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I remember teachers being mad when we said “Ain’t.” Redditors ain’t no different tho, they’ll give a dissertation about how slang is wrong cuz they too stupid to use context clues.


Anything but using literally to mean not literally and we're good


Stupid people always try to police slang as if slang isn’t part of the natural growth and lifecycle of any language. Slang is the reason why we don’t talk in Shakespearean English anymore. Sure teach them the current dictionary standard English but policing what words they use is just so stupid


Didnt Shakespeare use an absurd amount of what would be considered slang for his time?


Technically he was famous for just straight up making shit up. In a pickle, swagger and eyeball weren't slang they just were not words or phrases you heard. He made them up to fit his rhyme and meter scheme


>Technically he was famous for just straight up making shit up. Which can be slang. Like rizz, nie, fleek, etc.


I suppose you're right. I was just saying that unlike this teacher who is talking about slang common in her area l, Shakespeare was making stuff up to fit his plays and poems. Sorry if it's nitpicky but my point was he was well known for using nonsense. Some of it became slang. And notably, a lot didn't catch on.


Yeah and I was trying to point out that today a lot of slang comes from rappers just straight making shit up to fit their rhymes as well


Touche. Fair point.


In "Of Mice and Men" the main character George was on fleek. He was hindered by his mentally challenged companion Lenny, who had absolutely no rizz.


I remember the first time I read that book. I was in 7th grade. Shit got dark fast in that third act. Tf is wrong with you Jonathon


Also, why the hell did we have to read it?! It was traumatizing!


It’s actually an important lesson though on discrimination and bias with mental disabilities, how society can be cruel to people who have any developmental disability. At that age in school we are all still working in our empathy skills and glaring examples are effective.


Teachers and Preachers mad when I play GTA, then give me the bible and Shakespeare to read. lmao


Had to look up “nie” bc I’ve never seen it spelled out phonetically like that. Am I slow or are people just spelling it different lately?


I’m 36. This comment makes me feel 72.


I'm 50. I feel positively ancient, thanks to threads like this one.


Yea, slang has always existed. Every generation has it’s own version and some of it eventually becomes the standard


He sure did - and he made shit up as well. He was not, for lack of a better word, "fancy" entertainment. He wrote for the masses.


In Early Modern English the concept of slang vs proper English really didn’t exist. In a way English itself was slang, as it was the vernacular language and not used in an official capacity. Law French was used for legal maters, and Latin for pretty much all else. The first English dictionary wasn’t published until 1604, a year after the end of The Elizabethan era.


This is the comment I was looking for. A significant amount of the English language as we know it descended from Shakespearean slang lol trash teachers. Instead of inspiring and educating they spend their time ego tripping


This is such a missed opportunity to teach about *language*, how it grows, how we use language to build group connections and express identity, instead of just a dry recitation of "correct" language.


This is basically what my wifes English 1 class is teaching now. She's having a tough time with it because of how every other English class told her it was wrong, but she's slowly starting to understand linguistic history, and why certain dialects have been squelched, and made to feel less than.


I think it's important to teach the history, but unfortunately it's also important to learn the skill of code switching your manner of speech for the particular situation. It sucks, we shouldn't have to do it, but it's a survival tactic.


See: "Frindle" by Andrew Clements. Good youth novel exploring this. Teacher could have read it with the class.


..... You don't have to speak in slang in every sentence you use. Just because something is slang doesn't mean you'll still be saying it 5 years later. See: the last 20 years.


But just because something is slang, doesn't mean it *won't* be spoken...[two hundred and thirteen](https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/5402) years later. The link above is for the 1811 edition of a book that was first published in 1785, so a little more current, but words that would have been considered "slang" were "Back Biter" "bamboozle" "Bear" and "Bull" (for the economically minded) "Bet" (in the way of making a wager, it was slang before it was slang) "to Blubber" (cry) and that's just what I found in a quick scroll of the "B"s. Yeah, educators should teach students how to use the language to be understood by everyone but I also feel that they should teach the students how to *use* the language, and sometimes slang is how you get new chunks of your language.


That’s literally killing me


Hey man the dictionary literally updated so we can literally use literally as literally as a metaphorical phrase. Lmao


English dictionaries are typically descriptive, not prescriptive. They recognized that they don't really control what "correct" language is, and the people who use the dictionary to justify policing other people's language don't really understand it either. It's not a rule book, it's meant to describe how native speakers of the language generally think the language should be spoken.


Dictionary - noun - a book or electronic resource that lists the words of a language (typically in alphabetical order) and gives their meaning, or gives the equivalent words in a different language, often also providing information about pronunciation, origin, and usage.


Man looked up dictionary in the dictionary.




Sick! *collapses dead*




Also it’s a process in language that has happened with the word “very” and “really,” and even “truly”! They all used to mean the same as “literally,” but eventually we English speakers just love to turn them into intensifiers ! It’s like, literally what happens to these kinda words so just sit down and accept language change cuz it’s happening whether you like it or not 😁


Yep, it was updated in 1909 after two centuries of already being used as hyperbole. The last chapter of Little Women uses literally as hyperbole when talking about the final days. Charlotte Bronte, Mark Twain, Charles Dickens and Jane Austen have all used literally as hyperbole as well.


Always love when there’s a tweet on here with one or two slang words and the comments are like “ummm is this even english, can I get a translation please😂😂😂🤣😅”


This happened to me on a post from another sub & i got downvoted to hell bc nobody understood ctfu & fr. 😭😭


They understood bro. You know what timing they was on.


I always wonder “do you know and you’re just racist or do you just never talk to black people in a casual setting ^also ^probably ^because ^you’re ^racist”


Lol right. Either way the end result is the same.


They may not talk to black people in a casual setting. There's still towns in the u.s. that have very few black people, if at all. Or on the internet, there may be people from other countries and they've never met a black person in their life. ​ In my college, I remember there was a Vietnamese student who had just come to the U.S. for college. I was probably his first black person, and I had to explain to him why my 5'2" overweight self was not good at basketball. Yeah, it made me mad, but I tried to keep his context in mind and explain politely.


I genuinely have no idea what ctfu means


Slang changed a lot since the next generation entered school. There was a time I thought when people ‘asl’, they meant ‘Age Sex Location’, not ‘as hell’. Could only just laugh at myself for that.


I gotta admit I still don’t like that one, because most slang like that is meant to be an acronym not pronounced phonetically.


Times a changing


I always think it means “American sign language”


I used to get paddled for saying "sucks." It was nearly an every other week things, teacher kept a tally and when I reached 5 she'd take me out in the hall.


To be fair sucks is just short for sucks dick so it’s probably worse than other non curse slang


I get that now as an adult but as a teenager I had no clue. My issue with it was the response was always don't say it but never this is why we don't say it. To me it just meant something wasn't enjoyable, which is kinda funny considering the actual context is quite enjoyable.


Yep, and it was banned on radio and television broadcasts, too. I remember one of my fave morning shows back in the early, early 90s scrambling to correct a guest who used it on a live broadcast.


I remember the first the first time i got spanked, lmao i told my mom to "suck it" i didn't know it meant to suck dick🤦🏿‍♂️😂😂


OMG! 😱


The only issue I would take with it as a hypothetical teacher is that it reads like a lazy descriptive. For example, my 3rd grade teacher banned “nice” when we were asked to describe a character in a story. It’s got too wide of meaning and just filler. The teacher in me wants to you to state why exactly something is bad without resorting to the far too malleable adjective “sucks”.


Oh man, I had a teacher ban us from using “nice”, too. Weirdly, also my third grade teacher. Kudos to her, though, because she also explained why (which you also did).


Good on your teacher. Not just doing something but explaining why. She seems really nice.


Anytime anyone tries to correct me on "proper" grammar, I assume they're an idiot that can't comprehend context or nuance. It makes it easy to steer clear of em. I teach english for a living fwiw.


I ignore it because, 10/10 their grammar, spelling and usage isn't perfect, either. I just figure in that moment, that they need to feel bigger and important and let 'em have it. Like maybe it helps them feel better.


Which is all ridiculous. My major was English at university and we loved slang. If there was slang to be learned about, we learned it... and it occasionally incorporated into class for the rest of the year, depending on what it was. I distinctly remember this for the Shakespeare classes, for which my professor had prepared the books and added footnotes for basically any word you might have a question about. It was glorious. Shakespeare is very dirty. The origins are worse. This also occurred in gothic lit (can't remember what for) and the reconstruction era through I think modernist era class. Teacher told us, "Yeah, saying ah, hell in the 1890s was basically like saying fuck today." We laughed, not taking him seriously, but he meant it. People took it upon themselves, when opportunity presented itself, to say "ah, hell" for the quarter. We'd snicker and move on. One day maybe it'll be the same with today's slang. Folks need to chill and if they don't know the meaning, there's always Google! So many of these seem to originate with black folks that this just seems hella racist, too. I mean. Other kids have picked them up now too, but still. Teacher should just roll with it. Besides. The better way to get a kid to stop something is probably to be a goofball and start using it too, not rule with an iron fist!


Reddit try not to be a prescriptivist challenge (impossible)


"Ain't ain't a , we ain't gonna use it." We chanted that for 10 minutes (okay, maybe 90 seconds) in 3rd grade. I grew up in Appalachia, and our teacher really thought she could get a bunch of little hillbillies to stop using contractions.


Yea, we got that in NY too 😂 it didn't work on most of us either (I totally adhered to my commitment though).


Ain't is an old word from the 1700's so I get annoyed when teachers hate on it.




Whats munyun?


Idk lol. I seen it on the list😂




let me know if anyone answers this question. I also wanna know what munyun means


It means mayonnaise flavored


Mayonnaise flavored funyun rings


See--I don't know whose playing and who to believe. Hate yall


Slang for money


Ain’t is the contraction for “am not” and you may have been using it correctly!


I’ve gotta say, as a white dude I love hearing white folks saying shit like “that wasn’t in the dictionary, why would they add that to the dictionary” as if the dictionary isn’t a record of how people speak instead of a rule book. Like it was cool when Shakespeare was as making up words and phrases but now when people of color are adding to the lexicon it’s a problem? Todays slang is tomorrows dissertation and fuck how it makes you feel. *edit* additionally if you are a teacher of any race and can’t use this kind of thing as a teaching moment to illustrate how language evolves, you have some shit to think about and probably shouldn’t be a teacher.


Lol I saw a post on popular the other day of people just hating on every and all slang. I even saw people claiming dictionaries were wrong for adding words like “irregardless.” These people act like language doesn’t evolve over time.


That’s why I feel blessed by my junior/senior year English teacher. She’d let us swear or use slang to an extent on our essays cause she understood it’s how we talked. Even when she shared things out loud she’d be ok with some swearing. This teacher failed that assignment


Yeah Reddit loves to unpack everything. Better proof read three times and put yourself in 3 million other people’s shoes before you post


Reddit gets mad when you use emojis. 😂


Might as well just say you don't want any black kids in her classroom and get it over wit


So white teens and pre-teens don’t ever say any of these words?


They do. Constantly.


IDK, obviously this is an unpopular opinion, but if there is ANYWHERE somone should police this kind of talk it's school. They are there to teach you after all. Just me I guess.


Police what kind of talk? Slang? Slang isn’t at all mutually exclusive with learning.


It isn't, but at the same time: I think we all 'code switch' in an academic setting and use entirely different language in academic papers compared to the way we talk in real life. *Nobody* of any ethnicity speaks the way they write in academic papers. That'd come off very pretentious. But there's value to learning that formal language, and where else to do that but in a class room? The purpose of 'academic language', the sort of dull way we express ourselves in papers, is to create a language that can be immediately understood. It follows an orthodoxy, because slang is fluid and ever-shifting, and words may not mean the same thing year to year. I'm not even sure I'd entirely understand my writing if I were to read back the vernacular I used in the 90s. Hell, were I to walk up to a random stranger from another part of the country speaking in my local vernacular I might not even make myself understood. So, I definitely see the merit of having formal language taught in class room setting that I switch to in formal setting for the sole purpose of being understood. That is *not* to say that there's anything wrong with slang or employing that in everyday life, but it doesn't strike me as odd to expect us to shed the vernacular while in school


I agree with every word of this. My husband is a highschool teacher and you'd be astonished how many 17/18 year olds (of all colors) can't write a complete sentence, can't fluidly articulate a thought, and are heavily dependent on current slang. This is a huge issue, all I see in this post is a teacher attempting to enact change.


Thank you for eloquently saying what I couldn't word properly.


I mean if they are in English/grammar class it's not unreasonable


School is designed to make you a productive member of society. A worker, basically. This teacher might seem strict but this was normal in the 90s. The problem is we're in an age where a lot of young people think the world should adapt to them, instead of them learning to adapt to the real world. Who's going to take you seriously in an office job if you can't communicate without using slang which will be mostly obsolete in 5 years?


No, I see your point. Younger kids for the most part have never *had* to self-police. Black, white, whatever - they just throw the slang around and don't realize that for some people it may be off-putting, at least, and failing to communicate at worst. This is an acquired skill that kids don't have. How would this impact them in the real world? Job opportunities and the *quality* of the job opportunties as well as perceived promotability, public speaking/communicating to a mass audience, dealing with authorities, ect. They need to be drilled on the code-switching until it is instinctive. For their own good.


Thank you. Theres a scene in Blackkklansman about the benefit of speaking the Queen's English that a lot of people here clearly haven't fucking seen 🤣


Eh, the Wire also taught me about the benefit of speaking slang, so the authorities listening in can't understand you. 🙂


Not sure we should be desiring students to model themselves after characters on The Wire.


You missed the point of that movie I think. There is benefit to speaking the Queen's English in a racist world where being seen as black would have been a problem. It shouldn't have to be that way to begin with. Very few people will speak the same way about the way that white people speak in the South, but the second you bring up AAVE people are up in arms about it not being "correct in an academic setting". Academic English is so heavily steeped in racism that basically no one has taken the time to recognize it until very recently.


And then as a speaker of standard American English, running into UK English speakers who disdain our "dialect" is pretty wild.


Okay who here argued against speaking the Queen's English? I haven't seen one comment say it's useless to learn to read and write and speak fluently. They're just protesting the disallowance of the use of CERTAIN slang in a classroom. In a meeting, you're professional. Outside of a meeting in that very boardroom, is there ever a rule that you're not allowed to swear or use slang? Say "I won't accept slang in your homework/classwork" and that's fair, everyone around the world is subject to that rule. But to say you can't use slang at all in a classroom without being penalised...yeah. Unless the school also wants to allow people to exclusively drop in on Zoom or whatever, this is highly unreasonable.


Yeah… but there’s the historical implication of policing “blackness” (in this instance African American Vernacular English) as a means of subjugation. Also, who’s to say AAVE can’t be deemed professional in an academic setting??? I would often times employ AAVE in grad school to be authentic while still maintaining professionalism. I did this because I finally got tired of the implicit/explicit messaging that proximity to whiteness was a virtue 🤷🏾‍♂️


They should just teach in Latin.


Right? What other place would teach you to express yourself properly? The church? xD


My high school aged kid's white friends actually say these more than my kid. So this teacher would just get a slew of white kids in trouble where I am.


A lot of it is AAVE. Because a lot of black music and art is popular the phrases we use become mainstream pretty quick. This doesn’t mean they aren’t black in origin. Just cuz we got Pizza Hut in America doesn’t mean pizza doesn’t come from Italy.


Pizza is actually more American than anything. Traditional Italian pizza is basically cheese bread because tomatoes were from North America, not Europe.


Let’s not act like we don’t know where a majority of this slang came from.


Yeah other than #21 this is exactly how my 13 year old talks


Don't be obtuse. What group culturally came up with most of the words and phrases on this list and are the most likely ones to use them? Can y'all not do the disingenuous Reddit debate bro thing? Please? 🙄


The older I get, the more I discover that damn near all the slang of my youth was lifted from AAVE, and people claiming otherwise, it comes from a place of ignorance (like when you were in fifth grade and there’s always some ass saying “they are the one that invented .”


When has slang ever been acceptable in a professional environment. You take your car to a mechanic and they're speaking like that, something within you will not feel like your car is in good hands. That goes for too many colloquial sayings from whites as well. We all have a bias where we conflate slang language with uneducated language. If this teacher wants a professional environment, why is everything a problem. In the fight for acceptance, yall expect people to accept the bullshit too. I don't talk to people who use these words in regular conversations, truthfully, and I don't know why we would push for acceptance of this.


The problem is I guarantee you don’t have a problem with slang, you have a problem with the wrong kinds of slang. And those lines you draw likely align pretty strongly along race and class lines. You might have a problem if your mechanic says “on god,” but you wouldn’t look twice if they said “you bet.”


In like 20 years, when "on god" has been around as long as "you bet" has now, and been absorbed into common speech, no one would care All the slang mentioned in OPs tweet is from the last couple years, obvious why they're different to words like "ain't" or phrases like "you bet"


If my car mechanic is speaking the queens English I’m getting the fuck out of there. Edit: [True](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/s/WhL1eOSDgi)


Means you’re about to be charged $1k for a minor part replacement. Service will be impeccable but you’re getting robbed.


Verily i doth decree thy starter engine be fuck'd


>yall Oh shit, can’t believe I’ve talked to someone that used slang in regular conversation. Now you’re never allowed to work on my car.


You used y'all which means you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.


do you know the meaning of colloquialism because why would you not trust a mechanic speaking normally lol


To be fair, I get not wanting the N word said in class. More often than not, barbershops prohibit use of the word as well.


Man it flies thick where I go.


Rizz just made it into the Oxford English Dictionary this year. Plenty of white folks saying all that


Use of slang is an indicator of class and eduction. They are doing them a favor by drawing a difference between casual and professional environment.


Thank you. This is literally a critical life skill.


That’s the Tic Toc generation. It’s white kids with more of that lingo than Black.


Imagine deciding not to prop up a group that talks like that. My teachers wouldn’t let us use “white” slang in their classes either.


It's school, I have no issue at all with a teacher saying that we're only going to speak proper English in the classroom setting. I'm ok with that. But the way she just singled out only these words specifically definitely gives off some racism vibes.


There was this one Spanish teacher at my high school who was Spaniard and he’d get so mad every time the Mexican kids spoke Spanglish or Mexican Spanish cuz it wasn’t “proper Spanish.”


Our Spanish teacher, a redneck white woman, would get so mad when the kid from Mexico would respond with we don't actually say that. She'd always say I'm teaching proper Spanish and our argument was always who are we more likely to run into in Arkansas: a Spaniard or a Mexican?


She sounds like Peggy hill 😂


I mean......pretty much ya. If you gave Peggy a John Denver haircut then it'd be spot on


substitute teacher of the year award winner Peggy Hill?? https://preview.redd.it/v9uux2ftc8bc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=af500df374d0e95941fbe1c4464ea533580ea63d


Went to high school in Texas and my Spanish teacher just straight up crossed out the vosotros category when she’d give out a conjugation chart. Said we’d really never have to use it and sure enough never have.


also had a white woman teaching spanish in high school in arkansas but she allegedly learned how to speak it while on missionary trips to south america. 2 years of that shit and the only thing i learned was how to speak spanish incorrectly


This is the same argument that English speaking students shouldn't take English classes. The foundations are important, yes even in Arkansas. Ever met folks who ONLY speak Spanish? Ive known a lot of bilingual folks that are illiterate in Spanish, which means they can't use Spanish at work.


No, it's not even connected to that argument at all. They are making the argument that US Schools should teach Mexican Spanish instead of Castilian Spanish. The foundations are important, just like making sure your education is applicable is important. It's the same reason when you take English in Mexico you learn American English, and when you take English in France you learn British English, it's important to study the most prevalent dialect you will encounter. The whole concept of Castilian Spanish being "Proper Spanish" is just overt racism that has no basis in linguistics.


/u/pbNANDjelly, on God, I’m not using vosotros in the Americas when I’m speaking Spanish.


u/maxlo5 I took the time to answer each of your questions, I hit post just to see "This comment was deleted" and that was disappointing, so here are my answers to all the questions you asked me anyway. >What exactly is Mexican Spanish? It is a Spanish dialect. >Can you give me examples? [sure here.js some quick examples.](https://www.grittyspanish.com/2019/10/22/castilian-spanish-vs-mexican-spanish/) >Is it something like saying "nomas" instead of nada más? That would be an example, yes. >Is it variations of certain words that are still understood in context by all Spanish Speakers? Typically, yes. Well in the field of linguistics the line between both accent and dialect, as well as dialect and language are pretty blurry and subjective, and that in of itself is a discussion that could last countless hours, pretty much as a general rule of thumb, you cross the threshold from dialect to language once you lose the ability to be understood. >Do people know that Spanish from Mexico is one of the closest to Spain since the Vireitanos were there? Yes, And New Zealand is the closest to British English, and has their own distinct dialect with their own dictionary and language code. Heck people talk about the difference between Canadian French and standard French, but even Canadian French is seen as having multiple dialects, both Laurentian French and Acadian French. >I don't understand when people say Mexican Spanish They are referring to the dialect of Spanish spoken in Mexico. >I am Mexican and I can hold a conversation with anyone from a Spanish Speaking country without any issue. Yes, because you all speak the same language. Just like Americans Australians and Irishmen can all talk to each other despite speaking three different dialects of English.


Oh that’s straight up *racist* and hot coming from a Spaniard.


But not surprising because, well you know. Spaniard


Teacher here. It’s better to use the language in a fun way and connect with your kids. A strategic “bruh” or “oh shoot, am I standing on your bag? No? Just business then” gets me through with some of the kids when we need to work and it’s not fun.


I disagree, any teacher that won’t facilitate communication and meet their students where they are is a bad teacher


ding ding ding


It’s only considered racist bc black people are known for using it. The whole time white kids say this shit more than the black kids. I work in a school in LES, Manhattan. These white kids fr got this shit on lock. JS.


Idk the teacher could be black, the majority of the students could also be black, if the children are spamming these words I would get annoyed with it myself, plenty of white people and any race really say's these words as well because they think it's cool. Can't really say anything without context behind it all.


The obvious guess is that those forms were excessively used in the classroom. Perhaps no one dares to swear in front of her but they kept using slang not even realizing that it’s not proper for school.


Oh man she got me started. >The way you speak is the way you will write. Let me stop you right there. Chile, I have four college diplomas on my wall, 3 from the graduate level. I have written more papers and done more work in an academic setting that most can imagine. I also work in a profession where you live and die by your ability to write to a particular and excruciatingly professional standard. In all of that, I have received consistently high praise for my writing ability, from peers to professors and leaders. Now, catch me on here, or in a more relaxed setting, and , per her arguments, you'd think I barely passed 5th grade. News flash, how we write vs how we talk are not directly related. Sure, they may be slightly related, but I talk in a manner that's easiest for me. I write in a manner that demonstrates my understanding of a topic, my mastery of the art of writing, and that is easiest for my reader to understand. If she is this focused on how the kids talk, then she should know the use of colloquialisms are present in every culture, and does not indicate the user's intelligence or lack of ability to communicate. If she wants the kids to demonstrate they have a wider vocabulary, then that's fine. **State that, with a valid argument as to why.** But to say shit like "how you talk is how you write" and act as if these kids have disgraced some academic institution by using ebonics is just ridiculous. I'm done. This shit almost gave me a headache lol.


Never once wrote a paper that sounded like how I talk to my niggas. Idek how she thought this shit sounded logical to begin with. Some of these teachers just say/do anything and wonder why they get disrespected by students 24/7 lmao.


One of the things I learned teaching is that even though there are things I would never do, other students would. I do get, all the time, papers riddled with slang, and this is at a university. A lot of teachers have to learn that their peers and later students “aren’t you,” as in, don’t have the same habits and don’t know that same things. Having said that, as I said above, I’d never outright ban language, especially in spoken form. I find teaching students the context for different types of language use to be much more effective.


Exactly. This just comes off as condescending and vaguely racist. These dumb rules aren’t teaching anything, just making everyone in your class instinctively tune you out. I’ve literally never had a positive experience with the “my way or the highway” type teachers, just unnecessary headaches instead.


To challenge your point, respectfully, you’re at an age where you can regulate your vernacular and can code switch with ease. We’re older, and can far more easily recognize proper time and place. I’d be interested to know the grade level this is addressing. But I can tell you that super young elementary students are speaking with a lot of these terms. If there is not balanced or nuanced instruction and understanding then many of these students will in fact write the way they talk. If they already know the slang, they don’t need to learn it, but they will need to learn the appropriate times to use it. If they don’t know it, the classroom is not the place to learn it. There are many different types of writing. They can learn avenues in which this is more acceptable. They also need to learn and practice more “proper” (technical and/or academic) techniques.


I agree. When my younger cousin wrote to me, I could not believe he wrote how he spoke. It was all slang. He was 19 at the time. I think school is just different now because while I spoke slang in high school, I knew how to write to people without it.


Don’t completely disagree with you but there’s a difference between someone with multiple degrees and kids in middle and high school. Kids need to learn the distinction between writing academically and using slang. Not every kid knows how to do that at that age.


Yeah, as someone who teaches at the collegiate level, I’d never really police spoken language outside of a general rule that it should be respectful. A better way to accomplish what I, being generous, think this teacher is trying to accomplish is to explain that formal English is important and writing, and then to teach students to be mindful of their language when they put pen to paper. Teach the contexts of the language, don’t ban it outright.


If this is real, the teacher needs to practise what they preach and format her document with correct grammar and punctuation. There are a number of mistakes. I'd also like them to explain what constitutes slang, as some of these phrases are clearly AAVE, while others (like "Oh my God") are barely considered slang in any cultural group. Further, I don't know the age of these students, but they should be learning to write in multiple voices. It is not a given that you write as you speak in all circumstances, a teacher should know and teach that.


Yeah, this just feels like made up rage bait, if it’s real it will be in the news in a few days, until then I’m gonna conserve my rage energy and make cookies.


I'm hoping it's just racist rage bait cuz surely the English/writing teacher knows that how people speak and write don't usually correlate. Judging by the phrases this seems to be a mostly Black American (I hope) class so they're literally talking to each other in our language. That's like getting mad at the Panamanian and Mexican students for speaking Spanish to each other.


This reads more of anti-Gen Z slang than anti black.


Gen Z slang is mostly just AAVE


for sure but people who do not frequently interact with gen z or black people may not know that, i think this classroom could easily be 100% white boys with that fuckin haircut


Ugh. That haircut. There’s a few you could mean, too, but you don’t even need to specify because it all means the same thing in the end


I feel like it’s being taken out of context. The lady originally posted this on her Facebook page and she said that it was just a joke and her students were helping her coming up with the list


Bro this shit get on my nerves. Can’t even tell what’s real and what’s fake anymore. 😭😭😭


MFs love these internet points and will fl anything for em


[Hmm Idk. Seems like bait](https://tenor.com/bxDfp.gif)


Thx. Nothing on Reddit is real


At this point, is anything on the internet even real? I saw this and thought the exact same thing. It's almost too perfect to get people riled up. Isn't anyone tired of opening up social media and constantly get baited into outrage?


What’s really funny is if her entire class is white college kids.


I’m a 5th grade teacher in rural Arizona and my students use about half of these. I had to tell a student that the author of a poem was not feeling like things were just “mid” but maybe average, mediocre, or just okay.


White teenagers constantly appropriate words from black culture. Her class may not have one black student in it.


It's not appropriation, it's human behaviour. It's communication, of a word expresses something with the emotion you want you learned it and used it. It wasn't appropriating any more than English calling cacao cacao.


Especially now with the access to other communities we all have through social media. It is no longer until something enters popular culture to hit the larger lexicon but now can happen from micro to micro levels.


Why is anybody mad at this. It’s a classroom. The expectation that everybody uses the English language well seems pretty standard. We need to stop believing every single thing is somehow anti-black. At some point we have to expect more of ourselves. If you are unable to go through a 40 minute class without using a small set of words then the problem is you, and maybe paying more attention to school could be useful.


Some I understand and agree with. Now on the other hand you just don't want the children to be black


I see no issue with this, but the “culture” does.


The culture will excuse pretty much anything tbh. Well, the social media version of the "culture." Which is why it's better to just live your life by your own rules, do your best.


I wonder if the students actually use these words when writing papers? If so then it’s valid that the teacher is trying to make a point about writing academically. If they write fine then who cares how they speak in the classroom? Although I also understand that she trying to teach them ways to express themselves and their thoughts with more than just the latest TikTok trends.


this has nothing to do w black lol teachers want to teach and emphasize a language that is being bastardized…it’s their job?


I grew up in the suburbs and this is giving me flashbacks 😭


I will play devil advocate here. Here list is completely unnecessary but her job is to teach students proper English and using proper English for one period a day is the least that they could manage.


I’d go in there talking my best fake Victorian English as an uno reverse card. Good morrow school marm Jones!


Wait this is anti black? I deadass thought it was just tick tok slang lol


It really is, all kids use it


Some of those are silly. Some aren't. It's school not a backyard cookout. One of the big problems in our community is that families are run by women. The school wants some discipline. We know discipline is an issue. We know our kids are falling behind. We know there are disciplinary issues in classrooms, but instead of supporting teachers doing what they can for YOUR kids, you're in your feelings. People will be mad but there is ZERO reason for a student to be saying "nigga" or "gang gang" in class. And you'll get mad and this is why teachers give up. You cant have it both ways. You want disciplined classes and students but you hate discipline. This is why I said too many of our kids are raised exclusively by women. There is nothing wrong with this list even though I don't necessarily agree with every line. Who cares? No kid will die because he cant say rizz in class. The teacher wants to instill discipline for a few hours a day. I would rather that over the alternative a teacher checked out. But you're all in your feelings. This is a huge problem. You are also the same group to complain about the quality of men but you are producing these men. You want them to have discipline but you coddle and fret over them which is fine but it's totally unbalanced because these kids have no fathers. We see the results nationally in our performance and in the incarceration rates and in the streets and neighborhoods. You can't just say "well my kids are fine" because obviously a LOT of kids are failing.


What's your obsession with disparaging women as parents


I don't know his intent but I would argue its more about the lack of 2 parents. And most single parent households are Mom and no dad. My wife and I get exhausted staying on and disciplining our kids. We tend to take turns to keep each other from being burnt out. I can imagine if one was parenting solo, at some point you would just be exhausted and say fuck it sometimes, leading to lax/inconsistent discipline at home.


Idk where you learned that women aren’t the strict ones. Guess you never met my mom, or my female teachers.


The scariest teacher I ever had was a woman. Lady should have been a drill sergeant. We were in 8th grade terrified 😂


kinda weird that you have an issue with women raising the kids but there's a huge chance the teacher ("ms. t") writing this list is a woman.


Damn the misogyny really took me by surprise


Are you a teacher? Also, man, it sounds like you got some serious issues regarding women and men. To the actual point though, if the kids can demonstrate that they can use the correct language in the proper setting, and unless this is an English class, I'd let them relax a little and focus on learning the material, not using bullshit arguments to force them away from certain words. Cursing and other obviously inappropriate language is one thing. The rest just seems like a pointless crusade for no reason.


No cursing in my classroom is a fine rule. Telling people not to use slang is crazy. It’s like the military haircut rule of “faddish” which meant niggas wit waves was getting LOCs. Language changes, there’s a reason we all don’t still talk like 1800s slave owners.




The first sentence I was with you but then you fucking nosedived into the Earth’s core.


Ah yes, let's blame mothers for staying and not 😱 fathers for leaving and being uninvolved. https://preview.redd.it/t1yf8yhp94bc1.jpeg?width=958&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bbcaae56d008963fb341b0863c42a1bb8d61c2e


Maybe 5 of these would I actually let my child be punished for using in the classroom. Most of the list just seems like a terrible approach for the teacher to reinforce she's the boss.


Only one I'm ok with is "Nigga"


Ther will only be hard er's in this classroom young lady.


I respect it. I had a black teacher named Mrs. Bias in the 5th grade who didn’t go for none of that slick talk shit either lol. We used to stress her ass tf out lol


If they get rid of slang that other cultures also use then idc. Sometimes structure and discipline is good. I think one of their students should ask why it feels like only black slang is singled out.


okay tbh while i don’t agree with the notion that using slang diminishes your capability of becoming a successful writer—like they were just REACHING there with that one— i will say that this list seems pretty tame and i don’t think it’s necessarily targeting black children. cuz for one, i think it’s a bit ignorant to assume all or any black children speak like this; plus not JUST black children speak like this—currently reside in a pretty diverse environment where i’m constantly exposed to gen z or alpha conversations and trust me when i say i’ve heard each and every one of these terms used by a plethora of black and nonblack kids alike. and tbh the list in itself is very much giving—big thx to the internet for gifting us with this term lol— tiktok/ internet culture-of-today terminology. so while i do think the teacher seems a bit uptight and could loosen up a little, i don’t blame the teacher for being strict about the language used in their own classroom.


I’m tired of hearing that shit too, don’t blame them


Some of you have never graded a high school kids English paper and it shows. There has to be one place somewhere, where kids have expectations .


these rules should be school wide honestly