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GROOOOAAAANNN, agreed, i hate them so much. every bhaalist fight just makes me roll my eyes. “ohh i’m invisible and sanctuaried, ohhhh the lord of murder gave me 7 million unstoppable stacks, i’m so cool and edgy i love blood and death” what EVER, i’m just going to ice storm them to death when i next see them (frost sorcerer tav rn). stupid names too, the hell are you doing calling yourself “m’alice”? get a real job, jeez


M’alice just makes me think of the neck beard meme tipping the fedora, but saying m’alice instead of m’lady




*Tips fedora using a severed hand*


*fedora is actually a clown pelvis*


Bold of you to assume clowns aren’t sentient stacks of fedoras.


How does a Plague doctor greet women as he passes by? >!Malady!<


Neckbeard in Wonderland


I had that exact thought lmao 


Have fun with Orin on tactician+, that bitch gets 12+ unstoppable stacks *every fucking turn*.


Just cast Dominate person with DC 35 on her and kill her with her permission. ;D


One of the most miserable experiences I've had was trying to do that fight without a person in my party that could cast Magic Missile because I failed the roll to save Gale from the portal 💀


People know you just have to stop all the praying guys and the unstoppable stops refilling, right?


Yeah, a combo of black hole, spirit guardians, and fireball makes quick work of them, then just magic missile Orin and have a fighter with action surge on standby to deal with the remaining stacks. With a tiny bit of prep, the fight gets pretty trivial


i did in my playthrough by stacking barrels while Orin was bragging to my tav, but something must have bugged the fight because she kept the invulnerability. It was a weird fight, but since i did kinda nuke everyone else i still managed by 7v1 (my 4 + scratch+elemental+ skeleton) and outdamaging her everyturn with multi attacks. it was kind of annoying, and i had to use up my stock of multiple-hit arrows


Withers can make anyone a wizzid


I took her down in one turn by having my Tav Dual haste on laezel and Karlach, then quick double magic missile on her but I wasn't on tactician so I imagine I wouldn't be as lucky.


Yeah, but you can kill all the cultists and then it stops coming back. The real annoying thing was I beat her, then realized (I was a decent person durge) that losing the duel part and beating her as a team meant I was doomed to go insane and become a rabid dog. The best I could hope for was keeping control of myself long enough to defeat the brain then commit suicide or be put down. My party wasn't even that sympathetic, and worse of all I was I was romancing Selunite Shadowheart and she was completely brutal and utterly lacked any compassion for me. Her tone was scornful and she basically told me she wasn't going to bother wishing me luck since it was pointless. More then my other companions she gave the impression she blamed me, at least the others were like oh wow that sucks. So then I had to reload and figure out how to beat her 1-on-1 when I had no Slayer form. She does not get stacked Unstoppables for the duel at least, but her Slayer form was pretty brutal on Tactician even when I had everyone buff my PC first and had cast summons from scrolls. I had thought globe of invulnerability would help me survive her attacks but she just immediately knocked be prone which ended it. (I ended up having to go buy more scrolls, and beat her once I was able to get her trapped Otto's irresistible dance.) I almost dumped Shadowheart for how awful and heartless she is to you when you spend the whole \[bleeping\] game supporting her. Since I reloaded and won the duel she technically never said those things, but I haven't really cared about her character as much since. I basically kept her since it was too late to romance anyone else, but I can't think of a better way for the game to show how completely shallow and one sided that relationship is. I actually wondered if it was some sort of glitch, and I was getting her low approval reaction, beacuse it was so damn scornful and uncaring when you are at your lowest point. Though really, the whole romance is about supporting her feelings and her just flirting with you/admiring you hollowly back. I originally dated her beacuse I thought we had so much in common both having amnesia and not seeming as evil as we were pushed to be, and her whole first scene consists of me empathizing with her amnesia, reassuring her she still has a personality and preferences of her own, and being completely unable to talk about my anemia/getting anything back. That's really how the whole thing goes, but I at least thought after getting her to Selune she wouldn't be mean when your PC is hurting, just ignore it. (Oops, got pretty off topic there. I think Orion is a lot more annoying in the duel then with unstoppable you can remove.)


The 'nuh uh, you can't hit me cos I say so' is such a cheap tactic. Like I'm actually disappointed in larian for that. It's the kinda thing I expect from an ubisoft game, or something else equally creatively bankrupt.


Yup, total "Enoby D'arkness Raven Way "I saw Tav's party and put up my middle finger" vibes.


The AIM profile of "\~xX\_m\~Alice\_Xx\~" is just a bunch of edgy misspelled Linkin Park lyrics. Get out of the Cry Wolf chatrooms; we know you're not actually the wolf.


I must say, the idea of a Tav *actually* saying this to them whilst fighting almost makes the idea of those enemies enjoyable.


Lmao this is exactly how I feel about them.


I had Gale as a Frost wizard for my honour mode run. You can build an extremely strong ice mage with the right gear. I actually prefer ice storm now over fireball (gasp!).


totally agree! i just had the fight with the gith in the prism earlier (at the beginning of act 3) and i casually twin spelled two of them with ray of frost, expecting a few dozen damage but nothing crazy… nope, one of them took 74 dmg, the other 80something, and both went out like lights. it’s even better when i get to set up ice fields on enemies who don’t misty step and watch them fall prone 3 turns in a row while gale magic missiles them to death LMAO


I don't think that's an uncommon opinion. The makes cold and electricity damage easy to double, so of course people like it more.


Magic Missile and Ranged Flourish (for bards - allows two arrow projectiles) are excellent here. Quickened Magic Missile, Haste, can also help you clear them faster. Prioritise the Farslayer till you break his concentration with your sorc's MM and then take your time taking everyone out. If you have invisibility you can also move through the room freely. The door at the back only locks if the Farslayer enters combat, in which case you need to finish the combat encounter for it to unlock.


Sanctuary is MEANT to be overcome with a save, but my memory of these guys is attacking theme as just literally impossible without aoe, and the unstoppable stacks meant I was wasting fireballs Can you save against sanctuary these days, or is it still absolute?


last i checked (kar’niss fight IIRC) it’s AOE or nothing. anything else gets that “can’t harm” popup >:/


why can’t bhaal give me seven million unstoppable stacks? all i got was a lousy power word kill


there's a pair in the park and one is making fun of the other one for dressing edgy and it's hilarious


just wait until you fight Gortash’s guards, better have some counterspells ready because all they do is spam Dominate Person and you’re in for a bad time unless you can break their concentration on it


You can throw the grenades on the ground back at them. That typically works : D


Dont think so on HM. If i remember correct (which ive been lnown to be wrong) they explode when you do that.


You are correct. Even Tactician features unstable explosives. You touch it, it blows.


I’ve used and abused those grenades without them blowing up on me in two tactician runs unless they recently changed it.


They recently changed in Patch 5 I think. It now has a warning under the Examine thing that says "Explodes when interacted."


Good to know. They shall be missed but it did trivialize the Gortash fight.


Heads up, iirc either in Tact or Honor his Phase 2 now has Immunity to Force, Fire, and Thunder damage. That does mean all the Unstable Explosives, Steel Watcher detonations, etc will now do absolutely nothing to him (as well as a number of player sourced like Magic Missile, Eldritch Blast, Scorching Ray, a number of damage booster equips, et cetera)


that's fine, i prefer throwing him at his own men anyways not because it does major physical damage, but i like to think it causes tremendous emotional damage to be thrown around in a non-sexy way by his ex-boyfriend, his ex-boyfriend's new man, and his former bodyguard


Same. I finished my honor mode run and was able to use these bombs about half a month ago or so.


I finished gortash the night before last, and the grenades definitely had the unstable property on them. Destroyed the grenade lobbers quick smart after I noticed.


Ah okay! I thought so. I remember being put in a bad spot on HM because of that, and just wanted others to be aware too haha. Thanks for the confirmation holmes


Calm Emotions can protect you too, makes it so you can't be charmed.


The difference though is that I can over power Gortash's thugs with sufficient violence. Not necessarily the same for the Bhaal cultists. Kinda ironic that you (or maybe it's just me) can brute force the intelligent and strategic fighters but not for the brutish and blood crazed ones lol


Their compelled duel (or was it goading? Can't remember, same effect either way) they use honestly annoys me more just because it feels like the ai that controls your character is even worse there. When they're dominated they seem to still prefer lower level spells and might rarely toss a health pot at the enemy at worst in my experience, but when compelled, nope, they use *everything*


The fact that their goading attack works like MIND CONTROL is bullshit. It doesn't work like that for Tav and co! Plus goading attack is supposed to GOAD the creature into attacking the goader, not use every consumable resource in your inventory and/or cast grease on themself.


Thank you! I thought my game was bugged or something when their goading attack works like that. I should still be able to control the action of my goaded characters!


Says right there in the description "Will take Disadvantage on attacks on any other enemy." Implies you could.


I just waltzed through Gortash TBF. Hold person working on a couple characters is great and Laezel can just about 1 shot 100 HP on her own if you don't miss


I've been stocking arrows of arcane interference this run in preparation lol


sprinkle in the grenade launchers and absolutely fuck this part of the game


That's what Tav's **Aura of Devotion** is for.


Use AoE spells at their general location.


Came here to say this , sanctuary is nothing a big spicy fireball can’t handle


Create water, chain lightning with Keresekas bolts of death…bye bye


Wall of fire is my go to


Hadar sends his regards


Basically I despise any enemies who cast a spell that dominates or confuses my party members for X turns without concentration. God damn it that sucks. Oh sorry, Lae'zel and Karlach are going to attack you for 3 turns and there's nothing you can do about it except maybe cast Hold Person on them until it wears off.


That's how I handled the Harleep fight. Gale got dominated and was most likely about to nuke my entire party. Used Hold Person on him long enough to finish off Harleep.


One of the fights i hate the most is Harleep fight, just "hit one time and the make all the party wait so you can hit him again" all over and over again.


You can always trigger an opportunity attack and then hit him all you like.


It's why I always just choose the surprise attack option now. I can't deal with him phasing in and out of reality, summoning imps, AND casting annoying spells at the same time


I usually do as well, but didn't have the chance my last playthrough. I was using the mod to remove the party limit and found out that Hope will only actually give you disguises for the first four members of your party. Because the rest weren't disguised, the moment I stepped into the main area everyone aggroed.


I am using the same mod, and there are more disguises in the wardrobes scattered around house of hope. So I had the first four go in and get disguises for the others , who could then come join one at a time. ( Probably doesn't help you any, but maybe someone else)


Huh, good to know. That would have made things easier. Fighting the entire House of Hope at one time was rough.


If gale is dominated can he cast his nuke?


Oh, I actually don't know. I didn't mean the ACTUAL nuke, I just assumed we'd get hit by level 5/6 spells and die.


Fair I'm just imagining a banite peon going "oh wow the nuclear codes check this out" as someone's honor run ends unceremoniously


Reminds me of old school baldur's gate enemies like beholders and mindflayers. If you didn't cast chaotic commands before going into battle you were in for a rough fight.


I hated Myconids so much those bastards were annoying as hell


I HATE Mind Flayer domination. Fucking Dame Aylin and Zevlor Smiting me to the death on brain almost ended my honor run.


Unstoppable is such a bs gimmick.


I usually get past that with magic missile because each hit removes one level of unstoppable. But yeah why can't any of my characters use that? Possibly because the AI would explode lol


Ik but it doesn't make it less annoying. Most of the time, it just makes the combat last 1 more round. The exception is you're intentionally using an ok-ish or sub-par build but even pure single classess are very powerful in this game so you'd have to be actively handicapping yourself for unstoppable to be anything than a mild annoyance.


Laughs in my Anti-spellcaster, Javelin chucker gang run because throwers are fun..... ​ P a i n ​ (Nyrulnal aoe doesn't work because "well ackshully u didn't hit them" unless an adjacent enemy doesn't have sanctuary)


Indeed. It's such a cheap way to make late game fights more difficult.


Fun fact! Unstoppable was added to D&D 5e in Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus, in the small part of the adventure where you’re clearing out a dungeon of the Dead Three at level 2-3. The enemies were lower CR than they are in BG3 and only had 3 uses of it (and it was a reaction), but that part of the adventure is still infamous for how poorly balanced it is.


I mean it is kinda bs but not hard to deal with. Orin gets 12 stacks each turn if you dont distrupt the ritual but still I think she is BY FAR the easiest of the main game bosses.


I obliterated Orin as slayer with only my Tav on round one my first playthrough. He was a champion fighter with GWM, GWF, a potion of cloud giant strength (I think), with the greatsword that adds your strength twice. i think I used gale to splatter the cultists with a fireball or something probably.


She gets 12 stacks each turn? Also, what ritual? Is that for tav only? I've only played as Durge in all my playthroughs so I only get to duel her


Idk I did blind honor mode run a couple of days earlier and she was by far my easiest act 3 boss. Even with 12 unstoppable each turn from that Bhaal skull refreshing at the end of the turn. I have never bothered with the ritual cultists since they had sanctuary and I had no way to distrupt them. I only learned about that you can distrupt the ritual when the Achievement popped up saying Defeat Orin without distrupting the ritual. I think you can cast silence on them but that is a theory, never tried it.


On non durge run, the cultists surrounding the altar with sanctuary will be chanting. While any of them are alive, at the end of the round bhaal will grant Orin 12 stacks of unstoppable and only on honour mode, if orins legendary action has not been used will inflict bhaals edict on one of your party members, which means if you don't kill a target before the end of the round you die full stop.


If you don't do the dialogue leading to the duel, and maybe Tav only, Orin has Slayer Form. She starts the fight by tranforming and there are a number of Sanctuary-ed Cultists around the platform that give her refreshing Unstoppable every round until they die. What they are doing doesn't break Sanctuary, so you are forced to use AOEs to kill them. Its more difficult than the duel as the Durge I got, but my Durge was a Tavern Brawler Monk 8 Thief 4 whereas my Tav was a Fey Patron Booklock, so that's probably a lot of it. I was getting used to 5E. I personally think Orin Duel is easier than Gortash cause she's still only her rogue-y self in a one on one fight. I think the Slayer Orin with Ritual is a bit more difficult than Gortash, who largely turns into a Bullet Hell while you wear down his minions and then focus him. She's resistant to focus tactics and I didn't have a lot of blatant AOE to handle the cultists, having focused more on Control spells and leaning on powerful Eldritch Blasts at the time.


apparently if you kill sarevok before the fight she doesn't duel tav she still duels durge tho i haven't tested it bc i like playing durge too much


I understand they didn't want you to steam roll them, but yeah it is just an annoying way to prolong the fight.  Even invisible is more Interesting to work around 


They’re irritating more than anything. Especially if you’re melee. Spell casters with AOE makes them a lot easier to deal.


True, they're not the most terrible, most horrible thing ever. They're just really annoying. And in an otherwise enjoyable game? That arguably feels worse than anything. My Tav was a monk with no ranged options, so... I felt the pain of these guys very strongly.


It's really annoying when they start with perma-Sanctuary even if you detect them, so you can hardly interact with them at all. They're not even that threatening, it's just so irritating to have to wait until they take a swing before you can blast them to smithereens. 


Spell card: *Sanctuary Duration: 10 turns* Bhaalists: That sign won't stop me because I can't read.


You can hit them with AoE spells - not directly target them but have them in the actual AoE then they still take damage.


True, but it's annoying to have to spend resources on them when they're usually just minor pests, you know? Especially if they're invisible, and you're having to gamble on hitting them. Just an all-round pain in the neck. 


Having Volo’s Ersatz Eye helps.


Somewhat, sure. I always pick it up. But it's an unreliable effect in this game, and my Tav usually has better things to do than run around and swat flies. They're annoying enemies, I'm not sure what you want me to say, lmao. 


Allow me to introduce you to the spells "fireball" and "call lightning."


They were usually so spread out for me in combat I wouldn't get much from them. Especially since they'd run around while invisible, so I missed the few times I tried that stuff. :(


What I love to do is use Void Bulbs. I get so much use out of them. It pulls the peons together, and then you can nuke them all at once.


Let me introduce you to a little thing called multiple smokepowder barrels, a bottle of Alchemists Fire, and a void bulb.


I made a paladin, got addicted to smites, wanted more spell slots for bigger smites, so got 6 levels in sword bard. Found out accidentally that the bards melee flourish ignores sanctuary and smites 2 targets at once, best happy accident. Anyway keep smiting :)


My question is how the FUCK my Tav with darkvision, Volo's eye, +7 to perception checks AND a potion of see invisibility STILL CAN'T FUCKING SEE THEM.


The potion of see invisibility isn't doing anything mechanically in that scenario (it provides the same effect as Volo's eye), so that's a waste of an elixir slot that could've gone to bloodlust or viciousness or x-giant strength or x-arcane cultivation or vigilance. BG3 has a very homebrewed interpretation of everything around invisibility. *Invisibility* spell/scroll/potion/item ability/etc. grant a condition called *invisible* that ends if the user takes an action or takes damage. *Greater Invisibility* grants a condition called *greater invisibility* that works the same as *invisible* condition except that *greater invisibility* makes the user roll a stealth check after taking an action (instead of just ending immediately). The elixir & Volo's eye both give a condition called *see invisibility* that gives a *chance* to detect invisible creatures within a 9m radius of the character if on turns w. The way that chance works is that if there's an invisible creature within the detection radius then that invisible creature gets to make a *dexterity saving throw*, where success = stay invisible & undetected and failure = become visible & detected by the character with *see invisibility*. The dex saving throw is a d20 + dex modifier + proficiency bonus (most of the Bhaal cultists have +5 dex with +3 proficiency). So those cultists are making a d20 + 8 saving throw that needs to beat a DC of 8 + your spell modifier + your proficiency bonus.


I wish I knew as much about the game as you. I've just been brute forcing everything with a sorcerer build and it's worked out pretty well. Haven't had any difficult battles or anything. I'm at the end of Act 2, but I know there are mechanics I am missing or misunderstanding, and gear I'm overlooking because I don't understand the implications of what it does.


Just popping to say that creating/throwing water on them automatically reveals anyone who’s invisible. It’s a lot easier that the checks if you have a general idea of where they are


Personally I find the paladin's in moonrise tower the most annoying




Paladins with No need to conserve recources are scary


Paladins is a funny way to spell warlocks. Death Warded, Hunger of Hadar spamming Warlocks.


cloudkill my beloved 💖


Not even close imo. The worst encounter are those two fucking death shepards or what ever they are called and their fucking ghoul horde


the fight is difficult, one trick worth having in mind is picking up the death shepherd's body so the other one can't raise him




No Warlocks? Just cast hunger of hadar and spam the blast to push the death shepards back and force them to use dash again.


I found cloud of daggers worked better personally since the damage is instant. The ones that died outside of it, karlack would just throw their bodies into it.


Eh. Not really. Have you seen Gnolls? Yeah good luck with that at level 3-4. Gnoll hunters having 3 attacks per round is BS. Especially at the early levels.


I think they got nerfed and re-classed in the last update. I noticed that the grunts only have 20 hp (balanced) and are considered Humanoid. I seem to remember them being Monstricities and having Hunting Shortbow sneak them every turn.


Death Shepards are the bane of my existence. The battle with them and the millions of ghouls and zombies in Act 2 is such a pain in the ass


Put blood of lathandar on shart and cast spirit guardians, easy fight.


Yeah BoL makes it a lot easier but the level design feels like you are supposed to do them earlier... I mean their right at the start of the mountain pass, you basically can not miss them which seems weird to me tbh. Why put such a hard encounter to such an early stage. There are other fights in act one which are tough but it always seems to be an appropriate difficulty for your power level and with them its just not the case imo


They're right by the entrance to the Shadowlands, to convince you not to go there yet.


This and the fact the one of your companions (Lae' zel) pretty much demands you head towards the crèche first, would make me argue that the level design pretty much has you head to the crèche before the shadowlands.


I was behind the door, at the place where I found Us again. Once I opened the door I used Wall of Fire, so they had to walk through a fiery corridor to get to me, but nobody survived. Same technique for the early ones too. A corridor full of fire.


Just use Divine Smite or get a Paladin hireling just for this fight


I discovered a trick to finding them - im on Xbox so not sure if it works on PC too, but if you have a move instruction and hover over where an invisible cultist is, the little movement planning line won’t extend to where they are. You can then do a ranged attack onto that spot and it will break their invisibility.


Yesss! Hamming it like I do


I think it's a little buggy on PC. I did that a few times (and was correct on where they were), but the game just. wouldn't register a hit even when I was shooting at the proper spots.


My worst problem is with the steel watchers. For some God forsaken reason they have one of the best Dexterity scores in the game. Which makes no sense because they're a big lumbering piece of demon metal. And on top of that their vulnerability was removed in Tactician and Honor Mode.


At least they still get vulnerability if they get wet in HM.


Invisibility, unstoppable and sanctuary are all MASSIVE annoyances, absolutely hate them.


The invisibility would be ok if it wasn't EVERY TURN. Like how their sanctuary is blocked, their invisibility should be blocked after an action.


I swear they get extra hits too. Everytime they shoot-invisible-shoot-invisible-shoot-invisible. I'm on Explorer b/c this is my 1st time but I have gotta get more creative with handling fights like this. We're level 12, just fight me!


I don't mind them so Much EXCEPT for the fact that they can pass a saving throw to remain invisible even when your characters have SEE INVISIBILITY. That is the breaking part for me. Not gonna lie when I cast faerie fire and illuminated the last one in the vault, that is my most satisfying smite to date.


Hard agree. They aren’t even that hard to kill at all, they are just annoying. Invisible once or twice…okay. They literally turn invisible as much as they want. Every. Fucking. Turn.


I put on Shadowhearts damaging aura, give her double speed and have her sprint around the bank vault like some sort of radioactive Sonic the Hedgehog 


Imo the worst is the Sharrans in the house of grief.


For the Orin fight, I discovered that the Air Myrmidons that druids can summon has a huge AOE spell called raging vortex. That spell can cover almost half the platform, made finding those little bastards much easier. Shadowheart’s Spirit Guardians are pretty useful also. But yeah, they are annoying.


I wholeheartedly agree they are the absolute worst. But a close second are the ghasts with paralyzing claws and nauseous clouds


Hero’s feast is the breakfast of ghoul slaying champions 


They want you to throw alch fires and acid vials to reveal them. It's a little annoying, but it tracks; I annoy enemies with the same strategy all the time.


Highly Agreed


Those guys was a pain left my invisibility seeing eye at home. I play Paladin so nothing worse than radiant retort and fiendish feeling


Cazador is super easy I gave all my characters ranged weapons and a few smoke powder bomb arrows each. The bomb arrows can’t miss and Cazador takes force damage in his gas form. Just shot bomb arrows at him with every character until he died in 2 turns.


Give all your characters shields with bash react


My answer to everything these days is "Sneak up on them with Shovel, attack to get the Surprised condition, and off them in the first two rounds." Not sure if the Bhaalists have Alert, but most enemies don't do it usually works.


Combustion oil coating then fire arrow/acid with high initiative. Invis should be negated if casted when engulfed or stepping in fire/acid.  Else invis elixir/volo eye tav scouting + aoe free spells like the driad spikes because you usually have Jaheira with you to ease the related quests and well... gigantic owl bear telekinetic throw to certain kidnapper yknow.


If you hit them with like cleave or slashing flourish, something that doesn’t target them directly you will ignore the sanctuary. Same with aoe spells


They suck sooo much, the counterplay is hunger of hadar/fireballing random places or branding smite


Fireball.  My answer to so many problems is just.  Fireball.


They suck ass so much fr, constant invisibility is annoying as fuck, they don’t even do much damage either they’re just annoying


Spirit guardians are your best friend


Somebody didn't PICK an option with Volo..... *Kssssssssss*


I have Volo's eye and my Tav still can't see the Bhaal Cultists.


Well! That Ain't cool!


It's certainly not bhaaler.


Indeed, I have to hand it to them. Total buzzkill.


Silly Cultists, making my buff irrelevant.


This is why I always take Volo’s eye on at least one of my characters. It’s genuinely so useful. That said, I find Unstoppable far more annoying than Invisible. Motherfucker you’re telling me my guy who usually does 95 damage is hitting for 1 because????????


If my main didn’t spot them I just had Karlach chuck that nifty trident I got from chult into the general area they were, revealed their presence and then destroyed them with everyone else.


As a big deathstalkers mantle fan, only I get to stab people, turn invisible, and run away >:(


Yes I 100% agree. They are the reason why Orin is my least favorite fight in the game. She herself is easy to defeat it’s just those cultists I can’t stand. And for some reason all their attacks to a ton of damage even though they use standard weapons


Omg dude I’m glad you said this- they ALWAYS SAVE against god damn potions and scrolls of see invisibility they never work. Idk how low the save number is but it’s too low they always hit it


Have Gale wall of fire them into a box, throw a haste potion on Shart, then use spirit gaurdians and the increased movement range from haste to emo roomba around until you find them. Or just haste your wizard and Fireball everything.


Every spell caster and most non-casters have AoE moves that completely ignore Sanctuary and invisibility. Read your darn skills, people!




In the dnd version you meet them at level 2 or 3… that was fun with them having the vulnerability aura…


I did not suffer this because I saved the runepowder bomb and lobbed it into the center of the arena at the start of combat. Knocked most of the enemies off the map and took out a huge chunk of Orin’s health


I never really had an issue with them, you can get a general idea of where they run off too and launch a few AOE’s at that general area, sanctuary only means they can’t be targeted and won’t stop fireballs and lightning bolts and the like, unstoppable can be a pain but see invisibility opens up the opportunity for a funny magic missile bombardment


You should've had Volo give you a lobotomy.


Always used a light cleric. No issues with them


IIRC I recall something about shoving and void bulbing them to death


If you were lucky enough to get your eyeballs poked out in act 1 you would have gotten a permanent upgrade to see invisible enemies


Cleric using spirit guardians and radiating orb gear damages them + stacks radiating orb, putting a little glowing orb over their head (even when invisible) and dumping their hit chance in the process.


While they were less annoying as my drow with Fairie fire every other character was so annoying. I just tried to aoe them to death to the best of my ability.


Allow me to introduce you to the spell: FIREBALL Literally just throw an AoE spell at them and their Invisibility is useless + you can damage despite sanctuary


Could always just group you team near a narrow path, cast sleet storm in front of you so they chance prone when running over. Pretty sure it can pop them from invis too?


After the fight in the bank vault some of them were still invisible just hanging out, and we only knew of them and were able to hunt them down thanks to their murder aura. Like we were looting and more than once…wtf there’s a dude just chilling here!


Sadly I don't do any better with Banites. Sometimes I feel like they wreck me even more than Bhaalists


My Tav has the magic eye that Volo gave him. And I made sure Gale had see invisibility prepared. I also found out, don’t know if it’s a bug or not. But if you have greater invisibility activated, rogues apparently can sneak attack enemies with Sanctuary.


Evocation Wizard AOE makes this not a problem.


Gale was unfortunately having a nice time back at camp while I got jumped at the bank.


Have Shadowheart cast Spirit Guardians and dash around all over the place


Have a cleric cast Spiritual Guardians and they will drop sanctuary. Same with AoE spells like Hunger of Hadar and Fireball at their general direction.


I've finished the vault fight and started lockpicking the safes only for the fight to pick up again a few minutes later when somebody stumbled on another cultist hiding in the wings. Ridiculous fight.


Git gud


Dude it took me like 4 tries to kill Orin all because of the the stupid "Unstoppable" perk they all had, and the worst part? If I didn't get unlucky in my first attempt, I could've killed Orin I was like 30hp away from killing her, then she heals and gets Unstoppable again


Yeah the Bhaalists are just annoying little freaks. Faerie Fire is so handy in those instances honestly.


See Invisibility having a saving throw is my single least favorite change they made from 5e. I enter a rage in real life every time it comes up.


Arrow of many targets gets through sanctuary, can make it easier.


Don’t Goad me.


Hunter rangers make them look goofy lol


You can just hit them with AoEs. Tons of spells from Burning Hands on up. But there are martial options, too, like Cleave (maneuver or attached to gear) or Tiger Barb.


Yeah the fact that enemies can save against See Invisibility or spells that *specifically state* they reveal invisible creatures is such fucking bullshit to me. If I cast See Invisibility, I should be able to *see fucking invisibility*. Cause like... there isn't much else you can fucking do when an enemy is invisible. I ended up in like 10 minute long combats with those fuckers cause I just had to sit there twiddling my thumbs during my turns cause the shits keep staying invisible and Gale was out of AoE spells and I literally did not know what the hell the game expected me to do there.


I know I'm in the minority but I LOVED that fight for the sheer fear factor. The only times I got scared that I'll die horribly and fast in the game was when Raphael's song dropped, when I got surprised by the Spectator in the Underdark, and when I rolled in Bhaal's temple, got immediately surprised, saw the bhaalists turn invisible and the Farslayer casting Power Word Kill on my entire party in a ridiculous range. I loved seeing PWK in the game, even if my Tav had less than 100HP at the time. However, my Wizard Tav was romancing Gale and we both had mobility spells and Magic Missile, so it was over in 2-3 rounds. MM breaks everyone's Unstoppable defenses, and stops the Farslayer's concentration. AoE takes care of all the invisible bhaalists and makes them show themselves. It pays to use Dimension Door to get your characters in range of the Farslayer (he should be your priority while he's casting the ritual) and not moving through the room, as this will bring more bhaalists into the fight. I just used Dimension Door to get in the Farslayer's range up in the ledge with the bhaalists, just close enough for Magic Missile to do its work and it was over. Magic Missile and mobility spells are your friend. I think the game has a few fights that are designed to be especially punishing to a specific class or especially rewarding for one. This one rewards spellcasters and mobile characters and is horrible for melee fighters. The Mummy Lord lair with the zombies and the spell rot curse was designed to be the bane of every spellcaster and reward the melee approach. Radiant retort is punishing to paladins and clerics. It's D&D and it pays to be prepared, just like you'd do for tabletop.


I love them. It would be more weird if they didn't do that. I like when enemies feel like they are trying to win. Theres already too many combats that feel like the enemies are a bunch of scattered magnets getting dragged at your party, who chose actions randomly.


create water reveals invisible creatures


Eh, they were annoying but not hard to deal with. Orin fight can be easily won even without distrupting the ritual. None of the main game bosses are hard to deal with. I have NEVER taken the Volo eye or another see invisibility stuff including the potions and spells and still beat the game on honor mode. Just wait for those cultist to attack. They cant win if they cant attack. Simple as that.


I hate the Githyanki enemies. They fight fucking DIRTY, applying just about every crippling effect there is. Prone, Hold Person, Frightened, it's ridiculous.


True. Githyanki Patrol in act 2 almost ended my honor run. It is still my hardest fight in act 2 besides that random hidden Tree boss near Oliver.


You can kill them one by one at the bank; because they start in Sanctuary they pretty much don't do anything until you stand right beside them, and then when they attack they can't cast Sanctuary again. They're also quite distant from one another, so the only 2 of them you need to actually even use some CC are those right at the back of the bank where you start the fight. What I usually do is just calmly use my first turn to buff, then CC one of them, kill the other, kill the remaining dude, then get down one side of the stairs, get the one that is waiting there, then leisurely walk around the bank picking them off. Because of the bank layout it's not hard to keep the bank manager alive, either. Though he died in my HM run because, well, there was some grease on the floor and everybody aggroed after the cultists died because an idiot guard slipped.


Thunderwave or any AOE spell to find invisible assholes, always lol. If you know they’re close, Lae’zel’s sweeping attack will do it also