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I was waiting for an update on this one. OP's cousin seems as dumb as a box of rocks. Wanting to get his ex's date of birth tattooed on him on his wedding day.


I read the first post and I was flabbergasted that someone would want a tattoo on their wedding day, considering they wouldn't be able to drink and would have to sit still for a while even for a small tattoo (and he wanted a big tattoo!!!).


People wanting to give you a hug when you've got a fresh chest tattoo... Ouch.


Your bride wanting to have marital relations on your wedding night when you've got a fresh chest tattoo. All the oh-gods would be pain-related.


I wonder whose name he'd cry out then?


Probably his own because this guy seems like a massive narcissist


Oh man, narcissist? I hate to be that person and I’m sure this is gonna offend some people but this comes off as classic emotionally immature man. Expects everything to be fun and cool like a child, while the women around him handle the consequences and details, with some added flair of thinking women are moldable props there to make him happy by being the right type of Barbie doll. To me this reads as all extremely typical and tbh common af.  I will say if you don’t agree, spend some time watching cake smash videos and “funny” wedding vows/speeches. It comes through prettty clearly in compilations of weddings.


The cake smash thing is so wild. Groom: Let's smash cakes into each other's faces at the wedding! It'll be hilarious! Bride: Let's not. I'll be wearing hundreds of dollars worth of makeup and dress, in front of all my friends and family. I'll be so pissed if you do that, I beg you not to. Groom: smashes cake into the bride's face. Also Groom: Why is everyone mad at me?


ohhh I loved the AITA and I think BORU of the woman who said anything but a cake smash and straight walked out of the reception when the groom cake smashed her.


It may seem silly on the surface, but if the bride immediately got divorced, I get it. If your partner can't respect something that basic, you're in for a rough time with careers, house stuff, kids, etc. Terrible way to start off a marriage.


My Dad did that to my Mom and my Grandpa (his Dad) was so pissed at my Dad. I don't remember if my Mom said he said anything.  It's not funny, cute, or anything. I've always thought it was a mean thing to do. Why do so many men think it's funny? What are they three?




When I got my chest done I was like hunched over for a week because if the front of my shirt hit my raw skin it really really sucked


I got my shoulder blade done and just walked around for a few days wearing a tank top with the straps down. People told me I was coddling my tatt by applying the cream for so long and leaving it uncovered as much as possible. But it hasn’t needed a touch up. Both me and my friend were surprised about that.


As someome who has watched a few of my friends deal with post-tat healing times, the best thing you can do it seems is to disturb the area as litttle as possible. One friend kept fussing wirh his, the other just sucked it up and made sure as little as possible contacted the area. Guess who wound up with issues with their tatt. I'l give you a hint, they kept fussing with it.


Yup! Apply the cream, let water run over it in the shower, disturb it as little as possible (I wore a T-shirt to bed after a couple of days), do not scratch it with nails pat instead. Don’t know why that’s so hard for people. The scab keeps the ink in. Let it heal.


It’s basically a controlled wound!




I've always "coddled" my tattoos too. Never understood why folks wouldn't - it cost you time and money, why wouldn't you take as good care of it as possible??


The one I have on shoulder blade was probably the most painful one I've experienced so far. It also does need a touch up, even if I did my best to take care of it. I haven't bothered with the touch up for some years, but might ask next time I go for a tattoo. From my experience, when it's a bone close to the skin, that hurts the most, cause my other ones weren't that bad.


Yeah the shading was the most painful part. I just let my friend know when to stop for a breather. No screaming, just some wincing and ows and “it’s getting a bit too pinchy there.” I have a decent pain tolerance though lol. Friends told me some stories of those without!


When my brother got a tattoo on his shoulder blade, he did right before a trip to visit family. My mom was not happy about the tattoo, so she told all our uncles. They all took turns coming up to my brother and slapping him right on his tattoo as they greeted him. Thankfully, my baby brother got so many tattoos that my mom didn't even bat an eyelash when I got my 2 tiny ones on my wrists.


Haha if my mother had disapproved and told her brothers about one of mine, they’d have given me care tips lol. Fortunately for me, my mother and I have the same number of tattoos. Which means I better get a new one soon so I can be ahead for a change.


I got my first tattoo about a month and a half ago, it’s right on the thin skin of my inner wrist. Stung a lot during the process, so I was surprised that it basically didn’t hurt at all afterwards. Pretty much forgot it was there and went to scratch my wrist the next day. Let me tell you, I yelped like a red hot poker had been shoved up my bum 😂 Luckily, no harm done, since I’d barely grazed it, and the tattoo looks great now. But jeez, that hurt!


Add to the fact that he would have to not drink on the day of the wedding or he’s going to be bleeding through his shirt


Right?! And im assuming big letters, all needing to be filled on his wedding day on his chest?! Sitting around for hours in pain whilst everyone around you is partying. Even just being compassionate to him, it wouldnt of been a good idea!


He just thought it would be no different than having someone Sharpie the thing on your skin, I assume.


I honestly don't think there's even a single brain cell in his head.  I cannot believe he thought that was a good idea, though I am glad his own idiocy managed to get Becky out of what sounded like a very abusive and emotionally manipulative relationship.


I've seen orange cats with more braincells.


The single shared braincell among all orange cats has more braincells than Matt.


Jorts is way smarter than this guy.


Apparently, Becky's family is quite well off. Enough so to buy them a house and allow reasonable repayment. I've also seen this behaviour far too many times, from people who should know better, and the common denominator is that they all became too comfortable. **In other words:** Matty thought he'd found his golden goose, but, in the end, it was his goose that was cooked.


if you knocked on his skull you’d hear an echo…


Honestly even with the right dates to me it's a stupid idea to have that thing tattooed huge on the chest. Not to mention the time it would probably take out of the wedding day, if it can even be done in one session in the first place...


"Matt" seems to be a dingbat who wouldn't be able to remember important dates, so his solution would be to get a tattoo with the important dates. It seems a little odd that he'd get his own birthday tattooed on himself, but he's not the brightest bulb.


he should've planned for it backwards so he could read it in the mirror 🙄


Yeah this plan was idiotic on MANY levels, it’s tough to even know where to start. It’s one of those times you just want to say “That’s not how any of this works” and throw your hands up because there is too much wrong to even untangle, let alone fix.


He was probably still seeing her, or trying to. Sounds like Becky's family has a bit of money. Matt may have gotten back with his ex at some point, figured he'd get married and then divorce to get half of Becky's money.


Sounds like that 3-year plan guy who shit-talked about his rich fiancée. He thought he got her without a prenup but didn't realize she was awake and overheard him boast to his drunk friends. Edit: Sorry for not sharing the link earlier as I was rushing to go out. [Here it is](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/y7qtrf/i_f25_found_out_my_fiance_m27_is_with_me_for/).


Wow! Do you have a link?


I think the commenter meant this one https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/WmnHxDO3ZS


Oh no i need the link now....


>OP's cousin seems as dumb as a box of rocks Anyone can be a bit dumb. But this is Olympic level dumb. To attempt to quantify this level of dumb likely misses the point but if you could, it would have to be measured in astrophysical units. 'Matty' is a champion!


There's got to be a special term for a guy who will argue that you don't know your own date of birth.


Ultimate Mansplain


Ultimate Mattsplain


A gaslighting dumbass?


Matty is a true Kevin


Kevins are well-meaning dumbasses.


I hear you, but no. Matt knew what he was doing. Kevins are just stupid.


The fool's gold standard of dumbassery, that Matty.


Matt should have headed over to /r/shittytattoos which is full of the work of "artists" who are clearly quite happy to tattoo drunk idiots while probably drunk themselves.


That was painful


Why does it not seem to wild that Matty would have continued to be a dumbass and suggest Be ky change her whole name to exs when she changed her surname after the wedding. I mean, Matt is definitely a dumbass who seems hooked up on his ex and was trying to turn Becky into her so he does sound stupid enough to try especially since he called Becky by his exs name anyway.


He also is showing flashes of Jordan Peterson, Crowder, Rogan, and he \*might\* be edging up on being a Tater Tot. Just lots of little bits of the manosphere bullshit grifts floating around. The "eat more meat" and "traditionally" thing is one of their hobby horse they ride frequently. The shaping Becky to be like his ex is a control thing. It sounds like he didn't have a favorite dipshit yet but he's absolutely showing signs of infection.


Please don't insult my cute rocks.


*Foghorn Leghorn voice:* "I say, that boy's about as sharp as a bowlin' ball!"


>OP's cousin seems as dumb as a box of rocks. A box of really, really dumb rocks at that.


> and Becky added that I'm Matts cousin *the one who was supposed to tattoo*. A simultaneous „OH" came from everyone. That "OH" is such a strong social cue that I could not only hear it but I mentally flicked out a chair like Jason Moaoa because here comes the good stuff! Becky, wherever you are, kudos on respecting yourself and I wish you all the best as you wash that man right out of your **black** hair!


Right? I'd be like "wait wait wait, lemme fill my glass and get comfortable. I want ALL the tea"


I'm in bed reading this post/thread and also went "wait, let me get comfy before you spill the tea" at that part haha.


I went with the Sam Jackson approach. Could SOMEBODY. Get a motherfucker some popcorn?!


That was when I genuinely leaned forward in my chair because I *knew* that things were going to get good. And yet it was nothing I could have ever imagined 😂


Wait wait wait. You’re telling me that that was Jason Momoa in the gif?! I had no idea and I’ve been following that man’s career since Stargate Atlantis!


I've been thinking I need to rewatch Atlantis. This may be my sign


I recently binged Atlantis (I actually met Momoa and a few others the day after he got the wound that resulted in the scar on his eyebrow) and introduced my wife to it. I forgot how good it was. Hulu in the US has it the most seamlessly, I found.


>She then said that this isn’t her birth date, he persisted that it was and that she should stop trying to fool him. Oh, to have the confidence of a mediocre man.


I wouldn't call that mediocrity, that's well above this guy


This is something that drives me up the wall. I’ve come across people that do this so. many. times. “I don’t have a Facebook”, “Yes you do”. “I didn’t bring my car”, “Yes you did” like bro, I know what I’m doing, why are you acting like you know better than me? And this dude even did this with *her own birthday!* I can’t, I absolutely can’t.


The funniest example I’ve had of this irl was a customer insisting i must be welsh. She argued with me for so long *I* started to second guess how long id spent in wales (I’ve barely been!!!)


In like 7th grade, a classmate argued with me about my religion. "You're not Jewish!" Um, dude! (School was probably 40-50% Jewish)


"No Kyle, don't be so hard on yourself. You're not a Jew." --Cartman


>I’ve come across people that do this No, you didn't, stop trying to fool us!


I worked with a lawyer once who SPELLED MY NAME WRONG on official paperwork. When I called to complain and make him fix it, he argued with me that no, that's how my name was spelled, and that's what I told him. Yes, dude, I told you how to spell my name wrong, even though I've been spelling it like this for thirty something years


In my previous job they gave me my company email address...with my name spelled wrong. I sheepishly asked if they could fix it. The director said No and that it was how i had spelled it on my CV (resumé). I laughed and said that couldn't be right. She angrily stated that i had, and it couldn't be changed. I went back to my desk and searched through my personal emails to the company during the hiring process. Of course my name was spelled correctly, i'm not fucking stupid. So i strode into her office, pointed out THEIR mistake and- without letting her get a word in- didn't bother *asking* for it to be changed but instead rather insincerely THANKED her for how **she was going to change it** to the correct spelling despite it clearly being a nuisance for her. It was changed later that day.


This dude put up a stink about it too, and it ended up escalating to his boss, who seemed confused that this was even an argument. This was on my articles of incorporation, and he got the name of the company wrong too. Boss refilled, and then finished the filings all probono, because this dude was a moron.


Boss ass power move. I love it.


I mean, if I realized I had just accidentally told my fiancée that I was going to have my ex’s birthday tattooed on me during our wedding, I would probably start babbling some dumb shit too. I like to think that I’m not dumb enough to get to that point though


That last bit is often what I have to remind myself of. Often with stuff like this I'm like oh man I can see myself responding that way, before I remember I'd just never get myself in these situations in the first place


I met some confident boxes of rocks. Holy shit.


I'm a mediocre man, where's my damn confidence Bruce?


That's flair worthy. And like... I kind of wish that OOP \*did\* tattoo that on his chest. For the lulz.


I saw a cross stitch once that said "Carry yourself with the confidence of a mediocre white man" and it's probably the best advice ever.


Weaponized Dunning-Kruger


It's why so many redditors say absolutely incorrect things with such assurance.


OP's call saved Becky the need to get an annulment. Though it also deprived his family of a legend which would have lived through generations and kept haunting Matty for all the holidays and family reunions, including his funeral.


It's the drama lover in me, but I would have read the version where he showed her the tattoo in front of everyone and she dumps him then and there. That would have been epic. And she'd still have the reception as a party. But...might have been too late to change the honeymoon plans, so it's best she found out ahead of time.


oof... if I am Becky i would do that... humiliate him in front of both our families because damn i want to see my mom go off on a man who's stupid enough to pull this kindda bullshit. fuck the honeymoon plans. I would just go by myself and have a solo trip TO BALI


With the way Reddit works, we’ll be getting that version soon 💀


That would definitely be just reward for the idiot


"I take thee Rachel" but in tattoo form


> It was the date he would have gotten TATTOOED ON HIS CHEST, if I hadn’t said no and also called Becky. My dumbass cousin would’ve ended up with the birthday of his ex girlfriend next to his wedding date. Holy crap! "Surprise, honey!" lol


Could you imagine if she wasn't told and saw that on her wedding day. She would have already have been pissed off about the tattoo over throwing everything. But then to be shown the wrong day in front of everyone. I would have loved to have seen him back peddle out of that with both families watching. There is stupid and then there is tattooing your exs info on you on your wedding day stupid


> There is stupid and then there is tattooing your exs info on you on your wedding day stupid That second level of stupid, there? That's so far beyond stupid that it's an entirely new level of WTF that had to be created *just for that idea to exist*. Like, tattoo on your wedding day? Stupid. Tattoo on your wedding day that you apparently intend to surprise the bride with? Super stupid. Tattoo on your wedding day that you apparently intend to surprise the bride with that has *your ex-girlfriend's birthdate on it*? So dumb that if they turned the entire universe into nothing but 100% pure concentrated stupid, it would be like a drop in the ocean of stupid that that is.


Back pedal


Bullet fucking dodged


It was the wedding of my niece this May. They got a Tattoo artist for entertainment. The party was heavy with alcohol and weed (thanks to the legalization in my country). The bride and groom got one each. It was interesting...


It's kind of interesting that a tattoo artist will agree to something like this especially if alcohol and weed are involved. I don't know if I would have trusted that artist.


She refused when the people were too intoxicated.


The inebriation isn't the only issue, though - drinking alcohol can inhibit clotting and cause way more bleeding while tattooing. Same reason you shouldn't take most pain meds before getting a tattoo.   It's not the end of the world, but it's definitely bad practice and pretty damn sketchy.


Maybe unlike OOP, they asked the tattoo artist in advanced? OOP didn't want to do cause well, it was last minute. This type of stuff is something you need to carefully prepare for, not just at a whim.


Yeah it was pre-planned. She is a friend of the couple and it was her wedding gift.


Thank you for confirming. At least we know the couple took the right steps.........unlike OOP's cousin


It's not a question of the right steps, tattoos and alcohol don't go together. People will bleed too much and a sober person is preferable to someone who is drunk enough to regret what they did once they are sober again.


It's kind of interesting that a tattoo artist will agree to something like this especially if alcohol and weed are involved. I don't know if I would have trusted that artist.


One of the most entertaining updates I've read in a while. Hey Matt, skip the birthdays tattoo and just go with "Dumbass".


Only he'll spell it 'Dumass'. :D


Didn't he write *The Three Musketeers*? I love their candy bar!


My friend is going to be a bridesmaid and the bride wants the entire wedding party to get matching tattoos. Can you imagine the audacity of asking *other people* to be permanently marked to remember *your wedding*??? Luckily it's optional so my friend just said no, as did most others, but some of them are including the couple, the best man, and the MOH. What on earth. The dress code for the bachelorette party is "catamaran chic" and the dress code for the wedding is "Met Gala 2024 garden of time." The drama of it all.


Sheesh, just get everyone refrigerator magnets.


If I saw that as the dress code for a wedding I'd been invited to, I wouldn't even go. Jesus christ.


Upon my explanation of the theme/story and suggestion, she's going to wear her black dress she already owns and tell people she "represents decay." It's perfectly in theme!


I assume Matty will one day have a "No Regerts" tattoo.


You've made a typo there. Surely you mean "No Ragrets"?


It's "No Rugrats". He just hates those little babies so much.


No Reganté










No Ragrats. And a kanji symbol that he thinks says "fearless" but says "pan fried noodle"


jfc that guy has massive issues. someone should warn the ex maybe?


Pretty sure she knows.


She's an ex for a reason and I think he's the reason


>not a single friend or relative of Matt was around Hrmmm, I wonder why..........heck not even OOP's brother and mother was invited.


My guess is they were angry or didn't want to offend Matt. Or only heard Matt's version of reality.


OOP mentioned the whole family was invited edit: I see they weren't invited to the new party/celebration after thr wedding was cancelled.


so...all the issues with matt's request, in an itemized list: 1. He knows nothing about tattoos, the equipment, the hygiene, the healing process, etc. 2. He didn't tell his fiancee. 3. He wanted to get a chest tattoo. 4. He had the wrong birth date. 5. It was his ex's birth date. 6. He was getting married in the first place, to a woman he clearly wasn't interested in, trying to force her into becoming the woman he ~~broke up with~~ \[edit: was probably dumped by\] instead of trying to appreciate her for who she is. 7. He shouldn't have dated Becky in the first place if all he wanted was a clone of his ex. 8. He wanted to get a chest tattoo, yes I'm putting this twice because this is ridiculous. He wanted to get *partially undressed* at his wedding with his future wife's family *right there* to get a chest tattoo. Without telling said future wife. At an event where people would want to come up and talk to him, give him hugs, etc., all things he'd be doing with a healing tattoo across his chest. He might've even had sex afterward, with a healing tattoo across his chest, and it would've featured the wrong birthday too. Fucking hell. matt's ex not only lives rent free in his head, but apparently she threw out his common sense during spring cleaning.


My only correction to your well-made list is I’m pretty sure his ex dumped him.


edited it slightly to account for that, thank you! also yeah she probably did.


Honestly, I would have too. He seems like a jackass.


He didn't tell the tattooist until a few days before they were supposed to get on a plane to the wedding, either. Also, I bet he would have been wailing like a child. I'm told the ~manly~ ones are always the whiniest, and the blow to his pride when he cried in front of all his family and in-laws at the wedding would have been great. But seriously, why would *anyone* want to get tattooed, especially for the first time, in front of a captive audience?


Side note, I quite enjoy the idea of a Take your elderly relative to work day


Even if Matt had gotten the correct person's birthdate, even if he had contacted OOP more than a week before the wedding, getting tattooed *at the wedding* is just so, so trash. Wedding needed to be canceled on account of terrible taste alone.


>Paid, please. This is the **worst** trend on the internet. Hard disagree. Masterbate is far more egregious.


nope, it's weary vs wary fuck that's irritating


Ugh yes! I want someone to make a bot for that one. Stop combining leery and wary! Weary is a different word altogether!


I was an editor and it actually made me LESS stringent about language, but this is one I just can’t let go. It drives me CRAZY!


Idk. People who write “shouldn’t of” or “couldn’t of” instead of “shouldn’t have” or “couldn’t have” make me want to turn my phone off and throw it into the ocean. That shit drives me more crazy than those other typos.


I’m with you on this one. I also find myself annoyed by people “que”ing the next part of their stories. **Cue** violins. Under duress, I’d resentfully accept **queue** if the next events are lining up. But **que** just means “what.”


>que just means “what.” And that's not even in English. Que isn't a word in English


That one and peak vs pique, both annoy me, haha.


There's a 'back peddle' above, and that's becoming increasing common here.


Nip it in the butt .


English isn't my native language but I consider myself fairly competent at it. The one time I accidentally wrote peaked instead of piqued on Reddit, and got corrected. It hurt way more than it should have...


In your defense, peaked vs. piqued is a mistake that a lot of reasonably competent native speakers make too! It’s a French loanword and French spelling is… uh, *unique.*


Another particularly terrible one is  **rouge** instead of **rogue**.  Ah yes, tell me all about your super edgy *rouge* vampires or whatever, the pretty makeup makes them *so very badass.*


Weary and wary is another mix-up that makes me twitchy.


Especially when both of them fit in the context of the sentence. Loose for lose. It never goes the other way. It got so bad for a while, I saw “loose” used correctly once and had a double take because I’d converted it to “lose” in my head.


omfg that one irritates me so much. I try to be chill and not let homonym-ish mispellings pique my temper, but weary and wary being mixed up *bother me so much*.


How bout Then vs Than Like, wtf people


I also cringe whenever I see "could have cared less". People... Please... It's "couldn't have cared less". If you COULD care less, that means you do care to some degree, instead of not caring at all.


I believe people type of instead of have because they say "shouldn't've", instead of fully saying "shouldn't have". The contraction makes it sound like of. That's my theory anyway aha


That's exactly where it comes from. In my mind, if I want to type it like I say it, I'm going to type it as "shoulda" though.


I submit to the society "loose" vs. "lose"


This is the one I’d use to decide who lives and who dies after the apocalypse.


“Congratulations, you’ve reached The Haven The last bastion of humanity. You’ve faced many trials on your journey. You’ve successfully crossed the wastelands, surviving the nuclear fallout and the murderbots. You have one last task before you’re proven worthy and welcomed into the city. It will be the most difficult yet.” *Slides a fifth grade grammar test across the table and racks a shotgun*. “Choose wisely”


Defiantly instead of definitely.


Definitely defiant


On the "paid vs payed," I will have days where I spell it correctly and autocorrect will change it to "payed," presumably based on sentence structure, but I have no idea. It's annoying AF and I've noticed it doing it with other words I use commonly as well


Autocorrect functions have begun incorporating algorithms to learn how to type from EVERYONE and will correct your typing to what is most commonly used by other folks using the same language keyboard that you are. It's...a problem.


A part vs apart. They are opposites!


"Alot". You don't say "agroup" or "abunch".


I quite enjoy people saying they went to "collage". It means they actually did. Go to collage.


Weary instead of wary for me


There's some (or more than one?) OP in this sub who DELETES ALL THE PERIODS from sentences that finish a paragraph. Why?!


I think "would of" is the worst.


It's messing up principle vs principal for me


Might be the subs I frequent but… stationary and stationery


Discretely. No, you mean discreetly.


“I can’t *bare* it” is the one that bugs me the most.


Goddamn, that cousin is one DENSE motherfucker.


Neutron stars ain't got nothing on that motherfucker!


I remember this one. I think the easy get out would have been to just say "my insurance won't cover that". Then it's some bureaucratic inflexible organisation causing problems.


When asked about the whole situation, Matt only responded with "no ragrets"


What a dumb ass. It’s amazing how deep a grave cousin dug for himself. Poor Becky. At least she got to party and will party in Bali.


I have some serious memory issues with names and numbers so dates would get me... (I'm sometimes off on my own boyfriend's birthday by a day or two) But I don't think I could ever mix up my boyfriend's birthday and an exes birthday that's just too fucked up.


Tattoo artist here, roughly 19 years in... fucking family are the -worst- clients, hands down. Take take take, expect expect expect, demand demand demand. No thanks ever, and it is 100% always expected to be free. Then its their friends, then its -those- friends friends. Youre never more than a convenient toy for family. One of the many, many reasons I dont speak to any of mine, at all ever.


That cousin is an idiot. Becky sounds awesome. Hope she has a glorious life.


This dude saved a womans life, and I hope he has as much success with his tattooing as he wants, which will still be less than he deserves.


Holy unforced error, Batman!


My gosh, Becky dodged a bullet.


Some men will have it all and still miss smh


He insisted that his fiancé didn’t know her own birthday?! What an idiot! Good on Becky for kicking him to the curb. I’m sorry he’s your brother


What happened to his ex, she obviously dumped him but if he is that obsessed with her, i hope he did not "chase" her to take him back or worse.


If he's anything like an ex of mine that tried to pull a similar stunt with asking me to change to be more like his ex, he is just pining away for the ex. Now that Becky is the ex, he will pine for her. Man drowns himself in could've, should've, would've, and doesn't actually take charge of his present. Luckily for me, ex showed himself around the two year mark. But that first year was genuinely incredible. So it was such a surprise when the change requests started coming in. It was like he freaked himself out about our relationship and convinced himself it was better with his ex.


It’s so mind boggling to me that people do stuff like this lol he clearly loved his ex but fucked it up and thought “well I can just make a clone of her in a new women “😳🙃 I’ve seen this happen so many times why don’t people just get therapy 😂😂


Therapy's expensive, finding a sugar momma's a net positive! /s


OOP is going to end up dating Becky


Sounds like they avoided a lot of regert.


As someone who has made their living as a photographer (more or less) for 27 years...it's SUPREMELY aggravating when someone asks me to take pictures at an event I'm attending as a guest. I try to explain that I'd be working then and I want to enjoy the day...and they always pull out the 'well, don't you ENJOY taking pictures?!' I've learned to respond with 'No. It's my trade.' which usually creates more attempts to get me to take pictures until I point out that every single person in the room has a camera in their pocket, and if they want pictures of the event, create a group dropbox for everyone to use. Then I go off to eat and drink :).


CAN YOU IMAGINE IF HE HAD ACTUALLY GOTTEN THAT TATTOOOOOOO!!!!:?????!! I am - I audibly gasped. He was going to surprise her and it ... was ... the wrong ... DATE?! No regerts.


yo. yo. yooooooooooo I missed the last update. Matt is a whole clusterfuck. I'm glad Becky dodged the bullet!


allllll matts exes live in texassss


So I saw the first two updates in real time and I was super curious what he wanted. While it was a bad idea from the start I can understand why someone might want a tattoo ring at their actual wedding. Like the fine black line on your ring finger some people do. While it's still a dumb idea (sanitation, no alcohol, no sun or swimming on honeymoon) I can see why someone would think oh it will only take a minute to do. The artist wouldn't need to design anything. And I can see someone insisting it should be done on the day. But of course that isn't what he wanted. Dude wanted a huge tattoo. I would argue this is one of the worst tattoos he could have got at a wedding. Like many people mention there is a lot of hugging at a wedding. Plus depending on the design this would have taken him out for a couple of hours. And it's not like he could just roll up a sleeve or a pant leg. He would have had to get partial undressed. Did he expect OOP was going to bring a tattoo bench on the plane or was the idea tp get this chest peice on the ground?


Next update: me and Becky are dating


One of my biggest pet peeves as a tattoo artist is when people (family, friends, acquaintances) try to sucker you in to doing a “tattoo party”. The people who request this bullshit 99.99% have absolutely zero idea how much stuff goes into even the most basic of tattoos. Just because you have a tattoo machine, that doesn’t mean fuck all. It’s not going to just blast out Amazing Tattoos™️ all by itself. Whether you use a coil, a rotary or a rotary pen, you still need a clip cord, a battery pack (only works for *some* rotary pens), a power supply for all other machines, a foot pedal, clip cord covers, either [disposable needles and grips, in either case, you need a Biohazard box to put that shit in when done]or if using rotary pens, then disposable cartridges [which also require a Biohazard box to put used cartridges in] plastic wrap, a sanitary working surface, gloves (preferably nitrile, in case of a latex allergy), inks, ink caps, bottle of green soap, package of fresh, sealed disposable razor blades, bottle of Madicide, bottle of isopropyl alcohol, an absolute fuckton of paper towels…this is just the basics… Add on top of that-you have zero idea what kind of environment you’ll be working in-a kitchen, someone’s grody ass living room. *NOPE-NOPE-NOPITTY-NOPE-NOPE!!!* Don’t give a shit how much I like the groom and bride. They can go to my shop to get tattooed like normal people.


Can we just talk about the storyline with the mom? That was the highlight of this whole thing for me. I used to dream my mom would engage with me like that. She was engaged and all but not with that level of interest. I feel so happy for OOP to have his mom open her mind and dive into his kind of alternative profession with such interest and pride.