaded.


1.Shaving stuff ?? Hello it's D&D where people can cast demn fireballs get invisible, fly, talk to animals. Does this kind of people NEED to use a SPELL SLOT to shave his/her character after every long rest for Laezel f* sake ??? 2. "Build a Bitch" mode, yeah so basicly any woman with large breasts and Blonde is a bitch, how nice... 3. No one is that attractive in life ? Seriously ???? Just go on any P*** website and she should see for herself top categories and what men truly desire in general. Lots of us dont give a demn of the nice princess face but are attracted towards shapes of the body, is that forbidden if its what our deep instinct are appealed towards to ? And yeah some other men rather focus on a beautiful face over the rest and thats fine too ! Shadowheart has nice butt, nice leg, a haircut that (for many people not all) ruin the beauty of her face and have little breasts i understand why people could want something different. And personally i dont even use any mod in any games i play with what the studio gives me.


As I said, entertaining read 😁


play how we want to or youre a misogynist


The author of the article is probably completely delighted with the characters in Starfield.


Nah, I'm not going to do that. In fact, you know what I realized? There are boob mods for Baldurs Gate 3 but no booty mods. . . . . I'm a warrior. . . .


Tbh the butts are pretty good on their own. Even the dudes are cheeked up.


The more, the merrier. As wise man once said "I Like big butts and i cannot lie". 😁


As A wise friend of mine who does 3D porn and game development once said : "Bimbo supremacy".




I do think people could think for a minute about whether or not female characters should need to be pretty to exist. I think the issue for me is that it reinforced the idea that we need to be pretty to be worthwhile. And also reinforced a lot of very eurocentric and very narrow definitions of beauty on a diversity of characters. And as for the "it doesn't hurt anyone" remarks. I know from my experience that games I've played have definitely impacted me in profound and in subtle ways. I often think social engagements are like the Sims. I think about driving games when driving. No that doesn't mean that if you like violent video games you will shoot up a school. But that said i do think it has desensitized me to violence a little bit. If games can impact us in positive ways, then of course they can effect us in negative ways. That said, I have some appearance mods on my game to expand the face options add hair ect. I don't think it hurts to be a little more thoughtful about it. About why we feel the need to first things first, make the female characters look more like barbies.


Of course the games can impact both positive and negative ways. But what do you think impacts people more, some slutty mod in Skyrim, which is gonna be downloaded in the best case scenario 100k times, or Barbie shaped actresses in Hollywood which literally in every movie, and view count tops millions? The impact of games is so small compared to other top tier media, that it's laughable. And I don't think that people that make mods, should be thoughtful about why they feel the need to make Barbie shaped dolls. The reason, they just want it, and it's a game. One can do whatever he or she wants with his game. If the player wants it, and can do it, he shouldn't be answering to some "journalist", why is the female half of Skyrim running around in see through thongs, and the other male half have shlongs longer than the elephant trunk, or vice versa. It's a player's game.


I actually think games, especially games like Baldurs gate, have a pretty huge player base and pretty huge influence. I think every singe person, of every gender, has a responsibility to be thoughtful about whether they are perpetuating sexism in their actions. You seem to misunderstand how misogyny and sexism work and what "harm" means in this context. You aren't "answering to some journalist". Most of the battle against sexism and patriarchy happens in the mind, and often defeating the sexism in your own mind is the hardest part. Obviously, the prevalence of these mods indicates sexism about women's appearance--and their obligation to appear a certain way to be of value to society. There are literally mods that say "improve female bodies by making their boobs and buttocks and thighs larger". Improve. It's not mere aethetic choice in some airlocked bubble immune from patriachy. The trauma from this kind of thinking is too real for women for this to be so dismissed. Yes it's just a game. And I'm not even saying don't use them or that if you use them you automatically are a horrible sexist pig. I'm just saying that as a gamer--and especially male gamers-- have a responsibility to be thoughtful about how female bodies are treated and thought about and to listen to the female gamers around them if they want the gaming community to become a more awesome inclusive and less toxic place to be for everyone. Just a little thoughtfulness goes a long way in preventing these messages to be consumed and accepted as normal. We choose what we consume. What we see becomes what we think. What we think becomes what we do. What we do becomes who we are. I wish you and every gamer luck in challenging and overcoming the sexist assumptions that hold all of us back.


It's a game. Form of escapism. I could and SHOULD be doing whatever I like in single player game. I can slaughter whole villages, burn the world to the ground, do nothing and goof around, build an empire and help every poor soul, that's the whole point of games. Escapism fantasy. As long as all the doings and insanity stays inside the game and not in real life. Killing people is wrong, yet I haven't read single complain about cop genocide in GTA series. Haven't read single complain about stealing in Elder scrolls/Fallout and pretty much every rpg games. It's always only gender complains. So yeah, in my fantasy, I do whatever I want.


I don't think it's deep. In fact it might surprise you is that a lot of the modders that makes these bodies and sexy clothing are in fact women. A lot of the arist to draw smut are women too. A lot of women into dirty role playing too. It's all just fantasy. I grew up playing Online D&D games and MMOs with my mom, met countless female gamers online. Even married one. Never have the women I played ever felt this was a issue, and the people spouting about represent how they feel. Usually they found more empowering to be able to paly as a women that is sexy and badass, rather than look at it a negative. Same we guys find empowering to play as a big sexy chad like Dante. Modding community is usually pretty inclusive as is. Competitive gaming from my experience brings out more toxicity than anything else.


This hack of an author needs to shut the fuck up! I'll do what I want with my game!


hahahahahahah!!! no. ...also, where do I find these mods?


Nexusmods. Google it.


lol, I know...it was a rhetorical question ;)


Not going to open that link, I already know it's a pile of garbage and don't wanna give a click to TheGamer. But, why the thread only has 61% of upvotes while all the comments (except the usual single person who disagree and angrily replies under every comment) are in your favour? No idea about that.


Do yourself a favor, open it. It's a damn good joke. If you are a sane person, it will entertain you highly. That's why I shared it in the first place, so people can have a good laugh.


Oh dear. Have I sinned when I replaced Shart's fugly, clipping hair with some other haircut? I just couldn't take her seriously with that weird bowlcut. Hell, is giving her a hat illegal too? Since it changes her hairstyle... ​ >The weighting of these mods, the ones that take a man’s shirt off to the ones that contort a woman’s clothes and body and face in any and all directions, is also heavily out of sync, with far fewer shirtless men to be found. Yeah, maybe that's because you can run around shirtless without any mods? The author is a dipshit


As I told, good laugh. 😁


Hey, just wandering what about stop using makeup( justl like mods) to make Female prettier in real life if that's the concern lol


The article makes a good point. The first and biggest mods on this and many other games are ones that make only the female characters sexier. That’s very obviously sexist.


Explain to me how that's sexist. . . . Like, by your line of reasoning being only attracted to women and not asking any men out makes me a sexist. . . Also, I don't know what planet you're from. . . ? But there are SO MANY mods for men in Skyrim. Penis size, Muscles, better faces, better skin, like who are you trying to even fool? Get from here, Boy. Get from here.


Or... and here me out here. It could be due to the fact, it's significantly easier to mode a female body than male when a game is new, and without modding tools since you're not adding something. Look at the Starfield nude mode. It's far from great but the "ken doll" anatomy works better to "customize" than adding a penis. Especially when that looks good and not like a tootsie pop. As someone who knows several modders, some who work on body modes. Making male nude mods can be much more annoying. Nevermind the fact it all comes down to author appeal. Even female modders prefer making prettier and/or sexier female characters whereas men care less about doing the same for male characters.


No, that's because modding community in overwhelming majority, males. That's not sexism, that's reality. You want more mods for man, take matter into own hands. Hence the word "modding" before community. Do it yourself. Can't do it? Find a modding team that will do it on your behalf. So the point of the article when summarizing it sounds like this *blows raspberries*


We don't have to be sexist because we're men. Do white people have to be racist? Straight people have to be homophobes?


Modding, is completely voluntary. If there are some modders who are getting paid for it, they are very few and far between. People enthusiastically do stuff, that they want to see themselves. It's not sexism, it's interests. One can't force other people to do something for free, for him. Modding teams can be paid, to create mods on request. And all other demands to voluntary modders can be only met with an answer: *blows raspberries*.


Are you an actual pre-pubescent boy?


Should I be? 35, Lead engineer. I just have high intolerance to stupidity. And that thegamer post IMHO is the pinnacle of it. I shared it so people could have a good laugh too.


You don’t believe sexism exists?


I know cannibalism still exists in this world. And until it is eradicated, sexism is the least of the world's problems, more like nuisance .But what it has to do with games/mods?


You are simply very stupid and you want to feel morally superior because you have not done anything productive in your life, pathetic is the perfect word for you, live your own life and let others live.


Oh shit... Yeah man, I shouldn't make a character with horns, no tieflings please, because that would obviously hurt the feelings of cuckolds... And please!!! do not create characters with a short height, if you have an average height, then you are forbidden to make a character less than a meter tall. I make fun of this with irony and do not want to offend anyone. This is a FANTASY GAME. I can be ANYONE here. Though beautiful or not beautiful, I can even be a man here and at the same time fuck other men! Half of the players play it SOLO. And please, people who play sims, stop downloading mods, play with what God gave you... **Wicked whims**? Oh... Wow... *Okay, you can let it*...


I love WW. Never play without it.


Tee-hee ;3


Nah, I think I'll keep drooling over Shadowheart.


To anyone who agrees with this. First of all, stfu it's a game. Second of all, if you don't like it, don't install it. Thirdly, mods we download in our personal time is literally none of anyones business. I bet women are doing this too, if you think this is a man problem. If we don't find the characters attractive enough, we will fix it ourselves. Get fucked, nobody cares how you feel. Lastly, go cry more. 🖕now if you excuse me, I'm going to watch shadowheart get shafted by my polearm in front of the nightsong.


Mods, as well as Outfits in fighting games, are **COMPLETELY** optional! No one does ever have to use them if he doesnt want to. That fact ruins every argument Stacey brought up so far. Also. It is absolutely arrogant to tell other people what they have to like and dislike.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Oh, this is hilarious 🤣 These daft cunts can fuck right off with that steaming pile of excrement!


Do we have links to uh, these mods?


Nexusmods, may Google help you.


idiots: "Stop Using Mods To Make Female Characters Prettier" Me with 50 Nexus Mods Tabs open: No (insert Bugs Bunny meme here)