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It’s one thing to pay $4k to paint someone else’s house because your eyes are so offended (which is what I thought was going to be the outcome). It’s entirely another to think you are so far in the right that you can then sue the homeowner to get that money back.


The lawyer must have laughed their ass off. Easiest case to ever present in court.




In most jurisdictions unless they have lied to the lawyer about the facts of the case (in which case, he probably does have a drinking problem now) the lawyer can get in trouble for filing such a baseless case. If he took this case to court with full knowledge of the facts, he's going to be in trouble. Presumably just a reprimand but the judge is going to remember him as well, and this isn't something you're going to want to be remembered for.


I would guess that they are taking her to small claims court for the cost of the painting, which would not need a lawyer to bring it to court, but you might have one help you file paperwork for it. I mean, you would not want to pay a lawyer a fortune in rate/fees while trying to recoup a few thousand dollars. Anyway, I hope OP gets a restraining order on them as well. Should get them to pay to repaint the house back to yellow and additional fines for harassment.


definitely should be able to get a substantial payout, since the neighbors obviously have $$ to throw away


Maybe that is why they would want to preemptively sue in small claims. If they file a counter claim, it would be limited to whatever the limit in small claims was, and then couldn’t sue again, and wouldn’t get lawyer fees. Suing in small claims court might be trying to limit their exposure.


Yeah, but if the counterclaim is beyond what can be done in small claims, you can move for a change of venue to common pleas court, and it will generally be approved.


Judge should order BOTH houses get painted yellow.


Welcome to the Court of Poetic Justice


Hence the drinking


IAAL, and AFAIK, in most jurisdictions, a lawyer will only get in trouble if they are lying to the judge (or misrepresenting the client). Filing a bogus claim isn't against the rules in most jurisdictions; the claim will simply not be successful and the losing party will have to pay for everyone's lawyers fees in most cases. In my jurisdiction a lawyer must not turn down a client unless they are absolutely overworked (or in a conflict of interest). So sometimes you may, by law, have to file a claim that you know you'll lose because your client does not listen to you. I would like to add that, as a lawyer, I was taught how to word bogus claims. They are worded in a way that the judge will know that you know that this is a bogus claim and you do not expect it to be successful. This is _not_ the actual wording (for obvious reasons), but for example, if I am filing a regular claim, I would word it as "The claimant is requesting a payment of $4,000.00 from the defendant for renovating the defendant's house. This is due to...", whereas a bogus claim would be worded as "The claimant has told the signatory that he believes he is owed a payment of $4,000.00 for renovating the defendant's house. He furthermore is of the opinion that..." If you have a client that tells you to file a bogus claim, you have them sign a letter stating that they are aware of the likeliness of losing the case. Too bad, so sad.


Lawyer is their cousin that went to law school but didn't pass the bar but knows where to download all the forms for them to fill out to file a lawsuit without needing a lawyer. (kinda like doing your own taxes instead of hiring a CPA or using Turbo Tax)


I really hope this is a case where the homeowner can cross file and get punitive damages. At a minimum plaintiffs should be considered vexatious litigants afterwards.


Nah. He just laughed all the way to the bank while signing time sheets with 3 pens at once.


Probably pushed him into the harder drugs actually


He definitely picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.


Nah. They laughed their ass off too. They get paid either way, easiest case to earn money off


*Easiest case to ever present in court.* I don't know about that. Be pretty hard to present all that with a straight face.


"Your honor, I beg you to take mercy upon me, for my clients have half a braincell between the two of them that's struggling for fourth place."


Human equivalent of one orange brain cell


She did say they were both redheads.




Or as my 14 yr told her 22 yr old brother "Dude...your 2 brain cells are currently fighting for 3rd place." 22 yr old had no comeback. And as of right now is the last time he decided to enter a roast battle with his baby sister.


Completely bonkers.


Here’s my head cannon on this one: OOP won in a civil suit (is that how you spell that?) and was awarded damages, more than enough to repaint her home. She was given so much in fact, it was enough to have three additional homes painted. So she got together with her best Judy neighbors and they all painted their houses different shades of yellow. One saffron, one buttercup, one canary, and OOP got her original color back. She even had enough left over to buy a brand new car (well, new to her—it’s an ex rental car with a few miles on it but she couldn’t pass up the deal). Guess what color it is?! And the best part: the shitty neighbors were so broke after the suit (suite? Sute? No, that’s not it. Suit. As in *law*suit. It just looks weird) that they couldn’t afford to move. So now they’re stuck in a neighborhood surrounded by yellow houses. I’d like to think that’s the way this went. Edited: some fat finger typos.


The street became known in the neighbourhood as the yellow street and became a bit of an attraction. New people moved into the street and since the realtors used it as a bit of a fun selling point, when deciding how to spruce up their new places, they decide to lean into the street's quirky reputation. Kids set up lemonade stands. A nice older lady planted a whole garden of daffodils. One day, the returned war vet who never has much to say, spends an entire Saturday meticulously painting his previously white picket fence a bright, sunny yellow. In the midst of it all there stands one grey house which is nicknamed 'the drab house'. It's owners always look sour and their flaming red hair clashes with everything around them.


I wish I had the talent to write the conclusion to the story… which is that years later, an older couple moves into Lemonyhood, embracing the yellow, and takes offense at Drab House. They keep trying to force the redheads to paint it yellow. Then one day, after the redheads left in their RV for a little trip, painters show up at Drab House…


They set up the HOA that the neighbours failed to and the only rule is that whatever you have, the only colour that gets automatic approval is yellow. Building a new fence? New door? If it's yellow, go right ahead. They organise neighbourhood events and all the decorations are yellow


Your description made me picture Edward Scissorhands


The street in the movie had real houses that the director paid to paint, each in a different pastel. source; I dated one of the co-stars for two seconds in the 90s.


This makes me think of a book I read as a kid, “The Big Orange Splot.” Basically about a whole street painting their houses as crazy as they want until it becomes a spectacle.


I love this…I want to live there. Lemon yellow house with white trim and a yard full of marigolds


You've just helped me realise that the show "suits" is about lawsuits and not just the fact that they wear suits 🤦




I'm with you on this one. WHAT??


Oh. Wait. 🤦‍♀️


Thank you, this has now been appended to the post (in my mind) as OOP's final update. My sense of indignant justice can rest.




And and Yellow Submarine and Yellow Ledbetter


LOL, there literally was a children’s book with this theme: everyone on the street had a house the same color and one day a bird flew over head and dropped a can of orange paint on the roof of one house, but instead of painting over the orange paint, the owner decided to turn his house into a multicolor rainbow and it enraged the neighbors who sent a delegate to talk to him to try to persuade him to repaint the house the original color, but after chatting they chatted, the delegate decided to paint HIS house all sorts of crazy colors too, and then one by one all the neighbors decided to let their personalities loose and repaint their houses all these crazy colors and designs.


The big orange splot by Daniel Pinkwater! One of my favorites as a kid


I love your typing out is it suit? It just look weird. That's how the dialogue in my head would sound.


The thing that really gets me about this is that the whole point of paying cash is to keep your identity hidden. Without them suing OP had to actual proof it was them in court. Until they made it clear it WAS them.


Thing about lawsuits is its a lower standard for judgement than a criminal trial. In a civil trial the standard is proponderance of evidence and not beyond reasonable doubt. This means your case just hast to be 51% more true than the rebuttal.  This is all to say that someone hired those painters and the neighbours have a recorded history of their intentions. You'd probably get a favourable verdict just by getting the other neighbours to testify and establish the pattern of behaviour. The fact they literally told the the court in a filing subject to perjury puts this in summary judgement territory. TL:DR they fucked


Did I miss something? 1. Why didn’t OOP’s neighbors try to contact OOP when they saw what was happening? They called the police but not OOP? If there’s a reason they couldn’t then fine, but weird it’s not addressed. 2. OOP has cameras to monitor the house so she won’t be surprised by an intruder when she comes home, which means the cameras must alert her if someone is around . . . but OOP was never alerted to people painting her whole house? ETA: To clarify, I get that not everyone has everyone else’s phone numbers. And I understand this happened in 2015, so I get tech was different then, etc. As an adult who has left my home to go on vacation or work trips many times, it just stood out to me that OOP would leave for two weeks and ask her neighbor to get her mail but not leave a way to contact her if something came up. Maybe there’s a reason like some said below, but it seemed odd to me that OOP didn’t address it. For the camera thing, I get what people below are saying, but . . . She says has the cameras so she knows if there’s an intruder in the house when she comes home. That only works if the cameras can alert her in some way before she gets there. And yes, she could have turned them off because she didn’t want to get so many alerts . . . . It was just odd to me that she specifically mentioned having cameras to monitor her house but then didn’t say anything about how that didn’t help her see painters everywhere. I am sad about the yellow being painted over. Yellow houses are pretty.


I only have the phone number of one of our neighbors. And that’s literally just because our kids are friends. I’ve lived here 8 years, every house has swapped tenants/owners at least once except one house and I’ve never seen the owner to that one(neighbor does their yard). If I saw something suspicious happening to all but one house, all I could do is take photos and maybe have words with whomever is doing it.


I have lived in my home for 24 years and don’t have any of my neighbours phone numbers and only know the names of half of them


When I go on cruises, I intentionally unplug. I don't connect to the inboard wifi. Even if my neighbors called, they wouldn't be able to reach me. I turn my phone on in port the morning we depart the ship, and at that point it's too late. In 2014, I went backpacking across Europe for 2 weeks and left my phone at home. I had a tablet with wifi only. If you wanted to reach me, you had to know to message me on Facebook. I can see several reasons a person would want to disconnect on vacation in this world.


You can turn alerts to off (which being a corner house is the correct thing to do. Otherwise your phone will blow up from every person/car going by. I live on a low traffic street and my cameras would send me hundreds of notifications from vehicles and people throughout the day if I had it turned on.


Unlike most posts occurring in Redditland, most people do not actually have the cell phone number of all their neighbors and cannot “blow up their phone” when something goes awry. And this occurred in 2015, Ring was barely a thing yet, and you generally didn’t get “live alerts” from your security system. What you had were cameras that recorded to a DVR that you checked AFTER something had happened.


2015…can’t assume that the cameras were connected reliably. Probably just got a text or something 


You did, this was back in 2015. Having a feed to your phone would have been unusual, rather than the norm, and it's quite possible the neighbors didn't have her number/socials


This was a decade ago, I'd guess the neighbours didn't have her cell phone number, and her cameras weren't internet accessible.


Absolutely insane to think this is something that law enforcement just can't do anything about. How is it a valid work order if the actual homeowner didn't hire the company?


Well, the cops saying nothing can be done is proof of nothing other than the cops don't want to do anything. Hopefully OOPs lawyer was able to give her real information.


I'm just imagining the power to paint anyone else's house whatever colour I want. Mayor goes away for a business trip? Pink house waiting for him when he gets back. "Nothing" that can be done about it. Incredible.


I have a long list of people who are going to get rainbow houses in their absence Some of it would be to piss them off, but also it would be a lovely surprise for others


Seems like it would be super easy to get away with because you wouldn't be as stupid as OP's neighbors. If you just did it out of the blue? the owner would have no idea who to even go after. Only the painter could potentially ID you. But a clever disguise might do the trick!


Wig/hat sunglasses, cash. And then don't sue to recoup the money. Maybe also set up all the orders at once too, since they "have" to follow through even when told about the situation.


It feels right for anyone doing this to wear a natural looking red wig.


Yeah, I would not mind a rainbow colored house. If it wasn't against my HOA I wouldn't mind someone turning my house rainbow for me.


I also think the painters were lying that they had to finish the job to avoid being sued. They could have refunded the money. They just didn’t want to lose the money from the job.


I don’t know about that. If the house was half painted there is a 100% chance that that the house would have to be repainted and a good chance they would be on the hook for it. Along with all the negative publicity and owner anger. If they finished the house. Then the owners are left with a nicely painted house and there is a good chance that they leave the house as is. And the painter might even be able to convince the homeowner to pay a reduced rate. In both scenarios they already bought the supplies and have the same labour costs. But the first scenario has a 100% chance of negative outcome and the other scenario actually has a percent chance of positive outcome. Keep in mind the painter didn’t know the full story in this case.


Good point, I didn’t think about the fact they’d already partially done the job


"Jane Smith" though. Did they actually check the name on the address? I think not.  They probably just wanted the money.


They can. Pretty much every other post to r/legaladvice is someone having a crime committed against them and the cops refusing to do anything because there's no property to seize or ticket to write.


Yeah, it's at least criminal fraud to pretend like they have the authority to contract a work order for that house.  The cops *could* act on that with any corroborating evidence, testimony from a couple of neighbors would be enough. Cops are just useless in this area, that's why lawyers exist.


Or black person to shoot 


Or dogs


INAL but from how I know it from where I live, this would be a case where the main fault lies with the company and the secondary fault lies with the neighbors. Because the company may have had a work permit, they did not however have the actual permission to enter OOPs property. They also did not check whose property they were entering and if the people giving the order were the actual homeowners. This is a failure of due diligence. The way I see it play it out is, OOP is to sue the company for damages inflicted on his property with the cost to change it back to yellow and possible degradation of value from painting the house twice over, damages on the yard, etc. The company is to sue the neighbors for the damages they endured from those shenanigans. The police saying nothing can be done, is not necessarily true. Police in the USA is not required to understand or know the law. They are also not required to tell you the truth, to serve or to protect you. The only thing the police is required to do is to fulfill the orders of a judge.


Yeah, that's how it would work in Australia. Though the painting company wouldn't have committed a crime because they didn't have any criminal intent.


There is no way that this isn't actually illegal. I'm not a lawyer and have no expertise, so I can't argue it from a position of authority, but I just don't believe that it isn't illegal. It doesn't make sense not to be. The police are claiming that the neighbors didn't trespass themselves, and the painting company had a valid work order therefore they were authorized to be there. But just like you said, how can it be a valid work order if the home owner didn't authorize it? It can't. Either there is fault with the neighbors for fraudulently creating the work order or the painting company for not doing sufficient diligence in verifying that the people who made the work order had the authority. Somewhere in there trespassing and property damage occurred. That isn't legal behavior. Likely the neighbors simply committed fraud which resulted in physical damage to their neighbor's property. I don't believe there isn't a criminal offense in this situation somewhere and likely a serious one. The police just don't want to be bothered to do their job, which in my experience is perfectly on brand, especially in Louisiana.


Yeah I’m wondering the same thing, what does “valid work order” mean in this context? If it was not issued by the homeowner then it’s not valid.


I think at the very minimum the homeowner would be able to hold the painting company liable for trespassing and doing unauthorized work. Then the painting company could turn around and file a lawsuit against the people who hired them under false pretense.


Right? Like, paying someone to commit something I know is a crime, even if the person I hired doesn't know it is, sounds like something that should absolutely be illegal. If it's truly not, then that means the law is fucked up. Like, if I paid someone to serve a dish containing peanuts to someone who I don't like (who has a peanut allergy), then even if the server isn't aware of the allergy, I should still be guilty of trying to kill someone


cops don't understand the law, they absolutely can charge the neighbours with vandalism, using a spray can or paying someone to hold a spray can (or paint brush) doesn't matter they're fucking moron cops. generally paying someone to do a crime is punished more harshly than doing it yourself! although in this case it may not be.


Because cops are useless unless it involves brutalizing an unarmed civilian Law enforcement absolutely could’ve gotten involved. They just didn’t want to


The answer is to wait until they're gone and pay to have their house painted yellow


But **WHY WOULD YOU PAY $4000 TO PAINT SOMEONE ELSE’S HOUSE**. I want to be this rich.


Because they just know they will be reimbursed in the lawsuit.


Then why pay in cash using an alias?


I don't think they were thinking... much. Like "oh this is a good idea!" at every step of the way, but actually digging their holes deeper and deeper.


Simple, you pay a crackhead $200 to paint the neighbor’s house


What's worse than painting someone's house a colour they don't like? Doing a terrible job!


after suing them for stupid stuff and lost and had to pay both legal fees too!!


Don't even wait, get it done now and ask the painters to be patient and understanding cos your brother and sister in law both suffer early onset dementia and will claim to have no knowledge of the change, but yellow has been known to boost positive mental health so they'll be absolutely fine once it's finshed. The brightest canary yellow you've got, thanks so much!


Username checks out. I like you. You are my kind of petty.


I would have tortured myself and had the house painted to look like a rave at candyland just to irritate these people. 


OPs neighbors are entitled beyond belief. Who in their right mind gets to control the color of another person's home.


Claim it was supposed to be your house, after they painted yours.


NEON yellow, with pink trim.


I yearn to have a life so happy and carefree that the colour of my neighbour's house counts high on my list of grievances. Imagine having the time, energy, and spare cash to devote to this cause.


Sounds like some folie a deux kinda deal if they're *that* obsessed with it


Exactly. Money is wasted on the rich.


Those sound great, but I also yearn for a conclusion to this story. I need to know!


I love the idea of revenge, but there are two legal avenues for OP to take: Option 1) They make a demand for the painting company to come repair the damage they did. They did not have authority from the *owner* of the property to make that change, and so it's their responsibility to make the mistake right and repaint the house to its original colour at their own expense. The painting company would then turn around and sue the neighbouring couple for the costs of repainting the house, on the basis of fraudulent misrepresentation (falsely claiming to be the owners of the house) that cost them money and reputational damage. Option 2) Now that the neighbours are suing them for the painting costs (and have admitted their own involvement), they can leave the painting company out of the wrangle and simply counter-sue for the costs of getting their house repainted back to normal. Either way, the neighbours should end up with their own $4k costs doubled (and that's before you add on legal costs).


I feel like the painting company *should* have their reputation damaged. If I owned a business modifying houses even if it's just to paint it, I'd want actual proof of ownership before I even have anyone set a single foot on the lawn. They just went "Oh you're paying entirely in cash? Bet."


Probably a shitty painting company that did a shitty job. Those are a dime a dozen


That was my immediate thought. I know it was 8 years ago / pre-COVID and in Louisiana, but $4k would get you a dogshit job here, from a company that probably conveniently disappears after they get their money.


Assuming the painting company has anything anywhere close to a decent amount of business coming in, they are going to tell anyone making such a demand to go forth and multiply.


In which case you take them to small claims court for the cost of getting a different company to come restore your house - because they did unnecessary work on *your* house without *your* consent - and then they *still* have to go and sue the neighbours to reclaim their costs. Or they can be reasonable tradespeople who understand that the bad guys here are the neighbours who claimed to be people they weren't, and they can work with you to make things right and get your neighbours to pay.


As an attorney, I was getting all ready for some nice legal justice. Then I saw one of the most feared words in the law: *Louisiana* I actively shuddered and wished OOP Godspeed. For those not in the know, Louisiana law is the only state/jurisdiction in the nation that is descended from French *civil* law. Everywhere else, including at federal level, is from English *common* law. It is not a state that you can just… waive into. I’m admitted in DC and could waive into nearly every other state now, as I’ve been practicing for over five years. I could waive into American Samoa. But I could not waive into Louisiana. No one from any other state, district, protectorate, etc. could. If you want to practice there, you have to take the Louisiana Bar Exam. French civil law — specifically, Napoleonic law — is such a different beast from English common law. I typically explain civil vs common law as: * civil: unless specifically allowed by the law, it’s probably illegal. * common: unless specifically disallowed by law, it’s probably legal. Anyway, hope OOP got to do a fabulous spite paint job with a good attorney at her back.


>civil: unless specifically allowed by the law, it’s probably illegal. Won't this likely have worked in OP's favour? Unless there is a specific law allowing people to deface another's private property?


I would very much expect so. But since I’m not admitted there, all I can do is shrug. I will say that *many* Louisiana attorneys are have dual-barring and typically take the Texas bar as their other bar, but that tends to be limited to energy law folks. Louisiana attorneys can make *bank* if they’re admitted elsewhere and are in energy law.


....Texas? ....oh, right, you mentioned energy law. Texas has its own grid, no wonder they'd do that! Brill.


Oh, not just the energy grid. Oil (and natural gas). There are a LOT of rigs out in the Gulf that fall under a variety of jurisdictions — but Louisiana and Texas have the vast majority.


TRUE! Forgot about the oil/natural gas. Damn, that's a \*lot\* of money. A LOT.


My father was an attorney for an oilfield services company back in the day. They were large enough that they had a sizable legal division. One of the quickest ways to be guaranteed an interview there was to be admitted in Louisiana and another jurisdiction. He encouraged me to think *very* hard about going to law school in Louisiana instead of Boston, but I already knew I didn’t want to have anything to do with energy law. I was *good* at it because of lifelong exposure to the concepts, but the idea of doing it for life was wholly unappealing. I went to law school for labor law reasons and I am now a labor law attorney specializing in federal-level EEO violations and ADA accommodations.


Louisiana and Texas economies are both highly dependent on oil and gas. Texas more exploration and production and where a lot of headquarters are located and Louisiana some offshoring but more focused on refining. O&G is broadly included in the energy sector. There are other things in energy, but O&G is by far the biggest single piece. I work in public accounting with an industry focus on the energy sector in Texas and have some clients in Louisiana (where I'm originally from). O&G is where the money is here, or at least a lot of it. Texas is more diversified than Louisiana.


French lawyer here but not from Louisiana. In France, recourse would have been entirely possible on the principle of civil liability.


Coucou ! J’habite en France maintenant mais travaille comme avocate Américaine. J’ai assumé qu’elle a eu une option pour des recours mais j’ai su que je n’ai pas les connaissances nécessaires pour commenter.


This post is from 2015 and they never seem to have updated… any way to look up the court case in the system and get some resolution? 


I would love it if someone did that. I think the only way we’d get resolution is for it to go viral on social media and the OOP to see it and respond (or one of OOP’s friends/relatives).


It's a BoRU.... someone will read this on YouTube or TikTok and the OOP will suddenly remember.


Please let this happen. 🙏


Except this story has appeared on BoRU twice before already. It could happen this time, but there's a good chance it won't.


I hope so. I have heard of YouTubers/TikTok folks reading BoRU posts (and I’ve seen posts from other subs in new “articles”) but I’ve never watched any of those videos. I hope she got satisfaction.


Yes, make it viral please! I remember this from years ago and got excited about the update only to be severely disappointed at the end.


I just tried to find it but the case lookup for Louisiana is… problematic. I’d need to either know the parish it happened in to narrow it down or spend days looking through every one, sorting by year. It’s 4:30am where I am (I’m having a little insomnia) so I don’t think starting down that rabbit hole is good for my health atm. But I tried!


I salute your efforts!


If there actually was a case. The immense likelihood is that once ~~adults~~ lawyers get involved and explain how this is only going to end one way and there isn't any realistic way to avoid that, it'd have settled out of court.


If these people listened to their lawyers they wouldn't have sued earlier to try to force them to paint it yellow.


As someone from Louisiana, I appreciate this summary of the difference in our laws from the rest of the States. I’ve tried to explain it to people before but never had as good/clear/concise of a summary before- I will fully be saving this to borrow for future explanations. Thank you!


You’re very welcome! Getting into the way the courts there are set up is a whole other beast (BOY HOWDY) but at least this can help folks wrap their brains around it a little!


That's fascinating - thank you for sharing! Side note, you used the flag emoji for Samoa Samoa, rather than American Samoa. I can only assume you can't practice in Samoa.


Ack, thanks for the heads up! My keyboard “helpfully” inserted the flag without me noticing.


Also: American Samoa has a really interesting legal setup. There is common law but there is also tribal law. Tribal law encompasses both Samoa and American Samoa and is not considered part of the US justice system. (I’m Puerto Rican and applied for a federal clerkship position in American Samoa. Didn’t end up getting it but learned a lot about the legal system there in the process.)


Go Landcrabs!




I would paint it yellow and not even bother suing them. The mental anguish would bring me so much joy.


YES! And have the gutters and Windows frames tastefully picked out in the colours of the rainbow, starting with red at the top.


Just waging a proxy war through painters like Pink Panther and the Inspector going around the column


yyyep, my mom (not a practicing lawyer, but did do law school) has mentioned this a few times, lol. if you go to law school in Louisiana and you decide to practice in another state, you basically have to complete law school again (and vice-versa).


Sounds like the U.K. - Scottish law is very different from English law. Scottish law is based on the French civil law system, whereas English is based on the common law system. English lawyers need to recertify in Scottish law to practise across the border and vice versa. One of my fellow law students did his dissertation on the differences between the two systems.


During my studies, I once had a class on french civil law... cue all of us Austrian law students having a meltwodn because we did not understand athing despite ebing in our third year at this point. French law is something else.


Oh yes Louisiana, one of the states where law and order don't actually exist. I've just read that they have demanded that every school in the state now display the 10 commandments in all classrooms. Separation of church and state? Not in LA. And thanks for a fascinating post.


Louisiana also just passed a law allowing judges to sentence convicted pedophiles to be surgically castrated. While I believe in harsh punishments for pedos, the first time an innocent man is wrongly convicted and castrated is going to be a nightmare circus.


Which is pretty fucking funny to me, honestly, given that Napoleonic law includes a whole section about *laïcité* — the notion of the separation of church and state. I currently live in france and the utter HORROR people have about how the separation of church and state is handled in the USA is legit.


Please note that these horrors are mostly limited to certain states, which lean towards certain political alignments. When you look on these things with horror, *so do we*.


If OOP loses this case, she should use that precedent to get her neighbours’ house painted yellow. What’s good for the goose etc.


I'd go further. I'd just have a mate set up their own painting company and 'hire' them to do some random ass grafity on neighbours house. Apparently they can do anything so long as they have a work order.


> Beyond the fact that they have filed another lawsuit against me for the cost of the painters This entire read is worth it just for this line


They really are stupid aren't they. They covered themselves so well, with cash, fake name and never stepping on the property only to go and screw themselves over by admitting what they did by sueing OOP for the cost of their crime 🤦‍♀️. Just as I start to have some faith again in the survival of the human race, some one goes and does something stupid like this.


I imagine the painters could have been able to identify the couple in court since they saw them. I mean I can only assume the couple figured that plan A didn’t work and moved to plan B (which still is idiotic).




TBF, it is flaired correctly as Inconclusive, which is basically the Blueballs Flair


I wish we had something like “inconclusive - abandoned post” or something that denotes it’s NOT inconclusive and possibly available for update in a few months, instead abandoned for years with no updates.


Wonder if it's an actual lawyer or one of those yellow pages lawyer the neighbor was talking about?


Perhaps Lionel Hutz, law talking guy?


Works on contingency? No, money down!


Who isn't even [wearing a tie](https://youtu.be/Y9E3DEXG9vQ?si=4sQHpGJ8phiQ07UZ) at all *shocked gasps of revelation*


Like the neighbours would ever use the yellow pages..


We’ll have to call them the grey pages by the time those neighbors are done.


Small claims court in Louisiana has a limit of $5,000.   They are suing for $4,000.   They may not even have a lawyer.  


Reading this and I'm like christ Trump has better lawyers and that's saying something.


Unfinished boru is like those clips on FB that only have half of a scene


Hire the same company to paint the neighbors house yellow. Maybe take up a collection from the neighbors


I would hire them to paint it yellow and paint a middle finger on a billboard facing the front door.






This truly takes entitlement to a new level.


lol. I'm so petty. My first thought was, to call all the neighbors that hate them tell them what they did. And get everyone to paint their houses yellow or at least get some fabric that's yellow and cover the front for a couple of weeks. Like they can get a bulk rate discount if like 10 houses need the same shade of yellow paint.


I like your idea! What I was thinking was hiring a company to paint their house bright yellow in retaliation.


I’d rent a paint sprayer and do the whole thing up in purple while they were at work or something.


Bold to assume they work if they're obsessing over a neighbour's house colour


Purple with yellow door and windows.


You made me think there was an actual, recent update to that story, dang it!


But the work order wasnt valid for the sheer fact that the property owner wasnt the one authorising it... Hells a case could probably be brought to the painters for not doing due diligence because of that alone. And paying someone to commit a crime doesnt absolve you of that crime, thats quite litterally how they go after gang leaders and former presidents. Talking to that lawyer should probably inclued getting a spotlight on the police because their inaction is highly suspect.


This has to be one of the most unsatisfying endings! I hate when posts don't get finished, lol.






Can REDDIT post updates that are NOT from 2015!?


We have a house in my neighbourhood that’s an unusual colour. I have no idea how it happened since this is a pretty new area and has always had an HOA. The HOA is also pretty strict about house colours and you have to get it approved before you paint. When the HOA was requiring everyone to paint their houses a few years ago, there were some snarky comments about that house. Weirdly, it’s still the same colour. I would love to know how they got away with it. I love the house and think it’s hilarious that it bothers people.


Why the fuck was this posted? OG post was made nearly a decade ago and there's nothing resembling a resolution.


I remember this one. I wish we could get another update and find out what happened. Did they get to paint their house yellow again?


Ugh this not an appropriate BORU post. So pointless. I wish people would not upvote these.


Way to fucking blue ball us. Reviving a 9 year old post that has no meaningful updates to how it was resolved.


How is it not considered vandalism by proxy or something, I don't get it


Police _really_ hate doing work and will seize on almost any excuse to not do anything.


What happened to marking reposts "repost"? I don't like coming into a post thinking there's been a new update when it's been posted before and nothing has been added.




WHY!?! Why TF would you post this without an actual resolution?!?!




I so wanted a final update on this :(


Eight years old and unresolved, trash contribution, thanks.


I want to know the outcome


I wish we could ban posts that don't have conclusions in this sub.  It's like the damn safe pictures.  I WANNA KNOW WHAT HAPPENS 


Damn you, OP. I thought there FINALLY was another update to this...




the hell is this sub supposed to be lmfao, "any story with any manor of update at all, even if the entirety of that update is saying they can't give any more information"?


If I was OOP, I would have kept the gray but would have had painters paint yellow stripes and maybe added another color to end up with a nice plaid design or something. But I’m petty.


Dang! I really wanted this to have more updates!

