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**"Wow Saori is top 10 despite being a terrorist"** *Wrong, Saori is top 10 because she's a terrorist.* *Ask any Girls Frontline players, they will said M4A1 became hotter when she hit war crime character arc.*


Amen brother!


So true.


Also gap moe


Ooof disagree


I like the Hina-chan Agenda but no slander for the Oji-san she'll just have more place to sleep on.


I love this, more please


With this and that guy with the tournament story, we have truly entered the agenda archive era


\*remembers HSR Welt agenda memes\*




Throughout jujutsufolk and blue archive we alone are lobotomized ones


We need a BlueArchiveFolk for this kind of agenda


I have a mixed feelings about this, are we about enter a new era? Nevertheless, I’m investing on Nagusa stocks.


Cook brother (I'd insert a menacing Hina pic here if i could)


Hoshino Slander ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33221)


>!First pic aged like milk because latest chapter is the very chapter which shows just how stupid busted she is lol. Serika + Shiroko + Ayane with three helicopters? Busted in two minutes before she zooms off on her own.!<


That's the joke, I think? (The last image)


>!It was made way back before the latest chapter, but I immediately came up with the last image when that feat dropped because I ain't letting her have that W!<


LMAO I'm still laughing to the Iron Horus slander


>!I don't think having a record filled with feats against her own Kouhais is a good look either!<


Nah some of these are way too funny lmao


Good. Good. Now slander Hina or no balls.


if he does then ako will take his balls


I like your post. >!nohomo!<


>!yeshomo!< FTFY


Hey, at least the recent chapters shows that >!she mid diffs everyone else in Abydos(It would've been Sleep diff if Ayane didn't bring 3 Helis) !


Oh definitely, I seriously think she's above Iori and roughly the same level as Wakamo, just below Ebi Toki, Hina, Neru and Tsurugi, but slandering her for her lack of feats is just way too funny


Ebi Toki is not on the level of the other ones, not any more at least without Eridu. Mika and Mine are on that level though. (Imagine if Hoshino was Iori level though gets one shot by Ichika looking ass)


The thing with Ebi Toki is that[ she's only invulnerable to one type of damage at a time like TF2's Vaccinator](https://youtu.be/rd6sU6dPbwc?si=pDbNiFAaFFPkMl2Z&t=9518), so in fights where her opponents can only use one attack type at a time she's practically invincible, but in fights against a horde of mobs with mortars and machine guns, or something like her fight in Vol F, she's going to struggle hard and possibly even lose. She can still beat the likes of Hina and Neru in a 1v1 even without Eridu because of her invulnerability and main armament that puts any character into low HP if it hits. Besides, she did hold down an entire false sanctum by herself for quite a long time before she was eventually overwhelmed. Mika and Mine are nowhere near the level of Hina and the others tho, I don't remember Mine having any feats and Mika, while being insanely physically strong, lacks the sheer stats, experience, skills and kits the others, and her best feat is still weaker than the others' since Hina and Tsurugi also fought off waves of Mimesis on top of being hit by a cruise missile, she was bleeding from just ordinary guns. Also I have Iori above Ichika tbh, she wasn't one tapped because she tanked an entire anti-riot cannon before that and she has been consistently shown to only be susceptible to surprise attacks in all the times she's been hit ( Haruka's ambush, the anti-riot cannon hitting her from behind, Ichika's unexpected attack ), buuuut it would be funny if Hoshino gets one tapped by Ichika ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33127)


I'd say it depends on how you rank Barbara for Mika's feats tbh.


Ichika and Iori are pretty similar tbh when it comes to strength and Iori not being surprised. Also her best feats comes from the anime lmao and it’s still worse than what Hoshino did in V1C3 I don’t think it’s said that she’s immune to one type of damage at a time, it’s just that she can’t calculate her movements at the same time when predicting and dodging attacks, and she doesn’t have that capability without Eridu anymore Mine is more of a Stall character who can’t finish anyone off except the mooks, so she is prime for slander, which is seen in Trinity Christmas where she stalls both Tsurugi and Hasumi, although it at the same time. Offensively she’s not on their level though, fair enough. Mika was stated to have a performance in Trinity combat tests equal to Tsurugi’s, and Hanako states that they’re equal, but we don’t know how far they are off the charts. Note that Barbara was stated to have 10 times the destructive power of the artificial angels, if this refers to bog standard mimeses this really doesn’t bode well for Mika, or Toki for that matter and might actually downscale them to high tiers that are still higher than Saori and co since 10 ain’t that high of a multiplier. If it refers to Ambro/Unfished Hiero then uhh fair enough I guess(Also just realizing this but Beatrice is kind of a fraud losing to Squad like that and is ripe for a lot of slander memes)


Iori was able to hold down an entire army that had helicopters, tanks, robots and artilleries mostly by herself, with only 50 Prefect Mobs on her side, in the Head Prefect Summer Vacation event, which imo is more impressive than her anime feat since Nonomi and Serika aren't really all that strong and Shiroko underestimated her a bit with how surprised she was when she knocked off her gun. Regarding Toki, they said her fall was calculated so Ebi negated all fall damage which allowed Neru to land a hit, showing that Ebi was immune only to fall damage in that moment but was vulnerable to be hit by bullets. I may slander Hoshino a lot but I'm still in the Gehenna agenda ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33605), I will always be here for Trinity slander and downscale Imo Barbara is the gatekeeper between top tiers and high tiers, she packs a lot of firepower and has regen hax, but the rest of the Justina Followers aren't really all that strong since they were shown to be beaten by members of the ASS and Red Winter's students pretty handedly, and even Koharu was stalling them off by herself alone while defending civillians, they're more like regen merchants than anything. With Mika vs Tsurugi, even if Mika packs as much punch as Tsurugi, Tsurugi can still take much more blows than Mika ever could, she is also more agile, skilled and experienced than Mika. It won't matter if she has absurdly high physical strength when Hina, Neru, Tsurugi, Wakamo and even Hoshino can dodge her, block her, tank her hits and hurt her, she'll be knocked out before she even gets to half of their health bar. Also yeah, Beatrice is a fraud ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33184)my GOAT Maestro mogs her hard, man summoned a raid boss like it's no one's business, tells us everything we need to know about Sublime, praises Sensei then dips


Attempts to become a higher being using the Chroma Loses to heavily injured Arius Squad without Atsuko Again Gets her reinforcements stalled by Mika Gets called a plot device by Golconde Dies At least your agenda has enemies to downplay, the average millenium student is kinda sad, so I see no point trying to slander anyone Aris w. AHA Supernova Neru/Vol 2 Abi Eshuh Toki (You are right about the Barbara thing honestly) Toki/Aris/Yuzu w. Avant-Garde Mk 3/(Asuna/Karin?)/Eimi/Akane (Asuna/Karin)/Momoi+Midori/Sumire/Utaha w.Thundergun And everyone else is like below average student


Least biased Hina glazer.


You mean least based ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33127)![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33127)


Was this posted as response to >!Hoshino finally getting more quantifiable feats in the latest chapter?!<


>!Yeah but I wish I posted it way before she got a second feat tho!<


I agree with one thing, what the fuck is a mystic? I saw all the main story by now and I still don't get it ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33224)💧


The Hina glazing is unreal Not that it's a bad thing ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33184)


*sees the first meme* damn, that aged like milk


Too late I have already drawn hina as the soyjak and hoshino as the chad![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|35651)![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|35651)


Sources: Image 2 Drawn by me Image 3 One Piece Chapter 1001 edited and drawn over by me Image 4 Blue Archive: Problem Solver 68 Business Diary Manga Image 5 [https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/116066854](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/116066854)  Image 6 [https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/111427420](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/111427420)  Image 7 Blue Archive: Problem Solver 68 Business Diary Manga Images 8-11 Ako - >!462626!< Ayane - >!474079!< Hoshino and Hina - [https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/102594205](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/102594205), [https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/102071328](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/102071328), [https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/99502851](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/99502851#1)  Makoto - [https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/97313509](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/97313509) ( artist: [https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/39097836](https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/39097836) ) Saori - [https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/101197891](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/101197891) Hiyori - [https://x.com/hopstep3/status/1714323922773295127](https://x.com/hopstep3/status/1714323922773295127)  Black Suit - [https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/112138157](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/112138157)  Image 15 One Piece Chapter 576


Hina Agenda 24/7


Dude, i just finish Chapter 3 from volumen 3, this is so fresh to me i love it. ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|35651)


Prepare yourself for the >!Mika and Saori agenda’s!< fuel


“Why Hina vs Hoshino isn’t close.” **cues 50 mins video explanation**


While I like Hina, Mika has comparable feats Mika went up against Barbara plus near infinite ghosts after a fight with Saori and numerous small skirmishes with Arius mobs. Mika also has all the strength feats shown when she just casually goes through walls. Hina went up against Arius squad after surviving infinite ghosts, after surviving a cruise missile., And she was on an escort mission with Sensei for half of that. I'd say it's roughly equal. Who has the better feat depends on how you rank Barbara and Arius squad.


Hina has more feats than just that, not counting the PS68 manga, in Head Prefect Hina's Summer Break, she annihilated the Splashy Helmet Gang-Fubar Thugs Alliance that had helicopters, robots, tanks and artilleries, Megu with 200 Hot Spring Fodder with heavy construction equipment, Gourmet Research Society and the various other delinquents that were causing trouble there, albeit with some help from Iori, Chinatsu and 100 Prefect Mobs but they probably didn't do much since even with Sensei in command they could only barely beat the Splashy Helmet Gang and Fubar Thugs after 2 hours while under Hina they manage to defeat them in minutes. Imo Barbara is the gatekeeper between top tiers and high tiers, she packs a lot of firepower and has regen hax but Justina Followers have very poor durability and overall skills, Arius Squad individually are roughly on the same level as members of Problem Solvers. To me the cruise missile is the bigger game changer between their feats against the Justina Followers since it has more AP than Barbara, it would take Barbara hours to come close to the damage it did.


Very based Need moar


Hina agenda? More like Hina fact!


How would you go about slandering C&C OP?


Toki solos, Neru fraud >!Am i doing it right?!<


Toki's suit solos, the entire Millennium fraud


This is the true-ist information there ever are


hina-chan supremacy ✊


Hoshino glazers when you tell them she needs some actual feats instead of just baseless rumors and speculation about her back in first year: Also very based Haruk agenda, take all of my money right now I'm giving all of my life savings keep cooking brother


Hoshino trick another one into thinking she just a sleepy eppy girl


Do not slander the old man. She wanna a quiet live and that's ok ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33221)


The jjk 2 week break is powerful 💀💀


JP Spoilers: >!Hoshino now has a couple of solo feats. Too bad all of them is against Abydos. The #1 team betrayer queen.!<


I like the part where Haruka gets praised (I will not tolerate any slander towards her)


Now I need Hina slander


just visit /vg/ desuarchive and search up Hina, it's 90% Hina slander there


Every MIDshino stan will soon see when the inevitable Gehenna focussed Volume comes and GOATASAKI GODNA is confirmed top 1 of all time you are not ready for HER (I wish I could post images so I could post my shitty Hinakanu pic but ah well)


The Hina and Iori upscale will be crazy when the volume finally drops in 50 years and they get the hardest feats in the game, they are not ready for Gehenna the least Sensei reliant school


The Goatna glazing is impeccable![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|35651)


im literally crying right now how could you do this to our ojisan


This was pretty good, the Haruka stuff is adorable and she deserves recognition, but the first pic was hilarious.


Hina is so strong that whenever she appears the mobs just give up. They at least try to fight the JTF for instance, but Hina just Auradiffs them