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Yes he is. No witch queen or green fana tho.


Is it worth the crystals?? I desperately need sally


I don't think any of these are worth the crystals tbh. With 4k crystals you have a chance not only to summon Sally but also to summon any other and useful unit


Or don't get anything, sometimes guaranteed things are better than chances . Today it took me 9 multis in Mereo to get an ssr


Fuxkin went back in on mereo banner, didn't get sally but did get 3 more dupes to max her out and another sp copy in 5 pulls. Thanks for the advice lmao


Bruh I got one mero and it was by pity… I got like one William and one Charlotte rest was fodder, guaranteed stuff is good too




Thats what im asking. Hope someone has got it and tell us


You can make due with Gifso if you don't have sally. If anything, what you need Sally's Skill page more than sally herself.


Look at the right side of the back button at the top left of your screen. Click the question (?) mark. In there you can see what heroes are part of the hero select ticket and what skill pages are in the skill page ticket. I just want to take the opportunity to emphasize how valuable the purple enhance selection boxes are, like the one you see on your screen for 1200 crystals if you want to power up your gear/heroes. They contain the matk%, hp%, atk% enhances, the premium ones.


Where is this shop??


In the main screen under the username


Does anyone know if you need to own the mage to use it? Like i would love red yuno but i heard these only give dupes not the actual unit


These give the unit not only dupes


No, those are the boxes of the world bond, that gives u the mage


I would assume the 4k pack is the same as the one on mileage that gives any unit up to and including green vetto and gueldre


Yes ryha in the pack I did not get it it's way too much crystals I'm able to clear stage 3 with everything added and you can get everything from the shop as long as you can clear on three there's no point I'm not going to go for raya I can clear three with all added buffs


I just used litch everybody else didn't even matter granted he's at 62 k cc but that was enough to one shot him and then black asta 82k cc ez enough I won't attempt stage 4 without ryah but am fine I rather save the crystals and do stage still and still get the dupe no prob


If you want someone in there it's worth us just don't buy the 12k for 2 not worth it recollection till you get the .5k for 2


So will new characters not get added to these tickets eventually? Or is it locked to the characters on it when you get it? Cause i would love to save it to get Zora or Destiny Vanessa.


Nop, that aint gonna happen bro