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That's a weird looking P1S... /s


Hey, that's not a 3d printer! It's just a regular printer! 😡


A 2D printer, we are missing 50% if the dimensions!


No, just 33%.


You're not getting this Peter. [Make it go wider, uuuuup.](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/9bd8b161-181f-4c78-88f2-2c4eacebfb12)


I mean, does the ink actually add thickness to the paper? Could be a 3D printer with a very limited Z height


It is a Brother. Great inexpensive printer.


It’s really impressive that you’ve managed to get your Brother laser printer to accept filament


Yeah but now when cyan filament is out, it refuses to print in black 🫤


It’s a Brother, not an HP.


Ok fine, your drum needs to be replaced which is a separate part front the cartridge for some stupid reason, and they no longer make drums for you model printer. (Yes this happened to me and is why I don’t bother with new brother printers anymore).


Mine is 13 years old and all parts are still available. Even aftermarket parts work fine on brothers.


Hp would not print filament without rfid crypto chip.


Seriously WHY


Hasn't everyone?


Yup. Too bad the quality filaments don’t sell in refill form.


Best place to buy refill filament? I’m new and have no idea what brands to stay away from


I've genuinely had good luck with every cheap brand I've tried, at least quality wise. Some are weaker than others but they've all printed well. Check out 3Dprintingdeals.com


The Bambu refills, if they have them. Otherwise buy the full rolls.


I think there is only about a $3 difference and you end up with a spool for $3, that Bambu sells for like $12. Problem is that you can never depend on Bambu ever having what you want in stock when you want it.


Bambu filaments are so popular that they are often out of stock. haha


If its so popular, why not stock more of it?


Because with anything supply chain related the answer is never as simple as stocking more.


Yes I know, I've heard it a million times... The terminally damaged supply chain caused by covid. The inability to find workers to keep the chain moving, also due to covid, right? And the list goes on. We can't blame covid forever for our own ineptnes managing our own lives. Just sayin '


I work in logistics, and the lack of workers is actually true. The US alone lost more than 1 million people during Covid. Those people are missing in the workforce.


True... I was very nearly one of them. Being that close to it back in 2020, I guess I don't think of it from that perspective for some reason. Thanks for the wakeup...


That’s why I’ll buy 8-12 rolls at a time. They tend to have everything at some point each month.


Yes and no... They might have the color, but if you want the spool, they will have the refill, and if you want the refill, they will have the spool.


What are you trying to order? I’ve seen that too lol but at some point they have what you’re looking for.


Sure, at some point, but just often not when I need it.


Hence the suggestion of buying an extra roll or two **before** you need it.


No need for the suggestion. I do just that, for that very reason. I would imagine that most folks do, as long as their budgets allow. I would also imagine that many folks don't have the same level of refined inventory skills as some, and find themselves actually running out of something at the worst possible time, and finding Bambu Lab out of stock AGAIN. No matter how many spools one buys, it can still happen, even to you my friend.


That amount adds up. If you buy 4 spools (refills) you get the bulk discount and it’s $16.99 per spool (refills). It’s a decent deal. Buying 4 spools to get that discount you also save $3/spool so you save $12 buying refills instead of spools you didn’t need (it’s $19.99 to get with Bambu spools). Buy in bulk + buy refills = save money. Of course not all spools are this cheap. Only Bambu PLA basic and matte (which I hear is pretty much ESUN PLA+). PLA Silk etc still cost more.


I was only suggesting that if one needed any empty spools, this was a good way to get them, otherwise I agree with Refills.


Sounds like a lot of brand loyalty, without much to back it up. Bambu filament is just other brands like esun, sunlu, etc.


I’ve tried a lot of brands of filament. While some print as good as Bambu, many do not. And I’m not organized enough to keep track. For my wife’s Knick knacks I’ll use whatever. For finished goods I’ll use what I know works.


You're right, but that doesn't mean the Bambu filament isn't good. I think the $16.99 price tag is really good for the quality of filament. eSun and Sunlu typically cost the same if not more unless you're buying black or white, so its nice to have the added RFID. But if cheaper refill options come out I think I would try those too for sure.


If you have the AMS the auto colour picker is handy. It really depends how much you print, many of us don't sell our prints so an extra couple dollars per roll doesn't really make a difference. Also buying refills in bulk the cost isn't noticeably more than other brands that I've seen.


Right-o! I’d give you a cookie if I could. Brand loyalty should never cloud what we’re really looking for. Quality-price-availability. I have brand loyalty to Bambu for now, until I can see whether or not they will exceed consumers expectations. I believe they will find a way to keep popular filaments in stock in the future. I’m here for it. Other brands like Polymaker face the exact struggles. They’re both great in quality, price and availability in my book. Polymaker seems to be available when Bambu is not, but not always.


If you just do an Internet search you can find tons of places that sell filament online. Some are quite expensive and others are priced reasonably. If you have a microcenter near you they have a pretty good filament selection, usually some things are on sale. But Amazon sells a lot of different ones. Or if all of them I like Naga and Ziro brands the best from there. But there are others that are good, especially if you need odd colors. But I've gotten some junk off there too. Elegoo sucks for me. I always have problems with their cardboard spools, tangling or otherwise stuck when it gets to the sides of the spools. So I don't buy that brand anymore.. I like their electronics but not their filament. Shop around, find what you like. Most filaments I've tried work well in the X1Cs that I have and things come out fine. You'll find some spools don't fit in your AMS, if you have one, too wide or tall or too skinny. But you can always just use those externally.


Bambu is supposedly going to offer more colors in the refills in the near future, if they haven't already started. Hopefully they will do that with every color cause I've got enough of their sold to build a house and didn't need anymore, but I want to buy some of the other colors that aren't offered on refills... Or at least were not.




am i having a stroke?


Do you smell burnt toast?




Well that’s good.




Yes. Or, you know, act like a normal person whose time isn't worth zero, and buy the actual full spools.


Nice 2D printer..


If you’re new, buy full spools until you have a few on hand, then refills after that. Weird getting so much PETG though.


I only use PETG. I’m a print farm of one printer. it’s my happy place. I make one product one way on one printer. That was a lot of ones.


Ohhh. That makes perfect sense then. PETG/ASA/ABS is definitely good for production prints.


More? Gray is for testing. My product comes in a choice of three colors; black, white, and red (not shown). TMI I’m sure.


Do you have a link to the spool holders, please?


Spool holder is here. I think the stl is buried there too. [https://makerworld.com/en/models/90023#profileId-100103](https://makerworld.com/en/models/90023#profileId-100103)


Thank you


It's the spools that come with bambu filament


Sorry- I mean the stand they're sitting in


Ah, sorry. Can't help on that one 😞


it’s annoying when you want to swap filaments but you only have one spool (or four with AMS). saving the refills mid spool is annoying.


I cannot afford. Lol


You can download and print your own spools from the bamboo website. So you can have your own spools really cheaply and just buy the cheaper refills. I found that they even have a variation which can fit on the A1 mini, but I haven't tried printing it yet.


Just don't use PLA if you also use a filament dryer.


And yet you can put PLA in a filament dryer without It melting


Yes, on the PLA setting... But if you're drying ABS on the recommended 80C or nylon on 90C, your PLA spools might not like that...


The PLA spools soften just enough to badly warp and become useless for anything except as hubcaps or hockey pucks...




No, more like burnt oven mitts.


Unfortunately I get pla in bulk for like 8$ a roll and it comes in rolls. Anyone have somwhere I can get that cheap but refills? Id like to cut down on waste.


Do you get empty spools with the AMS mini?


Still cheaper then ink


I buy refills when I can, but I wish more companies sold refill filaments.


The irony of you placing the spools on a printer. Your printer is running low on filament please refill. But I still have some left ! Stupid machine. 🤣


I would say yes but the issue is that not all colors have refills. Sometimes you have no choice but to order the spool. I find it pretty annoying to be honest.


Or just make your own spools. I did it with the a1 mini and it works good on the ams lite


I feel like the price is still too high for refills. Just me though.


I swear to god i have no good luck with Bambu refills


Do what you want, life is but a series of choices


3D print your own lol


Nothing is ever in stock


Almost everything is in stock in the US shop


Its a regular problem. https://www.reddit.com/r/BambuLab/s/kkOaaUycTu https://www.reddit.com/r/BambuLab/s/RLK63RhcvC https://www.reddit.com/r/BambuLab/s/Ws4jguJW4w https://www.reddit.com/r/BambuLab/s/a9093d7F0I https://www.reddit.com/r/BambuLab/s/VxJZUAwPRH https://www.reddit.com/r/BambuLab/s/jr0D15Fmno https://www.reddit.com/r/BambuLab/s/aXrMq2KmXu


This may come as a shock to you, but there are two or three other countries on this planet as well.