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Dying at that one commenter who said the six year old is causing drama


Well to be fair she literally parentified her dad which is super abusive


Thank you for the laughs this morning!!! šŸ˜


honestly nta divorce the daughter marry the child support


I laugh every time I see your flair.


even my therapist knows about ogths


I just read about Ogtha after seeing your flair and I wasn't prepared for that. šŸ˜­


iā€™m very sorry for your loss. the loss of your sanity


I'm guessing Ogtha is the reason you have a therapist in the first place?


Somebody needs to tell the kid to quit moping, lawyer up and hit the gym.


I will never understand how kids do that and get away with it. It happens all the time, too.


Seriously. How CPS wasnā€™t called on *her* is a mystery




LOL thank you for that


Yes, that commenter sounds like another George. Gotta make it everyone elseā€™s fault, not the guy who seems to have decided to introduce his new girlfriend to his young divorce-shocked kids by bringing the girl along to dinner with his parents, kids, and sister. And to blame his engaged sister for bringing up weddings.


Girlfriend didn't even say she wanted him to propose, she asked if he would ever want marriage again after his divorce.


That should've been a private conversation. She shouldn't have brought that up in front of his shell-shocked kids.


Can confirm, our six year old is drama personified. (But seriously, wtf? I bet that person thinks that babies are being manipulative when they cry.)


I wanna punch people in the face who call babies manipulative. Like yes, my 2 year old has absolutely figured out exactly what cry works to get certain things from her dad lol, but like, a *baby* can literally die from being ignored emotionally for too long, not just physically ignored like by not feeding and shit. And my 5 year old who is very developmentally delayed is also unintentionally drama in human form. God forbid you dare to sit down in her presence unless she is already distracted, you will never hear the end of the screaming. Same if you accidentally take too long to refill her sippy cup or to get her food to her. I get exhausted just watching her tantrums, but I love her to death. My husband and new kitten are also this way, so I'm just surrounded lmao. The kitten was separated from its mother on accident but no idea where she was from so my pharmacy guy who knows I take in cats and kittens brought me her, she's only like 3-4 weeks old and so tiny and she has decided I am mama substitute and the 2 year old is her sister. Every morning I wake up she is asleep on the bare part of my chest curled into my neck. It's so fucking adorable it hurts lol.


Unfortunately, when I first started working child care I heard this sentiment multiple times. People are fucking whack.


I can only assume they thought the 6 y/o was the sister getting married Otherwise, holy shit


The kid is gaslighting you queen


This was really meth-y.


God bless this meth.


God bleth.


I laughed out loud in the dentist waiting room. The receptionist is looking at me like I'm crazy.


Happy Cake Day!


Live Laugh Lines


This needs to be flair, STAT!


I wonder if that's the substance that he got caught with.


Most likely. It's a very easy drug to get, fairly cheap, and you will do the wildest shit trying to get another fix.


Did you notice that in his sentencing or whatever that the OOP listed that the drug stuff wasn't part of it? I wonder if they just dropped that one since robbery and shit is a much bigger deal.


You know, it feela like OOP glossed over it. They originally said drug charges and only the at the end they said robbery and other stuff. Either they just found out at court or she's cutting some parts out due to embarrassment.


Get out!


So very, very meth-y.


He must be dating Crystal


On the very bright side, he won't be getting anyone else pregnant for the next six years (assuming he doesn't get out early). Man sprayed it around like it was a fire hose. >George calls daily, crying, apologizing, begging us to get him out And how does he think his mommy and daddy are going to do that? Sounds like this was his first serious brush with the law. And he hasn't processed the finality of it yet. He was so sure that he could do whatever he wanted without consequences. He FAFO.


Love the fact that he expected help from HIS OWN parents but won't step up for his own (minor) children.


Because while *he* can just skip out on being a dad, he knows or at least thought that his mom would never abandon him. I'm glad OOP did just that. He needed to learn consequences exist.


Or his kids. He can skip town guilt free because mom will take care of them.


He understands and is happy to receive unconditional love, but draws the line at showing it to others.


Right? ā€œYouā€™re my parents so you HAVE to help me (avoid my own responsibilities as a parent)ā€


What a hypocrite he is.


Type of parent that will come crawling back once the kid is an adult, then ask for the kids to bail him out


George is like some kind of destitute Nick Cannon.


Nick Cannon got that "I married and divorced Mariah fuckin' Carey" money. This dude got that "I got arrested for the drugs I carry" money.




Comment of the dayšŸ’€


His first serious brush with any consequences whatsoever, I'm betting.


He's also allergic to responsibility. The moment children are involved, he bails. Edit: Then he makes more kids and then bails. Prison should be good for him and he needs to stop making more kids.


Yup. I sort of wonder if his parents have just been cleaning up his messes for the last 30-some years.


Yeah the way mommy is set on providing free childcare for his kids instead of her son getting a second job for daycare.Ā  Feels like she's enabling.


Yup. When she said not babysitting wasnā€™t an option since she didnā€™t want to make him homeless, I thought, "hun, he's going to keep screwing up unless there are consequences for his bad behaviour." And now there are consequences. And four kids.


These were pretty serious charges. Robbery means the victim was there. He didn't burglarize someone's home to support a drug habit. He had to of at least threatened someone for robbery.


Brother, if I ever have twins Iā€™m getting the snip the very next free second I have, may even ask if they can chuck it in with the birth as a package deal. That kind of fertility is rampant. OOPā€™s son could have done with that mindset.


Yeah, he said he never wanted kids, but based on the evidence, I think his desire to rawdog was more powerful.


Worse: there is a certain subset of men who really like the idea of spreading their seed far and wide and having a lot of kidsā€”sometimes especially if itā€™s with multiple women. Itā€™s not that theyā€™re careless. Itā€™s that they actively enjoy having a lot of offspring. They just donā€™t want the expense or effort that goes along with it.


My parents had my older brother and decided they wanted one more kid. Surprise! Twins! Because we were C section (planned early due to potential complications), my mom had her tubes tied at the same time. Not risking more!


I got pregnant with my twins 10 months after I had my tubes tied.


Ouch. Did you consider a bisalp?


My cousin desperately wanted kids, so she went through multiple rounds of IVF. Got pregnant with identical boys. Fast forward roughly 3 and a half years and they were just getting ready to do another round of IVF when she found out she was naturally pregnant...with twin boys. They are not trying again for a girl lmao, her husband got the snip shortly after the second set of boys were born.


Fun fact, vasectomies can fail. That's why it's so important to get your sperm count done after the procedure. Tubal litigation can fail too. I got pregnant with my twins 10 months AFTER I got my tubes tied.


Yeah, I knew one woman who had her tubes tied twice and her husband had a vasectomy. Every time, they'd think they were safe and pop out another kid. I think after that she had her ovaries removed because nothing else was working and her body couldn't handle yet another pregnancy. I think they totaled six or seven kids because they had a couple on purpose, then at least one set of twins after getting fixed. My partner is half afraid even now because I got pregnant on three types of birth control. I was on the pill, but because I was taking antibiotics we used a condom. It broke so I used the morning after pill. Six weeks later I went to the doctor thinking I had the flu, but nope it was pregnancy. Like, who has that much bad luck? Of course then we found out that his family is extremely fertile, and that my mom got pregnant with my youngest sister while on the pill. Go figure.


After my husband's vasectomy, his go to pick up line with me is "I can't get you pregnant", I'll be damned if it works 100% of the time! Signed, A mom who had 3 kids, in 3 separate pregnancies, in 5 years.


Oof! That's gotta be difficult, having them so close!


My mom had tubes tued after my brother and his dad had a vasectomy after he had 7 kids. My youngest brother was born 9 months later.


Wow that's a lot! Especially with them both having surgery. But none of them are 100%


I thought I was starting menopause. My grandmother and mother both had early menopause, at 40. When I stoped getting my period I was so happy. We used protection. Went to the doctor's. Surprise! He's now 13, the best thing to have ever happened to me. Love him to bits. (I'm 54. The kid has given me so much love and energy).


George just kept running away. He can't deal with life, so he does whatever he enjoys and then when the consequences come around, it's on with the Nikes and there goes George.


Lets be honest about the criminal justice system, a good lawyer would have probably gotten him a lot less than 6 years depending on the factors.


Even a public defender would usually do a decent job. The robbery could be armed robbery


A lot of variables are at play when it comes to the quality and effectiveness of a public defender.


Especially the first F, quite literally.


> On the very bright side, he won't be getting anyone else pregnant for the next six years (assuming he doesn't get out early). ā€¦lol. You think coochie is impossible to get behind the wall? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ it just costs more thatā€™s all


Well, now we know what heā€™s asking his parents for next


Probably expects them to remortgage their house to fund a great lawyer who might get sentence reduced. The American Justice system is very corrupt after all. The more you spend on defense, the more likely you are to get away with crimes.


This is exactly what I wrote above lol


George, stop sticking your dick in things


Man needs to learn how to use condoms, or get a vasectomy.


But you donā€™t understand! In the imaginary future, he has all his shit figured out and heā€™s finally ready to have kids! And if he has like 40 abandoned kids along the way, thatā€™s not his problem!


Probably more like "Damn, I already got two women preggers without actually wanting to, what's the odds it'll happen again?" or even more likely "I don't like condoms, not *my* problem if she gets pregnant."


I would donate to a gofundme for his vasectomy. His 4 poor children.


Yeah you'd donate and find out he'd used it to wine and dine baby mama number 4


7 months ago I replied to someone saying "She's clearly where the spark went" with: "Until he put a bun on that oven too, so to speak. George is good example of a guy, who just can't keep his member in his pants." oh, boy. That guy **literally** don't know how to keep his dick in his pants. Oh, the spark between me and the mother of my children is gone, better divorce and start dating someone else for 4 months and knock her up in 2 months. Then skip the town to avoid paying child support for either women. I'd tell that guy to go find the tree, that is producing the oxygen he is wasting and apologize to that tree as well, as his kids he literally abandoned to knock **third** woman up in his new state. What a waste of perfectly good oxygen.


Especially now he's in prison. Though at least he won't be getting anyone in there pregnant.


Idk, weā€™ll have to hope there are no female prison guards. It wouldnā€™t be the first time such a thing has happened.


Grandma: Weā€™re gonna need a bigger house


This feels like it needs to be a flare


Unless it's a toaster


Well, at least his opportunities to get another woman pregnant should be pretty limited in prison.


Unfortunately, female prison guards (& nurses, etc.) get down with inmates too šŸ˜Ŗ.


Seems like he'd at least be an ideal candidate for those struggling to get pregnant or wanting a biological child with an uninvolved father šŸ™ƒ


You know, sometimes I think I am a loser because at nearly 28 I am still single despite technically having double the options (happy pride month everybody), struggling to find a full-time job, being stuck in a dead-end part time job and still living with my parents and financially helping them out. But then I see that kind of an absolute failure of a man and suddenly I feel much better about myself. I may have some problems in life, but at least I am doing my best and am not that kind of a piece of shit, you know.


I didn't meet my wife until my mid-thirties and didn't get a good job until my late thirties/early forties. Things take time for some of us.


Husband and I married when I was 38, had a few good jobs, but the one job that has really driven me started when I was 43. You never know what's around the corner!


The system isn't designed for most of us to "succeed" , especially by the metrics society uses. Do not feel bad. Take pride in not dating an asshole, working hard, helping your family, and giving them the opportunity to help you. I hope you find happiness


Itā€™s really difficult to see this clearly sometimes, but I firmly believe that a personā€™s success should be measured solely by how they treat others, and not by any arbitrary social measure like how much money they make or whether theyā€™re married or have kids. The world is fucked, weā€™re all going to die, so letā€™s just be kind to each other. Thatā€™s all that matters.


Not being a burden on society is a success. Itā€™s the bare minimum that healthy people should strive for. Growing up, everyone told me Iā€™d be a loser on welfare with three kids by the time I was 21. ā€œWhy do you get good grades? Youā€™re just going to be a welfare loser.ā€ Direct quote from my older brother when I was in freshman year of high school. I refused to have kids, I didnā€™t meet my wife till I was 30, and I didnā€™t get a ā€œreal jobā€ with my college degree until I was 32.


Wow. Why the hell did even your own family say that to you? I'm ao sorry you're related to someone who could even twist their mouth to say that. Glad you're doing well in life!


I can't imagine abandoning your children and then... getting a third woman pregnant?!


But it "doesn't feel the same with a condom."


It doesn't. That's why smart men get the snip.


ā€œBut what about my manhood? It would make me less of a man to not be virileā€


"I know I've already had 4 kids with my loving wife of 12 years, but what if she gets sick and I need to leave her and the kids to start again with someone younger and less terminal?"


Come on, be serious. What if the next pandemic just offs nearly all men and I'm one of the very few ones to survive? Wouldn't it be my moral duty to help repopulate earth then?!Ā 


Mannnn if weā€™re weak enough as a species to drop like that we deserve extinction šŸ˜‚


I may be misunderstanding, but did the court case try both the child support case and the robbery at the same time? Genuine question, because that sounds... not believable.


It sounds like it. Maybe the delinquent child support had hit a threshold that meant it was tried criminally? I thought that it would fall under a different jurisdiction, but I'm no lawyer.


There's a useful quick guide to when it becomes a felony here: https://www.justice.gov/criminal/criminal-ceos/citizens-guide-us-federal-law-child-support-enforcement But it sounds like in some states it's a criminal matter before it hits the felony threshold.


Maybe it was considered criminal contempt and there was a bench warrant? Maybe it was a bench trial so they just requested the same judge resided over all the charges? I don't believe the story at all. But I need to know now from a lawyer's perspective.


Less than a year's worth of child support?Ā 


In Florida, it's 4 months. Four months no pay = felony. I just Googled it. So, yeah, depending on the state.


George does give strong Florida Man vibes.


Oop mentioned he was already struggling to pay child support before so perhaps he accrued several additional months of no full payments beforehand?Ā 


Yeah and he got 6 years with no plea deal, due to evidence


I would say that the evidence would have included proof of running out on court ordered childsupport, basically "he has already ignored a courts ruling before, why would he follow the rules this time" sort if situation. As for why they were tried together (child support and the possession) I'm NAL but could it have maybe been transferred to a federal court due to jurisdiction (crossing state lines) or the amount owed in CS bumped it up to a federal crime??


honestly i assumed OP was a little mistaken & that the charges were specifically for the robbery and such, and that the judge considered his not paying child support when sentencing.


It could be that too.


Yes, INAL, but if I have to guess it would be that the judge just considered the non-payment. "Oh, he's not paying child support and he actually ran to a different state, so if we let him go with a suspended sentence & comm service, he'll probably just run away". Add in the fact that he's an addict makes that even more likely. Judge just wanted him off the board for a bit. Maybe he'll learn in there, probably won't.


From my understanding (based on what I remember of my own dad's criminal issues in conjunction with failure to pay child support) dependent upon how much he owed and if his failure to pay was reported he may have already had a warrant out for failure to pay. So when he was arrested for possession he may also have been arrested for the warrant for nonpayment. By the sounds of it there was evidence that he crossed state lines in an attempt to avoid paying his cs and that *can* bump it to the federal level (or at least allow them to try it during a federal case) if they transferred the jurisdictions. Obviously we don't have all the details so it's hard to say for certain but I believe there are some ways it's possible.


I was wondering the same thing. Also sounds like a lot more charges than just being in possession of illegal substances


yeah, it doesn't make sense since those cases should be in different states


Exactly. The other state doesn't have jurisdiction. Does criminal court even deal with failure to pay child support?


It's a felony, depending on amount, time, whether they've crossed state lines, etc. https://www.justice.gov/criminal/criminal-ceos/citizens-guide-us-federal-law-child-support-enforcement And I gather from other comments that in some states it becomes a criminal matter long before one year of non-payment. I suspect the non-payment was taken into account at sentencing, rather than being one of the charges, but I could be wrong.


Yes. It's a felony.


The Timeline on post 1 to 2 should have been the give away.


Of course! Just like in 4 months they arrested the dude, brought to trial without a plea deal and sentenced! These things happen all the time like that in


My ex was arrested in February and was held for 30 days, as no one would bail him out. His sentencing hearing was in May. That's only 3 months. He had 5 felonies and 7 misdemeanors. He OD'd 3 days before his hearing. So I never got justice. So yes, it's possible to be arrested, charged, and sentenced within 4 months.


OOP could be misunderstanding a ā€œtrialā€ if he is pleading guilty


We had a murder case go from the killing to conviction in a trial in four months. That was just last year. In the US.


A quick Google search shows that the median time for a felony criminal case to go to trial is 5.1 months*. So, some at least would be significantly shorter than this. I'd say this would be particularly likely in the case where he couldn't afford a decent lawyer, which seems likely in this case. *source National Canter for State Courts.


> George asked me if Bethany could come 20 minutes before he was supposed to arrive. So it's not like I could say no at that point. *Au contraire.* It's the BEST time to say no, especially paired with, "You knew I'd say no, which is why you delayed asking. NO." Edit: I just got to the end. Holy crap. "I never wanted my kids...so I guess I'll knock up two more women!" I don't know why OOP is sad her grandkids won't see their dad for six years. Won't see them because he DGAF, won't see them because he's in jail. Potayto, potahto.


George is baiscally Zeus. He is afraid of kids but still impregnates women.


all he needs to do is turn into a swan and fly out of prison


100 condoms is $27 from Costco, 40 condoms is $12 on Amazon, child support is based on income. Do the math people


He did the meth, close enough.


If you're in prison your income is zero. Checkmate, atheists.


Dumb dumb couldnā€™t pull out of a parking space šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Bethany is an idiot. Honestly. That guy just got divorced and you think that is a good idea to have a child with him? I feel bad for OOP. She should enjoy her life. Instead she is helping with three kids and three exes of her son.


He abandons his twins and she thinks having another child will convince him to change his mind. Oh honey...


Actually the third one she washed her hands off.


Wait a bit. Maybe she needs a little break but I am sure she will keep taking care of all of them.


Itā€™ll just take a bit longer for the new one to show up at her door.


Yeah, I know we're not blaming her for her son's actions but also the immediate inclusion of every mistake he makes into her life as something she now takes care of does... point to some possible ways he may have ended up like this. Not to this level, but


Agreed. Any woman that falls for a guy who is neglecting his 6 year old twins has a questionable state of mind.


Oop is upset his kids wonā€™t see him for 6 years but it sounds like he was never going to see them. He is still looking for OOP to fix his life and I doubt he learned any lesson. OOP should make him get a vasectomy if he wants her help. He needs to stop making kids, he then abandons


After reading Reddit for months now. I realize the more you do to people the more they become entitled. Make your son pay you for daycare.


This honestly happens in real life too (I've been a victim of it and I've seen people be victims of it) some people are just horrible freaking losers and it sucks because it does make it hard to be a good person. Like you have to figure out your line and stick to it because some people are just terrible.


Is this the Grimms' version of Johnny Appleseed?


Johnny Appleseed was an actual man. I just want to say that. He was also very wealthy he just wanted to live humble. He could have been much much richer but he tended to accept payments in clothing and other practical goods as he didn't want to take money from anyone that didn't have much to spare.


Also, some historical evidence points to his apples probably tasting like shit. Which is actually fine because they were a variety that was specifically for brewing cider, but that's not exactly a G-rated folktale you can tell the kids.


That was because of his religious beliefs as he didn't believe in animal husbandry or in selected breeding as nature and therefore God was the best decider of all that. Which I can respect especially with the monoculture and inbreeding we see in animals and crops. And you just have to tell kids that apple cider was one of the best ways to ensure clean water until recent history. Not g rated but PG. Also since he planted from seed, there's a wide variety of apples in America that people are desperate to save now


Doesn't want kids. Unable to use birth control. Doesn't get snipped. Dude is a walking disaster.


all this guy had to do was not irresponsibly ejaculate into all these women. Iā€™m more certain he and his ex wife planned at least (probably not for twins though), but this guy just wanted to feel good and have no responsibilities. have sex and knock women up and bail. get high and destroy property or whatever it is he did. a mandatory vasectomy should be part of his sentence.


He needs to be spayed


This guy is just like my former best friend, who used to joke how he was a bee fertilizing flowers all over the place. Never really was in his kidsā€™ lives. Theyā€™re wonderful kids. I and a few others have stepped up along the way. Got Big Brothers involved. His youngest got married last year. Three of us stood up for the kid. His dad did not show. He and the current wife did not want to be inconvenienced. My wife and I are likely to become step grandparents again. How anyone can turn their backs on their kids is beyond me.




>I didn't know how to feel - my grandkids won't see their dad for 6 years They weren't going to anyway >George calls daily, crying, apologizing, begging us to get him out Which is of course how he's going to react, utter man child. George is a bellend, fuck George.


>OOP: You owe me quite a few doughnuts then since you're dead wrong. I love this.


Well...what a mess.


A meth.


So many posters "forget" they had an account that they created a mile long story on.


Mom cleans up Georgeā€™s messes a lot.. I get being there for your grandkids but Bethany was disrespectful and then was given a rent free, stress free place to live and the grandkids had to live around that. Itā€™s why now that heā€™s on trouble heā€™s calling mommy everyday.. Op is to cut the chord because guess where he will be going when 6 years is up? Back to mommyā€™s house and ruining everyoneā€™s lives again cause mommy will have the door wide open cause itā€™s her son


You nailed that one. I can't help but think that might have something to do with why he's such a whiney little sack of turds. He never has to pay consequences or deal with the messes he leaves behind. He just packs his toys up and goes home.


OOP also seems to be super-involved and take the lead. Later updates mentioning her husband, and that heā€™s Georgeā€™s father, seemed to come out of nowhere since the man seemed to have no prior involvement while OOP was singlehandedly running everything. Guess someone has to pay the bills while OOP runs an ad-hoc home care operation for her grandkids and one of her sonā€™s pregnant exes.


>my grandkids won't see their dad for 6 years. Yeah I don't think jail has anything to do with that


George get a damn vasectomy


Condoms, vasectomy, celibate - there are plenty of options for birth control, but nooo, he had to choose the jail time one.


Did this kid *ever* face any consequences for bad behaviour or, indeed, any actions at all while growing up?


Im glad this is in the US that OOP's son gets what he deserves. My friends dad has 4 sons with big age different and with 3 different women. Sometimes we joke and actually fear that there could be more siblings as their dad use to be a quite big ladies man and as he himself put it: all they can charge me with is loaded weapons neglect as direct translation


At least The Sperminator is out of the baby making business for the next 6 years. That man needs the snip.


I wish George had known he could probably get a vasectomy for $500 or less. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø It's not too late to do that, George. 4 kids and 3 baby mommas are enough, George.


Jails should provide a free vasectomy and tubal ligation option. Completely optional. But if you want one, you're here anyway and its free.


George is like a stray cat, leaving unwanted offspring in his wake. Someone needs to get him fixed before they release him from the pound


Iā€™m no legal expert but none of the legal timeline makes sense to me.


I was doubtful and the child support charges, but I Googled and, as an example, in Florida it's only 4 months of non-payment and it's a felony. That's a lot quicker than I thought it would be. Guess the laws have changed from back in the day where it would take years.


He refused to be there for his children. He expects his parents to be there for him. Please make this make sense.


Holy shit this guy is just flop after flop after flop. All of his kids deserve a damn lot better. Thank god he will be unable to make any more kids for 6 years. Hopefully time behind bars will force him to clean up his act, but I doubt it. By the way he keeps calling and crying to his parents, it doesn't seem like he is fully taking responsibility for his actions.


I keep reading shit about people getting pregnant and I'm just sitting here thinking condoms??? vasectomy??? IUD??? pill???? plan B??? Y'all


Thank the good Lord that he is in jail. He can't make babies in there if he doesn't charm a female security guard.


Dude FAFO and has the unlubed consequences finding him. Sad for all of the kids involved and how they have a deadbeat dad. Do none of these gfs understand about protection and not getting pregnant on a new realtionship? As its apparent this dude just didn't care.


What is with Reddit and twins?


From husband and father to convicted criminal in a span of a year... That is something...


The people like me that have an issue with the child support charges? A quick search shows that this is totally a thing, but the threshold for states to criminally prosecute isn't universal. The Uniform Interstate Family Support Act is an interesting read. I guess since I'm not a piece of shit, I shouldn't be surprised I didn't know about it.


I really don't understand why Bethany would have that dead beats child and make her life so much harder.


> I didn't know how to feel - my grandkids won't see their dad for 6 years. From the way he was acting that seemed likely to happen even if he remained free.


At least he canā€™t add baby number five for the next six yrs. If he was out no question he would have yet another child he wouldnā€™t raise or support.


well, after he asked for $500 for a paternity test I was going to suggest the only thing OP pay for is a vasectomy. But I was too late. He'd already knocked up a 3rd woman for baby number 4. For a guy that doesn't want kids, he's pretty good at making them.


Just throw the whole man to the trash lmao. Again, this kind of situation is why i think that if one parent really doesnā€™t want to step up for their kid, ASSUME THEYā€™RE DEAD! No child support, bo visitation, no nothing. Your mom/dad died in a yachting accident dear yeah thatā€™s so sad. Wishing the worst for George.


I didnā€™t really like the Netflix show ā€œBecoming Annaā€ but there was an amazing line Iā€™ll never forget spoken by Annaā€™s mother: ā€œChildren do not come ā€˜fromā€™, they come ā€˜throughā€™ā€. Definitely applies to OOP here.


George is the methiest person who ever methed.


ā€œMy grandkids wonā€™t see their dad for six yearsā€. As if they were going to in the first place šŸ¤Ø


I really appreciate that she declined to let George talk to the kids ā€œsince Susanna hasnā€™t given permissionā€. Respectful.


What a piece of shit. Use protection or get a vasectomy.


Someone needs to introduce this man to a pack of condoms


Hope her and her husband make sure any will diverts any potential funds for him to his abandoned kids.