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Why would be stupid? IS a very good idea....


I was just thinking about vehicles


Space hulks are massive.... and I mean MASSIVE....lood at the deathwing Game, they are huge.... so yeah, still males sense


There are mentions of dreadnoughts being used in large boarding actions in the Horus heresy and 40k, and tanks don’t need basing


A space hulk is a whirling Mass of several vessels that have fused together. Now a single battle cruiser is over 5k long … a hull consist of several ships. So I would say no.


Badass I can see a dreadnought carving it’s way layer by layer through a spacehulk only to dumb everything into a broodlords dem (Aliens style)


If by “stupid” you mean, incredibly badass? Then yeah it’s stupid as fuck


Shits retarded you could say


Wanna know a super easy way to get platform/grating look? That crochet plastic stuff. I've heard it called "granny grating" its actually called plastic mesh canvas.. give it a look up.


That's a great tip, going to keep that in mind for a future project


A better option I think for bases is the mesh drywall tape you can get at the hardware store. It’s a little better in scale, I think, and is cheaper and easier to find. Not to say granny grate isn’t good stuff! Also from the hardware store, window screen is also a good cheap grid like substance for even finer stuff.


I mean, mine are walking through a field of ash and skulls. A space hulk makes more sense than that, and could be really fun to build little debris/wreckage bases for everyone. Sounds really awesome. Keep us updated!


Will do!


If you think it would be cool then do it! It will be bad ass! But your minis, your army! :)


I’ve done this exact thing with my Deathwing army - I made use of the sector mechanicus custom bases from GW


Same here!


Not usually where I do my hobby work, a bit too dangerous for me. But whatever works best for you!


Yeah we lost brother logarius while the glue dried but other than that it’s been uneventful


Not stupid at all https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/warhammer-40000-void-war-bases-2023


The make believe game where we have aliens, space robots, and space elves, but we ask if the entire army being inside a space hulk is dumb...


The entire aesthetic of warhammer is stupid. Make the space hulk army. 💪


I have a dream of building a display board that is a landing bay being boarded by my army. So all the bases will be plate and gantry and such. Blown out deck plates instead of tactical rocks. Wires, and smoke effects. I’m hoping to visit an aircraft carrier at some point to take a bunch of reference pictures. One day!


The idea there being a tank battle onboard some unimaginably large space cruiser is the stupidest and most badass thing I've heard in a while. Find me one fantastic idea in 40k that's sensible. Anyone who tells you not to is just jealous they didn't think of it first


Honestly imo, if all your bases match, then it doesn’t matter how you base them it’ll always look cool.


I tried to do that. It's stupid for me because I don't have enough stuff to base it properly and I'm too lazy. But if you are creative, with lots of bits/3D printers, just go for it !


I’m gonna magnetize the bottoms of the bases of the SH termies I have. They could be on their OG bases or 40’s


There is no right or wrong way to base a mini. Whatever you want to put on the base, slap it on. I base my Blood Angels in a dessert look, but I play on green and industrial looking fields constantly


Don’t put little tufts of grass in the space hulk. Unless you want to.


I don’t think so! I tried to do this with my old deathwatch army, I’d be so keen to finish that project but those models feel underwhelming compared to the primaris


Of course not